tv [untitled] October 19, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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in the pipeline russia's state. is poised to become the world's largest oil producer a massive industrial deal negotiations. antigovernment protests the pace and. rallies expected this friday despite a police judicial crackdown that's full of arrested for simply writing on twitter. and pakistan's claim that the majority of its people killed by u.s. drone strikes on civilians to stop the cia's plans to expand its fleet of play.
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a very it warm welcome to you this is the line from moscow with me rule research the title of the world's big biggest listed the oil and gas john could soon be held up by a new company. is looking to see a multi-billion dollar mega deal with the british russian joint venture b.p. details now it wants. if forward this to you would become the second biggest agreement in the history of oil businesses at this point to get britain based p.p.c. fifty percent stake in ten k.p. russia's biggest oil pretty said now an equal us is also being made to the full russian billionaires the other half that t.i.n.k. b.p. asset the whole deal will come in at a whopping sixty billion dollars and it will make gross that the world's biggest
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oil producer making it an incredibly dumb of the player on the russian lucky day that would be said then to be able to see some of its plans in the sea. think it's the ration and the like now in the last few days say there's been a scandal brewing with one of the senior officials with detained by russian police is it keys is telling all physicians that the state agency i know it's not likely by the people we've been speaking to that will in any way how this deal does go ahead they certainly he still that's on the table right now nothing yet side to say on the looking pretty likely that that is going to go ahead so forth reporting right now more of what the deal could mean for the world of business as well as are some facts and figures on the potential agreement in our business bulletin with our peter over. just how a rosen is going to be able to afford this multibillion dollar deal join me in a few moments time i'll be having a look at one of the ways in which they're looking to raise
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a bit extra compassing. bunny one lead in libya vieques stronghold of late conal qaddafi is in flames again it's a year after the dictator's death and the nato led military operation and libya's army is trying to clear all supporters of the old regime and it's laid siege to the town for the last two weeks let's talk to any marshawn a former m i five agent joining us here on are too good to see you today first of all one man inside but i will lead spoke to r.t. he described various type of gas in the air after one artillery attack on a what do you making of reports now the possibly chemical weapons may actually have been used. well given that kind of gadhafi regime was reported to stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons while he was in power i get. even after one of those my track down the track there was a report on c.n.n. last year saying this is an old stash of chemical weapons how they were bailing out i mean. so there is a possibility there's a most of all chemical weapons to
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a place where really that might who are able to record and share or even government hands however we shouldn't discount the possibility i don't think that this could be stuff that has been given to the official libyan army and is being used against just a population much as we saw at the american army to use if you like what phosphorous against billions of iraq rejected in the iraq war i take it again so it is ultimately unclear if indeed chemical weapons have been used in beni walid is unclear if they are old kind of what chemical weapons or and if indeed they've actually been funneled in during the jury whether over a year of conflict now and if i may for a moment it's a year now war since nato powers helped to topple the previous regime why is libya still in such a state of disarray. i think people need to remember that no matter how brutal an eighty's the dictator you could be towards dissidents he did provide a certain degree of stability and general quality of life to the vast majority of people needing to receive power he was very much against you spreading the only
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world around so that he had a peaceful life and he yes that that very strange allows him to. get at this picture i compete with religious secular groups and by taking away that control of nato and sort of he gave me centralized power in libya and people are now playing you know this nation who we were when we talk about this power struggle with the struggle to bring peace to libya what are the issues with for example the consequences of the fact that the country's new leaders have depended heavily on former rebel militias to secure cities in the absence of a strong national army. that is always going to be into the mix. and you have competing sects you have competing groups and since you have come. which is full of that such groups and many of them angry young men. and you're going to have a problem and it's not forget that in fact the secrets that the west were backing
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trying to get this record off you know last year where the sort of more islamic extremists creates tension it looks hard to prevent ghazi and religious groups who also have a grudge against gadhafi and. particularly deal with the religious side if you will because they're going to cause it's going to them on their own talk of whom the country and libya has been used to send. comfort to them well for the last two years there are a lot of people not people who feel down to for example share his or whatever sort of course of thinking that well let's let's address one issue here the united states has diverted seven million dollars away from pakistan to help train a crack squad of five hundred goes for libya what exactly does that mean hoping to have a footprint to remain for some time to come in libya or they try to bring peace or what are their motives here i think trying to be in peace is always a wonderful political euphemism i think what against you is probably training up. local crack squads to crack down on the population in order to try and stabilize the country not necessarily because of the libyan people but did you see contracts
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that a lot of major countries were to acquiring would be i mean it's not forget that the whole nation of nation with spearheaded by roads and the reporting at the time was probably needed to be stabilized we could all be reached in order to acquire and secure a contract for a computer town because at that point it out because let's not let's not forget that coming from leeds national coach was on the point of signing a very good italian company no credit spent very very hard and thought they were securing their own economically probably right on a form. of life what are you thanks very much indeed for coming on the program today. now bahrain's forgotten the revolution contin. news out of the international spotlight another pro-democracy rally is planned for later on friday a policeman who has died of injuries following a terrorist attack during an anti-government protest on thursday the demonstrations
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have been ongoing now for more than twenty months often spilling into violence that heavy handedness of the security forces is continuing online with four activists arrested on wednesday for posting twitter messages defaming the king back to mr assad to use if i will huff burn is planning to take part in today's rally says the country's interior ministry may be spreading false information about police casualties to justify the crackdown. against the quite nice to be happy to just give up on the policemen was de weese didn't go out to the movie studio to get to. the games to you know this is good he's just be shooting he says you have to push people to get the story you want. to go to the foot of this is. false and that we should use that to justify. going to the distance many people from the support to. the national team
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for a speaker so that's why we want to push him to get put in support of the. east to support democracy. and to look with you know how do we have think it was. just decided. by just one in terminus past the hour here in moscow turkey's military once again has fired into syria this in response to two shells landing on turkish territory this is the latest border incident between the two countries with tension between ankara and damascus remaining at a very dangerous level turkey has been carrying out strikes against syria since a stray shell from across the border killed five civilians in a turkish town earlier this month. damascus claims its fighting rebels using a safe haven on the border accusing turkey of openly supporting and supplying arms more and how relations between the two are teetering on the brink of war. cross
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talk later today. this is r.t. the cia wants to significantly expand its fleet of drones and is pressing the white house to give the go ahead it would allow the agency to sustain or even increase lethal strikes abroad including those in pakistan but the news comes just a day after the pakistani interior minister quoted statistics suggesting eighteen percent of people killed in u.s. drone attacks have been civilians recommend malik he said that in more than three hundred strikes more than two thousand people have died are these are going to go looks into the bloody history of drone operations in pakistan. they
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don't even come the hover overhead with an incessant buzz they watch they see and they kill. thousands of deaths all in the name of security of the united states there are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered three thousand americans they are plotting to strike again this precise claim of self-defense in the face of the ever present terror danger has been in the works for over eight years now more than three hundred drone attacks in the tribal administrative area is located on the border between afghanistan and pakistan have taken according to different estimates between two and three thousand lives the problem however isn't just with quantity. as it is still unclear whether there was killed are actually terrorists the americans themselves often don't know who they've hit and there's huge discrepancy over the focus. that we follow and find out that
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a lot more civilians are being killed but these are the people that the americans don't tell you about and they actually class these people over as circulated by scholars from new york and stanford university's found that approximately two percent of the total number of deaths were actually terrorists. among the remaining several thousand victims of the drones hundred seventy five were children at one point the u.s. military argued that everyone who was killed in the operations was a militant some believe this stems from americans ignorance in matters concerning foreign cultures what generally happens in the tribal areas and walks around almost the same cloth if you wear a white collar chilliwack amused which is a natural grass and every tribal person who carries a weapon and forty seven which is. officially pakistan acknowledges the need to wipe out terrorists in the area but is
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adamantly against such broad military action on its territory something they have been very vocal about it on strikes are not on the counter productive but there. are good. but washington is quick to hit back with threats of cutting out french will aid an important factor in its relationship with islam a body though pakistan boasts a nuclear arsenal the admit it's hardly the answer to their financial woes and islamabad temper is running out when twenty four pakistani soldiers were killed in the u.s. that airstrike last year the country closed down the nato supply route for seven months and reopened it only after an official apology from the us secretary of. hate the united states i mean manipulated cynically manipulated and used forces unprepared when the same forces follow their own political or religious agenda.
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and i still have for you here on r.t. that of of the two main us presidential candidates obama and romney bracing for their last duel though pushing other challenges to the margins all of that having a. homeland security now has robot tunas seriously robot fish the drones in the sky spying on you just weren't going to enough effect they've revealed that they're
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going to be using robotic hummingbirds soon who how cute these things can only see you though above the water now during the one percent or less of your life that you spend swimming homeland security will be keeping you safe since nine eleven we've heard ad nauseum that we need to be kept safe so americans have given up their rights but have things gotten that much safer honestly has any of the stuff are shared in some sort of peaceful utopia no it hasn't the best terrorism prevention would be to not bomb secular regimes in other countries like libya some fanatical wackos come to power that would help way more than robotic spy fish i hear a lot of people talk about personal responsibility and a lot of speeches and yes personal responsibility is a key component of the american way slit people provide for their own defense what is going to protect you more shocked than under the bed or terminator two so homeland security can of tuna right but that's just my.
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blow through the center of the lebanese capital beirut killing at least four people and injuring dozens and the explosion took place during rush hour and the number of casualties as a suspected to rise sharply let's discuss the. middle east expert. professor of international relations of university good to see you today so let's get straight to it right now the last blast of a scale hit the country almost four years ago why another one. well it's possibly an internal in lebanese it's possibly even a criminal act just over some silly matter it in but the most likely explanation is that it's a link to the syrian crisis the location where the bomb went off very close to an important syrian bank and. in a way what we're seeing is what luck about him you're talking about yesterday the gradual extension of the conflict in syria outside the church in syria and it's not
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just that this is a kind of natural process where there are overlaps of various groups over the borders of syria and lebanon and it's also that perhaps in the interests of one side to really internationalize this crisis i think the opposition has been constant calling for international assistance and international intervention and the more the neighbors of syria seem to be destabilized by the fighting inside syria then of course the easier it is to know what are going to some kind of international intervention must come about in order to preserve the peace i mean are there certain a lot of people talking about international intervention if i may just for a moment are getting messages here from artie's i've across the two car bombs possibly side by side went off causing extensive damage to adjacent residential and commercial buildings possibly also red cross or eight were killed in the explosion dozens of injured and all these are yet to be confirmed they're still coming in right here some people referring to syria as a powder keg and with the ability to inflame the region mark is that what we're
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seeing at the moment do you think where local specialists said this eighteen months ago he has of course a motive for saying it but it's it's partly true it's also of course this particular technique it's the case of two car bombs have gone on whether it is a classic terrorist technique in order to maximize the casualties and you know lebanon which in itself has crazy has that have been a good over the last few years but all that. such an atrocity can easily set off irrational emotions of anger a desire for revenge which in turn spread the crisis and enable a power. benevolent outsiders say we are now to preserve international peace and the spread of a crisis with the spread of the crisis maybe we wouldn't be in some kind of natural a larger issue like internal crisis in syria are so so and if you're here for possible provocation mark the international community and the u.s. in particular have a knowledge that the spread over al-qaeda has influence through the region where does lebanon stand in that respect do you think well liberal is torn because of
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course it has a large shiite component of the population and has long links with syria but equally there of course are many sunnis in lebanon who resent both the shiite circle a little tiny circle territory. and also resent syrian domination for many years facts are information did of course only regional lebanese civil war and now we see for that there are tensions within lebanon which also will be interested in money from outside and it's coming in. from the fighters going into syria but perhaps also to fund. inside lebanon itself. writer mark almond a visiting professor of international relations of bilking university in turkey live from the u.k. thanks so much for coming and coming on the program here at our. thank you. but there was a change of pace in the battle of words between u.s. presidential candidates barack obama and mitt romney who laid down their arms and traded jokes at a charity fund raiser but their debates are still causing
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a buzz and massive t.v. ratings are down there is criticism that challengers from outside the two major parties almost never appear in a televised confrontation is for the green party's jill stein appears on eighty five percent of the ballots across the country but when she and her running mate were arrested for trying to gain entrance to the latest debate there was little or no media reaction then man ski the green party's campaign manager believes the two party domination is due to outdated laws but more importantly the issue of corporate control. the reality is that there's nothing in our constitution which prevents a multi-party system from emerging here in the us but we do have laws on the books all across the country and we also have the actions of private corporations that have grown up over the last sixty years to prevent independent parties from challenging the two establishment parties here in the united states the laws that we have in the books prevent or make it very difficult for independent parties to
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get on the ballot to give voters that choice those laws date from the cold war they date from the mccarthy era in which there was a fear of communism and socialism and they tried to make it very difficult for progressive party some particular have to emerge here at the green party we have overcome many of those challenges jill stein is on eighty five percent of the ballots yet there still preventing her from taking part in the debate if you look at the success of the green party despite all the obstacles we face it says that there is a great demand for the greens people vote for the greens here in the u.s. and of course. you can follow the latest events in the u.s. election monday we start our own special coverage of the only going battle between the candidates bringing you the more analysis. what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage walking the tightrope pushing china and russia as occupy anger spreads to parties still dictate. to you a selection of clothes in the. beginning of two or twenty seconds. australia
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has revealed it's been sharing intelligence on one of its most talked about citizens julian or songe with washington for around two years but the exchange apparently started straight after wiki leaks published secret u.s. military reports on the war in afghanistan assad himself accused his home nation of betrayal and pandering to america claims it wants him behind bars or even dead the wiki leaks has been holed up in ecuador's london embassy now for exactly four months and despite being granted political asylum by the south american nation he's unable to leave the building because of britain's threat of arrest or extradition for more and julian assad his legal battles as well as all the episodes of his own interview show broadcast here on r.t. just go to our website. and into the world we go here on ars he will stop with northern afghanistan where at least nineteen were killed when a roadside bomb detonated on the bus fifteen more were injured the passengers were
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traveling to a wedding at this point no one has claimed responsibility and it's not yet clear if indeed the wedding guests were the intended targets. the u.s. military chief in japan has imposed a night curfew on personnel it follows the arrest of two american officers suspected of raping a japanese woman on the southern island the u.s. military in japan has a history of alleged criminal behavior which would certainly cause tension between the states for decades. back to one of our top stories here on r.t. of the possible deal between b.p. and rosneft good to see you again. on the brink of becoming the biggest all. producer in the world yes that's right and it's going to cost billions that if the russian oil company does buy out b.p. out of a b.p. now the british company is now meeting in london to consider the offer. peter all of the has all the details for us. what we've seen recently is
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a sign that we could be somewhere closer to a deal roll sniffed of announced that they're going to be issuing bonds now one of the reasons that they would be doing us is if they were trying to get together extra revenue in order to try and make this multi-billion dollar deal now that deal is expected to cost somewhere in the region of between twenty five and twenty eight billion dollars they're not going to make that kind of money for selling films however they could make that it's made around six hundred fifty million from the sale of bonds everything which would help towards trying to convince p.p. that they should sell it fifty percent share in t.n. k b p two rolls next warms not only b.p. shares but also b.p.'s russian partnership to take over the whole of t.n. k b p that would make real sniffed the largest publicly traded company in the world however well you know they say there's no reward without risk and the risk that rolls never could be taking comes in the form of debt now if they take over all of
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t. n.k.p. they would be in debt to help words of sixty billion dollars put on a little bit of perspective that's a from the same amount as some european nations so that would be hoping in relying on a high oil price in order for them to get some kind of good return from their investment essentially if you think about it in another way it's like if they're playing poker they've they've got a hole in on a good hand and they're hoping that the guy said all this at them doesn't have a better hand from and to say what b.p. wants out of this deal what they would be looking to get is they don't want to pull out of russia or entirely they just want out of their partnership a spot of tea in k.b. feet but they going to be looking for those as a shareholder all sniffed whole important potentially lucrative exploration rights in the arctic the rights to go and look for oil there but this is a deal it's being watched far and wide and it's also being looked at very closely and the before you also power here in russia i see well the russian government now
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say well the deal. if you look at this is he was a who consider how to shareholders are reacting to the offer from rosneft you see that this is a complex a multi stage transaction and he still loves the company so that's all the latest on what's going on with this ongoing taylor looked in negotiations in london any news that comes out of last out of those negotiations of course i'll bring you here . i tell you have him on his i did not solve the union leaders and found to come up with a resolution of how the stylistic choice of the now the russian markets are playing this fight to you with us lots of rather not all of the time but with us and. arkady many thanks indeed we'll see you later still ahead here on our tear what was nearly world war three special report now on the cuban missile crisis coming up shortly.
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in the middle of russia's no from away from civilization and if we are one helicopter treat from the nearest village. they stole one family have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer skins. lodging runs in a signal and then it's they also grew up in the two but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the city in apartment building but still room
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and their regions was. her own lot and here is a dancing teacher. was a answer to his dances he tells the stories about his motherland. clause in a report in there has a one thousand strong reindeer heard when the enemy only saw the light can and most around route is gathered turns and moved to another posture they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter women and children for them. the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds even though there's sometimes a similar.
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