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tv   [untitled]    October 19, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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business organization and fifth the national federation of the proactive in forming their employees about who they should vote for take a listen. i hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections and whether you agree with me or you agree with president obama or or whatever your political view i hope i hope you pass those along to your employees nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business. because i think that will figure into their their election decision since then we've seen several c.e.o.'s notify their employees letters going ga pacific the koch brothers and whatnot used to be that we have laws that you know an employer can say their employees please do this job this way but not you know they basically couldn't harass them whether it was sexual harassment or political harassment and citizens united blew up the political harassment part
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of that made it legal. how how is this how is this not coercion well it's not first off this much ado about nothing you want your job if you vote for this guy who that's not true what he said in this he said to employers or employees what you think is in the best interest employer isn't going to be but walking down the street with a guy to the booth and watching him vote and then even knowing exactly how he voted and second the big problem i see with this is that he didn't say go tell your employees to vote for me he didn't call for them to say indorse me think it is employed what i'm going to doe ballance the. obama bumper sticker and as his cubicle or his place of work or. hop in here i don't really think it's that big of a deal either and to be honest we may not agree on a lot tonight but we're probably going to agree on this i don't think it's that big of a deal i couldn't agree with you more completely you know the ballot is still secret when. we walk into the voting booth no one knows who we vote for i deal in voter
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files every day i know if you voted i don't have a clue who you voted for so i still think there's an enormous amount of privacy in voting am i surprised that this happened no not at all but the truth is that unions do this is that ministers and reeses unions so comments to unions are democracies unions and the leadership of the united i'd like you to yes but i don't know i mean your ship of a bunch of mars and the like and stuff like this if they all answer why would a democracy it's very simple the unions are elected into existence they can be elected out of existence union leaders are elected and actually leading the way right now in fighting the secret ballot sometimes. it's amazing to me all that he says is give your employees a heads up give them notice this is the very thing the obama people administration is telling defense supporters not to do don't tell people that they're about to get laid off don't tell people that post because they're not up to you know there's no way the congress is going to is going to let seacrest ration go through it all and
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all your but you're changing your changing the topic you know apparently all three of you are of the of the opinion that this is this is not the use of you know corporate power and where that isn't balanced and i disagree but just leave it at that because i think we have a consensus or stand on the topic of mitt romney there's a new revolving door it's now at the mitt romney headquarters the back in august they hired george to be bush's deputy assistant for economic policy pierce scranton to be their economic policy adviser turns out just three months earlier he was a lobbyist for wall street pushing for nuking dodd frank and cutting taxes on the banks years might this have something to do with why romney is like so enthusiastic about doing away with dodd frank was oh i'm sure i romney's been enthusiastic about doing away with dodd frank long before this guy ever came on board i mean that's been a part of mitt romney's policy since the moment dodd frank came in a into existence i think there were entire republican party would burn it down if they actually had anything physical they could do that but this is. something about mitt romney that
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he's hiring a lobbyist to be is cheeky jake anomic policy advisor nothing we didn't already know which is that mitt romney is in the pockets of every big bank and every big lobbyist and every big corporation in america he is bought and sold by those guys he is one of those guys he sits next to them when they eat lunch or whatever country club they belong to so the only reason that i'm not fired up about this is to me news at ten no big deal this is what mitt romney's america is going to look like all the big corporations and all the really rich white guys get to sit at a table and all the rest of us get to work our butts off for nothing that's going to be mitt romney's america and that's what the status quo is the definition of fascism is the merger of corporate and state interests in the world what you live in apparently only white man work as a lobbyist the truth of the matter is it's not been very effective on the part of the obama administration to have this anti lobbyist policy what it means is people who study people from only with people who understand and have taken the time to know the details or the very people who are often kept out from participating in
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the process i think that is a ridiculous standard in all of it's just for the pearls of appealing to look at how many i don't like to lobbyists we don't like lobbyist so we don't elect lobbyist but we select them by how talented and capable and effective they are who is we the people that join. others know the people that do want to stockholders create corporations and those corporations select and in some instances small businesses hire and i have never going in and i have never ever ever and i've owned stock for years and years i mean not that big time but i won't start for you i've never gotten a proxy state and this is where ticket to hiring these five lobbyist here's their c.v.s. do you approve or not but never under s.t.c. rules you like i do i go to shareholder meetings you're allowed to go to the shareholder meeting and you may make a promise to demand good luck trying that we've got several successes with stopping companies from wasting money on climate change for instance you know i think we're also overlooking the fact that. our own president currently employed at least fifty
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five lobbyists or former lobbyist like us in the current administration for one kathleen sebelius said this is one of the problems i'm five i will equal opportunity bash that is this is one of the problems that we have you know reagan came into office there were fewer than a thousand lobbyists here registered in the city now there's thirty thirty three thousand or something like that sure but we're looking like as if you know one more lobbyist and only one that we know well no i think it's our work in the administration i don't know is it is that he's getting to the economic advice from a guy who was lobbying for the industry to crash our economy absolutely i mean that i think that certainly happened we have that argument consistently over there you think the banks are said nothing to the question and i think that the policies put up before the bush administration started in one thousand nine hundred under the clinton administration led to this problem and fannie mae and the other government subsidized mortgage winters which the bush administration tried to stop and the democrats like barney frank tried to prevent so yes kate is so what about when eric
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schneiderman went after the banks two years in two thousand and five and said what you guys are doing is wrong we're going to stop this because going to lead to a great depression and the bush administration pulled out of their back pocket eight hundred sixty law and said no we're going to use a lot of ways has never been used before to stop a state a.g. from from can from regulating the banks in a way that would have prevented the crash that bad somehow bill had. absolutely a state attorney general had no business trying to regulate the entire american bank exist or you tell me where i am but i think mr born in france was chaminda of the committee with jurisdiction and he had a democrat majority and and most of it as well and said on his butt literally taking this that i had already in the senate for two months and one day two months and one day out of the entire obama presidency and i was actually brass is very good love it's always i mean that i talk about through the last two years of the bush administration the bush administration where one of the reality tell us have one ranked player even better than you imported out of committee like you. just
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going to see these was on the take it's amazing he's sitting there dating the lobbyist and that's not newsworthy but he sat there as the song that you are you know now you're grilling him down on you apparently it wasn't a problem to lawmakers shouldn't date lobbyists either so we have i got to be honest i mean i'm sorry how many lobbyist thirty three thousand if we're not allowed to date lobbyist and everybody who's lived in town right now i or how about the last thing i got back from redskins are you talking about the football field because there's nobody else in town ok slowly but surely the wal-mart workers strike is spreading on monday workers with the retail giant of law walked out of a job to protest what they claim are intimidation tactics against employees by wal-mart last week in a dozen states nearly one hundred wal-mart workers held demonstrations outside their stores and earlier this month as many as sixty wal-mart workers went on strike outside a store in southern california and wal-mart's fifty year history only once the employees successfully unionized and so wal-mart closed that stores in canada given
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the declining union rates over the last several decades isn't time to put in place more protections for unions for democracy in the workplace or which is that you knew as our democracy in the work will use our democracy at work we disagree on that because when you say that i hear stalinist tactics that take away from the ability of the owners of the company only investors of the company to be able to get it. i could not be more wrong unions are responsible in this country for the eight hour workday they are responsible for the five day work week they are responsible for osha laws they are responsible for the fact that we do not have twelve year olds working in factories ask anyone else i'm doing well ask the templars in congress probably broke every worker's rights in this country they have made the workplace a safer place for millions of american workers to call it stalinist dick is absolutely correct to call this a good as the tempos of people that would gladly take every single one of those jobs that are in dispute both in california and in oklahoma the poor stewardship of this administration in destroying opportunity is making people desperate for nine more in our. we argue that there are people willing to take those jobs because we
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have destroyed the unions and and because we have as in part as a consequence of that we've outsourced all these jobs you know outside the united states and you know the workers die and we've got insane trade policies we've got insane labor policy is destroying the middle class ok first off and by the way this is bill clinton who signed nafta gatt the deputy destroyed union so as a result jobs going overseas right i mean what we're talking about what it does is it actually raise rates of political power to to argue in favor of those jobs here what happened you know. i did see what happened was constant let me say this unions artificially push up salaries yes and it creates a lower demand for workers are usually questions that salaries and who do that kind of work should make more money it's not a question of should there's no moral answer on what a particular job gets it's what the marketplace will bear that's what people ought to be able to what about it they're going to really make what on average public school teachers anybody think a teacher i would have actually all of their roughly about thirty thousand dollars
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a year like they had over that right if that's all a public school teacher is worth in this country if it was not for teachers and government they would make even less we're going to see these and other unions argue for the workers of this country for them to be paid fairly for good work if it were not for teachers when you don't even know what ordinarily actually graduate with a degree they could read like like they were back in the fifty's sixty's and seventy's at the peak of unionization your point that the unions are artificially raising wages is absolutely right the norm i mean you could go back and go back and read anything from adam smith to you know forward the norm in an economy total laissez faire no regulation no involvement from the norm is is is scrooge marley it is it is what you saw it is going through it is rice mattingly above and it is like a lower density refrigerator is it is what dickens on the road right oh let me finish this is what dickens wrote about you know you get is a small very wealthy upper class a very small mercantile list and profession. middle class and huge class of the
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working poor that's what an economy normally produces if you keep all your hands off as you're suggesting as you're suggesting and so you're absolutely right that unions come in and say we are going to we are going to say we're not going to work unless you push some of that money down from the top that was not the economy in america from eight hundred eighty to one thousand twenty arguably one of the periods of time when we had the most laissez faire attitude that this country's ever had and it is simply and as a rule and in one thousand nine hundred the average income in today's dollars was ten thousand and five we don't even fly and we had an influx of people coming into our country because it was such a bountiful place of opportunity people were getting their hands cut off their fingers cut off they were dying as badly as the countries where they have all of it all the working roma was trying your strategy the failed strategy of the socialist credit and people were fleeing the area becoming too merry widow price that because there were no socialist cultures in one thousand. there were marketed just as you describe are ordinary rubble after the break.
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it was the strangest attempt to put the tree take. the u.s. president trying to overthrow a foreign country's gulf but he strategic. merica really expects to see. what you see cuba to cope with you expect to recall don't talk to all four he will get on ok i believe you think you are you go but the russia. the cuban missile crisis gave reality to.
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download the. application. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch on t.v. any time. there's eyes big picture rumble joining me or adam by it leave lose chatterton and
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horace cooper let's get back to it thursday the new jersey state assembly signed on to a resolution expressing strong opposition to citizens united and call on congress to amend the constitution to get rid of that ruling in jersey is now the ninth state to support amending the constitution to prevent corporations millionaires and billionaires and basically buying our elections and our politicians already california connecticut maryland massachusetts or why you new mexico rhode island and vermont have adopted similar resolutions and here's one reason why a new report by open secrets reveals that these non party affiliated groups and individuals in total have spent more than a half billion dollars this election cycle or the total amount of spending by every by all the non party groups in every election since one thousand nine hundred combined. no problems out of no not at all i don't think we spent enough on the election activities i think this is a very very important critical the election that's coming up the issue for our billionaires is we absolutely ought to be more invested in one of the ways that we
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show that investment is resources that we spent ok more billionaires lose no i actually think that more money in politics is actually an ok thing but i do think all of this corporate money and i think the fact that these corporations and the donations that are coming into these super pacs are relatively hidden they're hard to find is not the way to do it let's do it like virginia does it virginia you can take any kind of money you want if you're running for state office in virginia from governor on down corporate money personal money in any amount you know what happens within twenty four hours of taking that you've got to tell the state and the state put it on the internet if you don't take the money then let's figure out where it's coming from if you're going to be bought and sold by r.j. are going back so i want to know if there's a secondary consequence of that and that is that the media has this is a huge money for the for the national media and print for local media and they're looking at those and so. they make money when there's a horse race they don't make money when it's obvious that this candidate is going to beat this candidate and so it's looking at these election cycles particularly
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since the mid eighty's when this really started picking up you know in and after the doctor was blown up when reagan stopping force in eighty seven that it seems like the media will if a candidate is up those beaten down if a candidate is down they'll start bringing him up they're always trying to get it to even and because they want those advertising dollars that seems to me like a really screwed up system that is exactly what i have witnessed this election cycle every time mr obama's been galloping away they give mr romney a leg up in the middle of the dates they sat with him they give him more time i think he's doing everything they can to help mr romney just to keep this race fair now if you believe but i've got a bridge in new york i want to so i really do think that they they got a two horse race they you know it was. the horse race when the american people tara pretty much figured out what was going on is there a tomato business or start out of a billion dollars still hasn't been spent yet here the terrorism the war is the business stewardship of the economy has nothing to do with the fact that this
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president is having such a hard time getting reelected nothing oh it was the media wow what did they go out in time of our ambassador last thirty seconds fifteen each go ahead i got something . like i like you said there's not enough money being spent and i think that if there was more to spend we might see better policy ok i will say this i don't know if there's a conspiracy afoot but i will say in all the big target states because this is something i deal with every day televisions ad time is gone it's actually been gone since july sold out so what's happening is they're auctioning it off on the web for ten times its normal price the local affiliates and the national are not just making money they are getting rich off absolutely and that was my concern last question quick for paul ryan try to prove that he and mitt romney really do care about the forty seven percent by showing up to volunteer at a soup kitchen on monday become screwed up and showed up at the after the soup kitchen was already closed he then put on an apron and pretended to wash dishes for a photo op this is that had already been clean the operator the soup kitchen
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blasted the campaign for the impromptu visit saying that ryan didn't ask permission and now the soup kitchen is losing donors over the controversy facilities president was quoted as saying you can rest assured there has been a substantial backlash so the question is this your political philosophy hinges on the fact that private charity is bigger better than government it isn't a bad idea to put private charity out of business it is a terrible idea to do that mess what government doesn't so many instances how it goes to a little bit of fact checking here actually the operator of that facility invited him to come and this is an testified on the record it was the supervisor of that operator this is wait for your fact checkers on the record lows well you know i'm glad that they are trying to walk the walk but it's clearly if he really had ever been in the soup kitchen. he would know what one looked like and he would know that they were dirty they would know that those dishes had already been washed and he would know what he was doing he looked like a guy who'd never been anywhere near a soup kitchen out of this blue ridiculous you know i really doubt that the vice
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presidential nominee is like hanging out at soup kitchens ever but the fact that we're sitting around and judging him based on whether or not he washed that there is we have unemployment rate of forty rather than. it was that i. had a list or a spirit so you all thank you very much here. so your nobel peace prize winning european union is demanding that indebted nations like greece and portugal privatized all their water resources if they want to continue receiving bailouts as in you want to stay in the eurozone and hand over your most precious commons to trans national corporations this is in line with the broader privatization agenda that we're seeing all around the world especially here
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in the united states as water roads schools prisons you name it are all being privatized and taken out of the hands of we the people in my opinion these are assaults on democracy but one thing that europe as a done the one thing that europe has crossed it off and said no way are we privatizing that is the vote but here in the united states from coast to coast we have privatized the vote and in doing so we've removed the lynchpin holding together our democracy. several european nations including ireland germany and the netherlands have experimented with and then ditched electronic voting machines in fact germany's supreme court ruled that evo t. machines were unconstitutional and ireland sold theirs for a penny on the dollar as scrap metal but here in the united states we continue to put out more and more eboni machines owned by corporations that seem to have vested political interests that's despite the fact that it's pretty well documented to such machines may have flipped political races in favor of republicans think for
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example would happen in nebraska in one thousand nine hundred six republican chuck hagel running on the machine company security security a huge contract to sell his machines to nebraska then decided to run for senate in nebraska can spend nelson and guess what despite being a long shot candidate badal won or at least that's what is known voting machines calculator at least some of the washington post said this following the surprise victory a victory against an incumbent democratic governor was the major republican upset in the november election that says in nationwide as bev harris who wrote the book on black box voting pointed out a bill inexplicably won nearly every voter demographic and one in largely african-american communities that had never even voted republican he was the first republican senator elected in nebraska in twenty four years and he was elected in part on these voting machines something similar happened in georgia in two thousand and two according to polls heading into election day democratic senator max cleland
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had a five point lead over his republican challenger saxby chambliss but after the votes were counted on the machines chambliss ended up winning by seven points not a single poll heading into the election showed chambliss with a lead let alone a seven point lead yet that's what the corporate voting machine said happened no paper trail no record and chambliss went on to serve in the senate. despite all this weird stuff with you voting machines in two thousand and two george w. bush signed into law the help america vote act which set aside three point nine billion dollars for polling stations to replace traditional voting methods with evo to machines and since then our use of the vote in our life has exploded ahead of the two thousand and four election the c.e.o. of the major evolving machine company promised to deliver ohio's electoral votes to george w. bush of course bush narrowly won ohio and the numerous well documented accounts of election fraud in that state including ballot box stuffing voter caging and you guessed it evoking machine manipulation in two thousand and seven three years after
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the election ohio's secretary of state concluded in an official study that the state's evolving machines had quote critical security failures that could impact the integrity of elections in the buckeye state and of quote in other words the ohio election could have easily been stolen or delivered to bush just as c.e.o. promised that's what happens when you privatized voting we handed over to private for profit corporations and now history is repeating itself. heading into this year's election a quarter of all of votes cast will be on evolving machines that don't have paper trails and have been shown over and over again to be easily hacked and some of these machines just so happen to be owned by people affiliated with mitt romney as the free press reported bain alumni now raising big money as romney bundlers are also in the electronic voting machine business this appears to be a repeat of the infamous former c.e.o.
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of deep old wally o'dell who raised money for bush while his company supplied voting machines and election management software in the two thousand and four election in texas washington colorado hawaii oklahoma and ohio evo two machines will be used that are owned by a company called heart intercity heart inner civic is partly owned by a capital investment firm known as capital eleven investors of hiv capital used to work at mitt romney's bain capital and two of them are currently bundlers for the romney campaign in other words the private operators of these evo two machines may have a hoodie pick the guy they want to win this is not how our democracy should work even if it's not this bad just looking this bad but this is what happens when you privatized the vote we've devoted many segments of the show to this creeping privatization agenda the efforts to inject the profit motive into our commons from water facilities in detroit schools in chicago to public parks in benton harbor
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michigan we the people's democratic control of our commons is being taken away by transnational corporations. these are critical sins against democracy violations of democracy but privatizing the vote itself is a moral sin and a mortal sin actually against democracy itself and this soon might be what hands this year's election off to the oligarchy once again this is they've been doing since two thousand thomas paine described the vote as the beating heart of democracy if we could private it we could talk about privatizing schools or water supplies but the vote the thing that is at the center of the entire thing this needs to become a major issue we need to do like ireland and sell these machines as if they were just scrap metal pennies on the dollar and rid of them. and that's the way it is tonight friday october nineteenth two thousand and twelve for more information on
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any of the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org dot com if you missed any of that i'd show you can now watch it in h.d. on hulu at hulu dot com slash the big picture also check out our two you tube channels there are links to tom hartman dot com also tyler and i counted up all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget them ocracy begins with you just a spectator sport you've got to participate show up go to move to amend or go to p.t. america dot org get out there get active occupy something tag your it see it. mission . couldn't take three school or three. arrangements
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three. three stooges priests. three blogs just plug in videos for your media projects a free medio dog our teeth dog tom. anything. on my. plate.
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he is easy to be easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy to. the easy. it's.


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