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tv   [untitled]    October 29, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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as billions in corporate donations make the u.s. presidential campaign the most expensive ever some americans believe whoever they elect wall street will be the winner. russia's foreign minister hits out of international powers for refusing to negotiate with all sides in the syrian conflict saying talking to assad is the only way to stop the bloodshed. and not in my backyard plans to build a london mega mosque of protest is worried that the islamic group developing it is aiming to radicalize local muslims.
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international news in coming live from moscow this is r t with you twenty four hours a day hurricane sandy has caused chaos to the u.s. presidential election with rallies canceled and early voting disrupted but it's the economic storm over the last few years which is where in the electorate he's made a point looks a criticism thrown at the two major candidates over their links to the rich who are still holding the wealth of the nation. it's the most expensive political playoff in u.s. history a competition for the country's most powerful position one of the things i suspect governor romney and i probably agree on is let's come back to something the president i agree on no matter who wins the two thousand and twelve election. america's ninety nine percent movement will be left with a one percent president regardless of who we vote for wall street wins i mean that's really one of the main messages is that when we're we're casting about we see that we have these corporations give. so much money to candidates and they
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can't be objective when it comes to the interests of the vast majority. of voters loving industry that ignited america's economic crisis real estate collapse job hemorrhage and foreclosure epidemic. is also on track to break campaign donation records for the two thousand and twelve presidential election each election cycle each four years because significantly more they did four years ago so running for president united states is now a half a billion dollar undertaking you need half a billion dollars to credibly run for the president of united states and you're going to raise that from large corporations and wealthy individuals in the case of mitt romney wealth attracts wealth the republican candidate has a reported net worth of two hundred million dollars and according to the center for responsive politics the top eight financial contributors to romney's campaign are wall street banks with employees from goldman sachs bank of america and morgan stanley rounding out the top three. this is the by the moment our changes come to
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america. in two thousand and eight became the largest beneficiary of wall street backing in u.s. election history. receiving more than forty two million dollars from the finance insurance and real estate sectors it's hard to believe that smart rational guys and big companies with huge research departments and a real understanding of the society are going to give that much money and expect nothing in return so their donation is probably not a charity since becoming president obama's justice department hasn't prosecuted one person in connection to the two thousand and eight financial collapse on the other hand top executives from j.p. morgan chase citigroup and general electric were recruited to work in the white house what we have cemented into place is a system of legalized bribery public elected officials are an ass and corporate employees you know the flagrant sort of corruption the ability of. this small
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haitian corporate oligarchy to write the laws write the legislation create a two tiered system this alternately is going to implode according to a two thousand and twelve harris poll the majority of americans see wall street executives as dishonest and overpaid with an overwhelming amount of citizens in support of tougher regulation. and overhaul the occupy wall street movement began championing last year as millions of americans flooded the streets every. thousands facing brutal arrests. to protest wall street greed economic inequality and corporate influence over u.s. politics. as election day draws near occupy activists say both candidates have pander to their financial donors and successfully ignored the biggest american grassroots movement to be seen in decades we see little difference between the two
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parties they're both basically imperialist parties and i think that one thing that i can really do is expose how the democratic system as we have it right now is basically a sham the political system is so broken in so many ways that the reason that we continue to come out in the streets and raise you know ring the alarm bells around economic injustice and economic situation in our country is because you know people aren't doing their job millions of americans will soon be heading to the polls lacking support for either major candidate but voting against the one they like least however with wall street successfully cementing strong ties to both presidential runners some may wonder if the winner of this election has already been declared hurry up or ny our team here on. this talk more about this with a must and he's an independent journalist and contributor to news and analysis website truthout joining me from new york where we've seen a wave of protests against corporate influence big business is poor old money than
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ever before into the democrat republican campaign so has the occupy movement been completely ignored. well it's difficult to figure out the answer to that question because the production of an oligarchy through our you know the leavers of our last ounce of the democratic power in japan and united states is so baked into the cake i mean this is them essentially incapable of producing anti-capitalist alternatives to any of the trajectory of what's going on in the united states from education to health care to war to whatever else. you buy wall street is essentially making. an impossible case in that context of another world is possible searching for alternatives beyond the essence of capitalism and profit motive and there is no way for the democratic or republican parties to produce a candidate that can take up that line and that really is up to the. movement.
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perhaps gay momentum after the election because all through here in russia interesting enough the opposition did indeed again pace the election here. yeah well it's got to i mean the presidential election the united states really sucks all of the oxygen out of the room there is essentially no political work that can be done during an election i would say that the many different organizing projects the different. organizers and instrumental motivators and occupy have taken on in this period without you know media spotlight actually argue quite well for the future of the movement and there's a moment of political maturation happening among occupiers and i think that. you know occupy wall street was really useful in that it introduced everybody to each other and gave everyone a common vocabulary and a common conceptual framework for understanding the problems and that now people are organizing in solidarity with one another in a in a really promising way do you think do you think
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a political movement could actually come out of the occupy movement because the other question is do you think a third party could actually emerge one day to challenge the two party system which doesn't seem to be. present a lot of the interest the american people have at the moment i mean what one day it's conceivable not in the short term the simple money and numbers game is just too stacked in favor of the two big parties i will say that a political movement is sure to arise in fact has arisen but it's not an electoral political movement per se it's a movement of direct action alternative organizing community organizing it's really not not so related to the presidential election so what about those current polls at the moment no significant changes in either direction romney in a bomb or remain effectively tied is that indicative of the way that us society is at the moment split down the middle it's very split down the middle it's been the same story for like a decade and a half so you see a news media that's got to put out twenty four hours worth of information every day really struggling to come up with a new narrative for the thing but essentially the story of american politics is
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that it is completely incapable of reforming it is intransigent it is in the death grip of a system of corporate acquisition and education that it simply cannot get out of which is funny very surprising to you from new york moment bearing in mind what's happening with hurricane sandy and you saw it where you are at the moment are you at risk you are clearly staying there were many people that you left new york just briefly. i'm in a pretty good place i'm on reasonably high ground but the planet really isn't and i'm taking this as a sign that god is furious with the candidates for never once bringing out climate change in any of. us and we wish you luck anyway with the impending hurrican thank you very much indeed an independent journalist and contributor to news an analyst website truthout dot org thank you for just to remind you our coverage of the u.s. presidential campaign will continue on the air and online all the way up to the vote stay with our team as we explore some of the most overlooked and outright ignored aspects of the race. what lies ahead for
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our q will the movement mobilize calls for a new america who stands for the ninety nine percent u.s. election a close guide monday october twenty ninth on r.t. . russia's foreign minister says international powers should put more pressure on the warring sides in syria after the latest truce was wrecked after meeting the international envoy to syria in moscow to. urge western states and regional players to engage with president the sad part is you got a question of who's been following the talks in the russian capital. even though it was supposed to last just four days the ceasefire in syria didn't work and now the question on everybody's lips is what happens next and both russia's foreign minister lavrov and special envoy brahimi are placing their bets on this is even communique which was signed by wall power. both sides of the conflict in syria to simultaneously put their weapons down and also for equal pressure to be applied on both of them from the outside but according to russia's foreign minister far from
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all countries which signed this agreement back in geneva are playing by the rules that i see in the in the lead so you'd use to russia is probably the only country along those that took part in the geneva talks on the thirtieth of june which negotiates regularly with all sides in the syrian conflict syrian government and all opposition groups with no exceptions if we expect our western partners and partners in the region to do the same they should get used to the idea that without dialogue with the syrian government virtually nothing can be achieved and this is currently a major problem in moving towards a political process in syria internal special envoy brahimi said he saw you that the cease fire plan didn't work it was negotiated to take place during the course of the feast of sacrifice was supposed to end today but was in fact broken right on the first day with a deadly blast in damascus then violence continued in different parts of the country throughout the weekend and was told by another deadly explosion in damascus on monday and russia's foreign minister says that with these provocations taking
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place the syrian government is also making disproportionate responses so mr brahimi is facing a very tough task finding some sort of a diplomatic solution and more importantly making it work he himself says that your level of distrust between the two sides of the coptic in syria is so high right now it won't even when they begin discussing some sort of obligations each one expects automatically the other one to break its promises. there be more cases of violence in syria on the last day of the ceasefire another car bomb has ripped through southern damascus while government warplanes are reported to be carrying out a heavy bombardment of the capital suburbs well earlier i spoke to dr mohammad from the media blog the syria tribune and he believes western powers shouldn't ignore president sad when talking about peace in the country. first of all present as of the present a lot of syrians and he's obviously up over from first and he enjoys
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a lot of support from the people most importantly from the new which is an important player in the struggle of all players should not dictate the outcome of the struggle before even the negotiations start and so it only makes sense that he should talk to people on the ground. one of the most important ones as president. about the issue of the extremist groups now playing a role in what's happening in syria the international envoy locked up and he acknowledged today that there are all extremist groups there and seemingly not controlled by anybody ease peace in syria told achievable when you've got a situation like that we need to look at this in the light of who is sending money and weapons to the extremist groups. manages to close the borders most importantly and if the countries that are the money and say look at these two extremes to groups that we can seek peace in syria the extremists for love hungry people sending them money and weapons then we should expect peace to be far far.
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still ahead here in r.t. there's more pain ahead for hard up greece now than struggles to pass reforms it needs to get another cash injection its creditors are planning to request even more sacrifices. plus the streets are empty as ghost town new york braces for the full force of hurricane sandy and other international news after a short break. horses and bayonets big bird these are the words of internet legend from the two thousand and twelve presidential debates when a candidate says something to so much fun to make silly pictures like these on the internet hole he. he but the problem is that the person who wins the bait is the one who makes the best argument not he who doesn't make
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a verbal slip ups people react to these debates like schoolgirls picking prom queen or rummy talked about big bird who howard dean screamed yeah gaffes don't matter that much it matters if the idea is the candidates present are effective or not but more importantly it matters if they will actually do them if a future candidate proposed a brilliant economic plan that could save america but instead of saying pennies let the word penis slip our gossip celebrity culture would make him lose the election for sure as a potence army of photoshop or have hundreds of copper fellas is drawn all over the internet by the next day a schoolgirl attitude towards politics won't do anything except make fun internet memes but that's just my opinion.
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please speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic in school here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the p.r.p. interviews intriguing story are you. trying. to find out more visit our big. he continues here and no thanks that's the reaction of residents in east london to europe's largest mosque being planned for that backyard next to the olympic site
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and found out it's not only the sheer size but the islamic group developing it that they're worried about. four times bigger than some paul's cathedral a mega mosque that will fit ten thousand people and it could be coming to london's east end if it gets the go ahead is built the river in center will be the same size as london's looming but as a power station it would also be the biggest place of worship in the u.k. of any religion but critics have slammed the proposal saying that it would create a muslim just so in the course of half or so working to bring the largest mosque the u.k. has ever seen into reality revered architects planning consultants and glitzy p.r. teams all paid for by the organization behind the idea to bleach a match a group that's causing significant concern this is a return beat him out of all the islamic groups has created ghettos over in toronto
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you know and kind of right there around the world is a huge group and wherever they go they create barriers they create hostility they create division they create separatism with its unassuming name the riverine centers website claims there's a demand for a new muslim place of worship in culturally diverse east london not that they're happy to talk about it it's representatives refused to speak to us when we approach the prepares site home to their current mosque it does not want to integrate the grounds on which search trying to set up here in britain and a big way are anti british they are anti western but actually they're also anti worldly they're of the world but this is not just going to be a mosque this is going to be a center of training in which to reach out to islam is muslims to harden up and maybe evil lies in islam of ordinary muslims in this country and i
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mean so many muslims don't want that the problem here is stopped. muslims themselves are opposing this mosque not on the grounds that they don't want to worship god but on the grounds that women aren't allowed the local population of muslim population has no i'm a say in how the mosque itself is governed or the local authority would say to us as you can feel you have received a planning application as this is currently being which it would be inappropriate to comment here at this stage the matter is if this went ahead if you like a tipping point. there be no stopping fundamentalist islam if this one goes up that happens we all need to leave the country the last one out please turn the lights off while the council ponders campaign is here religion's say they hope the decision makers choose carefully just today let's set up shop in the british capital. r t east london. remember you can always go to
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dot com for more stories pictures and analysis as well as catch up on anything you've missed on air here's a taste of what's lined up for you there at the moment the winners smash it all the fans of one u.s. baseball team turned san francisco upside down after that teams that i'm last ditch victory had to r.t. dot com for details on that. and a gold mistry a russian cargo ship vanishes at sea while carrying seven hundred tons of precious all other vessels and aircraft to searching the waters have so far no signs of wreckage for the missing crew. greece will have to introduce another one hundred fifty economic reforms to please its international creditors that's according to a leaked report from its lenders greece has been locked in talks with the troika for weeks over the crucial austerity package you would need to introduce to be saved from bankruptcy by mid november you had van overtveldt editor in chief of
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trans business magazine says there's no chance athens can keep its sovereignty and get the money it needs. it's one of two things you either have to accept the fact that you lose sovereignty. or you will have major problems in terms of the continuity of this monetary union so if you need money if you're in difficult the like greece is it's in a vital move that those who lend you the money starts interfering with your policies so it may sound a little brutal or maybe a little bit undemocratic but that's the way things work if you really are in need of that much money for that long period of time it's in a vital that you give up some of your serenity and as a matter of fact to make this monetary union work in the structure of and durable way every state involved in this new in this monitoring you will have to accept this principle. the greek government has been accused of failing to go
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after tax dodgers a journalist who published a list of the country's political and business elite who have swiss bank accounts now faces trial after being arrested it was hopeless says the list matches the data given to the greek authorities two years ago who by then french finance minister christine legarde however no names have been investigated as creek officials say the information was obtained illegally legal experts george gardner suspect him alone he says the list could have been used to track down tax evaders. maybe could not use it up the court exactly because it was not legal. but vick would start investigating these names if they can neglect that so i think it's just an early by we're the only who's in the appendix it's now that the dogs are loose that is published in this material he's thinking of going after these suspected criminals of the activities or they're good enough that the lowest it would be
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a great deal of difference isn't going to be the sentiment of the injustice that the now i wanted to see this in this field. would be some subset of these people better than the other we are facing now so maybe the use to be used would not that was all powerful i know it's a problem but it could be a food stamp but the number who go to the us this is a good political. now let's check out what else is happening around the world before we join the arena with the business news vote counting is under way off the ukrainian parliament elections with over sixty five percent of the ballots counted the ruling party leads but opposition parties have walked vote in total could pose problems for president viktor yushchenko which your position promises to impeach him for constitutional violations if they get enough influence in parliament elections were criticized by european observers who said they lacked transparency or balanced media coverage. the prism superstorm sandy is now hurtling
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towards the u.s. east coast at one hundred fifty kilometers an hour battery in new jersey with seventy to wait he predicted part of the hurricane is also said to include twenty six nuclear plants in new york thousands of flights have been canceled and the subway network was shut down for mass evacuations and of course for all the latest developments on this on our website as well as on twitter. just some program information for our viewers there in the u.s. the usual output from r.t. america has been suspended due to this storm we viewers there will get the main international version of the channel now let's find out more about the effects of hurricane sandy on the business world marina no u.s. markets today that's exactly right and that's because trading has been suspended as a safety precaution of course and we're talking about the likes of nasdaq as well as the new york stock exchange or just to give you some more information about that we're not that this will affect the working pattern of some
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a sixty million people in and around new york and this is for the first time since the september eleventh terrorist attacks that trading has been canceled workers sandbags in manhattan to try and limit the damages that are expected and it's not just traders that are staying clear with just days now before the presidential elections but iraq obama and mitt romney have been forced to cancel costly campaign events in the city and this has had a major effect on the worldwide mark. because i normally expect to see what happens on wall street overnight to see how to react if we take a look at the european markets to begin with to see that it's a pretty much of four on two negative picture of both the footsie and the diet slows european insurance companies loss the most and that's because of the cost that's expected to be quiet high in the damages of hurricane sandy moving on quickly take a look at the currencies when it comes to the euro is when we can against the u.s. offer a couple of hours now when it comes to the russian ruble last week and i guess the
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currency basket this monday a quick look at the russian markets they have closed here now as well and basically they were tracking losses overseas of having said that we do know that gas from shares of particularly well and that's after the company and now is that it will be developing shale oil projects in the country and also we know that after the markets were already closed the energy major said that a honda for the production of liquefied natural gas will be built in the full stop russia for east by two thousand and eighteen more details on that next hour but this is how business looks for now up next do stay with us as we have a special report in a couple of minutes and it's about how a catholic priest was demonized last night enough to a u.s. own multinational corporation that's coming up. looters that takes your breath away
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a few tourists travel to these paul it's no prepackaged confort but the joy of the wild these guaranteed is gagne's a zoology professor works in the u.s. and travels to these remote areas in russia every summer as he says he confines untouched landscapes like this anywhere else in the world we're going off the list below sea lion if i go wrong. and surprise you you'll go straight to the water and so we did. one animal whose par you definitely wouldn't want to shake here is the brown bear and you can literally spot agrees the here by every small river. where the bears are fishing but they have a very concise well to be able to see that we have to keep an eye away down at him and the distance between them and also told i could be dangerous for we're going to just a shell but be free. and quiet we went but the wind was not on
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our side and the bear got away another local resident who hates his piece being disturbed here is this callous sea eagle it has a wingspan of two and a half meters it ness only here in washes far east because of the bundles of salmon and seagulls which feed the giant bird in his studies if gainey focuses on birds so he took me to one of his favorite places here the island it has the biggest colony of seagulls in the region. the climb back up was tough but the prize was worth it. maybe for the wildlife here the lack of physical years is for the better but when you stand on top of phenomena like this you just cantelupe wanting to share the beauty of the.
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bulls fifteen goats to kells. forty kilograms of rice one thousand flatbreads. a live. but why is the bride in a bad mood. to tell the groom it's not just the longer. it is a done deal. with .


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