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tv   [untitled]    November 1, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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fears of all the crossing in the cradle of democracy greek police arrest another journalist before he can reveal claims of fraud surrounding the country's bailout and. the cast of mounds backfire on the british prime minister rebels from david cameron's own party deal him his worst below since he took power by voting for cuts to the country's payments to brussels. and washington calls for a total revamp of the syrian opposition its main body as their main western workers appear to have lost faith.
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and welcome to our team this thursday live from moscow i'm karen taraji with you now the greek authorities look to be tightening their hold on the media as another journalist just taken into custody in an alleged attempt to silence him spittles a car suffered its promise to reveal potentially damaging information on the greek bailout on t.v. but was arrested before he could get out of it is claims he has proof there are facts about the greek deficit that for south us to seek aid were fraudulent he says he received the data from hackers group anonymous so broke into government computers at the same time another great journalist cost us fox ivana says on trial for a breach of privacy for publishing the names of two thousand greeks with swiss bank accounts fellow greek journalist says the government's only way to punish their cuts through is just silence the media. a lot of journalists. of course already you're afraid. you know it isn't up. but he
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supported them in various. generally separate thought quitely some government strug struggling to push through and i cannot make a study of the problem as the only way to go to succeed by the nation of the problem quite now is the government dr favorite way he can mr sam i was the prime minister where the way to get to my need to relate i'm fraid to memory be made. public and private media a lot of generally try to convince the government that the poorest the journalist not the enemy the enemy is outside goodies often of course is not in. the manner of protests and of generalists. funding for the european union has sparked a rebellion in the british parliament promiser david cameron's own conservative backbenchers dealt him the worst defeat since he took power in two thousand turn
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euro skeptic tories joined forces with the opposition and voted for cutting the u.k.'s cash flow to brussels artists are for it has details from london. all of them a significant defeat for the government since they came to power we saw two m.p.'s standing alongside labor calling for real time cuts to the budget now those negotiations old that budget against take place in brussels later on this month the prime minister david cameron has been calling on his party to stand with him in his approach to these negotiations and he being true king about only lies in line with inflation which would have been at about two percent the government today very much trying to downplay that defeat saying of kools they're going to be fighting. clearly many members of their own party are feeling that the best wasn't good enough it was a significant that the fifty three tory m.p.
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that has left the government looking increasingly disconnected not just from their own party from the british public as well certainly when it comes to this question of the you know we heard the prime minister nick clegg speaking today in a keynote speech talking in defense of britain's role within the e.u. he spoke about the arguments that we patched how it's from the e.u. as a full promise wrapped in a union jack one m.p. describing it last like the not very passionate debate that we saw taking place in the house of commons as alice in wonderland economics and not very much the sense you get from a lot of people that is disconnected from reality to us people who are tightening their belts to be contributing even more money to the good decision made last night isn't good. to be binding on the government but it's certainly going to prime minister david cameron under a fair amount of pressure when he dealings that negotiating table we don't know of
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course what the outcome of these negotiations will be but one thing is absolutely certain that that this very heated debate and argument about britain's role within the is looking set to run and run. let's now talk to mark per charge a conservative m.p. who opposed the prime minister and voted for cutting the u.k.'s contribution to the e.u. thank you so much mr pritchard for joining us now david cameron's preferred option of raising the u.k.'s contribution to the e.u. in line with inflation looks to be a reasonable way forward why have you and your fellow euro skeptic m.p.'s gone against the prime minister well inflation increase on the budget would equate to an extra three hundred million pounds a year and that would increase over the new multi annual budget up to two thousand and twenty and at a time when u.k. families are having to make very difficult often painful decisions with their household budgets local councils doing the same and even our own national
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government here in the u.k. i think it is absolutely right to expect the european union to try and trim some of its very large budget a budget that will increase to around one trillion euros up to two thousand and twenty so there is certainly room for efficiency savings this is an entity which has failed to have its own account signed off for the last seventeen years it's i think a wasteful inefficient and. i think can find savings and with families having to find their own savings to european you should do so as well now the u.k. already receives a rebate from the e.u. it gets a big chunk of cash back is that not north of a concession. what in fact we are one of the few net contributors in a minority of the twenty seven e.u. states member states we receive around about half of our rebate back but when you compare it to the other rebates given to other member states the united kingdom is
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not getting a good deal out of europe you know this is a time when the united kingdom is having to face some very very difficult financial decisions because of the very large deficit and debt left over by the last labor ministration i think it's completely in order for members of parliament from both the left and the right in the u.k. to represent their constituents and say to the government they should stand firm in brussels get the best the oh yes of course but we believe from last night certainly the majority of parliament believes the best deal is actually seeing a real terms reduction rather than a freeze which in reality means new cash hundreds of millions of pounds billions over the next seven years years going to an e.u. that as i say is wasteful inefficient and profitable now this world has really revealed deep divisions within the conservative party and proved a defeat for david cameron do you think it is weakening your party. look the
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amendment that was put on the government's motion last night was a conservative amendment i was one of the co signatories of that and it's correct to say that the labor party and others including minority parties the d u p from northern ireland some of the welsh nationalists scottish nationalists supported a conservative amendment so it wasn't conservative m.p. supporting the labor party the opposition of a long i think versus a united parliament very strong message from last night's vote actually strengthened surprise minister sound when he negotiates the issue on the twenty second of november you know the european your reporter was absolutely right the european issue is going to run and run because europe is going to be more of an issue in this parliament rather than less of an issue and i think it's politically smart for the government and i'm a member of the governing party to actually be in touch with public opinion rather than be out of touch but as part of the problem of the european project in many
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other member states the political elites of brussels and. member states are out of touch with their citizens and i think that is a very dangerous place to be now there has been talk of a referendum on the u.k. remaining part of the e.u. very briefly mr president do you think it should be held. yes i do and i think it should be in this parliament after the next election because we don't know who's going to win the next election and of course we've heard this all before it's always jam to morra promises about things in the future we need a referendum majority of people in the united kingdom have never had a say on our relationship with europe we need a referendum this side of the general election in this parliament elected mako c re let the british people have their voice heard our lot there from london mark pre-charge m.p. one of the rebel conservatives on e.u. budget talks thank you. he says before the us presidential election green party candidate jill stein has been arrested for
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a second time in two weeks she was trying to bring food and supplies to activists protesting against an extension to an oil pipeline in texas sun was later released after being charged with trespassing green party spokesman scott mclarty he says the incident shows alternatives to obama and romney are being sidelined dr stein. was assisting the activists in order to make a statement she was delivering supplies to the protesters i understand that they were camping out in trees they were in the they were in the way of the construction of the pipeline we do know that the last doctor stunt was arrested about two weeks ago and she attempted to enter the obama romney debate that was taking place at hofstra university on long island she and running mate gerry harvey all were detained and handcuffed to a chair of four for eight hours before being released the obama romney debates are
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sponsored by the commission on presidential debates which is itself owned by the democratic and republican parties for the express purpose of privileging their own candidates and excluding other candidates and we we call that an outrage. third party candidate gary johnson will again try to break the mainstream media blockade right on the eve of the vote our team will broadcast the final round of their debates live on monday. governor romney you know we both agree we agree we have to bring the tax rates down i felt the same as the president did governor romney i'm glad. you agree let's get back to something the president i agree on and you tube you agree that the voters have a choice perhaps this is what you wonder who to vote for when romney and obama agree on so many things never you do have other options come november sixth tune in to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates right
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here on r.g.p. in. washington turns its back on the leadership of the syrian opposition a look at why the u.s. has ditched the foreign based group and called for a major opposition overhaul with plans to bring rappel fighters on board that's ahead. what's the difference between a samurai sword and a blind guys walking stick well known if you're one of the cops in northern england an elderly blind architect was tasered in the back because his cane looks like a sword that was used in a nearby crime honest mistake because swords are often tubular and use this walking sticks more and more we hear stories like this like the handcuffed youth who is
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shot in the back to death or the unarmed guy in a wheelchair who got blown away by the boys in blue i understand that being in the police is rough everyone lies to you and on any given day you could be shot dead so i get it when after a long police chief someone just snaps and in all honesty fire when the police. might do the same thing but it takes a certain kind of person who enjoys abusing their uniform to make the helpless suffer you can't tolerate sadists or those with the pollie and complexes in the police or you know what they aren't that hard to spot in the shower because if you like to taste the elderly or shoot wheelchair bound people then you probably don't have much of a certain something but that's just my opinion. of
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the six america votes for its next president. who will take the wheel as the us drives into the future. get the news the mainstream missives with a close election. the us election up close. and r.t. dot com. welcome back to our team with me karen tara cheney well activists say rebel attacks in syria's north have killed at least twenty eight soldiers while there's also been a series of explosions in the capital damascus this as one of the rebels main western backers washington has called for a complete shake up of the opposition but feeling plans to bring in militants
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fighting at the front line secretary of state hillary clinton and the u.s. no longer sees or rather she said the u.s. no longer sees a serious foreign based national council as a leading opposition force due to its lack of support on the ground the syrian opposition consists of various rebel militias. they have which have been infiltrated by radical islamists linked to al qaida meanwhile the exiled opposition group is planning to base itself in silence syria and an attempt to prove its relevance to skeptical and international backers many sags bird professor jeremy sultan says the s.n.c. loss to. go the syrian national council was dysfunctional dirty from the beginning it's never taken off it's never been any evidence this this group had any support on the ground in syria the armed groups the disparate response from seoul's there's no coordinating body there's no central command's we now know that the fighting is being led in many areas by the feature heavies and they have their own agenda which
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is not just to form in syria it's to set up an islamic state and what is really quite striking is it took the american such a long time to wake up to the fact when we had hillary clinton her last visit to stumble which is a few weeks ago she didn't even bother to meet members of that council and i think that was the guy was a very clear sign another kind of this alternative which is a new council ice and now this seems to me another attempt by the united states to take control of the situation situation which at the moment is out of the control by setting up this council without dropping the mind i mean which is to bring down the syrian government no i think any kind of reasonable person look at the situation would say that the first priority should be to actually bring about to be to cease fire stop the fighting but they're not willing to do that they're kind of still looking for alternatives without dropping a prime objective of bringing down that government and and still holding back from throwing their weight behind. the attempts to bring about a cease fire without any preconditions. with obama and romney still running neck
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and neck critics say the close race will make it easier to rig the election some claim the core of america's voting system is flawed as it relies on equipment which can easily be tampered with artie's unless the scituate can i reports. the us a beacon of democracy and an example to be followed by the rest of the world vote as it is one big source of pride is its fundamental concept of free and fair elections american elections are a disgrace it's like walking into the kitchen of a first class restaurant and losing or appetite at what you see because we have an election system a voting system that is completely nontransparent an opinion shared by many political experts and educators if you were here. in a magician suit who then went behind the curtain came out having first shredded the ballots to go you won would you trust that process and that process largely to blame is the outdated elec tronics voting system in the states where all they have
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this electronic voting it could be a real problem. if you don't have some other type of backup source to verify the vote count. it could be a problem read friedman is an independent award winning blogger who has covered the u.s. election system for years he calls the problem a pandemic and says change is long overdue every single state in the union uses electronic voting a third of the voters this year will vote on one hundred percent on verifiable touch screen voting systems electronic voting systems. the rest of the country by and large will vote on paper ballots but those paper ballots are also counted by electronic systems unless you can see inside a computer there's no way to know if those computers tallied those ballots correctly several experiments conducted on i would trying to voting machines have proven that simple keystrokes and some knowledge of science and computers. could
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flip results the circuitry inside the machine would clear the increase in numbers insert the correct pin numbers expert see the accuracy of the vote count even with people a trail is a myth in the ninety nine percent plus percent of the cases those ballots never see the light of day or never examined never recounted basically american elections at this point have virtually zero claim on public confidence and legitimacy the rules and specific ations of how elections are held very locally and state by state four thousand different counties each of them use a different type of system a different type of voting system each of them have different flaws different vulnerabilities one particular company that makes electronic voting machines in the us has earned a dubious reputation for unverifiable results as records vanish into thin air i go to an a.t.m. and it's a debug machine i get a confirmation slip and i go around the corner to vote and i you know make my vote and there's no record other voter machine production companies are also known to
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have strong partisan affiliations they are not accountable to any voters. they are not just private but but private and extreme in their political sympathies democrats don't actually win that many elections to be precise democrats almost never win close elections and the trick therefore is to see to it that a race is or looks close improving the election process in this digital age doesn't appear to be on anyone's agenda and putting barack obama our president won't talk ever about election fraud and denies that it has ever happened in one you know members of his own party have been the victims of it and while the number of reported flaws grows with each passing election over the past decade since two thousand when i think congress was pretending to want to make things better what has happened is things have gotten much much worse it appears stealing an election in the us maybe a candidate certain. secure when it's easy as one two three in this digital age of
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smartphones tablets and satellite navigation systems american voters will head to the polls this november to cast their ballots using antiquated and unreliable voting machines machines that will ultimately determine who will lead this nation in much need of its own repairs and pretty new york. the scandal over the tsunami relief on science involved elsewhere child in japan after revelations that billions meant to help victims and reconstruction has gone to everything from helping cronje whales to businesses to nowhere near the disaster zone a full details are. also there on earth as it is in space the curiosity rover has detected that dust on mars contains minerals similar to dirt found in hawaii find out more on our team's web site. and you internet law
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has come into effect in russia allowing the government to shut down web sites potentially harmful to children earlier this year a number of the country's most popular websites spoke out against the plan claiming it could pave the way for online censorship you go to school has the details well online registry which is going to convene the list of banned websites is already operating the purpose of this law is to protect children from potentially harmful information on the internet and the way you work says that authorities monitor the web and if you find things like instructions how to consume drugs he will make weapons or propaganda of suicide or force john pornography then this web site is recommended to take this information down if it doesn't then its host is recommended to do the same and if it in force builds these online then the website is put on this list in this registry is blocked and remains blog until the information is taken down the reaction on this floor has been mixed while there are those who believe that it could actually cope with their children or older. for
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those who believe that it will be used to censor the internet but needless to say similar child protection laws are not something which was created here in russia it's a widespread practice over the wall for a look at europe then there is some very tough legislation especially in some scandinavian countries with punishments going all the way up to jail sentences if we look at the united states then there is the controversial law which prohibits children under thirteen from using search engines like google and g. mail so this has been causing quite a lot of criticism as well while here in russia we're talking about temporary measures because like i said these blocked websites could be unblocked if the information is taken down there's also always the possibility of taking these cases to court which could also with the band set by the authorities. russian businessman plot on libya who was jailed for his involvement in russia's infamous yuko scandal has had his prison term for corruption reduced by three years he will walk free next july labor day it was the business partner of former oil tycoon call for the
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call of skin who was the head of a company that was once one of russia's biggest energy firms labor day it was serving thirteen years for oil theft money laundering the sentence has been reduced due to changes in russian law which softened sentences for financial crimes. now look at some other international stories in brief for this hour a fuel tanker explosion in the saudi capital the capital riyadh has killed at least twenty six people and injured more than one hundred thirty near a local military building a lorry blew up after crashing into a concrete highway underpass engulfing cars aren't houses and flames and multi-story building in a nearby industrial estate was also almost destroyed entirely by the massive blast . kuwait authorities have warned of harsher measures in their crackdown on demonstrators who are defying a ban on public gatherings as follows a night of severe clashes between police and protesters who marched in support of
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the jailed opposition activists if islands initially erupted over changes to kuwait selectorial wall opposition groups say the legislation favors pro regime candidates in next month's parliamentary home. they have a tropical storm has slammed into southern india killing at least eight people and forcing thousands to flee their homes brought heavy rain prompting massive landfall and flooding in low lying areas and oil tanker has also run aground it's six crew members are now missing after their life boat capsized. and coming up in just a few moments it's the latest episode of capital account with lauren lyster.
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it is a way of life traditionally the people. are also highly skilled and organized. depending. on the day we found this particular camp they were settled near the coast of the sea here for families work together to manage nearly a thousand. people and. they can use almost every single part of the. deer is a means of. equipment. for the. life in the tundra is harsh before winter hits many of the children are helicopter to
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the center of the. boarding school. students learn different languages utilize modern technology specialized grant programs and even learn skills all within. the school. scientist who wanted a better way of life for his people but even with the most progressive ideas in education. they don't want to trade the modern life. i have returned to the time and i actually like it here if you're outside there's fresh air fresh water looks at the site you can see deer it's a joyful sight. a sentiment that hopefully ensures that russia's northern reindeer will have caretakers for generations to come.
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good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for wednesday october thirty first two thousand and twelve thanks. very ago the u.s. stock market reopened after two days of sandy and some ask if the superstorm had regulators erring not on the side of caution because of erosion of the shoreline but the rhodesian of the investor confidence and a year that seen m.f. global terror grand knight capital disasters all to name a few on the one year anniversary of m.f. global's collapse which by the way is to day we'll talk about what we think is standing in the way of restoring confidence we'll talk to a customer in peregrine who is still trying to find a way to hold regulators accountable and
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a superstorm sandy saw mother nature's wrath amount to death just struction fire unprecedented flooding on the east coast of the u.s. bad for victims is it also bad for some investors we'll talk to steve evans of artemis about catastrophe bombs and why the hunt for yield is growing this market and an ad for the tallest building support for whaling research these are probably not the ways to pan's taxpayers were thinking the government would spend earthquake and tsunami reconstruction funds but that's what a widely reported audit found will talk disaster relief let's get to today's capital account.


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