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tv   [untitled]    October 27, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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as producers introduced theatrical techniques that had successfully been used on broadway and in the west end the story about adventurous pilots about friendship and love packed out the theater. but on one october day the cast would never see the curtain drop. on the twenty third of october two thousand and two a group of terrorists stormed a central moscow theater forty one male and female criminals wearing bomb belts burst in and rigs two of the floors with explosives they demanded russian authorities pull troops out from the chechen republic and threatened to shoot ten hostages for every terrorist killed there in moments nine hundred sixteen people from cast and audience were taken hostage according to official statistics one hundred thirty people were killed in the attack ten of the miners. to junior cast lost two of its. understand he was my cousin
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while christina and i played the same part. we used to call them romeo and juliet when mike that love story sort of was and yet because i was then he was in love with christina and he wanted to give her earrings as a birthday present that it but that never happened since his life was cut short so they put those earrings into her hands and they're my guardian angels sometimes i talk to them they support me and help me socially alexandra and have peers have buried their friends to those children bidding for word to other children is a terrible thing that's the picture is still fresh in my mind and so that is why alexandra's photos of our see any and christina both in her room at home and in her dressing room at the theater. there's a vase there where
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a ship is flowers for that issue received same after before. on the day of the siege that was in the c s i with other parents of young performers she was in the dressing room during the show when a shot rang out she thought that one of the spotlights a blur and. a rash there but we didn't have time to reach the turn of the corrie door probably less than a missile left when there was gunfire and glass broke into pieces on our right. and several others were soon evacuated from the building through the window of a dressing room that had been blocked off from the terrorists by the time relatives of the hostages began to arrive at the theater but they were still unaware of the mortal danger. there were some ten meters before the stage door a man with a machine gun jumped out of me. i found myself the gun point and noticed that the
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man was turned and was wearing a leather jacket. that's when it first struck me that they were terrorists another man looked chad chatted. of course it came as a terrible shock for all of us for but mostly for her. i know that she sometimes cried at night and had nightmares for even though she was only thirteen years old at the time she was mature enough to understand that one cannot fence themselves off from terrorism she realized that you can't just go about living in your own little world when you're. yeah right but i'm far from arc or know i'm. young but i was one of the youngest norah dust hostages as i was only five then what.
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the giant finishing school this year and then i'm going to go to university to become an architect. a show i also want to start a rock band or play in an ensemble. but this time try not to play so evenly to give more emotion to it go go go go the present real or life into this phrase so it's more colorful not so flat ready and. they'll trust you as a very good sense of music she's good at playing a melody by ear who feels confident in an ensemble she can accompany well who's playing she can hear both someone on an instrument and another who singing and most importantly a model is a very sensitive. child at the time.
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saw the scene was just part of the show and was not scared at all she was also the only person in the theater who was not afraid to talk to the terrorists varvara was not frightened because she didn't understand who the armed men were what they wanted. the bones of the seas the cafe so there was a huge amount of sweets in candies there and they had to do something about it to the women who are with the terrorists who were giving me or a fellow sweets ever since then if someone buys me a box of them i can eat it all up and so five minutes i just love them. when valvano recalls the tragic story of no dust she thinks of it as a childish affair unlike her mother and elder sister for whom it was a terrifying ordeal. when you come while some are scared some panicked some cried all reacted in different ways i didn't have time for that as i had two children with me and one of them was
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a very little i had to control everything to give them something to eat to take them to the bathroom stuff like that i had to continue living and helping my children even in a situation like this. looked around and was terrified by what she saw terrorists had taken over the whole building there was so many of them it was impossible even to think of escaping the suicide bombers had detonators in their hands the whole set could have been blown up at any second. method of time we were on the second floor so we could see a bit of what was going on there we saw how they stretched our wires to hold up the explosives the upper bomb was on our floor and there were two of them connected one on top of the other. tried not to allow her face to reveal that something terrible was happening she made the children sit on the floor where they played between rows of seats. the younger of the two often fell asleep in her elder sisters arms.
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at every store mom didn't feel so bad for us we are live and my mom is a lawyer and we were not hurt like many other people there. know the kind of a family has a business runs a cafe the eldest daughter works as a cook. works as waitress when she's not at school. my name is alexandra i'm nine years old and i used to have a sense. star name said mama i miss her a lot. playing we could be playing dolls right now or going for walks and she could help me with my homework. one tickets to the nord-ost musical for being the best student as
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a college. together with a younger daughter alexandra the parents are now looking at spotland as pictures in the family photo album she doesn't know it yet but nine year old alexandra rescued her parents from the emotional turmoil of losing svetlana. we have docked at her when she was four months old we've been raising her since them of course and she does not know that she's adopted and we are not going to tell her any time soon we'll tell her everything when we feel it's appropriate we can get it from the trees or one child's life is gone. so we decided to give the gift of life to another. and i've seen she tells everyone that she had a sister named atlanta who died she's our family member in every sense of this word . but of course it's
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very hard. what i miss was as her mother. everything about alexandra reminds her parents of the daughter they lost she behaves like her and has similar habits she likes to wear bracelets just likes red line or the parents say there's a mysterious bond between the two sisters. but i see her almost every day as if i were dreaming. when i talk about her or sees something connected with her i can't hold back my tears because i feel very sorry for her. it's just awful that i never even seen or. a few hours before her death svetlana managed to call her own even though it was five am the father was overjoyed to hear from his daughter. nowadays he often recalls that last conversation. someone in there that might see it
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a cold it was five in the morning we didn't sleep a wink during those nights when it was well known she said well my study don't worry he did not beat us newbie those were her last words just in. the last helos with my little one. when we come to the cemetery i help clean up the leaves i'll pass them to the side i bring candy is and cookies for her.
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our pain cannot be measured and there is no end to our tears for you will always love you. among the friends of actress alexandra no one was left untouched by the tragedy the girls often talk about it when they gather together they love having picnics in a city park the young ladies while away the time with games of the rugs in the outdoors. cool dogs is it an emotion friendship trait we guessed it. by discussing the support you get from your close ones is priceless and i don't care
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how spent all that might sound to you my girls have been tested in both unpleasant situations and enjoyable once they have the stuff we've always been close to each other it's really great. that xandra discovered the best in her peers during the very moments they were on the verge of losing everything many survived the siege largely thanks to the children who was strong and supported those adults as much as they could. to least be told language. programs in documentaries in arabic
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this theater where other exams was a scam performs is currently rehearsing malia's immortal comedy the minds are too noisy and says we'll see it's a long awaited premiere. at some of your dad's so. every role she plays even the most upbeat always possesses her personal drama and experience
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despite her young age. because of this she has some kind of mystery about her that you always feel in her in all of her roles. but even. alexandra says her view of the will change after the terrorist attack after enduring the hellish siege she realized the people are actually much stronger than they think there is huge hidden potential that they must try to see in themselves. just sometimes we think that the obstacles that are in our way are impossible to overcome and we want to give in and whine all day long. he said in the. course it's easier to do that than to collect yourself and believe that you can overcome everything. i think the obstacles should not be treated as dead ends but rather as new opportunities. those are overturned is for growth.
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for breakthroughs for moving on from becoming stronger and wiser. yeah i didn't say grade loudest because i knew we were going somewhere but mom wasn't one of the terrorists said the younger children are you crying why you got a lot of books of ref i was three she was only five so she's not. and she said i'm hiding these now i'll get them later please don't touch them then it was scary because the guy pointed his gun at her. on the second day of the siege a militant came up to. go on set the youngest girl free let her go. i obeyed and raised up my younger one in the air showing her to the other terrorists on the first floor and then he said
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they are going to take her and i told him i had two girls and that i could not only one of them go i saw that as my older daughter was nine already she would say at least what their names were of one. nine hundred ninety eight zero five five one four two five. the terrified mother wrote phone numbers on her daughter's clothes so that their eldest anna could contact their relatives after they'd been set free. a few years after the tragic events. gave birth to a daughter they named her catarina after the main character in the nord-ost musical . four years later she had a son yourself it's no coincidence that he shares this name with the famous russian singer yes of cub son who was brave enough to face the terrorists and take the children from the captured building. together.
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pay a visit to their savior. hello can't you give him a hug might. not sound. like you so this is for you know. you will i love you too. these babies were so small and this one was not even born or go over to. the terrorist abu barker told them to lead out the youngest children in the armed group inc three there was also a girl from another family so they picked three girls and vora buried her face in my jacket and cried our mom stayed behind so. i took off my coat and covered them that the girls who were older. and i said.
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why do you need a mother without children and why give me children without their mother. he looked at me and said ok give them their mother. you didn't say mother he said mama i remember it very well it's such a beautiful work. concerns office resembles a kindergarten while adults are talking the children are having fun and looking at the singers awards but the biggest reward for years of comes on is his god son little yosef. watch a life for a life you must do it that's really it i couldn't think of anything else i had no other assumptions really once we were told it was a boy i decided to ask for permission to give him this name. because this name is proud. the world.
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three days after the siege began special and terra forces brought to the theatre under control before the assault a special sleeping gas was pumped inside the building and then shots followed the hostages were taken to city hospitals but unfortunately the emergency services could. for. you to be able to look at the hospital i had only one question what is going on assault assault and they told me yes it's an assault and i started trembling with fear i didn't realize that i wasn't inside the building anymore then of course i
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regain consciousness and you saw my relatives. who were next to me. and this was real happiness just. this may be just a grain of sand compared to the whole of humanity and even to russia however it affected a lot of people i'm sure they will all remember about what happened until the day they die this story will be passed on from one generation to another as a tragic page in the history of any family. alexander's mother takes her to school the girl is in third grade now she usually sits at the front of the class like a model student. piece of paper with the little mermaid on it and go on. alexander's elder sisters for atlanta also used to attend the school
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people remember her well. or in the her ingenious beauty always attracted people's attention no she was blond and blue eyed students and teachers had a positive attitude towards her and now in the days when we remember the nord-ost tragedy this school remembers that lana and everyone who died together with her. the theater where i'll xander results gap of forms is holding its long awaited premiere to see of a liver among the audience is a pleasant surprise for the actress.
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just like ten years ago alexandra is on stage again as the audience applause there were those among them who like alexandra were not able to see not just to the. also the performance the mother decides to visit alexandra a dressing room to congratulate her for the premiere. thank you so much. so was. ok this is for you. that's what i need thank you very much it's right on the mark. so did you like the performance yes i did it was fine. thanks so much for the hours.
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the santa has a plug bearing the names of the deceased engraved on it people often come here even those who did not lose someone in the trenches. these are the two ways people brought for the children had been killed here. but i come in the also comes to the memorial to pay tribute to the victims of the nord-ost tragedy. it is important to me because it is part of my family it is part of me it is part of our past and other thing is that after this terrible event i got a wonderful brother and sister who have become an important part of my life. we must remember that comes thirty of them in our heart because it somehow makes us wiser. smarter. and kinder.
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and maybe it can even protect us from something bad that might happen in the future . what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage walking the iran tightrope pushing china and russia as occupy anger spreads come to parties still dictate will their feet change the selection of clothes guide everything to november fifth on our city. nuclear file full heights inside. radioactive
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fallout all government betrayal of the government blog everything lauded and lauded and claude how can the truth be revealed if there's no official evidence there was indeed a very bright danger to the service make a search who were given no problem. and to the people of this country generally because all right you like to fall. the secrets of the u.k.'s nuclear tests exposed. magine assets that the phone watches you every single move. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he phoned me. you know we realized they were following everyone from early in the morning.
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of. solution would be soon which brighten if you knew no bounds to move from funniest impressions. moves from the start on t.v. don't come.


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