tv [untitled] October 18, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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to get some petrol bombs in athens market may to show a break can go over in force cuts germany says it wants more control over national budgets. international envoy to syria with the conflict could set the whole middle east ablaze clashes break out across the border with lebanon. and in libya the former bastion of late colonel gadhafi is under attack again and she's gotten the support from bani walid and eleven.
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come on you center here in central moscow international news and comment live on r.t. the scenes of violence returned to the streets of athens where police of resorted to tear gas to disperse and tear sturdy protesters tens of thousands of greeks voice their anger over a new round of cuts being demanded by the country's lenders in exchange for another bailout payment this kind sides with a general strike to the sea tens of thousands of people walking off the job for the second time this month on a justice of terrorists from the university of the aegean people caught in today's protest says the e.u. imposed measures will only result in more social unrest. where facing another. wave was devastating cuts in wages special protection pensions we are facing a new tax hikes are facing social disaster in the process are living conditions that can explain away today with headsets such massive demonstrations since i
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don't know where greece will have already reached their and their limits. they cannot stand it's the political class currently just ignore. signs that come from society and the same goes from the troika and especially from the euro the liberals in this and the european union but they're just building up the explosive material for next social experience and maybe. simply by being passed through parliament if it has melted to mess in society and i think india and india and tracing the sets such an intense social crisis in the end they will have to chance. either way as we're just going to see such a crisis after such a crisis as an explosion after serious explosion or without then they need to do end in sight. the nationwide strike in greece was timed to coincide with another summit in brussels the meeting german chancellor angela merkel called for the you to be given powers to veto national budgets tom gill who's
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a london based writer and journalist says this idea undermines the very principles on which the union was founded. as a big time. the democratic principles that of course is part and parcel of the whole process of european integration for quite some time now. with the removal of monetary and fiscal policies from national governments effectively since the creation of the single currency there's been a huge democratic deficit and current proposals that will give more power to elected officials in brussels and. give particular amounts of power to the stronger states. is fundamentally undemocratic and is rolling back the whole principles of what european integration was about when it was founded not long after the second world war and opinion polls across the conference comes rebellion among the people
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against their leaders but they're still not listening. and protests continue across the atlantic. where the occupy los angeles fuse is to be silenced a year after it was first formed we report on that later in the program. but first the international peace envoy to syria warns the conflict is now a threat to the whole region one of the first signs came in lebanon when armed men apparently used machine guns to shoot into syria sparking fire in retaliation the border between the neighbors has also been restive thanks to an influx of fighters in arms. coming off explains. everything now training for war getting ready for battle and possibly their deaths these young recruits are preparing for what their instructors call a campaign to rid syria of tyranny. some of these student to be fighters haven't even held a gun until now. this is the first time i use weapons there was no need for them
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before the revolution now we carry weapons to get rid of assad as. weapons have yet to topple the government of president bashar al assad but they're flowing into the country with ease it's a trend that has some officials worried those will provide arms to either side only a contributing to for the me jury and the risk of unintended consequences porous borders with its neighbors make the flow of arms almost impossible to stop and lebanon's town of is one of the main gateways behind me is the way to one of the illegal border crossings between lebanon and syria weapons fighters and supplies go in to syria while refugees fleeing the violence come out but by no means is this a safe or easy journey frequent shelling as well as a large minefield on the syrian side of the border crossings like these a deadly gamble
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a gamble that lebanese sympathizers of syria's opposition are more than willing to make. this is five thousand dollars thirteen hundred eighteen hundred and two thousand in tripoli r.t. spoke to this arms dealer whose business was booming. people come or contact me every day we have a revolution next door for sure we are with them will help them topple assad till they do it. the weapons may be easy to come by the harder part is understanding exactly where they go a classified report uncovered in the new york times reveals that many of the arms sent to syrian rebels are ending up in the hands of hardline islamic jihad one of the leaders of the f.s.a. said yeah we admit that we. if traceability hardy's jihad is a coming call it's all reports from all over the muslim world but we don't know exactly who they are back in syria both in the training camps and in the battlefield rebels talk of high hopes for a bright future. i hope that there will be free elections that the syrian people
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will be able to choose their fields they want and that we will win back our rights freedom of expression and political freedom exactly what that freedom looks like may depend on who's getting the guns. you see captain of lebanon. and more advanced weapons have been smuggled to syrian rebels causing concern that some could end up in the hands of is missed extremists forces claim they've got hold of portable anti aircraft missiles independent journalist robert harness believes this is an alarming trend because of the growing support for rebels from al-qaeda we've had reports from pretty young bar sources like. the french. medical charity who said that sixty percent of the people they bumped into him in one area where they were dealing with care and just work for in generalities and i don't know is there any doubt that they've been fed in there quite deliberately to stokes the prising against the syrian government and not just.
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let's let's be quite clear that there are an awful lot of syrians who do not want their country to be turned into another libya i've talked to the syrians right from the start of those i don't think they ever had that much support for many of the syrians who watched what happened to gadhafi as libya and realized that if it wasn't perfect what we what they're getting afterwards is a great deal worse than they've always been aware of and they're totally cynical about the west's motives for interfering in this and the gulf states motives for interfering in in civil strife in syria. in libya the situation is far from peaceful despite western backing for the armed rebellion in the few days at least eleven people in a few days i should say at least eleven people have been killed and scores wounded after militia linked to the defense ministry shelled bani walid it's a former stronghold of late colonel gadhafi and libyan political activist. says the
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nation is heading towards further disarray having been largely abandoned by foreign powers. division not only did i have never even before. the militias no thank you very well you know which is a highly populated area but i'm just yesterday. also that they used chemical weapons divorced from the. phone call i made with the people inside the city v.c. to think these militias are. now going through in control of the conceit in libya. of those who means. positions and you know is not really covering. the situation in libya because they don't want to set this example for syria to say what we succeed in libya so we succeed in syria. but i just.
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love each of my points of view. here in moscow still to come the south thousands of been killed in u.s. drone attacks in pakistan but only a fraction actually militants. about reveals horrifying statistics of civilian deaths we have expert opinion on the significance of these official numbers that's after a short break. homeland security now has robot seriously robot fish the drones in the sky spying on you just weren't going to off effect they've revealed that they're going to be using robotic hummingbird soon how cute these things can only see above the water now during the one percent or less of your life that you spent swimming homeland
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security will be keeping you safe since nine eleven we've heard ad nauseum that we need to be kept safe so americans. have given up their rights but have things gotten that much safer honestly has any of the stuff ushered in some sort of peaceful utopia no it hasn't the best terrorism prevention would be to not bomb secular regimes in other countries like libya some fanatical wackos come to power that would help way more than robotic spy fish i hear a lot of people talk about personal responsibility in a lot of speeches and yes personal responsibility is a key component of the american way slit people provide for their own defense what is going to protect you more a shotgun under the bed or terminator so homeland security can a to a right but i should my being.
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download the official application so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. now a t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch our t.v. any time. what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage walking the iran tightrope pushing china and russia as occupy anger spreads the two parties still dictate will there be chained to a selection of clothes guys if they are t. beginning of two hundred twenty second.
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have died as a result of strikes with civilians. from pak nationalist form pakistan's first political lobbying group says washington for sponsible for both the deadly drone strikes and the militants that targeting. this is a major blow to u.s. diplomacy and position in pakistan in this is the first time that a senior official actually come out to say this make this kind of a statement that the majority are civilians were killed by cia drones there is no evidence that the drones have actually helped buckstone control the militants on the contrary pakistan has been very much very successful box in the military in flushing out terrorist from the northern region of so wide that in two thousand and nine and clearing and cleaning up that entire area and if now we see a resurgence of some of the activity of the terrorists it is because of these safe havens on the what i would call the american side of the border which is the afghan side of the border under the watch of the u.s. army where these terrorists who are flushed out by fox and army are maintaining now
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resting and training camps over there so i think the parks than any government appears now to be putting the blame in a way on the on the americans and i think that would be the gist of the report published by the fox any media today about the meeting which was a closed door meeting of the box any military commanders accusing or mentioning for the first time by the way a figure ninety six incursions from the of gun territory into parks done resulting in killing a box of the soldiers and box and civilians. to other international news now in our world update this hour the colombian government guerrillas dog have agreed to joint declaration to settle nearly half a century of conflict members from both sides have been negotiating at a secret venue with talks expected to move to cuba at a later point the movement is considered a terrorist organization by both the e.u. and the us and having supplied colombia's armed forces with military aid to combat the guerrillas. at least five people have reportedly been killed in the couple of
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yemen after a shell hit a weapons depos setting off a series of blasts that came shortly after seven al qaeda suspects died in the latest u.s. drone attack in the country south yemen has been torn by on rest since two thousand and eleven the country picked a new president to the beginning of this year but he's been i'm able to control military forces partly controlled by his predecessors relatives. is arrested a man who was allegedly planning to blow up the federal reserve building in new york twenty one year old bangladeshi nationals detained as he apparently tried to trigger what he thought were explosives stored in the car officials say the public was never at risk there was the men supplying the bombs actually under cover f.b.i. agents. what it is max and stacey attack the federal reserve for running a circus with its financial policies that's coming out later today on oxy. and co bubble is a well known gag with the clown so. these are the calls. fed
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chairman ted they go to the brothers and barnum belly clown school or they learn to walk around a floppy where a funny beer and pretend as if they have mastery over policies that they clearly don't and they spritz each other with seltzer bottle that you see that's their monetary policy or bottles and they go i'll here's your quantitative easing. and they do. to each other and say sin or all wet and wet means liquidity and the quality is good we're making the market so it's goldman sachs we're adding liquidity says j.p. morgan but you're just splitting each other was also bottles and frick and clowns. because a report coming your way into later here on r t s protests surge in europe the american occupy movement is having to evolve to stay afloat to police crackdowns
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force them from city squares activists are now focusing on ways to soften the impact of the economic crisis. the reports on one group helping citizens save their homes from the threat of foreclosure. oh god. i. was. more than a year after it kicked off its movement in los angeles occupy l.a. is alive and well but in much smaller numbers. the tents which once dominated the landscape of downtown are gone but it popped up in backyards of struggling homeowners i would keep a woman has done for me is kept me in my home for thirty four days yet none this family was swept up in the mortgage crisis and is now facing eviction occupiers have set up barricades around the house now dove for now and this vowing to defend their home while the family battles with bank of america the show has a meaning of people power the law enforcement is not on our side as well so if you
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have if you have people power and you have community support. you should you should reach out to them you should reach out to them and get a get together from the lawn in front of l.a. city hall to this foreclosed home in the san fernando valley the face of occupy and so then california has greatly transformed in the past year but the spirit of resistance remains strong among those who say they're still fighting for the ninety nine percent this is a comic war like that's what drives me to be here is not just about say one house. with. occupy l.a. started in a festive manner and was unique in how protesters had a cozy relationship with police. was however local politicians grew tired of the demonstration and showed they were willing to use a massive police response to shut down the peaceful movement the military style raid on occupy allays and can drive away protesters but radicalized others who are
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determined more than never to fight repressive forces when you have that kind of systematic institutionalized abuse of peep. expressing their first amendment right it doesn't shut it down if you'll say i'm slow because i'm an independent journalist who has been documenting occupy l.a. throughout he observed how the movement's inclusiveness allowed elements in which cause conflict well occupy l.a. is broken up into several community entities it still celebrates small victories this again is the current evolution this is the edge of it this is a foreclosure resistance action and it's supported by occupy l.a. as the movement evolves this family is determined to keep their american dream from fate no way you should and i would to happen and you can always show resistance. in los angeles ramon the lindo r t. well don't forget to check out our
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website for more stories in addition to what you see on screen including a huge gap of discontent gyptian school grounds of. force and to having i'm wanted because i don't carry a traditional headscarf. plus twitter moves into unknown territory by centering an account for the first time by request of a government. not secret all the details of that story and kind of all the stories very naughty come come. well as join katie now for the latest business. google is pulling down wall street what's we love yeah right is it seems to be the standout start at the. bell having
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looked at them all eyes out down i know i has said amounts alter a post quote a profit of two point two billion dollars all thinks in a hall filled with sad not. compared with a profit of two point seven billion dollars so. a year or so that is a sign that one is dragging down the stocks as you can see the nonstop the tech heavy bourses down around one percent there is some watching that one like a whole check out the european markets as well because we know because the e.u. summit going on is underway investors seem to be raul the content of the moment to stick with that is that says the situation in europe certainly over the. new few signs of improvement as you can see the docks around the tenth of the said imposed to tear it to the end of the trading day the euro though continues to pull on the russian currency finish makes out to the exits which check out those because they
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actually fell why well thank you part and they finished up makes them the love of that was because oil is having a challenging. a session today and i'm going to talk about ros now while we're on the topic of oil because it could potentially become the biggest oil producer in the while that is if it buys out both the russian and british part of tea and. the new poor is going to explain all the details for us because there's lots of. rosen is playing it's called close to its chest c.e.o. . and sources suggest he's trying to broker a deal to create the world's biggest publicly traded oil. goes in talks with the need to buy a best stake in t.n. paid the twenty eight billion dollars in cash and share being paid to forces russia good luck. and it's fifty percent owned by b.p. and fifty percent by a all you can see if you look for russian tycoon. going to be so being told the
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rules here and so it's just they've signed a memorandum of understanding so their share in t a k p p is well this will likely happen in the future date of rosneft is not cool to have the fifty billion dollars in cash it would need to complete both sides of the acquisition of one. ten k.b.p.s. over the fowls almost all of the function is situated in russia it also has five of its own refineries one of them in ukraine and fourteen hundred petrol stations in russia ukraine. but most importantly he proved himself one of the most profitable companies dividends reaching thirty eight billion dollars since the company was set. so that's why everyone is so interested because. they. did the business of it back in about an hour all right candy thanks very much and
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coming up very shortly long list else whether the current candidates for the white house are so different from each other stay with us for that whole keppler count. commission free cretaceous and free transport charges free for maintenance free risk free studio time free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects for free medio dog hearty dot com. gold fever. turns thousands into slaves. my father but also among others involved in the monsoon and since i started working at the moment i stated i look
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at it and feel multinationals. to cash cows to be milked dry at least i think that in this country gold medal logie as an environmental cost which is unacceptable to local business was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals you know in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace . most blog post the we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups what price is colombia going to pay for. the modest effect on our t.v. . on the news a secret laboratory tim curry was able to build a hundreds most sophisticated robots which on one hundred live doesn't give a darn about anything turns mission to teach me the creation why i should care about humans and we're humans this is why you should care watch only on our dog com
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was the latest debate between the two main contenders for u.s. president and what were some of the economic grand plans we heard about. on day one i will label china a currency manipulator the way we're going to create jobs here is not just to change our tax code but also to double our exports. ok so increase exports to whom exactly the eurozone the u.s. is largest trading partner is contracting and major emerging markets are slowing down and starting a trade war with china mr romney really the largest foreign customer for u.s. dead where if the economy headed if this is the best politicians can come up with that is if you even believe carry out these plans is possible and among likely us voters the economy ranks as the most important and government ethics and corruption ranks second after that so we're always talk of the bed last night where were the too big to fail banks and crony capitalism i could go on but we'll talk about what
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major economic issues tied in with corruption have been missing from the debate later in the show plus we hear about likely voters but what about the non voter class in the us some people that are disillusioned by the lack of choice when it comes to the candidates pandering to entrenched business and financial interests happens on both sides so we'll hear from joel bowman he's daily reckoning managing editor on what nonvoters can do and why he thinks more and narco capitalists like himself are coming out of the woodworks let's get to today's capital account. last night obama and romney faced off in a debate the.
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