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tv   [untitled]    October 24, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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moammar gadhafi has besieged former stronghold is said to be sliding towards a humanitarian catastrophe while libya's pro-government fighters claim they are controlling the city center. better and america's wars and take the employment of big money out of politics the presidential candidates forced into the sun want to get their voices heard in a t.v. debate aired by our t.v. . and as you can help workers threaten to strike over pay losses a spate of negligence cases shine a spotlight for patient care. peers
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from all across the globe with me karen broadcasting to you live from the heart of moscow this is r.t. now libya and pro-government forces say they've occupied the center of the opposition stronghold of bani walid with only a few pockets of resistance left dozens have been killed in shelling with almost three weeks long siege which is left the city on the brink of a humanitarian disaster live to our correspondent in the region paula we are paula libyan pro-government forces say they have occupied the center of bani walid is that possible to confer. well it's not possible to confirm but certainly what is important to note is that all these reports of bani walid has fallen all coming from pro-government forces we in fact are hearing quite the opposite from our own sources on the ground as well as elsewhere in europe and north africa we are hearing that fighting continues if anything it has intensified now as maybe three
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weeks comes since the fighting began and we are also hearing that the city. has not fallen now it does seem as if hundreds of pro-government fighters have made their way into the city center they've been seen hoisting flags on two abandoned buildings and also firing in the air but certainly this does not suggest that the whole city has fallen earlier we spoke with a man in north africa we are not naming jus to security purposes his family is in bani walid and he gives us an update of what the situation there was like. the. moral issues you. know. guys that are going to. really we would know you wanted to know want to. save our family. i got. work them where no one goes
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until you have unlimited money we're going to. now we've also been receiving reports that the army has arrested at least eighty former gadhafi henchmen it accuses them of being involved in torture and murder this is other reports are circulating that the release of some forty hostages has taken place by government forces but again a lot of confusion and these different reports coming out of the besieged city we certainly do know that the city is almost drained of people most people have fled according to the red cross some five thousand families which stands at around twenty five thousand people have fled to neighboring cities and towns but this figure is far below the total number of people who we understand have been made refugees by the situation we continue to receive unverified photographs as well as video of dismembered bodies of children that have been slain and we continue to
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hear the as of yet unconfirmed reports of the use of chemical weapons. a reminder that we are being told that shells that contain gas are being fired on the local population with i would missiles and doctors at the scene telling us that many people are suffering from poisoned gas inhalation and now those who have not yet flowed those in the besieged city have been appealing for you when help is that at least being heard. well on tuesday the united nations security council to have a session at that session russia put forward a draft statement in which of course all the fighting in by meanwhile had to be ended for some kind of him to be brought to the ongoing violence now that statement was stopped by the united states and moscow has responded by saying that it finds the american actions strange and difficult to explain certainly they're difficult to explain if you remember that just last month for u.s.
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citizens were killed in benghazi libya and most ones too that washington bought out all the stops to try and deal with the situation you have a situation where more and more people are saying that no one really cares about what is happening in it and you compare this to the almost mass hysteria in the mainstream western media and the international community in terms of what is happening today in syria. the president bashar assad and the focus it was put on before to the libyan leader moammar gadhafi you need to also remember that in the past russia and china were blamed for voting against resolutions in libya so more and more people are saying that what we have at the moment on the table is a very clear example of double standards in terms of how we waste deals with crises such as these are on the go all right our correspondent paula slayer reporting on the situation in bani walid straight out of beirut thank you paula. bring america's
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foreign wars to a close withdrawal corporate cash from politics and stop indefinite detention. all election promises but not ones you'll find in the manifestos of barack obama or mitt romney there are other names on the ballot in the u.s. presidential election and are to help them air their views by broadcasting on an alternative love debate are to is going to count has been listening in. the four alternative candidates who were debating this tuesday night in chicago did raise a number of issues that were never even touched upon in the debates between mitt romney and barack obama there was a lot of critique of course they discuss money in politics their claim is that washington was bought and paid for by special interests they discuss the indefinite detention of americans see as the president obama signed something that the two party candidates never talked about during the major debates and here is joel signs where marks on the issues she is the nominee from the green party and the trail of
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our civil liberties that the president has assumed dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or without trial among other things sweeping powers of the patriot act also something that you don't hear much about in the mainstream media the crackdown on whistleblowers by the obama administration and of course the military judging by their remarks he could very well understand why they are outsiders and what i've shown all of them were saying the u.s. should stop military intervention and all of them do not see much difference between barack obama and mitt romney especially on foreign policy take a listen we're going to find ourselves with the continued heightened police state in this country we're going to find ourselves continuing to militarily intervene in the world which result has resulted in hundreds of millions of enemies to this country that wouldn't otherwise exist we know the republican democrats some differences but both of them morphed into
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a militaru square purchased anti-democratic force that has betrayed basic human and civil rights these candidates are going to be on balance but not in all states they were also talking about how hard it is for an independent candidate to get on those ballots in the u.s. that every state has its own intricate rules lots of signature and that essentially it requires a lot of. no money to get on the ballot and all of these candidates know they don't stand a chance to win this election but as larry king the moderator of this debate said there are voices that may not be counted on november the sixth but they deserve to be heard before taking the stage third party candidates talked to a panel of the event organizers our tom harkin and host of the big picture right here on our tape he says the debate is opening the eyes of many voters and could shape the future of the nation's political system rather than changing political outcomes right now in this election cycle is it might get enough particularly young
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people interested in involved in the political process movement all of its will bring about that change you know years of might take decades but i think that this is the sort of thing begins and if we were to structurally change the electoral system in the united states if we were to require the media to curate free fair and open debates if we were to publicly funded candidates if we were to ban political advertising these are things that are done in many of the major democracy into the world right now and i think it would be possible for these third party candidates to remain true to their values and. have you know a successful electoral effort but as long as our u.s. supreme court continues to assert money is the same thing in speech that it's not property in the court regimes are not legal fictions that they're actually people it's going to be damn hard.
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georgia's president is to blame for the war with russia over south the city of four years ago at least parents what the leader of the country's newly elected ruling party says here's our tom barton with details. georgia's prime minister in waiting bidzina ivanishvili whose opposition movement won in a recent elections stood up in front of the georgian parliament under tact his opponent really and his party for provoking the two thousand and eight war over south asserts here calling it a grand provocation he addressed directly saakashvili m p's saying that you are to blame for the current damage to relations with russia and that the americans and europeans recognize this he went on to say that he does consider south asserted to be part of georgian territory but he's also hopeful for the future so that eventually these states are sisters toss out the set yes times also are scars yes
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that you're not the territory which was contested can be agreed with russia and relations could then improve the casualty figures for the five day war which started in august two thousand and eight range from the hundreds to over a thousand it started when georgian troops attacked the territory of self or setia russia then responded to protect its citizens living there and pushed the georgians out shortly after the war georgia broke all diplomatic ties with russia and russia recognize the independence of both south of setia and our cars here. a deadly medical error has sent shock waves through people's trust in britain's health service. we trust them we trust if every word i can think of any other word for james was mostly also a catalogue of fatal flaws in the u.k.'s health care system just as the governmental creasing returns its back on doctors and nurses we report short.
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while the government in spain is accused of turning on the nation's most vulnerable but thousands protesting against more cuts set out for next year all this just ahead. tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the suckling island is the island of minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders own and was completely restricted to this it is now the speech rest place is open to tourists unique plants and animals are its top attraction.
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treaty has been exploring the deaths of the world seas for several decades but it's here at more your own island where he has finally found what he'd been looking for . the water here is very clear the visibility is very good and the underwater world here is extremely rich i've been to many diving locations across the planet including the island of bali but mine are on top of my list while some go to the cycling region to enjoy the sights others convert the islands nature's riches into a healthy dollar it is home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight shock hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious salamon caviar and necessary attribute of anything in russia the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than one hundred million dollars net profit . and to a large extent this is old to do what succulent offers environmentally the tonight
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show operates in only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights and delicious seafood succulent can offer a diverse holiday for those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe the question is whether this distant land would ever be able to become a major tourist destination. welcome back to argue with me her and her live from moscow british health workers are threatening a walkout over the government spending cuts unions say they're enduring a two year pay freeze which could be extended as well as increased workload all of which is ruining medical staff morale what's more the national health service is already losing the trust of the people it serves as polly boyko reports. her.
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clearly in agony but in supposedly safe hands in hospital that's what janine harvey says distort when she came down with severe hit pain last december despite over forty visits to doctors in three different hospitals janine cervical cancer went on diagnosed rhyming in city hospital doctors here failed to spot janine harvey's cancer not once but twice all the hospitals missed it too exposing parts of the barrier that led to the death of the thirty three year old mother of four just a few months later her family now say they want to need a story to be hard to say that others can avoid a similar traits at one point doctors even suggested that jeanine's excruciating pain was all in her mind but her post-mortem examination showed that
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a cancerous tumor had grown so large inside her that it had shattered her pelvic bone janine's family gets upset when people ask why they didn't pay for costly private care you know if you are not sure suspects to be so easy with all the resources that you know what we would be made to go private we felt we trusted them we. kristie there every word janine isn't the only patient to be failed by the n.h.s. somewhere around sixty percent of deaths in hospitals are something that's happened but potentially was avoidable and has potentially contributed to that that's one thousand patients a month a recent study by the national institute of health research says that one patient in ten is affected by potentially serious medical errors half of whom die as a result such as twenty two year old kane gorney he died from dehydration from a combination of misdiagnosis and what the coroner called the incompetence of
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n.h.s. staff it's definitely a problem that patients are repeatedly coming to us with. reporting failing is a similar nature it's about which happened to janine harvey the n.h.s. trust responsible for janine's care says we are extremely sorry for any distress calls to the family we can understand the need for aunt says and this is what our internal investigation process is about examining what lessons there are to be learnt and making changes if there's anything that needs to be changed janine's family are now turning their tragedy into forming a charity to give other people with complicated medical conditions a chance to get a second medical opinion privately before it's too late it's impossible for so many individual console to to to make so many errors it must be the system it most big
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my. major or the lack of communication to negligence is leaving someone you know bent on knowing it's all i can't think of any other word for. months no. poly boyko r t london it seems blowing the word. soul can land you in prison especially for a former cia agent to reveal the torture of suspected terrorists he's been sentenced to two and a half years in prison as we report online. and who is this phantom football fan a strange figure spotted among celebrating porto on a photo taken during a new with a champions league match. anger over spanish austerity deepens thousands marched out to stop the government from imposing fresh cuts next year's budget will slash benefits further and leave even more of the population on the
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breadline artie's arena reports from madrid. protests like this one are becoming something of a regularity in spain inspect we're being told told by people here that there are over eighty protests happening in madrid alone so there are hundreds happening all over the country now spain yours are highly dissatisfied with the way their government has been dealing with trying to solve the financial crisis in the country they're saying that their representatives who are sitting in the parliament are not representing the people who are standing here that there are problems are not being even thought about in the parliament now what are these people worried about they're worried about the social programs first and foremost health care education aid for the elderly they are also worried about the fact that spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in the european union which is about twenty five percent it has the highest youth unemployment rate which is that over fifty percent right now now the international agency moody's has downgraded four of spain's regions including catalonia which is the richest regions in spain
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considering the fact that the country is going through its second recession in three years and with this downgrade right now with the central bank saying that spain's economy is shrinking and again with the unemployment going up we can we can assume that it's not long before spain is going to officially ask for a bailout it hasn't done it yet so there is no nothing definite no different from a. but it does seem like spain is edging closer towards that point battered by carts analysts predict spain could soon be the next economy burdened with any bailout but journalist and writer. prime minister mario nada hallways seems happy to push austerity to with. those deficit targets are impossible to meet everybody knows that so the government is counting on the e.u. to establish star gets now the problem is that isn't it targets doesn't mean that the government is going to ease its acerbity policy is in fact the e.u. quite a extraordinary he said that spain is doing too much is doing more than disaffected
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so let's say that we have in spain. a very a very much of an activist prime minister who volunteers more austerity then it's needed by the creditors quite an extraordinary thing i really now there's something new and is that germany is not keen on spain asking for the bailout because that would open the way for what is known as mr druggists ice cream that is a scheme by the european central bank to buy and unlimited quantities of bonds from the spanish debt the germans that's in one that they don't want that and so they want to block the only way to block that he says spain not asking for the bailout so unless all these things are solved well it will take still a few weeks but yes i think ultimately spain will go for the bailout. more of the world's news now sudan's accusing israel of carrying out a missile attack on its weapons factory near the capital khartoum some israeli
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officials are said to believe that the facility has ties to iran several people had to go to hospital after suffering smoke inhalation one fire from the line spread over a wide area. a suspected u.s. drone missile attack in pakistan has killed three people and injured two children the strikes hit a compound believed to house militants along with civilians according to the local military the u.s. has been heavily criticised for hundreds of civilian deaths including children in its attacks aimed at al qaida members along pakistan's border with afghanistan. syria's rebels could soon be using u.s. made anti-aircraft weapons russia says the armed opposition now has some serious american firepower at its disposal which washington authorities are get confirmed meanwhile the u.n. envoy to syria says the government there has agreed to a cease fire during the four day muslim festival of i.e.d. and will decide for sure on thursday. the israeli air force has reportedly fired
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on girls look healing at least four militants two explosions struck the city in the latest series of airstrikes in the region and it's the second straight day of raids by israel's military television claims the offensive was in response to rocket attacks from the palestinian side strikes follow a visit by the mayor of qatar to blockaded enclave the first arab leader to do so. to stay with our t.v. show really it's the business update with katie. culture is that so much time in which of course the right kind of comments will be entered in candidates problem again mitt romney revealed little major difference between the two and their approaches to security and foreign affairs many claim. will come to the. protests over cowards this month to move is the center of our
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universe the tides are forever while the sun's rays can be fickle innovative construction methods last cost as well as environmental damage one brand new turbines boost efficiency one to simplify design and who needs batteries lakes can store energy discover a new era of clean power driven by the moon known jumping here on r.g.p. we've got the future coming. what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage walking the iran tightrope pushing china and russia as occupy anger spreads into parties still dictate will there be a change in the selection of clothes guide every day to the fifth on our teeth.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all today. hello there welcome to businesses sour another global domination of the big three credit rating agencies may become a thing of the pos also several agencies from different countries are joining forces to create a global competitor to the u.s. agencies i'm talking about moody's fitch and us in pain on the new raissa is aimed
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to be fully independent i will not represent any country or business group nicole explains. there are only three credit ratings agencies with global reach moody's standard and poor's and fitch but they are all american and some would say subject to the same kinds of street bias all three have had a bad financial crisis failing to predict in two thousand and eight the imminent downturn at the time they were giving the highest possible credit rating to securities sociate with the u.s. housing market surely to prompt the crisis they also failed to spot what was going on in iceland shortly before it collapsed and as recently as two thousand and noise moody's was saying that investor concerns about greece were perhaps misplaced but despite this less than stellar track record a new global agency is not going to have it all its own way it will need to establish its own credibility and this can only be done by showing long term accurate and reliable analysis that is going to take some time. and staying with
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the topic richard haynesworth general director of one of the firms involved in the project says it was trying to do is offer a different opinion to the world. the american new york centric view of the world does not take into account many of the strengths that exist in different in the countries because they put asian companies lower than us companies and yet the asian companies are doing better. and we caught up with jim rogers to get his view on the idea and he says is a great idea that the big three will try to undermine. but they've got a joint venture with an american company which is one of the few independent voices which have gotten things right in the past few years so this of the world needs this desperately it's not u.s. based it's not u.s. centric so they'll be a huge demand it will take them
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a while to convince the market but i'm convinced there is a huge market need i know their partners i admire their partners and i certainly know the chinese and the russians want to do it right. we are legendary investor i can say we've got a mixed bag is full the russian market system of wednesday the my six is now going into negative territory i can tell you though that gross net is up over eight percent us yet she the highest level since july twentieth lovenox despite credit rating agency moody's putting buses energy giant on review after the multi billion dollar patches and c n k p this week t n k b p district of iraq by the checkout i do both we've got a really i guess a policy has not solved just so long in the last week or so the euro continues to sound but not soft of manufacturing data for the whole of the area contrasted with the german is actually falling to execute month lows but the exit is they continue new all fronts on the back of international data with signs of
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a slump in china factory output actually easing and that new super healthy new u.s. markets of goods two are gaining enough bust out of trade us your thoughts and from a seven week low we speculation that america's housing market is also improving facebook want to mention less over twenty percent not solved they were pulls a quarterly results that really pleased in fast and so good start for wall street now on the way here are not see we talked to middle east expert professor against a man about the conflict in syria and what impact the ousting of saddam regime could have on the regions to stay with us for that. so where next for syria there are those that say that a foreign military intervention in the country is far from a foregone conclusion and i'm joined by one of those people right now professor go into me.


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