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tv   [untitled]    October 21, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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breaking news on our machine gun and to rifle warning shots are fired in beirut as a supposedly peaceful protest against the syrian leader turned sour with our position and a flag seen in the crowds that's after thousands gather for the funerals of victims from friday's bombing which was blamed on syria before any investigation was launched. a deadly blast rocks damascus says the u.n. peace envoy meets the syrian president to try and broker a truce in the conflict torn country. and dozens are killed as the under siege former stronghold of moammar gadhafi sees another assault by pro-government
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militias a year after the western backed libyan revolt. and skirmishes between police and protesters in london where more than one hundred thousand marched in anger at the deep social cuts being imposed by the difference. thank you for joining our tease the weekly for the week's top stories and today's breaking news from around the world first to what's happening right now in lebanon mass protests in the capital have to send it into raw it with the army firing tear gas to control hundreds of angry demonstrators they tried to storm the government headquarters in beirut after the funerals of those killed in friday's car bombing. is in the region and you know we've been watching the events unfold in beirut after
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a tense couple of days how did it all turn so violent well be talking about the events up to date on the under people were marching towards the government building be approach following the funeral of one of those who was killed on friday but are there. and as you have mentioned several people in the crowd as a result of. the government building they were the ones who we had. the free syrian army or rather our syrian opposition and also all kind of flags and then of course you could see that all hell broke loose there as tear gas fired there where there were gunshots being fired or. people on the ground were reporting that actually it didn't look like. some of the police were not even prepared for this turn of events because they didn't have masks they were firing tear gas and then they were also suffocating and so that was the situation that was unraveling for as they were all hours in beirut it does look like it's starting to subside now of course still very heavy police presence in front of the government building but
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there are reports now coming in from other parts of lebanon from the outskirts of beirut and also from the town of tripoli in fact some people are already saying that there is heavy gunfire reported and cheerfully. we'll have to say we will have to see how things develop there of course all of this goes back to friday two of the explosion in the christian corner in christian porter there lebanese capital where eight people died of a police intelligence chief who was. as an avid mt as an activist his supporters almost immediately started pointing their finger of blame to to syria saying that it was president assad behind this terror attack we have to mention here that it is not yet known we exactly is responsible for the blast that sure. that the city the capital hasn't seen an explosion or any terror attack for four years so people are obviously very riled up by this entire essay
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or the digs go out and protests first of protests as the fact that this terror attack has happened and then they started protesting the government against the government saying the government is. closely affiliated with the syrian government they started calling for the government to step down but even though the prime minister has applied for resignation to the president the president we've used zero to accept it so at this point it does seem like the world still has its government for it will have its government for quite some time now you have to understand that the situation in lebanon and it. hasn't just escalated out of nowhere in fact there were tensions for quite some time are very similar to the ones that were witnessing in syria it's a matter of fact rather harsh sunni shia the by the majority of those the majority of the supporters of the security security as you. are actually sunni they are the
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ones who are now starting to say that the government is largely supporting. the shia muslims as well as well those as in lebanon as well as those in syria including the syrian government so this is why the two conflicts could actually be very closely related you have to understand we are neighbors and of course everything that happens that one small country resonates on the other. keeping us updated on the events in beirut and in the region you can follow arena on twitter at. thank you. now let's go live to the lebanese capital now and political analyst kamel all waltzing. mr waltzing thank you so much for joining us now from what you can see or hear how bad is the violence and do you think it's going to escalate even further. i think it's very bad might escalate a bit before it come to an end because i think there was some calls from the leader of the march or the it was draw the people from the street because they know if
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people head to the street they are not going to win on the street and they will not get anything from resorting to violence to disorder there's a stronger force on the ground on the opposite side which can move the right direction to clear the whole things if they choose violence as a means to change the government i think. made a call and how the leader of fourteen marching who the previous prime minister said you were but i expected that. in. the street and in tripoli and in the south you might see some friction here and there and probably cutting off road and. pushing people but i think at one point this has to stop otherwise we probably heading for a very difficult time
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a lot going on a very chaotic time i love and on and i don't know who is going to be accountable for it and i don't think a fourteen of marsh can handle it if they continue on a violent past because this will lead to a destruction of a country and to the stability of the country and everybody will lose now sunday was declared a day of rage against syria and it's very obvious what it's call many to to have people storming a government building and demanding that their leaders quit why is syria now proving so divisive in lebanon. oh this is not the first time the fourteen a marsh lunged against syria they did the same thing in two thousand and five when they actually after the assassination of the later faecal heidi and they were successful at that time too to drive the syria out of lebanon and take over of the
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government i think the situation today is much different from two thousand and five and i would think there is a return for two thousand and five and i think no matter how much they demonstrate or try to topple the government i think when the government ready to go or. go about at this point i don't think the atmosphere and vitamin indicate that they will be successful there's other forces on the street there ready and waiting somewhere if things does not clear up morry things will ask i think at this point they're going to leave it to the army and to the national security to clear the situation if it doesn't clear the way i think not too many people cannot tolerate violence and that this kind of activity that is actually impede their movement of people and the threat then. the livelihood of that country and that very briefly all the persistent accusations against the syrian regime for the beirut bombing how
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grounded are they i mean on the surface it seems to suggest that assad is really provoking another country against him. well obviously we have to this is not new. was against syria and against bashar al assad so this is the same rendition that we heard before we have to weigh them versteeg asian and them for the creation should come quick and swift. but all the acquisition for now aside and let the country heal i think was asian it's a recipe just to take over the country by the marshall fourteen i don't think this is going to happen this time around all right live from beirut waltz new political analyst thank you for your time. and of course keep it here on r t were we will be bringing you all the updates coming out of beirut now in syria itself a similar car explosion has hit damascus killing at least thirteen people and
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wounding dozens of others a taxi rigged with explosives blew off outside a police station in a busy district no one has ever needed the blast which is the latest in a series of deadly bombings in syria's biggest cities in the past few months and previously rebels and al-qaeda linked groups said they were behind such attacks the latest blast came as of the international peace envoy has met the syrian president to try and broker a temporary ceasefire in a civil conflict and dr ali mohamed at the editor in chief of the syria tribe media channel and blog joins me live now thank you so much for being with r.t. now it's not the first time we've seen a spike in violence during major international peace efforts in syria what could those behind this attack really be seeking. very difficult to miss their message they are trying to destroy what they are brahimi is trying to do or do you see there are countries that are not happy about. any success that you go he may have
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and they are trying to destroy this by this violence as you called it now the un peace envoy is currently trying to negotiate a truce for the muslim holiday. that starts next week excuse me if i pronounce that incorrectly now do you think that that's really a feasible deadline. it all depends on the will of the countries backing that up. the rebel groups or all control from the outside if somebody gives money weapons and means of communication this means they can control you and these countries can have that it will cease fire in will in forty eight hours or even less if they are if they have the will so it all depends on these countries and whether or not they have the will to cease fire but dr mohamad you know countries like the u.s. and turkey have formally supported the idea of a ceasefire but just this week on car urged its allies to intervene in syria to prevent a looming humanitarian quote unquote disaster how can calls like this affect the
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troops plan. negatively of course the problem is that and korea lost all credibility it's as one thinks or not today and the other the next day i think ankara is trying to find the most. easy and not easy i mean the way with the least trouble and the least of consequences because they realize that they are alone again intervening in syria behind the scenes and they they are responsible for a lot of the weapons smuggling and money smuggling for the rebels and they want a way out but they just don't know how to do it. seems that the idea hasn't developed well enough in advance of plans now how might the spillover from syria into other countries and particularly in lebanon where we've been broadcasting our live pictures of opposition flags in the crowds people storming through out how might situations like those be used to push for outside intervention which nato and arab league nations have along pushed for. if you want to to think about it with
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some reasoning it shouldn't it should actually be reason for everybody to just stop to giving weapons and money to that i will them to try their best to stop what is happening in syria but of course in politics. hidden agendas are what control such things and if ship people want to take what's happening in lebanon as a pretext to intervene in syria or even in lebanon we have heard calls for international forces to to come to lebanon and to protect the borders there which is which can only mean one thing to bring in syria let's hope that the international players will be wise enough not to do that dr mohammad as a syrian yourself how do you see your country's immediate future. we are still where we are we have been for the past month. the rebels have absolutely no prospect of for achieving what they want all what what can happen at the moment is prolonging the struggle to weaken syria more and more and this is what we are
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serious hope will not happen and we all know now that there will be no. need for these troubles and the chances for international intervention are minimal or something should have just stopped the the circled for blood because the more it goes on the harder it will be for the country to survive all right inside analysis from dr ali mohammed the editor in chief of syria tribe you need a channel and blog thank you because i am now more advantaged weapons have made their way to the syrian rebels raising concerns that some could end up in the hands of islamic extremists opposition activists say they got hold of portable anti-aircraft guns from foreign supporters next hour we take a closer look at the potential fallout of arms smuggling into the conflict torn country. libyan militia men aligned to the defense ministry have shelled the besieged former bastion of x. libyan leader moammar gadhafi now you might find some of the video we're about to
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show you upsetting earlier on saturday clashes around the town of bani walid left twenty six people dead and two hundred wounded the libyan army and a loyalist gunmen have blockaded the town for more than two weeks now accusing gadhafi supporters of kidnappings those inside bani walid say they are suffering severe shortages of food water and medicine political activist. who left him to be around a year ago says the state is heading towards further disarray here after the nato back to evolve. into a model not only of not only for. the militias not of their very well you know what you know. your own cause. also it's you got. your voice. for calling me. evil inside the city you used. to
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live with the consumer believe you are using. all of us to get mean. opposition. is not really covering. the weeds intuition believe. that this example. we succeed in libya so we succeeded in syria. egypt of my point of view. u.s. intelligence says last month's attack on the american consulate in libya was most likely not premeditated or linked to al qaida some washington politicians previously suggested the assault in the city of benghazi left four americans standing wave more about america's troubles howling up in the country this revolution that strongly back to. now more world news coming to you from our team in moscow and that's after the break.
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homeland security now has robot tunas seriously robot fish the drones in the sky spying on you just weren't good enough effect they've revealed that they're going to be using robotic hummingbirds soon who how cute these things can only see you though above the water now during the one percent or less of your life that you spend swimming homeland security will be keeping you safe since nine eleven we've heard ad nauseum that we need to be kept safe so americans have given up their rights but if things got that much safer honestly has any of the stuff ushered in some sort of peaceful utopia no it hasn't the best terrorism prevention would be to not bomb secular regimes in other countries like libya so that some fanatical wackos come to power that would help way more than robotic spy fish i hear a lot of people talk about personal responsibility
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a lot of speeches and yes personal responsibility is a key component of the american way slit people provide for their own defense what is going to protect you more a shotgun under the bed or terminator tune so hey homeland security can of tuna right but i just might be. if.
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you leave. here with our tunes the way clay and i'm karen terror all change more than a hundred thousand people turned out in london to protest against the austerity being wildly imposed scuffles erupted immediately after the march hundreds of protesters broke away and tried to storm the shops saturday's rally in the british capital was organized by trade unions and attracted people from across the country prime minister david cameron recently warned of more tough decisions for the struggling economy party sarah firth was among the crowd so. many people have turned out that message is against the cuts they say have flatlined the economy now there are people from all over life there are no this is worried about
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their they said there are police officers all feed worried about cuts the frontline services in amongst the people is seen many many families are full of course the age range though but they've been affected in some way by the continued cuts might . parents rely on me and i can say can't get worse my son's a steven he's paying the ground here in fees i work in the tree sector and legal aid is being kept so we were very vulnerable people and i won't be able to get the same help from the next year they just protect the rich they protect the interests of the rich i'm a bit of fear in the people who are it now because it's not just britain that mean a thing to the start because they've had a europe wide effect of the euro crisis rumbles all we see will start to get taking great the specially in the last month in spain in greece all across the year you say that people simply saying that they've had enough here in london i would think that possibly into the hundreds of thousands maybe even more that come out to march
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against the austerity. the rally in britain echoed feelings elsewhere in europe with angry crowds gathering in spain and greece tens of thousands of greeks descended on athens as a nation want strike got underway clashing with police in madrid parents teachers and students marched to condemn the imminent government cuts to education and kept three days of industrial action but the hands on the purse strings are moving further away from national capitals with leaders agreeing to give even more powers to brussels with a deal that would bring centralised banking supervision but researcher jerome bruce says no summit will help solve the crisis until it tackles the root cause is one thing we've learned over the past couple of years is that when you're in the u.s. say something about this crisis they usually mean the exact opposite. end of the crisis inside probably means that greece is looking into depression that greece by next year will have contract to the economy with projected well it's going to kill
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you with unemployment stands at twenty five percent but your regions in speed which are demanding secession you have actually new fascist forces on the rise in greece . a move that we haven't seen since the one nine hundred thirty s. so i think really what's happening here is that the press. it actually has been out of these little things are getting a lot worse in the stomach who has to address any of those jobs were problems which include most important. between financial sector which is to be insolvent and a series of these which are. america's main presidential hopefuls get one last chance together on the t.v. to win over voters on monday and the race can be tighter but as we report later this hour it's leaving other parties and independent candidates out of the picture . and big big grrr they guessed. is in line to be the world's largest listed oil producer as britain's b.p.
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plans to get rid of its troubled part in the joint venture. the cia wants to explore expand its fleet of drones and try to top the white house to green light the move earlier this week it would let the pentagon potentially increase its lethal operations abroad including regular strikes in pakistan the cia's request came shortly after new troubling statistics emerged on attacks that officially target militants pakistan's interior minister said that of more than two thousand people killed by american drones eighty percent were civilians off made cooperation from pakistan's first political lobbying group says washington is only creating more militants with its tactics this is a major blow to u.s. diplomacy and position in parks down in this is the first time that you senior official actually come out to say this make this kind of a statement there's no evidence that the drones have actually helped buckstone control the militants on the contrary pakistan has been very much very successful
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lives in the military in flushing out terrorist from the northern region of so wide back in two thousand and nine and clearing cleaning up that entire area and if no we see a resurgence of some of the activity of the terrorist it is because of these safe havens on the what i would call the american side of the board. which is the afghan side of the border ninety six incursions from the of gun territory into pikes done resulting in killing of bucks and you soldiers and bugs and civilians there's all to play for in monday's final and crucial debate between the main u.s. presidential candidates as polls put barack obama and mitt romney neck and neck and while they trade soundbites and jokes on nationwide t.v. again the other contenders are being shafted the margins in green party presidential nominee jill stein and her running mate were arrested this week after trying to make their way to the venue for last chance days debate stand blames the system for locking out nearly a third of the country's population idea coming election green party campaign
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manager ben maskey believes the two party domination is down to outdated laws and corporate control. the reality is that there's nothing in our constitution which prevents a multi-party system from emerging here in the u.s. but we do have laws on the books all across the country and we also have the actions of private corporations that have grown up over the last sixty years to prevent independent parties from challenging the two establishment parties here in the united states the laws that we have in the books prevent or make it very difficult for independent parties to get on the ballot to give voters that choice those laws date from the cold war they date from the mccarthy era in which there was a fear of communism and socialism and they tried to make it very difficult for progressive parties in particular to emerge here at the green party we have overcome many of those challenges joel stein is on eighty five percent of the ballots yet they're still preventing her from taking part in the debate if you look at the success of the green party despite all the obstacles we face it says that there is a great demand for the greens people vote for the greens here in the u.s.
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it emerged this week that a new company could take the title of being the world's biggest listed oil producer and it could be russian giant that's now after britain's b.p. moved toward selling its fifty percent stake of its joint venture in russia t.n.t. b.p. in return b.p. gets fifteen percent of. nafta and around seventeen billion dollars in cash a state owned oil major actually wants to get its hands on all of a b.p. and is apparently holding talks with its other shareholders if side of the overall deal is set to become the second biggest oil agreement ever. and your top dog and global oil is bound to have some ramifications in the global industry and our two dotcoms business section outlines what they could be. up ahead where and columbia for a new goal trash sticker. a
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sacred place rising out of the waters of the lake the lawn ministry's home two hundred fifty orthodox monks mostly younger than thirty five and they've come from many different places and backgrounds to live in isolation here spiritual life it takes up many hours on the road to becoming a monk requires both hard work and religious to the cation. to become and herds cattle as part of this preparation. however these beasts get a musical company. they can remember sound sequences you know they want to the sound signals the flutes the herders had in the old days they needed them it wasn't just for fun but these metals didn't come naturally requiring decades of composting to bring the soil up to farming standard. this island is mostly rock. the soil here is very thin and the monks can't just get more of it because that
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surrounded by the lake so they have to work very hard in order to provide whatever food they need. they grow their own crops on their own fish and repair their own churches. but the central purpose of alarm has always been religious the main ministries surrounded by smaller priories spread through the many archipelago the monks here know their existence is a little different from that of other ministries here we are out of the way and we do have. bill creams and song times tourists as we're. always. trying clearly to use. this the. combination of high religion and down to earth hard work that motivates these men.
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as in most of the mines in segovia have passed into the hands of citizens who established small companies and exploited them for many years now. at the mine one hundred thirty workers bring the or to the surface like ants carrying it on their backs from a depth of three hundred meters. or out by the sack.


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