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tv   [untitled]    October 22, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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tonight artie pro-government militias in libya keep up their deadly assault and see john colonel gadhafi former stronghold of bani walid with reports that chemical gas is being you can. pressure unrest reported in beirut with five injured there after a weekend of violent clashes sparked by the assassination of a senior lebanese intelligence official. plus america's global position is the topic for barbara romney's final turn on t.v. tonight with the two target the polls and vote is having a tough time telling them apart because it covers. buses the energy giant has announced one of the biggest still. now consisting of key parts what around
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sixty billion dollars i'm going to go to all the details that are going on but about time in the biggest benefit. hello very good evening live and direct from moscow at ten pm this is r t with me kev you know in our top story this libyan pro-government militias are continuing to pound the besieged town of bani walid as the standoff over the gadhafi stronghold intensifies there are claims now the chemical gas is being used to mid fierce clashes on the outskirts of the town they've killed over twenty and left many more wounded hundreds of terrified families to. the details we're getting reports somebody will lead a town which essentially has been besieged by the pro-government forces for eighteen days straight. the last five days have been marred by very intense fire
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exchanged now residents of the town that we have been in contact with say that they're now starting to run out of food water medical supplies there they're saying that the town has been shelled nonstop essentially that the pro-government forces are being extremely brutal in that they are attempting to almost smoke people out of the town one of the men that we have spoken to talk to about the pro-government forces using some sort of chemical gas all of the residents of the body while the let's have a listen to what else he has to say out of a. book . are better the book. on t.v. has also obtained what appears to be a fax from one of the hospitals in bani walid which seems to confirm the fact that
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the patients are indeed suffering from the toxic gas poisoning again this fax has not been independently verified but it is believed to be written and signed by the doctors in one of the hospitals who are saying that the patients are suffering from difficulties in breathing the secretions and didn't in heart rate the reaction in libya to the fighting which has been going on in bani walid of course is the extreme and now we have people that are used starting to pull out of the hilltop town there are literally we're hearing reports of people lining up almost only outskirts of the of bani walid trying to get out we're also hearing of course the reports about former residents of bani walid who have marched on the government building in the capital tripoli demanding that the government stop the seizure of bani walid they were dispersed by our use of firearms which were fired in the air there was also a case in. in gaza where people have attacked and of ransacked an american
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television channel. apparently because they were very displeased with the way that the portrayal of the seizure of bani walid i was being broadcast all of this is just part of the ongoing situation in libya which has not gotten any better in the years since the death of more market duffy of course we still have hot pockets of confrontation between the pro-government forces and the people who still support gadhafi but they're breaking out sporadically all over the country there are also groups armed groups which are known to have links with al qaida we know about the attack on the u.s. embassy which has happened not too long ago there that as a result the american ambassador to libya was killed in libya the government of course is saying that vonnie walid is what they call it unfortunate talent to hold for outlaws mercenaries and conduct his supporters and hence the shelling off jalan the aid again reminding you eighteen days they have been besieging one talent and
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it does not seem like the situation only be a is getting any better it does look indeed like it's a deja vu of a year ago all over again of course the studios there will have to spoken to one man who need to lose from using bernie will lead he asked us not to reveal his identity because he's scared for the safety. i have of course from my family in they told me that the situation there right there is really horrible there. are heart of all. kinds of. everywhere in the city the civilians building our fallen down even the venue and hospital we don't have a lot of medicine right now the house the hospital keep in the wounded people outside from the hospital three week that there is no food can go inside but only because of the militias that it's around but nobody the clause in the rolls that it is the food and the fuel there are women been away from the three sides they used the house that the rocket and the guys would actually plant even a gas mask because of the reporting of the hospital very clearly that at the
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civilians there. the lebanese military struggling to contain the violence that hit the country over the weekend after the killing of a senior intelligence official gen a son who was a strong critic of syria's regime does the car bombing friday the opposition's not only blames damascus for his death but is also putting a finger at the lebanese government and was the prime minister artie's policies across this story in beirut. throughout the day on monday there were sporadic clashes in the northern lebanese city of tripoli this between two neighborhoods one that supports the syrian president bashar assad and another that supports the opposition and the other day and continuing until now we have seen armed gunmen on both sides patrolling the streets and this has stoked fears of an increase in sectarian tensions so there's a lot of concern that the situation could disintegrate we're looking at a situation that has seen five people killed since friday at the same time the former lebanese prime minister saad hariri has called for both prime minister and
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the government to step down also if you will some time there has been concern that the situation in syria will spill over into may bring lebanon and so what we've seen is that events in syria have brought to the fore the very sick tarion lines that lebanese suffer from you have essentially a march bloc that is led by hezbollah that supports the syrian president bashar assad backing it out with the march the fourteenth movement that is seen as western backed also a movement that supports the syrian opposition but what people tend to forget is that it is not in syria's interest to have been involved in this attack on friday you also need to remember that on sunday there was a suicide bombing in damascus itself that left some thirteen people killed so what you're hearing is normal voices saying that this attempt to remain in syria is merely at the traction on who the real culprits are and it is in attempting to essentially just provoking the situation. paula slowly special u.s.
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presidential election coverage is on the way to save. up for the final debate this time is washington's world view more after. the sun rises over what seems. and list forest to hear and cry for hundred kilometers north of light of all stalk as in much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. mortgages both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system for filing down the forests of the region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy to forests. and their chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams
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but as soon as we find tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander someone in ca has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here with twelve tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he is overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the region and the w w f says the government isn't doing
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enough to stop it. no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone what will the people who live after. it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change in the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. take
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a look north almost terrorist attack. ex hostages blunders into their lives and after the tragedy. still gives try to cross out the past. because their future. be written. here with us international thanks for the company tonight now the final t.v. show downs living for barack obama and mitt romney they're running neck and neck right now they're expected to ramp up the rhetoric to secure those much needed last minute votes foreign policy is going to be in the frame later monday and as part of our tease in-depth coverage got it you can look at how much difference there really
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is between the two cabinet. as we're waiting for the debate on foreign policy the last debate before the election on november the sixth many see it as the make or break point for both campaigns because president obama and governor romney have so far been running neck and neck but whoever is elected america's next commander in chief will take on the same old foreign policy mission and that is to expand the country's influence in the world but is there that much daylight between the candidates let's try and find out the rhetoric of the romney team leaves no doubt that he advocates of more intrusive u.s. foreign policy we have to show strength in america that's perceived as weak as one that would be despised the one thing we all fear the most is a weak america what kind of. an image of america the current administration is also striving for a robust america in their own way we came we saw died. when folks mess with americans we go after them as the arab spring unfolded the obama
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administration jumped on the bandwagon of the revolutions hoping to forge better all lines is the new leaders. while prompting the change with airstrikes and arms supplies when anti-american protests spread across the muslim world some asked whether it's time for the u.s. to stop meddling in the middle east and north africa i don't see how how we could ever talk about divorcing ourselves from the region if a no other reason given the push in us policy you still have two primary drivers in terms of national interest and that is oil and israel president obama has sown allies like israel under the bus these three leaders open saber rattling towards iran's history or some tension with the white house it's clear the american people don't want to know the costly and devastating war based on phony red lines but should israel decide to attack what would the two candidates do differently if it were to happen i don't think there's going to be much difference ultimately i
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understand and share this or not you know who's insistence that iran should not obtain a nuclear weapon my red line is iran may not have a nuclear weapon iran is a nuclear nation is unacceptable to you know the states president obama said exactly the same thing regarding obama's pivot into asia there's not much daylight between him and romney either the policy involves expanding u.s. military presence to act as a counterbalance against china's growing power and to advance u.s. interests in asia pacific candidate romney showed a willingness to take that pivot to another level ramping up the pressure on beijing i'll crack down on china having been stuck in this cold war mentality he sees the world in very black and white terms so russia is a china is a foe it's almost as if the cold war war never ended and that regard the pivot toward asia makes perfect sense to mr romney and i really don't think he would change anything the rhetoric is the issue the the presence of subtlety or the lack
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of subtlety is a primary difference between mr romney and mr obama in relations with russia unlike romney for whom russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe president obama avoids cold war rhetoric after all you don't call russia our number one enemy. not all qaeda russia. unless you're still stuck in a cold war mind warp despite a more forthcoming official attitude the administration indicated that they would still forge ahead with plans to build a missile shield close to russia it's a longstanding sore point in the relations between the two countries moscow has many times suggested resulting the issue by building the shields together to no avail i spoke with former bush administration official colonel lawrence wilkerson and asked him whether a change in the oval office could mean a drastic change in the way america deals with the world is a marvelous consistency in american foreign policy whether it's wrong headed which
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it has been much sense especially in one thousand nine hundred ninety the end of the cold war. but there is a marvelous consistency to it and that's because foreign policy is foreign policy and security policy so presidents say one thing and then come in and get briefed and they do another thing generally what they do is much like what the other party would do well even despite the consistency that u.s. foreign policy has shown over the years during the debate the candidates still have to outline their differences they can't just say good evening ladies and gentlemen we both agree on pretty much everything so let's call it a night so i'll be right here after the debate covering their efforts and also every monday will be zooming into one issue one big issue you know a pretty special series of pre-election reports make sure you don't miss that from washington i'm going to check out. it's my diary hopes and yours as well as talk to read mcgovern he's a former cia officer thanks very much for joining us in atlanta as can see now first off the killing of the u.s. ambassador to libya is undoubtedly going to be one of the most sensitive issues
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during the debate christopher stevens was of course murdered under the watch of the new libyan regime which obama's administration helped put into power how is he going to spin that one of his favorite. well obama should be able to say that our ambassadors are going to be killed our other representatives are going to be murdered unless we change our policy toward that or the world's one of your earlier speakers talked about that policy be defined by the need for oil and the need to protect what are perceived to be the interests of israel unless we change those policies we will never succeed in being able to protect our our embassies and our other diplomatic establishment so this whole. do the whole contra tome about who was going to increase security at the agency in the city diverts attention to the fact that these people hate us because we cause
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ruin and chaos in libya and elsewhere in the world unless we press those those policies and including afghanistan and pakistan of course there's not going to be any any easing up of the effects of the way these people hate us more particularly thinking about afghanistan and pakistan how does the debate on that go unfold especially because as it was using the killing of osama bin laden as one of his main trouble in his management. i happen to be in atlanta when osama bin laden was murdered and i was the only one on any of the t.v. shows that said you know i'm ashamed you go in there and you murder a defenseless old man without any weapons at all he had no weapons he had no way to defend himself. the political mileage that obama is going to get out of killing osama bin laden is maybe some something worth but it's certainly not
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something to be proud of what he needs to do is explain why he explained our policy in afghanistan as disrupting disputing the taliban and the al-qaeda well there are only fifty left in al qaeda so why are we still there and will leaving in two thousand and four thirty two thousand and fourteen why not two thousand and thirteen who wants to be the last u.s. to die in a fool's errand in afghanistan when it's not going to be. so depressed and i wonder if they're going to talk about. well they'll have to talk about afghanistan but if romney were smart he'd say it's a fool's errand we've got to get out of there we were wrong we've got to bring our troops right back now why can't he say that or why is it not likely they do say that because no politician in the united states can afford the slightest risk of seeming soft on things that is described as the war on terrorism it's that simple
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so they will sing this. identical tune on that but if i were advising romney i would say see seize the high ground it make your defeat and say that the us needs to pull out of there just as they pulled out of vietnam with our tails behind our legs and admitting that we had done the wrong thing ray mcgovern former there from atlanta thank you for your thoughts tonight. well turning on the t.v. that later all most americans are faced with a two horse race is not the full story though there are other options in artie's helping those known as the third party candidates gets made to give voters a choice they'll be studying here live on. the host of the arties big picture here to guide us through. this presidential election is not just about obama and romney there are also third party candidates on the ticket and they will influence its outcome see a debate among this nation's major third party candidates right here on r t i like
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over twenty third. after three years toiling in opposition pro independence parties are back in power in spain's basque region separatism calls and expected to grow louder with madrid still sterritt see being the first in the firing line the winning basket nationalist party described maher under a choice government as a break i'm developing to the region it's valid to put its economy back on track and there are more elections to do. few weeks when the wealthiest region cut aloni of votes an area that's also seeing growing separatist sentiment i spoke to sociologist carlos del close he told me that financial troubles are exacerbating the drive for sovereignty. it's really the result of spain being a country that is basically the project united under a crown that imposed one spanish national identity on several other communities
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with who have their own languages in their own histories what's going on now is the economic situation is weakening the central government so much that independence now seems quite plausible ending and even favorable to the people in these regions for years there has been work being done on the ground to kind of set up the material conditions for independence that is the basque region had a more independent i guess tax system where their tax payer uro's would go towards the basque region in the basque autonomous region what we're seeing now is a shift in large part due to a rejection of the previous government the incumbent government which was composed of basically of the socialists and and. so what we're seeing really is a major shift where the independent the radical left has become the second power in the region. and spring to some of the deadly earthquake last year could well have
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been manmade online we're reporting on new research that blames water extraction for disturbing a full mine eventually leaving nine dead and hundreds homeless to interesting read online from us to my amongst many others like this one to classics condensed well is it possible to tell told stories more facing one hundred forty characters to to think you can go to fiction festival to try and prove it to. all the latest business with katie next. more news today violence has once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. shining corporations are the day
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. the news a secret laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new its most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and world events this is why you should care only on the dot com.
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nuclear. radioactive fallout of government betrayal the government. and lauded and claude how can the truth be revealed if there's no official evidence there was a very great danger to the servicemen concerned who were given no problem protection and to the people of this country generally because of radio like the fall of. the secrets of the tests.
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cultures that so much given to each musician find the mark with turkey and road ahead a little over a year ago turkey was being hailed as the new leader in model for the muslim world i won many turks the.
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hello there welcome to business this hour russia's energy major ross nast will pay over sixty billion dollars to buy russia's third largest oil producer to be paid now b.p. will get twelve billion dollars in cash and about twenty percent or so about a fifth stock for its whole of the company. explains the mouth of b.p. sign of the deal have a less than the deal is shaping up to look like it's got two steps to it ross left is going to pay b.p. just over seventeen billion dollars in cash as well as provide some twelve point eight four percent of shares of the russian state oil company to b.p. the second part of the deal is going to see b.p. use some four point eight billion dollars of the cash that rosneft are paying them in order to buy more shares of ross nash so eventually that should end up with b.p. owning just under twenty percent of shares nineteen point seven five percent to be
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exact of rawson after chavez. and now paul explains how the deal will change the global energy industry as a whole. you can see behind me rosemary and the kremlin and this deal has been cooked up on the russian side by those two institutions and by anyone's reckoning it is a sizable deal the biggest in russian folk history the third biggest world wide if you go searching c.e.o. roles they have says people sixty one billion dollars more of the former c.n.n. paid. it will create the world's largest publicly traded oil fund put that in perspective expanded rosneft up twenty seven billion barrels of oil so that exxon mobil's twenty five billion for petro china's twenty two billion we also change the face of the industry here in russia growth get to seventy five percent and by the state where is ten k.b. peak is probably zero so the accusation is an effective renationalisation of part
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of the oil industry and unwind some of the chaotic properties ation program that took place in the one nine hundred ninety it's also in keeping with president putin's plan to create national champions in strategically important sectors with nearly fifty percent of the country's oil output the in-laws rosneft will certainly be that now the deal was to lives in the making a market sources claim that many scenarios are considered dead in light of the day was afraid of loans and the head of the us nat explained why the firm decided to buy the whole company. official and he knew both rosneft and b.p. supports the idea of buying the whole of t.n. katie it's crucially important for us to have the acid totally integrated into rosneft strategy only in this case where we have a synergy effect that will boost efficiency in a wide range of oil fields.


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