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tv   [untitled]    October 22, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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government telling its militias continue the blockade and shelling of levy as opposition stronghold of bani walid and more details live in just a moment. away want to read this week's lebanon following closures between police and anti-government protests over the killing of a top security official. and also the south's foreign policies in focus as barack obama i'm a troll new gear up for the final pre-election debate with some observers saying there's no difference in that view of america's role in the world on the special in-depth coverage of the presidential race is coming up.
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this is all c. coming to you live from moscow hello and welcome to the program the ongoing standoff has intensified in libya where government militias continue to surround the michael duffy stronghold of bani walid fierce clashes in the outskirts of the city have left at least twenty people dead and more than three hundred injured and also he's every now going to joins us now live from tel aviv good morning arena so we also have the latest developments in the ongoing crisis. but this point we know that the fighting seems to have moved to the outskirts of the town it is raging on for the fifth day in a row began after the government forces have accused the well as of been what leader of hiding it a man who at the government forces are seen as responsible for the death of a well known and to gadhafi rebel hence they decided to do us stormed the town
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accusing people who alleged they're shooting at this. man and afterwards we're having we're into your that this day are the fighting now the people who are there on the ground are saying that the clashes in fact have turned so why isn't that why a lot of friends just occasions by a lot of ways that actually reminds of the massacre actually know that in the process the younger son of moammar gadhafi was killed as well on sunday and i'll tell listen to what the people who were actually in bentley when all of this was going down has to tell. i have of course from my family in this told me that the situation there right there is really horrible the. heart of all of. everywhere in the city the civilians building our fallen even the ha's with oh we don't have a lot of medicine right now the house and the hospital keep in the and the people out with a three week there's no food. but only because of the militias that it's around but
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already the clothes and the roads that it is the food industry all there are women benoit from the three sides they use the house that and the rockets and the guys with guns and i actually found even the guy that had gotten out of the hospital clearly that the civilians the bomb with the guards. and of course. that's not pulling these records. on two hundred people in tripoli have gone on to march towards the government building demanding the end to the siege of ben well you know but of course they were meant to york with an overwhelming police force there were other army forces who. were who started firing of the head of the crowd of heavy weaponry that dispersing the demonstration against the. against the. leader in this manner so it's been exactly one year since
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the death of moammar gadhafi what kind of state is the country in right now. well the country is the most the very sorry say that it was a little bit after the death of moammar gadhafi and that is the state of disarray again we have fighting breaking out sporadically from time to time in various places there is still several so-called hot pockets of but you could not his supporters throughout the country then we have to throw government. armed groups and then of course there is the appearance of the. various other groups which aren't going anywhere. and of course in the midst of all of this your will have to remember not so long ago and sacked. ambassador joe libya was killed in what is now described as an actual terrorist attack in the plot that was designed with the purpose of killing u.s. officials that you have a country which for about a year now has been in a state of complete and utter chaos with fighting continuing and people continuing
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dying on a daily basis and of course the latest does deja bani walid going on for the fifth day in a row with. the. deaths of civilians as well as spiders is a prime example of what is happening in libya right now going to reporting there live from tel aviv irina thank you very much indeed for that update. process in lebanon have a. early monday falling we can clashes between police and demonstrators and the country's northern city of tripoli armed clashes have left one person dead and eight wounded the rest began on sunday one security forces used tear gas to contain crowds of protesters trying to storm government headquarters the country's opposition blamed syria for the comp last that killed lebanon's top general they say their government which is close to the regime in damascus could have. been a political analyst. investigation is needed before any blame is laid.
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apparently no one is waiting for the investigation everyone is really in a rush to accuse and this is very unfortunate there's a tension in lebanon between two groups you see one group in lebanon on support of the opposition or the armed rebel groups in syria another group does not support the opposition group and in the middle is the prime minister who is trying to say that lebanon is neutral towards the crisis in syria. with the assassination of general who is close to the fourteenth of march and therefore close to the group that supports. the prime minister is in a difficult the situation and he is very close to resigning and this will create. chaos the criminal investigation has not. only started you know and well this has been a trend in lebanon it's the same trend. prime minister how it was in two thousand and five and others were assassinated afterwards there was also all this kind of a rush to use the outcome for political purposes and accusations
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that are based on political interests not based on the findings of an independent judicial body so this is happening again in lebanon today. well just over two weeks left until america votes all she is tracking the race for the white house with our in-depth coverage of the presidential election barack obama and to be true many are tied in the polls ahead of their third and final debate on monday focusing on foreign policy. looks now into whether the really view the u.s. role in the world differently. as we're waiting for the debate on foreign policy the last debate before the election on november the sixth many see it as the make or break point for both campaigns because president obama and governor romney have so far been running neck and neck but whoever is elected america's next commander in chief will take on the same old foreign policy mission and that is to expand the country's influence in the world but is there that much daylight between the
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candidates let's try and find out when the rhetoric of the romney team leaves no doubt that he advocates of more intrusive u.s. foreign policy we have to show strength in america that's perceived as weak as one that would be despised the one thing we all fear the most is a weak america with campbell brown and an image of america the current administration is also striving for a robust america in their own way we came resawing died. when folks mess with americans we go after them as the arab spring are full that the obama administration jumped on the bandwagon of the revolutions hoping to forge better all lines is the new leaders. while prompting the change with airstrikes and arms supplies when anti-american protests spread across the muslim world some asked whether it's time for the u.s. to stop meddling in the middle east and north africa i don't see how how we could ever talk about divorcing ourselves from the region if
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a no other reason given the push in us policy you still have two primary drivers in terms of national interest and that is oil and israel president obama has shown allies like israel under the bus these three leaders open saber rattling towards iran's hysteric some tension with the white house it's clear the american people don't want to know the costly and devastating war based on phony red lines but should israel decide to attack what would the two candidates do differently if it were to happen i don't think there's going to be much difference ultimately i understand and share this or not you know who's insistence that iran should not obtain a nuclear weapon my red line is iran may not have a nuclear weapon iran is a nuclear nation is unacceptable the united states president obama said exactly the same thing regarding obama's pivot into asia there's not much daylight between him and romney either the policy involves expanding u.s. military presence to act as a counterbalance against china's growing power and to advance u.s.
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interests in asia pacific candidate romney showed a willingness to take that pivot to another level ramping up the pressure on beijing i'll crack down on china having been stuck in this cold war mentality he sees the world in very black and white terms so russia is a so china is a foe it's almost as if the cold war war never ended and that regard the pivot toward asia makes perfect sense to mr romney and i really don't think he would change anything in the rhetoric is the issue the the presence of subtlety or the lack of subtlety is a primary difference between mr romney and mr obama in relations with russia unlike romney for whom russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe president obama avoids cold war rhetoric after all you don't call russia our number one enemy. not all qaeda russia. unless you're still stuck in
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a cold war mind warp despite a more forthcoming official attitude the ministration indicated that they would still forge ahead with plans to build a missile shield close to russia it's a longstanding sore point in the relations between the two countries moscow has many times suggested resulting the issue by building the shields together to no avail. i spoke with former bush administration official colonel lawrence wilkerson and asked him whether a change in the oval office could mean a drastic change in the way america deals with the world is a marvelous consistency in american foreign policy whether it's wrong headed which it has been much sense especially in one thousand nine hundred ninety the end of the cold war. but there is a marvelous consistency to it and that's because foreign policy is foreign policy and security so presidents say one thing and then come in and get briefed and they do another thing generally what they do is much like what the other party would do well even despite the consistency that the u.s. foreign policy has shown over the years during the debate the candidates still have
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to outline their differences they can't just say good evening ladies and gentlemen we both agree on pretty much everything so let's call it a night we have tom hartman here mr harding thanks for joining me my pleasure the host of the big picture show on our t.v. when attacking. governor romney the obama campaign has this line and i heard it many times they say governor romney what would you do differently as if knowing and saying that as the president of the united states he would do exactly the same what do you think well. i think that we have a choice between the iron fist of american empire and we have a the largest military in the world it's larger than the accumulated militaries of the whole rest of the planet at least in terms of budget and so there's that iron fist which is what romney would project or at what he has said let's go back to the cold war let's be bellicose let's threaten people with a war or do we put a velvet glove over the iron fist which is basically been the obama policy you know we'll help you out a little bit will be we'll talk conciliatory but get out of the way and the drone
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is going to drop a bomb on your head what do you expect from this debate monday night romney will basically say whatever he thinks it's going to take to get himself elected that's the problem he's got two constituencies basically that he's been appealing to want is basically old white male constituency. well his age people there fifty's sixty's seventy's who remember the cold war we still have that mentality who are who are very much in favor of the naked iron fist of american foreign policy and he's got to reach out to those people and obama doesn't have to historically has not and yet at the same time he knows that you know there's this younger generation that at least would like the velvet glove thank you mr harper thank you so as we watch the debate the questions are the two candidates different more in style than substance i'm going to check on i'll certainly be right here after the debate trying to answer that question and also every monday will be zooming into one issue one big issue right now a series of pre-election reports make sure you don't miss that thanks for watching
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. parts of presidential candidates taking on the debates between. but she's helping break the blockade by offering their names on the ballot a platform for discussion and you can watch the event live in america oh no website all day. this presidential election is not just about obama and romney there are also third party candidates on the ticket and they will influence its outcome see a debate about this nation's major third party candidates right here on our t.v. october twenty third. the strained silence of the desert just ahead report on the last part of the office approach as a way to continuously child at home and bluntly ignored
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a. new wave of separatism is expected in that stricken spain as program dependent policy is when it came to a trial action this story and much more rational. than the legacy no one should be proud. of scrap metal littering pristine arctic landscape building stilton over their foundation pipes spewing black smoke over the snow covered peaks the traces of the soviet industrial activity on the burgen archipelago don't make a pretty picture of the guiding principle here is the worse the better that can do nine hundred eighty s. daryn's work was a burgeoning mining community that the soviet union was determined to maintain it all costs strategically located halfway between north america and western europe
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this busy bergen archipelago is part of norway but a special status that allows other countries to set up industrial bases here in the middle of the cold war it served as the us is ours westernmost outpost now it's one of the soviet union's last preserved relics. bag. essentially a picture of what would have happened to the soviet union if it was cut off from any financial support for two decades it's a curious site for western tourists and i think it could be even more appealing for russian travel as the local administration is increasingly under pressure to bring the infrastructure up to more than standards if these modernization efforts are not very popular with tourists if you come into a very authentic place like bond spoke i think it should stay the way it is that would be my wish i mean that's the part of the let you know authentic traditionally up. i should not i would not like to have it in a shiny condition to be honest this time to change even for the better is not
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always good for business something that even a local band has become attuned to when they try to add morning russian songs to die repertoire the audience called the wanted to hear it was a song comfortably familiar. north of last terrorist attack. x. hostages blunders into their lives after the tragedy. still gives try to cross out the past. because their future.
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served by terrorism ten years on our team. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tard barker's a big picture. this is as he welcomed back pro independence passes one actions and spain's boss country with the results expected to spark more talk of separatism the proud independence kind of that has secured that second largest majority in the region thirty four years they're winning but the party has to address the country's economic problems
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that's up to describing the trade as a brake on the development of the region in its manifesto for the tree comes weeks ahead of the election catalonia the wealthiest part of spain that's recently seen massive separatism rise to comics blogger gonzalo says the financial crisis is at the core poles of land. with economic problems and economic discontent you have the urge to split away from the majority because you feel that the majority as a minority you feel that the majority is not cognizant of your problems as are helping you to overcome and it's a certain kind of blinders that the minorities will out that they feel that they are not being taken care of when in fact everybody suffer equally and this is the case in spain everybody is suffering under the sea and step by step alone but each independent region each of you just on this region feels a day in particular are being made to suffer or its impact the entire country that sort of huge unemployment issue in spain the fifty percent youth unemployment and
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twenty five percent adult unemployment and the problem of these far away in crisis that spain faces which is not going to have a happy ending and which is going to require drastic cuts. and just general eyes. of the country that's why you seem so what's your shirt and shorts political gains for independents. and some other world news in brief you this hour egyptian authorities have frozen the assets of the country's prime minister and presidential race runner up ahmed shah big this comes after state media reported that should pick is due to go on trial in december boy alleged corruption a former confidante of the ousted president hosni mubarak shafiq left egypt soon after losing out on the country's top job this summer he says all of the against him are politically motivated. israel's prime minister has vowed to continue the construction of settlements in east jerusalem this comes despite palestinian objections that the area is part of the capital of a future separate state the us foreign policy slams the building plan as
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destructive to peace efforts in the region. and south korean troops and police have blocked activists from sending propaganda leaflets into north korea after pyongyang threatened a merciless military response seoul mobilized army units and prepared articulations from the area near the demilitarized zone after the north announced it could fire on a group which was looking to send two hundred thousand flyers into the communist country young described as an unacceptable display of psychological. over one hundred people have been injured in the capital of kuwait as police stepped in to break up a series of anti regime rallies tens of thousands of flooded the streets in various parts of the city and headed towards government headquarters but were met by tear gas and stun grenades the protest was sparked by a reform of electoral law which the opposition called a constitutional coupe claiming it would significantly its chances of winning the
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parliamentary paul opposition activists have urged kuwaitis to boycott the election . process against the ruling family i.q. us ally great. but eric draitser from stop in paris dot com things happen to track it enough international attention because a washington state teacher interest in keeping the regime. well kuwait has long been a client state of the united states and more and more kuwait plays a. central role in the g.c.c. the gulf cooperation council kuwait is being used as a weapon by the us a foothold in the region along the persian gulf and kuwait continues to fill that role it's a country that we don't hear so much about in the headlines but it is very much part and parcel of us a gemini in the middle east the the western media which is controlled by the same interests which control wall street the western media it's not in their interest to tell the story of bahrain or kuwait in bahrain the united states has military
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interests as well as political and propaganda interests bahrain is a client of the saudis which is in turn a client of the united states kuwait similarly is also a quiet state and for that reason you don't hear about rampant human rights abuses you don't hear about the attack on working people the way you do in places like libya or syria which were long since on the u.s. get lists. and dimitris next to it business high that so b.p. is apparently selling is taking ten k.b.p.s. and ted so who's the. well apparently is rosneft that's according to media reports the companies involved so far not confirming there's actually a deal already in place but they're saying that the talks are basically in the final phase well the financial times and commerce and have been reporting that b.p. could get around to twenty seven billion dollars for its fifty percent stake in the . media for the needs of just from twelve to seventeen billion expected to come in
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cash while the rest will be paid with ross never shares which would be equal to thirteen or twenty percent of the company depending on what the cash injection will be. meanwhile b.p. confirms indeed that it's in advanced discussions with rosneft adding that no final agreement has yet been reached earlier if you decided to quit its russian venture due to a shareholder dispute with local partners and now rosneft is also expected to acquire the rest of the one hundred percent of it and become the biggest publicly traded oil producer in the world. all right well we are actually actively following what's happening with shares of course today is take a look at what's happening so far in japan it's moved back into positive territory of the report saying that exports went down to ten percent in the past month which has caused many leading exporters like mitsubishi go down over in the united states we've had
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a huge crash with the dow jones. declining one half and two percent respectively that's up to google released its preliminary earnings forecast disappointing investors and causing tech shares to slump apple losing three percent over on the currencies market the euro continues to gain against the dollar as the housing market has reported disappointing results slumping sales for the secondary market and the russian ruble as you can see that is weakening against the euro. and over on the commodities market light sweet and brant coming back off two week lows with the demand concerns still in place and the russian markets this is how they started trading the r.t.s. my six went down half a percent there's no exceptions down around half a percent despite the news that it's basically all in final stages of this dialogue with b.p.
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and that's from us we will be back around fifty five minutes time coming up next season's of your program. there who are on the rise. for the dismissal of the feds offensive. action for a total of twenty seconds on a. nuclear fallible side. radioactive fallout of government betrayal of the government. and lauded and lauded and claude
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how can the truth be revealed if there's no official evidence there was indeed a very bright danger to the servicemen concerned who were given no problem protection and to the people of this country generally because all right you like the fall of. the secrets of the u.k.'s nuclear tests it's. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images being from the streets of canada. corporations are today. sure is that so much given to each musician on the mark when it's
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a little over a year ago turkey was being heralded as the new leader in mali for the most important on many turks the.
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foreign minister scorpions and thank you very much for sitting down with r.t. well it's a pleasure iceland has recovered remarkably well following the two thousand and eight global financial crisis can you briefly describe to me how iceland came out of the circumstance they found themselves in in two thousand and eight when you write we were the first.


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