tv [untitled] October 23, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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people are just telling you what you must do and what you must not do because of course america's well on its way to becoming a police state and i hate to say that because. the united states well let me correct myself the united states used to be america and america it was a fantastic idea it was a unique idea unique in the world that's why everybody wanted to come to america but now it's no longer america because america is the idea that idea has been. vanished from the geographical area known as the united states which is increasingly just one of two hundred other nation states that are covering the face of the globe skin disease so i'm very unhappy with the evolution of the u.s. what was the tipping point in your view where america was no longer america where you feel that freedom has been eroded more and more that's a very good question because you can make the argument that the united states or
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the idea of america which is what i prefer has been going downhill since just after its founding because you may recall that in seventeen ninety two not long after the country was in going downhill a long time well is the day they had arrived. yes because in seven hundred ninety two they passed the alien and sedition acts which were horrible. basically made thought crimes but then they eliminated of those but . i would say that the peak of u.s. civilization was reached in the late sixty's. it was the time of the beach boys in california girls muscle cars and. the u.s. was on top of the world seventy five percent of the world economy was in the u.s. at that point. it started going downhill actively in one thousand nine hundred seventy one when nixon devalue the dollar took away whatever relationship would have to to gold and. the standard of living of the average guy has been going down
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since that now two things have been keeping the standard of living higher three things that should be number one. is the average guy understands that he has to produce more than it consumes and save the difference in order to be able to survive so that'll continue that's just human beings although that the savings part can't happen airily save anymore well the problem is that people are saving in terms of dollars and the dollar is a figure out currency it's a floating abstraction it's being created by the trilliums by ben bernanke in the central bank so this is this is a social and political and economic earthquake that's building when inflation in the next few years reaches twenty or thirty percent per year it's going to wipe out the savings of the middle class that's number one second thing is tell you do you see major inflation coming you're on the inflation side of the inflation deflation debate well let's put it this way the one thing you can be certain of is we're
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going to have financial chaos now whether that's going to be an inflationary depression more like what germany had in the twenty's or a deflationary depression similar to what we had here in the thirty's it's a horse race but i come down on the side of inflation because they're creating trillions of dollars in a vain attempt to prop up dinosaurs like these banks and. anyway technology fortunately is continuing to compound and that increases the standard of living but a big thing that most people don't think about is that the major export of the united states now and has been since one thousand the seventy's is dollars we ship dollars abroad and those most japanese sundress sullenly isn't toyotas and is germans sunda it is numerous serious. there are seven trillion us dollars out side of the united states in the hands of foreigners but they're hot potatoes and at some point they're going to come back into the u.s.
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in exchange for the titles to real estate and corporations and this is very very serious so we were like wiley coyote that's walked over the edge of the cliff but we don't know it yet do you have a timeline so you say well why lakota is walked off the edge of the cliff give a timeline for how fall he how fast he falls or what makes that acceleration really happen well as most friedman correctly say there's a lot of country. i live in argentina a good part of the year. the united states is following the path of argentina which used to be one of the two or three wealthiest countries in the world at the beginning of the last century and now just stumbles from one disaster to another so we're going the direction of argentina we're doing exactly what the argentines have done what you see is the similarity the spending that the debt accumulation this yes that more regulations all the time political favors being passed to the people
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that are friends of the government. lots of welfare benefits thrown as a sop to the middle class which basically is pushing them into the lower class with more taxes of various types and so forth. so we're definitely on the same road that argentina was on so then why do you feel like you'd rather be an orange argentina why do you choose to be in argentina if you're not making it sound great right now or let's move to the next one point one reasons i like the wide open spaces and i like the down at the heels elegance which the argentines have but another thing is that. the government there is so incompetent that if you're a tourist first of all if you're a tourist you're a welcome guest and they leave you alone i'm not subject to the regulations of their nonsense and so forth. and the cost of living is extremely low there which means that my dollar goes several times further than it does here in the us not
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that that bothers me but everybody likes a bargain. and there's actually more freedom in argentina despite the fact their governments completely insane in the ribs here if you're a foreigner because they think they consider me to be a milk belonging to the u.s. government and therefore as a foreigner they kind of leave you alone ok interesting so do you advice because obviously you don't think that the us is on the up and up when it when other people ask you know how can i protect myself from the us economic situation and now look what do you tell them to do do you suggest that other people leave the country and what if they don't want to look what i do for a living where we're publishers but what i do for a living person lives on a speculator a speculator incidentally is somebody that takes advantage of political because distortions in the marketplace if we lived in a free market society i would be unemployed as a speculator but the government here in the us to so many stupid things are constantly creating distortions and misallocations of capital that i can take
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advantage of so. that's a preamble to what i was going to say to answer your question the markets are very dangerous today almost everything sounds metaphysically impossible but there are no bargains everything is overpriced in the financial world and why is that because so much liquidity is going to stop because of these ridiculous currency creations which they call quantitative easing and everybody parrots back because that's what they call it and what do you call it it's currency of the basement they're doing about it that maybe more people you have to see upset about is they're destroying those dollars that you are saving right before your very eyes. so the markets are very dangerous but i'll tell you what's even more dangerous market risk is bad political risk is worse. so you must of or you must diversify yourself internationally you must diversify yourself holistically because that's the biggest danger that confronts you your personal freedom as well as your financial welfare
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in the future so you've got to get diversified you've got to move money outside of the u.s. while it is still legal while it is still possible and it's already inconvenient ok why how do you suggest people do that what do you suggest people do this is only a few years ago i would have told people open up a bank account in canada the canadian banks are generally sounder than the american banks and that's a different jurisdiction now if you go to canada as an american your persona non-grata in fact if an american tries to open up a bank account or a brokerage account almost anyplace else in the world it will be turned away they don't want american business because of american law is that because of the reach of the i.r.s. we're going to have a flyer for any institutions to report more about us and comply and you know from experience not because we i read a lot of stories that i haven't tried to open up a swiss bank account you know all of this from experience right yes look it's very
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hard for an american to get money out of the country today because you can't open a foreign bank account or a brokerage account it's very hard much you have a lot of money and you're well connected that's just a fact so the gates already mostly closed it's still possible to buy real estate in a foreign country it's still possible to open a bank safe deposit box in a foreign country and put gold coins and that's not reportable before close that off too i promise you then one of the next real or imagined crisis occurs and it could take any of a number of forms. the average american is going to go to the government who they think are supposed to control everything they're going to say do something do something and they will do something. that will make a totally impossible. well to be on patriotic by diversifying your assets i have to point your lobster in a part well ok well i want to talk more about what happens in that pot boils over
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and also what exactly people because i think it gets thrown around a lot this idea of offshore tax havens especially and the political debates i want to kind of clarify the reasons for that when we get back in just a moment want so much more with doug casey chairman for casey research and still ahead one wall street c.e.o. is not too bashful about his company's quote unquote stellar record we'll tell you why a.i.g. topic sex says his firm didn't get a free lunch in fact they deserve the thank you themselves but first your closing market numbers.
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she good lumbered sure to mccurry was easy to believe most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't do it during the found anything tunes mission to teach music reason why you should care about human to. dish is why you should care what you're only on the. motion would be soo much brighter than if you move out soon from phones to
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christians. who screen stunts on t.v. dot com. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. over a decade north almost terrorist attack. ex hostages blood listen to their lives after the tragedy. still gives try to cross out the past. because their future. be written.
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welcome back we're talking to doug case the economist and chairman for casey research today and i don't want to waste another minute on any kind of an introduction want to get straight back to our interview doug so before the break you were talking about getting money diversifying getting money into different countries keeping in different places one thing that comes up many times in kind of the mainstream discussion about politics is this idea of offshore tax havens and that they're kind of synonymous with tax evasion so can you kind of clarify for any naysayers or people that are confused why people would want their money overseas or their property overseas or somewhere else well in the first place we have to recognize that the united states in some ways is the world's biggest tax haven if
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you're a foreigner a lot of foreigners put their money in the united states because it's still a relatively stable political jurisdiction and if you're french for instance you're much better off having your money in the u.s. than you are keeping it in france so it's it works both ways no matter what country your room you want to have. portion of your assets out of the control of your local politicians who treat you as a milk and may treat you as a beef co if they think it's to their advantage so. there's that complication of assets or well it's about. it's about currency controls capital controls which we're going to see in this country it's going to become much harder to get your money out of the country in the future but you're always able to bring your money back into the country so give yourself. that extra advantage so that you have
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options either keep your money or bring it back if you have all your money here i don't think you're going to be able to get it out in the future so it's just prudent on the part of the average person to do this but even you are financially sophisticated and even you haven't yet because i'm not right if i can make you get money actually is a benefit i don't know a lot of money back and that if you don't have to be rich it's a matter of attitude and psychology so the longest journey starts with the single step well i you know you're inspiring me to start that single step let's look globally though because when you're talking about political risk i'm sure there's also economic risk how do you know where you want to be or what countries are are going to be winners or losers looking at the globe just to show today we have you know bad export numbers from japan this has people concerned about the third largest economy you can see down ten point three percent industry bellwether caterpillar cut their forecast for the second time this year we have
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a look at what they cut their numbers today think that the global economy is slowing so who do you think are going to be the winners and losers looking at the global well look lauren what we're going to have something that i call the greater depression i call it the greater depression because it's going to be much worse much different than what we had in the one nine hundred thirty s. and forty's and unfortunately the whole world is on the edge of the precipice it's not just the u.s. that's been creating trillions of currency units the e.u. has been doing that japan's been doing this for a couple of decades china has been doing this right now all these currency units are sitting in banks people are afraid to borrow and the banks don't really want to lend but at some point with interest rates at all time lows. people are going to start moving that money out and it's going to explode it's going to be a hurricane of inflation so they're really. finding
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a good place to put your money is a real problem today we're in a financial twilight zone or let me put it this way we went through the leading edge of the hurricane in two thousand and seven two thousand and eight part of two thousand and nine they printed up trillions more dollars and whatnot which make people feel wealthier than they really are. but we're going to come off the other end of the hurricane the trailing edge and it's going to last a long time because everything these governments are doing is not only the wrong thing it's exactly the opposite of the right thing so this is going to be very serious just quickly to follow what does something like japan though show how long government can keep that going because japan's been running these enormous deficits for decades that's right well as i said before there's a lot of room in the country but. it's it's going to be a very serious thing it's not just going to be financial consequences we're talking
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about it's going to be social consequences when the average guy loses campaign his mortgage can't put one hundred fifty dollars in his pickup truck to drive two hours true for were every can afford to live to where this job is if he still has a job he's going to get i'm happy that's going to have political consequences. which is very problematical as we're seeing with this current election we're having here in the you know well let's talk about that because some people growing up in the u.s. conventional wisdom your vote matters your vote counts. do you challenge that notion and also do you challenge the notion that there is even like a difference in choice between the candidates we see. fighting in these debates you know we have to we know there's no essential difference between these two it's a difference of so difference of style and a difference of party affiliation affiliation do you prefer the demo publican or the. craft party they're just two sides of the same false quien they're they're
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both interested in warfare and welfare and at this point the situation's almost irredeemable you that you'll notice that they don't talk about serious things about the economy they talk about trivia like the weather whether. public broadcasting big bird or what is that that's. one hundred million dollars or something a frightening rate we're talking about the government with a sixteen trillion dollar but that's just acknowledge national debt we're not talking about. obligations that are payable in the future and aren't counted on that the real that is someplace in between seventy trillion and two hundred trillion dollars it's totally impossible to pay back the impossible can't be done so it's going to be defaulted on directly or more likely indirectly through inflation which is what you think that they that they got just trying printing
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printing print and exactly what's going to happen to all those people that are saving dollars the dollars are going to dry up and blow away as the currencies of so many countries have done even over the last couple of decades now you said that these candidates are just interested in warfare and welfare i'm curious what you were interested in when you did this that we can play this great clip of you well our audience will see what you did in a in a speech you gave. bill what are you supposed to smoke a cigarette i mean the appropriate times they told me for smoking the cigarette. after lunch well this is before lunch after sex that's not or before you are executed this country is so politically big correct it's disgusting this is. a great clip just quickly before we go what were you wanting to accomplish by lighting up at the podium now with that cigarette was an american spirit yeah. it's
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funny that they have a name a cigarette which are almost outlawed american spirit which is what i would love to simply amazing. look. those laws and regulations on everything in this country my view of what the government should do and most is have a police force to protect you from force and fraud within the country and army to protect you from active invaders from without side and a court system to allow you to adjudicate disputes without resorting to force but the government does absolutely everything but those things so there you have it your version of the american spirit you let up a cigarette to really hammer that home in my lap next lifetime as plus can i help and there you go thank you so much for being on the show decades a real pleasure having you on thanks for.
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all right let's pop up with a quick loose change because dimitri this is just so outrageous a.i.g. c.e.o. robert benmosche really knows how to push people's buttons in fact short while ago he suggested that countries in the euro zone up there were tire of an age to save the economy. people at sixty to sixty five years old it's not retirement age anymore we're living longer which means retirement ages have moved to seventy to eighty years old. ok well that's the least inflammatory thing he has said recently because in a recent new york magazine article and he seemed a bit hurt that he hasn't been thanked by the u.s. government after he was bailed out to the tune of one hundred eighty two billion
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dollars he said the fact is we've now succeeded in getting the fed all of their money and we're just close to getting that treasury paid back and you know neither of them have ever said thank you dmitri how about a big huge opposite of thank you for not exhibiting what capitalism is supposed to be i mean i'm sorry you get away with like totally you know being a winner even though you're a loser and you want to thank you because you get to cut the line in front of everybody else and succeed there's a when we interviewed them when we had that question about the bear stearns deal where you participate with the fed they said it mainly in one member mainly to it through sort of. and the whole thing is all the money that these guys are making the financial sector is either through direct mail or implicit backstops that a lot of them take risks and carry on really realize losses and and then whenever they have a loss the small loss or whatever it's a huge loss and then they need another bail out again also with their only understand how they pay this money because they blew up he had written all this
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insurance and then they didn't have any of the capital to make good on it so i don't even understand how this gets paid it's interesting because the fed has been selling off the instruments that were on a i g's books and one of the reasons why it's been reported in the wall street journal that there's a demand for this stuff is because it yields more relative to other instruments in this incredibly low yield environment which is again so then you have to the fed to think for the fact that. there's got to also i don't know what exactly the bed with poor value or i don't know i don't even know how they bought them when you look at it you can't even get answers and when he was doing when he was look trying to figure out why he couldn't get straight answers and we still can't get around to looking for him though so that's all continue to do but. meantime that's all we have time for thank you so much for watching be sure to come back tomorrow in the mean time you know you can follow me on twitter you can like us on our facebook page watch us on you tube or in h.d. on the lou and have a great night. and
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