tv [untitled] October 24, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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locals in the besieged leave an opposition stronghold bani walid lead to the international community for help but russia's attempts to stop this slaughter are slaughtered by the words. sidelined by the mainstream media and barred from bulging in between obama and romney the other candidates for the u.s. presidency get their voices heard right here on l c. there is a number of issues that were not even discussed not even touched upon in the debates between mitt romney and barack obama i'll be back with more in just a few moments. ago the austerity keeps boiling in spain
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pushing thousands to the streets as the government miles shopping mall concent in next year's budget. russia and around the world this is us he was means you lash brother hello and welcome to the program the situation in bani walid the last bastion of colonel gadhafi has supporters in libya is said to be fast approaching a humanitarian catastrophe or supply routes to the city reportedly shelled by gas filled bones remain cuts half cut off leaving locals crying out for international rescue or she's middle east correspondent policy of reports. the siege of bani walid has been on the go for almost three weeks now and in the last week alone dozens of people have been killed and injured in the clashes between pro-government forces and bani walid fighters there are reports circulating that quoting
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a libyan militia leader who says that the situation is under control and that the city has been cleared of gadhafi loyalists we are hearing in the opposite from our sources on the ground they say that the situation is deteriorating by the minute we've also been receiving as of yet verified photographs and videos that show did dismembered bodies as well as children and also the alleged use of chemical weapons when we are hearing from doctors on the scene as well as i witness on the ground that many people are suffering from toxic gas poisoning and this doesn't line up with as of yet unconfirmed reports we've been receiving of the gas shells being fired at the local population are using machinery to do more of it you. know you guys are going to just a few people. would know you wanted to know one of.
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our family. is dying to make it work. no one. limited. well for many libyans since the former libyan leader moammar gadhafi was slain their lives have not changed anything for some it has deteriorated we are hearing from a number of people on the ground who say that for all his faults the one thing that gadhafi did bring the country was stability and there are a lot of mean parallels that are not been made between his regime and the current reign gadhafi for example was charged with using chemical weaponry we're not hearing the same kind of charges being made at the ruling regime at the same time good. duffy was embroiled in mass executions we've been hearing from human rights watch of exposé days of atrocities as well as we look quietens that have been carried out separate to this we're also hearing reports of double standards from
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many in the international community people saying that on the one hand the west is quick to criticize the regime of the syrian president bashar assad like they did with that of gadhafi but when you see the same kind of atrocities being carried out now in bani walid the international community is quiet so this is raising alarm bells. russia's diplomatic up at stearns the bloodshed in bani walid remain deadlocked with the was blocking moscow's draft proposal for a peaceful resolution of the u.n. security council the details from new york correspondent maria park. the u.s. and western countries did not back the russian drafted press statement they said that they were they cited the need for further consultations now the russian envoy to the un to tell the churkin says in the aftermath of last month's deadly attack in benghazi that killed four americans it's quite surprising that the u.s. would be blocking a statement that is condemning the use of violence in dealing with libya's
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political problems. says it's very strange and the behavior of the u.s. delegation with respect to the russian. press statement in this situation is hard to rationally explain now this russian security council press statement on bani walid expressed grave concern about the escalation of violence in and around the city particularly the reports of growing civilian casualties including children the statement also called the living authorities to take urgent steps to resolve the conflict by peaceful means and to preserve the rights of all libyan citizens in the statement also stressed the need to promote national reconciliation inclusive political dialogue in libya it was quite surprising to many of us journalists that were at the u.n. stakeout to find that there was no agreement made on this this russian draft press statement that essentially condemns this violence violence that began in the
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beginning of october and we see is escalating but these conversations will clearly continue in the days to come. freeman from the news magazine executive intelligence review believes and unstable washington hunt's comes right from the beginning. the ambassador from russia made a perfectly reasonable proposal to quiet down the violence and he would expect that the united states as a superpower would respond in a rational manner the problem is that president obama and the u.n. susan rice there they are not interested in developing peace in libya and in the whole middle east area and therefore they're going to torpedo any moves that the russians make that would tend to quiet the situation down and they're working with elements of in libya and in syria and in fact they work with the very elements of
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al-qaeda that. nation who are masters so they're not looking for peace they're going to try to escalate the situation in syria now it's going into lebanon in libya and we could lead to one step there after another to a bigger confrontation. while they drove between barack obama and me told me it feels they live a life in the u.s. policy candidates for the presidency barely gets a mention but he has to break the blockade by broadcasting a live debate between alternative names on november's ballot that's now got the latest on a match account has been listening and. that guy nice to see you how did the candidates come across and what makes them different from the bipartisan. well you know where everything really for turnout of candidates that we're debating
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this tuesday night in chicago did raise a number of issues that never were never even touched upon in the debates between mitt romney and barack obama there was a lot of critique of course they discussed money in politics their claim is that washington was bought and paid for by special interests they discussed the indefinite detention of americans an act. president obama has signed into something the two party candidates never talked about during the major debates and here is joel stein's with marks on the issues she is the nominee from the green party. in. the trial of our civil liberties the president has assumed dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or without trial we're going to find ourselves with the continued heightened police state in this country we're going to find ourselves continuing to militarily intervene in the world which result has resulted in hundreds of millions of enemies
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to this country that wouldn't otherwise exist we know the republican democrats some differences but both of them morphed into a move through square produced. a force that has betrayed the human and civil rights well among other things sweeping powers of the patriot act also something that you don't hear much about in the mainstream media crackdown on whistleblowers by the obama administration and of course the military judging by their remarks you could very well understand why they're outsiders in this election not all of them were saying that the u.s. should stop military interventions and all of them i do not see much difference between barack obama and mitt romney especially on foreign policy you just heard there were marks which indicate that these candidates are not going to be on ballots are going to be on balance but not in all states they were also talking about how hard it is for an end it. and then candidate to get on those ballots in the u.s.
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that every state has its own intricate rules lots of signatures and that essentially requires a lot of money to get on the ballot and all of these candidates know they don't stand a chance to win this election but as larry king the moderator of this debate said their voices in it may not be counted on november the sixth but they deserve to be heard. and surely the third is policy current events have received so little coverage in the mainstream media for a good reason right. well not surprisingly the debate was ignored by the us mainstream media as well as the candidates who were basically ignored because the news cycle here is entirely focused on the two parties americans know very little if anything really about any of those candidates alternative candidates when parties jule styne was arrested last week on the day of the big debate between president obama and mitt romney it went completely ignored by the media the nominee from the green party was
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protesting her exclusion from the major presidential debate and she was arrested for blocking the traffic it took place right outside the debate hall in new york she talked about her experience during this debate take a listen. we were arrested we were tightly bound with plastic restraints and tied to chairs for eight hours for daring to stand up and demand open debates but this is what all of us need to do. well just jill stein is now suing the commission on presidential debates for not letting her take part in the big national debate although dr stein argues she meets all u.s. constitutional no required requirements to take the office of president because the commission is organized and controlled by democratic and republican parties there is no enthusiasm on the part of the truth to lead a third party in arguably both parties fear that a third party candidate could become
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a spoiler in the election for example in the year two thousand independent candidate ralph nader was seen as a spoiler who contributed to the victory of george w. bush so it seems their solution is to black out alternative candidates and convince the american people that they have no other choice but barack obama and mitt romney and the mainstream media here are very much part of that black house. she's going that she can live from washington guy and then he thanks indeed for your perspective. and see host tom hartman took part in the key event and he says party candidates will continue to be barred from the big picture until they start to puncturing to british interests. the seizure of constitutional rights. the right to not be snooped upon the right to not be arrested and held without charges the the right to be. told without due process of law these are all things the largely started out of the bush administration had
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been continued by the obama administration and the and it was virtually unanimous consent across the group that they were opposed to so you see the far left in the far right ninety one moves so they don't out of the moneyed interests. of any advertising going to lose the election if we were to structurally change the electoral system in the united states if we were to require the media to carry free fair and open debates if we were to publicly funded candidates if we were to ban political advertising and these are things that are done many of the major democracies and so the world right now then i think it would be possible for these third party candidates to be remain true to their values and. have you know a successful electoral effort but as long as there's the our us supreme court continues to assert that money is the same thing in speech that it's not property and corporations are not legal fictions that they're actually people it's going to
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be damn hard. for more perspective on their voices not so chilling with the mainstream election i'm no joined live by journalist don't i don't if i welcome to the show so from dropping drones an innocent civilians to legalizing marijuana how relevant whether disguised by the said policy kind of that's fine americans. extremely relevant after watching the debates last night where there was a complete and total voice of unison essentially on issues like drones iran. and almost any issue those two people agreed with each other more than even i realize that you're listening to them last night the people that was abating tonight jill stein and green party candidate rocky anderson the justice party candidate in particular would have smacked barack obama around last night
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with the war issues the military where he was bragging about increasing the movements when it won its one seat would be to see the military if not abolished severely curtailed on health care. system public works programs for employment and the more conservative members both the libertarian former governor and the member of the constitution party. virgil goode. were both true right wingers and he would not be able to talk out of both sides of his mouth with either of those two up on the stage so if you had the two the green add the justice party person stands and left of obama and the other to the right of romney you would actually see a diversity of opinion which i did not see last night but with a genuine perception that the republicans and democrats are buzz driven by giant
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corporations and out of touch with the people challenging by a big debate about ties it comes into reaching out to the working clock that feel so i'm represented yes it's going to be interesting to see what the effect was of r.t. airing this also because once r.t. announced that it was going to air c.-span and some other local. media actually got this out so i think that that's where they are because these candidates actually reached a good number of people tonight and they may that may well have an impact i'm curious to see what happens on november sixth i have no allusion to the stick any of these candidates would win against the billion dollar enterprises that each of the other two campaigns are but the american people are clearly dissatisfied with the political construct that exists here after people don't vote at all that are eligible to vote that means registered eligible to vote so what it all the other
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half is divided one to fifty fifty between people that are not enthusiastic for either for the candidate they're voting for but rather afraid of the portrayal of the other well that pervades the media so having someone that actually read its bloggers be using the bus to get to hear it what the effect will be last year with the with the rise of the occupy wall street movement but it's been criticized for its lack of leadership could one of these kind of take on the role and become the face of the opposition. it's possible that they relate to the occupy wall street movement so i don't. occupy movements is something i would lend itself to having a leader but. i think it is well known and that has stood for a certain set of positions like ending the war that's going to peep out of me those things and and so just kind of rocky anderson certainly would be very much in sync with the i think the center of gravity of the occupy movement i don't dibadj on it
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thank you very much indeed for sharing it is that thanks to. in a few moments for you the british health care system which is fairly under the weather that's a made see is most doctors will track themselves permanently out of hospital after the austerity driven government announces the need to extend to get pay freeze. thousands of protesters have yet again parks the streets of madrid and the message that they come time to any more crippling austerity this comes as the government draws up its budget for next year and has already warned of more cars are going to cover ports. protests like this one are becoming something of a regularity and spray and in fact we're being told told by people here that there are over eighty protests happening in madrid alone so there are hundreds happening
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all over the country now spain yours are highly dissatisfied with the way their government has been dealing with trying to solve the financial crisis in the country they're saying that their representatives who are sitting in the parliament are not representing the people who are standing here that there are problems are not being even thought about in the parliament now what are these people worried about they're worried about the social programs first and foremost health care education aid for the elderly they are also worried about the fact that spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in the european union which is about twenty five percent it has the highest youth unemployment rate which is that over fifty percent right now now the international agency moody's has downgraded four of spain's regions including catalonia which is the richest region in spain considering the fact that the country is going through its second recession in three years and with this downgrade right now with the central bank saying that spain's economy is shrinking and again with the unemployment going up we can we can assume that it's not long before spain is going to officially ask for
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a bailout it hasn't done it yet so there's no nothing definite no different from nation but it does seem like spain is edging closer towards that point. but while these punished government feels towards pleasing for another bailout support for the move in the berlin is shrinking says journalist and writer and the girl on her . those deficit targets are impossible to meet everybody knows that so the government is counting on the e.u. to ease those targets now the problem is that isn't it targets doesn't mean that the government is going to ease the policy is in fact the e.u. has quite an extraordinary said that spain is doing too much is doing more than the suspected so let's say that we have in spain. a very a very much of an activist prime minister who volunteers more austerity than it's needed by the creditors quite an extraordinary thing i really now there's something
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new and is that germany is not keen on spain asking for the bailout because that would open the way for what is known as mr druggists ice cream that is a schema by the european central bank to buy and limited quantities of bonds from the spanish debt the germans doesn't want that they don't want that and so they want to block the only way to block that he says spain not asking for the bailout so unless all these things are solved well it will take still a few weeks but yes i think ultimately spain will go for the bailout. in the u.k. trade unions haue warned of massive industrial unrest if a two year pay freeze in the health care system was extended to all sources claim any rise in these difficult economic times is simply an affordable but a walkout would add to the woes of the national health services which has appalling boyko report has already losing the trust of the people. who are clearly in agony but in supposedly safe hands in hospital that's what janine harvey says
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distort when she came down with severe hit pain last december her family now say they were wrong to trust britain's national health service despite over forty visits to doctors in three different hospitals janine cervical cancer went on diagnosed rhyming in city hospital doctors here failed to spot janine harvey's cancer not once but twice all the hospitals missed it too exposing parts of the virus that led to the death of the thirty three year old mother of four just months later her family now say they want to mean story to be heard so that others can avoid a similar fate at one point doctors even suggested that jeanine's excruciating pain was all in her mind but her post-mortem examination showed that a cancerous tumour had grown so large inside her that it had shattered her pelvic
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bone janine's family gets upset when people ask why they didn't pay for costly private care they say the n.h.s. was once the pride of britain but their trust in it has broken. with all the resources that you know what we need to go private we felt we trust we trusted their every word janine isn't the only patient to be failed by the n.h.s. some around. percent of deaths in hospitals are something that's happened but potentially was avoidable and has potentially contributed to that so it's a it's a big number of people that's one thousand patients a month a recent study by the national institute of health research says that one patient in ten is affected by potentially serious medical errors half of whom die as a result such as twenty two year old cane gorney he died from dehydration from
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a combination of misdiagnosis and what the coroner called the incompetence of n.h.s. staff it's definitely a problem that patients are repeatedly coming to us with. reporting phone is a similar nature to that which happened to janine harvey the n.h.s. trust responsible for janine's care says we are extremely sorry for any distress caused to the family we can understand the need for aunt says and this is what our internal investigation process is about examining what lessons there are to be learnt and making changes if there's anything that needs to be changed janine's family are now turning their tragedy into forming a charity to give other people with complicated medical conditions a chance to get a second medical opinion privately before it's too late it's impossible for so many
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individual consultants to to make so many errors it must be the system it must be some my. major or the lack of communication to negligence is leaving someone you know bed all knowing it's all i can't think of any other word for. months long so it was it was right just janine harvey's family say they can only hope that lessons will be learned and that no one else ever suffers the same. way. r t london. and in the trees here next to the business news is a very good morning to you so global ratings giants like standard and poor's are about to face more competition on the market right that's right and not including from russia actually several ratings agencies are joining forces to create a new player to compete with likes of s. and p. moody's and fitch and in fact it's supposed to be independent of anyone's corporate
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or national interests now richard haynesworth director general of one of the agencies involved risks rating says that what they're trying to do is to offer different opinions of the world the american new york centric view of the world does not take into account many of the strengths that exist in different in the countries because they put asian companies lower the u.s. companies and yet the asian companies are doing better. now speaking of asian companies or secular groups happening on the markets actually china's manufacturing has come out much better it's almost close to expansion and that solved the higher orders and therefore we have to see the neck and the anxiety moved back into positive territory and that's after a very very bad day on the jews there secondly what happened in the united states
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in in new york we've seen the dow jones and nasdaq decline almost two percent as you can see there that's on the back of corporate results especially from caterpillar and on the nasdaq an interesting stock was up all now its shares lost over three percent after the company unveiled a less expensive and small of version of the i pad however the price of the anticipated tablet appeared to be much higher compared with similar gadgets on the market scoring concerns over expected sales apple also introduced a new fourth generation i pad a lighter infinit mac book pro and i mac. desktop but this did not help much to share performance on tuesday or certain point two millimeters all right let's take a look what's happening in currencies the euro is right now declining compared to the dollar that's on the back of spain's prime minister saying various countries going to go for a fourth or fifth consecutive quarter of losses while the russian ruble was having
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a pretty bad day as you can see the more than one percent losses against the dollar and i was on the back of lower oil prices which still stand around eighty seven dollars per barrel and let's take a look finally at how the russian markets closed also pretty appalling in the r.c.s. falling almost three percent as i said oil prices were now or they're coming back off from from three month lows of eighty seven dollars per barrel we'll have the opening of the markets around one half hour's time will see what happens of course but we're expecting a continuation of losses so far all right that's it for now i'll be back in fifty five minutes time with another update coming up next on our c we've talked to a middle east expert professor good to may on the conflict in syria and prospects of the fall of the assad regime.
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culture is that so much as i can recall right on it and so here is a candidate for awful moment in mitt romney revealed little major difference between the two and their approaches to security and foreign affairs many claim. a mission in free accreditation free in-store charge is free to make amends free. three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to r t v dot com you. see good lumber touring.
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