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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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government forces say they've crushed the resistance in colonel gadhafi his former stronghold after weeks of government shelling. many more displaced. the syrian rebels claim they've taken the country's second city of aleppo a major offensive came as damascus agreed to a ceasefire for the muslim holiday. and give time to those opposing the iranian regime is a new t.v. station but questions over free speech mount the state broadcaster press t.v. was shut down in the u.k. .
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international news and comment live from moscow this is. libya's government forces claim they have taken control of the opposition stronghold bani walid but say pockets of resistance still remain that's after a week's long deadly assault with reports of dozens of residents in the besieged city being killed by pro-government shunning. the details. we continue to receive these conflicting reports from our sources on the ground we're hearing of that the army is actually withdrawing from the city or there we are hearing of wide scale killings from the government sources they say that the system has fallen and we continue to receive verified video footage as well as reports of wide scale killings of indiscriminate shelling and also the use of poisonous gas some of the photos and video we've been receiving showed dismembered bodies children who've
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been killed and some of that forty just coming from bani walid television that has been broadcasting these visuals almost non stop there is still a question mark over whether or not chemical weaponry has been used doctors at the scene do report that many of the patients they were treating are suffering from toxic gas inhalation and so we're hearing the same kind of thing i would but again we are receiving unconfirmed reports that many of the shells are being fired with gas inside them as of yet we cannot independently verify this so far has been going on now for the better part of three weeks and in that time all communication in and outside the city has been hampered it took us several days to make contact with people inside the besieged city they told us that these army forces were manning all the increases and exits to inform and bani walid this despite the fact that thousands of people have fled to neighboring sites and refugee camps we have managed to make contact with a man in the us he's asked us to hide his identity because he is afraid for his
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family who are still inside. he tells us that the army is pushing back you also says quite alarmingly that he hasn't heard from his family for several days and he's incredibly fearful as to the fate the militias. the fighting. from the from the from the city the. people control. the militias. they were taken to the old man and his. doesn't have an ego. just a council member people the number is really big on the first. i think about seventy. from the militias. to be big kill yourself. six hundred from the militias on the wilds of on the street of the middle of the
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city i'm barely touched me ever since the violence started some three weeks ago residents of bani walid has been appealing to the international community for assistance moscow took up the score by drafting a statement that put forward to the united nations security council earlier this week but that was blocked by the united states prompting a response from moscow saying that a found as odd and strange in that context understand why such a statement had not been approved it's also cause many an international community to accuse both washington and others of double standards you need to remember it wasn't so long ago that russia and china were blamed for voting against resolutions in libya and now the question is being asked why when moscow puts forward for calling for assistance in bonnie why lead is this being stopped by washington and artie's managed to make contact with an eyewitness in the city she says militias are carrying out mass killings of civilians continue to call on the international
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community to help. these are not governmental forces there are militias and armed gangsters surrounding bani walid without any legitimacy the media is prohibited from reporting on what's happening in the city this is shueisha as horrible crimes are committed communications were deliberately cut in order for these gangsters to prevent any person from communicating what's really happening there bulldozing houses they're setting houses on fire stealing everything they find moreover they committed massacres killing as many people as they code people here in bani walid want to return to their homes they say that their city is totally destroyed nevertheless they want to go back and live in the wreckage they refused to be driven out of the city secondly they request all humanitarian organizations including the u.n. to come to bani walid and see the destruction for themselves and see the devastation and we need immediate aid we need to military assistance urgently. but the siege and the killings in but it will lead to been ignored by the international
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community especially by those states who backed the uprising that toppled gadhafi author and journalist neil clark i spoke to a little earlier in r.t. he says the u.s. and its allies have used and abused in libya. let's think back to every twenty eleven we couldn't because the newspaper in the u.k. or us or put on the b.b.c. or c.n.n. without hearing about what was going on in libya a humanitarian disaster we're told colonel gadhafi forces were killing lots of people there were dangers of a massive massacre in benghazi and because of that we went to war that that was a reasonable war and today the situation lever is much worse you got a humanitarian catastrophe taken place the number of people killed since need to intervene has gone up but by between ten and twenty times we've got massacres going on at the moment and their silence complete silence here in the u.k. and in the u.s. damask internationally very good on libya they've been talking about the number of detentions look taking place there and the new regime but of course the western powers are interested they got what they want what they wanted they got rid of gadhafi they've got a pro western government in power now in tripoli they've taken control of the oil
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industry this privatization western corporations really you know they don't really give a toss to be honest about what's going on about about the human rights abuses the fact that demonstrations are banned throughout the country it's time to move on on to syria of course. well these syrian army's agreed to hold military operations from friday morning until monday the four day truce as part of a proposed ceasefire between government forces and the rebels for the muslim holiday of need whether the army is reserving the right to respond after some militant groups stated they will continue to fight despite the government announcement syria rebels are claiming they've made since an advance is in aleppo and are controlling the majority of the city and expending an official michael maloof is skeptical that this latest ceasefire will be effective. the government is prepared to have a cease fire but it takes two to tango as as it were and i don't know that the opposition is prepared to to to stand down and i think they they feel that the
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government will then take advantage of the cease fire to realign troops and put in artillery so i think that they're going to be reluctant to do that there are terror attacks going on in syria a lot of the opposition is coming from outside forces more radical elements of joint so syria is being subject to outside terrorist attacks and it's going to go on and unfortunately the united states is backing this as well as turkey and and i think that the united states really doesn't have a clear policy on toward toward. the side except to get him out but then the question is what men what are you going to have after that and if aleppo falls that could begin to raise additional problems and could cause a major spread and isolate the regime on the one hand i've talked to people in lebanon for example who said that hezbollah will attack israel if aleppo falls
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simply because of the assistance that the israelis have been giving to the opposition so i would be skeptical that such a cease fire not only could go into effect but that it could even hold. sudan has threatened retaliation over the alleged deadly israeli air strike on an elms factoring cartoon to refuse to comment on reports that four of its fighter jets carried out an air raid on a plant providing rockets to gaza foreign policy expert and he's told me that potentially a major crime has been committed. if the you know the sudanese allegations are true this is a flagrant violation of international law which will sudan are not a were you can bomb a factory in sudan anytime they want everybody has the right to defend themselves within the confines of international war israel and other countries including the united states doesn't have the right to go around bombing other people's countries saying that it's in self defense and we don't even know what was going on in this
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factory of conventional weapons was it something you know sudanese say it was conventional weapons was it intended for hamas in gaza you know it's really the voices are suggesting or did have nothing to do with gaza at all we don't want to live in a world where one country can unilaterally make these claims doesn't have to provide any evidence and then can carry out a military action on that basis israel has the screen says that they should be pursuing diplomatic channels not unilateral military action. iranians living in europe get a new television channel as t.v. goes on there will be able to make up about nineteen iranian state run t.v. and radio stations that went bad in the e.u. this month on t.v. reports surely. and it's a problem of the clash over foreign policy the defense department's wired an attack
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on the scale of nine eleven could be repeated online those stories and others coming up on. nineteen iranian channels have been banned in the countries that's called iran for not tolerating free speech among other things well played lads well played i love the smell it. apocrypha see in the morning personally a bit of censorship doesn't bother me that much because there has always been censorship and there were always be censorship if there are any words or symbols or opinions that could get you bumped off the air or legal trouble in your country then guess what you have censorship sorry to say it but that's how it is i don't mind a country saying that there is something so antithetical to their way of life that it must be banned i'm fine with that that's your business in your country and you
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should be able to protect your culture and your values but don't lie to me and tell me that you live censorship free when you don't it's your choice you let your reading channels back on the air or come out of the closet and admit you believe in restricted speech but that's just my opinion. download the official publication so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch on t.v. any time. you will come to the. friggin solar powered this month the moon is the center of
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our universe the tides are forever while the sun's rays can be fickle innovative construction methods last cost as well as environmental damage one brand new turbines boost efficiency will to simplify design and who needs batteries blakes can store energy discover a new era of clean power driven by the mood. here on r.g.p. we've got the future of a. wealthy british style. time. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on.
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line. would be so much brighter if you knew about someone from feinstein christian. news for instance on t.v. dot com. here moscow a new t.v. station is going on in london today aiming to give a platform to the voices of those in opposition to the current leadership of iran this comes just over a week of to nineteen state run iranian t.v. and radio stations including the english language press t.v. were banned in the e.u. . has more. today in london we witness the launch of a brand new and very different in reigning news channel this studio belongs to t.v.
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now from rocket translates to freedom and that could give an indication of the political agenda behind the need t.v. station in fact its founder is so very opposed to the current government that he says that he wants to help the iranian people to capitated the current regime denies having any financial backing or any seal of approval from international organizations or western governments believe. the british government back. regime how they can be against t.v. for the change of dictatorship. they want to put this regime by on the news in fact it's the very emergence of a new oppositional iranian television channel in britain teamed with involuntary departure of press t.v. from the u.k.
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that said some to question whether the brits with all their love of trumpeting free speech and balance by doing so very selectively obviously britain press t.v. very early on the first country in the world the. television news channel their only. propaganda channel as it were the one percenters no one in iran even those opposed to. even those opposed recently doing that islamic theocracy. would support this out. founders say that they are inspired by events like the arab spring and television channels like al-jazeera and al-arabiya in fact they say that unlike in libya and afghanistan they want to promote political change from within and looks like perhaps because of their oppositional political agenda nobody here is stopping them. london. independent scotland could leave the u.k.
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. vulnerable for the producer to make all of its nuclear deterrent effect manages to go it alone and break away from it you can find out the latest on london's atomic dilemma on our website. also online the canadian customers may soon see a cigarette like warning labels on everyday products such as fizzy drinks the same way doctors in ontario want to fight the national obesity epidemic. stores not as dot com website now with less than two weeks before americans. choose their president obama and romney are scrambling to secure crucial last minute votes and the final t.v. debate they outline their foreign policy goals which for both include pressure on iran and strengthening the u.s. military whatever the pentagon believes its cyber crime is the biggest threat now as part of our special election coverage auntie's marina portnoy brings you the details. america's military invasions interventions and targeted
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attacks have traditionally been deployed on the battlefield yet today a significant shift in technology has created a brand new terrain for warfare the internet which most people use for communication research and entertainment is being dubbed the battlefield of the future in an era of hackers and viruses computers are something of a weapon in the emerging world of cyber war or virtual world where military strikes are invisible and everyone online remains vulnerable earlier this month u.s. defense secretary leon panetta out warned that america faces the possibility of a cyber pearl harbor if online security is ensuring things the even greater danger facing us in cyberspace goes beyond crime and it goes beyond harassment these cyber attacks. perpetrated by nation states or violent
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extremist groups could be as destructive as the terrorist attack on nine eleven while the pentagon is looking to expand washington's ability to respond to cyber attacks. it's also developing procedures that allow frontline troops to have a new generation of cyber weapons at their fingertips and the army's cyber effects request format otherwise known as surf is a system that allows combatants to request cyber fire operations from the u.s. cyber command some operations could include infiltrating an unclassified network inside of a ground force headquarters to disrupt their communications what the military is trying to do know is to embed computer experts or when you're dealing for example with counterinsurgency you want people who know how to do forensic work on a laptop if you capture somebody how to dump his cell phone how to prevent your
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drone your backpack joan from being interfered with i mean nearly everything even down to the to the squad level and the platoon level is starting to have hacker encounter hacker issues but it's not only tactical implementation that the u.s. is looking at allegations have emerged that washington has already launched its first offensive strike in two thousand and ten the first weapon to be made entirely out of code targeted he runs a nuclear program a computer virus known as stuxnet infected tehran's enrichment facilities with the capability to turn up the pressure inside iran's nuclear reactors or switch off the oil pipelines and tell the system operators that everything was normal the attack destroyed nearly one thousand of iran's six thousand centrifuges according to reports the virus was a joint collaboration between the us and israel more destructive things experts however warned that washington. growing involvement in cyber warfare could come
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back to haunt the u.s. it's a double edge sword would you use against your enemy is of eventually going to work its way back to you everybody's looking for deniability if you saw stocks or flame or any of the other variants it's the only one they can prove who did it or how you did it you can just so you were really shocked this is happening this soft power dimension to new u.s. policies in the digital world is reflected in its desire to win hearts and minds of the online community last year the u.s. spent nearly twenty million dollars to help foreign citizens access online material and social media meanwhile the u.s. government is working hard to spy on internet communications not just on its own citizens but foreign nationals as well america's largest overseas eavesdropping base is in britain and the top secret facility carries out a whole range of military diplomatic and commercial surveillance the beginning of
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a new global battlefield where viruses replace drones and how hers may be calm some of the highest ranking officials in the u.s. military what may still sound to some like science fiction is fast becoming a virtual reality maureen up or nine r.t. new york. well let's join katie on the business desk and good news for jet set is then crazy indeed yes though because the world's second biggest budget line easy jet is about to start flying to russia not soft to the u.k. as aviation regulates of pay the airline over virgin atlantic to fly between london that has been the big news event today we're going to check out some markets say what's going on because u.s. stocks are just about managing to stay above the waterline we've got the likes of prototyping gamble keeping all the goods is keeping them afloat with positive corporate results. also a lackluster performance for the european markets today which to be found was
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a surprise really consider in the fall of the u.k. economy drive itself out of recession in the third quarter but if you look at the first see a loan that is completely flat it's now the euro continues to weaken against the u.s. dollar one two and i'm forty eight for the trade his favorite path as the ruble is finished up makes the most the market is they finished up in the red territory today which are those out there we have the shares of growth now as she losing almost a won post sense and that was off to privatized ation details we're building behind the government now the country intends to sell up to six percent in the energy and folly for said the railway operator russian rai's no overall the country plans to get up to ninety six billion dollars from privatized ation of state assets by twenty six d. . and that's the basis for now though we have more finance on the i phone finance
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with mike's kind and the latest report from the front line of what he calls find out who will stay with all three for that. nuclear file full of heights inside. radioactive fallout all government betrayal a government of law at law died and clawed and clawed how can the truth be revealed
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if there's no official evidence there was indeed a very bright danger to the service make a search who will given no problem. and to the people of this country generally because all the radio like the full. the secrets of the u.k.'s nuclear tests explode. if he. is to meet. you know how sometimes you see
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a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report surely people are told you. gold yes it all started back in march seventeenth of two thousand and eight bear stearns of collapse that weekend ben bernanke it celeste rates by seventy five basis points on sunday night and on monday morning i have been as bank to speak to their head of the goal department of gordon brown's body stays he tells the rest of the story. brown's body is not the physical body but the bottom is in the gold price it's like
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a several hundred year bottom in the price and that's when gordon brown decided to sell off half as gold supply so we went to germany to ask the buddhist bank why they kept their gold in order to highlight why britain would get rid of their gold little did we know that that weekend the financial crisis would really start in earnest it went down so hard and what you found was that they were panicked that the financial markets themselves would not survive they said this to you we had it on tape and the other thing you said was well surely you're glad that you have so much gold. can i see it and they said no it's all in new york and the sense that time there's been a growing movement in germany to try to figure out where the gold is germans are concerned now that the global financial crisis is entering into its end game of sovereign bond blowoff and the only thing left will be gold people in germany want to know what is sixty percent of their gold actually held out of germany are we
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really that exposed to this downturn sure and it also shows how long these financial and currency wars go on i mean everybody always looks for any media win like that decisive outcome right then but this is like four years ago that we were there and data the gold antitrust action committee has really been pursuing this doggedly but i want to also flashback to a little video we made at that time to just show you how how little understanding there was in germany of actually where their gold supplies were germany german people i say alan greenspan and ben bernanke the well you know your valuable gold for us treasury bonds and us dollars that are entirely worthless. don't do it german people hold on to your grown. value the u.s. dollar value it's the devil's currency hold on to german people.


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