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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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another major document drop by wiki leaks an intimate look at what exactly is going on in the long tunnel that a procedure manual says detainee files will sort through them with a former born tunnel bay official. and more than a month after a deadly siege on the u.s. consulate in libya a breakthrough in the benghazi attack one suspects arrested another reportedly killed we'll bring you the latest. plus the occupy a movement and law enforcement officials don't have a history of getting along in fact they've been downright hostile to one another in the past but these two groups are teaming up and outland
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a stable former police detective from event shared an inspiring story ahead. it's thursday october twenty fifth five pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our t.v. . we begin today with a new batch of documents just released by the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks the documents published today are a first of what it claims to be over one hundred made to be made public the files detail military detention policies in guantanamo bay and iraq among other military prisons around the world and a press release wiki leaks founder julian assange says quote the detainee policy show the anatomy of the beast that is post nine eleven detention the carving out of a dark space where law and rights do not apply where persons can be detained
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without a trace of the convenience of the u.s. department of defense it shows the excesses of the war early days the war against an unknown enemy and how these policies machard and evolved ultimately deriving into the permanent state of exception but the united states now finds itself in a decade later in the military prisons assad says he's shedding a light on have been shrouded in secrecy since they were created after nine eleven there isn't much that we actually know about what goes on there but we do know that at least some prisoners have access to these amenities do you see that some of the detainees have access to recreational activities like soccer earlier this week we learned that the prison built a brand new soccer field for the detainees for about seven hundred fifty thousand dollars and some detainees were also allowed to watch television and movies for small amounts of time one of the preferred shows is apparently fresh prince of bel-air that's according to the miami herald. one of the medium security cams even
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has a ping pong table but this picture i guess was taken a few years ago but human rights activists say get mo is anything but an adult playground they say is abbey's prisons where suspects are interrogated and tortured without normal legal protections for more i was joined by retired colonel colonel morris davis a professor at howard university school of law i first asked him what he expects to be revealed in these documents. probably not a lot to respond said these are documents on procedures that were followed and they don't really shed any direct light on specific cases so i think the public will see some of the process the mundane things like the operating procedure for the detention facility where it you know specifies how many pair of socks to detainees can have been in their cells i don't expect we're going to be big bombshells in these documents ok you know human rights activists for years now have been saying that's human rights violations take place there especially referencing to the
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alleged torture that goes on there do you expect any of those details to be revealed at all i don't expect it will be again i think these are mainly procedural documents and they're not speak a specific but you know it's always interesting there with wiki leaks if you recall back when the documents first came to light and they announced they were going to be publishing them was killing the y2k thing were all of us kind of you know gritted our teeth and bear down expecting the worst and it kind of came and went and then not much happened i think the wiki leaks documents have been kind of the same way everybody expected this cataclysmic event in least when i came in the world was still turning out and everything seems to be going on is right that makes me wonder because it's been over four months now i think that dylan and not just been holed up at the ecuadorian embassy and you know a lot of his critics say that he has put country of americans lives at risk but as you say. it's not really the case there's julian assange bradley manning you know
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he's been held in military confinement and facing court martial yet the case is week of john kiriakou the cia agent so it seems like we're more afraid of information than we are the actual acts you know you talk about torture you go to prison if you commit torture or you get a book deal and you become a hero. interesting. comparison there and this wiki leaks statement the organization urges people to look into the. the find what it calls policy is of on accountability what policies do you suspect he's referring to i imagine is dealing with how the detainees were processed into the military detention system because remember prior to nine eleven it's not like we had a qadri of interrogators and detainees confinement facilities this is kind of made up as it went along and you know most of these documents i believe the first policies were published in the late summer early fall of two thousand and two they
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were predicated on the documents it came earlier you know the memos that john you and jay bybee wrote that donald rumsfeld later signed off on those were kind of the foundational documents that eventually led to these formal military policies so it was those people who said the geneva conventions were quaint and don't apply that the gloves were off that p.o.w.'s status doesn't apply i mean that was the foundation on which these documents were based. to get into with something more specific that it is supposed to be released and if document this document dump as it's called it says that one of them is concerned with discreetly disappearing detainee is into the custody of other u.s. government agencies while keeping their names out of u.s. military central records by systematically holding off from assigning a prisoner
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a record number so the way to conceal their identity is i guess to what extent do you think this goes on i don't my belief is it didn't go on today i think it did at a point in time back in late two thousand and one two thousand and two a particular means as we well know there were the fourteen high value detainees that were in cia custody that were assigned detainees numbers that the red cross what an allowed to visit you know one of the champions of creating the geneva conventions after world war two and it was. most on having an organization like the red cross to come in and meet with detainees that their families know that they're there are safe and they're alive in to monitor their conditions and you know we for a period time deliberately did people to avoid that process that we helped create. and actually these documents are from the bush era administration so do you think they were carried over some of these policies and procedures that are outlined in these documents of work carried over in the obama administration i suspect they
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were again i haven't been on wiki leaks and looked at the documents with my understanding from what i read is there are documents that date back to late two thousand and two two thousand and three two thousand and four that time period in. my belief is that a lot of those same policies still continue even though president obama said he was going to close guantanamo and now i guess on jon stewart's show the other night he said he still wants to close guantanamo so maybe at some point this will become unnecessary but right and he made that that val in the beginning of his his first term he is making that promise again as you said on the show do you believe it this time around i mean the point you know president bush made said fool me once shame on you fool me twice and then he kind of screwed it up from there but the principle is you know i'll believe it when i see it i mean he certainly said the right things but he said it before so when it happens i'll believe it but you know guantanamo still going strong they're supposed to have had
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a military commission proceedings this week in the case they'll machinery the cole bomber in for the second time in two months mother nature intervened in hurricane sandy. block the proceedings all the people are coming back from guantanamo without having accomplished a lot this week all right looking at the numbers since president bush set up guantanamo bay after nine eleven seven hundred seventy nine men have been held there today or at least as of mid september one hundred and six. the seven remain what do you think it's looking like for that well a majority of that group are people that this administration through there's the cia department of defense the f.b.i. department of justice have looked at and said we don't intend to charge him we don't believe they presented imminent threat we don't want to keep them we'd like to get rid of them so what are they still doing there is there they're being held because of their nationality most of that group are humanities and is the majority of the detainees population and i don't think the general public here recognizes
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that most of the people we have a guantanamo are people that the government says we don't want but most american many citizens and after the you know the underwear bomber incident then he was trained in yemen the pipeline back to yemen stopped and so we've got people that are spent more than a decade in some cases in confinement solely because of their citizenship not because of anything that they did and without due process right well it's not a lot of due process when you've been sitting there for years because you happen to be a citizen of yemen. and really interesting and thank you so much for your insight on this that was retired colonel morris davis a professor at howard university school of law and more controversy surrounding the government's handling of the attack in libya according to one republican senator a terror suspect has been identified but the u.s. has been blocked from accessing him we don't know very much about him because we have not been able to have access to him and that's one of the problems with the
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policy of this administration that we the turks did take possession of him but they weren't prepared to let us have any access and didn't and now that they've turned him over to the tunisian. hold maybe eventually we will but at this point in time we've not had access. reports say that the suspect was arrested in turkey and then handed over to the tunisian government which is now not cooperating with u.s. officials the f.b.i. is now reportedly in talks with the tunisian government to get. transferred to guantanamo bay for more on this i was joined earlier by former cia analyst ray mcgovern i asked him if he thinks the republicans finger pointing at the obama administration over its handling of the attacks is justified. i think the the attacks reflect the poverty of discussion with respect to real differences between romney and obama as a parent league really understood but everything else and so they were really
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really reaching you know first they reached because they said that obama and the the people in our representatives in libya had apologized for for us policy and then when that didn't turn out to be right in other ways with the cairo demonstration it turned out to be something quite different then they had to dig and it looks like they're looking at new e-mails and new things and the whole the whole concept that what's really at stake here is being missed now you know i was really gratified to know that hillary clinton our secretary of state sometimes watches our programs here at archie really you know she said she does that which she's traveling in particular because she finds very thin cruel in the networks and the cable channels here in this country you know the thing that might not actually children are like that you know if she's watching tonight i just like teller that you know i gree we understand that she can't protect all her diplomats but the
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question really is not adding still more security question is why we face this incredible threat of people who want to do us harm and number two have the weapons with which to do that now you may recall two weeks ago i was on this program and it was the actually you were covering it there at their hearings the e.c. hearings first congressional hearing do you remember what their store witnessed eric nordstrom the regional security officer for the department of state fourteen years of experience what he said they were making him pay out of the fact that you know he turned down for the state department turned down these requests for additional security and he punctured that balloon by simply wrote an article for a consortium news when i got home that night and this is what nordstrom said. having an extra foot of war or an extra half dozen guards or agents would not have
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enabled us to respond to this attack quote the ferocity and intensity of the attack was nothing that we had seen in libya or nothing that i had seen in my entire time in the state diplomatic security service so the question is hollow what's different so if hillary clinton wants to fix this problem madam secretary if you're listening is a very simple solution number one you don't attack countries from the air with bombers or drones number two you don't kick down people's doors. number three you don't overthrow governments and number four you're attentive to what happens in these countries you know you you you want to make sure that you have a plan for what happens after you destroy a country now you can remove gadhafi you know but there's a lot of reason because of the vagueness that and you have to know who's going to
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take over and if those people have between ten thousand and twenty thousand. air to surface missiles then they have or p g's rocket propelled grenades as well and that's what these embassies and consulates are going to have to contend with so the way she's going to miss madam secretary the way you prevent these diplomats from being killed is you end these very very dumb wars which eliminate the the people that populate these countries and the only the only outlet they have is to strike against our diplomats whoever else they see this american in those countries now i'm after as you just pointed to after get it off it was overthrown there was a situation and libya was very unstable very volatile and you know there's a lot of political back and forth right now over whether or not. president obama referred to whoever perpetrated the attacks as terrorists you know in the last
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debate mitt romney attacked him for not calling them terrorists off the bat of course he asserts that he did from the very beginning and there is it seems like there is some question as to how. behind that word terrorist this is that of whether or not they are to what extent they are affiliated with al qaeda this is a homegrown group how closely affiliated are they well i don't know and i don't think anybody knows ok that's the problem when you get involved in a country like this militarily you should have some sort of knowledge as to who's who. now this the scoop answer all shari'a the the celebrated e-mail referred to simply because there was a facebook entry saying they did it ok well they they said they didn't do it and here we have a fellow named aaron zelin from from winnipeg that's the washington institute for
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near east policy which is really issue an offshoot of the israel lobby established by the israel lobby. he's saying no no no answers didn't do it so you have even the right. holes in that and the question that i'm trying to get at here is is that this is the policy it's not the lack of security and never in my experience and i've had a lot more experience than the fourteen years that the regional security office had never in my experience has there been enough as many grievances in muslim countries in particular for reasons that we do really adverse to those former cia analyst ray mcgovern. occupy wall street protesters and police usually don't mix well but apparently atlanta is an exception police there of teamed up with occupy activists to save a former detective and our four grandchildren from getting evicted this is the woman that's bringing them together jacqueline barber she's a former detective and cancer patient she's falling behind on her mortgage struggle
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some on her mortgage struggling to pay her medical bills and earlier this week several officers joined activists are home to try to keep her in it for more on this like for more of this unlikely alliance rob call organizer for occupy homes joins us now welcome there rob so this is kind of a different story from what we're used to hearing when it comes to police and occupy activists i know eleven months ago i understand occupy atlanta protesters clashed quite fiercely with police. on the part we thought we believe that. they won the drug ring and fighting. ok can you tell us more or how did things kind of turn around how did you how to how are the police and activists now working together. miss barber actually reached out about
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three weeks ago she got her number on the friends that had about us again to one of our weekly meetings and basically just follow their story and ask for their stories that have retired police. battling cancer having been put in the situation by now facing eviction and we know we need that. she lived in this home previously to getting foreclosed on. she's been in the home believe two thousand and four and her trouble started in two thousand and nine she tried to refinance as she was undergoing aggressive. ok and as of now what is the status of her for foreclosure. so her home was actually sold at auction for the foreclosure was completed back in march she has been able to put up with it
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sion up till now at this point the stay granted by bankruptcy has been lifted so effectively d.n.a. the move in anytime to reform the direction is why we are going to go. all right so as i said this is kind of a different story than we're used to hearing when it comes to police and occupy wall street protesters and this kind of show that the two groups can in fact get along and work together. i think it's interesting seeing jacqueline is really bringing her community out to events and you know most programs are retired law enforcement officers and killing the law on the living room immunity meeting and there's really none of that engine that one might expect. right so this alliance was able to happen to help this lady hopefully stay in her home but as we know for
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closure for closure is a huge problem throughout the u.s. today can you see this kind of being a trend and the two groups fighting to help others stand their homes or i think it's very related to law enforcement officers are the ones. eviction and you know we like to see that they're putting people out of their homes and there are certain counties in the united states where jurors have refused perform addiction and you know we see it as part of the movement the guys are all kinds of different community. stand up or. right and lastly now that you've you've taken on trying to help this lady say in her home what is next for occupy atlanta homes. so we've got missed by risk dancing and where also looking into. alternatives to the vacancy rates here in atlanta been extremely high and we'd like to use preferably five by those who
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are displaced shelter that. all right well good luck with that rov and appreciate you coming on the show to tell us all about your efforts that was rob call organizer for occupy atlanta homes. an exciting announcement this evening from our t.v.'s. governor romney and i we both agree we agree we have to bring the church rates down i felt the same as the president did governor romney i'm glad that you agree let's get back to something the president i agree and you do you agree that it was a choice perhaps you wondered who to vote for when romney and obama agree on so many things never you do have other options come november sixth tune in to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates on october thirtieth. yes you heard correctly ours he will be hosting the second third party debate next week on tuesday the participants will be
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a libertarian candidate gary johnson and green party candidate jill stein are as he was one of the only news outlets to air the first third party debate and fall on tuesday now we are hosting the second round this time the focus is on foreign policy are you producer adriano who said oh join me now for more adriano espaillat actually had a little free party panel prior to the debate as there was no as i wrote it was good so now we have the second one in the works what can we expect this time it's interesting as you just you know you pointed out it will be just on foreign policy and you'll likely see something completely different than you know what you saw back this monday during the you know republican democratic presidential debate you will likely see several issues that weren't touched there some anything from drones troop withdrawal n.d.a. well those were touched upon but not any sort of difference so patriot act military
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industrial complex guantanamo bay all of these things that a lot of people care about you you'll probably hear about that all about that next tuesday all right a little bit of a change or kind of a big change last time there were four podiums it's. it's down to two hundred that working out just to. equal elections. decided that they would have sort of a run off so like a little pre-vote to the debate so only the top vote getters would get to the second round so the second round will be just you know gary johnson and jill stein and so just you know that face off which will be very very interesting to watch for sure and i know that if we kind of took our unofficial poll in the office and those were the two winners right on the right we're at that right. right so based on the first debate it seems like there is a lot of interest just based on the feedback and the response and i'll it was all
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right and positive and you know it is to be said that you know it's sort of a no brainer to have it here. just because you know just you know you have to look at the things that we cover which are pretty much the things that are seen in the mean stream the things that people care about everything from privacy to a nuanced approach to foreign policy all of these things and it just makes sense so i think everyone here is very very excited i know i am i'm sure you are too so we're very much looking forward to this it's going to be it's going to be good and i hope everyone tunes in just like they did last time around to you know really check it out all right so foreign policy is the issue is the focus this time domestic policy do you think that will make it in there only in if it does which are likely won't it only be i think in terms of you know reducing either i think village or military dust or a complex we'll talk about spending likely that's something that you know gary
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johnson and jill stein both agree on but fundamentally because of different issues one because one is a pacifist the other one wants government out of. spending as much as possible so it's very very interesting though both have very different. ways of getting to that same goal so it will be very interesting to watch also. you will see these candidates very much disagree with the status quo something that you will not see anywhere else so i encourage everyone to be able to come in and watch we are just two weeks now away from the election getting down to the wire presidential and i go absolutely you know. at this point. neither of these candidates are likely to you know they're not part of the third they're the third party for those that are why should people tune in why is it important to tune in and hear what they have to say and it's important to watch and see just
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a different point of view even though there have been even it hints of that. in the mainstream media channels there were some people that did cover it obviously after the fact not the same day as we did and did say hey these are actual all these arguments all of these things they have the lity to them they are valid arguments that aren't necessarily discussed not because they shouldn't be just because they're a little unpopular and at the end of the day all of these things have to make it in some way shape or form into the national conversation into the national narrative and that's a reason to come in and watch even if you don't plan on voting third party even if you live in a battleground state and you are hell bent on you know making you know voting either republican or democrat you still need to tune in still need to watch just so you can see just a difference of opinion and maybe somehow all of these things might make it to the mainstream maybe not this election cycle maybe the next maybe coming up who knows
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there's a lot of debate as to whether or not a vote on one of these candidates a third party candidate would be a wasted vote but whether or not however you look at it they bring up a lot of very important points that aren't brought up in the main presidential debates home. definitely worth watching absolutely in come watch here here that means a lot of i've got very excited right now i'm looking forward to next day but all the good it is it will be well worth it and i am looking forward to that was our t.v. producer. and again i want to put up that information on the screen the debate will take place tuesday october thirtieth at nine pm eastern time right here in our t.v. studio. but that is going to do it for this hour of the news for more on stories we covered you can head on over to our you tube channel we post everything there enfold that addresses you tube dot com slash r t america or you can check out our website r t dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at liz wall we'll
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be right back here at eight pm see that. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that the americans call a dollar. i'm sorry. here's an awful lot of money for you sir or you know what that is my other terror cells in your one wish to defeat terrorism on the on the liberal and the credit of the public you. can usually go to the. you know the super committee of the structures from what you and i should care about because they're a profit driven industry that's those of sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm out.


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