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tv   [untitled]    October 29, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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billions in corporate donations to make the u.s. presidential campaign the most expensive ever some americans believe whoever their leg and wall street will end up being. russia's foreign minister of international powers for refusing to negotiate with all sides in the syrian conflict saying talking to assad is the only way to stop the bloodshed. not in my backyard plans to build a. mosque of protesters worried that the islamic group is developing it ultimately radicalized.
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thanks very much for joining us here on our today. live in moscow hurricane sandy has caused chaos to the u.s. presidential election with. early voting disrupted but it's the economic storm over the last few years which is worrying the electorate. looks at criticism thrown at the two major candidates over the links to the rich who are still holding the wealth of the nation. as our tees up close election coverage continues this week we turn our attention to domestic issues concerning photos now you must have the stork we refer to in that an exceptional nation a land of opportunity where one can work hard and over time climb the proverbial economic ladder but one year ago that myth was busted when occupy wall street activists camped out here in zuccotti park it began. nationwide grassroots movement
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protesting corporate greed wealth inequality and middle class today the fact is the u.s. gap between rich and poor has never been wider and unprecedented amount of americans are sliding down the proverbial ladder while the top one percent earn an average annual income of twenty four million dollars enough to bet on both horses running in the nation's biggest political race. it's the most expensive political playoff in u.s. history a competition for the country's most powerful position one of the things i suspect governor romney and i probably agree on is let's come back to something the president i agree on no matter who wins the two thousand and twelve election. america's ninety nine percent movement will be left with a one percent president regardless of who we vote for wall street wins i mean
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that's really one of the main messages is that when we're casting about we see that we have these corporations giving so much money to candidates and they can't be objective when it comes to the interests of the vast majority of. the bonus loving industry that ignited america's economic crisis real estate collapse job hemorrhage and foreclosure epidemic. is also on track to break campaign donation records for the two thousand and twelve presidential election each election cycle each four years the cost significantly more they did four years ago so running for president united states is now a half a billion dollar undertaking you need half a billion dollars to credibly run for the president of united states and you're going to raise that from large corporations and wealthy individuals in the case of mitt romney wealth attracts wealth the republican candidate has a reported net worth of two hundred million dollars and according to the center for responsive politics the top eight financial contributors to romney's campaign are wall street. thanks with employees from goldman sachs bank of america and morgan
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stanley rounding out the top three. this is the by the moment change has come to america. in two thousand and eight barack obama became the largest beneficiary of wall street backing in u.s. election history. receiving more than forty two million dollars from the finance insurance and real estate sectors it's hard to believe that smart rational guys and big companies with huge research departments and a real understanding of the society are going to give that much money and expect nothing in return so their donation is probably not a charity since becoming president obama's justice department hasn't prosecuted one person in connection to the two thousand and eight financial collapse on the other hand top executives from j.p. morgan chase citigroup and general electric were recruited to work in the white house what we have cemented into place is a system of legalized bribery public elected officials arnason corporate employees
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you know the flagrant sort of corruption the ability of this wall haitians class and corporate oligarchy to write the laws write the legislation create a two tiered system this ultimately is going to implode according to a two thousand and twelve harris poll the majority of americans see wall street executives as dishonest and over paid with an overwhelming amount of citizens in support of tougher regulation. and overhaul the occupy wall street movement began championing last year as millions of americans flooded the streets i thank god i thank you. facing brutal arrests. to protest wall street greed economic inequality and corporate influence over u.s. politics. that day as election day draws near occupy activists say both candidates have hanjour to their finance. donors and successfully ignored the biggest american
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grassroots movement to be seen in decades we see little difference between the two parties they're both basically imperialist parties and i think that one thing that i can really do is expose how the democratic system as we have it right now is basically a sham the political system is so broken in so many ways that the reason that we continue to come out in the streets and raise you know ring the alarm bells around economic injustice and economic situation in our country is because you know people aren't doing their job millions of americans will soon be heading to the polls lacking support for either major candidate but voting against the one they liked least however with wall street successfully cementing strong ties to both presidential runners some may wonder if the winner of this election has already been declared hurry up or not our team we are. and our coverage of the u.s. presidential campaign will continue on air and online all the way up to the vote if
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you do stay with us or at r.t. will be exploring some of the most overlooked and outright ignored aspects of the writers. a lot of lies ahead for our q will the movement mobilize calls for a new america who stands for the going to nine percent to a selection of clothes god monday october twenty ninth on our. now russia's foreign minister says international powers should put more pressure on the warring sides in syria after the latest truce was wrecked and meeting the international envoy to syria right here in moscow so to get it off western states and regional players to engage with president assad. has gone up when following the polls here in the russian capital joining me now good to see you so what exactly was said during locked up he was present right here to central. even though it was supposed to last just four days the ceasefire in syria didn't work and now the question on
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everybody's lips is what happens next and both russia's foreign minister lavrov and special envoy brahimi are placing their bets on this and even communique which was signed by walt powers and obliges both sides of the conflict in syria to simultaneously put their weapons down and also for equal pressure to be applied on both of them from the outside but according to russia's foreign minister far from all countries which signed this agreement back in geneva are playing by them. but i see in the in the lead so you'd use to russia is probably the only country along those that took part in the geneva talks on the thirtieth of june which negotiates regularly with all sides in the syrian conflict syrian government and all opposition groups with no exceptions as you describe we expect our western partners and partners in the region to do the same mission you see they should get used to the idea that without dialogue with the syrian government virtually nothing can be achieved and this is currently a major problem in moving towards
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a political process in syria stood because. in turn special envoy brahimi said he saw you that the ceasefire plan didn't work it was negotiated to take place during the course of the. feast of sacrifice holidays was supposed to end today but was in fact broken right on the first day with a deadly blast in damascus then violence continued in different parts of the country throughout the weekend and was told by another deadly. explosion in damascus on monday and russia's foreign minister lavrov says that with these provocations taking police the syrian government is also making disproportionate responses so mr brahimi is facing a very tough task finding some sort of a diplomatic solution and more importantly making it work he himself says that your level of distrust between the two sides of the conflict in syria is so high right now it will even when they begin discussing some sort of obligations each one expects automatically the other one to break its promises or it out is that you got
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this from their reporting on the locked up he's visiting here in moscow thank you very much. but we should also make a point in noting that locked up he made the u.n. and arab envoy to syria also saying that not just do all warring sides need to come to the peace table for talks but there needs to be some deep internal reforms not just cosmetic reforms i'll talk to ken stone from the head of the coalition to stop the war that's against foreign intervention in mideast countries are good to see you today locked up i hear me knowledge today that there are extremist groups operating in syria at the moment that are not controlled by anyone bearing that in mind how feasible is it really to have international peace efforts to in order to achieve a prosperous future for syria. first of all i would like to commend the u.n. envoy lakhdar brahimi for his efforts in trying to organize a limited ceasefire over the past weekend his mandate is to bring about peaceful negotiated political solution to the crisis in syria and he thinks thousand this
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mission what we are looking at is another mid-east war which would be a catastrophe for the people of syria jordan lebanon iraq iran and many other countries and if russia and china are dragged in on the one side of the u.s. and nato or dragon on the other it could be a catastrophe for all of humanity so there's a lot riding on his efforts to achieve a political solution the main opposition the main obstacle to peace are the western countries including canada which are supporting the insurgency inside of syria but one thing that the commentators are overlooking is the anti-war sentiment in the west against this insurgency and the parts that just of a patient of the western countries and meddling in the internal affairs of syria many polls consistently show in the west that sixty and between sixty and eighty
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percent of the people in canada the us britain holland and so on opposed the continuing occupation in afghanistan the war in iraq the attack on libya and are now against any military intervention in syria. by the west i mean i'm sort of jumping but it's interesting you say that because there are a lot of people that are saying particularly in america i'm canada and europe as well there's a huge amount of basic wall fatigue that has a lot of people out there i do want to ask you one quick question the u.n. special envoy to syria locked up i hear me in moscow today over the past four days the truce in syria that failed the u.s. and the u.n. failing and refusing to condemn to massive bomb attacks in damascus and here we have washington some pointed at u.n. envoy lock up i hear me in moscow why is he here in russia. well i think he's there in russia because they the russian government has been the almost strident.
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supporter of the peace process and i'm hoping he's hoping as we all are that pressure can be brought upon the west to stop supporting the so-called friends of syria and start acting in accordance with their votes that united nations security council in support of the six point peace plan for syria the people in the west i mean for example in there on october the sixth there were demonstrations as you were demonstrations against any military intervention in syria in canada the us britain and many other western countries the people in the western these demonstrations were small but in my experience going back to the vietnam war all the time these demonstrations start small and they must rule it in size when it gets closer to the attacks as you say they did last year many saw as the problem is the problem is do the politicians even bother to listen i will have to go to you hey can i must ask you another question we're hearing reports here at all about
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rival sectarian groups from iraq that are now possibly thought to be increasingly involved in the syrian conflict on various sized just how dangerous is that now make the situation in syria. so it's really dangerous and we know that the united states and britain and other western journeys countries you see these terrorists including al qaeda to for their thoughts foreign policy ends they created al-qaeda to fight against the former soviet troops in afghanistan they use these mercenaries in iraq to create sectarian tensions and effectively divide that country into three parts through ethnic cleansing they imported those mercenaries into libya where they they overthrew a sovereign government and created chaos for the ordinary people and now they've imported them from libya even to syria to create this same sectarian strife it's
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an extremely dangerous and wreckless situation all right i can start to write about that held in a mission to stop the war thank you very much for coming on our today. well if i could have you with us here on the program started for you into this i was ukraine's political landscape faces unpredictable changes. election system puts the fate of the country's new parliament in the hands of an independent candidates and former champion boxer. barack obama warned citizens across america's east coast to brace themselves for the onslaught of hurricane sandy more on that and other international news through a short. horses
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and bayonets big bird these are the words of internet legend from the two thousand and twelve presidential debates when a candidate says something dumb or odd to so much fun to make silly pictures like these on the internet ho he but the problem is that the person. who wins the bait is the one who makes the best argument not he who doesn't make a verbal slip ups people react to these debates like schoolgirls picking prom queen or rummy talked about big bird who howard dean screamed yeah gaffes don't matter that much it matters if the ideas the candidates present are effective or not but more importantly it matters if they will actually do them if a future can't they proposed a brilliant economic plan that could save america but instead of saying pennies let the word penis slip our gossip celebrity culture would make him lose the election for sure he's a potence army of photoshop or sort of hundreds of copper fellas is drawn all over
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the internet by the next day a schoolgirl attitude towards politics won't do anything except make fun internet memes but that's just my opinion.
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good to have you with us here at r.t. today on the research i live in moscow now thanks that's the reaction of residents in east london to europe's largest mosque being planned for their backyard right next to the olympic site. found out it's not only the she sighs but the islamic group developing it that they're worried about. four times bigger than some paul's cathedral a mega mosque that will fit ten thousand people and it could be coming to london's east end if it gets the go ahead it's built the river in center will be the same size as london's looming but as a power station it would also be the biggest place of worship in the u.k. of any religion but critics have slammed the proposal saying that it would create
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a muslim faster than the forces that are still working to bring the largest mosque the u.k. has ever seen in to reality revered architects planning consultants and glitzy p.r. teams all paid for by the organization behind the idea to bleach each a match a group that's causing significant concern this is a little bit about all the islamic groups has created ghettos over in toronto you know and kind of right there around the world is a huge group and wherever they go they create barriers they create hostility they create division they create separatism whether it's on assuming name the riverine centers website claims there's a demand for a new muslim place of worship in culturally diverse east london not that they're happy to talk about it it's representatives refused to speak to us when we approached the prepares site home to their current mosque it does not want to integrate the grounds on which search trying to set up here in britain in
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a big way are anti british they are anti western but actually they're also anti worldly they're also worldly but this is not just going to be a mosque this is going to be a center of training in which to reach out to islam is muslims to harden up and mediæval lies the islam of ordinary muslims in this country and i mean so many muslims don't want that the problem here is that. muslims themselves are opposing this mosque not on the grounds that they don't want to worship god but on the grounds that women aren't allowed the local population of muslim population has no and the say in how the mosque itself is governed all the local authority would say to us is. planning application as this is currently being. at this stage in many ways if this went ahead to be like
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a tipping point. there be no stopping fundamentalist islam if this one goes up well if that happens we all need to leave the country the last one out please turn the lights off while the council ponders campaign is here the religions say they hope the decision makers choose carefully just today let's set up shop in the british capital. c. east london. well i do remember you can always go to walk the dog come to find many more stories and pictures and analysis as well as catch up with anything you may have missed on it. have a quick look and see what's there for you this hour right now at r.t. dog the winners of smash it all the fans of one u.s. baseball team turned san francisco upside down after the team snatches a last digit victory or r.t. dot com has all those details for you. plus a golden mystery russian cargo ship vanishes at sea while carrying a seven hundred tons of precious all other vessels and aircraft are searching the
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waters so far no signs of the wreckage crew. vote counting is underway after ukraine's parliamentary election with over half the ballots counted the ruling party leads but opposition parties have more votes in total that could pose a bit of a problem for president victoria coverage of the balance of power could actually lie with a former boxing champion turned politician and ultimately where he decides to put his party's weight reporting from kiev. the future of ukraine's parliament still looks pretty much uncertain as it stands the ruling party along with the communists are winning this election with the majority of the votes but the exit poll results which came out late on sunday suggested that the opposition parties may be gaining some kind of advantage in the future parliament and in that case things would be looking very grim for the ruling party and for the current president because the opposition has been saying all along that it would impeach
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the president should it get a majority in parliament in one way or another still the biggest intrigue in the future parliament is who the former boxer the former heavyweight champion of the world. will be joining in on the line in the case that the ruling party does not get complete majority in parliament that it will be will be the decisive figure if he decides to join the alliance of the opposition parties which are already signed an agreement to join you in the coalition in the future parliament things would go would go in a very much unpredictable scenario in the ukraine the parliament voting itself according to the domestic and international observers have been more or less free of any major force if occasions certainly we are waiting for the official results to come out from the central action commission of ukraine but that may take several days and we have suspecting the final results earlier than wednesday this week and will certainly be bringing all the latest updates and all the latest results on the great parliamentary election as we get them. reporting there from kiev.
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where police have used tear gas and water cannons to disperse tens of thousands in the streets even celebrating the founding of the turkish republic demonstrators were brutally stopped as a try to commemorate. the founder of the secular state which many think is under threat from a shift towards increasingly islamic policies the rally had been banned by the government and citizens still voice their anger of the country's current problems including that of the ongoing. syria tension. the most fearsome storm ever to head for america has forced president obama to warn that the danger is very serious hurricane sandy which has already claimed to sixty five lives in the caribbean is tearing towards the east coast new jersey looks likely to be the worst hit and has ordered mass evacuations thousands of flights have been grounded and the subway network has been shut down in new york the national guard is trying to
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prevent looting. scuffles between locals i mean activists broke out in south korea over the launching of propaganda and leaflets to his northern neighbor fifty thousand leaflets with pictures of more moammar gadhafi and saddam hussein were attached to large balloons and sent over the border despite last week's warning from north korea of a military strike on the launch site if it was detected a local said they fear if you're young could implement its threat to carry out that attack. of these ten people have become victims of a suicide attack at a catholic church in northern nigeria the blast also wounded more than one hundred when an explosives laden rammed the building during sunday mass at the spot fears of reprisal attacks that the town as witnessed clashes between christians and muslims in the past and no one claimed responsibility for the bombing the islamic sect boko haram was rumored to have had plans to attack. you. guys in
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business here with our tees maar in a quarter of a good to see you today it's a monday and apparently it's a bit of a flat line yes that's exactly what it is good seed to worry and the reason why we're seeing there's a flat line is because trading has been suspended at the new york stock exchange as well as the last night because of hurricane sandy as very reporting all day now and basically what this has done is they limited the amount of trade in that happens across the world not our bankers have been told to work from home and this will of course affect the work impact. of some sixty million people in and around new york and this is the first time that it has happened since the september eleventh attacks now when the workers. in manhattan to try to limit the damages that are expect and this is not just traders are staying clear with just days now before the presidential elections barack obama and mitt romney have been forced to cancel costly campaign events in the city as well but all of the reason why this has
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a major effect on the international market is because investors normally look to wall street in the performance overnight and now they have nothing to look forward to and this could last up and so once they saw the limits of trade in there the footsie and the senate over a half a percent if we move on and take a look at currencies we'll see that basically it's the last trade in the mall where you see the euro is just setting against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the russian currency it is losing to the currency basket this hour and now when it comes to russia the markets even though it's a sea of red as well with you know like gas from is the mom's better this is of course the country's energy major and that's because the company said it's interested in developing a shale oil projects in the country that if we do have a little bit of more time and talk about that struck in europe and of course in the main country that is helping the rest of germany but for the first time ever germany is having to look abroad for its a gold reserves and has the story for us. germany owns the world's second biggest
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gold reserves with a total of thirty four hundred tons worth billions of euros after the second world war the country's infrastructure wasn't up to him and was such a valuable hole of gold bars and then at the time of the cold war the fear was that it would be too risky to keep it right next to the hand of the are in current mood but today both arguments are equally outdated second world war is a distant memory while more than twenty years have already passed since the fall of the berlin wall and germany's gold is still where it's been all alone in recent tweet germany's own federal all jews admit is the gold's never been physically checked by didn't just bank the banks heed banks saying they can be no doubt in the security of foreign deposits sites but some experts here in germany see the country's become a victim of its good relations with the un as darry not to rock the boat and ask questions in case it shows a lack of trust and takes some of the golden shine off their friendship so no one
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here in germany can really be sure that the country responsible for bailing out its neighbors can bail out itself refreshing our t.v. from frankfurt in germany and that's how as a slow exercise our but stay with economics next r.t. talks of sociologist and political analysts jack goldstone and we'll hear his thoughts on how europe n.v.u. west of what they should do to return so much of financial growth that's coming up shortly here on r.t. . magine asset that the phone watches you every saying. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he followed me so most of. you know we realized there were.


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