tv [untitled] October 18, 2012 3:00pm-3:29pm EDT
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tear gas and petrol bombs in athens mob a major show of greek anger and force cuts as germany says it wants more control over national budgets. as international envoy to syria warns the conflict could set the whole middle east ablaze clashes break out across the border with lebanon. and in libya the fall of bastion of late kill gadhafi is under attack again as militias noachian assault on bani walid leaving eleven dead.
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from a new center here in central moscow international news and comment live on r.t. seems a volunteer turned to the streets of athens where police have resorted to tear gas to disperse and to start to protest as tens of thousands of greek supports their anger over a new round of cuts being demanded by the country's lenders and exchange for another bailout payment this coincides with a general strike to the scene tens of thousands of people walking off the job for the second time this month. disappearance from the university of the aegean who took part in today's protest says the e.u. imposed measures will only result in more social unrest. we're facing another. wave of devastating cuts in wages special protection pensions we are facing new tax hikes we're facing a social disaster in red cross or living conditions that can explain away today with such massive demonstrations since and only where greece equals one hundred
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reached their limits they cannot stand it's the political class currently. i'm stuck on from society and the same goes from the troika understood. central europe the liberals in this and the european union they're just building up the explosive material for next social experiences and make. them simply by being passed through parliament if it has managed to miss a society and i think in the end in the end tracing the sets such an intense social crisis in the end they will have to change course i there was we're just going to see such a crisis after such a crisis is an explosion after explosion and doesn't make any any cause the end in sight. the greek message echoed in spain with a march against education cuts the protests as part of a growing movement called global noise which describes itself as a wake up call for world leaders some of whom are gathered for another summit in
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brussels ahead of the meeting german chancellor angela merkel called for the e.u. to be given powers to veto national budgets well for more on the story i'm joined by tom mundus he's chairman of the libertarian party all of the netherlands now the german chancellor has called for more powers for brussels so national budgets can be rejected if they don't add to the debt regulations so if you're a member of a club you have to stick to the rules that you so getting member states to a bay these rules is. no it is not it's. as if the european union gives more hours what it will ultimately lead to this current tax code injuries and big governments are going it's going to keep growing it's going to keep. it means that there will be.
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territory. and it will even have competition so we're going to may sound like a good idea to give your powers to get a member states to spend less money but what will happen a lot. more money soon as a solution to get them to spend less money to start with you know if there's normal bailout money they will have to cut spending you're saying that those powerful countries will get even more powerful in other words they could exist without that we could countries so in effect if those we could countries fail to meet those debt requirements they'll just be kicked out of the euro zone. i don't think that's going to happen because the politicians are deeply in love with the idea of the united states of your they want to be your you need to become more powerful you want your own eyes everything they want to european superstate getting countries out of the euro zone is not part of their program it's just an empty threat that they make because the they want that this this this big plan to succeed you say
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stop the bailouts what is the answer then. well bailouts are stopped then the governments that are in trouble that are in their crisis because they spent too much money will have to finally live within their means will finally have to start cutting spending and that is the solution. to the whole problem that the economy is in it's been caused because governments are overspending and in order to finance their overspending they've raised taxes created this huge mountains of. installed central banks that's going to have been there all in order to keep on overspending when the bailouts stop that have to end this foolish policy and actually cut back on spending and that is how the economy can grow again the government spent a lot of money back are going to grow let's talk about the social impact as he was saying the. madrid and also and athens at the moment unemployment suicide rates
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angry protests on the rise and through many parts of europe many are predicting a social disaster in the making what would you think all this unrest could ultimately lead. well. it could go two ways one solution to all this is that people will finally realize the problems caused by big government spending too much money will finally serve all even for small governments are voting against politicians who want to spend their we go to their parents and making them more of their us. there is not. easy to come out so what are government schools teachers universities so all what could also happen is that people will just keep on going insane or wrong direction. will leave it there thank you very much indeed for your thoughts as chairman of the libertarian party of the netherlands live here on. international peace envoy
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to syria warns the conflict is now a threat to the whole region one of the first signs came in lebanon when armed men apparently used machine guns to shoot into syria sparking fire in retaliation the border between the neighbors has also been restive flocks of fighters and arms. enough explains. everything you know training for war getting ready for battle and possibly their doubts these young recruits are preparing for what their instructors called a campaign to rid syria of tyranny. some of these student to be fighters haven't even held a gun until now. this is the first time i use weapons there was no need for them before the revolution now we carry weapons to get rid of assad as the option weapons have yet to topple the government of president bashar al assad but they're flowing into the country with ease it's a trend that has some officials worried those will provide arms to either side only
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contributing to for the me jury and the risk of unintended consequences porous borders with its neighbors to make the flow of arms almost impossible to stop and lebanon's town of is one of the main gateways. behind me is the way to one of the illegal border crossings between lebanon and syria weapons fighters and supplies go in to syria while refugees fleeing the violence come out but by no means a safe or easy journey frequent shelling as well as a large minefield on the syrian side of the border crossings like these a deadly gamble a gamble that lebanese sympathizers of syria's opposition are more than willing to make. this is five thousand dollars and assist thirteen hundred eighteen hundred and two thousand in tripoli r.t. spoke to this arms dealer whose business was booming. people come or contact me every day we have a revolution next door for sure we are with the ball held them topple assad till
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they do it. the weapons may be easy to come by the harder part is understanding exactly where they go a classified report uncovered in the new york times reveals that many of the arms sent to syrian rebels are ending up in the hands of hardline islamic jihad one of the leaders of the f.s.a. said you know we admit that we. infiltrated the jihadi jihad these are coming. from all over the muslim world but we don't know exactly who they are back in syria both in the training camps and in the battlefield rebels talk of high hopes for a bright future. i hope that there will be free elections that the syrian people will be able to choose the officials they want and that we will win back our rights freedom of expression and political freedom exactly what that freedom looks like may depend on who's getting the guns. lucy caffein of r.t. levanon. more violence weapons have been smuggled to syrian rebels causing concern
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that some could end up in the hands of his newest extremist forces claim they've got hold of portable. independent journalist robert holmes believes that this is an alarming trend because of the growing support for rebels from al qaeda. we've had reports from pretty young bar sources like on to other french. medical charity who said that sixty percent of the people they bumped into him in one area where they were dealing with care and just work for in generalities and i don't know is there any doubt that they've been fed in there quite deliberately to stokes the prising against the syrian government and not just. let's let's be quite clear that there are an awful lot of syrians who do not want their country to be turned into another libya i've talked to the syrians right from the start of those i don't think they ever had that much to fear from many of the the syrians who watched what happened to gadhafi is libya and realize that if it
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wasn't perfect what we what they're getting afterwards is a great deal worse than they've always been aware of and they're totally cynical about the west's motives for interfering in this and the gulf states motives for interfering in in civil strife in syria in libya the situation is far from peaceful despite western backing for the armed rebellion and the last day at least eleven people have been killed and scores wounded after militia linked to the defense ministry shelled bani walid a former stronghold of late colonel gadhafi and libyan political activist ali el castor's says the nation is heading towards further disarray having been largely abandoned by foreign powers. division now in libya there has never been before. the militias no thank you very well you know which is you know highly populated area just yesterday. also they used chemical weapons think that it was from the. phone call they made with
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the people inside the city the city these militias i. leave the can see to believe you know. all of us with the means. of positions. is not really covering. the situation in libya because they don't want to set this example to say what we succeed in libya so we succeed in syria. but i just recently with each of my four interview. live here in moscow still to come this hour thousands have been killed in u.s. drone attacks in pakistan. but only a fraction freshly minutes and. it's not about reveals horrifying statistics of civilian deaths. we have expert opinion on the significance of these official numbers. and the u.s. presidential candidates will hold their previous debates on monday leaving the
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challenges out of the picture i'll have more on those stories if i still have my voice dr short break stay with us. homeland security now has robot seriously robot fish the drones in the sky spying on you just weren't going to effect they've revealed that they're going to be using robotic hummingbird. hugh. these things can only see you though above the water now during the one percent or less of your life that you spend swimming homeland security will be keeping you safe since nine eleven we've heard ad nauseum that we need to be kept safe so americans have given up their rights but have things gotten that much safer honestly has any of the stuff ushered in some sort of peaceful utopia no it hasn't the best terrorism prevention would be to not bomb secular
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regimes in other countries like libya so that some fanatical wackos come the power that would help way more than robotic spy fish i hear a lot of people talk about personal responsibility in a lot of speeches and yes personal responsibility is a key component of the american way slit people provide for their own defense what is going to protect you more a shotgun under the bed or terminator tune so homeland security can and to a right but i should my being. what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage working the. pushing china and russia as occupy anger spreads the two parties still dictate their. u.s. election close they are to the beginning of october twenty second.
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the cuban missile crisis games and brianna. to you live here in moscow the majority of people killed by u.s. drone strikes in pakistan are not militants according to the country's interior minister rehman malik said eighty percent of more than two thousand people who have died as a result of strikes were civilians. from pak nationalists form pakistan's first political lobbying group says washington is responsible for both the deadly drone strikes and the militants they're targeting. this is
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a major blow to us diplomacy and position in pakistan and this is the first time that a senior official actually come out to say this make this kind of a statement that the majority are civilians were killed by drones there is no evidence that the drones have actually help control the militants on the contrary pakistan has been very much very successful lives and military in flushing out terrorist from the northern region of so wide that in two thousand and nine and clearing and cleaning up that entire area and if now we see a resurgence of some of the activity of the terrorists it is because of these safe havens on the what i would call the american side of the border which is the afghan side of the border under the watch of the u.s. army where these terrorists who were flushed out by fox and army are maintaining now arresting and training camps over there so i think the pakistani government appears now to be putting the blame in a way on the on the americans and i think that would be the gist of the report published by the fox any media today about the meeting which was
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a closed door meeting of the box any military commanders accusing or mentioning for the first time by the way a figure ninety six incursions from the of gun territory into parks done resulting in killing of bikes and soldiers and bikes and civilians. with anyone in the u.s. presidential debate left before the voters make fun of the choice of the two major candidates a more or less tied in the polls the joule between obama and romney has already been dubbed america's most popular reality show but it's a very small cost when you're live. in them paying manager now your party's presidential candidate jill stein was arrested outside the latest t.v. debate and will be tried in court this could be a great p.r. moment just three weeks ahead of the election so why is there really not much reaction in the u.s. to this. well i would say there has been quite a bit of reaction here in the u.s. we can see it at the campaign where we've had literally tens of thousands of people join the campaign on line we are single largest fund raising day following the
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arrests of dr jill stein and her running mate. people are outraged about the fact that candidates who represent millions of americans that's what all the polls show were prevented from entering into the debates in any country that claims to have contested elections this was germany or france or mexico dr stein would have been on that stage in new york on tuesday in a running mate protesting outside cheese days t.v. debate and not being allowed to take part despite having the names on enough ballots across the country to hear resolutely when what is it that americans should allow to hear from them on such a big t.v. stage. well the reality is that there's nothing in our constitution which prevents a multi-party system from emerging here in the us but we do have laws on the books all across the country and we also have the actions of private corporations that have grown up over the last sixty years to prevent independent parties from
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challenging the two establishment parties here in the united states the laws that we have in the books prevent or make it very difficult for independent parties to get on the ballot to give voters that choice those laws date from the cold war they date from the mccarthy era and which there was a fear of communism and socialism and they tried to make it very difficult for a progressive party some particular to emerge here at the green party we have overcome many of those challenges jill stein is on eighty five percent of the ballots yet they're still preventing her from taking part in the debates plenty of chances of course to get your message through social media for example we've seen occupy wall street doing that could it be that just a case that your message really isn't resonating enough to make your policy a candidate because people obviously along with many others like the terran society up you know a party i was talking to a little bit earlier they're just not in with a chance but that's not at all the case in fact i think that if you look at the success of the green party despite all the obstacles we face it says that there is
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a great demand for the greens people vote for the greens here in the u.s. oftentimes at the same rates that they vote for the green party our sister parties in other countries i ran for the state legislature in wisconsin two years ago i received one third of the vote in a four way race the republican came in third place people voted for me despite knowing that our election laws make it very difficult for greens to win why are people voting green because we do represent the aspirations of tens of millions of americans dr stein is an excellent debater she represents the views of many people those views are being excluded from the debates do you think you'll making ground making some sort of progress in moving away from a two party system in the states in the future. yeah absolutely i think that if you look at the progress of the greens here in the u.s. we are in it for the long haul there are hundreds of green elected officials and local office mayors city officials school board officials across the united states
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we have major cities including the one i'm sitting in right now i'm in minneapolis st paul where we have greens and elective office and we are on a path to success it may take a number of years it may even take decades but you know the german green stuck with it and now they are polling twenty twenty five percent and national polls they run major states in germany and they've had a major impact on german policy we hope and intend to do the same thing in the united states you are what you say on the tin the green party but one of the cult cool values that you really think are appealing to the electorate. well i think the reality is that that debate which took place in new york on tuesday saw no mention of climate but for many people especially young people in this country climate change and environmental issues are pivotal they are the issues of the future and neither the democrats nor republicans are addressing those issues both obama and romney competed with each other to say how much oil drilling how much natural gas drilling and fracking they would do and had been doing but the reality is that in
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many parts of the country there are major struggles to shut down natural gas production and to move towards one hundred percent renewable energy so major issues that are important to many people are being left out of the debates i think the other thing that you see with the greens is that we have an agenda for full employment we're not merely talking about creating more jobs here and there are half a million a million jobs dr stein has a green new deal program for full employment for the united states twenty five million to end unemployment because the reality is that long as we have any significant level of unemployment in the united states working people are easily exploited by major corporations and capitalists like. thanks for joining us green party campaign manager joining me live in minnesota usa. we'll talk to business now with katie and ross nifty could acquire all the shares in the russian british oil. what would this mean what are the implications when it was made that russia's. become the biggest in the world so who better to waste and were expected to have
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more on the deal on friday in the meantime is check out the markets will see wall street fell off the jobless claims she. down on the. european markets managed to get you the start of a two day summit and felt the pressure from the oil markets. went more said tomorrow here in the back of. my fright. problem losing our voices talking too much to you that's the problem and again that's what we do for a living thank you low thanks a lot because a report is coming up in just a few minutes. the .
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motion would be soon which brightened a few more about someone from funniest impressions. muslims don't talk t.v. dot com. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. is the beauty it's. beautiful to meet.
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the gold fever. turns thousands into slaves. much faster but also among other involved in the monsoon and since i started working in a mine i stated i look at it and feel multinationals. make it a cash cow to be milked dry mist i think that in this country gold medal achieved as an environmental cost would display except a local business was labeled illegal and controls by criminals you know the order
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to protect our lives the families and to work in peace. most dog almost we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups such prices colombia going to pay for. the modest effect on poppy. download. acacia so choose your life stream policy and enjoy your pay. pal t.v. is now required to watch much. more charts any time. i am asked eyes are welcome to the kaiser report. and go no calling plan to save
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the world yes ben bernanke he aka bubble the clown spoke in japan last weekend claiming currency wars are good for you and gideon gono aka god of the clown bubbles counterpart in zimbabwe is that with his twenty twelve mid-term monetary report and it's wearing a big red nose and floppy shoes stacy herbert well we can't talk about central banking clowns without first referring to william bonds i are created specifically for this as you see this is go go go no in bobo benny goes on the left and he's wearing and i love why mark button and bobo aka ben bernanke he's on the right with print on his forehead yes i think the markets are beginning to suss out what happens when the central bankers expand their balance sheets. and in perpetuity eventually there's going to be problems as you mentioned ben bernanke he
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was in japan and spoke this past weekend but also the head of zimbabwe's central bank explains q e three yes gideon gono was out with the reserve bank is involved ways mid-term two thousand and twelve monetary policy statement and he mentioned that you know he goes back in time and sets out why printed somewhere. money there he says quote negative developments threaten to bring the country social service system to halt thereby further impoverishing this isn't bob wayne people max this reminds me of what they did to the us congress was they went to congress and they said let's see what representative brad sherman said at the time the only way they can pass this bill is by creating and sustaining a panic atmosphere that atmosphere is not just.
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