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tv   [untitled]    October 27, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the future. of the country.
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in the race.
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new center here in moscow this is. off to three weeks of sea deadly rocket shelling from libyan army forces thousands of families are now trying to flee the town of bani walid despite government claims the military action is now over and aid is being distributed residents of colonel gadhafi his former stronghold say there's no water or food or medicine but even those who managed to escape the violence say their suffering is far from over as they're being blocked by militias on a desert highway look at this. this good this gun and this people know this sort of thing now when i don't know one week now this is the outside and didn't know what the were doing even when i think when when one of the government you know it was chaotic sounding they fired at homes and shouted indiscriminately more than two thousand families have fled seven families are with us at the moment yesterday we fled to the valley but they were firing attacks even there now families who died in the shelling children died too then fired by women
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and children straight to the head i saw explosions and rockets of our hands i saw the dad. see a libyan political activist whose relatives are trapped in bani walid says those inside the town feel abandoned by the international community just a warning you may find some of the following images upsetting. being the. housings of being both. the people who are inside this if you can. leave the city leave you alone feel the militia of fear of. the belongings inside and see the. united nations on too few years to live inside their houses you will. really. feature. any increases the west is filming. in letting these militias
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do whatever they want to kill don't. know who was. the worse in criticizing the militias so we leave you alone with the rest of the. world to interfere and sort of use militia as. well as he is keeping a close eye on the situation in bani walid and more firsthand accounts from the embattled town are available at r.t. dot com you can check out the analysis on the troubles libya is facing a year after its longstanding leader moammar gadhafi was toppled in the revolt with the help of nato. fierce clashes erupted in a town in northern italy where police used tear gas and buttons to disperse anti-government protesters it's a so-called no monte day in the country would tens of thousands of people expressing their anger over tough economic measures taken by the prime minister
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mario monti sarah furthur ports from madrid where crowds are also gathering with an anti a sturdy in message. we've already seen anger exploding in parts of italy we've had the clashes breaking out in the town in italy it was when he was visiting today to give a talk to a conference and protest is that he's come out today in this really moment see date already had a run in with the police some take us is being nice to me this past is getting quite nasty as well unfortunately these types of sites pretty familiar now all across the year you say if you close your mind back to last year around the table fifteenth and we saw they see these protests in italy and you know the violence breaking out that very very very volatile situation one year old and we think much the same thing happening again it's not just the city i'm here today in madrid where crowds gather flooding out fields thirty protests again in spain is just hit
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post a twenty five percent load one in full people in spain now unemployed actually be cripplingly high figures and as he said really a story that's repeated time and again across the usa we've seen it in greece we seen it in spain with thing it in italy the euro crisis housing discriminated the large members the small lenders all of that had been dragged into this and it's just continually ongoing i think people are really starting to get to the point where they feel like there is no end in sight and that not being listened to and no solutions on the horizon that's really what you're seeing so much of this anger and seems as we were already things they breaking out. well do stay with us for all the updates on the protests in the e.u. as our correspondent brings you the latest throughout the day.
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al qaeda leader ayman al-zawahiri has called for muslims to kidnap westerners as a bargaining chip to win the release of its members held captive around the world in a new video posted online he also urged islamist to support the syrian rebels with quote all that they can he cues world powers have given the syrian president opportunities to quell the uprising which the terrorist leader sees as the rise of jihadists meanwhile in syria itself the rebels that al qaeda pledged to support have kidnapped a lebanese journalist saying his work did not suit the cause of the revolution. while staying with syria the u.n. security council has rejected a russian proposed resolution that condemned the latest deadly blast in the syrian capital damascus the explosion that killed at least five people and wounded dozens of others took place shortly after the four day truce between government forces and the opposition came into effect on friday following the attack syrian warplanes reportedly conducted a series of air strikes and wrecked ceasefire that initially led to
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a rare consensus being reached in the un security council with the body united in its calls for all sides in the conflict to observe the agreement but in the. suspects all teary motives at play. house in syria the western powers are of course is another matter they are beginning to realize that what they're doing in syria because it's taken so long and then so messy and unsuccessful is beginning to make them look very bad indeed i don't think there's any doubt that the west if ever they have are losing the argument intellectual argument in this case they're beginning to look very shoddy they're being to look as if all they're interested in is all oil and power and it doesn't matter how many syrians get killed now eventually it sinks into the to the political leaders that this actually doesn't make them very good look very good and not even domestically eventually people are going to notice so they start moving a little in the security council but how sincere they are i seriously question. now
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let's return to our top story this concerning those events in libya the fighting in bani walid fresh cash of oms is reportedly finding its way to the libyan government's deadly assault on the perceived city while the residents are accusing western governments of turning a blind eye to the bloodshed let's now talk to one of the models he's former british ambassador to libya joining me live now from the u.k. well the reported atrocities in libya are taking place just days after the u.s. blocked a russian propose statement at the u.n. security council calling for a peaceful resolution to that conflict in bani walid why do you think the western world is in any rush to intervene. i think it will be madness to intervene i'm sure russia doesn't wish to intervene either i think that these problems have got to be sorted out by the libyans and they are being sorted out of the worst problem at the moment is the one in delhi were lead. that's a political problem compounded by a very old feud between two towns between misurata lead but the fighting that's
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going on now is directly because of the belief that the people who were lead have been harboring pro good out for elements who are opposed to the to the revolution on the new government there are claims that those people inside but i will it is saying they're coming under fire by those people who were supported by nato when gadhafi was toppled doesn't nato have now and the western world responsibility to avert a humanitarian crisis after all we're getting eyewitness accounts of many civilians dying. no i don't think they do have a responsibility to do that i think the responsibility rests with the libyans and i think it's remarkable that in the last few months the libyans have been able to carry out a nationwide election which was universally recognized as they've elected a national congress they're now trying to put together a government that's been difficult which is not surprising. has been a problem because as i say it seems. but afi elements remain there was an incident
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in which the man who were who actually arrested gadhafi himself seems to have been kidnapped taken to manually tortured and then released but died subsequently of his wounds and this has inflamed opinion in libya but as i say there's also a problem of a very old dispute between misrata. and bunny wiley which goes right back to an incident in the italian occupation i believe it was as long ago as one nine hundred twenty when. a major figure in the resistance to the italians from misrata a man called ramadan sway was killed in bali were lead and there's been bad blood for many years but despite despite the politics many are saying well what's different between syria and libya a lot of calls now for intervention to in syria to prevent a humanitarian crisis there and yet the west is accuse of turning a blind eye and yet he surely one has to recognize the fact that there is
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a humanitarian crisis there in the be at the moment well you can call it humanitarian crisis it's relatively small but the town of bani walid has something like seventy thousand inhabitants the number of fighters who are believed to be loyal to gadhafi is not very large yes of course all fighting is terrible i mean i mean you say it's really isn't a small but do you know that many people say of course hundreds of thousands it doesn't really matter about the numbers is the fact is that we're hearing right now all i hear on r.t. and much of the other media seems to be ignoring it the fact that there are people who are desperately crying out for help. well it's true that r.t. has carried much more painful reports of this incident than any other agency there are unable to find my libyan friends don't confirm what r.t. has been saying but of course fighting is terrible and of course it's got to we must hope that it comes to an end as soon as possible but if you think that it should be brought to an end by british or american or russian forces entering libya i simply don't agree with you i think it would make it worse
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a year ago we spoke when you were quite optimistic about the prospect of reconciliation between tribes in libya following the toppling of gadhafi but of course we have seen further divisions leading to bloodshed you did say that the libyans should be held responsible and let them deal with their own problems now but it seems that the libyan leadership at the moment is losing a battle to keep its country secure now. no i don't agree with that i think that the election as i say that was handled a few months ago was it was an extraordinary achievement for a country which has just passed through a revolution and i think that most of the disputes within libya have been kept within reasonable bounds many world leaders the exception and as i said the reason for that exception there are two reasons one is related to the belief that there are armed supporters of gadhafi who remain in transiently opposed to the government . only a week ago it was reported that gadhafi one of gadhafi is sons with
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a very bad reputation for brutality one of the the military commanders of one of the special units which fought against the revolution had been killed i don't think that's been confirmed but other people others have been arrested in bani walid who are believed to be involved in fighting against the revolution certainly very interesting to hear the insight from a former british ambassador to libya thank you very much indeed all of the miles for joining us live here on r.t. thank you. well of course we'll be keeping a close eye on the continue events in libya stay with us for that and we'll be back with all the day's news for you after a short break. nineteen iranian channels have been banned in the countries that's called iran for not tolerating free speech among other things well played lads well played i love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning personally
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a bit of censorship doesn't bother me that much because there has always been censorship and there were always be censorship if there are any words or symbols or opinions that could get you bumped off the air or legal trouble in your country then guess what you have censorship sorry to say it but that's how it is i don't mind a country saying that there is something so antithetical to their way of life that it must be banned i'm fine with that that's your business in your country and you should be able to protect your culture and your values but the light in me and tell me that you have censorship free when you don't it's your choice you let your reading channels back on the air or come out of the closet and admit you believe in restricted speech but that's just my opinion. sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build the news most sophisticated robot
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is to. welcome back this is. one of the top stories. in spain and italy and for more
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analysis i'm joined by john sees a ph d. research on the crisis at the european university institute in florence while tens of thousands of people are protesting against the unelected. could they convince. jet brussels austerity measures. i'm afraid not and if we look at the reason that this government came to power late in november of two thousand and eleven last year it was really to carry out these decisive stary measures that they are carrying out now and i don't think that the protesters are convinced that the multi government to go easy on the austerity people are very well aware that the main goal is to focus purely on the attending people and so the protests goal is really to sort of discredit the government in a much broader sense and argue for a return to a more democratic form of politics in europe hadn't really been hearing much about italy's problems certainly being overshadowed by those in greece and spain recently
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can you give us an idea you all that are in in florence just how bad is a situation in what is what the eurozone is third largest economy at the moment yeah i know what the situation is clearly not as bad and yet as it is in greece as it is in spain i mean i'm going to it's roughly half of what it is in those other countries but the problem is that the situation is that it is getting worse especially since november last year as i said when this unelected technocratic government came to power we've seen serious tax hikes we've seen spending cuts we've seen reforms and all the ills in the pension system. veritable of assaults on the labor rights and here in florence i mean even in the streets in the outskirts there are more and more people who are sleeping out in the streets and i mean the portico is at night and the situation is getting worse it's not just out there is but i do think that it's in the it may be next in line with the situation in spain especially spins further out of ok situations not as bad in this really as a moment you say but should it be pursuing these will study measures austerity measures or do you think that is an alternative is the opposition coming up with
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ideas for an alternative that well i'm not sure that the opposition is actually coming up with something that the people here are saying that yes there is an alternative to that is actually not you will cut back spending money to invest more in the economy to invest in growth to make sure that there are jobs and the only way to ultimately get out of this. not to cut your way out of one of the main arguments of the people here is that if you actually listen to the people who are not with the interests of the firm. with a lot more sensible a lot more rational response to this drone thank you very much for your thoughts jerome bruce live there in florence in. when activists have staged a protest in central moscow to support opposition figures who are this week charged with plotting disorder in russian cities the rally was broken up by police let's now talk to our tease peter odom he joins me live in central moscow what exactly was the opposition's message today peter. what we've seen on saturday is around two
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hundred opposition protesters taking to the streets of the russian capital amongst them prominent opposition figures the likes of dulled saws and alexina volley no words adults so on lavelle me were amongst a group of people that were detained by police g two breaches of the law that raghad protests they were later released without any charges be leveled against them no one of the main aims that was it was dealt with by this demonstration was the. charges that are being brought against syria guild outsold he's a very prominent opposition figure as i mentioned teaser a man who's also the leader of the left front political party and he's also a man who's facing charges of the riots and of all deny seeing widespread unrest with in russia no a lot of these charges relate to a documentary that was
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a is on russian television and which mr adults of was seen me seen with a georgian citizen who's believed to have well quite tight ties with the government in blease e know mr dotson doesn't deny that he met with georgian citizens he says that he wasn't meeting with them in order to. so you should be with them in order to so. organize any kind of riots that he was meeting with them as ordered to accumulate finance for his. all of those who were detained as part of the day's demonstrations have since been released and the investigation into mr called to news. thanks very much indeed. in central moscow. to the u.s. now in the race for the presidency is heading towards its final week with the polls putting both republican and democrat candidates effectively toyed and is the third
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party candidates that many believe may affect the outcome as former cia officer philip giraldi explains i think the possibility of there being some kind of political shift in the united states is much stronger now than it has ever been because there is a lot of disillusionment in terms of how the two parties have managed the economy i mean basically we have a right now a small a large government republican running against a larger government democrat there's not a whole lot of difference between what each would do and in terms of foreign policy they're very close i think a lot of people are actually very much disillusioned with this i can see a split developing probably in the republican party and possibly in the democratic party in terms of foreign policy and other issues where you're going to have these issues emerging in a much more forceful way in the future while being blocked by the mainstream media third party candidates do have a chance to deliver their messages to the voters here in the final round of the
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debates is coming up exclusively on r.t. this tuesday and don't forget we have special coverage of the u.s. election on air and online each week looking at the race from a different perspective this is coming up very shortly brings you capital account from washington. the legacy no one should be proud of heaps of scrap metal littering pristine arctic landscape building stilton over their foundation pipes spewing black smoke over the snow covered peaks the traces of the soviet industrial activity on the spitzbergen archipelago don't make a pretty picture the guiding principle here is the worse the better locals like to tell the story that back in soviet times when norwegians were visiting barons were they also expressed amazement. at how prosperous this was well
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times have obviously a challenge when they saw it lags they still attracting the region tourists are barons work cons watch native cash that's why when. our goal is common as was uncovered here a few days ago instead of throwing it away the local administration decided to paint the bin you and put it at variance work central square that in the nine hundred eighty s. there was a burgeoning mining community the soviet union was determined to maintain its own costs. are located halfway between north america and western europe bergen archipelago is part of norway with a special status that allows other countries to set up industrial bases here in the middle of the cold war it served as the use of western most outposts now it's one of the last preserved relics.
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of the soviet union if it was cut off from any financial support. for western tourists and i think it could be even more appealing for russia's trying. to keep its presence on spitsbergen russia still maintaining a coal mine here but in terms of profit is far behind local souvenir shops so between. bill it is a big hit the defunct arn curtain still helps keep the money flowing guys it's all rushing through your show but you can't play robles for almost enough to grow your local administration is increasingly under pressure to bring the infrastructure up to more than standards if these modernization effort it's not very popular with tourist operators if you come into a very authentic place like bond it should stay the way it is that would be my wish i mean that's the part also the a little you know authentic traditionally. i should not i would not like to have it
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in a shiny condition to be on those the time to change even for the better is not always good for business something that even a local band has become attuned to when they try to add the morning russian songs to their repertoire the audience called old and wanted to hear it was a song comfortably familiar.
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good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lester here in washington d.c. the zeer had lines for friday october twenty sixth two thousand and twelve u.s. g.d.p. picked up in the third quarter beating asked amidst the two percent increase was driven by personal consumption and federal government spending according to the commerce department. defense spending increased thirteen percent versus a versus a decline of point two percent the prior quarter ok well short term election year reports aside jim rogers is in studio to give us a longer term perspective and offer his predictions for the year ahead plus japan remains mired in deflation according to price data out today as reported by reuters which goes on to say the pressure is on for the central bank to deliver more stimulus to keep the country from recession now you may recall japan began q we in two thousand and one and has been keeping its zombie banks in a state of suspended credit animations since the early ninety's how does this
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lesson jive with forecasts of western central bank induced inflation disgusts and bunga bunga burger lose tony has reportedly been sentenced to four years in prison for tax fraud in these tough economic times are we seeing the untouchables actually becoming touchable let's get to today's capital account. our guest today is someone with decades of experience investing with vertical or focus on commodities i think he's admitted i think he's said that he's been a horrible market timer but what key for us keep focus is on the long.


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