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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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if. it was a lick of. another major document drawn by wiki leaks an intimate look at what exactly is going on in guantanamo bay from procedure manuals to detainee files we'll sort through them with a former guantanamo bay official. and more than a month after a deadly siege on the u.s. consulate in libya a breakthrough in the benghazi attacks one suspect arrested another one reportedly killed we'll bring you the latest. and where there's a will there's a wall way we already know about the complicated and the u.s. and iran are spinning when it comes to cyberspace and now
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a chinese tech giant that has been accused of teaming up with iran in the past is in hot water again we'll tell you about these cyber hysteria these allegations are causing. it's thursday october twenty fifth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our t.v. we begin today with a new batch of documents just released by the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks the documents published today are the first of what it claims are over one hundred to be made public the files detail military detention policies in guantanamo bay and iraq along among other military prisons around the world and a press release wiki leaks founder julian assange says quote the detainee policies show the anatomy of the beast that is post nine eleven detention the carving out of a dark space where a law and rights do not apply or persons can be detained without
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a trace at the convenience of the u.s. department of defense it shows the excesses of the early days of war war against an unknown enemy and how these policies mature and evolved and it goes on there. so the military prisons of songe says he's shutting a light on have been shrouded in see. chrissy's since they were created after nine eleven nine eleven there isn't much that we know about what really goes on but we do know that at least some prisoners have access to these amenities here you see some of these detainees have access to recreational activities like soccer earlier this year we learned at the prison built a brand new soccer field for the detainees for about seven hundred fifty thousand dollars. some detainees also were allowed to watch television and movies for at least small amounts of time in one of the preferred shows reportedly as fresh prince of bel-air according to reports from the miami herald and another one there the medium security cams even has a ping pong table this picture was taken
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a few years ago but human rights activists say get no is anything but an adult playground they say it's at these prisons where suspects are interrogated and tortured without normal legal protections for more i'm joined by retired colonel morris davis a professor at howard university school of law welcome colonel thank you all right so these documents are just starting to come out having worked with detainees at guantanamo bay there what do you expect to be revealed probably not a lot mr response so these are documents on procedures that were followed and they don't really show you any direct light on specific cases so i think the public will see some of the process the mundane things like the operating procedure for the detention facility were it you know specifies how many pair of socks or detain you can have and in their cells so i don't expect we're going to be big bombshells in these documents ok you know human rights activists for years now have been saying
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that's human rights violations take place there especially referencing to the alleged torture that goes on there do you expect any of those details to be revealed at all i don't expect there will be again i think these are mainly procedural documents and they're not case specific but you know it's always interesting there with wiki leaks if you recall back when you know the documents first came to light and they announced they were going to be publishing them was coming to y2k thing were all of this kind of you know gritting their teeth and bear down expecting the worst and it kind of came and went and then not much happened i think the wiki leaks documents have been. kind of the same way everybody expected this cataclysmic event in least when i came in the world is still turning outside and everything seems to be going on is right that makes me wonder because it's been over four months now i think that dylan i'm not has been holed up at the ecuadorian embassy and you know a lot of his critics say that he has put country of americans lives at risk but as
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you say some of. it's not really the case there's joy in the silence as bradley manning you know he's been held in military confinement and facing court martial you had the case this week of john kiriakou the cia agent so it seems like we're more afraid of information than we are the actual acts you know you talk about torture you go to prison if you commit torture or you get a book deal and you become a hero. interesting. comparison there and this wiki leaks statement the organization urges people to look into the documents to find what it calls policies of on accountability what policies do you suspect he's referring to i imagine is dealing with how the detainees were processed into the military detention system because remember prior to nine eleven it's not like we had a qadri of interrogators and detainees confinement facilities this is kind of made
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up as it went along and you know most of these documents i believe the first policies were published in the late summer early fall of two thousand and two they were predicated on the documents it came earlier you know the memos that john you and jay bybee wrote that donald rumsfeld later signed off on those were kind of the foundational documents that eventually led to these formal military policies so it was those people who said the geneva conventions were quaint and don't apply that the gloves were off the p.o.w. status doesn't apply it was the foundation on which these documents were based. to get into with something more specific that. it is supposed to be released in this document this document dump as it's called it says that one of them is concerned with discreetly disappearing detainee is into the custody of other u.s. government agency as well keeping their names out of u.s.
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military central records by systematically holding off from assigning a prisoner a record number so the way to conceal their identity is i guess to what extent do you think this goes on i don't my belief is it doesn't go on today i think it did at a point in time back in late two thousand and one two thousand and two a particular moment as we well know there were the fourteen high value detainees that were in cia custody the work assigned detainees numbers the red cross work in allowed to visit you know one of the champions of creating the geneva conventions after world war two and it was premised on having an organization like the red cross to come in and meet with detainees what their families know that there are they're safe and they're alive been to monitor their conditions and you know we for a period time deliberately did people to avoid that process that we helped create. and actually these documents are from the bush era administration so do you think they were carried over some of these policies and procedures that are outlined in
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these documents of work carried over in the obama administration i suspect they were again i haven't been on wiki leaks and look at the documents from my understanding from what i read is there are documents that date back to late two thousand and two two thousand and three two thousand and four that time period in my belief is that a lot of those same policies still continue you know even though president obama said he was going to close guantanamo and now it's just on jon stewart's show the other night he said he still wants to close guantanamo so maybe at some point this will become unnecessary but right and he made that that valid the beginning of his his first term he is making that. i promise again as i said on the show do you believe it this time around i'm of the point you know president bush when he said fool me once you know shame on you fool me twice and then it kind of screwed up from there but the principle is you know i'll believe it when i see it and he certainly said the right things but he said it before so when it happens i'll
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believe it but you know guantanamo still going strong they're supposed to have had a military commission proceedings this week in the case on the series of the cole bomber and for the second time in two months mother nature intervened in hurricane sandy. blocked the proceedings all the people are coming back from guantanamo without having accomplished a lot this week all right looking at the numbers since president bush set up a long time obey after nine eleven seven hundred seventy nine men have been held there today or at least as of mid september one hundred sixty seven remain what do you think it's looking like for that well a majority of that group are people that this administration you know through there's the cia department of defense the f.b.i. department of justice have looked at and said we don't intend to charge him we don't believe they presented an imminent threat we don't want to keep him we'd like to get rid of them so what are they still doing there is there they're being held because of their nationality most of that group or humanities in this the majority
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of the detainees population i don't think the general public here recognizes that most of the people we have a guantanamo are people that the government says we don't want but most american many citizens and after the you know the underwear bomber incident that he was trained in yemen the pipeline back to yemen stopped and so we've got people that are have spent more than a decade in some cases in confinement solely because of their citizenship not because of anything that they did and without due process right well it's not a lot of due process when you've been sitting there for years because you happen to be a citizen of yemen. and really interesting and thank you so much for your insight on this that was retired colonel morris davis a professor at howard university school of law. well we are going to take a quick break but coming up forty four days after an attack that left four american diplomats dead the details surrounding that fateful night's events are still murky
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and now one of the suspected ringleaders of the attack has been detained while the u.s. finally get some answers. to what exactly happened that night the story coming up next. i will be buying. that i also promised that i was ever single a member of. my
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own. all more controversy surrounding the government's handling of the attack in libya according to one republican senator a terrorist suspect has been identified but the u.s. has been blocked from accessing him. we don't know very much about him because we have not been able to have access to him and that's one of the problems with the policy of this administration we had the turks did take possession of him but they weren't prepared to let us have any access and didn't have and now that they've turned him over to the tunisians hold maybe eventually we will but at this point in time we've not had access. reports say that the suspect was arrested in turkey and
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then handed over to the tunisian government which is now not cooperating with u.s. officials the f.b.i. is now reportedly in talks with the tunisian government to get. the transfer to guantanamo bay for more on this former cia analyst ray mcgovern joins us here and our d.c. studio welcome and its various coming to the studio so we have met romney and other republicans and they have been quick to point their fingers at how the obama mr obama administration has handled the attacks is this is this recent attack justified well i think the attacks reflect the poverty of discussion with respect to real differences between romney and obama apparently agree on just about everything else and so they're really really reaching you know first they reached because they said that obama and the people who are representatives of libya had
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apologized or for he was policy and then when that didn't turn out to be right in other words with the cairo demonstration turned out to be something quite different then they had to dig and it looks like they're looking at new e-mails and new things and the whole the whole concept of what's really at stake here is being missed. now you know i was really gratified to know that hillary clinton our secretary of state sometimes watches our programs here or t.v. really you know she said she does that when she's traveling in particular because she finds very thin cruel in the networks and the cable channels here in this country you know that and that i think you know that's it's old and i'd like to you know if she's watching tonight i just like tell her that you know i gree we understand that she can't protect all her took lots but the question really is not having still more security question is why we face this incredible threat
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of people who want to do us harm and number two have the weapons with which to do that now you may recall two weeks ago i was on this program and it was the actually you were covering it there at the hearings the e.c. hearings on the very first congressional hearing or do you remember what they were store witness eric nordstrom the regional security officer for the department of state fourteen years of experience when he said they were making him pay out of the fact that you know you turned down by the state department turned down these requests for additional security right and he punctured that balloon by simply so i wrote an article for a consortium news when i got home that night and this is what nordstrom said having an extra foot of wall or an extra half dozen guards or agents would not have enabled us to respond to this attack quote the ferocity and intensity of the attack . it was nothing that we had seen in libya or nothing that i had seen in my entire
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time in the state diplomatic security service so the question is hollow what's different so if hillary clinton wants to fix this problem madam secretary if you're listening is a very simple solution number one you don't attack countries from the air with bombers or drones number two you don't kick down people's doors. number three you don't overthrow governments and number four you're attentive to what happens in these countries here and you you want to make sure that you have a plan for what happens after you destroy a country now you can remove gadhafi you know but there's a lot of resentment goes up because that's that and you have to know who's going to take over and if those people that have between ten thousand and twenty thousand. air to surface missiles then they have or p g's rocket propelled grenades as well
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and that's what these embassies and consulates are going to have to contend with so the way she's going to win this madam secretary the way you prevent these diplomats from being killed is you and lisa very very dumb wars which eliminate the the people that populate these countries and the only the only outlet they have is to strike a good store of diplomats whoever o.c.c. this american in those countries now after as you just pointed to after that gadhafi was overthrown there was a situation and libya was very unstable very volatile and you know there's a lot of political back and forth right now over whether or not. president obama referred to have or perpetrated the attacks as terrorists you know in the last debate mitt romney attacked him for not calling them terrorists off the bat of course he asserts that he did from the very beginning and there is it seems like
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there is some question as to how. behind that were terrorists this is whether or not how to what extent they are affiliated with al qaeda this is a homegrown group and how closely affiliated are they well i don't know and i don't think anybody knows ok that's the problem when you get involved in a country like this militarily you should have some sort of knowledge as to who's who. now this this group ansar al sharia to be the celebrated e-mail referred to simply because there was a facebook entry saying they did it ok well they they said they didn't do it and here we have a fellow named aaron zelon from from wind up that's the washington institute for near east policy which is really a show offshoot of the israel lobby established by the israel he say not only answer is syria didn't do it so you have even the right poaching holes in that and
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the question that i'm trying to get at here is is that this is the policy it's not the lack of security and never in my experience and i've had a lot more experience in the fourteen years that the regional security officer had never in my experience has there been enough as many grievances and muslim countries in particular for reasons that we don't really have virtue you know overthrowing qaddafi with the miserable and that he met overthrowing saddam hussein with the same kind of gruesome and that he met and osama bin laden you know people here seem to think that was great killing an old man you know the defenseless old man kill or capture will forget the capture we kill him and these and here until assignment in lot of the nazi also in the mud and yet that's home for referring to well this isn't any old man this is a man accused of orchestrating the september eleventh attacks should have if he's got no weapons you still don't shoot him you up we had him ok used to be in my day
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. sure kill now it's very clear we have kill lists we don't really have a capture was so the ministration know that's all obvious to the outside world and might be very obvious to americans who seem for the most part this to go with it but when you stir up this kind of enmity you know it's fighting terrorism can be compared to fighting malaria ok but with malaria. you track the mosquitoes you find them and you try to come back to this one right and then what you do is to station two platoons worth of sharpshooters you try to roll the mosquitoes the moose won't break wrong what you do is you drain the swamp and that's what you need to do here was terrorism to track the terrorists back to their grievances the legitimate ones that give rise to the with the with the are actually bred and fed and leave and between that's one of the grievances and then people have future to look forward to
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and they're not to hating us the way they do now that is a really interesting metaphor you make there we are at a time though that was former cia analyst ray mcgovern thank you lose a little follow up now to the story of a while way a chinese telecommunications company accused by u.s. officials for spying for china last week we told you that the white house found no evidence that the world's second largest maker of networking gear was spying on the u.s. despite warnings from congress that it was but now a new report puts another twist to the story the headline from reuters a very it's weiwei a partner offered u.s. tech to iran or you are saying chandon iran has banned the sale of u.s. technology to the country for years and ronny and cell phone operator and t.n.t. iran cell was all set to buy cell tower antennas from an iranian company that supplies while way a quick meant to the country and tan even drew up purchase orders for the d.l.
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dated for november thirtieth. two thousand and eleven but when i'm tanned iran so learned that the antennas were made by an american company have built the deal a spokesperson for m.t.n. said the whole thing was a big mistake and that the antennas were intended to come from a german company whether or not it was a mistake or an attempt to get around the us strict the strict sanctions imposed on iran the episode shows that while we as a time to break further into the us marketplace will have many bumps in the road. meanwhile many are now saying that the next war the us will be fighting is on the internet from hackers to a computer virus cyber attacks are already happening daily around the globe artie's marina takes a look at the future of cyber weapons the us is developing. america's military invasions interventions and targeted attacks have traditionally been deployed on
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the battlefield yet today a significant shift in technology has created a brand new terrain for warfare the internet which most people use for communication research and entertainment is being dubbed the battlefield of the future in an era of hackers and viruses computers are something of a weapon in the emerging world of cyber war virtual world where military strikes are invisible and everyone online remains vulnerable earlier this month u.s. defense secretary leon panetta warned that america faces the possibility of a cyber pearl harbor if online security isn't sharing things the even greater danger facing us in cyber space goes beyond crime and it goes beyond harassment cyber attorney. perpetrated by nation states or violent extremist groups could be as destructive as
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the terrorist attack on nine eleven while the pentagon is looking to expand washington's ability to respond to cyber attacks. it's also developing procedures that allow frontline troops to have a new generation of cyber weapons at their fingertips and the army's cyber effects request format otherwise known as search is a system that allows combatants to request cyber fire operations from the u.s. cyber command some operations could include infiltrating an unclassified network inside of a ground force headquarters to disrupt their communications what the military is trying to do now is to embed computer experts when you're dealing for example with counterinsurgency you want people who know how to do forensic work on a laptop if you capture somebody how to dump his cell phone how to prevent your
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mini drone your backpack joan from being interfered with i mean nearly everything even down to the to the squad level on the part platoon level is starting to have hacker encounter hacker issues but it's not only tactical implementation that the u.s. is looking at allegations have emerged that washington has already launched its first offensive strike in two thousand and ten the first weapon to be made entirely out of crude targeted bronson nuclear program a computer virus known as stuxnet infected tehran's enrichment facilities with the capability to turn up the pressure inside iran's nuclear reactors want switch off the oil pipelines and tell the system operators that everything was normal the attack destroyed nearly one thousand of iran's six thousand centrifuges according to reports the virus was a joint collaboration between the us and israel more destructive things experts however warned that was. growing involvement in cyber warfare could come back to
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haunt the us it's a double edged sword what you use against your enemy is of eventually going to work its way back to you everybody is looking for deniability if you send in stocks to a flame or any of the other variants it's the level they can prove who did it or how you did it you can just say you were really shocked this is happening. the soft power dimension to new u.s. policies in the digital world is reflected in its desire to win hearts and minds of the online community last year the u.s. spent nearly twenty million dollars to help foreign citizens access online material and social media but meanwhile the u.s. government is working hard to spy on internet communications not just on its own citizens but foreign nationals as well america's largest overseas eavesdropping base is in britain and the top secret facility carries out a whole range of military diplomatic and commercial surveillance the beginning of a new global battlefield where viruses replace drones and how hers may be calm some
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of the highest ranking officials in the u.s. military what may still sound to some like science fiction is fast becoming a virtual reality. r.t. new york. well a capital account is up next on our teacher let's check in with lauren lister to see what is on today's agenda lauren either live well eighty c.e.o.'s signed onto a letter to congress saying hey you guys have got to do something about the deficit we need a plan we need an approach they advocated some kind of simpson bowles type plan as a roadmap this is a dollar and revenue raise for every three dollars that you're cutting of government spending now i'm leery of anything that you see jamie diamond lloyd blankfein and david cody the c.e.o. of honeywell all signed on to but that is aside the point because simpson bowles is something we've talked about before ok this is a plan to at least deal with the deficit whether you love it or hate it but we will talk about what the scenarios are for dealing with the deficit and what happens if
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it is not dealt with ok possible outcomes dangerous scenarios and what you can do about it to protect yourself and thanks for that update that is coming up next on the capital account but that's going to do it for the news for more on our stories we cover today check out our you tube channel you tube dot com slash our to america will be right back in a half hour. wealthy british saw the sign. on the tires on. the. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars
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a report on. the phone. more news today violence is once again fled up the phone these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada the first shining corporation to rule the day. the for. the first.


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