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tv   [untitled]    October 24, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing operations to rule the day. hello i'm tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture republicans want women to make less than men and less about wanting fair and legal elections in america all that and more in tonight's alone liberal rumble and the fracking industry in this country is making millions off a dangerous and destructive practice our communities fighting back against fracking and trying to protect our nation from an environmental disaster.
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you need to know this last week paul ryan attempted to show that he and mitt romney really do care about poor people in america your memory showed up a soup kitchen only problem was he arrived late he didn't give any notice and figured he'd do a photo up cleaning dishes that were already wearing that stunt which garner a lot of negative political attention has now put the soup kitchen nearly out of business but ryan still wants americans to believe that he had mitt romney care about poverty so today in ohio he gave a speech on that issue but of course it was just rhetoric and maybe ryan could get away with talking a good game on poverty maybe you could vince america that he really does want to do something about the poor in america declining social mobility except he's also the guy who wrote the republican budget the house of representatives they completely decimates the poor in our nation in their budgets sixty two percent of ryan's
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proposed spending cuts target programs that help low income americans in their budget the food stamp program we kept which kept nearly four million americans out of poverty last year is completely gutted meaning no benefits or fewer but it benefits for millions of low income americans in the future and that by. medicaid which provides health care for millions of low income americans is slashed and according to a study by the urban institute will result in medicaid and roman being cut in half in that budget ryan because tax credits afforded to low income americans like the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit keep millions of americans out of poverty ryan mehta talked a good game in ohio today but we all know it's a charade religious leaders across the cross the nation have people it is really slammed for ryan's policies the largest national coalition of religious congregations the fico network said of the ryan budget the mission of the church is to bring good news to the poor and to protect the vulnerable not to justify the
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impoverishment of the very young the very old and the sick in order to enrich the wealthy. the only thing we can expect paul ryan and mitt romney to do is what they've promised to do on paper and that's give massive tax cuts five trillion dollars or the tax cuts to rich people like themselves and give austerity to the rest of us that will only worsen wealth inequality in the united states and thus make it harder and harder for the poor to move up into the middle class and try out for their shot at the american dream and paul ryan doesn't give a damn about the poor he's just a shill for big business who wants to create an iron aranda utopia where the wealthy live like kings and the middle class of the poor live like feudal serves don't buy the snake oil. now let's turn it over to tonight's lone liberal rumble. it's wednesday are you ready to rumble join me for the nice long liberal romber are
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laughlin mark mark a investigative reporter with the heritage action fund action fund now the translation yeah but the action fund that's like. really moving along there and as the robinson deputy director of the paul revere project got on a horse to and thank you for joining me tonight going off what i just said sixty two percent of ryan's cuts are proposed to be in poverty programs the food stamp program. he wants to gut that you know the urban institute says medicaid romans going to crash wants to do away with things like a child tax credit how can we trust these guys to handle poverty because they're taking it seriously and they're looking at the real drivers of our debt which also happen to be these. video games you know the real drivers of our debt which which is what do we. owe it absolutely does it has to do with whether these people can pull themselves up and i saw that we had one hundred twenty seven percent of g.d.p. as our national debt after world war two and we didn't have
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a problem with massive poverty will go you know world war two the largest were ever seen as a rather exceptional circumstance it was a government program. it was a massive government spending program that got us out of the great depression and it was a war that got us i was so precious and so you're comparing the war on poverty to world war two the war on poverty. the united states and twenty two percent down to twelve percent i mean if it works so well why are we still fighting it arguably it's the success actually the expense of war more going to target going to sleep in large part by ronald reagan life well i think you can't measure the effectiveness of a program to combat poverty by the number of dollars that it spends and in fact it seems that the more you're spending on i'm not talking about the number of dollars you spend i'm sorry about the specific program but we are spending more on food stamps in well that's because we're in the middle of the bush depression but the idea of you idea that you would you would measure the effectiveness of these programs by how much how much you're spending seems to me to be totally backwards it's you know the more poverty we have the more we're spending on these programs so
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the idea needs to be reducing poverty this is about giving people bootstraps if they can pull themselves up no it's absolutely not you got you the left claims they want to create safety nets but they create spiderwebs that keep people travel down and how do you do if you're a generational poverty what do you do all of the family what do you do for a family in appalachia that has basically you know no income no job prospects there's no industry there and their kids are trying to go to school and they're hungry i mean me personally i'm not going to do anything for them except fight for policies that will allow them to achieve self to independence yasmine all money from their dad like tagg romney did hey give me ten million bucks i'll start a company i mean you have to talk about food stamp and roman like it's a good thing it's a good sign that there are so many people who need handouts from the government i want to know it's clearly not a good thing that people need them but it is a good thing that we are feeding people out you know the average height of americans you know it absolutely is the average height of americans one hundred years ago was about three inches shorter than it is right now why because we eat
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better nutrition i mean actually there's a generational. difference well i mean you said what are we going to do for them but i think the relevant question needs to be you know who is going to do to do what you know is going to be the federal government is going to be state and local governments is going to be all the bigger and what do you want is what is the appropriate doing right what i think i think the you know i think these local organizations and charities church groups community organizations have a much better idea of what poor people in their communities need the research and you know why should it job of getting the resources then the federal government can it is absolutely true when you need to take or when when we were in one thousand sixty four when we were relying on churches and nonprofit organizations we had a twenty two percent poverty rate ten years later after l.b.j. put into place the war on poverty the poverty or it was twelve years drawing a huge bit of causation there that we absolutely know many factors and you also know that are at work there that just you need to look point to point that fact out
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are it seems to be mr gates or so we're going to we're going to we're going to argue about historical data indiana secretary senate candidate richard mourdock said this about rape and abortion in last night's debate. struggled with it myself for a long time but i came to realize life is a gift from god and i think even would life be good should you ation agree that it is good god did it to happen. mitt romney is indoors more still endorses him but putting aside these outrageous comments that are becoming commonplace in the in the republican party there are serious issues here come to gender equality well actually i think abortion is a serious issue birth control is a serious issue mitt romney was was asked if he would sign of personhood amendment we should make you know the pill illegal he said yes that would make any abortion for rape or incest or the life of the mother illegal he said yes paul ryan has signed on to these kind of things in the past i mean and here we are three men
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talking about women which is one of the things that makes me crazy to so much of this discussion is being driven by men in the political arena sixteen percent of our legislators are women it's you know compared to forty percent in norway fifty percent in iceland but what are we going to do she is is it not an appropriate role for government to to work toward gender equality and to protect the rights of women to make their own decisions about their own bodies well i think you know in keeping with the name of the program the big picture we need to stay focused on you know the things that you know i've seen a lot of people try to you know make this senate race in indiana about this one comment when i think you know they're only seventeen percent of voters according to a recent gallup survey that say abortion is a make or break issue for them so you know i think it's not about exertion what it's about a worldview basically what he's saying i guarantee you if men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament yeah well i mean it is about a world view and he just so happened to be expressing a world view that hey a lot of people agree with and i personally don't find anything particularly
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offensive about what he said i don't think that you know so you think you are going to get as we are a one of us is an age double down on it with another car so so you think that if a woman gets raped and impregnated that the state should come to her house with guns and say you will carry this because that's really. what he was saying all turned out as it is absolutely what he was produced through through rape is still a life and deserves the same protection. that you would get up and get a life contra contraception that will merge at all my concern if you agree yes i would not even implantation so you know it's up in the flowbee in tubes it hasn't been implanted in the uterus that's going to happen two or three days later you can stop that process with a heart simply with with a large dose of birth control pills you're opposed to that you want the government to say that women who put those in your mouth oh you know i am going to put you in prison you put words well that's what i want out there saying what i'm saying about what murdoch said is that a life that is produced through rape has just the same dignity and he launched the
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federal government to protect it which means guys with guns making sure that mean that every government protect life for am i wrong i thought life i mean we need we need we need to have a conversation this nation about when life begins so that's the key question is is when life begins and i mean it really all comes down to that so you know that which is what these guys are saying is that life begins at the moment of conception and you agree with that then you mean that's a perfectly rational comment well let's let's take it to the next step you know if life begins at the moment of conception and and about one out of every three conceptions of the floppy in tubes never implants in the uterus should we start doing funerals for every month period. i'll leave should we do a funerals for every miscarriage one in four pregnancies that ends in miscarriage and that's an absolute tragedy and we recognize that i only see it's as normal biology as you know body's way of saying you know this one wasn't perfect i think that is it mean that the family that that happens to is not incredibly distraught
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that that happened and why you know i know your works and try to you know took a miscarriage comment or to the bottom line is just. it's just so offensive that you want to left would mock santorum for that because the people who are the fact that people are saddened by a miscarriage or stillbirth it only testified it was decided by as he put it into a char on his mantel in his living room are you trying to say that he was celebrating a stillbirth i did something i've got to start discussing i'm saying it's just plain. bizarre but. also tell i go through what he went through i won't pretend i'm not you know is that yeah and i think that i think that men discussing abortion is something that should be outlawed if you know. if you're being pretty but it's not out of it but well you're right in the book i wanted to take this was was gender equality in general you know should mitt romney still has not said that he would have signed the lilly ledbetter fair pay for equal pay for equal work law. i'm
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assuming he won't say it because he wouldn't side should women have equal rights in the workplace i mean as soon as they can get before it will work as soon as this is like when mitt romney said if we're going to have women in the workplace then we have to live the fact is that the vast majority of the wage gap in the united states is not attributable to workplace discrimination it's attributable to the differences in the types of jobs that many women decide to persuade which is the consequence of enlargement on was like the early on the sara lee would be about the physical differences between men and women many people work dangerous more rubble after the break. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot of what you say sorry are you know what that is my
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other terror cells. want to give us a defeat terrorism a liberal and the chris paul jones. can you believe that it's. going to hurt you distract us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm happy martin and we're going to break this that. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture.
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i will write. that i also promised that i'd buy every single day for. my own. bag alone liberal rumble joining me are laughlin mark a investigative reporter with the heritage foundation and as the robinson deputy director of the paul revere project let's get back to it earlier this week we brought you a story on how the u.n.
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will be sending international lection observers to the united states to moderate of the november elections for any violations while that's good news for the millions of voters republicans are trying to suppress republicans themselves are not too happy about republican bloggers and pundits are breaking it out as the republican lawmakers today texas lawmakers warned the u.n. observers not to interfere with the state elections in alabama the speaker that was trying to pass a bill to block the u.n. observers from monitoring the voting in that state and here was catherine catherine engelbrecht of the tea party group true the boat boxer called news on monday. they say we need these u.n. observers in order to protect in particular minority voters in this country your reaction. well i think it's just it's really breathtaking in the prophecy that we're seeing they have they have gone to an international body to try and prevent or discourage american citizens from participating in
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a completely legitimate manner and go back spoke of legitimate elections should we as americans want a legitimate elections where everyone who has the right to vote can do so are republicans afraid that the u.n. observers are going to catch them in the act of blocking millions of americans from voting and and kurt if you can if paul weyrich side ready on. this is this is there's a long history in the republican party of trying to well actually the long history in america because they used to be the democratic party before before the sixty's that was trying to suppress the black vote the jim crow laws and things of the republican party here's this is paul weyrich he is the guy who founded the american legislative exchange council was one of the co-founders the heritage foundation and in one thousand nine hundred at a ronald reagan event in a church in texas actually speaking to a group of republican activists in syria. somebody of all across.
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good government they want everybody. i don't want everybody to vote elections are not won by a majority of people they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now as a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candid like go up owning populist go down. so this is been the official policy the republican party for a long time i mean you know the former supreme court justice chief justice rehnquist made his chops down in arizona frightening literally i mean he was a big tall guy back in the sixty's. native americans at the polling at the polling places challenging. i mean look if the more people who are watching american polling places on election day as long as they're not interfering with americans right to vote you know a lot of these red states have actually passed laws saying you can't observe inside the polling place well look if it's a matter of if it's a rather yeah. then actual i mean you know they're trying to prevent these
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international bodies from coming in and i don't think this is a problem even republicans are encouraging people to be allowed into the polling stations even people on the left everybody's ready for it they're going to i phones are going to be ready for there's not going to be any suppression there's going to be. no it's not it's going to intimidate the people who would commit voter fraud like a. lot of them knows you know jim moran jim rand son today project veritas exposed him his son was helping a guy commit voter fraud saying you know you need to make some fraudulent utility utilities bills and that will help you and they have to look good and if they look good enough organizing for obama i mean there are no it was so he was doing and he was doing like mitt romney did when he said that he was living in his son's unfinished basement miscues no he was right that he was going to commit systemic voter fraud there's a pretty big difference and that the son of a sitting congressional rabbit a part i can't speak to that it was i think about i don't i think about the most recent right wing conspiracy theories i'm sorry it's all just an exam i have no no
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no i don't read is a right wing web site isolated or there is the easy issue with the us. that i you know and i think this might have been was what missing albrecht was getting at with the hypocrisy angle was that you have an organization that has a lot of member states that don't have free and fair elections and we're going to give them running over your example i might be one of the same the same state department employee who sent a letter to russia who sent a letter to this organization asking that they come monitor our elections on march eighth of this year he sent a letter to russia congratulating them on the success of their presidential elections i'm sorry but what you just like the whole credibility when you're trying to bring in someone who looks that you know putin's waltz into power and then says oh no we're going to come to united states of the people who are very public in a democracy i mean come on get have you had this and not to acknowledge the systemic fraud going on in russia the and then to think that this independent election advisor is going to come up and say oh congratulations i'm surprised putin
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won you don't want anybody observing the elections and i hope you don't come on and do your fifty percent or can do it or a country that martyr center can't do it the carter center says i'm sorry the standards in the united states are so low that we can't do it we can we can observe in iraq we can observe afghanistan we can't do it here in the u.s. i mean that's hogwash that's hogwash at the end of the day i don't understand i can agree with you that the republicans and the bloggers are overreacting about this because at the end of the day it's a u.n. organization which i don't think you would have ever done well and u.s. ally don't have any you and i were they don't have any power just tell us where did it all go wrong and that's why the concern is that you know the u.n. has as as a general rule has a lot of philosophical disagreements with the united states and you know my concern is that they may disagree with the laws that we have in place in the united states but those laws need to be enforced and if they are going to be there to some way discourage people from you know if they feel that voter id laws are unfair for instance you know those laws need to be followed because that is the law of the
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land and so if they're if they're so pretty in principle. opposed to those laws i think that they would soon as they would like people to letters that are showing up in florida right now saying you must fill out this form and if you don't return it within fifteen days and you show up to vote you will be arrested but that whatever democrats are doing it to the democrats are going to lose there are republicans receiving letters saying they're not eligible to vote that they're not either not registered or they're not actually citizens you know the large cuban population in southern florida has a very strong public and base in it so yeah it doesn't have a lot of latino names are being filtered out by rick scott so you say well he's got their public and governor florida's going after i'm saying that this is not a partisan issue but as you know one of the lectern integrity and it needs to be for the first for the first time since one thousand nine hundred quiet change was not mentioned in a single presidential debate that's x. especially alarming considering the flood of information on climate change that has come out recently including the fact that september was the hottest september globally in history there's been concern that there was no mention of one of the
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you know the fate and future of the planet as you. so concerned with the lack of discussion about climate change because frankly it's one of the biggest hoaxes that's been executed on the american republican majority of regulatory regulatory policy changes that are undermining our economy that we're going to in the wrong direction you are you are actually you're going to sit here and say that the best scientists on earth who are looking at those interests yes absolutely you stand for the university there is so much corruption the best there was absolutely no rapture the best scientists wouldn't collude to exclude dissenting i.q.'s there's reason to be i don't i know you are a spark i can show you here my nerves you would find these videos to see homeowners by the by the by the fossil fuel industry in the middle of the australian industry you know i'm skeptical of this hockey stick propaganda that's coming out from scientists who have been just you know and the world is six thousand years old right s.e. . i mean it's debatable at all because i know what i was doing so years old and and because when you look at the horizon looks flat the world is flat right now and
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because it was hotter today that means global warming is happening so why don't we put it. filter out all cow's butts so that we can put methane in the atmosphere so you know where you're going with. even are you going to side the scientific issues i think you can decide the scientific ok so that let's not put that aside let's let's talk about the two thousand one cap and trade bill that never ended up happening which would have had a devastating impact on the economy and would have you don't know that it's actually working on europe right now and it would have had an effect on global temperatures of maximum point two degree you know that is not as you know the last time we had a credit cap and trade bill in the united states it was put into place by george herbert walker bush it was for sulfur dioxide and it wouldn't do what i did it was really bad idea if you cut emissions it made the industry more profitable it worked everybody got more efficient it cut emissions it worked happened actually president himself has said this you know my plan electricity the rates will necessarily skyrocket you have been married in iraq he said skyrocket you have an american
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thought they were voting on economic issues right now and it's just a fact that these solutions quote unquote solutions that it has opposed my question are you guys i mean i try to turn everything into something about economics when the planet is in danger i mean that we are looking at. let's look at our power grid let's look at what for example the wind energy tax credits have done to our power grid you've got the liberals on the left are saying hey what we did wind power wind power it's it's the you know the salvation for our energy whoa but when you look at what the. effect of these tax credits they are damaging our power grids because we have to go through hell and high water just to integrate wind power into our system that we need that we didn't really it's like europe doesn't really like that in our i mean we're going to the smart grid within hours not available during the peak demand moment so it's to get incredibly perverse and if so why don't want to do it to where it is doing you know they're generating a little less than twenty percent of their electricity with an hour in the opening within the united states arbor last time i added and they are building out of fleet
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of five million electric vehicles where you charge your car at night and you buy the. this is a very it's yeah those are all free markets award show for us we want you our to go our head i would do one but you charge your car at night and you buy the electricity cheap and then you drive to work and then you sell that only christie back into the grid for more money this is not a free market this is not a free market this is you know what the the left likes to call managed competition which ends up being there is no such thing as a hey my friend in the industry i'm in government lots of range this will both get rich and we'll call it a green scheme ok so it was so so he said you just want to continue billions of dollars every year to the fossil fuel industry we'll do it properly look at this look at you want to compare subsidies look at what the oil industry gets compared to what barack obama has given away to you know green companies like cylinder of i don't know industry is it sixty billion dollars the only industry is getting hundreds of billions of dollars look at what look at what we are spending to protect their shipping lines yes about how much you are military budget is protecting the president is because if obama wasn't also slashing are they going to get out of this is a hundred years of american policy laughlin mark a.s.e.
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robinson thanks for joining. crazy alert granny's got gots grandma to do with all her free time machine it maybe play bingo with her friends about a nice game of bridge but what every ramadoss it's probably safe to say she has absolutely no desire to enter the world of mixed martial arts and cage fighting well that's not the case for a fifty six year old five foot six grandmother candace cost of virginia says she's always had the urge to fight with people and has beat up a few guys or years because she wants to take her fighting experience to the next level. help troubled teens and she's just lost one hundred twenty pounds but those aren't the most impressive things about a richmond grandmother now she wants to become a cage fire now that she's leaned down and toughened up she wants to put her
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natural skills to work this biting green has contacted cage match mixed martial arts promoters demanding an equal shot in a cage stop me the general public god bless them but come on those cage match guys can be monsters you know what i'm sorry i have heard they're younger they're faster i'm older and better and sure and i've done a lot longer so far she had the look but she's pushing nor am i surely there is. no woman. so someone go back candace's day and challenger to a cage fight. i
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will fight. that. every single day.


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