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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports on. the stories that shape the serene executions of pillaging alleged chemical weapons use r.g.b. in view exclusive first send a colleagues of what's happening on the ground at the libyan town of bani walid comes under attack from government forces. came back again as a social massacre tens of thousands had the streets of spain and italy furious at
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the government's austerity programs people say are destroying their lives. and the u.s. presidential race enters its final week with both romney and obama neck and maggie in the polls party candidates defy media blackout to offer the country a fresh take on american politics. this is our cheese of the weekly you with me tom let's say the apparent use of chemical weapons against civilians humanitarian crisis stranded refugees and more deaths the reality for the libyan town of bani walid this week the residents of they are calling for international help as all me and pro-government militias continue to shell the former gadhafi stronghold archies policia has been gathering
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eyewitnesses accounts from the besieged town you may find some of the images in this report disturbing. these are the pictures the world has chosen not to see dismembered bodies random killings dying women and children for three weeks the libyan city of bani walid has been under siege armed militia gangs patrolled the streets losing houses bulldozing properties and shooting indiscriminately you want to shoot almost of almost. people are so concerned for the safety of their families they don't want to be identified. it was chaotic shiling they fired at harbors and shelters indiscriminately more than two thousand families have fled seven families are without at the moment yes they were fled to the valley but they were firing into even that their families who died in the shelling children died too they fired by women and children the straight to the head it started with the order for the army to use all means necessary to rid the former gadhafi stronghold of all his
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supporters there were accused of kidnappings and murdering of former militia men credited with capturing the libyan leader last year i would misses and doctors on the scene say people are being fired at with gas folder shells r.t. sources report seeing militia trying to hide and remove the bodies of those killed by chemical weapons and i can confirm that these militias used internationally prohibited weapons they used phosphorous bombs and nerve gas we have documented all these in videos recorded the missiles they used on the white phosphorus raining down from these missiles many people died without being wounded shot they died as a result of gases the red cross is to me it's more than twenty five thousand people have so far been made homeless with fiji's who in the confusion of the past few days trying to return home after the army announced the city had fallen and they're now stranded on the desert highway in fear and panic look at this. this good this gun and this be able now this sorting out why you don't know one
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week now this libyan go outside and know what they were doing when i was leaving when i think when when one of the government. i saw explosions and rockets above our heads i saw the dead. but the general national council denies the killings despite the evidence to the contrary where the government for third. place where i would go as high that of course they will be. flown with what we've all been to the whole thing is being better for the. taking care of all the family and it's not only the libyan authorities that are in denial western governments and mainstream media have also chosen to be silent prompting the charge of double standards to be leveled at them let's think back to carry twenty eleven we couldn't because in the u.k. or us or put on the b.b.c. or c.n.n.
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we were hearing about what was going to be a humanitarian disaster. killing lots of people and today the situation leverage much worse you've got a humanitarian catastrophe taking place we've got massacres going on at the moment and. that's complete silence here the chaotic scenes of a throwback to the long running rivalry between residents of bani walid and misrata a city gadhafi laid siege to they also show the weakness of the new government's authority over former rebel militias which always had the chance but essentially do what they like to overpower so it's a leech is a message to all of them across libya wherever they are whoever you are and however strong you are and whoever your backers are the revolution should win it's a year since i'm evolution came to this oil rich country but little seems to have changed for ordinary libyans many of the crimes gadhafi was accused of are now being laid at the foot of the general national council a reminder that for many the arab spring turned out to be
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a very cold winter policia r.t. beirut. meanwhile the u.n. security council has rejected a russian draft statement condemning the violence in bunny will lead and calling for a peaceful resolution to the siege the proposal was brought by the u.s. which took part in the bombing campaign last year to protect civilians from violence from then. reports from new york. while you don't nations has focused much attention this week on the ongoing conflicts in syria and mali russia's efforts to address the death and destruction taking place in libya was blocked by the united states washington refused to support a security council press statement drafted by russia calling for the resolution of violence in bani walid which has been under siege for weeks the u.s. delegation cited a further need for consultations meanwhile the russian ambassador to the u.n. for tali churkin says that it's quite strange the u.s.
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would block a press statement condemning the use of force in dealing with libya's political problems just one month after i deadly attack in benghazi claimed the lives of four diplomats and vaster churkin said it is difficult in this case to explain the u.s. delegations actions in a rational terms now russia's draft press statement calls on the libyan authorities to take urgent steps to resolve the conflict by peaceful means and to preserve the rights of all libyan citizens that also expressed concern about the significant escalation of violence in and around the city of bani walid. will be forming the violence. and we'll keep you up to date with developments in and around the besieged town. so you want to broker a truce in syria has crumbled made further bombings and clashes across the country at least five were killed and many more injured when a car bomb exploded near
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a playground in the capital damascus the violence a modest ceasefire that was meant to coincide with celebrations for the muslim holiday of india some rebel groups such as radical on the front rejected the truce outright opposition that al-qaeda supported in a recent video posted online of the al-qaeda leader urged muslims to join the rebellion in syria international affairs analyst allows us the says the trees plan was doomed to fail. the government in syria is formed. it including the united states. or turkey itself although many of the countries. funds your money is providing the audience with her so they really prefer we know their political procure than us will if they don't want each if they want to remove the government of syria from both personal bush on the side of the votes aren't you . taking leave you were able to meet that they got the momentum they got the
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support from the outside world and they say that they're not going to abide by the states or it's because they haven't been pressured by the outside powers the back them or perhaps they have even been told not to support this use for. drones drama reaches the skies over the united states american officials flock to popular sonny politician off his flight to question him over his opposition to washington's deadly strikes in the country that story tilted still to come this hour. tens of thousands of people took to the streets of spain and italy to protest against austerity measures demonstrations turned violent in the north or any telling in town of riverdale guard up a police used tear gas and battens to disperse angry crowds but as are the surface reports the struggling public is still determined to get its message heard by those in power. getting back to to stare at a people all of
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a year to continuing to fight against this in measures that are biting deeper and deeper into the public and private of many usa nations clashes with police break out in the north of italy of thousands marched against the government in the capital reign in what was dubbed anti monte day similar scenes were witnessed in the trades west bank is timed on the last two very end never ending government cuts but we feel like we are number of percentage by our government that they are doing this that we are no we don't agree with them and we are telling them on the diamond but they don't listen as they are sturdy and a spread across year thousands of people have taken to the street and it's not just in madrid for in greece to italy big you're using countries and small this is the year a crisis that doesn't discriminate affecting people of all ages and from all walks of life. here in spain the unemployment figures now top
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a whopping twenty five percent this is a younger generation that's been hit the hardest in the stats for the country you see the house the sixteen to twenty four year olds in the house of work everything using creasing unemployment poverty. the ferns. in people here police offices. dividing the protesters from the governments that more and more they growing to live with that of g.t. you'll find many of them joining the marches lower enforcement a feeling the pinch the need amongst many protesters greg craig. many times before and still they tell us nothing seems changed. is actually not to cut their spending but to invest more in the economy to invest in growth to make sure that there are jobs and the only way to offer. and me get out of this is to grow not just cut your way out of that so one of the main arguments of the people
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here is that if you actually listen to the people who are not your good interest from abroad with a lot more sensible a lot more rational response to this process a dogmatic insistence on austerity this in successive governments across the isolated from their electorate and amongst the euro members themselves divisions a widening explains witnessing this independently lit class alone year in the basque country those demanding freedom and electing separatist politicians while greece is fighting in upsurge of radical nationalist sentiment is leading to the grave of far right and fascist groups seems like these make it hard to believe that earlier this month even is awarded the nobel peace prize bringing stability and unity to the previously want to own continent some protesters are calling it a social muska with a massive euro wide strike planned for later this month it seems as long as things
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continue as they are there will be no peace here. r.t. the. police in greece have arrested a journalist to publish a list of the country's political and business to lead to where the swiss bank accounts the whistleblower hughes's athens are failing to go after those dodging taxes and imposing punishing spending cuts on the struggling population professor of economics a vote of five politicians are reluctant to investigate because of their own involvement in the case. possibly vaguely investigative it bordering greece has been arrested for effectively selling a public interest that the vast majority gives a good population fear the good politician use the glue key to expose the network of court action which in was glad to extend good politicians and business model editions of the major is one thing moralizing fingers at that we can
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members of fixer say saying no you have not been a good x. you've been vaccinated is why it's after that it will state to now that the do this coming out of their tax evasion and about the fact that tax evasion is again played fairly skillfully bay that it should and as it has been happening for the last thirty or forty years now live to clearly keen to be idle in the phase of such a list. ukraine is choosing a new parliament in an election that could bring about you know surprising exit polls suggest president say any competition ponty has taken the need but it may need to from a coalition government to hold on to polish because abundant in kiev all agree that the details of how russia.
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horses and bayonets big bird these are the words of internet legend from the two thousand and twelve presidential debates when a candidate says something dumb or odd to so much fun to make silly pictures like these on the internet ho ho hee hee but the problem is that the person who wins the bait is the one who makes the best argument not he who doesn't make a verbal slip ups people react to these debates like schoolgirls picking prom queen or rummy talked about big bird who howard dean screamed yeah gaffes don't matter that much it matters if the idea is the candidates present are effective or not but more importantly it matters if they will actually do them if a future can say proposed a brilliant economic plan that could save america but instead of saying pennies let the word penis slip or gossip celebrity culture would make him lose the election
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for sure his opponents army of photoshop are sort of hundreds of copper fellas is drawn all over the internet by the next day a schoolgirl attitude towards politics won't do anything except make fun internet memes but that's just my opinion. what lies ahead for auction on the movement mobilize calls for a new america who stands for the ninety nine percent u.s. election a close guide monday october twenty ninth on r.t.e. . admission and free credit take free. free. free free. free. free.
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free blog videos. free media. and the. other part of it and realized. the big picture. doesn't have. anything. to teach me. this is why you should care only.
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it was good to have you with us in ukraine polling stations have closed in parliamentary elections said looks set to test the country's leadership the opposition has pledged to impeach the president if they win enough seats while the race to form a coalition could yet decide the outcome i suppose suggests the ruling party all vigilance is ahead in the vote but has no overall majority. of the ruling party may have won this election in terms of the number of votes they've gained they won in the first place according to most of the exit polls but the combined votes combined seats of the opposition parties may eventually bring
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them the majority in the new ukrainian parliament and this could in fact spell big trouble for president bush because the opposition has been saying all along that one of its first decisions should gain a majority in the new parliament would be to impeach the president now the biggest intrigue which remains still is whether the party of the former heavyweight champion boxing champion of the world. will be willing to join the opposition in the new coalition within the parliament because so far this court has been saying that he will not form the coalition with the ruling party but still he hasn't officially confirmed that he will be willing to make a new alliance of parties within the parliament with the opposition parties the exit poll results are based only on the proportional seats on the parties which were voted for him during this election but things may change when they count the votes for independent candidates which were also running and they will make up in fact half of the parliament clearly the main talk will take place after the
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official results of the central action commission come out and we are expecting it to happen somewhere in the next two or three days this will not happen on monday because there are about twenty million of votes to be counted so we are certainly waiting for all the figures and numbers to be updated from the central action commission and we will bring all the latest details and all the latest results as we get them to the us now with just seven days before the presidential election obama and romney are still tied in the polls last week neither candidate was able to steal eight after the final face off or to discuss america's foreign policy but some diversity was brought to the race by the third party debate which offered a different slant on the key issues how do you it was one of the very few media outlets taking notice here's some of the highlights. the president has assumed dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or without trial we are on the road toward to him and that's not an exaggeration
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the biggest threat to our national security is the fact that we're bankrupt we need to retrench rather than trying to be the policeman of the world we need to put an end to the use of drones and actually lead not to lead this development of a new arms race but to lead in an international treaty and the convention to permanently banned the use of drones we're printing and borrowing money to the tune of forty three cents out of every dollar we spend. sixteen trillion dollars is bearing down on us and as governor johnson say are we could well be right germany after world war. two the third party presidential candidates said to lock on for the third and final time in a week and it all brought to you exclusively by our team while in the fallout from that final debate between obama and romney both came in for criticism as it emerged
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their policies be striking resemblance to one another on top of that former cia officer ray mcgovern says some issues were just ignored. well obama should be able to say that our ambassadors are going to be killed or other representatives are going to be murdered unless we change our policy towards the world that's a policy be defined by the need for oil and the need to protect what are perceived to be the interests of israel once we change those policies we will never succeed in being able to protect our our embassies and our other diplomatic establishment about afghanistan probably we're smart say it's a fool's errand we've got to get out of there we were wrong we ought to bring our troops right back now why can't he say that or why is it not likely that you say that because no politician in the united states can afford the slightest risk of seeming soft on things that are described as the war on terrorism it's that simple
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. all coverage of the u.s. presidential campaign will continue on a and online introducing a fresh perspective on the race sourcing this monday will be exploring america's domestic policies and challenges in death stay with our teeth to. what lies ahead for you will the movement mobilize calls for a new america who stands for the going to nine percent us election close go. to the twenty ninth. a fall pluckiest on the cricket stock turned politician has been interrogated by u.s. officials imran khan was pulled off a plane and questioned about his campaign to end american drone strikes in pakistan he demanded an apology following the incident involved to continue his campaign and his arches arena going to school reports that nothing is likely to change washington stance on its controversial program. killing the civilians of one
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country in the name of security of another the united states has been doing just that for over eighteen years and pakistan. there are terrorists holed up in those who murdered three thousand americans they are plotting to strike again federally administered tribal areas burned bright red on the map that's where u.s. drone attacks have been killing thousands of people claiming the majority of them are militant extremists a study led by scholars from new york and stanford university's found that only around two percent of the total number of deaths were militants among the remaining several thousand victims of don't attacks hundred seventy five were children the fact of the matter remains the us has been carrying out military operations in a country that it is not at war with and the international community says almost nothing about actions which are illegal by international standard the right stuff you ought. to.
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think the. choice was something. that in the day islamabad and washington were all smiles each seeking to benefit from cooperation centered on dealing with a persistent taliban problem though there was a cool off in the relationship in the one nine hundred seventy s. when pakistan began working on its nuclear bomb the values were renewed in the wake of the two thousand one world trade center bombing and then suing the war on terror presently however there seems to be no love lost in this match and on strikes and. counterproductive but. didn't on the phone on strikes. again focus on solving the. it's not just the buzzing of the drones however that threatens pakistan's integrity but was great as one of the greatest feats of the fight against terror. resume this
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as a nation of bin laden was a military operation carried out in secret and without knowledge of the pakistani authorities. then came the killing of twenty four pakistani soldiers in the u.s. led air strike forcing it to close down the nato supply routes for seven months it was reopened only after an official apology from the u.s. secretary of state but with pakistan itself. or submission as many see it to the u.s. gets louder with every passing week pakistanis believe the united states may be giving a lot of money to their government but is at the same time taking away the country's sovereignty and killing its people. and just a couple of minutes. littlewood about what he thinks should be done to heal europe
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