tv [untitled] October 29, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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lou. betting on a boat and a trip or grace wall street takes up the bill as obama and romney burned through hundreds of miles of dollars probably to buy a friend in the future. never ending violence in syria so it's more challenging for special envoy lakhdar brahimi is in moscow for talks after the holiday truce he proposes immediately collapses. and plans for a mega mosque in london say even some muslims in opposition they fear the real goal of the group behind the project is to incite radical ideas in the community.
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from our studios in central moscow you're watching are two with me and you so now it's good to have you with us one pm here in the russian capital now though hurricane sandy is still only approaching the u.s. it's already wreaking havoc in the presidential race candidates have been forced to flee its path and abandon campaign events in the area but in the meantime we're continuing our special coverage on the most expensive election in u.s. history and our reports now on where all that money is pouring in from. as our tees up close us alexion coverage continues this week we turn our attention to domestic issues concerning voters now you us presidents have the stork we refer to america as an exceptional nation a land of opportunity where one can work hard and over time climb the proverbial economic ladder but one year ago that myth was busted when occupy wall street activists camped out here in sukiyaki park igniting i nation. why grassroots
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movement protesting corporate greed wealth inequality and middle class today the fact is the us gap between rich and poor has never been wider and unprecedented amount of americans are sliding down the proverbial ladder while the top one percent earn an average annual income of twenty four million dollars not to bet on both horses running in the nation's biggest political race. it's the most expensive political playoff in u.s. history a competition for the country's most powerful position one of the things i suspect governor romney and i probably agree on is let's come back to something the president i agree on no matter who wins the two thousand and twelve election. all. of america's ninety nine percent movement will be left with the one percent president regardless of who we vote for wall street wins i mean that's really one
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of the main messages is that when we're where casting are about we see that we have these corporations giving so much money to candidates and they can't be objective when it comes to the interests of the vast majority of. the bonus loving industry that ignited america's economic crisis real estate collapse job hemorrhage and foreclosure epidemic. is also on track to break campaign donation records for the two thousand and twelve presidential election each election cycle each four years that cost significantly more than i did four years ago so running for president united states is now a half a billion dollar undertaking you need half a billion dollars to credibly run for the president of united states and you're going to raise that from large corporations and wealthy individuals in the case of mitt romney wealth attracts wealth the republican candidate has a reported net worth of two hundred million dollars and according to the center for responsive politics the top eight financial contributors to romney's campaign are
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wall street banks with him. ploys from goldman sachs bank of america and morgan stanley rounding out the top three. this is the by the moment change has come to america five in two thousand and eight for aco bamma became the largest beneficiary of wall street backing in u.s. election history. receiving more than forty two million dollars from the finance insurance and real estate sectors it's hard to believe that smart rational guys and big companies with huge research departments and a real understanding of the society are going to give that much money and expect nothing in return so their donation is probably not a charity since becoming president obama's justice department hasn't prosecuted one person in connection to the two thousand and eight financial collapse on the other hand top executives from j.p. morgan chase citigroup and general electric were recruited to work in the white house what we have cemented into place is a system of legalized bribery public elected officials are in essence corporate
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employees you know the flagrant sort of corruption the ability of this small rapacious class of corporate oligarchy to write the laws write the legislation create a two tiered system this ultimately is going to implode according to a two thousand and twelve harris poll the majority of americans see wall street executives as dishonest and overpaid with an overwhelming amount of citizens in support of tougher regulation. and overhaul the occupy wall street movement began championing last year as millions of americans flooded the streets every day thousands facing brutal arrests. to protest wall street greed economic inequality and corporate influence over u.s. politics. that has election day draws near occupy activists say both candidates have pander to their financial donors. and successfully ignored the biggest
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american grassroots movement to be seen in decades we see little difference between the two parties they're both basically imperialist parties and i think that one thing that i do i can really do is expose how the democratic system as we have it right now is basically a sham the political system is so broken in so many ways that the reason that we continue to come out in the streets and raise you know ring the alarm bells around economic injustice and economic situation in our country is because you know people aren't doing their job millions of americans will soon be heading to the polls lacking support for either major candidate but voting against the one they liked least however with wall street successfully cementing strong ties to both presidential runners some may wonder if the winner of this election has already been declared hurry up or ny are to be on. and our coverage of the u.s.
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presidential campaign will continue on the air and online exploring some of the most unlocks overlooked i should say and outright ignored aspects of the race and all the way up to election night will be exploring america's domestic policies and challenges in depth for you stay with r.t. ahead of the u.s. vote. what lies ahead for you will the movement mobilize calls for a new america who stands for the ninety nine percent u.s. election a close guide to the twenty ninth on r t. a four day cease fire in the bloody syrian standoff officially runs out on monday this while state media points the finger at rebel friendly terrorist groups accusing them of undermining the latest peace stafford the truce was proposed by the u.n. and arab league envoy to syria lakhdar brahimi is currently here in moscow for talks are seizing corpus cannot is following the visit. of the main purpose of this visit is to hunt for some fresh ideas because as this special envoy you're so right
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he has been trying to help resolve the crisis in syria for two months now but very little progress has been made if any at all the so-called cease fire which was reached for the course of the sacrifice holidays ends today and it didn't work since at least three blasts happened in different parts of syria including the largest one. right on the first day of the cease fire at least five people were killed but the opposition claims it's much more than that to russia brought this issue up at the u.n. security council but it couldn't agree even on a condemning statement meanwhile the rebels keep on pointing the finger at the government saying it broke the cease fire wall damascus still claims that it's battling well organized terrorists controlled from outside the country clearly there's still a long way before you need sort of agreement could be reached at the you're united nations so this is definitely a good time for some new ideas from mr brahimi he said to meet with the russian foreign minister earlier on monday and of course bring you all the details of this
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meeting as it happens. us face political analyst dr randy source says that elements inside syria are not the only ones responsible for the failure of the cease fire. well it shows set back use of these extremist groups has no can change them and since they're being supported by these out it's can change gulf states united states and its nato allies they want the assad regime destroyed at any cost so and the rebels know it so why should they on any seeing and if you just leak at the debate between adama and this month's trustee romney where you have these two people dying for heads of state trying to do anything they can to destroy the government in syria so the moral support to t.c. is not there not on their side. remember you can always go to our team dot com to find more stories pictures and analysis as well to catch up on anything you missed
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on the air here's a taste of what's lined up for you at our dot com france researchers turned to enter the art of alchemy as gold prizes so are you saying they can turn water into the process metal. and state wide identity theft a foreign hacker steals three point six million social security numbers in the u.s. state of south carolina affecting three out of four presidents. in london and that's why my group has intensified its plans to build europe's largest mosque in the east side of the city next to the olympic site tablighi jamaat is often described as a separatist sect and two of the seventh of july bombers are believed to have prayed in their places of worship parties probably boycott found out if there is ground for concern. four times bigger than some paul's cathedral a mega mosque that will fit ten thousand people and it could be coming to london's east end if it gets the go ahead it's built the river in center will be the same
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size as london's looming but as a power station it would also be the biggest place of worship in the u.k. of any religion but critics have slammed the proposal saying that it would create a muslim tasso in the course of capital working to bring the largest mosque the u.k. has ever seen into reality revered architects planning consultants and glitzy p.r. teams all paid for by the organization behind the idea to match a group that's causing significant concern they teach that if you want a good muslim you must separate off from non muslim it's only to be a huge amount of all that started over the beat him out of all the islamic groups has created ghettos over in toronto you know in canada you go across the philippines and see what they've done the philippines are right there around the world this is a huge group and wherever they go they create barriers they create hostility they
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create division they create separatism whether it's on a steaming name the river in centers website claims there's a demand for a new muslim place of worship in culturally diverse east london not that they're happy to talk about it it's representatives refused to speak to us when we approach the proposed site home to their current mosque this is going to be a center of training in which to reach out to islam are these muslims to harden up and mediæval lives. of ordinary muslims in this country and i mean so many muslims don't want that muslims and seals are opposing this mosque more on the grounds that they don't want to worship their god but on the grounds that women aren't allowed the local population of muslim population has no. on the site and how the mosque itself is governed by some it's a misguided but widely held fear of a fence which could see the center eventually get off the ground all the local
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authority would say to us is. planning application as this is currently being it would be inappropriate to comment at this stage and maybe if this went ahead to be like a tipping point. it would be no stopping fundamentalist islam if this one goes up well if that happens we'll need to be the country of the last one out please turn the lights off while the council ponders campaign as head of the religions say they hope the decision makers choose carefully just today let's set up shop in the british capital. t. east london. and more on the nightmare of the libyan people are going through is coming up for you later this hour almost like residents of bani walid find themselves wandering the desert often supplies and fearing prosecution if they return to their town. halls are coming out ukraine's political landscape
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faces unpredictable changes a revamped election system puts the fate of the country's new parliament in the hands of independent candidates and a former boxer that and much more for you coming up on r.c. . horses and bayonets big bird these are the words of internet legend from the two thousand and twelve presidential debates when a candidate says something. so much fun to make silly pictures like these on the internet whole. but the problem is that the person who wins. the bait is the one who makes the best argument not he who doesn't make a verbal slip ups people react to these debates like schoolgirls picking prom queen
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or rummy talked about big bird who howard dean screamed yeah gaffes don't matter that much it matters if the idea is the candidates present are effective or not but more importantly it matters if they will actually do them if a future can say proposed a brilliant economic plan that could save america but instead of saying pennies let the word penis slip our gossip celebrity culture would make him lose the election for sure as a potence army of photoshop or sort of hundreds of copper fellas is drawn all over the internet by the next day a schoolgirl attitude towards politics won't do anything except make fun internet memes but that's just my opinion. me it is evening it's.
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good to meet. some. folks. magine assets that the damn phone watches show every single mom. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he followed me. you know we realized there were following everyone from early in the morning. the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. and me double operation on our cheek.
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and well into the truth science technology innovation and all the rest of mel immense from around russia we've got the future covered. watching our live from moscow out of the frying pan into the fire a humanitarian crisis for the residents who fled the libyan town of bani walid is looming as they've now found themselves stranded in the desert they're running out
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of fuel and food while the siege of the former bastion of the toppled machine continues for town as seen civilians deaths and devastation for weeks but the pro-government militia valent to clear the area of the gadhafi loyalists now reports also suggest that the attackers are backed by mercenaries from turkey and qatar r.t. caught up with libya's red cross representative who says people there are afraid of further persecution so many different people could have been trying to get out and then you would be either using mean or rude but many other have been using and rude and have been. well because they are nor were rude but in so doing that here because i didn't know if you were anymore or for other reason they are turned in your meanly worried that it was their own about their how far they were trying to be quite some of them are trying to go to got good could if you could go
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back a week you possibly want to go back and pick you up but both they are of course talking about iran. and they are worried about the future of their keep. let's take a look at what's happening around the world the u.s. is bracing now for what's predicted to be one of the most fearsome storms the country has ever seen hurricane sandy is stalking the eastern seaboard threatening to the most populated corridor in the country mass evacuations have been ordered in new jersey thousands of flights have been grounded and new york authorities have sat down the subway sandy has been dubbed frank and storm after it merged with winter weather fronts. and these time people have become victims of a suicide attack at a catholic church in northern nigeria the blast also wounded more than one hundred when an explosives laden car rammed the building during sunday mass the spark fears of a reprisal attack as the town has witnessed clashes between christians and muslims
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in the past no one claimed responsibility for the bombing islamists act vocal rom was rumored to have had plans to attack. but vote counting is underway after ukraine's parliamentary election exit poll so far show the ruling party is in the lead but opposition parties have more votes in total the final picture looks like it will swing on where a former boxing champion turned politician decides to put his party's weight alexy yourself. with almost a third of the votes that have been counted so far in ukraine's parliament should election the future of ukraine's parliament still looks pretty much uncertain as it stands the ruling party along with the communists are winning this election with the with georgie of the votes but the exit poll results which came out late on sunday suggested that the opposition parties may be gaining some kind of advantage in the future parliament and in that case things would be looking very grim for the ruling party and for the current president victory on the coverage because the
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opposition has been saying all along that it would impeach the president should it get a majority in parliament and why one way or another still the biggest increase in the future bottom and just who the former. so the former heavyweight champion of the world. will be joining in on the line in the case that the ruling party does not get a complete majority in parliament then it will be will be the decisive leader if he decides to join the alliance of the opposition parties which are already signed an agreement to join you in the coalition in the future parliament things would go would go in a very much unpredictable scenario in the ukraine the parliament voting itself according to the domestic and international observers have been more or less free of any major force if they haven't been cases of any major irregularities recorded but certainly there have been some incidents at polling stations with one polling station and a man disguised. to cast his ballot on another polling station in the town of the
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man decided to eat his ballots instead of costing them so far this has been basically the only things calling for elections which have been seen at the polling stations no regulations have been recorded so it we are waiting for the official results to come out from the central action commission of ukraine but that may take several days because there were as many as twenty million votes cast and certainly this may take some time to count the votes and we expecting the final results to come out earlier than wednesday this week and we'll certainly be bringing all the latest updates and all the latest results on the election as we get them. pronounced check in the business stories of the latest financial news and k.t. hurricane sandy means wall street traders get a day off today don't think it doesn't do trading has been suspended and they saw and it's really a safety precaution for all those workers of the new york stock exchange and the nasdaq as well and they're now saying that it may not resume until wednesday at
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chile and this is actually for the first time since the september eleventh terror attacks workers are stacking sandbags in lower manhattan banks and brokerages have advised employees to work from home now with the hurricane coming just days before the presidential elections barack obama and mitt romney have been called to counsel hopes late campaign events that you are all the night just some things can't be helpless checkouts markets will see how europe is getting on how they are now snapping the way day advance and that's really off to asians had a bit of a nightmare of it today we've got be the be a b.p. on the brain from last week about slipping one percent and that is off to an insider said that the telecommunications company may cut its yearly for cos that's one of the big news stories in the european markets session with check out the common currency is indeed following suit very much so we had a weekend of of steroids he protests in spain as well sars take in the toe the
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ruble is dropping and that's really hasn't brought investors avoid risky assets during these times of economic uncertainty has checkouts the brushwood exit is that we go gas. doing a bit better than the market actually house me says the energy major has that is interested in developing shale oil projects in russia. so that is indeed the basis for now though in a couple of minutes here in altie what's also special report is about a cow priest would be was turned into the devil while standing up to us and multi national corporation thousand trusting state for that. it sounds like a dragon crashing through the forest but it is in fact technology versus trees and would you believe it this machine can fail and strip hundreds of them each day when
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building this facility we wanted to use advanced technology that would increase efficiency and allow us not to use manual labor also this provides for better quality goods as a result we were able to conquer western markets the demand for corrina birchwood is high since our production line is quite efficient where i will do well for higher wages to our employees the trunks and up here where they turned into planks which branch off for all manner of uses greenies would export a march but not all of it goes with gold. here in the museum island of traditional methods they used to build and maintain churches and dwellings dating back hundreds of years in this whole what career is used to what. is highest complexity these planks are about to become part of something which exemplifies the combination of tradition and technology. here at the valley and all
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viking boat makers what is fashioned into their souls new and old they range from small private boats to replicas used in the historical t.v. series of. my books are all special they're like children to me we have to design them and build them from scratch it's always sad when we have to part ways every time we sail away while we remain at the dark and pavel gets much of his timber from karelia saying customers pine for its high quality wood. which brings us to the first six million cubic metres of wood is cut down in careers forests every year that goes to make everything from. farmhouses to fire words and withdrawing is proximity to europe on the baltic it's big forests mean big business .
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i work in the cheese factory i bring cheese from. i want to know if they're going to arrest me so i can call my lawyer. about it. why should i give you my identity card. if you can't detain me in the street it was an anonymous and i was a. little bit doesn't give us the video. you're busy. and i mean. yeah you know you for your free by somebody for the privilege i think to. be. fair.
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