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tv   [untitled]    October 31, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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hello and happy hollowing. are going to washington d.c. and here is what's coming up tonight on the big picture as millions of americans clean up from the devastation caused by hurricane sandy mitt romney says the federal government should hand responsibility for four of them off to for profit companies like bain capital should disaster relief in our country really be left up to corporations that only care about the bottom line also in just a matter of hours mitt romney released to blatantly false ads that even members of his own party say iraq is america really want to wire and sheep in the white house
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that are more into nights alone liberal rubble and federal officials are pointing to a contaminated lab in massachusetts as the cause of the nation's latest enjoy this outbreak and new evidence may pin the blame for those twenty nine deaths directly on that rock. you need to know this the northeast is still trying to get back on its feet again after hurricane sandy at least fifty five americans of fifty five americans have died millions remain without power and the entire new york city transit system is still shut flooded and shut down and some of the hardest hit cities new jersey like seaside heights block after block of residential neighborhoods are buried under sand in a way similar to how the new orleans lower ninth ward was buried under water after katrina although mitt romney would prefer you didn't think about it the true test
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of the quality and resilience of a nation and its political systems comes at times like these ones most stressed romney suggest such crises are opportunities for profit which is why he called for the. i have it is a shame to fema or on the campaign trail romney and ryan apparently think such crises can be exploited for political gain which is why the he held a a staged rally in ohio where some supporters percentage donate canned goods to relief efforts canned goods at the red cross has specifically said they don't want because it requires too much manpower time money and energy to sort through and transport them historically the genuinely patriotic americans have seen crises as a time to come together and help each other out there's five percent more moisture in our atmosphere right now at higher levels of c o two than any other time during human history so it's not surprising that we were hit by a freak hurricane with tropical storm force winds extending out over a five hundred mile field it's probably not
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a coincidence that record breaking sandy is here just after the warmest september ever recorded and is the warmest decade ever recorded it almost certainly represents the new normal in this hostile weather new world former vice president al gore made this point in a statement on tuesday saying sandy was also affected by other symptoms of the climate crisis and her hurricane approached the east coast to gather strength from abnormally warm coastal waters at the same time sandy's storm surge was worsened by a century of sea level rise scientists tell us that if we do not reduce our emissions these problems will only grow worse. which brings up how we as citizens respond to these franken storms mile long tornadoes and levee busting floods all the more important a president jimmy carter created for fema when he did as he did so cities and states will never again be alone in rebuilding after catastrophes as famous mission statement reads the his mission is to support our citizens and first responders to
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ensure that as a nation we work together to build sustain and improve our capability to prepare for protect against respond to recover from and mitigate all hazards the keywords we work together whether you're cleaning up your neighborhood after a block party or cleaning up after a hurricane we all know things work out best when we're all in it together that's why we've included disaster relief efforts as part of our commons right alongside law enforcement and fire protection. these aren't services the work best would run for a profit or to maximize wealth for shareholders these are services owned by we the people to serve we the people and work best when kept in that pure small d. democratic form so it shouldn't surprise us the republicans have turned their chainsaws in the direction of fema and their cheered on by corporate profit tears who see big bucks in the disaster relief industry if only they could extricate fema from our commons and like they've already done it privatized schools and prisons
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replace it with themselves for example republican primary candidate mitt romney said that females should be sent back to the private sector. females about to run out of money in there some people who say do it on a case by case basis and some people who say you know maybe we're learning a lesson here the state should take on more of this role how do you deal with something like that absolutely every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states that's the right direction and if you go even further and send it back to the private sector that's even better as in we should rely on churches and a for profit disaster industry to save lives and rebuild devastated communities and probably the logic an assertion is that it didn't work in the past which is why fema was created in the first place that's an iranian republican support or at the very least they support sending disaster relief back to the states as in sorry louisiana you're on your own even more bizarre romney and corporatist republicans want to privatized fema just as climate change didn't do storms are increasing cash
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strapped communities in michigan are turning off their street lights and taking cops off the streets but mitt romney wants them to foot the bill for natural disasters as well meanwhile over the past few years car republicans in congress have chipped away at our disaster relief commons in virtually each and every budget showdown they demanded massive cuts to females budget along with cuts to weather preparedness agencies like noah after all they have to cover the cost of a five trillion. a tax cut for the top one percent some even after unprecedented deadly tornadoes in joplin the freak damage caused by hurricane irene house republicans held up fema funds and demanded local communities more and what's historically been required and just yesterday when you jersey communities completely wiped away republican congressman steve king warned against giving too much federal aid to those affected by hurricane sandy saying i want to get them the resources that are necessary but not one big shot to just open up the checkbook
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because they spend it on gucci bags and massage parlors and everything. it's generally much easier for the wealthy to ride out hurricanes from the comfort of their second vacation homes they can even live tweet what they see on the weather channel it's much easier for the wealthy to pay for home repairs of their top of the line home insurance plans and the rich never miss a paycheck because they can't get their work because people like mitt romney and paris hilton get their dividend checks wherever they are and whatever they're doing but what about the america that actually works for a living what about the america lives paycheck to paycheck or just has a small nest egg for retirement who doesn't have donald trump's inherited wealth and private jet to spirit them away from danger to them hurricane sandy and every natural disaster is a direct threat to their lives and their futures everyone will need help after this long week but to the working class it won't just be about having the butler clean out the fridge full of unused food it could be about life and death as we tragically learned after katrina and we're seen again today should we join romney
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and ryan in telling americans that they're on their own or should we as the wealthiest nation on earth hold that agreement between each other and among each other that we're all in this together and that when when a community in southern new jersey is wiped away a community in southern california or our entire nation for that matter helps to rebuild this cuts to the core difference between conservatives who think the commons should be a profit center for companies like bain and progressives who believe we're all in this together and a government run by the people for the people we the people as an obligation to help when disaster hits this is a fundamental political and moral choice and one we need as a nation to address soon because of this rapidly warming planet earth these types of storms will keep happening with ever increasing frequency. now for more let's turn over to our lone liberal rumble.
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it's wednesday are you ready to rumble joining me for tonight's alone liberal rabble are francesca chambers editor and publisher with red alert politics and austin peters a libertarian commentator and director of production at freedom works and thank you both for being with us tonight let's get started you heard what i had to say in the rant should helping americans or cover from devastating natural disasters really be left up to churches and corporate executives francesca well first of all i want to talk about your characterization of republican thinking that we shouldn't all be in this together just that a republican governor of new jersey chris christie and president obama work together to help solve this disaster in new jersey chris christie would be doing that if he wasn't running for reelection next year in a blue state i think that chris christie was most interested in helping the people of his state and i don't understand why we're trying to politicize something as simple as chris christie doing what he thought was best for anything was the republicans in the house of representatives have cut fema funding every time the budgets come up but we're not talking about the republicans now serves as you said
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you know that republicans in general think that we're not all in this together and i'm giving you a clear example of when a republican and a democrat just today came in you know came at it together and did what was said over there so republicans do what's best for the country when their butts on the line but in the abstract or if they're from congress from wyoming and prisoners but it's not on the line i just want to point out that there's an alliance you know because i don't know if you're interested but i'm going to fight against democrats two wings the same bird libertarian says but you asked earlier if if the churches should be the ones that should be handling this and i say yes absolutely because in two thousand and five when hurricane katrina happened there were two thousand five hundred people all that seven families i believe that were evacuated by the l.d.s. the church of latter day saints that came in and they offered assistance a rescue program that they had already set up they had in place a telephone rescue service and emergency. and they use notice right fema did when the when this was done by your that your daddy bush administration before the dr who actually did care this was not done by some faceless bureaucrat in washington
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these were done by the people will turn everything about a mormon church we should turn over i would give the mormon church a much better credit than the united states government for taking care of our citizens absolutely you know i'm not one myself but i get a lot of respect so then you're in the arena with with with the republicans who say fema should not be in this business you're disagreeing with francesca well as i do agree with i actually what i said i would just want to make the point that i did not say that i was specifically addressing your comment about republicans not being willing to come together with democrats in times of need now when it comes to you know the private sector taking better care of it i personally don't think that we should get rid of fema that's my personal opinion and i don't think that that's what mitt romney thinks either which is how this topic specifically came up i think that the former governor romney was simply saying that we should give more power to the states in the local government trying to call for a thirty five percent cut in fees to play don't plow right what if i could so i think i'll be having more and more and more natural disasters every year no matter of fact we are going to know we're not we're having ok we had twenty eight
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declarations during the reagan administration forty four during the first bush ninety during clinton then one hundred thirty during bush the second at one hundred fifty three so far during obama's term are you telling me that our weather is getting so out of control that the metastasizing of mergers that i would strongly recommend or i would strongly recommend you do you know what a reinsurance company is you so do ok the insurance companies or the companies the backstop the insurance companies when the trans companies get wiped out they they have insurance with the insurance companies swiss re is the largest in the world six seven years ago swiss re issued a report which they have basically reissued every year saying that looking at the best science in the world it is getting more and more expensive to insure against natural disasters they want the world to stop emitting all this carbon they they are they are telling insurance companies look out they're raising their rates yes i strongly lessen their incentive but time they have less and less and. they're going to trust people no because the government steps in and says we will offer you insurance when the government steps in and says it's obviously serious say i saw a story as sad as we're going to get rid of the incentive for the private market to
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come in to do it here's the problem if you really want more localism liberals always talk about this as if this has nothing to do with locally but it's a hope yes it does you have to create it this has to do with the entire all rely and money on another gather more rubble right after the break. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that many americans call a donor. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about you sir are a fool you know what that is my other terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want the usa to feature is on the on the liberal and the christian point you. can see your beliefs about it but if you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because there are profit driven industry that sells
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a sensationalistic garbage because that breaking news i'm happy martin and we're going to break that. governor romney and i we both agree we agree we're going to bring the tax rates down i felt the same as the president did governor romney i'm glad. you agree that let's come back to something the president i agree on and the two you agree that the voters have a choice going up so soon you wonder who to vote for when romney and obama agree on so many things remember you do have other options come november sixth tuned in to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates right here on our t.v. . i
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will fight all the net programs i also promised that i'd find every single day a member of the. right and my own place. the lone liberal rumble joining me tonight francesca chambers of austin peterson let's get back to it yesterday the romney campaign scheduled or turned a scheduled campaign rally into a so called storm relief a vent to help those affected by hurricane sandy the campaign encouraged supporters to bring hurricane relief supplies and food to the rally and deliver them right to mitt romney's hands but since this was a carefully crafted event by the romney camp they made sure to look good by
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spending five thousand dollars at a local walmart on food that would be on display at the event while supporters were given canned goods to handle romney and at the so-called relief event the ten minute video about romney's life which was first shown at the are in c. was shown to us and it's about more about politics and campaigning than actually helping those affected by hurricane sandy five thousand dollars to give to the homeless i mean what even if it wasn't it was almost it was to buy stacks of food so so that you know they could but they were going to distribute some of the the rescue to the rescue effort i mean does not a nice thing i mean whether or not i mean if you go if you have five thousand dollars for the canned goods in ohio and you call up the red cross in new jersey waiting room for his queen we've got a ton and a half a canned goods to send to you are going to say don't send over your eyes and wait a minute mitt romney is getting these five thousand dollars for canned goods that they're going to send and then what is broke obama doing at his fundraisers he's letting people die in gaza and libya oh yeah well i got i way i would reject the political position again of this storm relief in this disaster you know i think
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it's funny that the left likes to criticize you know conservatives over things like bengazi and saying that mitt romney and the republicans are politicking over that but yet literally we are discussing whether mitt romney did or did not want to help out by giving to charity. by helping with the storm really we're actually discussing whether or an argument romney wanted to turn helping out into a campaign stunt you know but by and by and what i thousand dollars when they can do it so you can use it as a prop it and i mean people standing in line they said to people when you call something to give a lot of people in line didn't have anything to give so they handed it to them they had them here here's dr about it they're going to give those two for this is like. entire notion that it was a stunt i'm sorry and this is no one to here's exactly what they did one there were people who showed up at the event and there were some volunteers people who did not work for the campaign volunteers who felt bad as i quit do you know for the people who showed up to the event and didn't bring canned goods maybe didn't know that they had it turned into a hurricane event but inside they think still you know they don't know if this is
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a if you give us a dollar a one dollar can of beans it's going to cost us a buck and a half to get that to new jersey instead give us the dollar will go to the community closest to new jersey that still intact will buy those beans and deliver them for five cents the right rusty didn't necessarily tell that to the romney campaign pro-union saying i don't know what i want and don't you don't suppose i'm going to be better off if they were to donate blood or other items right lot or money that's it that's already there as well i know that in the presence of the front page of every newspaper in the crowd i do agree that report i'm sorry and i'm a reporter so come on i'm dead serious my whole entire point though is that mitt romney is a very charitable man this is the guy who literally literally gave all the money made from the olympics to charity so he's the one million dollars of his money to charity he rejected a salary is going to make something as a housing dollars agave all of his money from his inherent in a way as well and he gave thirty million dollars to his church i did not give away your office here is why it was says that they lived on
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a while they were actually there on the loans that were gone up since he was elected i think was worth a million dollars before was elected it was worth eighteen million dollars now since that was a sold a bunch of books sold a lot of books right your mother you know what goes up when you become president i would say as people become more and more interest in doing business with you. people it's not business with people not hurt yeah we seem to know that as a that is an unlikely that mitt romney is a very charitable person if you look at his past i don't think that you can deny that he has always been a very charitable person and he was trying to do something for charity and i don't think it should be politicized if you if you believe that i honor your faith but there romney has released a new radio ad in his favorite subject the auto industry take a listen. who do more for the auto industry not barack obama fact checkers confirmed his attacks on mitt romney are false the truth mitt romney has a plan to help the auto industry he's supported by lee iacocca and the detroit news obama took g.m. and chrysler into bankruptcy and sold chrysler to italians who are going to build
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jeeps in china mitt romney will fight for every american jobs mitt romney and i approve this message the only problem with this ad is it's one hundred percent false even the c.e.o. of chrysler felt compelled to rebut the ad saying gee production will not be moved from the united states to china it is inaccurate to suggest anything different the statement came after a group of jeep employees went to their union reps freaking out that they were going to lose their jobs g.m. responded he had to say in at the state we're looking at a telescope to link distances between campaign ads and reality is this blatantly false ad part of mitt romney's strategy for regaining support from american auto workers and if so. how does all those lying going to work for him not because you know g.m. has got this all wrong because the jeep liberty from what i understand is sixty eight percent manufactured in china as we speak right now there's been no discussion right now about moving jeep manufacturing offshore to china who already said in the campaign is that they did literally made it was going to have it as
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they make them in ohio the ohio voters care about our goods and services here in the i.c.u. i would say oh well you were who said don't you want less workers in the united states would word that we have these things manufactured or not you're going to try to filibuster me with nonsense it's come on. we're talking about mitt romney line we're not you know we could have an abstract conversation sometimes when the balance of off shore and i agree i don't think that he is like even the washington post looked at it and said that what he said was technically true and i wouldn't be ready to try to lead a substantive mitt romney ok well here's the here's the larger question then do we really as i said we bit romney some of his lies or at the political factor right regulations are quadruple the rate of rugged regulations quadrupled under this president actually that's gone down slightly in the last three years one year president ninety billion dollars in green energy breaks in the solar wind not true president obama has doubled the deficit actually the deficit is gone down since he came in office right now the congressional budget office is up to twenty million people lose their insurance as obamacare goes into effect he totally pulling
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settling here where you're going to do your duty eight four years of time to what do you receive that literally obamacare is from no you don't know you're not going to be with nods as it were with a completely unrelated issue referring to the from a little bit on i'm just going to say can we read the political act ph for all of obama's lies i'd really love to see that page let's talk about there are no i mean they're told to show why is this is a sham aleister these are sham sponsored this is not a sham alleges it and you've got a guy who has every side of every issue that i don't understand there's no financial security duhamel says metonymy dogs are going to obama how are we sitting here talking about mitt romney a liar in chief when we are literally in a foreign policy crisis mode over what happened in libya and overly i describe. the photo here like we are and we should be because what happened in libya is one when i think i don't you guys are trying to turn your obama into jimmy carter and also leaks what are you in the wrong going into that corner when i'm trying to do is this is what the romney care is issue there are you here i'm talking about how
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we're focusing on nitpicking like this when we literally have a president in a white house who may or may not be engaged in some either some sort of a cover up or gross incompetence on there is the you know the distilled oversee this is the republican members. has been put out in media matters of fact i encourage you to check up you matters dot org a long list of all the right wing sites today who came out with this and all of them reference absolutely no facts absolutely no facts oh let's talk about benghazi let's talk about libya this is not about benghazi libya this is about you know romney it is a lie and we can see the associated i mean this seriously i don't want to hear anyone to and when you shout over me or when i shout over you people out here people or why did you not appear when we have a say so this is about mitt romney coming out and with the ads i'm talking about these ads that are deceptive and chrysler and g.m. is saying their lives were sitting on a president who is sitting on sixteen trillion dollars of debt do you want a trillion dollars and you want to talk about the lies that come from some
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candidate who has not sat on the presidency we have a we have another one says let me go i'll do it here because souter only went to a las vegas fund raiser while people were dying in all of it that you want to talk about kerry goes this is a four was certainly a fundraiser first of all and second was a campaign event and secondly of that sixteen trillion dollars of debt how much was run up what we were going to do you know we were years ago i was going to be going over to my home about me versus president obama and the choice that americans have to make next tuesday and you are sitting here trying to portray mitt romney as a like you know a liar liar pos liar however even if you talk about the very serious one talk about atlanta i'm sorry you guys are both lawyers so vulgar johnson here to talk about the lying ads when even president obama has said that his his that he's lied in this ad to his ads have went way over the top a lot of times and so i wouldn't say that you know all politicians are a liar don't trust either of them but what i am saying is that you know if you're reading the society can romney get a speaking of fall say as you're here's here's another one take a look at this about well for. if you want to know president obama's second term
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agenda look at his first go to the work requirement for welfare doubled the number of able bodied adults without children on food stamps record unemployment more women in poverty than ever before borrowed from china and increase the debt to over sixteen trillion passing the burden on to the next generation we may have made it through president obama's first time it's our children who can afford a second. first of all as i said i find it rather ironic that republicans are screaming about a sixteen trillion dollar debt when ten or eleven trillion of that was brought up by republicans and they've certainly put us on a course for the rest of it but that said gutted the work requirement for welfare it's a flat out lie everybody says it's a flat out lie even the rich romney campaign back the first time that was point out is a lie admit it was a lie although they're not now i would just like to go back to what you said just previous to that about your literally zeroing in on one line of the campaign at the end because the essence of not it's not the essence of it a lot of what was talked about was the sixteen trillion dollar debt and other
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issues raised and more should go to you but we but what i'm saying is that you're focusing in on one thing which was the welfare to work requirement and you're totally ignoring the greater point of the ad which is that obama has had four years you know to do all the things for americans that he says he wants to do when you speculate. he has that's all he's done is stop the hemorrhaging of our jobs he created he didn't create new jobs but they really only made it for the jobs that had been lost during the time that every president of the security for another one of his no six jobs six people have stopped looking for work so for every one that he's created six people stop looking to work at the boomers have every fourteen percent stopped looking for work because they're retiring oh come on you've got all you've got you've got one of the biggest demographic bulges right now hitting retirement you think that this is a growing economy is this a healthy economy in your estimation you know if you look at what we have a call if you look at what happened on january twentieth there's some talk if you ask a question of wait for it if you look at what happened on january twentieth two thousand
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and nine the night that barack obama was sworn into office when paul ryan and thirteen other republicans jon kyl and a whole bunch of sat in the caucus room restaurant and basically swore a blood oath with frank wants a new gingrich to block anything that obama did he had a supermajority aide and filibuster majority in the united states senate for two months and one day that was in the corporate and they had they bought him a have put everything on the hands of the libertarian duster accomplice. in a corporate corporate was the comments of bailout stimulus economy those instilled by your hero f.d.r. in the new deal we have a totally fascist economy the flood by the corporations it's us forced democracy that we live in nobody is on the side of there are sort of candidates you know i actually applaud the republicans in the senate for making sure that president obama did not hurt our economy and didn't earn america anymore than he did and i just hear what a second term look like so you're like they're going to such a place where i started this and thanks for joining me tonight. after the break right now a deadly meningitis outbreak is sweeping across america it is already taking the
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lives of twenty nine americans and it turns out attended a laboratory might not be the only cause of the outbreak in iran you the viewer is responsible to. governor romney and we both agree we agree we need to bring the tax rates down i felt the same as the president did governor romney i'm glad. you agree let's come back to something the president i agree on and there to you agree that the voters have a choice obsessive you wonder who to vote for when romney and obama agree on so many things remember you do have other options come november sixth tune in to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates right here on our t.v. . i will fight all that i also promised that i'd fight every single day on bamberg.
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like. my own. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you do. here see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.


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