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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2012 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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in comforting the counterfeit i mean i mean because we also thought that the mineral is the police the government the the trade i mean the south but customs did you also wrote that yes sure because when you talk comes the contacts it is their major part of it it's trade and it is at the borders that we see the goods actually more than seventy percent of counterfeit goods detained at the border because once that first are lying over the fence was active and went into the mystic market it is very difficult to seize them so this is a very important role that we play so you are the first line of defense. there are different types of counterfeit one hundreds of types of different different counterfeit and which is the most. important for you or maybe what's the main problem for the customs what type of counterfeit well. it is
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important to protect citizens or consumers from the health and safety threat meaning of for example a mother since that is a huge problem that the heart directory your health and other areas for example spare parts of cats that my that would result in accidents so protective of those consumers is very important but at the same time it is to protect the economic interests of industry because the industry with. a lot of profits and if they lose profit they can't pay tax and we our function is of course maintaining fiscal consolidation of the economy collection of revenue and those kind of normally don't pay custom duties. year.
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well customers that is the legitimate industry and also innovation this is very important for entrepreneurs but in a vision is also damaged and also organized crime increasing reuse if you counterfeiting are for the illegal profit so we have to fight against the bills organized crime so this area's that we see the importance of. well you said an interesting thing you said there's. some current if it can be dangerous dangerous for people who sample the counterfeit spare parts for cars but here in russia we sometimes prefer buying counterfeit sperm parts especially for expensive cars because they're cheaper so i mean do you do you really care. as the head of the customs organization that they are they may be harmful for people that they may cause an accident and death or all you care about is taxes i
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mean the physical part of the problem well some of this started as a fiscal agency. but you are a financier you started as a friend as yourself. the customs located on the borders and on the border. we can also protect the citizens because politics things citizens is what all of the agencies of government agencies are trying to achieve so it's a border management that has again that importance so this is why we are very much on the border management of one of the good thing about. a very very clever counterfeit product of our times i would say is the so-called chinese i phone where when an i phone cost a thousand bucks the chinese i phone it works but it costs like one hundred bucks and when you have to buy the phone to your kid takes it to school and you probably lose it. and then we go to our chinese were. so. speaking of
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charities i phones is it true that while ninety percent of counterfeit is produced in china is that true well according to us that is six years china is the number one source of that is really ninety percent where it depends because we have a it is only customs that collected that kind of that is looks but. there are other countries that produce a counterfeit not on the east asia but south asia some of times the middle east and even in europe we see contact sheets so it depends on what kind of products in the what kind of origin and destination but it is true that quite often it is coming from east asia and especially in china so so even european countries produce counterfeit products and you know you soon as you know when i was getting
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prepared for this interview i looked it up in the internet and i found companies in i think in belgium i may be mistaken for someone essentially in belgium so they encounter a third rolex watches and they are produced in central europe. and that's a fact. yes that's a fact because it is there if you go but the economic benefit when afghan army given if it's there. unfortunately there produce they're everywhere in the world but you know well i think that maybe maybe in the case of things like. watches i mean neckties things going there the companies make space so much for the label not for the product itself but for the label that counterfeit is like a natural reaction. to that overpricing products though those who believe that the
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this is this is just the the reaction of the market well counterfeit is often regarded as a victimless crime letter which is not true who will get the medicine. but also of those the consumer goods and. those are the consumers who are the losers because they get the world under quality goods and they don't get the yearly benefit of paying by those going to human goods you think it's possible to to to fight two to solve the problem. but it will always exist. while it always existed to be honest because counterfeiters are always trying to go ahead of law enforcement agencies like customs and the constantly they use technology and especially internet which is very very difficult to handle so what we need is that well a change that the person can't have it it's
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a victimless crime but as i explained to you it is a problem and it is a problem for economic and social in the moral way therefore to change that perception. is very important well is it in the w.c. or competence to to develop solutions in this area yes sure because these are very special area that it's their business and their special right to hold have the most expertise so to get those the information to customs customs officers is very important because on the ground they have to identify whether they are fake or genuine and so that kind of partnership with the business is very important and also partnership with as eva said police justice or security forces etc or health authorities and that kind of coordination. between agencies is also
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very important you have recently visited a number of post soviet countries what were your visits there somehow connected to the so-called cold on books program and the c.i.s. yes because we harmonize the custom procedures and we try to create a view the playing field for trade and for that there are differences in development to states so this is where we try to get that capacity building or provide technical assistance so that the level of customs can be improved and harmonization is feasible and this is where i try and not only in possibly of the countries but in other parts of the world that actually this afternoon i signed a more you with the cia is exactly was a great idea in that way we can have a more. harmonizing simplify the procedures in the form of sea ice countries so
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this is a very important one because the body had to trade is not only but the non-tariff barriers is also important including border procedures so how to simplify there was a procedure is very essential hullo the main idea of columbus is a quote implementation of the w c o conventions and the safe framework of standards well how were things going. this issue in russia. first it's about simplification but also customs takes care of security as well because principle eighteen is exploited by not on the organized crime but also of terrorist. explosives etc and firearms and therefore russian customers are trying to upgrade their procedures and well as the. well at the violence in
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this spot of the world often russia provides assistance and provide. dynasty. with those administrations what that gaps. stand and what can they do developing. those gaps and in this connection russia has its. own training center and provide a lot of assistance for us so we knew about it he asked me general of the world customs of the spotlight who did back shortly after the break so stay with me and.
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welcome back to spotlight. and just to remind you that my guest in the studio here today is mr quinn. who is the secretary general of the world customs on this issue mr bennett queen recently russia bellicose and. having created the so-called customs union so how did it affect the relations of the three countries with a w c o well having supportive of this creation of
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a customs union really and when they set up of course there are many issues which are problematic therefore i sent to many experts to ensure that those three countries have a harmonized unified a system of custom procedures and actually from two thousand and ten to two thousand and eleven to see or hostage to the launching of eurasia community to the brussels european union and other countries so this is how we are supporting this very important initiative well it's interesting for me to understand from the outside as the leader of the world customs organization do you now consider these three countries i mean the union to be made to be like a single customs space or do you still consider that they are differences in
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dealing with the. past and well if you look at the european union with the twenty seven countries it started with the six countries mentioned it took so long because there were regulations might be there but implementation takes time because it involves a change of mindset and practice but i see that moving forward into that direction so it is encouraging to see that the john economy gratian exists in three countries so so judging by what you just said by your answer doesn't mean that you are an optimist you are a fan and that you think that the other countries of the c.i.s. the former soviet. every country should join and will join the current the customs union just as they did in the europe and the european you know did you think that this is an advantage well creating regional economic integration is that creating
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a market a bigger market than its all national market so this will provide the you opportunity and how to see that opportunity it is up to those members that constitute that the union and i know that there are already several countries that are wish that expressed their wish the joint. if those are their wishes i will try to help them and provide assistance while a russian joined the w t o in august and historic moment as russia was the only g twenty country outside the organization headed a session only came after nearly two decades of negotiations spotlight limited me the reports. russia has been trying to get into the world trade organization since one thousand nine hundred ninety three normally any country would have been
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accepted five to seven years later it would russia's bead broke all records over eighteen years the prosing cons were ardently debated inside the country with the major protests taking place just a month before the accession in order to join russia had to make sacrifices among them reducing support for some industries including struggling sectors like agriculture and car making as a w t o member russia is about to more work input duties and limit its export tariffs and grant greater access to foreign companies all of that will benefit customers with prices expected to go down the country's economy should also get a boost a world bank report predicts russia can gain up to an extra eleven percent in g.d.p. annually in the long run. but before that can happen russia has to think about how to reconcile its obligations with those it has as a member of the customs union with bella and kazakhstan now there is
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a double duty all member. free trade area with russia and customs rules kazakhstan has begun its. talks but his attempt at getting into the overnight is ation are going to be a much bigger challenge. there have been lots of speculation about the customs union and the deluge here because russia is the only devotee to country in the in the customs union and what do you think that russia will implement the w t o policies while continuing to be part of the common economic space with the two countries that are known members of w t how is that possible without and when you implement any policies regionally or global policies there you always take a phased approach you don't change it overnight therefore. my guess is that while russia will try to get the two countries to join that ability or so that
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they can have the same rules because the ability or is essentially who based the system and if you are the here to that the rule system what are the relationship with those two countries as you said. it should be solved but with the timeline. facing and i'm sure that they will come and join in the global trading system you have met russian prime minister there well since he was president of this country and now he has. a lot about corruption being one of the big problems in russia and. being the head of the world customs verbalization you i think you'll agree that that corruption has always been a big problem for the customs officers too and there are customs in russia
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a lot there's a lot of blame of case of corruption in the russian customs and you should be aware of that so does your organization offer any solutions to combat corruption that there's been one of the one of the national ideas of the present russian leadership well first we see that there are three principles that we can use to solve this problem firstly you need moderate regulation if the tele flavor is very high that were created in its own incentive to circumvent the customs of by paying bribes it's into so perhaps adjoining that ability or reducing the tally for level might to be one way and of course you can alter the muscly that to be more moderate and the second is that the simplifying custom procedures are using information technology and in that way you can eliminate or reduce the
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unnecessary interface between customs officers and trade so you don't have that chance to pay bribes in the thirdly it is about human resource management because if you think that belonging to a customer the administration is beneficial in getting well a path and economy could benefit of getting a regular salary then why don't you dare to do that the corruption so those are the three elements but you said another important thing is that yes customer needs a scene of corrupt but if customer is wrapped then the society has a problem because if customs officer is corrupt they are someone who. cracked that customs officer for the private sector so that kind of partnership with the private sector the other is this issue is important it is not only right here but almost
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all the world that the question is there some different a degree so we promoted that kind of a policy the what is important policy political support to move forward into that direction you sound very common sense have you discussed these issues with the russian leadership and your colleagues were there with the prime minister. whenever i visit countries and usually presented is because corruption is the top priority for almost all countries and therefore they usually accepted that that what is most important is that corruption is not the only customs issue that you need all of the government approach but you know sometimes people say that that when they see corruption is like cancer and then others say well ok sometimes when the when somebody develops cancer surgery doesn't
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help because if you try to cut down the cancer you cut out ha ha ha of the organism i mean i mean there was no it's so so so so. it's treatment it's long very long and painful treatment the important for that is a true yes sure first you have to change your mindset and what i said i offered several cues but the first set of rules is a very good thing that you serve. because when the when the when the customs tariff is so why then it's easier to bribe a person or one won't be he may be too weak to refuse them because well into millions and millions ok listen what are the other bringing issues i'm not sure corruption is the only issue that you're fighting what's the other burning issues for for the customs organization. well another burning issue is burning issues of course great can't have it is only one thing they are not a cortex well you have huge drug trafficking in your country and i
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gain. more than seventy percent of the drugs that border so this is another problem and. more recently for example environment when we talk about the environment it is about how does this waste. in a species indigenous species it is again border issues so that kind of border management is very important but at the same time currently many parts of the world especially the developed economy is suffering from economic crises caused by financial crisis and how best we can to help the economy to recover that is again customs role in creating good at the most we have good climate for investment and incentives. to do that more. investment in countries so that
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kind of economy could complicate even this well you're joining a. gang. business and this is what customs can do contribute hugely so those are the areas that we're ideally concerned thank you thank you very much for being with us just to remind my guest today was. the secretary general of the world. and that's it for now from all or if you want to have yourselves part like we have someone in mind you think they should. drop me a line at r.t. t.v. dot part i left me like right back with more comments on what's going on. fed bush until then they are to see him take.
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it all sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture.
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soon which brightened if you will soon move from phones to freshen. me through stunts on t.v. don't come. over a decade north almost terrorist attack. x. hostages blunders into their lives and after the tragedy. still gives try to cross over the past. because their future. be wrecked.
1:59 am
thank you you thank.


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