tv [untitled] October 18, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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now t.v. is not required to watch all its all you need is your mobile device. any time. today on our t.r. your first amendment rights under attack in boston it looks like exercising free speech puts a target on your back for police spying ahead a disturbing report about boston law enforcement surveilling activists. and it looks like the boston p.d. isn't alone in its pursuit to know and see all fishel said they were worried that china was spying on the u.s. but it appears that the real peeping toms americans should be concerned about coming from within u.s. borders the details ahead. programs really balance really give you real
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context and background they tend to mobilize you think in a certain way not to be critical of what the u.s. government is doing and it's lights camera military action hollywood box office hits you more than entertain moviegoers these films can be powerful motivators when it comes to fueling american attitudes especially feelings about u.s. adversaries will look beyond the glitz and glamour to show you why some hollywood some see hollywood as a propaganda machine. it's thursday october eighteenth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our team. but we talk a lot here at r.t. about the growing surveillance state so maybe what's happening now in boston shouldn't come as a surprise the american civil liberties union has gotten ahold of documents and tapes showing that the boston police to par. it has been spying on activists this
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after the a.c.l.u. sued for access to the information on behalf of five activist groups and what they found is that officers have been monitoring and collecting information on political protesters many of the groups they've been keeping close tabs on are well known like veterans for peace and code pink now the story has made national headlines but it is certain controversy in boston here's a look at some of the local headlines as you can see they read boston police accused of spying on antiwar groups and another one their groups fault boston police for surveillance now here's a quote from a.c.l.u. study and titled policing the sense states quote when law enforcement officers start investigating protected ideas rather than crimes they threaten our right to free expression and assembly protected by the first amendment to the constitution an article sixteen of the massachusetts declaration of rights the un checked political surveillance of out of our lawsuit uncovered undermines our core values
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by chilling the speech of people who wish to participate in our democracy which is a lot of all exercise that our government should encourage and promote to discuss and more i'm joined now by kate crawford privacy rights coordinated coordinator for the american civil liberties union welcome there cade what do you think has the police the boston police department taken it too far. well that break in the city is really disturbing and you know if you talk to activists who have been out in the streets protesting war for ten years protesting on behalf of immigrant rights our workers rights they'll tell you that this is not a surprise you know the boston police department has clearly been monitoring political speech for some time in this city what we didn't know was that the city was filing so-called intelligence reports with headlines such as criminal act home sec domestic way of doing these groups as extremists in these intelligence
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reports so called we didn't know that and we also didn't know the extent to which this so-called intelligence division of the boston police department is monitoring not simply the protest but also the internal dynamics of these of these organizations so for example commenting on two thousand and eight discussions in the anti-war movement on the left in this country remarking about internal debates over whether the anti-war movement should come out really strong against obama or wait until after the election this information has absolutely no bearing to any crime to any threat against anyone in this city this is purely first amendment expression and not only just that but the boston police department retained of these documents in violation even of its own guidelines and you'll find in those news reports that the boston police department says this was due to a computer glitch and that they discovered this in two thousand and seven they
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discovered it because we asked for the documents it might never have been discovered these documents were being retained in violation of the b.p.'s own guidelines had we not sued for these records and you know finally i'll just say that when one one of our clients was interrogated by the boston police department after a civil disobedience arrest she says she was. interrogated by the f.b.i. d.h. us and a member of the boston police department asked all sorts of questions about her political associations that had nothing to do with erast. after that the elegy her lawyers asked the boston police department of public records request for a record of this interrogation they said they didn't have it they said that no such record existed well the records that we were via that we got back as a result of this lawsuit show that that's demonstrably false they actually do have a record of that interrogation and you can read it on our website it is c o u m from massachusetts dot org and you know finally i just want to say that this
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country is really in tough straits as far as the economy is concerned so when the boston police department is doing is both wasting our money vital public resources and they're doing it to spy on plec to. protect a political speech which chills fundamental democratic values in this country and really undermines everything that we're supposed to be about now you know you saw that through this information that was obtained through this lawsuit these protesters have been labeled extremists was there any information in these documents that led that showed any criminal activity at all. there were references to civil disobedience arrests. and there were there was some reference to unnamed anarchist black bloc participants. in gauging in some sort of you know a totally unspecified acts of violence you know not connected to any individuals but about our clients in particular the five piece groups and four individuals
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about whom we requested records zero there was zero in those files derogatory information about any kind of violence or future plans to commit criminal activity a couple of our clients were arrested for civil disobedience those are trespassing charges and according to the boston police its own rules they're allowed to ask questions about the trespassing charge those questions might be for example how long did you sit on the floor you know. why didn't you get up when the police tell you to get out those questions do not include questions such as who do you organize with when is your next political meeting and so on and those are the kinds of questions that they were asked now we do have some interviews conducted by the a.c.l.u. let's take a listen to them and we'll talk about it after everything we do it was being seen as being monitored in some way. but that's scary that can be very scary because i
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was a sears asked me. oh you must recognize it's come to your protests i think that people are scared to share their phone with police to secure of being called the terrorist or being scared of being seen over putting their tricks wrists to be a democracy to go into details as if the police are monitoring of course or take the risk. so kind of going along with with what these activists have said how does this police surveillance how has this instilled fear in the people in boston and do you think it's scaring people away from exercising their first amendment right and practicing their freedom of speach. yes i do unfortunately i do think that that's the case and it's not just our clients who would say something like that it's very it's very clear to me that when the boston police department which is charged with keeping the public safe with our money is using its resources to intimidate and
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harass political activists based purely on their political views and their first memon expression of course that creates fear and distrust of authority in this city and in this state. you know a great example of how that's how what we found to translate into real world problems for people is the intelligence sharing that occurred between the boston police department's intelligence unit and the f.b.i. the f.b.i. teams a number of terrorism watch lists the system around who gets added to those lists is very opaque you cannot find out if you're on one affirmatively they won't tell you the only way to get off it realized after trial and error is to sue and then magically you just are suddenly able to fly again they never confirm or deny whether whether you were on the left this is happened to a number of people in this country who were purely they were purely expressing their political views these people are not criminals at all and they were labeled
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as terrorists and put on no fly lists it happened to a famous actor mark ruffalo who was involved with anti fracking work and helped promote the film gasland he found himself on a no fly list as a result of his first american expression so absolutely i mean there are a number of of concrete ways in which this can actually really hurt someone ok we don't have too much time left but i do want to ask you do you expect the boston police department to be held accountable. you know we really hope so and if if the a.c.l.u. has our druthers yes because we're not going to give up here i mean you know this is a big there's a lot of press in the city today and a lot of people are talking about what's going on but we do not intend to rest here you know it's a very important just to shine some light on surveillance but that is only the first step the second step is to address the problems that we've uncovered and i would encourage anybody that in the city or the state or even nationwide to join your local a.c.l.u.
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because the more people we have on our side pushing this stuff the more likely it is that will resolve these problems kate thank you so much for coming on the show and telling us all about this lawsuit and what the a.c.l.u. is doing about what's happening over there in boston that was kate crawford privacy rights corner for the american civil liberties union. thanks very much. also ahead on our team of the government was worried that chinese companies were trying to spy inside the u.s. but it appears that's not the case in fact there is no clear evidence china was spying at all i'll look into it in just a moment. in.
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this presidential election is not just about obama and romney there are also third party candidates on the ticket and they will influence its outcome see the debate among this nation's major third party candidates right here on our t.v. on october twenty third. well it turns out china is it not spying on the us despite warnings from congress that they are the chinese telecommunications company huawei was accused by u.s. officials for spying for china the company is the world's second largest maker of networking gear and last week a report out of the house intelligence committee warned against the danger of
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allowing wall ways technology into the united states but according to reuters an eighteen month white house review found that the company doesn't pose a danger to the u.s. and found no evidence the company is conspiring with the chinese government to spy on americans so worth the cyber for years ever justified to discuss i'm joined by tim carr a senior director of strategy free press tim welcome highlights how are you doing well thank you so after a thorough investigation there is no evidence that the company was spying on american so why was there so much hype from members of congress that the opposite was happening. that is a very good question i think congress has been very involved in this issue of cyber security they say they passed a bill cispa through the house earlier this year there's another bill in the senate that would address this issue as well but there are a lot of questions still out there about how real this threat is and there are very few answers i mean you can you can go to members of congress will tell you that the
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strike is huge and senator joseph lieberman just wrote a column for the new york times in which he claims that we're incredibly vulnerable to this kind of threat but it's unclear that while way is the real problem and the report from the white house found that there were there weren't any instances of spying as you as you mentioned but that the technology itself was very vulnerable to being hacked but that seems to be a different issue now intelligence officials say in the wake of this white house investigation and they say ok they have inspired on this yet but they're concerned about the capability for them to spy on us in the future is this concern justified well i'm concerned about the capability of any company to spy on people it's not just chinese companies that have been implicated in this and we've seen that that eighteen t. for example has conspired with the nationals security administration to tap overseas phone calls of americans there is this larger problem out there of
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collusion between corporations and governments to spy on internet users now as to the issue of cyber security it's it's not clear where that threat exists and one thing that's interesting to note is that one of while ways biggest competitors is an american company called cisco systems that has spent more than fifteen million on lobbyists in washington eleven million dollars in campaign contributions in in washington they're sworn foot photos of wall way so there are some questions as to whether the house intelligence committee or other members of congress are responding to the needs of says. sco wants to eliminate a competitor as opposed to the true concerns about our national security ha that is an interesting question that you raise but as you had mentioned earlier there are some cyber experts that are skeptical way they're saying that the technology is flawed or at least they call them these these backdoor is that makes hacking and
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spying much easier i mean what do you think is this just poor planning or this big scheme to spy on people i think it's probably just the result of bad technology a lot of this stuff is just poorly created in and they haven't really vetted it to the extreme so yes i mean if if well way were to enter the u.s. market and they already have in many respects and sell this equipment widely it is vulnerable to that sort of hacking so i think that that those are concerns that are real and that if anybody is going to buy huawei equipment or these sorts of large communications networks that they should they should address those concerns because it does make your system vulnerable not so much to cyber terrorism but to the sort of hacking that we see going on nationwide and worldwide actually at a at a different level usually individuals who are hacking into systems and and causing all sorts of havoc ok now sixty minutes did look into huawei and these allegations
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want to take a look now at a clip in the telecommunications world once you get the camel's nose in the tent you can go anywhere and there overriding concern is this that the chinese government good exploited walkways presence on u.s. networks to intercept high level communications gather intelligence wage cyber war and shut down or disrupt critical services in times of national emergency huawei is a business. in the business of doing business thirty two point four billion in revenues last year across one hundred fifty different markets seventy percent of our business outside of china while we is not going to jeopardize its commercial success for any government period well there you have it why is a business as he eloquently stated a very successful business so i mean doesn't it doesn't make sense and is that just logical that they they're not going to jeopardize that by you know even working for
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anybody or conspiring with the government. i'm not sure i buy his line i think that the chief executive of huawei is himself a former member of the chinese people's army has very high level connections to chinese government and through the chinese communist party. and you know i think that the decisions that are made at the executive level of that company or any company are merely about business business but politics do come into play and if you do have those sorts of connections with chinese leadership it's the same for u.s. companies that have connections with u.s. leadership you know there are conflicts of interests that may run against legitimate interests to do business as a business doing business and and so i'm not sure i buy that line i think that that was a is does there are some real concerns there's a lack of transparency there they chose not to be listed on markets in hong kong
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and overseas because they didn't want to comply with disclosure requirements in order to do that so so yes there are real concerns now whether they're spying on the u.s. or not it seems that the that the white house through this investigation found that that's not true ok with that in mind though you had mentioned the ties to the chinese government doesn't that make sense i mean we have representative mike rogers saying cyber war or we are in a cyber war something along those lines does it then make sense for the u.s. to take preventative measures and block companies from expanding their infrastructure companies like while away within the u.s. for well i think it's it is legitimate to be concerned about cyber terrorism there there are real threats out there in fact the united states itself is engaged in a form of cyber attack when we hacked into nuclear centrifuges in iran and so this is real it is happening however
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a lot of these threat assessments that happen here in the united states are really based and relive and. mission they haven't really disclosed the size of the threat and i think that in order for them to advance this kind of legislation they need to be much more transparent about how real the threat is because the risk there is that these increased efforts to clamp down on the internet will ultimately impinge upon our own freedoms as internet users the the legislation that passed the house earlier this year that that represented rogers was in support of indemnify companies like twitter and facebook from handing over user information to government and we need to be very careful about that right time really appreciate you weighing in that with temp our senior director of strategy every press. there is a violent clashes a fourth residence on the syrian lebanese border out of their homes armed militia in lebanon apparently use
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a machine guns to attack the syrian army across the frontier triggering a tough response artie's a busy capital is on the ground in syria with more. training for war getting ready for battle and possibly their deaths these young recruits are preparing for what their instructors call a campaign to rid syria of tyranny. some of these soon to be fighters haven't even held a gun until now. this is the first time i use weapons there was no need for them before the revolution now we carry weapons to get rid of assad. weapons have yet to topple the government of president bashar al assad but they're flowing into the country with ease it's a trend that has some officials worried those will provide arms to either side only a contributing to for the majority and the risk of unintended consequences porous borders with its neighbors make the flow of arms almost impossible to stop and
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lebanon's town of is one of the main gateways behind me is the way to one of the illegal border crossings between lebanon and syria weapons fighters and supplies go in to syria while refugees fleeing the violence come out but by no means is this a safe or easy journey frequent shelling as well as a large minefield on the syrian side of the border crossings like these a deadly gamble a gamble that lebanese sympathizers of syria's opposition are more than willing to make. this is five thousand dollars this is thirteen hundred eighteen hundred and two thousand and tripoli r.t. spoke to this arms dealer whose business was booming. people come or contact me every day we have a revolution next door for sure we are with them will help them topple assad till they do it. the weapons may be easy to come by the harder part is understanding exactly where they go a classified report uncovered in the new york times reveals that many of the arms
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sent to syrian rebels are ending up in the hands of hardline islamic jihad assists one of the leaders of the f.s.a. said yeah we admit that we. it will traceability hardy's jihad these are coming. from all over the world but we don't know who is actually. back in syria both in the training camps and in the battlefield rebels talk of high hopes for a bright future. i hope that there will be free elections that the syrian people will be able to choose that they want and that we will win back our rights freedom of expression and political freedom exactly what that freedom looks like may depend on who's getting the guns. you see caffein of r t lebanon one of the hollywood thriller argo is a big hit at the box office but some critics say the movie as a war propaganda but this wouldn't be the first time hollywood has been accused of beating the drums of war are theater mungle endo has more. used to millions of
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american citizens to be honest hostages from hollywood's latest thriller takes movie audiences back to the iranian hostage crisis of one thousand nine hundred seventy nine the plot surrounds a cia mission aimed at rescuing six americans who escaped the takeover of the u.s. embassy in tehran and hit in the canadian ambassador's over the film glamorizes the cia's secret mission to bring those six americans home however the portrayal of a brave american mission with the backdrop of violent muslims is troubling for some especially at a time when tensions between the u.s. and iran are. if you look at all the propaganda being fed to the american public right now in terms of iran we have movies here coming out argo we've got the mainstream media over saturation of coverage of the iran situation hollywood is typically labeled as liberal but critics say the industry has been more than willing over the years to create villains out of u.s.
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political foes and typically protégés american intervention abroad as always just patriotic these programs are really balanced really give you real context and background they tend to mobilize you to think in a certain way not to be critical of what the u.s. government is doing four million people all of whom chant death to america all. hollywood entertainment has historically followed u.s. policy well reinforcing stereotypes of political enemies from the russians during the cold war it was the first american corruption of guns. good actually. more recent depictions of villainous middle eastern terrorists. this kind of obvious use just as a backdrop and for entertainment when the real life implications want to being a lot more sinister journalist and middle east analyst he believes popular films and t.v. shows combined with the misinformation in the mainstream media can be
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a dangerous mix a poll of americans just two years ago found seventy percent of americans believe iran already has nuclear weapons this new season of homeland actually begins with an israeli attack on you nuclear facilities as as the main plot point to kind of set everything in motion two days ago israel bombed five nuclear sites deep inside iran i tell this and out of news of klein and other members to retaliate against the west as nuanced as that show may think it is it actually winds up reinforcing a lot of stereotypes that. we constantly see well to ron and other middle eastern cities are constantly shown as centers of violent extremism it is unlikely hollywood will be making an upcoming blockbuster critical of the cia's torture and ridesharing program hollywood provides the images while politicians provide the arguments as us politicians continue wrapping up their fear mongering of nuclear
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threats and evil dictators hollywood script writers will be hard at work beating the war drums to crime. shows to get fired in los angeles. r t. capital account is up next on our t.v. and they'll be talking about algos gone wild lauren we just were talking about argo what are algos can you explain what that is our go to our algorithm reflect what goes on on the stock market on any given day about seventy percent to ninety percent of the volume depending on who you talk to are done not by humans not by people saying this is what i want this is what i'm going to execute it but they're executed with a strategy to buy programs by machines by what are known as clients and you know times of really change you know twenty five years ago tomorrow liz was the black
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monday crash of eighty seven so twenty five years later is it better or worse that more of this is done by machines will talk and i never thought i would be able to find algorithms interesting but you just convinced me to do it for an hour on the stories we covered to you tube channel youtube dot com slash r t america or website r t dot com slash usa back here at five.
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