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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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tonight a nuclear power plants put on alert in the u.s. because of deadly superstorm sandy the weather's also put election campaigning on hold with fears it could cost vital votes we've got the latest coming right up for you also bahrain bans all gatherings intensifying crackdowns on anti-government protests as clashes with police rise. and britain set for a clash over cash in funding the e.u. while struggling members italy and spain insist they don't need and.
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every good evening it's eight pm here in moscow right now my name's kevin know it coming here live from h.q. in our top story a nuclear power plant in new jersey has been put on alert as waters around the facility of swelled as a result of superstorm stan superstorm sandy now that plants one hundred kilometers south of new york it was shut down for refueling last week but now less radioactive material is still out the site therefore it could potentially prove dangerous let's talk to professor crystal crosby's from the committee on radiation risks try and gauge exactly what any potential dangers might be you know what danger is that the inside professor as you see it. well i think it's quite a an unlikely but in my opinion quite unlikely that anything will happen it's not like the tsunami is not some huge toys away from the us and the possibility the problem would be that the cooling system become flooded the electrical systems that back up the cooling system so there wouldn't be any cooling and of course you know
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like in these situations when you could cross oceans even though there might be a very remote risk of something happening when it does happen it's pretty catastrophic and of course important because it brings to mind fukushima this place this very same thing i mean are there any better protection measures in place to stop something happening here that happened in fukushima or not. well the problem is that with that with all nuclear power stations you can never make them absolutely perfectly safe you can make them a safe as you as you can get but you can't you can't look impossible for these situations to occur and when they do occur especially in this one which is sixty five miles south of new york city very very high population density it would be pretty catastrophic. to creaks america's oldest nuclear plant doesn't it was built i gather two years before fukushima could age be a factor any potential danger or course of course i mean the older the nuclear power station the less. the less good the integrity of the various control
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systems and the and the actual components of the control systems too of course without much older the more corroded they can be brittle as a result of new drawing of this. so yes of course that certainly is a factor and in fact and you create like all of those both those near new york city were built against the express wishes of the people who live there were pushed through by some kind of photo work which which overcame the opposition of people who live. in my what you just said it's not great news for people in new york new york state is they tend to sleep peacefully tonight officials say there are currently no protective actions taking place outside the nuclear facility they say because there's no evidence that radiation ok but it should precautions be taken anyway i think it's more likely that there's nothing much they can do so so it's no point in scaring people and trying to run around and do so there isn't much they can do all they have to do the system keep their fingers crossed and hope that the
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floodwaters don't go so hard that they actually flood the control systems on the electricity which are actually dollar does religion problem so it's not really like the consumer in the sense of the huge amounts of energy that were unleashed there but it could be just kind of a slow flooding affair which would require because it's not just really briefly what is the worst case scenario there than if they still. happen would it go up potentially like like fukushima or the fact that it's already closed down anyway mitigate any about any bad things that happened there where you could. cause. the. screen because it has to be cuckoo so if you go and it gets very very close and done so yes of course you can still have some storms that are probably. cross of course we will certainly come to that thank you for your thoughts anyway and give us a briefing professor christopher busby from the european committee of radiation risk species but. the case has also hit the race for the white house with both
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bomber and his republican challenger mitt romney suspending their election campaigns the storm could hit obama's chances and it might make voting in the traditionally democrat state of new york difficult u.s. political activist tom hayden says sandy could fumin the electoral crisis it's destroying the legitimacy of the election potentially on the east coast early voting is being wiped out in these cities and states the voting of the elderly on election day the voting of the poor on election day the voting of new yorkers on election day is likely to be diminished through no fault of their own and that will affect the outcome of the election but at the same time it's extremely possible to manipulate the computers so if it's a close election it will be protested and contested as illegitimate for days and days and into the future just as the election between gore and bush. was
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seen by most americans as stolen that could happen again so we are in for a an electoral crisis i think of a very very profound nature. we invite you to keep up to date with live update so on superstorm sandy. coverage of the presidential race can stand election day two as we take on what the other channels ignore you can watch the final run of debates between the third party candidates right here on our team next monday. governor romney or are we both agree we agree we have to bring the tax rates down i felt the same as the president did governor romney i'm glad. you agree let's come back to something the president i agree on and the tube you agree that the voters have a choice perhaps you wonder in her vote for one romney and obama agree on so many things remember you do have other options come november sixth tune in to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates right here on our
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t.v. . but radio thora he's a band all mass public gatherings as clashes escalate between police and protesters the government says the activists are abusing their right to freedom of speech and threaten national unity campaign is the been calling for more rights jobs and better education for nearly two years now said yusuf from the bahrain center for human rights says the continuing crackdown won't stop the rest. it is illegal and it is unconstitutional they cannot just got to be put in front of this thing how are you going to be i think to the government piece going to charity they are just justifying it and then we have to bring in more and don't monitor know and we are just hoping that by getting you know they were doing their good they did do and they're good and they are good really does a really good game for freedom and democracy and dignity and what they did they just set out the whole area and it was more almost one week and then
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a seed and they were surrounded and they just at their own will put this so well with what they're doing there they are surrounded most of the shiite villages so they can go to protest so i think this is a good mix of the settlers although they're going to attack on a daily basis the raid in the house collective punishment should take to get us inside the house they just want to suggest as and even the government is using them to measure its silent to suppress all the civil rights to the body of the people but it would not want people witnessed in jail in uganda i mean even last year in the martial law we were we were protesting now way after one year and a half the government killed more than half of the distance so people in bahrain does not have anything to do with their we continue they're still going to peacefully. the e.u. budget battles being waged in the united kingdom shortly tonight we look at the pressures facing the british prime minister from all sides but across the channel struggling eurozone nations insist they don't need help plus when the west both
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says rebels in the arab world why it's more likely to leave a trail of destruction the blaze a trail for democracy. just. horses and bayonets big bird these are the words of internet legend from the two thousand and twelve presidential debates when a candidate says something dumb or odd to so much fun to make silly pictures like these on the internet ha ha ho ho hee hee but the problem is that the person who wins in the bait is the one who makes the best argument not he who doesn't make a verbal slip ups people react to these debates like schoolgirls picking prom queen or rummy talked about big bird who howard dean scream. gaffes don't matter that
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much it matters if the ideas the candidates present are effective or not but more importantly it matters if they will actually do them if a future can't they proposed a brilliant economic plan that could save america but instead of saying pennies let the word penis slip our gossip celebrity culture would make him lose the election for sure his opponents army of photoshop are sort of hundreds of copper fellas is drawn all over the internet by the next day a schoolgirl attitude towards politics won't do anything except make fun internet memes but that's just my opinion. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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soon which brightened a few. songs from feinstein question. who's going to start on t.v. dot com. this is arctic battle over funding for the a huge brewing in the u.k. parliament conservative by benches a leading rebellion calling for the cash flow to be cut while prime minister david cameron meantime faces pressure from brussels to increase the case contribution in
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line with inflation of the sort of first explain it. prime minister david cameron certainly going to be feeling the pressure this is a rebel motion this been tabled by the tory backbenches and it's going to be in the commons tomorrow and it's certainly as he said going to put david cameron under pressure they're calling for a real turn cuts to the budget between twenty fourteen and twenty twenty now the edith wanted spending to rise by about five percent downing street has said the prime minister supports the rise in line with inflation about two percent but as you can see a real difference is sentiment amongst his own policy now he's going to be meeting with the european leaders in brussels in a couple of weeks time negotiations are going to start we've seen labor jumping on the back of this as well it is the conservative motion if they will it won't be binding on the prime minister but it would certainly put him under a lot of stress whilst those negotiations are going on in brussels it could also
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maybe see he used his veto. with the european leaders and you know germany in particular has been trying to sort of fresh out this compromise this i think going to be putting him under a lot of pressure will an interesting time for britain when it comes to the question of the membership might say no the point in the history of on them is it has britain's place in the so on this question this sleeping arises and c.e. feeling or thirty most is a very much affecting people we spoke recently to the former conservative chancellor who also he was telling us that there really has been a very significant rise in n.c. and with good reason for the public. that there are whole lot of pretty restrictions which come to us from europe or european law which we can't change which you have to go along with even though we are so huge degree with them because see who the single currency is and mr your european economy is based. doing
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before. it is not particularly inspirational but there's a big question where are the year at this thing millions going you know all this money going to all these projects and still you know people are facing very very severe austerity measures what people are going to be looking for ahead of david cameron going to these negotiations. and certainly with this rift that we think it is part of a wider rift in the government people want to see leadership here from david cameron and they don't want it to come from brussels they want it to come from their prime minister and be talking in their national interest no in europe thing to us so first of london well money matters are also dividing struggling european nations meantime despite market fears spread a little denying claims they'll be seeking aid anytime soon leads to both countries repaints to stress that requesting a bailout is not in the interest of the people who've been vocal in their anger over punishing budget cuts but investment advisor patrick young says it's a pledge that might not be able to keep we've got the italian and spanish leaders
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who obviously don't read their own newspapers i mean just to give an example last week the spanish said they would launch an eighteen billion euro from to be like the regions by today can top three of the ninth region had their little share of the pile and they've already therefore got commitments for seventeen point six billion the amounts only nine regions of space and there are lots of other regions that are bankrupt to go certainly spin desperately need to be enlarged italy will be lucky to escape with mr rudd holywell good on history is the man who ultimately sign your route through an unbelievable pig headed obstinacy when he simply refused to appreciate the fact that he'd let his country slip backwards and alternately the spanish economy at the moment is going towards where it was about nine hundred seventy two when franco was still alive and well. because of the belgium say they're gearing up for a campaign to establish an islamic state there the newly formed islam party plans to run in the country's general election and vote for the european parliament in twenty fourteen that's after two of their counters one seeds and regional polls
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earlier this month the developments left some euro in peace seriously concerned we see people from within islamic background forming their own political parties now and demanding the introduction of sharia law in an islamic state in belgium we've always predicted this but up till now muslim people mainly supported the socialist parties and other leftist parties but now they feel apparently confident enough to make their own party and it's only natural thing that many people are worried if they see elected people in brussels now but it will undoubtedly come in other local places as well when these people you know openly call for the settling of an islamic state you know we are in western europe and many people don't feel at home in a city such people are winning elections and you could say ok it's only one seat in
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two different communes and brussels but i'm sure this is only the start of something that will only gain in importance. banking malpractise excessive risk taking a bonuses paid out for taxpayer bailouts no wonder the people's patience with the banks has run out but not if not rather the global financial giants the question is where do you interest casualties nor smith meets one british man thinks he's got the answer. hello thank you. for long ok thank you dave fyshwick is a cheeky northern charmer he made his fortune selling minibuses in his hometown as burnley but instead of fancy holidays and expensive cars when the credit crisis hit dave wanted to give something back so he decided to open a bank late two thousand and eight early two thousand and nine my mini. me to get funded for. fifteen years but overnight that just stopped the banks just stopped
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lending to the to the customers and i'm thinking have it done something wrong have they made a mistake of that up at the gas. you know it's not the people that are the problem it's the banks the problem so i thought well i'll end of the. bank on dave he says although thanks to extensive red tape he's not actually allowed to call himself a bank and he's keen to differentiate himself from banks in other ways too he offers five percent on savings and he lends that money out to his local community and no bonuses and the profits go to charity. if there just isn't a day in every town more's the pity so his isn't a model which could be rolled out nationwide in its current form but financial experts say lessons can be learnt for a healthier banking system one point is clear and this is a point that the bank makes in
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a way is that banking has just moved too far away from its roots and its basic need to understand to saving with. mad rush where highly leveraged change over the last ten. days ultimate goal is to bring banking back to its roots no more faceless conglomerates where computers and mavericks make the decisions and the one percent. pockets unimaginable bonuses instead local banks the local people run by the community to benefit the community it's not a new idea in fact it's how banking used to be for the mega bucks and mega banks stepped in and dave starting to get some political support you have to take save us money and invest it in real productive activity and to take responsibility for doing it which is not the way that banking currently works in his comical kind of
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crazy way showing the way to a better banking system which is responsible. in touch with entrepreneurship which actually could be the basis for going forward there's certainly got to be some way forward as wave after wave of scandal hits the financial sector banking on dave and others like him looks more and more attractive one of the sayings i use a lot people who rob banks go to prison banks who rob people get paid bonuses that has to stop laura smith r.t. birmingham. plans for a london venue with a ten thousand strong past people were not told the theater it's a mosque would be four times the size of paul's cathedral with locals including muslims fearing it's designed to be a hotbed of extremism we're reporting about online tonight also a lot of major withdrawal of our swiss banking giant u.b.s. exacting thousands of jobs as it pulls out of the risky investments of the city explode. with renewed fighting syria's failed temporary truce shows it's
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a country that's far from solving this crisis will keep its neighbors on the edge but to see what happens after western driven regime change you look no further than libya where fear and violence still stalk the streets a year after what was supposed to be its democratic liberation as poss reports now syria could be next. things have gone from bad to worse in a region powered by the hope of change not so long in libya one year after the revolution i guess. shells and artillery reportedly being used against peaceful civilians lebanon is on the brink of civil war and syria is a way to find someone to do it for there is a process of another reformatting of the geo political map of the middle east when various players try to secure their own geo political positions we consider this counterproductive such measures imposed from outside can never gave a stable long term result. countries in ruins tens of thousands killed and
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hundreds of thousands maybe a few g.'s but western nations it seems are still nuff way to stop we are going to do everything we can to make sure that we are helping the opposition and to further pressure and isolate the regime seeing syria remove assad is a very high priority for us and it's not me a lip service washington and its european allies are assisting the rebels to get rid of assad going i'm sure of one thing the syrian regime will never find its place among the community of nations it has no future among us that is why france will recognize a provisional government representing the new free syria once it's been formed for me but if assad goes it's almost guaranteed that the carnage will continue. bhatia assad protects minorities including the christians that have lived in syria for hundreds of years even the strictest estimates of the situation received from a west european partners says that at least one third of the population still back
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assad regarding him as a person destined not to let syria turn into a country impossible for minorities to live in. and no more than ever syria's instability threatens the security of neighboring lebanon where here too the u.s. has made it supports a new government it was a false hope that the neighbor means intelligence officer was killed that murder come to widespread condemnation and of course for the international community to stay out of domestic affairs. a message the international community would do well to heed a phony to prevent of egypt from forming into through the chaos today we're seeing the a western and g.c.c. led counter revolution while at the same time on one hand the west is is proclaiming some kind of backing of people you know rights to self-determination through this arab spring and actually what they're doing is
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unwinding it for them in countries like bahrain in yemen in countries like libya and in syria where the west has actively sought to foment rebellion and force regime change a reality far from the minds of those who once championed the arab spring and what it could bring. me tom syria's neighbor turkey which is why the president's strongest critics has been cracking down on kurdish protesters he's the scenes in the southeastern city of here where police are using water cannons tear gas to disperse the crowds who are trying to march towards a prison where hundreds of courage on hunger strike invites they're demanding increased rights and improved jail conditions for the kurdish rebel leader who's a columnist on an island near stumbles but if you promise to says he won't bow to what he called prisoner blackmail. to nato soldiers have been shot dead by a man wearing a local police uniform in afghanistan's helmand province both victims are believed to be british nationals the so-called green on blue attacks are classified as not
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to tara by the local government have claimed the lives of fifty six nato soldiers this year and demanding the trust between local and coalition forces. to say nice business update live from moscow next door after this break. a sacred place rising out of the waters of the lake the lawn ministry is home to one hundred fifty orthodox monks mostly younger than thirty five and they've come from many different places and backgrounds to live in isolation here spiritual life it takes up many hours on the road to becoming a monk requires both hard work and religious tele cation. salem's to become and herds cattle as part of this preparation. however these beasts get
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a musical accompaniment. they can remember sound sequences you know they react to the sound signals the flutes the herders had in the old days they needed them it wasn't just a fun thing but these matters didn't come naturally requiring decades of composting to bring the soil up to farming standard this island is mostly rock. the soil here is very thin on the monks can't just get more of it because they're surrounded by the lake so they have to work very hard in order to provide whatever food they need. they grow their own crops found their own fish and repair their own churches. but the central purpose of the land has always been religious the main ministry surrounded by smaller priories spread through the many archipelago the monks here know their existence is a little different from that of of them on the streets here we are told to worry and we do have. some times tourists as
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we're. away. from clearly to use use hardly. disturb. it is that combination of high religion and down to earth hard work that motivates these men. hello and welcome to the business update on out see with me to meet him at that encode now first up today we talk about gas promise setting its sights on the east and actually doing so in a very expensive way to major will spend around thirty eight billion dollars to build a pipeline in the country's far east a third of that money will be spent on developing
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a gas field in the sahara public where the link will take its start thirty two hundred kilometer pipeline is expected to be ready in five years castro also plans to set up a liquefied natural gas production plant in the region by twenty eight c. company says the far east pasties will allow it to set up gas supplies to the asia pacific equal to the current european ones are. and bigger. but investors were not very much impressed with these numbers that the sums of money the gas from those willing to spend now all together this session was quite negative with my six down point seven percent this is as. well prices are still at around eighty five dollars per barrel not good for russia's budget and also investors are trying to play safe ahead of a long weekend ahead of the elections crucial lections in the united states of basically choosing rather to sell them to buy but speaking of gas probably it was down more than two percent of the close among the main movers on the my six it was one of the biggest losing stocks the bucking the trend up more than one percent of
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the close it's negotiating with the t. and k b p that is buying out all sorts of purchases its assets in venezuela from the national petroleum corporation and over in europe we are seeing a positive assertion at the close call close to the close with the on the dax up around one percent united states markets are of course closed because of superstorm sandy still wreaking havoc there and that's why on the currencies market we are seeing the ball drop to the euro dropping around seventy seventy points exactly seven points because the damages are still to be estimated well the russian ruble managed to strengthen currently from interventions in central bank russia's last the privatization process of its biggest seaport the n.s.c. p these state has started talks with possible investors intending to sell the whole twenty percent of its. stake is currently estimates of the three hundred fifty million dollars expected to be offered.


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