tv [untitled] October 22, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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all. pro-government militias in libya keep up their deadly assault and seizure on colonel gadhafi his former stronghold of bani walid with reports that chemical gas is being used. america's global position is the template for obama and romney's final turn on t.v. but the two timing in the polls and voters having a tough time telling them apart r.t. has in-depth coverage. and fresh unrest reported in beirut with five people injured after a weekend of violent clashes sparked by the assassination of a senior lebanese intelligence official. crosses the roof yes although it's one of
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the biggest deals of the decade now consisting of two poles and well over sixty billion dollars on the couple of the details about twenty minutes time if this one it's only going to. come to r.t. this monday the seven o'clock here in moscow and i'm karen taraji libyan pro-government militias are continuing to pound the besieged town of bani walid towns the standoff over the gadhafi stronghold intensifies there are claims that chemical gas is being used amid fierce clashes in the outskirts of the town that have killed over twenty people and left many more wounded hundreds of terrified families have left their homes and has more details it seems like we find out something more and more terrible details every coming hour or so we know right now that there is the traces and while lead in its eighteenth day all of your being
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under. pressure from the pro-government forces it's getting worse tell you how many people on the ground and they have given us the upper right of this mission for us describing just how the. situation is in a former gadhafi stronghold where out of a very very proud of it in order to get their government. there are probably. more there so i would go. there at the border but for those who can afford it but at the book. coming or going with anything obviously there are people reporting that had me weaponries been used that there have been reports talking about some sort of gas also being used on the residents of the town you've seen it for yourself model over the place people body parts sure enough it's the situation seems to be getting worse and worse and the fighting seems to be densify and there have been residents of the town of then you finally who are now in tripoli they
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marched on the government headquarters to protest the siege of their hometown and they were just friends by the security personnel for firing. live ammunition heavy weaponry in the air they were also protests and been gaz the people they are storm to television station which is that they're only an american owned television channel because they did not like equatorial of the events that are happening and money value of just the recent months there has been an attack on a u.s. embassy in which the bastard or west killed so you have these hotspots where you still have some of the gadhafi supporters you also have obviously the brown government troops by troops fighting with them and then of course we must not forget about these groups which are all zones radically spread out all of the which are links to al qaeda there is absolutely no order there is chaos and nobody can tell you when exactly it's going to stop and how are to spoken to one man a little a whose family isn't bani walid he asked us not to reveal his identity because he's
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scared for their safety. i have of course from my family in they told me that the situation there right there is really horrible there is a horrible attack with all kinds of. everywhere in the city the civilians building our fallen down even the benoit hospital we don't have a lot of medicine right now the house the hospital keep in the wounded people outside from the hospital three weeks that there is no food can go inside but only because of the militias that it's around but nobody the clothes and the rolls that it is the food in the few all there are women benoit from the three sides they used to house that the rockets and the guys weapons and i actually found even a gas mask because the reports of the hospital says very clearly that the civilians there have been bombing today guys. on rest also continues in lebanon was a fresh exchange of fire reported in the capital it's a weekend violent protest sparked by killing of
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a top security official which many blame on neighboring syria but in a few minutes one expert tells us it's too dangerous to trust such conclusions. if final t.v. showdown is looming for barack obama and mitt romney they're running neck and neck right now and are expected to ramp up the rhetoric to secure those much needed last minute belt's foreign policy will be in the frame later on monday and as part of our coverage cam looks at how much difference there really is between the two candidates. as we're waiting for the debate on foreign policy the last debate before the election on november the sixth many see it as the make or break point for both campaigns because president obama and governor romney have so far been running neck and neck but whoever is elected america's next commander in chief will take on the same old foreign policy mission and that is to expand the country's influence in the world but is there that much daylight between the candidates let's try and find out what the rhetoric of the romney team leaves no doubt that he advocates of more intrusive u.s.
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foreign policy we have to show strength in america that's this week is one that will be despite the one thing we all fear the most is a weak america with. an image of america the current administration is also striving for a robust america in their own way we came we saw he died. when folks mess with americans we go after the arab spring on full that the obama administration jumped on the bandwagon of the revolutions hoping to forge better all lined with the new leaders. while prompting the change with airstrikes and arms supplies when anti-american protests spread across the muslim world some asked whether it's time for the u.s. to stop meddling in the middle east and north africa i don't see how how we could ever talk about divorcing ourselves from the region if a no other reason given the push in us policy you still have two primary drivers in
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terms of national interest and that is oil and israel president obama has said on allies like israel under the bus these three leaders open saber rattling toll words in french history or some tension with the white house it's clear the american people don't want another costly and devastating war based on a phony red line but should israel decides to attack what would the two candidates do differently if it were to happen i don't think there's going to be much difference ultimately i understand and share this or not you know who's insistence that iran should not obtain a nuclear weapon my red line is iran may not have a nuclear weapon iran is a nuclear nation is unacceptable the united states president obama said exactly the same thing regarding obama's pivot into asia there's not much daylight between him and romney either the policy involves expanding u.s. military presence to act as a counterbalance against china's growing power and to advance u.s. interests in asia pacific candidate romney showed
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a willingness to take that pivot to another level ramping up the pressure on beijing i'll crack down on china having been stuck in this cold war mentality he sees the world in very black and white terms so russia is a foe china is a foe it's almost as if the cold war war never ended and that regard the pivot toward asia makes perfect sense to mr romney and i really don't think he would change anything the rhetoric is the issue the the presence of subtlety or the lack of subtlety is a primary difference between mr romney and mr obama in relations with russia on. like romney for whom russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe president obama avoids cold war rhetoric after all you don't call russia our number one enemy. not all kind of russia. unless you're still stuck in a cold war mind warp despite a more forthcoming official attitude gratian indicated that they would still forge
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ahead with plans to build a missile shield close to russia it's a longstanding sore point in the relations between the two countries moscow has many times suggest it resolving the issue by building the shills together to no avail. i spoke with former bush administration official colonel lawrence wilkerson and asked him whether a change in the oval office could mean a drastic change in the way america deals with the world is a marvelous consistency in american foreign policy whether it's wrong headed which it has been much sense especially in one thousand nine hundred ninety the end of the cold war. but there is a marvelous consistency to it and that's because foreign policy is foreign policy and security so presidents say one thing and then come in and get briefed and they do another thing generally what they do is much like what the other party would do well even despite the consistency that the u.s. foreign policy has shown over the years during the debate the candidates still have to outline their differences they can't just say good evening ladies and gentlemen
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we both agree on pretty much everything so let's call it a night we have tom hartman here mr harding thanks for joining me my pleasure the host of the big picture show on our t.v. one attacking. governor romney the obama campaign has this line and i heard it many times they say governor romney what would you do differently as if knowing and saying that as the president of the united states he would do exactly the same what do you think well. i think that we have a choice between the iron system american empire and we have the largest military in the world it's larger than the accumulated militaries of the whole rest of the planet at least in terms. budget and so there's that iron fist which is what romney would project or at what he has said let's go back to the cold war let's be bellicose let's threaten people with a war or do we put a velvet glove over the iron fist which is basically been the obama policy of you know we'll help you out a little bit will be we'll talk conciliatory but get out of the way of the drone is going to drop
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a bomb on your head what do you expect from this debate monday night romney will basically say whatever he thinks it's going to take to get himself elected that's the problem he's got two constituencies basically that he's been appealing to one is the basically old white male constituency people his age people in the fifty's sixty's seventy's who remember the cold war who still have that mentality who are who are very much in favor of the naked iron fist of american foreign policy and he's got to reach out to those people and obama doesn't have to historically has not and yet at the same time he knows that you know there's this younger generation that at least would like the velvet thank you mr herman thank you but you're going so as we watch the debate the questions through friends are the two candidates different morning style than substance i'm going to check and i'll certainly be right here after the debate try to answer that question and also every monday will be zooming into one issue one big issue right now and series of pre-election reports make sure you don't miss that thanks for watching turning on the t.v.
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most americans are faced with a two horse race but it's not the full story there are other options in artie's helping keep helping those rather known as the third party candidates get some air time and get voters a choice i'll take the stand live right here on r.t.e. with thom hartmann to guide you through. this presidential election is not just about obama and romney there are also third party candidates on the ticket and they will influence its outcome see a debate among this nation's major third party candidates right here on our t.v. like over twenty third. there is trouble in kuwait where police have fired tear gas and made mass arrests and says tens of thousands protested against electoral reform which they say will
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block opposition voices out of government we reported shortly. and pro independence progress in spain's basque region where a separatist party's victory is likely to spur breakaway calls for anger with national austerity that's all coming up after the break. the sun rises over what seems like analyst forest to hear in the new directions cry for hundred kilometers north of light of all stop as much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. bloggers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system filing down the forests of the more risky region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy the forest is enormous and our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our
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dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out and move silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander someone in ca has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single. group of loggers it's easier to work when snow falls but in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that these twelve the tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're legal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he is overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the promoter ski region and the w w f says the government isn't doing enough to stop it. no
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one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone what will the people who live after. it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change in the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature washers that's a much different you should be said is there a bearing on your part when turkey getting out ahead a little over a year ago turkey was being hailed as the new leader in model for the muslim world on many turks the. welcome back to our team with me. all investigators say a leading russian opposition figure has handed himself into police and admit it took wanting mass riots in the country. has now been arrested that's after
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a recent documentary aired in russia which claimed opposition members received millions of dollars from georgia to cause mass unrest more details now from parties tom barton tal who else is being implicated in this confession or. well count a small group of up. tester's has gathered here outside the investigative committee in moscow in support of leonard ross was he and also to protest about this ten page confession that say's that he helped to organize violence in a protest in opposition protest on may the sixth and that he was funded by georgian politicians. he says however that he was kidnapped from the ukraine and was tortured the investigative committee say that they did not tortured him and that he wrote that confession himself this to and fro argument follows
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after a recent documentary was aired on russian television which was targeted at another opposition figure surrogate without saw the documentary featured secret camera footage and it said in it that all doubt soft amongst others had plotted to cause mass and rest not just on rest in the may the sixth and may the sixth processed and in collusion with georgian officials attempt a violent overthrow of the russian government. without saw from self has also been arrested in the investigation that followed he has agreed to stay in russia until that investigation is complete the investigation into what happened in the protests that turned violent on may the sixth is continuing after both police and protesters there were accused of whiners. all around our. developments the
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live from moscow thank you tom. after three years toiling in opposition pro independence parties are back in power in spain's basque region separatism calls are now expected to grow louder with madrid's austerity being the first in the firing. he winning bass nationalist party described mariano rajoy as government as a brake on development in the region and vows to put its economy back on track there are more elections in a few weeks when the wealthiest regional catalonia that's an area that's also seeing growing separatist sentiment economics will other gonzalo lead us as ailing finances and rising costs are why these regions want to go it alone. with the economic problems and economic discontent you have the urge to split away from the majority because you feel that the majority as a minority you feel that the majority is not cognizant of your problems is not helping you to overcome and it's a certain kind of blinders that the minorities will allow that they feel that they
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are not being taken care of when in fact everybody suffer equally and this is the case in spain everybody suffering under the sea and stuff. but each independent region each of you just on this region feels a particular are being made to suffer or it seems like the entire country to be a huge unemployment issue in spain fifty percent youth unemployment and twenty five percent joe adult unemployment and the problem of these. crisis that spain faces which is not going to have a happy ending and which is going to require drastic cuts. and just a generalized economic reboot of the country and that's why you're seeing so much protest and also a trickle of people gains from the independents because. it's a marriage that the deadly earthquake in spain last year could well have been men main online as we report on the new research that claims water extraction for disturbing a fault line eventually leaving nine people dead and hundreds homeless. in the
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classics condensed is it possible to tell tolstoy's war and peace and one hundred forty characters all twitter thinks you can and has a fiction festival to try and prove that. lebanese troops and gunmen have reportedly exchanged fire in the capital beirut wounding five people there's been a week. the violence across the country sparked by the assassination of a senior intelligence official gen hassan who was a strong critic of syria's president assad was killed in a car bombing in beirut friday the opposition known as the march the fourteenth alliance blames damascus and the lebanese government for the killing of protesters demanding a prime minister's resignation police fired tear gas to push back crowds trying to storm the government building and at least five people were killed in the clashes political analyst kamel walls and he says the opposition is using the syrian conflict for its own political gain and its lebanon into chaos. this is not a new it's always the accusation was against syria against bashar last so this is
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the same. we heard before we have to wave them first to get them as the patient should come and swerved. all the acquisition for now and. the country here i think. it's a recipe just to take all over the country by the marshall for the i don't think this is going to happen this time around this. otherwise we're probably heading for very difficult. very elaborate on and i don't know who's going to be accountable for a thing for dean of marsh. if they continue the violence because this will lead to a destruction to the country and to the stability of the country and everybody will lose over a hundred people have been injured in kuwait when police used tear gas and stun
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grenades to break up a series of anti regime rally tens of thousands turned out any capital against torah law reform which the opposition falls a constitutional kuku which would significantly hamper its chances of winning december's parliamentary vote and reforms were announced after the. parliament which. that's dominated by the opposition protests against the ruling also family which is a key u.s. ally have regularly erupted for over a year but eric draitser from south and perilous and dot com thinks they're not getting international attention because of washington strategic interest in keeping the regime in power. while kuwait has long been a client state of the united states and more and more kuwait plays a. central role in the g.c.c. the gulf cooperation council kuwait has been used as a weapon by the us as a foothold in the region along the persian gulf and kuwait continues to fill that role it's a country that we don't hear so much about in the headlines but it is very much
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part and parcel of us a gemini in the middle east the the western media which is controlled by the same interests which control wall street the western media it's not in their interest to tell the story of bahrain or kuwait in bahrain the united states has military interests as well as political and propaganda interests bahrain is a client of the saudis which is in turn a client of the united states kuwait similarly is also a client state and for that reason you don't hear about rampant human rights abuses you don't hear about the attack on working people the way you do in places like libya or syria which were long since on the u.s. hit list. all right let's now take a look at some other world news headlines this hour there's been a violent demonstration outside of kosovo's government assembly building in the count at all with dozens of people arrested there angry at you sponsored talks to improve relations with serbia and sustaining there should be no meeting with belgrade while it continues to claim sovereignty kosovo declared independence in
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two thousand and eight following better conflicts during the break up of yugoslavia . israel's killed two palestinian soldiers in an air raid in northern gaza which it claims is in response to militants firing mortars at their troops one of the dead men belong to hamas but the other is not an identified a hamas as legitimacy will get a boost with the first visit of a foreign leader sensitive power five years ago the mere of qatar's trip is seen as a step towards breaking a mouse's global isolation. time for business and one of the biggest deals of the decade has been sealed today kate is at the business desk tell us more and yeah rolf nast will pay over sixty billion dollars to buy. largest oil producer kate be paid international major b.p. will get twelve billion dollars in cash and about twenty percent of stock for its half of the company. explains the math of b.p.'s side of the. the
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deal is shaping up to look like it's got two steps that rush left is going to pay b.p. just over seventeen billion dollars in cash as well as provide some twelve point eight four percent of shares of the russian state oil company to b.p. the second part of the deal is going to see b.p. use some four point eight billion dollars of the cash that ross nets are paying them in order to buy more shares of ross nash so eventually that should end up with b.p. owning just under twenty percent of shares nineteen point seven five percent to be exact of rosneft chavez. and now are to use the pole explains how the deal will change the global energy industry as a whole. you can see behind me rose near on the kremlin and this deal has been cooked up on the russian side by those troops to the boy anyone's reckoning it is a sizable field the biggest in russian think it is the third biggest worldwide ever
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eagle searching the c.e.o. role as we have says people sixty one billion dollars more in the form of tea and paper. it will create the world's largest publicly traded oil form with that in perspective expanded rosneft will have twenty seven billion pounds of presidential mobiles twenty five billion all petro china is twenty two billion euros or change the face of the industry here in russia grows up to seventy five percent by the state whereas ten p.p.p. is privately or so the acquisition is an effective renationalisation the pulse of the oil industry and some of the chaotic properties ation program that took place in the ninety's it's also in keeping with president putin's plan to create national champions in strategically important said to with nearly fifty percent of the country's oil output the in-laws laws will certainly be done now the deal will
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increase overall sassed debt but invest far as investors in the markets all concerned i can say the stock today at some point was up over five and a half or says investors seem all that excited about the whole thing with that minus have a look at the russian close today because the markets did indeed manage to close off in a positive churches today rocephin is one of the top performers but incidentally a pe in london was one of the it was before most of the die now the russian currency that ended up she fully gets the basket today meanwhile the euro continues to rebound to the u.s. markets now trading in the second hour right now and it's reasonably flat as you can see just are investors awaiting a bunch of third quarter cooper results including apple which is getting us here because new i pads coming out. the part is smaller doesn't size and that's going to the european markets and because it wasn't super bad today that is the spanish prime minister he's a clever one of the we still a let's see this uprising giving
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a base to his and starts masses outsize means take it wasn't a bad acid site it was recently bought for the doctors the office said dr oz on the other side for now kind of a back end of on our side with. all right well i will be here but i'm sure everybody does look forward to i think i can. and after a short break to stay tuned peter lavelle and his guests discuss whether turkey has the will or the wherewithal to regain the influence it had when it was at the heart of the ottoman empire at some crosstalk. sigrid laboratory to mccurry was easy to believe in its most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans in green this is why you should care what you're only on the r g dog all.
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