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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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three broken videos for your media project free video done to r.t. dot com. breaking news on our teams the u.s. blocks a statement on libya at the u.n. security council that's been proposed by brush it aimed at pace for the resolving the government back stage right now colonel gadhafi is former stronghold of bani walid. moscow says there is no rational explanation for washington's most recent diplomatic decision at the u.n. details from new york straight ahead. he's the scenes in madrid right now there are thousands of protesting more cuts being debated by parliament as spain edges closer to an e.u. bailout for reporting from there. plus a bomber paints romney as
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a novice who's not ready to be america's commander in chief but he finds out right victory elusive in the final presidential t.v. show that. you're with r.t. live with me kevin i continue our top story the breaking news the u.s. is tonight blocked a proposed statement to the u.n. security council drafted by russia calling for the conflict in libya's besieged city of bani walid to be resolved peacefully this is loyalist militias are mounting their offensive in the last stronghold of moammar gadhafi supporters let's go live to new york our correspondent there brain of this news that size be greeted with some amount of dismay on the russian side. it certainly has as you mentioned the u.s. and western countries did not back the russian drafted
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a press statement they said that they were they cited the need for further consultations now the russian envoy to the un to tell the churkin says in the aftermath of last month's deadly attack in benghazi that killed four americans it's quite surprising that the u.s. would be blocking a statement that is condemning the use of violence in dealing with libya's political problems. says it's very strange and the behavior of the u.s. delegation with respect to the russian. press statement in this situation is hard to rationally explain now this russian security council press statement on bani walid expressed grave concern about the escalation of violence in and around the city in particularly the reports of growing civilian casualties including children the statement also called the living authorities to take urgent steps to resolve the conflict by peaceful means and to preserve the rights of all libyan citizens in the statement also stressed the need to promote national reconciliation inclusive
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political dialogue in libya it was quite surprising to many of us journalists that were at the u.n. stakeout to find that there was no agreement made on this this russian draft press statement that was tabled to the security council just a day ago but as we are reporting u.s. and western countries say that they need further consultations before they could indorse a press statement that essentially condemns this violence violence that began in the beginning of october and we see is escalating day by day so that is the most recent update coming from the u.n. security council but kevin of course these these conversations will clearly continue in the days to come. thank you very much so hungry and forced to flee their homes the people of bunny will lead to libya is seeing the home turn ripped apart by pro-government shelling right now women and children are among the dead middle east correspondent paula slater has more. police
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teacher bonnie has been on the go now for almost three weeks and almost by the day we are hearing and receiving reports of new atrocities being committed we are hearing from the photos and from the of witnesses reports of people being killed of the bodies of the dismembered of children being murdered at the same time we know that there is constant shelling this constant attacks and also reports of the illegitimate use of chemical weaponry by these pro-government forces now according to eyewitnesses on the ground as well as doctors and the soon many of the people there are suffering from toxic gas poisoning and this does tie in the with unconfirmed reports that we have been receiving that gas shells are being used on the local population now earlier r.t. spoke with a man in italy who has family in bonny why did he outlined for us the consequences and the circumstances in which they were surviving but we have not identified him
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because he is afraid of the safety of his family i spoke with my family on the last few and they are telling me that the situations that early on the last few days there were because there were there weren't. on this is the road there so they wanted the most care with the other families from the woman's and the little kids there were women have the. pregnant woman have a baby. because the situation was that it. was really really strong bombing from outside of the kind of heavy guns the government the. only thing the government the what happened in between boehner wanted the messiah to start. after that a few days. out and he said that it's a war it's a good war against. his. but
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from all. this is billions are falling down over. the current of weapons and. the. machines on the head i don't know what happened about the few there is the people of the norman ride. such. as from the other side from the road of people who are using the family as a human. right there for the criticism leveled against the former libyan leader moammar gadhafi the one thing that he did bring to the country was stability and many questions are being asked if it's rationed today is better than it was a year ago you have in power and national transitional council that is largely quiet about all the atrocities that are going on inside the country we have heard from the human rights watch and expose
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a atrocities and crimes that have been committed in the city of misrata and in addition to this you have a nato armed militia that acts almost as if it is above the norm so certainly a lot of questions being asked and a lot of doubt being cast over whether or not the country is better off after independence it was a lot of criticism leveled against gaddafi and there is a lot of silence in the international at the moment of what is happening. that is the question why these double standards why is so much made of one aspect and some leaders so much is being kept quiet about another. closely with this latest violence comes a year after a brutal colonel gadhafi with the disarray in libya still growing commentated with the outlook for the country's. two. is there is absolute. and. you knew knew. you. out
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of his sights now anybody apparently is fair game you have hundreds of militias all various sizes roaming the countries many of them heavily armed with hundreds of thousands maybe millions of weapons out there more weapons than people and it's also spilling over into other countries the new government seems to be standing there looking at what's happening around them really powerless to do much of the other. armed militias that are really near the army today the national army isn't really much at all and huge numbers of arms very happy every weapons out there that's where the power is very land angry crowds tired of a growing austerity gathering in madrid tonight as parliament debates more cuts to be written into next year's budget the softer ratings john moody slashed the score for spades regions with mounting speculation that the country's close to asking for an e.u. lifeline is in madrid. but you have several hundred people out on the streets of
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madrid right now actually the some of the people that i've spoken to earlier today have said that there actually are going to have about eighty five actions of protests this week alone she says any other week you're looking at hundreds of people are getting increasingly frustrated with the fact that just thirty measures seem to cut those who suffer the most and that is the people that are at the lower cost of the demographic that financially speaking of course they say that the rich always find a way to get away but it's the other people that suffer if they're worried about the fact that all of their all of their social aids are being cut such as health care and education support for the elderly in fact the spain has the highest rate of unemployment for the youth it's all it's over fifty percent at this point the central bank has said the economy is shrinking so they find that the only we really believe the only thing they can do at this point is to get out on a stupid as much as possible as often this possible to come to the congress of
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their representatives to the parliament and show what they believe is true and that is that these people do not represent them they do not understand their grievances or worries and they are doing nothing in order to help just common spaniards. reporting the final u.s. presidential t.v. debate puts barack obama in the lead according to most polls but i am baffled by the similarity. much just that. if you are passing through rushes to veer region you really can. get thousands of kilometers of unspoilt countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the loan and such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fishermen and provides a business opportunity for hunches. there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can
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leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive the heart of just the less forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up and this is where i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf i had a chance to get close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to
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act as foster parents for the next generation will come here using the older walls as a surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolf reputation in russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication. remains a place where visitors can truly understand the cool of the wild.
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mission. free. free. free free. free. free. free. video for your media. free media. came out fighting an approach that paid off in most polls but still president obama failed to delist republican rival a decisive blow job in the final pre-election faceoff me to task over his
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inexperience in global matters while stressing his own foreign policy achievements was going to change account reports the way the candidates actually view america's role in the world stages and what different. this debate showed that the candidates agree on a lot of things on some issues they were almost in sync with one another even using the same words it seemed the occasional big ring that happened between them was more for the sake of the debate rather than about real differences in the policies that they propose on iran for example they couldn't agree more with each other they were absolutely on the same page with regards to putting sanctions on iran with regards to backing israel they were saying exactly the same things but president obama did say something interesting he said you think against the premature military action against iran governor romney's a vase of response to the same question suggested that he doesn't want to go there either and he said i don't want to get into a hypothetical so then on of ghana's that governor romney showed himself as an
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added we could do of the president's policies there he said that he thinks the surge was successful that as the president of the united states he too would bring the troops home in twenty fourteen something that president obama says he's going to do on syria though they both agree that the u.s. should get rid of outside and make sure that the next government in syria is friendly to the united states they both agreed although they did disagree on whether or not the u.s. should give them some heavy weapons to the rebels in syria that's what governor romney suggested whereas president obama at least seems to recognize the complexity of the situation on the ground take a listen for us to get more entanglement militarily in syria is a serious stuff and we have to do so making absolutely certain that we know who we are helping the we're not putting arms in the hands of folks who eventually could turn them against us or our allies in the region to a more general point governor romney kept using the word opportunity when talking about the revolutions in the middle east and north africa when talking about syria
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and it's very telling of the foreign policy that he's suggesting is very opportunistic with regards to syria he basically said that the u.s. should take advantage of the. crisis in syria to deliver a defeat to iran syria's an opportunity for us because syria plays an important role the middle east particular right now syria is iran's only ally in the arab world it's their route to the sea it's the route for them to arm hezbollah in lebanon which threatens of course our ally israel and so seeing syria remove assad is a very high priority for us the candidates did mention russia on a few occasions although there was no specific question about russia of course that hot mike moment came up the one between president obama and the vet of this spring when the u.s. president suggested that he would be more flexible to discuss america's missile defense plans in europe after the election and for that remark the president has come under an avalanche of criticism in washington criticism that came down to this
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basically how dare you be flexible with the russians i want to talk to them about security issues and governor romney during this debate has made a similar point but i have clear eyes on this i'm not going to wear rose colored glasses when it comes to russia or mr putin and i'm certainly not going to say to him i'll give him more flexibility have to election actually election he'll get more backbone the missile defense shield in europe is a longstanding sore point in the relations between the two countries moscow has suggested many times resolving the issue by building the shale together but to no avail the only response russia has been getting from this administration was don't worry it's not against you but then they listen to candidate romney who calls russia an enemy and virtually election every statement on russia that candidate romney has made so far has actually played into the concerns that moscow has with regards to this schildt because russia then says ok president obama we believe you know what if maybe not this year but four years from now so long with the mindset of governor romney is elected president how is he or she going to use those
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military bases so close to the washroom borders because that chilled is not a four year project it's a long running thing and despite this administration's more forthcoming official latitude they should still stands. campbell the debates between the two main contenders for the white house may be over but there's still plenty of fight left in this election the so-called third party candidates are the two main political forces were excluded from official televised debates but refused to stay silent ossie they'll come out to america helping with their views with their big picture and god knew a lot. this presidential election is not just about obama and romney they're also third party candidates on the ticket and they will influence its outcome see a debate among this nation's major third party candidates right here on r t i like over twenty thirty.
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kevin zeese only advisory board of free and he called the organization behind the third party debate which will be showing here even she kevin why do you think it's important to give third party candidates a platform to air their views and their way to make much difference. well i think that last night showed us why it's important you basically had a bay where romney said i agree with you but i can do the same thing better and bamma said thank you for agreement that you're an idiot i mean that was pretty much the debate the issue after issue and even the fundamental questions about our foreign policy were not discussed this debate corporation they call themselves a commission but it's a private corporation of the two parties narrows the discussion they want to discuss for example question does it make sense for the u.s. to be an empire to dictate to other countries how they should run their governments and run their economy so it was
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a useless debate where you can see now with these other debaters these these other candidates is a broader debate and you'll find many of these candidates actually speak to what the american people believe and much more than what the two candidates you heard last night we were going so well on for she was not we aired on every station at the same time only so what on his case was a bit like having one of those key issues that the third party candidate is going to talk about that the other two the main line is on. but issues that we're not talking about the debate should the united states be a foreign policy empire with eleven hundred military bases around the world should we conduct our foreign policy for a trans national corporate profit what we can do about the fifteen million americans who have their houses under under or under water is facing foreclosure what are we going to do about the drone attacks i mean issue after issue is not discussed how you move to a real health care solution that will provide health care to all americans a single payer national health care system those are the kinds of issues will get
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discussed and those issues americans believe and you can look at a whole range of issues and there are super majorities of americans believe in getting money out of politics getting to a clean energy economy health care for all people building up not to please our security all these issues not discussed in the government's going the opposite direction what the americans believe tonight you'll hear from candidates who actually speak with the american we want to hear so what would it take kevin to bring an end to a barack as close to party system that you think end of the day. well you will take you'll take really the money out of politics issue it will take changes in the laws around our elections getting on the ballot in the united states is very difficult every state has different law and they all have little tricky parts of them that make it hard to make each state work and so none of these candidates are every on on every ballot in the country because of those laws we need to have a system that allows for open debates right now you have these two parties creating
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a corporation that they call a commission to try to cover up the fact that it's really just the two parties in the big business interests who don't let other people to bait you know sixty five million people saw those debates so the last three debates between romney and obama will be lucky to get a million the see the debates between these other candidates so we really restructure our democracy to get away from this mirage democracy that we've become and become a real democracy not just represent a democracy but a participatory democracy where people are actually involved in helping to make the decisions of the country kevin i guess is a problem though that considering how many third party candidates there are is possible again how can you give them equal campaign opportunities or that kind of overwhelming focus at the same time with information overload if you like. well you know there was a race in california when arnold schwarzenegger won it was a recall election of the existing governor and on the ballot were literally about one hundred candidates and as they as the campaign developed it became clear there
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are about four or five who you know are getting some recognition in the polls and i'm not talking about getting into the fifteen or twenty percent but even getting the single digits getting recognized the balls it was really down to four or five candidates they had to base with those four candidates and the result was schwartz no you ended up winning so you can handle that there are many countries that have multi-party systems where there are multiple. candidates on the ballot and you can you can help out with a with the initial action that involves all these candidates narrowed down the top two or two and then you have a runoff election for the top two just like france recently there's this is a unusual problems a problem we can certainly handle and it's certainly much better than have this two party system the united states really has both funded by the same big business interests both supporting the same empire foreign policy both supporters in corporatist domestic policy neither of them representing the interests the american people kevin thank you for your thoughts of the program kevin zeese there advisory board member of the organization behind the third party debate thank you. know
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turkey promotes itself as a regional leader in freedom but in fact it's imprisoned war journalist in china or iran and america media watch those exposed to he is the world's leading jailer of reporters and criticize the government we're covering that story online right now if you would read it more about it. and it's exactly ten years on from the moscow theater siege that left one hundred thirty dead. it's got firsthand accounts from survivors he is from. still suffering to this day r.t. dot com it's the place you can find those stories and many. the u.k. is doubling its drone fleet in afghanistan to ten multi million dollar unmanned aircraft that's even though london says it's preparing to leave the war so ahead of the twenty forty nato withdrawal deadline middle east expert terry kelly told us drone warfare is a hypocritical crime. i think it's an emergency measure. they want to have the capability to blast people they don't like whenever they want to without
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loosing the lives of their own soldiers over this is always been very a priority they can always find money for weapons for wars. on austerity measures reducing salaries of all workers some of the less well off and cutting down social expenditure innocent lives are lost women are intruder and and they create more havoc then before so or the result is really very gun to productive and they build up a trade in these regions you know on the one hand you have western countries saying terrorism as a threat and on the other hand be a launch grown terror on in of some in different parts of the world in africa and now as we're seeing in so please share and to morrow who knows where it so but what it does is keep the wall feet were going and then people want to react in
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india beecham groups of terrorists want to do it but countries that are doing this so they can pretend that they don't know this is going to be the result it's well. that's a nice round of so far this hour we got the latest business with natasha very short is choose the live from moscow. you. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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