tv [untitled] October 31, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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no news is bad news in greece media workers walk out using the government of targeting journalists who are trying to bring the powerful to account. brock obama and mitt romney refit their campaign buses to be disaster relief but are accused of jumping on the superstorm bandwagon for their election again. and her majesty's secret service is accused of covert tactics of racial profiling and taking british citizens off the radar for the war on terror.
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thank you for joining us on t.v. this wednesday with me karen tyrol chain well great journalists have walked out on their jobs angry at what they see as government censorship and changes to labor laws as follows the suspension of two t.v. presenters after they criticize the interior minister on air and denounced police for beating up activists detained during protests r.t. contributor. rather iran. sorry says it's not the only thing straining relations between the government and the media. billions that tension between their relationship with government and the journalists let couple days ago we saw that mr vaxevanis who is both people are journalist the investigative journalist in greece was arrested because he was keep out least the. guards released their way to cold with more than two thousand. people who
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have money in debt was it's a nice response this least it is sad that it was event to this then not finance mean is there a mr up on sunday no but he never gave it gave it to the government to the responsible to their sponsible people to investigate what's going on so mr brooks about his funk that police and decided to bubble seats and he was arrested for that reason so government was blamed for a sensor see because it is not supposed to both soon have information for example and not been published many journalists even man simple people say that mr buckles not been looted then finance ministers to be are wasted and not this journalist who revealed the truth. sociologist by this sort through this protest action could help free up reporting in greece which is tightening its grip on the media. it's
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a very welcome sign there is today's strike by journalists. because if you combine government attacks and the fact that most major media outlets in greece are run by big corporations you have a problem it will concerns information in greece and i think also think that is that it is a necessary reaction and resistance let me lottery darian down from that part of the government kept telling us to rest is one of the worse things to have in a country especially in a country where what we most need is male it's knowledge information and an open debate on identities if you don't have an open debate on those tentative to the current crisis then you simply have to follow whatever policies are being dictated was bad the so-called troika homeless without power or transport and i coastal disaster zone millions in the northeastern u.s. are now counting the cost of the deadly storm even barack obama and mitt romney
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swapped campaigning to pitch in with their relief efforts officially the electioneering is suspended but as lucy confidant reports that's not how it looked to some. this was the october surprise. hurricane sandy crashing on shore i've never seen anything like this i'm at a loss for words to describe what the storm could do but there is no loss for words on the campaign trail and on the eastern coast of our nation a lot of people are enduring some very difficult times the storm that wreaked havoc on america's east coast is wreaking confusion in the last critical days of a tight race for president so how do you run for office about seeming insensitive to a national tragedy the candidates are certainly doing all they can to look like they are trying to score political points but their actions tell a different story president barack obama canceled his election rallies and returned to washington to focus on the storm the election will take care of itself next week
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leaving vice president biden to campaign on his behalf. one of the perks of running for president while occupying the white house is being able to make high profile visits like this one america's whether we are standing behind you and we're going to do everything we can to help you get back on your feet it means coming across as a president on the job which certainly helps when it's a job you're reapplying for the president been in close contact with fema. and all the agencies of course obama is the president with his advisors say means he needs to focus on the crisis at hand in terms of how it affects the election i don't think anybody really knows obviously we want unfettered access to the polls but it's a choice that doesn't sit well with some political opponents you'll notice he's canceling his trips over the hurricane he did not cancel his trips over benghazi. and then those republican presidential contender mitt romney so far he stopped sending fund
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raising e-mail isn't affected states he used his campaign bus for relief efforts and put up a blog with weather related advice he's also scrap. schedule campaign events only it seems there are some fine print involved this may look like romney is campaigning in ohio a key swing state but his advisors say that's not the case the so-called victory rally was canceled out of sensitivity. instead of the campaign insists this is a hurricane relief a vent canned goods came hand in hand with anti obama t. shirts there was music and theme songs and those attending the supposedly nonpartisan event were treated to a video about romney getting america stronger that's what american presidents to do . asked by a reporter whether this blurred the line between storm relief and politics romney's top strategist replied i agree i don't know how it happened people over politics or politics over people it certainly difficult to tell now we may be impossible to
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completely stop campaigning in the middle of a closely contested race but then why make the pretense of doing so it seems that both candidates could use a little bit of this age old advice say what you mean mean what you say and do what you say you'll do lucy caffe an elf r t moscow go to r.t. dot com for the latest updates on what's happening in the areas affected by superstorm sandy as well as the election and next monday on the eve of that crucial vote we'll bring you another live debate between the alternative third party candidate choices for the white house. we both agree we agree we had to bring the tax rates down i felt the same as the president did. you agree let's go back to something the president i agree on and there to you agree that the voters have a choice perhaps that's what you wonder who to vote for what romney and obama agree on so many things remember you do have other options come november sixth tune in to
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see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates right here on our team. for years british intelligence has been working to safeguard national sick. here against threats such as terrorism and espionage but the secretive nature of their work sometimes gives rise to suspicion of extreme tactics targeting innocent people boy reports now on one claim that intelligence agents have resorted to persecute rather than protect. somali born mahdi hashi had grown up in the u.k. from the age of five he was a british citizen until this summer when the twenty three year old went missing and his family found out that the home office had stripped him of his passport for allegedly being involved in islamic extremism his parents are distraught they say that maddie is an innocent victim of a british intelligence plot because he refused to work for m i five all i can see is that the he's a muslim and believes and he's a practicing muslim but being
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a muslim is not being an islamist. that's what that's all why he's being victimized this is the quiet north london community center where mehdi hashi what's back in two thousand and nine it was then that he and four of his muslim colleagues say that they were approached and harassed separately by security agents it's kind that m i five threatened to label them islamic extremists if they refused to become informants for british intelligence campaigners raising awareness for maddie's plight said that the constant threats made by british intelligence made life so unbearable that he left the u.k. they were trying to offer him a job saying that you know effectively you're an extremist we know you're the only way out of this is for you to come and work for us to come and help us these will become tactics that were being used because it's all somali origin
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this is a purely racist profiling policy of the british government and particular security agencies marty had been living in somalia for the past two years taking care of his grandmother and raising a son of his own but several months ago he disappeared leaving his family in despair my thought is missing this summer this summer but i don't know if you know if you lived or died here that i don't know. we are very wooded although. the only information the hashi family have now comes from a man who contacted them to say that he'd been in prison with maddie in djibouti and he told us that he had. d.n.a. has been taken from him and then. contacted. found out that his approach is in the conduct of the british consul and the british consul see that we have moved or this position probably and in the americans took him to. somewhere we don't know
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they don't know but they fear he's being held at a camp in djibouti and a tourist us anti terrorist base where he may be the victim of an american rendition program in which suspects are unlawfully taken to third party states to be illegally detained and tortured the hashi family want on says to simple questions like what the allegations are against marty where he is located and whether he's even alive but when it comes to matters of intelligence they're faced with a wall of silence lawyers acting on behalf of the hashi family have received just this response from the government. it has been the policy of successive governments another to confirm i do not speak nation allegations in respect of intelligence matters this policy is maintained and to kuwait the secretary of state can either confirm or deny the allegations made on behalf of you client these cases
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a classic case where profiling and you know kind of almost ludicrous policies with . this war on terror result in an innocent individual helpless young man afraid to be having their life ruined campaigners say that by stripping maddie hashi of his passport the british government has effectively washed their hands of his case leaving his family to continue the search for answers about their now stateless son polly boyko r t london. israel backtrack on its claims that iran is close to developing a nuclear bomb but the apparent softening of tel aviv's hard stance may only be down to political rival rivalry among the country's top politicians as we reported little later. pro reform protesters are defying the ban on rallies in bahrain but human rights groups closely watching how the authorities react details on that
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after the break. means in this story even for specialists a voice can produce several sounds it warms. the art of throat singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from the unions believe not only animals but also surrounding objects like reverse morris and even stones souls by imitating the sounds they believe assumes to capture the power of nature.
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one of the five main stars of groups and it imitates the gentle breezes of summer. whose name means great hunter says the first piece of dog. there are special instruments that accompany the singing guinea says there is even a legend about his instrument a gill it says he wants to leave to poor chauffeured who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed. and the horse was revived as an instrument look at those that have so pitiful is because of the spirit of the horse going to his dream he said make an instrument from the tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings on my tail and to remember me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so he called the instrument again you which means come back and this melody only instrument is called cry over again.
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welcome back you're watching r t with me karen taraji israel says iran has stepped away from its alleged pursuit of atomic weapons defense minister ehud barak explained that her crying use some of its arch tyranny and to make fuel rods for medical research it's in contrast to prime minister netanyahu statement last month that iran was on the brink of creating a nuclear bomb up our middle east correspondent paul slayer reports. such comments are certainly part of the political game that has intensified here in israel ahead of the early general elections that are now going to be held next year until now
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barack has stood firmly in the same camp as his prime minister benjamin netanyahu both have repeatedly warned against is the nuclear capability of iran and have warned of in came doing israeli strike we saw it on yahoo not so long ago at the united nations general assembly drawing a red line but what many experts here in israel say is that that was a red line by which israel would strike iran rather than a red line in terms of a deadline by which tehran would acquire nuclear capability but rock heads up his own political party. and certainly what he is trying to do now is distance himself from netanyahu on the whole iran question he is trying to appeal to voters who have not yet decided and this division between them does seem to suggest brock saying that netanyahu may not have been completely truthful around the iranian nuclear threat so to me there is a division not only on this level but in the greater political elite here in israel
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although the question is still unanswered whether or not israel plans to strike iran and if indeed it does win policy r.t. jerusalem. and a regime demonstrations are reportedly continuing in the bahraini capital manama despite a bad mass public gatherings bahraini authorities imposed the restrictions on tuesday to try to halt the ongoing protests against several family they claim the pro reform rallies are a threat to national unity and have been cracking down on dissent with tear gas and mass arrests international human rights groups have demanded that bahrain immediately lifts the ban saying it's a complete violation of the right to freedom of expression and assembly but when opposition member. says the government is fueling the crisis it claims that's trying to prevent this is a thought for you a little bit. that. nothing in particular slowed institutions these are decisions taken by them to be judged and when they are talking about maintaining
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that the sensibilities you want. to as more than a hundred or so and the last of this for months. but they are political and people do not think that there are just bodies it is there are so despite the age of the girl being bottled it just lifted for thirteen exploded. it's up there where there are actually there are just a few milling around. because what they're going to do with is that they really see what they. did you see was. the looks on going outside of their homes this is not going and going to sit there and this is going to make these laws if somebody from the very tonight not to morrow to go on to look good to go out of here over the. any condition we need
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more from the national community and this is related. to that it will all be boys years and although they're going into this interview this illusion that they are. all of this is us and. so when you now look at some other international news stories and very motorcycle bomb near a shiite shrine has killed at least eight people and injured dozens of others in a damascus suburb another explosive device nearby was defused the u.n. and arab league envoy meanwhile has visited china to try and get support in his efforts to broker peace. three separate attacks in southern afghanistan have claimed the lives of at least eighteen people a security checkpoint was ambushed killing seven afghan police man the unknown attacker then collected the victim's weapons and fled the scene while i suspect a taliban roadside bomb has killed at least ten civilians most of them women and children another person also died in
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a second blast in the same province. angry crowds of civilians and former rebels have stormed libya's parliament building in the capital forcing a vote on the new government lineup to be postponed their anger was directed at proposed cabinet ministers they consider too close to the old gadhafi regime a national general congress was elected as the ruling party in july wednesday's incident highlights the struggle to bring would be under control a year after the revolution. turkey's prime ministers in berlin but got an angry response from thousands who had gathered in the german capital. i know. i do want to live their. lives to a real groups in syria on the other hand he's trying to exert influence in europe demonstrators who are mainly syrians living in germany accused of war mongering by supporting rebels and with the recent cross border shelling and grounding of syria about planes prime minister out of the one and chancellor merkel discussed syria
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one thorn in their talks is turkey's drawn out e.u. membership application alliance patience is running out giving a ten year deadline to let it join or turkey will go elsewhere one german m.p. told us that there's a fine line between keeping turkey onside at arm's length. the german capital has a huge interest in turkey as a market and geopolitical. in the middle east to do with. union interventionist policy the human rights situation in turkey is terrible there are over one hundred journalists in prison in turkey over ten thousand political prisoners and therefore the turkish government coming to europe and talking about integration and human rights but not defending human rights in turkey and the turkish government they are making the escalation politics to walk to war
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against syria educating al-qaeda militants there educating the free syrian army soldiers and they are passing them weapons turkey is a nato member state and turkey is not acting without this. conference with washington and berlin backing such an aggressive. foreign policy of turkey their citizenship for sale if you fancy an e.u. passport death rather chango is opening its. borders to those with big enough wallets who then buy into the struggling government as we report on line. and america's drug dark scared hounded by the courts to whether their nasal now says on fire enough to legally sniff out suspects. and images next where the business so the shareholder conflict in the world's largest nickel miner may be coming to an
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end yes and that's very good for the company's development actually was org about norilsk nickel indeed the largest nickel mine in the world and it's a two main shareholders russian billionaires a leg and live in now they own around a quarter of the company each and for years they've been arguing over dividends and other issues now converse and daily reports there might come up with a new shareholder agreement which could result in battalion buying more shares or did it pascoe could invite a new independent head to notice nickel with early show a spot of where you see on your screen at the bottom right and other metals taken he's a likely candidate. rose move on to other stories british conglomerate virgin and russia's nano corporation ross nano will now collectively invest in super energy not to do this they have created a mutual fund worth hundreds of millions of dollars now virgin's head richard branson told us up to a third of a billion dollars will be invested into energy efficiency enterprises now in his
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exclusive interview to r.t. also said that he was very unhappy and frustrated with the fact that easyjet beat them to the london moscow flight and markets and you can catch that full interview actually tomorrow we're coming out with a new format of the business news that's a ten minute program at six thirty and eight thirty pm london time don't miss that i'm sure it will be interesting we'll try to make it interesting for you at least all right let's move on to the markets and first up to the united states would look for a second where the dow jones and the nasdaq have now actually turned a red and this is after two days of well over forced vacation for the stock markets because of sandy a vacation is really not an appropriate word here and the dow jones is now declining and this is despite the fact that general motors is up eight percent saying that its net loss has amounted to one of the harford billion dollars as
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opposed to one point seven last year and on the nasdaq yet apple losing more than one percent one half percent i think the last time i looked at it and that's after a major reshuffle in its management this is something that have cost index right over in europe we've also seen a bit of a change of mood the dax is putting on just a bit driven by consumer services companies world food c. has taken on that she'll from the united states where damages are yet to be assessed from superstorm sandy and on the currencies market there's another factor way and that greece's bailout might come in in the next couple of days. we're monitoring that closely for you well so far the euro is gaining on the dollar because of that and because of hopes that basically greece will stay in the euro zone no it will be fine and because of the assessment of damage of course to the east coast of the united states by that super storm i talked to you about and the russian ruble is pretty flat at the close this is the closing picture for the
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russian markets and cyclical what's happening there with the r.t.s. and my sex actually is seeing a bit of a positive day mildly within half a percent and that's after several days of losses actually norilsk nickel one of the best performing stocks up more than one percent of the close on investor optimism that basically if this shareholder conflict is over i just talked to who told you everything about that it will be very good for the development of the company all right coming up next on r.t. it's the latest edition of the debate program cross talk with people in the.
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change when america picks its president i mean muslim rage working the iran tight rope pushing china and russia as occupy anger spreads the two parties still dictate . the selection of clothes guys every day to them for fear artsy. government no longer represents the people. the people are going to take the term. we. look to. the way our economic system. is.
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odd. mum. hello and welcome to cross talk i'm people of a country in chaos and it's only getting worse as always neighbors decide on some form of intervention to restore order and take on the spread of religious fundamentalism there's always the possibility of unintended consequences in africa intervention into mali and everybody open the door to a western style regime change and with this just make things even worse. luck. stories.
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