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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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and tail on employment is on a five percent it makes no sense to bring the end so many farm workers were not unemployment is so high in this country sack on might hurt their own quits on time going we need to end super pacs and political action committees that would be one of the best times that would open up our country for a more democratic process and a great a voice by the people and lastly we need term limits it's time to focus on doing the best job and congressman scott of the next election and the next one right. now an opening statement. from governor johnson the country is in really deep trouble. we should not bomb iran. we should be had. we should end the war in afghanistan to morrow bring the troops home to morrow
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the. marriage equality is a constitutionally guaranteed right on par with civil rights of the sixty's let's and. let's end the drug wars legalize marijuana now the. let's repeal the patriot act halt the i would have never signed the national defense authorization act allowing for you and i as u.s. citizens to be arrested and detained without being charged that the reason we know more isn't this was. i promise to submit a balanced budget to congress in the year two thousand and thirteen that is a one point four trillion dollar reduction in federal spending if we don't do this
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now we are going to find ourselves in a monetary collapse and a monetary collapse very simply is when the dollars we have in our pocket don't buy a thing because of the accompanying inflation that goes along with borrowing and printing money to the tune of forty three cents out of every dollar we spend on the only candidate that wants to eliminate income tax eliminate corporate tax abolish the i.r.s. and with police all of us with one federal consumption tax the fair tax i think it writes the american economy it's the answer to it's the answer to all of our exports that's the answer to american jobs ok to her right now. thank you very well now i get that a second question i'll repeat it will start to go around with with rocky in what way does the war on drugs impact americans how could be affected be reduced is
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there a more efficient way to deal with the issue of drug use in america that was submitted by jeff tang way via facebook the war on progress has been catastrophic for our country a waste of national treasure an unbelievable human tragedy i remember when burt stringfellow came to me and told me about his son cory who had been sentenced on his first drug offense to fifteen and a half years in a federal penitentiary when i became mayor i worked really hard with the clinton white house and on the day that president clinton left the white house he signed a presidential pardon saving corey stringfellow a decade in a federal penitentiary. well the injury is sitting in a federal penitentiary today with a fifty five year sentence for selling marijuana on three occasions because the informant said there was a gun around somewhere not that he'd used it that there was
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a gun present so with gun in hand smith's mandatory gun in hand smith's and judge that who had to enter the senate said it was an outrage it was unjust but fifty five years this is the kind of human toll in this country we don't just need to legalize marijuana we need to end drug prohibition just like we ended alcohol prohibition and treat drug use and abuse as a public health and education issue and get a higher way out of this just. ordered us to parse aeration rate in the world by far we have five percent of the world's population. and twenty five percent of the world's prison population we have more people in prison and gels in this country on drug offenses than western europe has in their prisons and jails on all of found ten second this and we the american
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people need to come together right left it doesn't matter about partisanship we need to demand immediately and that this insane war on drugs was. heard the good. thank you i am an advocate of a balanced budget now not ten years down the road and i would cut federal spending on the war on drugs however drug abuse is primarily a state issue not a federal issue but our federal laws and i am not and this is going to not set well with most of you and not all legalizing marijuana use of the drug use. if we cut back on the war on drugs that would be a man a part of the federal budget back twelve billion dollars is being spent this she added three point eight trillion dollars budget on the war on drugs but i have
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a lot of small things i'm not funding planned parenthood i would take that to the right and i am. i'm not finding the right cast we're on drugs we're on drugs but i'm just pointing out that how small the federal war on drug money he has in terms of them but i am for reducing it because we've got to reduce nearly everything that's generally funded in order to get to a balanced budget all right governor johnson in the war on drugs. ninety percent of the drug problem is prohibition related not use related and that is not to discount the problems with use and abuse but that should be the focus so let's legalize marijuana now and right now in this country we are at a tipping point on this issue fifty percent of americans now support legalizing marijuana why is this the case it's because we're talking about it it's because
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debates and discussions are raging at dinner tables that haven't been raging at dinner tables in the past so let's regulate it let's tax it. it's on the ballot in colorado in november colorado's have the opportunity here really to change drug policy worldwide colorado's get it citizens of denver six years ago voted to do criminalize marijuana on a campaign based on marijuana being safer than alcohol i am not a hypocrite on this issue i have drank alcohol i have smoked marijuana i don't drink coke zero i don't smoke marijuana but i can tell you categorically in no category is marijuana more dangerous than alcohol and yet. and yet we are arresting one point eight million people
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a year in this country on drug related crime we have the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world two point three million people half of what we spend on law enforcement the courts and the prisons is drug related and told what and look this is not about advocating drug use fifty percent of kids graduating from high school have smoked marijuana that's an issue that belongs with families not in the criminal justice system was. all right thank you governor that's come up joe you're there anybody with any rebuttal killing i have to make my statement first and then and then everybody will thank you. so as a medical doctor. previously in clinical practice for about twenty five years i can say with a real understanding of the science and the health impacts that marijuana is
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a substance that is dangerous because it's illegal it's not illegal on account of being dangerous because it's not dangerous at all. it is well understood that the health impacts of marijuana. are mainly public health and safety impacts from the ill legal drug trade associated with marijuana prohibition so the most important thing we can do to get rid of the health problems associated with marijuana is legalize it and on day one. until a one a president if she wanted to could instruct the da to do a really radical radical thing and that would be to use science in determining what
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substances will and will not be scuttled because the minute scientists use marijuana on that. and the same comes the same goes for ham which is also a substance for which there are no bad drug effects there are no bad health and safety of facts yet there are very important economic benefits both of those substances should be legalized marijuana should be regulated but in a way that does not create another to pepple monopoly ok turn it all you know actually for now the once robot race here you want to rebut right yeah and i'm not sure it's really a bottle because i'm in total agreement especially well on all issues that could kill raised but really why is that illegal except for those money interests that
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control our congress we need to rise up as one and say legalize industrial hemp now anyway i want to rebut. with the ok right i mean like the president and romney who has won forty thousand people forty thousand people in prison on drug charges and one nine hundred seventy one when this war on drugs began now we have all. for a half million of our people in prisons i wouldn't attain as president a presidential pardon for every one that didn't commit other crimes that are federal prison gate because of drug offenses are a bunch. of six questions you know only finishing the second one anyone else want to rebut. when i was governor of new mexico i met with judges in portland oregon that asked to meet with me. they had the meeting started i didn't know what to expect but what they said was hey we're here to support you we're here to
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support what you have to say but we would like to share with you a story here that perhaps you can pounce have a minute pass on to others that would let others better understand this they said that methamphetamine really is the bogeyman drug people that use methamphetamine do bad things their behavior is altered they said we're not suggest and by the way it disparagingly falls on the poor it's it's the best example we can think of a prohibition drug it's cheap it's easy to make so the consequences fall disparagingly on the poor they said we're not suggesting the following bit of cocaine were legal these people would be using cocaine without the negative behavioral impact now what i will tell you about cocaine and it would be wonderful if the government told the truth cocaine puts holes in your heart really people that use cocaine their entire lifetime die from a heart attack whitney houston is the best example of where our time is coquet all the time all right one minute rebuttal go ahead. let's speak play out
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back my opposition on the ass on like gary i'm like rocky and i'm like j.r. i'm not going legalizing drugs if you want that vote for one of the i don't vote for me ok now. we remind you that tonight's debate questions were submitted via social media and i'm presenting them exactly as they were cvs the next topic and we'll start with this one with virgil concerns foreign policy comes from greg salazar of los angeles be a reddit. do you think that an annual military budget of nearly one trillion dollars is absolutely necessary people say in a broader sense what do you think should be the role of the worldwide of the united states military to minutes virgil goode as i say at i am a like the president our balanced the budget and part of the cuts have to be on the
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department of defense we cannot then as mitt romney and paul ryan suggest increased military funding by two trillion dollars over the next decade i support a strong defense but we need to retrench rather than trying to be the policeman of the world we have too many so just too many troops. scattered around the world our bases made could be reduced around the world not a trace and the united states should stop trying to be always so you have the world that will say billions and billions of dollars. right governor johnson let me start with a premise here we need to provide ourselves with a strong national defense it's one of government's fundamental responsibilities but the operative word here is defense not all fans and not nation building. the biggest threat to our national security is the fact that we're bankrupt that we're
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borrowing and we're printing money to the tune of forty three cents out of every dollar that we spend so i am promising to submit a balanced budget to congress in the year two thousand and thirteen that would include a forty three percent reduction in military spending how does that go down well if forty three percent reduction in military spending takes us back to two thousand and three spending levels it's getting ourselves out of all the military engagements that we are in currently involved in stop with the military interventions it's reducing the military footprint worldwide its bases its its troops that we have stationed in japan in south korea and in europe its intelligence its research and development. all of these components go into a forty three percent reduction when it comes to the military we have to stop our military interventions we have to stop with the drone strikes we have to stop with
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a policy that has us with hundreds of millions of enemies to this country that but for these policies would otherwise not exist it's a recognition that when we talk about foreign aid to other countries it's propping up foreign dictators that are on our side as opposed to the other side we pick winners and losers. and there are a whole lot of unintended consequences that go along with this right now we're funding the syrian insurgents and they're made up of just hotness by should we not learn anything in afghanistan where we funded osama bin love all right thanks. go see the military the big chill yes i want to agree with gary and with rocky and i guess not with virgil in this instance to say that a foreign policy based on militarism and brute military force and
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wars for oil is making us less secure not more secure we need to cut the budget and bring the troops home. and we need to end the drone wars not bring the drones home because they're already coming home we need to put an end to the use of drones and actually lead not to lead this development of a new arms race but to lead in an international treaty and a convention to permanently banned the use of drones as a weapon of war as a means of spying on americans. five trillion dollars spent on the afghanistan and iraq war thousands of american lives hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians this has not made us more secure and it what we're seeing in fact is the blowback against this policy because dropping bombs on weddings and
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funerals which is what drones do with an incredibly high civilian casualty rate that is not a good way to win the hearts and minds of people in the middle east. where he said . we need a foreign policy based on international rights on an international law and on human rights and on fighting. climate change which should be the war that we are all fighting not for our car or oil. right. and now the also on the question of military spending and then we'll have a rebuttal if anyone raises their hand and wants to again we have three more questions coming on military spending rocking president eisenhower in his last presidential address warning this country about the military industrial complex when he first wrote that speech he termed it the military industrial congressional complex and for very good reason because these folks vote for massive funding for
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completely wasteful projects like the f. twenty two that the department of defense said we're never going to use it it's outmoded why would we spend billions of dollars on it and because the contractor had other contractors or subcontractors in forty four different states and they do that very strategically these people the republicans and democrats alike voted for additional funding that is treason against our country when our treasure is being wasted when we need that treasure to go to war and the. biggest challenge facing our planet and that is combating climate change we need to focus on where the real public interest is rather than where those who are benefiting from this corrupt system are our have their state now there are two fundamental when it comes to our engagement military engagement i think our leaders have
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completely either forgotten it or ignoring first no wars of aggression if you haven't been attacked or you're not imminently going to be attacked it to attack and i kind of the country like we did iraq is an illegal war of aggression of the kill i agree and pact under the united nations charter against the neural. principles of the nuremberg tribunal we prosecuted and convicted people for those same crimes and secondly our constitution requires that the decision whether to go to war is congress's alone they have the sole parag that it cannot be delegated to the president and congress has. got the group of tonkin resolution and later today on the search for use of force against anyone i want to rebut you want to rebut virgil very very. rocky s. correct to back following the constitution i would not be and syria on
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last congress makes a declaration of war we will not stay in afghanistan if i am a like to present that unless congress makes that declaration of war only by going through that constitutional process which can we ensure that the will of the american people is addressed when we have issues like syria yanna stand on our right. now this is the report. you want to report something gary well ok. it's a report of what. i was opposed to going into iraq before we went into iraq i did not think there were weapons of mass destruction and i said in two thousand and three if there are weapons of mass destruction we have the military surveillance capability to see that happen and if that happens oh we have all sorts of options but if we go into iraq we're going to find ourselves in
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a civil war to which there would be no end afghanistan i thought initially that that was totally warranted we were attacked we attacked back but i would argue that after having been in afghanistan for six months we wiped out al qaeda that was eleven years ago we should have gotten out of afghanistan eleven years ago so here we are now on iran the largest demonstration in the world in support of the united states after nine eleven was in iran by over one million citizens that showed up in support of the united states and we're going to bomb iran we're going to bomb the citizens of iran we're going to find ourselves with another hundred million enemies to this country that we wouldn't otherwise have. i think both candidates said they would not bomb around the edges but i would like the questions to be rebuttal so we can move on this is our fourth question the economy is the topic put his support debate question the question was submitted by
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me go to reno be it out since this was done be a tot let's go to his question on the video sentiment scare the college education in the year two thousand and thirty or very sort of nearly four hundred thousand dollars soldierly worth that point and if so how do we provide the opportunity to everyone. the question if you didn't hear it was so most of it's give the pricing of college education of the year twenty thirty eight maybe four hundred thousand dollars a bet's correct but his question was is college even worth it at that point if so how would you provide the opportunity of college for everyone and this question should begin with governor johnson well first of all as governor of new mexico established lottery scholarships which allowed really any graduating high school student from new mexico to go to college with those costs paid so what's the federal role though when it comes to education and what's the primary reason in
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this country why college tuition is so high well it's because of guaranteed government student loans that because of guaranteed government student loans no one has the excuse for not going to education and so because of that institutions of higher learning colleges and universities are immune from pricing that if kids would take a harder look at it gee i don't think i can afford fifteen thousand dollars a semester i think i'll just sit this one out when that happens in mass i guarantee you the cost of college tuition will drop dramatically but today that that that is a situation that doesn't exist i can't afford fifteen thousand dollars and yet friends and family will point and say look you can get a guaranteed government student loan that is another one of government's unintended consequences that have college tuition at such
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a high rate. the area that. i think it's time to make public higher education free as it should be the again. we've done this before when our troops came home from the second world war we provided free higher education through the g.i. bill and we know that it pays for itself for every dollar that we invested as tax payers seven dollars was returned and benefits to the economy including more than enough revenue to cover the full cost of those tuitions payments. this is something. probably the twentieth century throughout the twentieth century we provided a high school education for free to our younger generation y.
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because it was essential for economic security and we owe it to our younger generation to give them a secure start into their economic lives but in the twenty first century a high school degree won't cut it you need a college degree in order to have economic security so it's only right that we should not be providing that for free. and palmer. and while we're at it it's time to instead of bail out wall street for the fourth time which is what the fed is doing right now with q e three forty billion dollars a month to bail out wall street banks again instead let's bail out the students and do something really useful with them. but
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call it. rock with like our forbearers the wisdom. to set up a system where everyone in this country would have a free secondary education and that may have been enough to them but for our nation to regain its global competitive edge we must provide higher education either a college education or technical education but it's for the future of our country and to meet the ideal in this nation of equality of opportunity that we should provide a free and equal educational opportunity in colleges and technical schools and do the right thing for the future of our country and for our young people. this is not a radical idea it's done in many parts of the world and it pays huge dividends
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as to those students who are saddled with this enormous tuitions debt now it's reached over a trillion dollars more than the entire credit card debt in this country and what did congress do for their fact cack contributors they made student debt non dischargeable in bankruptcy so you can go charge a monster audion your credit card and write off in bankruptcy but somebody that went out and did what they could to get a decent education can get a new start so we need to demand of congress allow the discharge ability and bankruptcy of student that now thank you. for those who are good on college. you might not get what you want to hear from me but you've got to get straight talk we can all afford more federally subsidized student loans and we can afford more pell grants i wish i could stand here and tell you yes we can give
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you more all no one is going to have to pay for. ahdaf out sixteen trillion dollars is bearing down on ask and as governor johnson say as we could well be like germany after world war one. ag do not support and their person that i asked the question on the internet is not going to like it but we can afford more pay all grants and more federal aid subsidized student loans certainly not at this time we've got to balance the budget and clown that day. now anybody have a rebuttal or rebuttals of free comes with a cost three. three very simply it is spending more money than what you take in free is simple.


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