tv [untitled] October 24, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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really. really really. really. really. really broke your video for your media project c.e.o. god r t v dot com. all the presidential dark horses that finally have their time in the limelight last night in last night's third party presidential debate they covered all the things president obama and mitt romney missed out on the n.d.a. drug legalization phase the and more have a wrap up straight ahead. and a new report details the obama administration's efforts to create the next generation targeted kill list called the disposition matrix or dive into what the report says and look into the role drones play in u.s. security. and an update on a story our t. has been following closely over the past few weeks legal documents have finally
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confirmed what many already suspected the f.b.i. is spying on anarchist groups and what some are deeming a political witch hunt for the story in just a bit. well it is wednesday october twenty fourth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for and you're watching our t.v. . well last night r.t. aired the presidential debate for third party candidates live from chicago the debate was moderated by larry king sponsored by the free and equal a lot of actions foundation and while neither mitt romney nor president obama showed up it was attended by former new mexico governor gary johnson of the libertarian party of the green party's dr jill stein former virginia congressman virgil goode with the constitution party and former salt lake city mayor rocky anderson with the justice party i should mention this debate was aired on c.-span
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and al-jazeera as well but none of the major cable networks aired it even though the host and larry king spent decades working for c.n.n. before candidates agreed on more than they disagreed upon but last night their ideas and their faces were thrust into the spotlight something that doesn't often happen despite being on the ballot in many states one of the topics covered was an issue that has played a major role in our elections and in our democratic process as a whole campaign finance here are a couple of the candidates speaking about that. they would have never signed the national defense authorization act allowing for you when i was you was that is to be arrested and detained without being charged that's the reason we called or was this. it's an outrage ten twenty one and it would. start with. it's kind of betrayal of our civil
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liberties that the president has the soon to dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or without trial this is an allowable and is a basic offense against the very foundation of american liberty and it's. that they're actually about the national defense authorization act we can talk about campaign finance later another subject that they covered to talk more about as the debate as a whole i'm joined now by luis rodriguez vice presidential nominee for the justice party luis and we're going to be playing an interview later with rocky anderson i know you're his running mate how did you think everything went last night. i mean i think. are. you going to hear about the democrats. but it's you know.
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and i was just talking about so many topics covered last night that are not covered at a lot of the debates i want to play a portion about campaign finance something that really we should hear from the more mainstream candidates but we don't. there are political action committees not just a lot of you. know political action committee individual contributions and no super pacs and i believe congress can craft legislation with presidential leadership to stop political action committee. money that funnels through the pac is the greatest hindrance in my opinion to free and open elections and freedom and democracy and this country we threw off the king and the time of the revolution because of have it had and there's. a pact and both
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a third party is going to stand up for america when it comes to political campaign contributions that candidate should be required to wear nascar like jacket with patches on the jacket. so what's really needed is one hundred percent transparency. talk to luis about the role of money in politics and how it relates to the political system as a whole but i think most people are aware that we pretty much have the corporations controlling the political process when big money comes in and they really do it handed we don't really know what's coming but it's getting to the hand of democrats or republicans a lot of people school a lot of ideas i'm not a gentleman dies a lot of issues and address so to me we we have to get rid of the corporations controlling this is there has to be formed that does not allow corporations to be the main way that people run for office when for office this country supposedly but
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the markets see freedom equal access and yet it's the big boys with big money kongo a little bit about what you and rocky would bring to the table here you guys are members of the justice party i think a lot of people aren't really sure what that means you stand for we don't have a whole lot of time but just you know some get up and tell us why you think people should vote for you guys well you know there should be justice in our environment we don't have a clean environment we don't have an environment that's run for the benefit of people there should be just an economy everybody working no more. jobs into the communities where we have the hammer now if we could. this should be justice in our politics both to stop the closing of the democratic process open it out make sure that everybody who has a voice has something to say can be heard and seen and should be would be elected the most qualified based on what they have been saying with this is. of course this
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debate not really covered a we aired it live i think it was on al-jazeera and chase them as well but not aired not even really covered the day after by most of the media why do you think that is. well again the corporations control if it's going down i mean the problem is that the big corporations are working in cahoots with the big media again our voices are being pushed aside and this is not democracy you know i think people we have to see that even in the country that they claim to be mr mccracken us have an openness they have more party we have more voices we realize that we're actually being one of the few really democratic places where people can be heard and the process is or can go. you were talking about about fairness about justice in this country but when most americans are polled luis they say their number one priority the number one issue that they're voting on jobs in the economy why not more of a focus on those issues last night. you are going to everywhere question but i know
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rock you. know i've been talking about this for poverty rates. would be for we're seeing that everybody should be. a country we do not have to wait to. come we don't have to go back to manufacturing the way was before we have new technology new possibilities new imaginations i think it's about regenerating our kind of lead by the great magic the power that's already. so me and we're bringing in those jobs. will get them working. and training and jobs we need. right out today the endorsement for president by the chattanooga free press the tennessee newspaper has endorsed libertarian candidate gary johnson for president the editorial board there says that romney is to fly on saying he may be
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less eager to tax spend and attack personal freedoms and disregard constitutional limits on government than his democratic opponent president obama but only slightly what do you make of this always that someone major newspaper is actually endorsing a third party candidate. who are keeping this election there's more openness for people who you would like you to reconsider just as party like the green party i think there's a lot more interest in what we're seeing if you were there last night you would go through. the voices and. so to me this is proper why should the public you should look at the homes we're going to be some people much more. to work with here it's well it was an interesting debate and as we know there will be one more next week here in d.c. good to have you on the show sharing your thoughts luis rodriguez the vice president presidential nominee for the justice party. well i want to talk about
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drones they've been central to president obama's foreign policy especially when it comes to their use for targeted killing most people by now have heard of obama's kill list and it looks like the use of drones is not just a temporary strategy they will be part of a larger counterterrorism plan that will soon be really cemented in stone for future generations of presidents to better understand this was outlined in a pretty explosive article in the washington post the first of three in a series that introduces us to something called the disposition matrix it has become a hot topic of conversation around the washington d.c. area and our g. correspondent liz wahl joined us earlier from downtown washington to tell us a little more about this she first talked about exactly what the disposition matrix is. well we know all about the kill list but this actually takes it a step further this disposition matrix is secretly been in the works for about two years now as you had mentioned a recent washington post article mapped out the details of this plan and what it
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does is it maps out a plan to find in kill suspected terrorists that can't be found i guess by drone and the way that this works is that this matrix it streamlines information from various government agencies and puts it into one single database so we're talking about suspected terrorists biographies their locations the organizations that they're affiliated with all of this information is streamlined into this one place and with this information they're able to come up with some kind of a game plan to carry out these capture plans to mobilize personnel and resources to actually track down these suspected terrorists whether that means sending out a drone to monitor their whereabouts. if it's something like this that signals that be president obama the obama administration's drone campaign is something that is here to day because as we know with these kill lists it's not just one stagnant
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list where you knock off a suspect and you're down to zero what we've seen happen is that suspected terrorist keep getting added to that list we have members of the kani network and it's just kind of like a game of whack a mole once you knock one down another one pops up so it seems like there is no end in sight well it's interesting to me too that this is something that you know even if president obama wins a second term they're talking about using this strategy this decision matrix for at least the next decade for many many years to come for future presidents no matter what party to sort of be able to understand and use as a viable strategy is just so interesting because you know from everything we're hearing especially leading up to the the election. wars are supposed to be winding down i mean what do you think do you think this secret plan proves otherwise well i mean that's the thing the wars are supposed to be winding down the war i guess the wars as we know them are going to be winding down but that doesn't mean that we're
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literally not going to be involved in this country i think that this report absolutely proves otherwise that the drone campaign this report states that this is kind of kind of providing this blueprint for future administrations to be able to carry on this drone campaign and as we have seen in the election so far the last debate mitt romney had the issue of drones was brought up for the first time mitt romney held president obama's drone campaign and. obviously it's his campaign so bamma would continue to use it but drones and the use of them has proven to be a bipartisan issue meanwhile critics are pointing to the fact that the drone campaign has gone far beyond the targeted killing of the original intent which is to find those and bring to justice those that are responsible for the nine eleven attacks and here we are over a decade later and it's estimated that the drone campaign has killed more than
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three thousand people many of these people are innocent civilians and there's a lot of implications of that on the ground particularly in pakistan the country that has bear the brunt of this drone campaign and what i guess something to take away from this disposition matrix from this report is that targeted drone killings is something this is something that has become institutionalized something that prior to nine eleven was ground upon taboo were looked down upon today it seems like this targeted killing is ideal and there is no clear end in sight on my thing it just seems like it is indefinite point all right very interesting and certainly it seems because there will be a couple more articles about this we're going to learn a whole lot more our two correspondent live long live from downtown washington. so we think this is pretty significant clearly quite a bit we don't and won't know about it but as let's just outline the washington post gives the start of a pretty interesting story kevin gusto is
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a blogger with fire day firedoglake and he's here to talk more about this so kevin the kill list is out the disposition matrix is in what's the difference even between these two. seems to be an evolution or maybe taking it to the next level to have that as they call it disposition matrix some people are reacting and calling it is being made tricks i mean it really seems like the recipe for perpetual war for having the national security policy in place where they can continue to take out target and those targets are not people that we necessarily good to know were guilty of anything we are going to necessarily good evidence that the government had before them to make the decision to execute those people but we're just going to be asked to trust them as this is the policy for the last two or three years with the obama administration to just trust and not ask questions well
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it's really interesting too as you know two weeks from the election we've been hearing a lot of stuff on the campaign during these last few months about what a future will look like under both president obama under mitt romney both agree they would like to stick to the twenty fourteen deadline to get out of afghanistan they talk about a future without war these lists this matrix if you will doesn't look like a war is winding down. it's taking the war out of the conventional way that we are used to it is taking it out of the realm of occupation and moving it into being more mobile and use easier for americans to tolerate because the main point here is american lives are. putting in place but as a result have and i mean a lot of polls show that this is
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a popular form of war let's keep the boots off the ground let's use these unmanned aerial vehicles these remote control weapons if you will fewer american lives will be at rest and i know they were mentioned at the presidential debate earlier in the week it was one question though and it was only answered by written mitt romney let me play a little snippet of what he said i believe that we should use any and all means necessary to take out people who pose a threat to us and our friends around the world and it's widely reported the drones are being used in drone strikes and i support that entirely and feel the president was right to up the usage of that technology and believe that we should continue to use it to continue to go after the people who represent a threat to this nation and basically what romney said is in agreement with obama they agree on drones and frankly again having a lot of the american public doesn't talk a little bit about drones sort of as a political tool. well whether you're correct i mean the two major political
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parties the republicans and democrats both have the same position and i think this is what we're going to put in the political realm this is where not to stray too far from the issue of drones this is where you really need to highlight. this commission on presidential debates keeping out voices like gary johnson or jill stein who would have been in the bait and would have been talking about drones are not there and so we're going to talk about politics and the reason why many americans wouldn't be exposed to the criticisms that some political leaders have is because of the electoral politics while having let me interrupt you since you mention had a lot of people are talking about these third party voices but we as you may know aired that third party debate last night and we do have a little bit about what some of those candidates said about drones so although i hadn't played out that since you mentioned that we need to end the drone wars not bring the drones home because they're already coming home we need to put an end to
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the use of drones and actually lead not to lead this development of a new arms race there's a reason why we shouldn't be using drones it's because we don't just take out the target we do go to a lot of innocent civilians in these countries we're going. so i think governor johnson sort of hit the nail on the head here it's not just drones killing terror suspects it's drones killing other people who are near those terror suspects talk a little bit about some of the other casualties that really are not discussed. today there was a woman that was reportedly killed in pakistan who knows who she was but the fact is and you know that she was in that just position matrix you know nobody's ever going to really know there's another story that came out from reuters in yemen the the militants u.s. backed militia were going after with drones and and whatever operation have been
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driven underground and now they're in sleeper cells and i just seems like a perpetuation of a nightmare you know what gary johnson is saying is very critical because the blowback the fact that there may be you know you can market on the books right now you can say look we eliminated this guy we're limited at that guy but ten years down the road what kind of world are we looking at here is. america is in the business of fighting terror and needs to have terror in order to keep the business operating i think another unintended consequence not often discussed in addition to killing the civilians and by the way i mean you bring up a good point when it's a woman people ask questions one of out of his any male between the age of fourteen and sixty we don't know if that person had any sort of terrorism affiliation but it's assume so but another unintended consequence is sort of. the additional members joining groups terrorist affiliated groups because their family
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their brother their friends were killed by these drone strikes talk a little bit about that. again something not discussed very often. i mean it's true it's absolutely ignored in the sense that impact. there is this is why i think opinions that the drones should not be striking people they're not saying they don't want to take care of the taliban or that you know there have be with having the pakistani military has the counterterrorism but they're very angry that they live in fear and they're afraid that they're going to be attacked and that drives people into these militant groups because they feel like they want to fight back against the united states and i'll just say quickly that people don't ask questions and should have our go raman all locky the sixteen year old denver born teenager who was killed all right having us all
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a blogger for firedoglake thanks so much as always. well still ahead here on our t.v. if you have on bob your views about the president the government or even the banking system be warned the f.b.i. might be targeting you up next the details about the alleged political witch hunt targeting and our guests.
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with a grand jury investigation into vandalism. lance and joined two other anarchists catherine and matthew duran they were already imprisoned for remaining silent despite subpoenas plant was freed late last week about the same time the seattle times reported that plans and the other anarchists had been tracked by the f.b.i. since april based on a search warrant that was accidentally unsealed in u.s. district court so is the f.b.i. tracking a dangerous group hell bent on destruction or could this be a fishing expedition to talk more about this i'm joined by day james taylor an activist with the committee against political repression and james what do you think we know one of the three was released all three had remained adamant about remaining silent what's the latest we learned plant was released from prison on ten seventeen a present the committee against political repression does not have any details concerning her release we ask the public that respect for his privacy as she takes
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time to heal its capers policy to assume the subpoenas are not cooperating with the grand jury unless we have evidence to the contrary there's also a policy that we will see those briefs used to justify what they really and sound like you're reading a statement here i mean talk to me we want to talk about leo we can just talk sort of about the overall you know process i mean a lot of people suspected that an artist had been targeted by the f.b.i. what do you think this has now been you know sort of confirmed it's true that the investigation is politically motivated the warrants a list of the ones that were served specifically listed anarchists literature as evidence to be seized but it's also not surprising because a government that targets people based on race class and nationality would also target people based on ideology and this occasional harassment of anarchists occurs against a backdrop of the routine persecution of people of color poor people and immigrants are you surprised at all by those by those i'm surprised you're not surprised. when
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you hear the details of this case that people are being jailed for refusing to talk you know about an instance of vandalism that by the way they are not even believed to be present at it seems to me and it seems to a lot of people that they're trying to get you know friends to rat out other friends or people to sort of give up information i mean was this really about vandalism no i don't think it's about of vandalism i think it's about political repression. i know that you know we've been monitoring quite a few web sites that have been out there there are quite a few devoted to whale implants to duran to all jink and they've been talking about something called snitch snitch jacketing what is that. snitch jacketing is a technique used by the f.b.i. to convince communities of resistance. that there are snitches in the midst and to dissolve the solidarity between. people who are supporting the resistance
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and were continuing to resist and why do you think it is that they're you know continuing to resist that they're not talking even when subpoenaed to give grand jury testimony. because they believe that the institution of grand juries is illegitimate and they don't want to be devices of the state to divide. their communities talk a little bit about i know that i covered sort of extensively here in washington d.c. the occupy wall street movement and a lot of times when i would go down to macpherson square some of the activists would say to me you know we're not sure but we think there may have been some undercover police here we think the f.b.i. may have been here talk a little bit about that perception that you know occupy activists even are targeted . this probably happened and i think that the u.s. government has. led by the investigation division of the f.b.i.
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looks to disrupt communities of resistance. all right james taylor an activist with the committee against political repression thanks so much. thank you and that's going to do it for us for now but for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r.t. america or you can check out our web site r t dot com slash usa and you can of course follow me on twitter you can find me at christine for sound we're going to be back here at eight pm eastern.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that the americans call i don't know. i'm sorry i mean the guy you hear is an awful lot of. you sir are you know we're out of my other terror cells right now want us to defeat terrorism on liberal democrats. can you believe that it's. going to the super going to distract us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that's those of sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break this but.
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