tv [untitled] October 23, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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devastation rains and colonel gadhafi is former stronghold as libyan pro-government forces keep up their assault but hundreds displaced and children among the dead. obama paints romney as a know what's who's not ready to be america's commander in chief but he finds outright victory elusive in the final presidential t.v. showdown. in this debate seen by many as a quarter calling this election governor romney and president obama were on the same page on pretty much everything i'll be back in just a few moments with more. and four spanish regions are pounded by ratings john and
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moody's prepared to march in madrid against more looming cuts. hello and welcome to our team with me karen terrill well how were you thirsty and forced to flee their homes the people of bani walid in libya are seeing their home torn and ripped apart by pro-government shelling women and children are among the dead as loyalist militias try to take the last stronghold of supporters to moammar gadhafi a year after his fall and now just to warn you some of the images we're about to show you report are setting. people are talking about the shortage of labor food and medical supplies for the footage fed by the rally it shows just what kind of carnage we're dealing with children young people old people women to maim and dead
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their arms their limbs torn off half of their faces blown off and lot of these images had to be edited out of the gruesome nature gross you have to remember that this is the town which has been under siege from pro-government forces for more than two and a half weeks now if you're on after his demise let's have a look at how today's libya is different from the libya of moammar gadhafi because it was accused of mass executions of his opponents of using chemical weapons against those who disagreed with his regime during the time of houston with the rebels in libya he was accused of purposefully cutting off food and humanitarian aid and water supply from citizens from residents of towns and villages which were in the midst of intense fighting let's take a look now as the democratically elected government the western media likes to portray it to mean rights watch has said that they have found conclusive proof of
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dollar fee associates being massively executed a bad the rebels or by the militias affiliated with the new government there was also the alleged use of talk sic gas against people holed up in the town of bani walid now a year on after it does seem like none of the stability or freedom or justice or peace that was talked about are actually in place in libya and that the country remains an abode of chaos and tom or activists john raines blames the western backed intervention in libya for the lack of any stability there. we're beginning to see the fall fruits of the western intervention in libya for over a year ago when the tide recedes when the west's arms are no longer being used you can see there's a continuation of a civil war that was. happening before. we know that the situation is enormously
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unstable we know that they're unable to get the weapons out of the militias hands we know that the government is in control of the capital they're worried about the whole country so i think this shows that the west intervention simply pumped more arms into the country made it ungovernable after they left he came out fighting an approach that sped off and most polls but still president obama failed to deal with his republican rival a decisive blow during their final pre-election faceoff obama took romney to task over his inexperience in global matters while stressing his own foreign policy achievements but as a candidate can reports the way the candidates actually view america's role on the world stage isn't all that different. this debate showed that the candidates agree on a lot of things on some issues they were almost in sync with one another even using the same words it seemed the occasional bickering that happened between them was
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more for the sake of the debate rather than about real differences in the policies that they propose on iran for example they couldn't agree more with each other they were absolutely on the same page with regards to putting sanctions on iran with regards to backing israel they were saying exactly the same things but president obama did say something interesting he said do you think gives the premature military action against iran governor romney's a vase if response to the same question suggested that he doesn't want to go there either he said i don't want to get into a hypothetical so then on of get is that governor romney showed himself as an advocate of the president's policy is there he said that he thinks the surge was successful that as the president of the united states he too would bring troops home in twenty fourteen something that president obama says he's going to do on syria though they both agree that the u.s. should get in the read about saad and make sure the next government in syria is friendly to the united states they both agreed although they did disagree on whether or not the u.s.
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should give them some heavy weapons to the rebels in syria that's what governor romney suggested whereas president obama at least seems to recognize the complexity of the situation on the ground take a listen for us to get more entanglement militarily in syria is a serious stuff and we have to do so making absolutely certain that we know who we are helping the we're not putting arms in the hands of folks who eventually could turn them against us or our allies in the region to a more general point governor romney kept using the word opportunity when talking about the revolutions in the middle east and north africa when talking about syria and it's very telling of the foreign policy that he's suggesting is very opportunistic with regards to syria he basically said that the u.s. should take advantage of the. crisis in syria to deliver a defeat to iran syria's an opportunity for us because syria plays an important role in middle east particular right now syria is iran's only ally in the arab world it's their route to the sea it's the route for them to arm hezbollah in
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lebanon which threatens of course our ally israel and so seeing syria remove assad is a very high priority for us the candidates did mention russia on a few occasions although there was no specific question about russia of course that hot mike moment came up the one between president obama and me that if this spring when the u.s. president suggested that it would be more flexible to discussion there is an essential fence plans in europe after the election and for that remark the president has come under avallone of criticism in washington criticism that came down to this basically how dare you be flexible with the russians and want to talk to them about security issues and governor romney during this debate has made a similar point i have a clear eyes on this i'm not going to wear rose colored glasses when it comes to russia or mr putin and i'm certainly not going to say to him i'll give you more flexibility at the election after election you'll get more backbone the missile defense shield in europe is a longstanding sore point in the relations between the two countries moscow
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suggested many times resolving the issue by building the shale together but to no avail the only response russia has been getting from this administration was don't worry it's not against you but then they listen to candidate romney who calls russia an enemy and virtually election every statement on russia that candidate romney has made so far for us has actually played then to raise the concerns that moscow has with regards to the schildt because russia then says ok president obama we believe hugo what if maybe not this year but four years from now is a long with the mind set of governor romney is elected president how is he or she going to use those military bases so close to the washroom borders because that chilled is not a four year project it's a long running thing and despite. this administration's more forthcoming official latitude the issue still stands. but not all of the foreign policy debate was as serious as it sounds take a bronco bamma sarcastic retort to mitt romney discover on r.t.
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dot com how his remarks about horses and bayonets are galloping across the web. the debates between the two main contenders for the white house may be over but there's still plenty of fight left in the selection the so-called third party candidates outside the two main political forces or excluded from official televised debates but refused to stay silent and r.t.e. is helping them air their views on longside big picture host tom hartman. this presidential election is not just about obama and romney there are also third party candidates on the ticket and they will influence its outcome see a debate among this nation's major third party candidates right here on r t october twenty third. spain's government is finding itself corner from all sides ratings giant moody's
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slashes the score of four of its region's new lumia cost sees anger over also. two. and ignition. international space station crew blasts off with a team of first timers a report from the launch site after the break. which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that just fluff is
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a force on the island of bohol and at the heart of by call his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky and green grass and she's horses weren't there sometimes it gets lonely here but the horses have become part of me no i've fallen off so many times sometimes they'd bleaches well it's part of my everyday life. two it could be rats like you just slough for centuries most still live off the low end cattle and fish. coal is often called the pearl of siberia. to be the pearl of by. it's all end of think forests. and vast stops. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and if you will seekers you're quite some way from
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civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about it or even run in water for most people a tent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. in journey to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it we'll be coming back again and again. walking back to our parent. well another financial blow for spain as weightings giant moody's slashed the score of four of its regions including catalonia one to
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two notches that's as spain's central bank says the country's economy keeps shrinking with speculation it might ask the new for a lifeline the government is desperately searching for new ways to keep spain afloat with more cuts debated in the parliament for next year's budget thousands are expected to come out and protest against the plans and the dread of people angry over ever mountings austerity political communications professor victor some perv. spain's political crisis because there is no real challenge to the policy of cuts. there are limits that those are not going to be discussed in the parliament given the absolute majority of a popular party a party of which is in government now and in the main opposition party that this story is facing a huge crisis and internal crises so many minority parties will have enough voice to gather the support of the people in the street the course of the events
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will be developing by their own dynamics i suppose depending on how many people there are they articulate in the end they will is that you know by your listeners three volumes would have been bad maybe that is not the intention. of the authorities it was proven in the previous money to station when the police when they first went back the protesters there's a massive military presence in case cities in lebanon as the army tries to restore peace after days of unrest yvonne's was sparked by the killing of a top lebanese intelligence chief and beirut last week clashes continued into tuesday in the country's northern city of tripoli where eight people have died as artist paul slayer. they were sporadic clashes in the northern lebanese city of tripoli this between two neighborhoods one that supports the syrian president bashar assad and another that supports the opposition and the other day and continuing until now we have seen armed gunmen from both sides patrolling the
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streets and this has stoked fears of an increase in sectarian tensions events in syria have brought to the fore the sectarian lines that lebanese suffer from its border to the fore both their allegiances and tensions you have essentially the march eighth bloc that is led by hizbullah that supports the syrian president bashar assad backing it out with the march the fourteenth movement that is seen as western backed it's also a movement that supports the syrian opposition ever since the assassination in two thousand and five of the former lebanese prime minister rafiq hariri these two forces have been coming to the fore and we see that happening again now over the assassination back on friday of this high ranking lebanese intelligence officer but what people tend to forget is that it is not in syria's interest to have been involved in the attack on friday you also need to remember that on sunday there was
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a suicide bombing in damascus itself that left some thirteen people killed so what we're hearing is more voices saying that this attempted blaming syria is merely a detraction from who the real culprits are and it is an attempt and essentially just provoking the situation people saying that not since we're figuring he was assassinated more than seven years ago has there been such real concern on the ground here in lebanon that they could be a mother civil war so certainly the mood here is incredibly tense turkey promotes itself as a regional leader in freetown but in fact it's imprison more journalists than china or iran and american media watchdog exposes turkey as the world's leading jailer of reporters who put aside the government we're covering that story online right now. and exactly ten years on from the moscow theater siege that left one hundred thirty dead r.t. brings us firsthand accounts from survivors and hears from victims' relatives will find it all that hard to adopt. more of this hour's world news right now
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a series of deadly attacks have hit shiite areas of the iraqi capital for parked cars exploded northwest of baghdad killing seven people and leaving sixteen injured another attack struck a northern district where two mortar rounds are reported to have landed killing two and wounding several others it's not yet known who is behind the attacks but the iraqi capital areas have previously been targeted by al qaida linked sunni militants. and blaze at a hospital in southern taiwan has left twelve people dead and seventy others injured patients died of smoke inhalation as the fire swept through a nursing home located on the second floor of the building most of the victims were bad right in and couldn't escape the fire emergency services quickly brought the blaze under control though the cause of the fire still unknown. the emir of qatar has become the first head to visit the gaza strip the since the islamist group
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hamas came to power there five years ago sheikh ahmad been called off. plans to launch a building project work two hundred fifty four million dollars focusing on the reconstruction of destroyed palestinian territories qatar one of the richest countries in the persian gulf has recently become a major source of funding for the gaza strip following the. relations between hamas and syria. the u.k. is doubling in strong fleet in afghanistan to ten multimillion dollar on manned and armed aircraft this comes even as london says it's preparing to leave the wars are head of the two thousand and fourteen nato withdrawal deadline middle east expert to recall he says drone warfare is a hypocritical. i think it's an emergency measure that they want to have the capability to blast people they don't like whenever they want to without loosing lives of their own so this is always been very afraid or they can always
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find money for weapons or wars but thieves system austerity measures reducing salaries so for workers some the less well off and cutting down so should be expended trip innocent lives are lost women and children die and they create more havoc than before so or the result is really very gun to productive and they build up they create in these regions you know on the one hand you have western countries saying terrorism is a threat and on the other hand they launch drone terror on innocents in different parts of the world in africa and now as we're seeing in south korea sharon tomorrow who knows way so what it does is keep the war feet were going and then people want to react and into beecham groups of terrorists want to do it but countries that are doing this so they can pretend that they don't know this is going to be the result
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it's well attested. a new three man crew is speeding its way to the international space station right now they're saying a spacecraft successfully blasted off from the baikonur cosmodrome in comp kazakhstan where are you confident when it's the launch pad makes a lot of money think right there he does firing it out. and blasting off. what. about your days back they should be. spending the next six months there alive but they're really incredible preparation for this mission we got the rocket rolled out of the train in the early hours of the morning really incredible to see this massive piece of machinery up close and personal to really understand what decades of hard work and scientific research has
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been able to accomplish and finding a human being on think is something that i don't certainly think is so wonderful to watch from afar but i would certainly be a bit terrified of being inside that machine these men are not they've been training for years for the moment now it's impossible to tell what each man was thinking but it is absolutely certain the moment that neither of these men will ever forget and. for. the. next with the business there us now after buying a b.p. is one of the biggest deals in the energy sector ever are minority shareholders benefiting from it well they sure will and not just from the sheer increase market capitalization of the company rosneft actually plans to pay a quarter of its profits in dividends that's according to the company's head eager said chen he also said rosneft will work with the piano variety of new project says
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partners for third largest oil company. has been co owned by b.p. and its russian partners are and the end of the day b.p. will get twelve billion dollars in cash and twenty percent in rosneft stock for half of. rosneft will buy the other half of the company from a a r four twenty eight. billion dollars the deal will result in rosneft becoming the a largest publicly traded oil company in the world controlling more than fifty percent of russia's or oil exports and action from grand cap says that doesn't really change this state's plans for privatization. first of all even in these particular transaction rules enough to go is selling vulnerable ploy five point seven percent i think the government has committed and reconfirmed the recently plans for a further privatizations in the in the economy including oil and gas so i think
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this is an intermediate step. to create the aimed at the value that will be potentially sold off so i don't exclude privatizations in the future in the think overall trend should not be. materially changed from after this deal actually . and stay with the energy sector of russia's gas monopoly gazprom on tuesday is launching one of its biggest projects the bovine and field has proven reserves of five trillion cubic meters gazprom plans to annually extract around one hundred forty million cubic meters of gas from the field that's equal to its entire volume exported to europe last year and a sign now to check out the equity markets let's start with what's happening here in russia and it's actually not a pretty picture almost a q percent and one and a half percent losses for the indices respectively that's the r.t.s.
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on the my sex all the currency market what we're seeing is the ruble at the moment is trading mixed to the currency basket the euro is losing value to the u.s. dollar and in europe equities had a one week a low on tuesday and u.s. futures are also pointing to a lower opening on wall street mainly on earnings concerns as many companies are reporting their orderly results this week and that's all from us here in business in a few minutes we'll talk to a leading u.s. space intrapreneur or eric cantor's all right thank you natasha. and do stay with us for that interview with eric anderson.
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start on t.v. dot com. space tourism one of the more fun civil ideas of our time or a solid business proposition in orbit around earth for the future well joining me is someone who should know a lot about that question it's eric anderson a space entrepreneur who say back here on earth so mr ranson thank you for joining us it's a pleasure. ok we'll start off your company was founded taking people up to space since the two thousands i remember when i heard recently about idea of a space hotel i made a bet with one of my colleagues that there would be no such thing in my lifetime now aside from the fact that i would never live to see the money if i did when that was the confidence i had that there would be no such thing was i foolish to make
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that too but unfortunately i think you probably war i have absolutely no doubt in my mind that there will be a space hotel within the next ten years in orbit around the earth why. because there's an incredibly good business plan behind it because millions of people want to go to space and because the technology to provide such a hotel is getting closer and closer every day in terms of its cost effectiveness so there is in theory an impetus there but at the moment the principle impetus is this just the fact of let's go and see what is out there let's be a tourist in space is that really enough of an incentive all the market studies that have ever been done will show you that forty percent of the general public wants to go to space in their lifetime it just has to reach a point where they can afford it and it's safe enough for them to feel like they're not risking their life excessively to do it but i do think the tourism market is a catalyst it's not by any stretch the only reason we would go to space we'll go to
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space for resources will mine the asteroids will get precious metals like platinum group metals from the asteroids people will live in space will do pharmaceutical research will develop new drugs space will become part of our economic sphere of influence but tourism is a fantastic catalyst for that the i assess at the moment being the only platform capable of holding people in orbit is a working scientific platform are you planning perhaps to try and make space towards. useful that first of all space tourism honestly is not a great word for what these people do when they participate as private citizens going to the space station every single one of them who's flown with space adventures to the space station has had an in-depth scientific program whether it was material science or biological experiments or whatever it was they have participated they have paid their own way of.
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