tv [untitled] October 23, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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accumulating more to the sixteen trillion dollars in debt that we currently have free is gotten us to the point where we are going to experience a monetary collapse in this country due to the fact that we continue to borrow and print more money then then we take in we're printing and borrowing money to the tune of forty three cents out of every dollar we spend free the federal reserve system in this country to the treasury prints money they give it to the federal reserve federal reserve gives the money to the banks that zero percent or they give it to you or i know they buy up treasuries in a closed loop making profits off of you and i would no risk whatsoever this is what has to stop in this country is the notion of free there needs to be a level playing field for everybody in the other republic. rocky i so disagree with both carrie johnson and virgil goode on this week i am not sure not
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to the buyer education and equality of opportunity for all of our young people in this country we. must hear it is not austerity and in a recession it's not time for these massive spending cuts was called for by bull simpson and by both these people running for president with the major parties we need to get behind our workers and our young people and provide what's going to build this nation in the future great jobs and a great first job less education hill and better for. the both. i'm agreeing with rocky here that we cannot afford not to educate our students our younger generation is the greatest resource we have and their participation in our economy is not just good. for them it's good for all of
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us every generation the economy needs to be read by presidents a nation and by the first genius of a new generation that doesn't happen when a generation is locked into intense ird servants that's what our students are now. robert. gates. burgle. simply point out both barack obama and mitt romney in the last debate romney said i'm for expanding student loans and pell grants you've got four candidates you can look to if that you're. right the fifth question. for tonight's debate centers on civil rights like the previous questions that were submitted via social media and it's being presented exactly as sent to us the question comes from melissa pauline on twitter this is the for the candidates and this go around will begin
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back with jill where do you stand on n b a second ten twenty one the ability to detain americans indefinitely where do you stand on that. it's an outrage that ten twenty one n.b.a. would ever pass to start with. it's an incredible the trail of our civil liberties that the president has assumed dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or without trial this is an allowable and is a basic offense against the very foundation of american liberty and it should be. the end game where. we must also
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repeal the the president's interpretation of the. of the hidden force men act in two thousand and one. the military use that said that assassinations are in the power of this president and we need to put an end to this as a nation we need to put an end to the fight so i act which retroactively legalize unborn tim wiretapping against us. we need to repeal the patriot act and we were ok. and we stopped the persecution of whistleblowers all the wins all crime was. ever benjamin franklin said if we sacrifice our liberty for security we
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will wind up losing so let's take back our liberty that is the foundation of true security rock you. know taming america. why i went to law school because i believed. as deeply as one can believe in the rule of law and justice in the fact that our system of justice can provide for everyone and what we have seen with through the bush years and now with president obama has been so absolutely subversive an anti-american there's been no more anti-american act i think in our history than the n b a and president obama don't be fooled about this in two thousand and nine. for the power
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to indefinitely detain people without charges without a trial without legal assistance without the right of p.b.'s corpus. we are on the road toward to tella terry and his and that's not an exaggeration take a look at this one person if one person can determine against whom and under what conditions laws passed by congress and our constitution are going to be applied that spells tyranny it's the very definition of tyranny so what happened when cousin obama came into office he said all about our international treaties and our own domestic laws absolutely forbidden torture let's forget about those were crimes and move forward not look backwards what about those people who committed countless federal felonies by illegally spying on american citizens he said let's forget about it and he did the same thing when he's in the united states senate and
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after he promised just the opposite to everybody before he got the democratic nomination he boded for retro acting immunity criminal immunity for the telecom companies the participated in the illegal surveillance program all right shows such utter disregard for the rule of law we need to demand more of our leaders who are. very good camaraderie rogers our constitution birdsville one one senate sansa larry if our president i would have vetoed and day. by day we all would accept the governor well because larry this is like shamelessly pitching oneself to vote for me so i'm going to try and take advantage of shamelessly pitching myself here. i would have vetoed the national defense authorization act allowing for you
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and i as u.s. citizens to be arrested and detained without being charged i think what's really significant is last year last december the a.c.l.u. came out with. the report card on all of the presidential candidates and i apologize to the three others on stage that warrants in this report card but they came out with a report card on all the presidential candidates a.c.l.u. a.c.l.u. a group dedicated to civil liberties a group dedicated to the constitution a group dedicated the first ten amendments to the constitution a bill of rights i think this is really important twenty four liberty torches was a perfect score mitt romney and rick santorum had zero liberty torches out of twenty four newt gingrich had four liberty torches out of twenty four barack obama had sixteen liberty torches out of twenty for my hero ron paul eighteen liberty george softball thought. and gary johnson had twenty one liberty torches on its merits thank you.
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ok and you will. find anybody rebuttal i guess we all agree on that all right we go to question number six we will by the way have a discussion on this and we'll have two minute closing comments as well begin this round will start with rocky the sixth and final debate question was selected by my editorial team for the many question submitted to us via social media in a post to paste book russell hate russ hate asked the presidential candidates this you have to think about this and we start with rocky if you have the opportunity to write one constitutional amendment with an absolute guarantee it would be approved by congress and then following that three fourths of the state legislatures what
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would you have men. i've already written it please take a look at our website vote rockey dot org it's the new equal rights amendment promising that equal rights under the law will never be abridged on account of gender or sexual orientation it's time the we have federal protection for members of our g l b t community and absolutely prohibit any discrimination on account of gender that amendment without the sexual orientation provision held by not getting the approval of only three states in this country it's high time we revive an ad sexual orientation and gender identification and make that statement as a nation who will never allow discrimination on those grounds. or the others respond do you think rocky that would pass today i do think it would
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pass if the people made it clear that we insist upon it and there will be a heavy political price paid by anybody in congress or in the white house who opposes it it's really up to us major social movements in this country always started at the grassroots level we are the leaders let's make them follow. heard. what those are stuck him in the constitution term limits if we don't. if we don't adopt term limits you up going to continue to have a congress that is always worried about the next election instead of what's best for the country and that makes a the ask if we could get it through congress and you might have to grandfather all the members of congress there right now which i wouldn't want to do. but you might have to i'm a term limits between six and twelve yes i don't care what you do yes whether it's
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six eight ten or twenty it would enhance washington so much because our staff yes it's a constant worry about the next election whereas the next fundraiser going to be who are the pats going to be they had given me money so i'll be able to act than my opponents you watch the chicago television it is constant advertising and the pacs of the biggest contributors to that book congressional action i will tell you this if we could get it through the house and the senate it would go whack and i threw hot bob out of the state legislature's term limits not. as a as a follower of byrd but you think they both themselves out of office that's why i said you would probably have a grandfather and i i think you could get it through if you were a grandfather and i are at least let it start by giving them if it was
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a. given point more yes and that would get it for the government what's your constant. term limits. the root of all evil are politicians that beat their chests and in the name of electing me or reelecting me we're going to end the war on terror we're going to take care of the legal immigrant we're going to take care of health care we're going to have free education for everybody we're in and the drug wars you name it elect me reelect me i'm going to save the world and congress gets elected we need to balance i hear congressional ads running all the time we need to balance the federal budget the next ad that runs is here's the bacon that i've brought home to my state amounting to billions of dollars and if you want the bacon to continue to be brought home vote for me i think i'm living proof the term limits work look i really enjoyed being governor of new mexico i really enjoyed it but i have but i knew that
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it was that i was term limited i had eight years did i push the on the local as much as i might have pushed it if i had four years as opposed to eight years i don't think i did i think i pushed the oem below just far enough to get reelected and i got reelected in a state that was two to one democrat but i got reelected and then it was man this is all about doing the right thing i do not want to leave office thinking coulda should go woulda so term limits in my opinion really is the silver bullet politicians would get elected and do the right thing as opposed to whatever it takes to get elected and reelected. joe how would you amend the constitution. my concern is that even with term limits unfortunately corporations and big money can still buy what they want and are still
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buying our candidates. they get them and all anyhow whether it's for four years or eight years so i want to pass the amendment that will clarify that money is not speech and corporations are not people thank you. feeling our rights of personhood corporations have done exactly that they have gotten the rights of personhood and it basically taken away our rights of personhood so corporations can fight and stop and pull off the laws that we need to protect our air and our water and our climate and worker safety and public health and campaign finance. these are not constitutional issues
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that belong to corporations these are political questions that should be decided by communities through the political and legislative process we should not be precluded from forming the laws that we decide we need because corporations say that our forming such laws and protecting ourselves is against the constitution that is a violation of what the writers that the constitution intended and i will support that amendment to clarify to get our constitutional rights back from the corporations that have seized them. as has been a very lively evening you will be. two minutes. closer correct that's correct. we start with the way we started it we go round about her
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guy actually going to go next in line to virgil ok this is two minutes close each statement you don't have to rebut it say anything you like. again thanks to free any dying still larry king thanks to gary rocky and jill. open up the process brought of these two americans and we will have a bad and great a country for things that we got to do right away our petty balanced budget ny are not ten years down the road like obama and romney are talking about jobs in america for american citizens for i am the only candidate that has advocated a near complete moratorium on green card foreign worker admissions into this country until on employment is under five percent it makes no sense to bring in so
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many foreign workers when we need jobs in america for us that us can score. third. i agree with jill on super pacs and pacs and define and beat but i don't think you need me a cost i think it can be done with legislation with a nuff warehouses and a sense of the high from the sense of the senate and i want to say political action committees a lemonade an individual donations only full transparency and we need to end the super pac that are totally just the by controlling federal elections it's time for grassroots candidate like virgil goode to pay president and he'll work for term limits to. government i would not be standing here before you right now if i didn't think i
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could do a really good job as president of the united states and i am basing that on the resume that i have i've been an entrepreneur my entire life i started a one man hand. man business when i was a junior in college and actually grew that business to employ over a thousand people in albuquerque it's amazing what can happen when you say old when you do what you'll say you'll do and when you show up on time it's just amazing now i sold that business in one nine hundred ninety nine nobody lost their job businesses doing better than ever as governor of new mexico i ran completely outside of the political system i got elected governor republican governor in a state that was two to one democrat and made a name for myself vetoing legislation i may have vetoed more legislation than the other forty nine governors in the country combined i vetoed seven hundred fifty bills i had thousands of line item veto so it made a difference when it came to billions of dollars worth of spending and made
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a difference when it came to laws that would have told you or i what we could or couldn't do in the bedroom with regard to immigration which i think really is a hot button issue and it kind of highlights differences between me and everybody else let's start off with the premise that immigration is really a good thing let's make it as easy as possible for somebody who wants to come in this country and work. to get a work visa. not a green card not citizenship but a work visa so that a political taxes would get paid and that we would have no criminals working in this country look we hear about wasted vote right now wasting your vote is voting for somebody the it don't believe in that's wasting your vote. i'm asking everybody here i'm asking everybody watching this nationwide to waste your vote on me vote for me gary johnson and you know what happens on the next
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president and i had states and i guarantee you nobody will regret that you'll find somebody with no quit you'll find somebody to wake up every single day and take on the debates and the discussions that need to be high. and in this country and aren't happening today because of a lack of leadership that you got it. was . there's a famous saying from alice walker that. the biggest way people give up power is by not knowing we have it to start with. and that. there are ninety million voters who are not coming out to vote in this election that's one out of every two voters that's twice as many as the number who will come out for brock obama and twice as many as the number who will come out for mitt romney. those are voters who are saying no to politics as usual and saying no to
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the democratic and republican parties imagine if we got out word to those ninety million voters that they actually have a variety of choices and voices in this election and i want to focus especially on those thirty six million students and young people and recent graduates who are effectively indentured servants because of the high unemployment rate and the draconian unforgiving loans that have been passed demise especially for students lacking any consumer protections if those students decided to stand up and go to the polls and come out and vote for free public higher education for ending student debt for bailing out the students and breaking up the banks instead of the other way around which is what they are doing we could turn politics in this country on
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its head on november said i encourage you go to my website get the word out there is a choice in this election to take back our democracy to create jobs for everyone through a green new deal that will put an end to climate change and make wars for oil and we can do this now by standing up and making it so thank you jill with the. rock. the marriage there has been a candidate included in the obama romney debates to challenge our put our government that is run by and for the benefit of monstrous corporations rather than in the interest of the people of this country. we know the republican democrats have some differences but both of them have morphed into a militarists corporatist anti-democratic force that has betrayed
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basic human and civil rights we know the both of these major candidates have been bought and paid for. that's why neither of them stands for health care for all of us in the rest of the industrialized world it's why neither of them ever talk about breaking the stranglehold the military industrial complex has on our government and that's why neither of them talk about providing the essential leadership on the climate crisis the greatest tragedy facing earth's inhabitants. obama and romney have refused to discuss the corrupting influence of money flowing from wall street banks from the insurance companies the pharmaceutical industry the fossil fuel industry or military contractors because they are the recipients of that corrupting money and neither of these dominant party candidates will have
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called for federal protection for marriage equality neither of them of call for an end to poverty an end to the insane war on drugs or for the implementation of a w.p.a. like initiative that would hire millions of workers so thank you to christina toben and laurie king and free and equal for providing this opportunity to present democratic solutions to the public interest on which we can all work together far beyond a select. those who are. as as a martyr and a host for a fifty five years i've always believed in free speech and the right of people to throw their hat into the ring and for the right of people to be heard going back to two. years ago and i introduce ross perot to the public and got to hear his thoughts and john anderson before that in illinois and. ralph nader and the others
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who have come forward to go to the battle you're kind of don quixote's in a way but the. but women have a way of stopping and we have a way of saluting you just for getting into the fray so i thank you for your efforts all you've done i also salute christina. how did. these get the wind speeds up how do i was for you and me will start well came from my dad you may recall when he ran for governor here back in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight and so today is his birthday happy birthday dad and his goodbye like they're him and taxpayers united america lives through him and so now we have green equal elections a nonpartisan organization uniting the grassroots movement across the spectrum to break the stranglehold of two party system to bring the power back to the people.
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you know. even as i'm closing remarks i want to thank gary johnson jewel stone. and virgil goode for participating in this was my pleasure to be here and i thank you all very much and thanks to the audience as well. the over the. top of the coach. i want to lay i want to think larry king dream come true larry. of course thank you to producer. are you just a witness of the first third party debate as you can see a very sharp contrast to the debates that we've seen so far between president obama and governor romney a lot of issues brought up that were barely mentioned or completely no mention at
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all during these debates of course issues like the n.d.a. the drug war drones the corporate spending and our elections and the impact on politics discussed at length these issues we don't hear much about day in the in the mainstream and the mainstream debates. of course so we will have more on this tomorrow we'll have some in-depth analysis and coverage at it so tune in tomorrow but that is going to do it now for for the news for more of the stories we covered you can check out our website youtube dot com slash r t america also. our teeth dot com slash usa thanks so much for tuning in.
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