tv [untitled] October 17, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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these. accusations of lies and hypocrisy are wrong both ways as brock obama and mitt romney a lot has in their penultimate debate out of the presidential vote. but it made all this discussion about who won who lost the media here somehow completely ignored the arrest of another presidential candidate right outside the town hall where the last night debate two plays i'll be back with more in just a few moments. and with don don't preach the singing superstar's santa someone's bio russian prosecutors after a civil activist take advance at her saying that his work on. the material girl is at it again and we'll tell you why madonna's latest antics may just land her in
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a russian courtroom those details coming up right next to. a leading european satellite provider takes a radio stations off the air as a result of the latest sanctions on tehran but leaves rise works questioning the freedom of speech. this is r t coming to you live from moscow i'm marina joshie welcome to the program pulling the us economy back from the brink and retaliating for the killing of american diplomats took center stage during the second presidential debate between mitt romney and barack obama they faced off to trade fresh blows with less than a month left before the crucial vote for white house dominance is gone and she can has the latest from washington. by all accounts this debate was thought to be
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crucial for the president and his chances of getting reelected especially after the first debate two weeks ago when the president looked less and less competitive then governor romney this time around he was on the offensive which got the media and his supporters very excited according to television audience polls the president came out as the winner in this debate they kept arguing whose tax plan is going to add more to the country's gigantic dad true would be better at competing with china and the rest of the world in terms of economic growth and it was very it was very little on foreign policy there was one more debate coming out before the election that one specifically on foreign policy when there was one question about libya and the murder of the american ambassador there and the president did come up with. punchline to that he said this we are going to find out who did this and we're going to hunt them down because one of the things that i've said throughout my presidency is when folks mess with americans we go after them but as far as leave you know the administration would want to present the mission of toppling qaddafi
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as a huge success as they had before the tragic attack this of temper in benghazi but now it's hard to cover up the fact that libya is very far from that success story that it's a mess with radical forces on the rise but again these debates are not about discussions they're more about who's going to deliver a better punchline who will provide for a better show essentially and it says the news cycle here. is entirely around the debates has been like one big reality t.v. show with all these never ending discussions on the body language of the candidates all the channels do that they invite experts to analyze the candidate smile with body potion as they stand where they sit down during the debate they are of course have this cardio ground with the viewers reaction to what they are saying so there is a very still cool build up of excitement here which makes great reality t.v. but it's a big question whether americans really have a choice something that has gone cool. please unnoticed uncovered by the mainstream
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media here by this nonstop reality t.v. was the arrest the arrest of a presidential candidate in this election jule styne nominee from the green party she was arrested shortly before the debate right outside the town hall where this debate was being held she and her running mate were protesting their exclusion from these presidential debates they were asked to leave they refused to do so and they were arrested for blocking the traffic the fact that there are other candidates in this presidential election outside these two parties very few americans know anything about that is because as jule styne told me when we sat down for an interview a few months ago they're being pushed out of the debates by those sure interested in keeping it a two horse race she was referring to special interests take a listen what they really have is the support of the one percent and then they have a propaganda campaign going on an intensive public relations and psychological warfare that's intended to convince people that they don't have any options the
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american system is designed to eliminate political opposition like some of the you know dictatorships that we criticize that have rigged political systems in many ways the american system is also rigged but in ways that are not as straightforward jill stein will be on ballots although not in all states she was also telling me how hard it is for an independent candidate to get on those ballots in the u.s. that every state has its own intricate rules centrally designed to keep it a two party race as far as these big televised presidential debates there are organized by the democratic and republican parties through the commission on presidential debates so there's not much enthusiasm on part of that commission to let a third party in but you would think the media that's somewhere between discussing the body language of the candidates the chemistry on stage the dresses of the wives that somewhere between all those things they would mention the arrest of
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a presidential candidate but no it's being completely ignored. she got a warning there and rather than you can watch her full interview with the green party's presidential candidate jill stein later this hour here on r.t. . how u.s. professor stephens and says the big business dependent bipartisan system offer us now real choice for americans if we don't have a portion representation that we have so it's a winner take all system by states through the electoral college many people might be inclined to for example you know go florrie left wing party or the green party similarly some conservatives are more libertarian bent might want to vote for the libertarian party the center of that you're pretty and pretty much realistically anyway if the only choices are these two main parties combine the fact they have more to get elected especially the president you know you need to raise millions and millions of dollars and you have to of course go to people who have that kind
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of money you certainly have their their own agenda and want to impact the outcome in ways that will benefit themselves but we seem to be culturally stuck in this cycle every four years of voting for the lesser evil. what will change when america picks its president made mostly rage the year round ties wrote pushing dresher as occupy anger spreads through two parties still dictate their future through a selection of clothes if they are to getting up to the twenty second. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world greece is facing viewer protests with the country likely to be virtually paralyzed for two full days doctors lawyers engineers journalists and manny other professionals will stay away from work today with a nationwide general strike due on thursday greece is fast approaching the deadline to qualify for next vital bailout traunch from its international creditors the
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country continues to slide deeper into recession with unemployment at alarming rates. an attack by gunmen on a motorbike left a senior security official dead in the capital of yemen on tuesday it's the latest in a series of high profile us estimations recent months most of which have been claimed by al qaida this comes amid a joint offensive with the u.s. military against insurgents currently underway in yemen the country remains volatile after al qaida increased its activity during the wake of the arab spring. a u.n. commission on human rights abuses in syria says there is an increasing risk of islamist groups radicalizing the conflict this comes as american intelligence officials recently admitted the bulk of arms falling into syria are going into the hands of al qaida and other islamic militias the government in damascus has long blamed much of the violence on foreign backed terror groups as its forces continue to pound rebel strongholds in the country's north according to the u.n.
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more than twenty thousand who live on both sides been lost since the uprising began in march last year. now it my be a good time for madonna to check her new york letterbox the queen of pop spit invited back to russia this time though it's not to appear before her adoring fans but the angry prosecutors artist lucy cough and it has all the details. the material girl herself is unlikely to materialize but that hasn't stopped a russian court in russia's second city of st petersburg from agreeing to hear a case a lawsuit against her for more than ten million dollars in damages by anti-gay groups who allege they have suffered quote moral damages from a performance that she held recently in that city in august now the reason we're talking about the story today is the plaintiffs have confirmed to the media that they have found madonna's new york city address and have sent a summons there for her to she will show up to the st petersburg court they've also
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sent a summons for her to a health and fitness club the hard candy club here in moscow and they're basically trying to get her into the court room again in order to share this case which alleges that madonna essentially promoted so-called homosexual propaganda during her concert there where she spoke out about gay rights and equality to a crowd of about twenty five thousand people that included miners she asked people to sort of raise their hands and support and handed out t. shirts and banners and whatnot so these groups allege that what madonna did effectively psychologically damage the conscious and the feelings of the residents who were exposed to that while we do also have to keep in mind of course that madonna is no stranger to controversy from banning burning pardon me burning crosses in the music video in the in the u.s. to exposing a nipple in istanbul to speaking out picking a fight with a national front in paris by screening a video of their leader with the swastika on her head and a first controversy here in russia also by speaking out in defense of the punk band
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group pussy riot she's no stranger to controversy the question is whether she'll actually appear in this court room and as of now especially if they don't get the summons translated it doesn't really seem likely we'll of course keep following the story for you. was the coffin of reporting there are still to come on the program silencing the other side of the story in europe at least an ally provider takes the rainy and stations off the air in the e.u. as a result of the latest sanction. we ask what about the freedom of speech or shortly . would think that the holocaust there will be behind them but some of them are here and are living the same horrible stories again. they are alone without food. without a person in this world who takes care of them. and. it's horrible. that we report on how decades after the fall of nazi germany many of the jews who
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survived the horror of it all but forgotten by their country the story and more just ahead. looking at some dogs you simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how they can wrong oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strength in canada and the us i come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like alaska and so i felt at home the first sled dog was brought here from australia now astray as come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this trail are amazing but even more amazing is the
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story of how racing first started here atoll it wasn't the top. grazing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for all phones who brought their idea to life. five years ago. built a dog kennel in the village kids from the local open age came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their full legged friends but smother her skill also encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys regularly update their websites and they're in touch with the busy ma the twenty four seven on the phone itself. but children are the most important thing my own interests not play any rule any more and regardless of whether parsky has hostas window race or not she hopes the competition will take place in the village next year. but called
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these dogs and the children it really is not the winning but truly just the taking part that counts. cultures that so much time on which of course you want to. meet but what kind of foreign policy could evolve expect from the romney administration his supporters claim he would restore america's army.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing operation. welcome back here with r.t. now the iranian state broadcaster is reportedly saying it could take legal action against a leading european satellite provider for cutting off its programs this comes after nineteen iranian television radio stations including the largest english speaking channel press t.v. have been taken off the air in europe and as a result of new sanctions on iran the latest measures are aimed at pressuring iran's government to be upfront about its nuclear program the restrictions are
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targeting iran's banking sector gas exports and oil shipments to ron says the regulations won't affect the country's economy in the long run but it will hurt ordinary people but it will analyst chris bambery says cutting off broadcasting is simply an attack on the freedom of speach. you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to think that by banning. media nineteen t.v. and radio stations from access to europe it does look like you further step towards military intervention against iran given it happens on the same day that the pause is for the sanctions on iran and against the background of a continuing military buildup by america but there's british and french allies in the persian gulf and the siren calls from tel aviv for american action against against the run and therefore it seems to me are for the ramping up of this and this is the decision taken not just by a private satellite company to withdraw access it was taken as we're told by the
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european council of foreign ministers very highest level or perhaps by the european commission i like to bodies by the way there's nor we were turning this is decision the european parliament is going to pose to do it to do that. for it seems to be a very significant attack on freedom of speech what they're trying to do is snuff votes on the tones a view of iran being offered to people in europe as opposed to view or four spades which is of some kind of terrorist state which is out of control and the danger and of course we all schools with an idea of the fact that iran is offering concessions and compromising the whole nuclear issue not quite as it's painted by the way. when i get a car ride our journey pays the price for going green find out how turning away from the dangers of nuclear power of might become too big to stomach for the markets governments. but you can't watch the extradition of gary mckinnon to the u.s. accused of hacking into the pentagon's computer and one of the details are available
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online. well here's a prominent face of the russian opposition has been making his feelings about the current administration abundantly clear for the past year but now investigators are assessing of those views. there actually is own criminal proceedings have been launched against sarah gave up after a recent documentary claimed he received millions of dollars in orders from georgia to cause mass on rest in russia the charges could result in a sentence of up to ten years in prison total tof who previously led a series of protests sanctioned by moscow authorities have denied the allegations law enforcement officials have also been conducting searches of the houses of both the protest leader and his parents this morning other raids were also going on at the homes of these associates facing the same trainers. over one million jewish children two million women and three million men were killed across europe in the holocaust the israeli government does everything to ensure the world remembers the
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terrors of the third reich however as our policy and our reports if it gets those who actually survived it. a celebration of life and age dismissed by many here as offensive and misguided nearly seventy years after these women cheated death in nazi concentration camps and their competing to be holocaust survivor beauty queen . whoever went through the hole it cost it's in them inside we will never forget how we were put through but the younger generation it is possible we understand their roots but otherwise no one really thinks of us. every month dozens of these water victims die in loneliness and poverty forgotten by the country that was supposed to be their promised land the fact that many of these people survived a terrible ordeal and decades of struggle for normal life that followed is pay me laugh the coolest irony is that many flocked to israel after world war two thinking
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they would live out their lives in safety and prosperity. course why was build this country they went through so much we have about ten years to make it right over go there won't be any survivors left alive best to spin lives alone in hotel of apartment she spent her childhood hiding from the nazi occupation in the ukraine she and her parents were the only survivors from her family today survival is still her main worry. i was supposed to get help from the finance ministry ten years ago but they didn't help they give me nothing only when i fell and broke my back did i get some assistance but it wasn't easy even then to get this money i did get a little help from the germans few years ago they started giving me about four hundred dollars a month which i now live off. israel it seems always remembers the holocaust but tends to forget those who survived it a third of the country's holocaust survivors live in poverty with little or no help
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and support in two thousand and eight a state inquiry found that tel aviv failed to pass on some thirty eight billion dollars that had been paid to israel by germany you would think that. the holocaust will be behind them but some of them are here and are living the same horrible stories again they are alone without food. without a person in this world who takes care of them. and. it's horrible. so while some may see this is distasteful this pageant is an attempt to reach out to the estimated fifty thousand holocaust survivors living below the poverty line the proceeds hoping fell's and to pave the way. the government doesn't do nearly enough to help us i received a one time payment from germany for two and a half thousand euros that's it and my husband who is in the ghetto gets four hundred dollars a month for everything it's a value put on those who survived
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a living hell in a country supposedly cost as a result of this suffering to protect them. r.t. haifa well it's now switched to financial matters and. is there waiting for us and we're you know we're hearing that one of the longest business disputes in russia may be coming to an handles more that's exactly right or worse or here at the business that's that there will be a new twist but for now the law can period is over which means that b.p. can now sell its fifty percent stake in seeing if anyone wants so it's russian partners have lost the exclusive rights of buy and we have a very unclean the boy who explains this very highly confusing situation for us. twenty five billion dollars is the price tag on the list of state and its russian joint venture. it's been a lucrative nine years in russia for the british oil majors headquartered here in london st james this. nineteen billion pounds after investing seven
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despite the big dividends relations between the partners in the joint venture have gone from bad to worse in the last yeah so that in june b.p. announced that it was selling out of russia's number three oil company. billionaire as in russia shout for the stake. off to which b.p. will be free to sell to whichever company it likes the billionaire as a still expected to make a bid but it's unlikely to succeed instead state. is widely tipped to win the prize. has already secured a fifteen billion dollar loan which is expected to cover the element of the deal the rest is likely to be in the form of a stake in which would instantly catapult the british to being the biggest shareholder to the russian state now the four billion as the haul for b.p. will also be facing in the future this time with the russian state of cotton. a
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more malleable western oil they printed this is something they don't want on the list and now looking at a scenario where if the russian businessmen. themselves up sticks altogether by selling off of the business well now even if they scrape together the funds to buy out is there a way. to sell to the russian state oil giant in order to secure its own future interests in russia. now meanwhile tank everybody has failed to block the disclosure of documents that could show corruption that's when the company's top managers and russian state officials the high court in london has refused to prolong a temporary gagging order against the firm's former head of logistics to give me peace says the ex employee has documents that are confidential and could damage the company's reputation or out unless the international markets thought it would you
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have a right now we're seeing a flat picture there and as despite the fact that moody's investor service has had the spain solver the credit rating unchanged and out of junk status for now and also there saw is that germany made news this resistance to a spanish bailout moving on to the russian the markets and here they are impossible to answer or oil prices of course helping because at the highest level in a week then we're going to currencies where the euro is again in against the u.s. dollar strengthening when it comes to the ruble it's still a mixed picture against the currency basket and now this is how business looks this hour up next ards he talks to us presidential candidate jill stein from the green party and he was recently arrested in new york after trying to answer a debate between president barack obama and mitt romney that's coming up for you next here on r.t. .
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gold fever. turns thousands into slaves. much problem but also among others involved in the monsoon and since i started working at the moment i stated. multinationals. cash cow to be milked dry i think that in this country metallurgy has an environmental cost which is an accepted local business was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals you know in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. but we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups prices columbia going to pay. the modest effect on our.
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. my guest today is jill stein nominee for president of the united states with the green party thank you very much for joining me dr stein it's pretty to be with you can really really appreciate it thanks for coming i read you said you'd be the underdog candidate for the underdog boulder's who are these on the docket voters it's certainly most of the american public people are losing their jobs wages are declining millions have lost their home another million are in the pipeline to lose their homes this year the cost of health care is skyrocketing public higher education.
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