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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2012 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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i'm with mark little words the director of the institute of economic affairs he says that austerity measures aren't a recipe for economic growth but they are a prerequisites mark littlewood why are stairs the measures so necessary but what we actually need is to get the economy back into some form of balance we are living a normal sleep. and actually all of the talk about austerity in the united kingdom is somewhat misplaced and that might be the political rhetoric but if you actually look at the numbers it is the british government's intention to add six hundred billion to the national debt over the course of this parliament that's to say they're going to spend six hundred billion pounds sterling more than they bring in in taxes and that's austerity i wouldn't like to see large eps and we can see by looking around the world already talked about the close but at the moment crisis
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actually this is in very large part i question the process caused by tech and i think that one of the lessons that we can draw from is that spending money. is not a route where comet's ovation is spending money and it was a root canal mix ovation greece would be bailing out germany not the other way round so it is void to actually bring it all over all finances into some form of problems alternately countries go bust just like companies typically big and fast and if you are continually spending and from say more than you offer you then just what the company you are heading for a fall of a correction takes many more years for a country but it happens eventually so we have to begin to try and balance the books that doesn't so we think but it is a prerequisite so what you're saying is the government's trying to implemented stary say but failing. what's unbelievably curious about the government's rhetoric
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is they're talking as if they're taking a chainsaw to public spending that this is going to be the biggest package of austerity this is really going to hurt it's a bit like going to a dentist and the dentist saying to you this is going to be very very painful surgery on really really sorry but you're going to have to suffer and then delivering a pinprick this is if they're sending out mood music to the money markets is if they're trying to pretend they're being tough but the actual figures suggest nothing of the sort they're cutting spending in real terms by a little less than one p. a year so over here the pound a year or so over the course of five years in very broad terms but are going to come up from spending a pound to cut spending ninety seven pence that is a cart and it will be probably the first government in my lifetime that has actually cut government spending in real terms but it's not a very substantial cut or top so the kind of austerity that you're talking about what would that look like to the ordinary man on the street. well i resent the term
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austerity there's a danger that the political debate is now configured in do you want to scare ity or do you want growth i want growth but i think that living within your means at government level is necessary to achieve that i'd like to see the signs of the ukraine state rolled back from what it's got to at the moment about forty five forty six percent of them actually in government expenditure to have a medium term plan to get back down to about thirty percent of government expenditure so that's to say that roughly speaking for every three pounds at the moment being spent we would only spend in future you don't need to do that overnight you don't need to do that by thursday week but i think you need to have a credible plan in place to do that and all of the evidence suggests that if you can get the size of the state down to around about twenty five or thirty percent of g.d.p. then the economy takes off so i don't buy this prosperity versus growth i don't buy
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the argument that we should only make the cuts when the economy starts growing i think we need to actually get the government out of the way to allow the economy to grow it would be as if you were in a hot air balloon and so you were only going to throw the whites out when the balloon takes off now you actually need to throw the wipes out in all or to let the balloon take off so i would go through long byline on everything we're spending money on at the moment and ask is it really necessary can it be done in the private sector can it be cut altogether can it be extinguished and the most successful retrenchment programs are beginning to roll back the studies that were conducted in canada or new zealand took that approach despite the u.k. government saying that they have conducted a comprehensive spending review really it's nothing of the sort they ring fenced various areas they're spending more on other areas and their salami slicing a few areas put that into perspective for me what does it mean in terms of schools and hospitals which is what we think about when we talk about government spending.
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yeah the national health service which the government in my view it's total economic unwisdom for political reasons has really focused the national health service so we have probably the most socialist health care system in the entirety of europe not only privatized overnight and those are the pilot in britain as if there's only a point to retreat you want to have a national health service all the american system i don't much like the american system but i think that we have to be aware that cradle to grave health care for virtually any illness or plight that you any individual suffers from is simply not affordable or if we want to afford it then we're going to have to see enormous rises in tax chancellor george osborne's talking about cutting ten billion pounds from the welfare state all those kinds of measures hitting the poorest and media in our society. i'm not persuaded by that argument at all really what with saying with regard to the british well first strike since it was set up now looking back now
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best part of sixty years nearly since the beveridge report which was established the founding principles is that we need a welfare safety net that is provides what beverage himself described as subsistence levels of support and only ideally for a temporary period of time what we've actually seen across the world but is it really possible to imagine a person british society doesn't qualify for some sort of well for us you might have housing benefit even if you were in work if you've got any kates you qualify for child benefit you may qualify for tax credits if you are a low earner it goes on and on and on we have universal benefits for the elderly if you're a multimillionaire in your seventy's you get a free bus pass you get a winter fuel allowance one affluent individual said to me he'd like to use winter fuel allowance to help him to heat is indoor swimming pool this is not a welfare state it was a neutral originally imagine this is
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a welfare state that has got totally out of control because nearly all human activity so i think you could slice it back and focus it on those who really need it let's say for the sake of argument the bottom ten percent of the population they're all there abouts rather than spreading these huge people over virtually every part you recently led a panel discussion entitled fifteen ideas to transform britain about encouraging enterprise in this country and the ideas put forward by a number of m.p.'s in three of them were paid for by you i'm just going to go through them with you and if you could tell me what you mean by each of them the first is super charging startups. what what we mean by super charging startups is to make it easy for somebody who's got a business idea to begin to get off the grant in the land of building a business the first few rungs of the hardest the biggest. decision is how do i take on my first employee for example what sort of barriers to i face you're
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immediately hit by all sort of complex tax rules i want to make it easy for somebody who has a great idea or most you know at three o'clock in the morning to begin to get their business off the ground your second idea is rewarding our educators and it's agreed really almost universally that our teachers aren't paid enough is that what you mean i'm not sure that it's true that teachers are paid enough by the way but i don't really know what teachers should be paid so that there are two changes that i'd like to make the first is to allow profit into the system if you can run a fantastic school which you know teaches kids you know mathematics english and the rest i have no problem with you making a profit for what is a fantastically useful exercise for the next generation but i'd also like to make sure that teachers are employed and remunerated in the way that people are in the private sector so rather than teachers being on. switches set in some sort of smoke filled room in war torn between politicians bureaucrats and trade unionists like
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individual schools to sign mr bloggs is a great history teacher we can't afford to lose him we've got to give him a a playwright and schools will have to make decisions of course you know are you going to spend the money on perhaps building a better chemistry lab and better sports facilities or are you going to spend the money on trying to bring in better quality teachers those sort of decisions which every day you're faced in private sector companies should be faced by those one in our schools as well we've talked a bit about the welfare state that your third eye dare is winding down out of work benefits seemingly just when people need than the most. i think that it's true that people who need them the most at the moment are not advocating anything here which is even as extreme as what bill clinton brought in in the united states of america and it's two things firstly i'd like to see benefits begin to be time limited the assumption the assumption this is going to apply in all cases but the assumption is you need a short amount of help you've suddenly lost your job you need
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a little bit of help to tide you through perhaps for six months or so maybe for a year before you find another job that's the concept of one and you need to work hard in those few months to find another job but i'd also like to like to bring into the fact that we would be eligible for community work because what's happening at the moment with the government is that they are royally addressing a ludicrous problem in our welfare system which is that some people are actually better off claiming welfare benefits than they are taking on a job they take on a job that's not particularly well paid suddenly all these benefits get guillotines and before you know it you're working forty hours a week and you actually have less money in your pocket than you would do if you filled in some government forms that night but i think there needs to be another problem that needs to be tackled and that if you like the leisure if your choice is to work for forty hours a week for let's say twelve thousand pounds a year or to stay on welfare doing no work for eleven thousand pounds a year although it would be true in that circumstance that you would be better off
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in work you might not want to do forty hours a week work so it's in my view that if the community tax payers are coming to you all right and providing you with the money that you need to three square meals that i pay your heating bills have a roof over your head then it's reasonable to expect you to put in some work to the community clearing up litter in the park scraping graffiti off walls and the like and where this is being trialled in wisconsin in the united states of america it had a fantastic dynamic effect what happened was we didn't suddenly have huge squadrons of unemployed people scraping away what actually happened was these unemployed people suddenly inspired to. and find real jobs in the private sector and lo and behold those vacancies usually at the lower end of the incomes scuttle looking for people to work in fish and chip shops or bars or or restaurants those suddenly got filled so i think it's a win win and we're actually encourage a work ethic and encourage a mentality that would get people who have been out of work into the labor market what about the effect of the economic situation in the european union on the u.k.
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where hearing that. growth is forecast this year in the e.u. what impact will that have on u.k. has holds well there's no doubt at all look for however one wants to blame or praise the united kingdom government they're not monsters of power interestingly in target and all you hear actually for the next as a radical change of course in the european union countries and the western economy as a whole and not percent growth is going to ask you something that we've got used to so let's hope that's the worst of it and we don't actually say a full scale eurozone crisis because when william hague said but joining the euro might be a bit like entering a boning building with no exits well perhaps he was right but nevertheless the united kingdom is sitting in the porch and if that voting building goes up we will definitely fail a substantial and highly negative side effect of that little bit thank you very
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much. i i. i . you know from. side. to trial. lawyer and claude and claude how
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can the truth be revealed if there's no official evidence there was a very great danger to the servicemen concerned who were given no problem protection and to the people of this country generally because all right deal like the full. the secrets of the tests explain. more news today. these are the images being from the streets of canada. corporations are. wealthy british.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on. the. science technology innovation all the least of bellemont from around russia we've got the future covered. chaos and killing in the former gadhafi stronghold of bani walid goes unnoticed by those who voted humanitarian bombing campaign against the libyan leader last year. governments backed by iron fist police units go up against outbreaks of protests serves as anger peeks over and less austerity. member uk
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obama and mitt romney run neck and neck after a lackluster foreign policy show and tell and with neither man leaving a lasting. great head to the polls to choose a new parliament and what could become and vote the former boxing champion having the power to swing the forces for or against the current president. now under a farmer brings you the latest sports. hello good morning good to have become canadian these are the headlines only the doubling down because you called schools a late bryce's and you come back to win three two are struggling and struggling and yet you go in the russian primarily. wal-mart. becomes world number one victoria azarenka the season ending finale against the reader williams leads down
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full. on closing in formula one latest sebastian vettel starts in pole position for the indian grand prix it's just all right says that. but we will start with the russian premier league. to strike from alexander because you call for them come from a goal down to beat struggling three to. early penalty down the stand to say by the time. that the love of the beast drove my demands on the follow up speech on the left side. to the two minutes but to strike within ten minutes in front of me i thought we meant it was the hindsight at the interval however that trying to get pleasure was. right for the cake and the photon approaching the russian star made the most of a defensive mix up to wrap up for a change victory was a bizarre moment as any and i to the point of least i knew all that she felt but
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the relegation shall. be able to live off the ball at the table but remain in the drop zone or to be held to a one one draw with person. up at the home side to head off the sixty four minutes as boulder looked for the second straight week they trade but fifteen minutes later another sub. level headed help to ensure the points where she had. the man b.s. that to the foot of the table after losing to. her out a strike just before the interval gave the most a side the late and then you have to get that off second go off to sixty minutes caught the goalkeeper and away it's wrapping up a comfortable to a real victory and a good week has reached your fan paul fate now reports. things are suddenly looking much brighter for a sponsor at mosco after suffering free straight defeats the written winds have now
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won the last two games against benfica which is rejuvenating to be a champions league hopes and. yes of course the match give give a good morale is. going to have a good team and i reverted to working very hard but if you don't win the games you know them are all goes down so you know we're all here for winning song. that makes us money and everything that's good one of sponsorships main problems had been a leaky defense it conceded twenty goals domestically and six in the champions league going. this week when i am resigned loads of tighten things up at the bank and a clean sheet against market all via was incredibly the first since early august. because really working on this in training but i think there is still plenty to improve on both in attack and defense we need to keep on working hard. yeah i was thinking of doing. this thirty one to win four games when you're going to take
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a lot of for us that was a very good they didn't create many chances they were strong in set pieces but. it was a good game for us and she pointed to an important sponsored have been suffering from a number of injuries but the crisis seems to be easing the lines of andre to come and emmanuel a mini k. set to play first team football soon meanwhile dounia billionaire deneuve is finding his shooting boots again before my everton midfielder hasn't been in the greatest of form since returning to russia but he's now scored two goals in his many games. i'm working hard in training and when i get a chance i try to shoot when playing and i think i'll play is becoming better as a team we are working better together as a unit creating more chances against every player has a page have more opportunities to score today it was a great psychological issues down where we also get to clean. because it's the
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games will continue to come ficken fast response hank however muscovites finally have a platform to build on after so much inconsistency fright this season and bell be looking to increase their winning run of domestically and in europe which of unfulfilling tante moscow. now in england colors to have a school of the second half when if managed to city in their one nil victory over swansea that putting them within the point at least chelsea lunched united on sunday elsewhere for. aston villa's. three one one with no reach their reading twice came from behind to clinch a thrilling three three draw with stoke against sunderland from his goal this well we can beat west ham she won so it is tight at the top with city cheney just glad to grab a win after defeat in the champions league we. were four months first after social but. because of a team that we were sort. of on that from. getting better we played better we.
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want to chance to score. in this moment when your idea of your moment where you come from leave after a defeat. start to win quickly and today was important to you to point. to tennis maria sharapova is through to the final of the season ending top championships after beating world number one victoria as a rank a straight sets in each stamboul the russian edge of the first set six. weeks. as a ranking is lost for his county sure will finish the year at the top of the rankings after she for five seconds tracked down the match to avenge the us open he said i i was in a few years since i've been in the final. you know to come to this event with the top big girls and and to be one of the last two and then dries is
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a great feeling and there's always one more match to go but it's certainly a great accomplishment to get there. on the second seed will now face arena williams in the decider after the american crowd favorite thrashed poland significant advance to six two six one in our flat and sharapova will be looking to avenge last august stinging defeat to williams in the final at the london olympics this raina completed a career grand slam and tonight's rap about the same rarity which means she and steffi graf are filled. sweden's better handsomely tory mcelroy by a single shot going into the final round of the b.m.w. championship mcelroy the world number one finish the penultimate day in china with a round of sixty nine and that keeps him on the shoulder of hansen who had struggled early on he was one over par at the term but found form on the back nine to finish with a two under par seventy. the
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major sports about invertible start in pole position for today's indian grand prix with red bull team mate mark webber completing the front row of the two the time defending champion edge this trail and to ensure a red bull page that consecutive lock out of the front row parent you have lewis hamilton and jenson button the thirty four respectively head of ferrari's fernando alonso and thirty eight the massa vettel later alongside by six points at the top of the drive this championship for races. this is the time eiji a champion casey stoner has pole at his home a shredding graham pray that despite crashing in early on in qualifying for covering two post the fastest time championship later your girlfriends were second fastest for the island runs at least petros up by twenty three points in the overall standings for two races to guys. and there's also been
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a dramatic end to the larger ground to cup in cars than the twin brothers who top the standings going into the race crash time to let the title slip through their fingers michael clarke as more. this track eight hundred kilometers east of moscow was designed by the renowned formula one specialist home until the former driver has constructed beamers hard to circuits world wide but to russia the german faced a challenging task of building a safe asphalt track you what used to be a clay peat something the fifty seven year old pulled off a couple of years ago and now the cause henri posted the climax of the eight stop a lot of ground to carp but on three says by the end of the season a car was getting better and better and never broke down the only of something really extreme to towards. this is a one car serious so all the cars are equipped with similar turbo charged two
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hundred forty horsepower and juice. and unlike in formula one eleven cruise control out on their constructors to boost their respective cars the crew consists of two drivers one of which is a pro and their other one an amateur so in each of the two fifty minute traces over any given weekend the two drivers take turns the trading places is probably nothing new for these two zero s. twin brothers me how you and your about the worst stone's throw away from the crown after a consistent season but you can't take anything for granted is a lot of ground to come up as the leaders ended up either safe to traps in both rain he traces dimitri braggin and makes you seem enough snatch the title after coming second ethiopian race to. the season turned out to be a thriller for us especially our final result that overall title came as a surprise you didn't believe it was possible until the very end a lot is impatient goes beyond the brand name serious as the russian manufacturer
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also competes with the likes of b.m.w. and honda on the touring car circuit and they plan to go for glory in the world championships next year come under the support of a militia not a sport team will take part in all the races next season will fields two cars one of our drivers will be our stalwart james thompson who is also a two time winner of the british championship and most likely will be joined by the lukoil team with alexei due to carlo taking the driver's seat. it seems as though a lot of have put together a strong team is the bid to live their hands on more silverware so this planted a cheer for the russian petrolheads even before formula one finally arrives in sochi in twenty fourteen. r.t. . and just time to tell you the san francisco giants have a three nil lead in baseball as well series they beat the detroit tigers to nil on the road in the latest game and the just one more win for the title more details on expletives.
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zip zip good lumber touring to mccurdy was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything turns mission to teach the creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only on the dog. magine assets that the phone watches show every single moment. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he phoned me. you know we realized there were following everyone from early in the morning.
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the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. me devil operation on our t.v. . judges wedding bells fifteen goats two counts. forty kilograms of rice one thousand flatbreads. and a live. but why is the bride in a bad mood. to tell the groom he's not the one. is a done deal.


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