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tv   [untitled]    October 27, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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no guns are brought in for the bani walid offensive in libya and made desperate calls for humanitarian intervention from inside the besieged got a lot let's. begin our security council blocks of russian move to condemn the deadly attack in the syrian capital that shattered the french wrong holiday truce in the civil conflict. also
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a god that until new strive to bring their own stalemate election day nears while voters across america are playing for real outside the state that they don't want to exist. greece says it needs aides now but once the deadline for reaching its austerity targets stretched by two games a delay which would cost you as a sense of being close to. you so russia and around the world this is aussie was me probably thanks for joining us there's been no letup in the bloody assault only because bani walid with more weapons apparently sent to pro-government militias and the area this is according to a man whose relatives are trapped inside the besieged town which historically was a stronghold of the deposit kind of gadhafi all he source is currently in egypt on this afraid to reveal his identity over safety concerns. it is not forwarded as
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know. anything been floated disability told to light the people and the media does not allow to anyone to come back that we did who did the mothership on most of whom it's by machinery. and nobody did is no a connection there is no communication there is no internet because nobody thinks that is the people who are not able to connect with each idea that is the reason you know and money if you will has being killed inside but militias and be say this is block there's also going to duffy loyalists this is line year this is their to get in they get that it's night but it's use of the sniper as a thought and so i but i think all it was from the cut out of rome. and they didn't hit him exactly in which to act out you always. got to but it was a bit photo editing for the. comfort of the costs what if anything if an affront to
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the front of a is c. but in misrata but he see fit. which we've been is and many think there is no government in libya a group of british at mic control admit control what if anything but they don't care about media they don't care about nation they don't get about a plan they don't get all of them they have dual nationalities do i have my support this we are screwed floor. of the stick it out to the jennette of the united nation of mr where does he know where is there that the nation where is the e.u. where is that you are right where i how we as good forward and if in should know as soon as the voice of it please. for those who managed to escape the violence inside bani walid even then the suffering wasn't of a policy explains why many including children found themselves stranded on
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a desert road there were conflicting reports at the city had fallen and these reports have proven untrue but not before thousands of bani walid residents try to make their way back to the city now we are hearing from our sources on the ground that these people have been stopped by road blocks that have been set up by militias at the entrances and exits to the city that there has been firing in the air widescale panic and that thousands of people are on the desert highway look at this. this get this gun and this people know this thing now why i don't know one week now this is the outside and that they know what they were doing when i was living when i think when when one of the government they want to. get home. just the homes. own homes we want to protect the room. and we continue to hear these reports over them at the moment and verified of the
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use of chemical weaponry i can confirm that these militias used internationally prohibited weapons they used phosphorous bombs nerve gas we have documented all these in videos recorded the missiles they used on the white phosphorus raining down from these missiles many people died without being wounded or shot they died as a result of gases the whole world needs to see who are they targeting are they really good at his men other children women and old men killed the his men. now the libyan army was given the order to use all means necessary to deal with the city and so what you're saying is that all means necessary are being employed to. choose a message to all of them across libya wherever they are. and however strong you. are your backers in the revolution. also we hear from our sources both within the city and elsewhere in europe and north africa people who have family inside the city that the killings are far from over. he's closely following developments in
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bani walid down the gathering first time the council from the embattled town and you can catch up on the story at home not one on affairs and reports on what's libor has become i guess i'm say it's a longstanding lead in on the gadhafi was killed by nato a bunch of revolutionaries all lined up for you that right now. to the u.s. now the presidential race is on the front at home straight with both republican and democrat candidates racing to sell their programs the votes is so tight in polls many see that pale as waning because a lot of difference is turning people off the mainstream policies and former cia officer philip giraldi believes a seismic shift in the political landscape of the u.s. isn't too far away i think the possibility of there being some kind of political shift in the united states is much stronger now than it has ever been because there
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is a lot of disillusionment in terms of how the two parties have managed the economy i mean basically we have a right now a small a large government republican running against a larger government democrat there's not a whole lot of difference between what each would do and in terms of foreign policy they're very close i think a lot of people are actually very much disillusioned with this i can see a split developing probably in the republican party and possibly in the democratic party in terms of foreign policy and other issues where you're going to have these issues emerging in a much more forcible way in the future the many americans yearning for more political choice may not realize they do have other options from mainstream means is that policies have a hard time being seen or heard and then the new york president they were health and it's found out many are oblivious to the fact that they exist at all.
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this week third party candidates for the u.s. presidency held a debate do americans even know that this week let's talk about that did you watch the third party debate. what do you think did best. obama do best no that's not the third party debate who do you think did a good job in the third party debate i still think there parag obama did a little bit better job than mitt romney i know that the third party to vague that was the main candidates that day but the third parties are we have actual other candidates that are running did you know that no i didn't there's jill stein she's the the green party there's gary johnson libertarian and none of these names ring a bell and i don't think it's unfortunate that americans don't know they have more than two main options but you know we're stuck with democrats or republicans we don't go over for that so why do you think that is. the tradition. tradition.
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we do we used to think either one of the third party have other ideas other than democratic somewhere sure they do they're against the n.c.a.a. they're against the war and junks they're against drone strikes there's a lot of other ideas. you don't agree with any about you know drone strikes no one to protecting us and saving our soldiers from being killed even when they have a very low actually percentage rate of unfortunate collateral damage as part of war you know who else is running was that the two main ones don't i don't so do you feel informed enough to make a vote. no. for to go to rice i think the media has pretty much walked to that whole aspect out why do they do that they're supposed to be impartial disposed to be saying the news the poor ocracy you know i mean the. democrats go. two heads of the same snake
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and they're both supporting big business big corporations to me they want to make it look like you have a choice you know because as you said at the same point though it seems like most americans don't know that there are more than two candidates running for president and with only a few days left of voting day chances are obama or around the is going to be elected. and despite an ongoing media blackout policy that supporters are looking to compass allies and votes at this in challenge months until hoffman host of the big picture says they have a very real chance of making that message at third parties historically have have influence presidential elections there's never been a third party that actually won one but there have been third parties that have changed the nature of presidential elections i don't think that in this election cycle the third parties are going to have a real significant effect in terms of this particular election but what they are
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doing and what these debates are doing is raising those issues raising those topics and subjects that generally are ignored by both the corporate mainstream media and the two major political parties in ways that that tend to energize movements and movement politics is typically where actual political change happens movement politics eventually infiltrate even major party politics so so i think that these are very important dates. on this tuesday with a pos comes that will be holding the last debate featuring the post winners jill stein and gary johnson though you won't be seeing it on any major u.s. network will the full cost take it live right here on a c for both u.s. and international. governor romney you know we both agree we agree we have to bring the tax rates down i felt the same as the president did governor romney i'm glad. you agree with let's come back to something the president
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i agree on and they do view that over to have a choice perhaps you wondered how to avoid forward romney and obama agree on so many things never you do have other options come november sixth turning to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates i cover thirty. million are now eurozone finance ministers are set to hold it series of meetings to decide whether greece has undertaken enough cuts to get its next aid package without as the greek prime minister says his country could be bankrupt by mid november athens has received some i am of backing for its request it will be given two more years to get is deficit under control pushing the deadline to twenty six states that would cause the euro zone thirty billion euros meanwhile the german finance minister him today in a t.v. interview that greece's exit from the zero is still a possibility another crisis of the sprayed as a report from our employment of twenty five percent of traits transport workers are
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on strike continuing almost a week of protests in the capital against austerity accounts and also and publicized when i would else as the measures that the leaders are closing fail to address the root of the problem. i can't imagine if you if you understood mary or you get everything wrong in the way that the e.u. governments have done in the last four years in this crisis for three and a half years but from the get go they have heard shying away from any resolute action on the banks involved in the in the dodgy lending in the first place during the financial bubble years so those banks remain the source of the problem there is no lending going on to the real economy and that's what is the root cause of twenty five percent unemployment in spain. well greece and elsewhere across the e.u. the same errors or be repeated again and again you have to isolate the dodgy credits of these banks that one on the speculation binge triggered back in the last
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decade by you all to lower interest rates generated all of us but from alan greenspan and others so until the problem of the banks is addressed we're not going to see economic recovery we're not going to see so to treat it only as a sovereign debt crisis is grabbing the tail of the open when calling it a snake and our financial guru max guys a never misses an opportunity to take his own shot of the e.u. and its leaders financial policies. david cameron is providing cover once again for financial rape and why some on the prime minister question time he's very sweating bullets now the opposition is just asking him simple questions like why are you such an idiot and he's like. you know he's going he's devolving he's devolving forget about skull and the prime minister himself is devolving in real time.
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so this whole program as well as more news is coming out but if you bill. nineteen iranian channels have been banned in the countries that scold iran for not tolerating free speech among other things well played lads well played i love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning personally a bit of censorship doesn't bother me that much because there has always been censorship and there were always be censorship if there are any words or symbols or opinions that could get you bumped off the air or legal trouble in your country then guess what you have censorship sorry to say it but that's how it is i don't mind a country saying that there is something so antithetical to their way of life that
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it must be banned i'm fine with that that's your business in your country and you should be able to protect your culture and your values but the lie to me and tell me that you live censorship free when you don't it's your choice you let your reading channels back on the air or come out of the closet and admit you believe in restricted speech but that's just my opinion. the news is secret laboratory to me kirby was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't excuse it doing about anything
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tombs mission to teach creation why it should care about humans in goodness this is why you should care only on the o.t. don't come. around to the north on scary stuff. ex hostages blindness into their lives after the tragedy. still guinn's try to cross out the past. because their future will yet be written. what lies ahead for auction the movement mobilize calls for a new america who stands for the ninety nine percent u.s.
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election a close guide monday october twenty ninth on r.t. . this isn't c welcome back the u.n. security council has rejected the russian proposed resolution condemning the latest act of violence in damascus where a car bomb killed at least five endangered dozens more that talk came on the first day over u.n. brokered four days ceasefire between the government and opposition fighters as a rebel group such as the radical al nusra front rejected the trees outright the u.s. security council had displayed a rare consensus in the need by this fire hoping to bring all sides to the
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negotiating table but in tibet and just mr robert honest questions the motives of some nations. how sincere the western powers are of course is another matter they are beginning to realize that what they're doing in syria because it's taken so long and then so messy and unsuccessful is beginning to make them look very bad indeed i don't think there's any doubt that the west if ever they have are losing the argument the intellectual argument is in this case they're beginning to look very shortly there to begin to look as if all are interested in these oil and power but it doesn't matter how many syrians get killed now eventually it sinks into the to the political leaders that this actually doesn't make them very good look very good enough to even domestically eventually people begin to notice so they start moving a little in the security council but how sincere they are i'd seriously question. a peaceful syria is the desperate dream of the a one druze community that has made
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its home on the border with israel assays arena reports now on the economic despair the call to the conflict has brought to their tiny part of the world. he cannot hear the gunfights of homes and aleppo from here but residents of the small village of marsh in the golan heights are nevertheless feeling the effects of fighting in syria since two thousand and five the dirs farmers here in the golan heights have been selling the excess of their crops to damascus and trade facilitated by the united nations and the red cross but since their arrest began in syria many farmers here start to worry that these may end up being a rather bitter fruit apples are the main source of income for the druze families in this area until seven years ago they struggled while trying to compete with the produce of the israeli settlers who locals say the same apples but because of the israeli government subsidies pay less to go the harvest and sell for a bigger price an offer from damascus seemed like
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a blessing at the time the syrian government. of syria. their produce our produce is part of syria so they were committed. to help. farmers. for marketing. the golan heights have been occupied by israel since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven some twenty thousand jews living here consider this land syrian and themselves syrians does a helping hand from damascus seemed a logical solution to the problem even the israeli government allowed the export to take place but with the civil war raging on across the border there still has been no offer for the apples from the syrian government something which begins to worry local farmers. we are just simple people we have no idea of politics country used to be. and. that affects us financially farmers say this year's harvest is much bigger than last year's but says the quota for the
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israeli markets has already been made and syria remains silent the druze leave much of the produce to rot. but that was that was the whole of the middle east is in trouble big and we are the ones getting hit it is a goal scorer to the golan heights and to some other news from around the world for you now massive brush has had the most part a massive refused to cancel plans to sell state owned land in the juta free zone the council weeklong riots and looting wreaked havoc in the streets paralyzing the city please hold him to bring this situation under control arrested hundreds of demonstrators. lewis perform a thailand prime minister silvio berlusconi say he will appeal his conviction for tax fraud well as kone was given a four year prison sentence although that was later cut to one he condemns the decision as intolerable judicial harassment but this county has faced a raft of charges over the years but this is the first time victims of his business
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accept it. and sandy has claimed at least fourteen lives across the caribbean haiti was worst hit with up to twenty six people reported dead while cuba says it was the country's most destructive storm in years after it caused severe flooding and killed more than a dozen washington has declared a state of emergency make forecasts sunday it could evolve into a super storm as it travels towards did you as. a police state that's the reaction of people in seattle to the police department's plans to deploy spy drones over the city they fear the technology is a real threat to their privacy and travertine activist for the electronic frontier foundation believes the drones will be used for all the wrong reasons. people are really worried that their privacy is going to be invaded by these drones you know the argument is that these drones are exactly the same as the ones that fly overseas because they're smaller and their battery life is lower but the problem is
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this technology is advancing so rapidly these drones are going to be able to fly for hours and days the time very soon and the police will take advantage of that and when the technology advances to the point where they can fly for hours a day the time period for very cheaply police can start using them for surveillance i mean a bunch of police agencies already have expressed interest in this police across the country have expressed interest in using them for proactive purposes in california for example here sheriff down the down the street actually said he wanted to use it to find marijuana growers or use it for proactive policing the public records requests that suspicious persons or large crowd control so there's definitely a legitimate worry that this is what they're going to use them for and coming out of the latest edition of the kaiser report takes a look at the you want to call me from an unusual perspective.
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the legacy no one should be proud keeps of scrap metal littering pristine arctic landscape building stilton over their foundation pipes spewing black smoke over the snow covered peaks the traces of the soviet industrial activity on the burgen archipelago don't make a pretty picture the guiding principle here is the worse the better locals like to tell the story that back in soviet times when norwegians were visiting barons were they also looks. at how prosperous the settlement was well times have obviously kids where they saw it lags say still attracting original tourists or barons work i would then cons watch native cash that's why when. our goal is common as was uncovered here a few days ago instead of drawing it that way the local administration decided to paint the bin you and put it at variance with central square that in the nine
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hundred eighty s. there was a burgeoning mining community the soviet union was determined to maintain its own costs to a degree located halfway between north america and western europe the bergen archipelago is part of norway but the special status that allows other countries to set up industrial bases here in the middle of the cold war it served as the use of western most outpost now it's one of the last preserved relics. of the soviet union if it was cut off from any financial support for two decades. i think it could be even more appealing for russia's treaties to keep its presence on spitsbergen russian film until a coal mine here but in terms of profit is far behind local shops so between. bill it is a big hit the defunct arne curtain still helps keep the money flowing. it's
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a rush. you can put in. your local administration is increasingly under pressure to bring the infrastructure up to more than standards these modernization efforts and not very popular with tourists if you come into a very authentic place like farms it should stay the way it is that would be my wish i mean that's the part also the little you know authentic traditional. i should not i would not like to have it in the shiny condition to be on this thing to change even for the better is not always good for business something that even a local band has become attuned to when they try to add the morning rush and songs to their repertoire the audience called the wanted to hear it was a song comfortably familiar.
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oh americans are welcome to the kaiser report you know when the world filled with risk and someone must be punished for it no most part. rex yes we see it of course in the financial world where we see financial disaster after financial disaster and the people of europe of athens of madrid of america must pay for it right well we also see it in the whole scientific world italian scientists convicted over earthquake warning. six scientists and a government official were sentenced to six years in prison each for manslaughter by an italian court on monday this is of last week for failing to give adequate
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warning of an earthquake that killed more than three hundred people in like in two thousand and nine that i know this is going on obviously what about the economists who failed to predict the financial earthquake what's the penalty for them well clearly this type of science of course there is some predictable outcomes in some scientific method but in the realm of economics it's all voodoo and tea leaves raining there is no science behind it it's guesswork and best so we have to make sure we understand that when we're evaluating economists we know that basically and so a bunch of money but there has not yet been scientific rules to established for economics yet is still very much on the come we don't really know exactly what makes the economics work yet and in a way it's the opposite in economics in that you hear all the time.


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