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tv   [untitled]    October 24, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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the presidential dark horses finally have their time in the limelight last night in the third party presidential debate they covered all the things president obama and mitt romney missed out on the n.d.a. drug legalization and want to give you a round up from the justice party presidential candidate rocky anderson. and a new report details the obama administration's efforts to create the next generation targeted kill list it's called the disposition matrix will dive into what the report says that moves into what role the drones play in u.s. security. and what some are calling a tip for a time political move
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a tribunal is forcing aqua door to pay the largest investor state penalty in history one point eight billion dollars for allegedly violating a trade agreement is this a retaliatory move against the country for granting political asylum to wiki leaks co-founder julian assange. questions more. well good evening it is wednesday october twenty fourth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine frizz out you're watching our t.v. . last night we aired the presidential debate for third party candidates live from chicago the debate was moderated by larry king sponsored by the free and equal elections foundation and well neither mitt romney nor president obama showed up it was attended by former new mexico governor gary johnson of the libertarian party
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the green party's dr jill stein former virginia congressman virgil goode and the with the constitution party and former salt lake city mayor who you see there rocky anderson with the justice party the candidates spoke about several topics including something we speak i'm on a lot here at our team and national defense authorization act signed signed into law by president obama nearly a year ago. i would have never signed the national defense authorization act allowing for you when i was you was that is to be arrested and detained without being charged that's the reason we call or is this. it's an outrage ten twenty one and it would. start with. it's an incredible pull the trail of our civil liberties that the president has assumed dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or
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without trial this is an allowable and is a basic offense against the very foundation of american liberty and. i should mention in addition to airing here on our t.v. it was also aired on al-jazeera and on c.-span but on none of the major cable networks you know the host larry king spent decades working for one of those cable network c.n.n. the four candidates did agree on more than they disagree but was signed their ideas and their faces were thrust into the spotlight something that doesn't often happen despite being on the ballot in several states and also spoke about an issue that has played a major role in these elections and in our democratic process as a whole campaign finance here are a couple of the candidates speaking about that. their political action committees not just the businesses but of unions no political action committee individual contributions and no super pacs and i believe congress can craft legislation with
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presidential leadership to stop political action committees big money that funnels through the pacs is the greatest hindrance in my opinion to free and open elections and freedom and democracy in this country we threw off the king and the time of the revolution because of have it had we need a pact and both the third parties don't stand up on their own when it comes to political campaign contributions that candidate should be required to wear nascar like jacket with patches on the jacket. so what's really needed is one hundred percent transparency this is the first of two debates for third party candidates and we have one of those four candidates to talk more about this i was joined earlier by rocky anderson the presidential nominee with the justice party and he first shared his thoughts about last night's debate i think it was amazing
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there was so much energy on the side and i think it's because they're finally saying some democracy in our electoral system it's no longer this debate so call between two candidates who are so constricted in terms of the range of views being presented and these presidential debates now which are owned and operated solely by the republican democratic parties are so incredibly orchestrated and manipulated by the cather. well and that certainly shows i would argue in terms of the questions that are asked. a lot of times we hear you know the same questions asked time and time again that we already know what these candidates answers are i know you guys spoke about a lot of different things and one of the things you spoke about was the war on drugs i want to play a quick part of last night's debate and then we'll talk about it we don't just need to legalize marijuana we need to drug prohibition just like we all call
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probation and treat drug use and abuse as a public education if you do that. marijuana is a substance that is dangerous because it's illegal it's not illegal on account of being dangerous because it's not dangerous. so everyone last night seemed to have a pretty strong opinion about this issue why is that. well because people enter stam that we're incarcerating more and more people you know in the war on drugs started in one nine hundred seventy one there are fewer than forty thousand people in our jails and prisons on drug offenses and now there are over half a million people in our jails and prisons and this impacts just about everybody even if you don't smoke marijuana you know somebody does some to think that people
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are serving time because of the use of the struggle and all drugs really ought to be treated as alcohol as tobacco substance use and abuse needs to be treated as a public health and education issue and get a entirely out of the criminal justice system and this wasn't just the young audience mostly young audiences are last night this is what poll after poll for years was shown that the american people want but polls are also showing at least this election cycle that what the american people want the most is more jobs and a better economy this is an issue that you know most americans again they'll say they'll be voting on why not focus more attention on that we do. talk about jobs president obama is the only president in our nation's history that has presided over forty three months continuously over eight percent unemployment and then he brags about the recovery well the recovery has been
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replacing mid to low mid paying jobs with low level low skill low paying jobs sixty percent of the jobs lost in two thousand and eight and two thousand and nine where those mid-level jobs and only twenty two percent of the new jobs stream a so-called recovery are of that category so we can put in place at w.p.a. like project that's been proven to work in this country building up our nation's infrastructure and hiring millions of people and we really need to renegotiate. those outrageous trade agreements that ended up sending millions of good jobs from america to foreign nations out today were out today rocky the endorsement for president by the chattanooga that free free press the tennessee newspaper has endorsed libertarian candidate gary johnson for president the editorial board says mitt romney is to flog it saying romney may be less eager to tax and spend and
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attack personal freedoms and disregard the constitutional limits on government than his democratic opponent president obama but only slightly were you surprised to see one of their third party partners in crime get endorsed by you know a fairly significant newspaper no i'm not surprised at all i am surprised that it was gary johnson frankly because the libertarians are so opposed to government serving its highest purpose and that is to protect the american people in terms of our health safety and welfare gary johnson wants to have the lawyers just go sue everybody rather than have our government protect us against for instance dangerous drugs that kind of drugs that have been killing people because of these injections of steroids recently he say get rid of the f.d.a. and just have the lawyers go sue after the fact i think that's really loopy but i'm not surprised that there are mainstream newspapers now that are recognizing that
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neither mitt romney or president obama have any real solutions in terms of the economy mitt romney is going to be one of the greatest when flam artists of all time if he can sell the american people and saying that he's going to balance the budget while reducing taxes by twenty percent getting rid of some and identified the doctrines even if you got rid of all of you know it be able to reduce taxes about four percent without adding to the deficit and he wants to further increase military spending it's absolutely insane so yeah. we heard last night a very different discussion and what most of us were talking about represents what the vast majority of americans want but it's the stranglehold that the republican and democratic parties on our electoral system and then the failure of the mainstream corporate owned media to get the word out that this left americans such a constrained choice yeah i thought it was interesting i mean i don't even know how
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many years larry king worked for c.n.n. but the fact that c.n.n. i'm not only didn't cover it but didn't even mention it at least from what i saw i thought was pretty interesting talk to me about you were just kind of drying you know distinguishing yourself from a libertarian candidate gary johnson gary johnson is however on the ballot in forty two states last i checked rockier on the ballot i think in fifteen states talk about what that process has been like trying to get on the ballot and frankly you know what's been in your way that's a nightmare to get on the ballots and most states in this country they've made it almost impossible it's very very expensive the technical requirements are different in every state in california you have to have over a million signatures on ballots to go to. signatures on the petitions to get on the ballots you know in south africa i've got a. ballot the first one came out after the end of apartheid and the world
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celebrated the democracy that was brought about in south africa there were eighteen names on the ballot for president in this country to have mostly two names in oklahoma that the restrictions are so great you won't see a third party on the ballot and that's the case in so many states it is so absolutely anti-democratic and to deprive the voters of real choices something that this country no matter what one's partisan affiliation is we all out of peace. against this house such a stranglehold so degraded our democracy will rock you certainly it was an interesting debate last night looking forward to seeing the next one i think it's going to be right here in washington d.c. rocky anderson presidential nominee for the justice party thanks again thanks very much. well least one man has been arrested or tunisian man suspected of playing
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a role in the september eleventh two thousand and twelve attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi libya which killed four americans including ambassador chris stevens president obama has vowed a thorough investigation and now the tunisian government has confirmed it has arrested twenty eight year old ali are. according to the hill u.s. intelligence officials along with members of the f.b.i. are right now in negotiations with the tunisian government to gain access to. and possibly to have the suspects transferred to the american detention facility in guantanamo bay cuba now this is a little surprising for a few reasons namely because of what president obama said less than a week ago in his appearance on the daily show. before when you ran and you had certain things that. you thought i wonder if four years as president has in any way change that ok first one is we don't have to trade our values and ideals for our security we don't do you still feel that way we don't there's some things that we
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haven't done but i still want to close guantanamo we have been able to get the polka. so there are plans in the works here to right there to close gitmo and yet it's still where suspects will continue to be sent and till further notice there are reports out as well that another suspect was actually killed in clashes in cairo egypt several men are believed to have stormed that consulate on the night of september eleventh eventually lighting it on fire and killing several people inside . well drones have been central to president obama's foreign policy especially when it comes to their use for targeted killing most people by now have probably heard of obama's kill lists and it looks like the use of drones is not just a temporary strategy they are part of a larger counterterrorism plan that will soon be cemented in stone for future generations of presidents to understand better this is all outlined in a pretty explosive article in the washington post the first of three in a series that introduces us to something called the disposition matrix has become
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a hot topic of conversation around the washington d.c. area and our correspondent liz wahl joined us earlier from downtown d.c. to tell us a little bit more about this first explaining to us exactly what the disposition matrix is. but we know all about the kill list but this actually takes it a step further this disposition matrix secretly been in the works for about two years now as you have mentioned a recent washington post article maps out the details of this plan and what it does is it maps out a plan to find in kill suspected terrorists that can't be found i guess by drones and the way that this works is that this matrix it streamlines information from various government agencies and puts it into one single database so we're talking about suspected terrorists biographies their locations the organization that they're affiliated with all of this information is streamlined into this one place and with this information they're able to come up with some kind of
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a game plan to carry out these capture plans and mobilize personnel and resources to actually track down the suspected terrorists whether that means sending out a drone to monitor their whereabouts so it's something like this that signals that the pope resident obama the obama administration's drone campaign is something that is here to stay because as we know with these kill lists it's not just one stagnant list where you knock off a suspect and you're down to zero what we've seen happen is that suspected terrorist keep getting added to that list we have members of the network and it's just kind of like a game of whack a mole once you knock one down another one pops up so it seems like there is no end in sight was it it's interesting to me too that this is something that you know even if president obama wins a second term they're talking about using this strategy this just position matrix
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for at least the next decade for many many years to come for future presidents no matter what party to sort of be able to understand and use as a viable strategy is just so interesting because you know from everything we're hearing especially leading up to the election. wars are supposed to be winding down i mean what do you think do you think this secret plan proves otherwise well i mean that's the thing the wars are supposed to be winding down the war i guess the wars as we know them are going to be winding down but that doesn't mean that we're literally not going to be involved in this country i think this this report absolutely proves otherwise that the drone campaign this report states that this is kind of providing this blueprint for future administrations to be able to carry on this drone campaign and as we have seen in the election so far in the last debate rather the issue of drones is broader for the first time mitt romney held president obama's drone campaign and. obviously it's his campaign so would continue to
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use it but drones in the use of them has proven to be a bipartisan issue meanwhile critics are pointing to the fact that the drone campaign has gone far beyond the targeted killings of the original intent which is to find those and bring to justice those that are responsible for the nine eleven attacks and here we are over a decade later and it's estimated that the drone campaign has killed more than three thousand people many of these people are innocent civilians and there's a lot of implications of that on the ground particularly in pakistan the country that has bear the brunt of this drone campaign and and so what i guess something to take away from this disposition matrix from this report is that targeted drone killings is something this is something that has become institutionalized something that prior to nine eleven was frowned upon taboo or looked down upon today it seems like this targeted killing is ideal and there is no clear end in sight i might
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think it just seems like it is indefinite point all right very interesting and certainly it seems that because there will be a couple more articles about this we're going to learn a whole lot more are to correspondent live live from downtown washington. so this is pretty significant stuff here clearly quite a bit of stuff that we don't and won't know about it but as liz just outlined the washington post gives the start of the story michael brooks the producer with majority report joined me earlier i started out by asking him to explain the difference between a disposition matrix and those kill lists. as with so much with this program it's kind of hards in the what is what because a lot of it is still very secret and we're kind of learning this information sort of the leaks out gradually the disposition was seems to be more kind of integrated there is more variables are taking into account but it looks to me like
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it's something that happens almost before the kill list because it's a way of desegregating who's going to be targeted with a drone or who's going to be arrested or extradited so it seems to me like a model that's used along with the kill list and integrated with it versus maybe a replacement now on one hand i mean from what i was reading about it in some ways it just looks like a really thorough plan you know if there's a suspect or somebody on this list that's found in a country that's unexpected you know it joins the different agencies together and says you know this is how this agency react react or respond to this situation this is how they respond in this situation but to say do you think it's anything more michael than just a relief thorough plan. well i think what it is it's jura craddick you know these these policies are getting formed and they're getting streamlines things that are we're kind of happening on an ad hoc basis are getting formal and institutionalized
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and you know what's interesting in the article that's really significant is the whole notion that you know even in the ninety's going after osama bin laden himself was seriously controversial and now the notion of going after specific targets having a kill list and having multiple procedures around it is just getting formalized into the bureaucracy and security structure of washington i mean i think what's really problematic here is you don't see a structure accompanying it you don't see you know a geneva convention drones you don't see the type of. more legal humanitarian international law and models to go along with how this is being implemented and i think that that's really problematic yes certainly hard to underscore just how significant september eleventh was in terms of what was viewed as a good option versus a bad option i think it's an important point to make in that article president bill
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clinton at the time was given the option but you know just using drones was not something that was normal but now we have. david petraeus he is asking not only to keep this drone program but to expand it and do you think this indicates that overall the view is that it's been successful well i think it's a pens on how we're defining success you know barack obama ran a very interesting campaign of foreign policy in two thousand and eight because he basically said on one hand look i'll be more aggressive against al qaida than the republicans are going to block the sun without permission i'm going to really prioritize hitting certain people and hitting this group which clearly he's done and the drones are a significant part of that on the other hand he promised to repair the u.s. image abroad which i think in some respects he has and he's old and he also promised to kind of. shift u.s.
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foreign policy in a way that the origins of terrorism like just u.s. policies abroad and things like that would be lessons and what you've seen here is that while the drone program is maybe tactically successful in getting specific people you've seen the same president who has been unable to close guantanamo really in some ways create the next one's heart a moment terms of al-qaeda recruiting tool because of the really significant humanitarians hole that the drone program has on the ground so it's a part oxycodone legacy and i don't think i think tactically it's been a success i don't think strategically in going into the long term it's been a success in the same way that was michael brooks producer for majority report. well there are some interesting developments in the relationship between the u.s. and ecuador these are countries that have not for quite some time had many issues between them we did report at length last year when an ecuadorian court ruled that
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chevron must pay eight point six billion dollars in damages relating to a pollution lawsuit that amount actually increased to eighteen billion dollars and still chevron hasn't paid a penny of it they call the judgment fraudulent we also have told you quite a bit about the decision by awkward or to grant leaks co-founder julian a songe asylum he's been staying at the ecuadorian embassy for several months still with no way out to speak to you today as a free man. because despite having being detained for six hundred and fifty nine days without. free in the most basic and important sense i am free to speak my mind. this freedom exists because the nation of a court order has granted me political asylum and other nations have rallied to
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support its decision well since that speech at the un juliana songes health has reportedly been diminishing still at this point he has no safe passage out even if he needed to go to the hospital he would most likely be arrested after any treatment so that's another thing and now there's this a three person tribunal has just decided that ecuador must pay one point eight billion dollars to the u.s. based occidental petroleum as far as why it's pretty unclear though a quote contract breach is what's being alleged here to find out more about this contract allegation i was joined earlier by miguel tinker salles a professor of latin american history at pomona college on the author of the book the and during legacy oil culture and society in venezuela fully ninety nine accord or under contract with occidental to produce oil in the block fifteen in the area of ecuador. the occidental company in two thousand four decided to sell forty
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percent or to transfer a forty percent interest in that block to look at a.d.m. company that's a violation of the hydrocarbon law in ecuador and as a result in two thousand and six that could move the council to contra the allegation on the part of occidental has to do with the council a shell of its contract and the interesting part is that block which was producing under occidental forty four thousand barrels a day is that they producing one hundred forty four thousand barrels a day and that's really what bothers occidental and that's really what they're going after they were they want to get back into ecuador they want to get back into the countries that produce oil in the region and this is part of their strategy so do you think this is a viable strategy i mean is this something legally the courts here the courts there that they have a chance you know of really being able to get ecuador to pay up. well i think the countries of south america forgiven is what i believe you have already withdrawn from this court ecuador withdrew from his court in two thousand and nine and doesn't recognize its validity so that ecuador is not going to pay the best.
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judgment they have facts as they would appeal the judgment and the larger picture within the law south america is that countries like venezuela wallowed and libya have exerted sovereignty over what had been previously a series of hopscotch of contracts given to foreign companies and that's really what the large companies resent because now it is state owned companies in fact if you look at venezuela but i feel like well these are state all companies that now are producing and the is going vestments in those countries depends on your relationship with those company now certainly a u.s. oil company is not directly connected in any way to the u.s. government but there is concern out there what do you think professor tell us do you think there's any reason to believe that this is in retaliation to ecuador's offer to grant julian a silent asylum i think it adds up to a series of pressures on ecuador object to really it provides increased pressure but the unit should have been before the court had been there since two thousand
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and six the file the case had been filed in two thousand and six the hearings were in two thousand and eight that reality timing is interesting comes out now and that's since we can say as more pressure to ecuador in the broader context of the case with chevron which is eighteen billion dollars whichever is not saying but again the attention is given that it's locked and then so and ecuador is responding by saying it doesn't recognise the court it has national sovereign rights over all production and it will continue to pursue those and i am recently the foreign minister of ecuador ricardo patino spoke to r.t. and i want to play a quick part of what he said. washington and the u.s. is not our father or our teacher to punish us to have the same rights as they do julian assange is an example a symbol of freedom of speech but there are some countries which try to influence things and limit his freedom and even oppress him so that he stops doing what he's doing who want to make them understand that we're protecting freedom of speech as
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well as a right to life and personal integrity and so he's saying washington the u.s. is not our father or our teacher you know this is regarding you know they feel they have the freedom to do whatever they want with it with julianna signs why do you think he said that well i think he said it very clearly because in the case of the sons britain was acting like an old colonial power they said they would intervene in the door an embassy they said that they would withhold the right to do that and they found they want to do so in many ways as a response not just remember but from all the countries of south america what is the case for a sign that britain has to respect the sovereignty of the ecuadorian embassy and it has to respect the sovereignty of decisions made around hydrocarbons and energy is used the same way that we'll let you know nationalized yes there's a lot we nationalized oil ecuador has done the same thing all right it's very it's very complicated but certainly we're gonna keep our eyes on what's going on there gal take our solace professor of latin american history.


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