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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2012 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donor night concludes the longest and while this campaign in our history problems of eleven world that need changing for magically before our eyes that's something we're going to show you next time with twists and turns in the hallmarks of this campaign and what you like what we're going to do to do better if you're going to be like that until.
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it's gone guys i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set i want to talk about a case of two marijuana growers they were caught on secret surveillance cameras placed by the police on the suspects private property in wisconsin now the two men are facing life in prison and millions of dollars in fines for manufacturing and distribution of marijuana charges now i don't want to get into talking about the drug war that's a mess in itself but i will mention that all of the drug war has been a norm is failure disastrous ways of our tax dollars at an ever expanding prison industrial complex but it's begun to condition american to a life under surveillance just on monday a federal judge ruled that under the right circumstances surveillance cameras can be placed on private property without a warrant we in this country have moved in a surveillance state or more accurately the surveillance state has moved into this country where our rights freedoms and privacy are systematically being taken away all the name of protecting. in our way of lights time to wake up folks the only
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thing threatening our way of life is the loony nanny state it's self i will stop at nothing but you and me under the thumb of it's control time to stand up speak out and break the set. so guys we're now less than a week away from the presidential election so let's talk about something that time again being left out of the conversation voter fraud and no i'm not talking about voting under someone else's identity rather i'm talking about the actual rigging of the elections and out right nipple ation of voting machines take this for example ohio secretary of state john husted has skirted around election laws to install experimental software patches on vote counting tabulators and up to thirty nine ohio counties so what are these uncertified software patches and could they have the potential to alter the election results those are the things we need to be asking in this pivotal election so to help us break through the madness i'm joined
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now by mark crispin miller professor of media and why you and author of fooled again the real case for electoral reform mark thank you for coming on thanks for having me on i have fled to brooklyn from manhattan in order to have flushing toilets and electricity so you know i ordinarily be in the studio but i couldn't do that today no problem i really appreciate i know things are really crazy over there in new york so you know mark last time we talked we talked mostly about the last the last couple lections and the extensive voting fraud with those let's talk about this election i mean going off what i just said what do you think about these new software patches that are going to be installed well there it's very alarming and that's not the only story like that one story that has gotten a surprising amount of media attention also has to do with ohio and the romney campaign through a closely held. hedge fund called so let me or. mitt romney's
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family it is he has wife his brother and his son tagg. majority investors in each capital and a chinese capital own heart intrusively which makes voting machines. machines that will be used to count the votes into populous. heigho counties hamilton and williams hamilton county being where cincinnati is so in essence what we have is voting machines made by a company that has three out of five of its board members from h. i t. capitol these are romney fundraisers with a controlling interest in him in a in a in a company that will help to count the vote on election day in a state where the election has historically been stolen already by republicans this is so shocking that it has actually helped to push this long suppressed story into the mainstream even fox nineteen the fox owned news
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station in cincinnati is a terrific report on this while the new york times and others as usual have ignored it but this is as you say in your intro precisely the kind of thing that people should be paying attention to regardless of their party affiliation or even if they have no party affiliation because what we're really talking about is the integrity of the vote yeah i mean ben swan the did cover this extensively which was an excellent report but i mean that's as a local fox affiliate how sad is it that this huge story that could determine the election down to these counties or wherever these voting machines are that romney is invested in pretty much or that they invested in romney rather how sad is that they felt that no media is really putting this on the front page mark. esquire his job or that. the atlantic is dealt with it i have to pull back for a moment and tell your viewers about an absolutely stunning cover story in the
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latest issue of harper's the november issue how to rig an election by big toria collier who is a real stalwart election integrity activist this is a masterpiece this article alone only begins to scratch the surface it is must it is must reading and that piece help push the atlantic esquire the christian. science monitor and other considerably considerable media to pay attention to the story at long last well go at it right now that the national media has as usual shockingly enough ignore this very important nose it's even worse than that because now again as we discussed last time it's the left media that's actually not just ignore this kind of story but as is making fun of it is deep bunking at think progress which is a questionable name in my eyes and alter net have now joined n.b.c.'s chuck tired and d.c.'s elections expert in laughing off concerns about election fraud through
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electronic means as conspiracy theory this is just staggering to me i can't really imagine why these self professed left liberal outlets would would do such a thing unless it's because they're tired of the democratic party and weirdly enough as we also discussed last time the democrats seem not to want to discuss this issue i think because they believe that telling the people the truth about this kind of thing will somehow depress voter turnout oh that's ridiculous marc i mean but let's talk about you just hit upon extremely important point in what you just said that the media dismisses things that are too controversial as can spirits if they're it's a pejorative term that really just shuts down the dialogue talk a little bit more about this term and how it is to manipulate the narrative. yeah well it's i've done a lot of research on this very interesting when i came out with my book fooled again in two thousand and five i ran into that brick wall conspiracy theory that
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almost no reviews no interviews and i and that's the fate that i shared with the others who tried to tell the truth about this issue so i looked into the history of that phrase you know i wanted to know when exactly was it that conspiracy theory became the cudgel of choice used by the press. in this country to inhibit all discussion of inconvenient stories and to my surprise i found that before the late sixty's the phrase was almost never used by the press in this country it was only in the late sixty's that we first started to see the media routinely use that phrase to shut down inconvenient discussion and it started around the kennedy assassination it started in response to some books that raised questions about the warren commission report and they raised questions from various different points on the political spectrum you know one of these books advance the theory that fidel castro had kennedy killed another simply raised other questions and so
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on. but it's notable that that's the moment when this kind of dismissal began and there is a declassified cia memo from i think it's april first one thousand nine hundred sixty seven sent out to station chiefs worldwide how to deal with the problem of these books and the memo is very explicit it says we must use our propaganda assets and friends in the media that's that's a probate and quote to discredit the work of these conspiracy theorists by making the following five arguments some of those arguments abbe i hear today around any attempt to discuss election fraud for example well if this were really going on someone would have blown you would know about it yeah exactly well and all of that i mean you've also talked about something else really significant mark that no one touches at all all across the board i mean and really every media establishment as a nine eleven alternative theories and i don't know that i mean just basically
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question the government narrative there's so many anomalies that obviously don't fit into what the government tells us happened i mean why is this event which is this is the premise to end this war abroad the police day roshon of civil liberties here at home such a taboo subject to broach i just don't understand it it really is a conspiracy theory thing that you're talking about well it is the nine eleven truth people who have run into the same problem and it isn't even you know alternative theories of what happened it's raising any question whatsoever right about the government's account i mean if you know that the collapse of building seven is was physically impossible there's no explanation for it that that collapse wasn't even mentioned in the nine eleven commission report even if you raise the question you are you're tarred as a conspiracy theorist and that is a career killer for anybody in the press left liberal or corporate so those people have a very good reason to to stay mum now nine eleven and election fraud i think
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a problem. the most important of the stories that have been suppressed through this through this kind of subtle intimidation but there's really a lot of stories that over the years have been dismissed on these grounds and they always have to do with. you know i suppose you could say that they always have to do with with the expansion of power by the authorities you know. the fact that the cia was you know involved with drug dealers and working in the inner cities gary we're broke that story he was assailed all over the place a conspiracy theorist you know the crash of flight eight hundred t.w.a. flight eight hundred over really atlantic ocean i'm second list these stories and of course i will sound myself like a conspiracy theorist but one has to you know as a matter of intellectual self-respect and i think of true patriotism we're obliged to raise reasonable questions right about these issues i mean if we care about our
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freedoms is as you implied a moment ago we have to we have to ask questions about nine eleven since it was used as the basis for the past so startling that no one even entertains any questions i mean and there are so so many questions about as unfortunately we're going to have to wrap it up we're out of time i really want to get into so much more of you on again mark thank you so much for taking the time and definitely stay warm out there and stay dry ok thanks for having. if you like what you see so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com just breaking the set and subscribe check out our facebook page facebook dot com slash breaking the set i know the nature of the internet is that it is going to hate and troll is going to troll but if you're the more intelligent minded feel free to write me and let me know what you think and if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on air follow me on twitter at abby martin and i want to take a break from my preaching but they too may hear the theory that mainstream media has failed to fill you in on the christmas day underwear bomber next.
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what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage walking the iran tightrope pushing china and russia as occupy anger spreads the two parties still dictate will there be change this election up close guys every monday to november
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fifth on r.c. . i was watching all the budget deal because you never see anything like this. fall. i want to talk to about an event that happened on christmas day two thousand and nine do you remember omar faruq. better known as the underwear bomber the man or tried to blow up northwest airlines flight two fifty three bound from amsterdam to detroit well whom our story made international headlines the guy pleaded guilty t.s.a. beefed up security with body scanners nobody died case closed actually not so much you see with omar's case there's been a number of instances where government operatives for oil terrorist plots the entrapment so could there be more to this case as well that we're not being told about. this trial date has been sad but it was actually more interesting to hear
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from a couple of the passengers who showed up here at court today who have a very interesting theory about what really happened the u.s. government scored him through security without a passport and we believe due for a minute to actually decide to bomb. and i guess today was a passenger on board flight two fifty three joining me now is attorney and also u.s. congressional candidate for the seventh district in michigan kurt haskell. they came on i'm good thank you so much for coming on show no problem so kurt i just wanted to get into the story as i think you know a lot of people don't realize you're a part of the story we've heard so much from the media it's really very different from what you say actually happen that they can you walk us through your experience of what happened to you before you got on the flight and after. well you know it's a full weeks when i fell and you know our time or more basically i win some games that happened before we boarded i went to the f.b.i. trying to help in catching the accomplice you know what you're supposed to do you
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see something say something well that's what i did but i soon found out that the f.b.i. wasn't interested in my story and shortly thereafter he government through the media and continued to put all slow statements that were odds with one eye witness personally and led me to. into your long investigation that i conducted myself putting approximately two thousand hours in my own time investigating what really happened and why my wife and i almost lost our lives. and at the end of. that investigation i determined that this was actually a sting operation where are you under cover u.s. government agents for. the underwear bomber was it lacked we knew your so therefore could not you know it's blown up. and courier you say you know you're playing cards at your wife i recall you telling me earlier and someone as scored the underwear
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bomber onto the flight without a passport. yeah that's true that's what i was speaking of a minute ago you know i witnessed some games before we were you know i went to the i was it's inflammation and. you know how we. should be one of the most wanted men in the world operates this plot by the f.b.i. well it's an interesting one it's their mission so. you know. need any attorney i question why and let me tell you mark. kirk were you ever did you ever question you know anything else that the government had said before this happened i mean were you really political and that this prompt your now congressional run. no i'm no no i was just kind of like in my own life. these things and all and. no i do not from my congressional run here what prompted my
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congressional run was the redistricting not occurred in michigan i mean john dingell so strict and running member of congress now for over fifty years and even though i wanted to run for office before for many years i want to wrong i would never think of running john dingell and. redistricting occurring in this year putting me into against him walberg who i think it's a very vulnerable incumbent and that's what led me to run. and so you say you know you say that the government this is pretty much a sting operation and that clip that we saw earlier i didn't show the full clip but you were telling that fox affiliate that you think it's made to expand you know the domestic policy is these these body scanners in all these airports is that is that what you think this was about kurt. well it could be it's a legitimate sting operation you're rushed the person really boards the plane you
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don't let. you know it once and a device that can be exploded but it did cause a fire going almost took our plane down so if you're going to conduct a legitimate sting operation you're us the man since he boarded the plane before you had a chance here in danger of the lives of two hundred eighty not gas and that's not what occurred here. you know i have a whole. great deal of. forte's when i'm standing here for two thousand hours of my own time so we don't have time to go knowledge. you know so that leaves means we was done for other reasons letting him fly across the ocean only to go by former detroit on christmas day obviously that's a much bigger media story than a commute for other purposes you know a man or a while talking to board a plane you know right i mean yeah i definitely remember the media hype about it
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and has it caused you has this whole experience i mean you were there you saw it go down you saw the media manipulate your story completely omitted it in a lot of instances this do you now question other things i mean now that we know that pretty much every for oil plot is really just f.b.i. entrapment it just seems like there really isn't a legitimate threat here do you question other aspects of the war on terror and other past instances where there have been you know like nine eleven or or anything else like that. well. i guess if you put yourself in my position how could you not. because i don't look through it it's not something that i'm hearing second or something that some crazy person is making up in on believing in something that witness with my own eyes and i lived through it i seen we've got remaining. stand the story accurately report things that happen i've seen the media
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. how could i not questioning everything. what do you think of the media's complicity in the silence. well. you know i don't know what to make of it because you know and i understand the media is considered showing never told certain instrument government and there is no against to back them up you know it's against the backdrop what i'm saying much really circumstantial and the hard truth it's being held by the government never at least i eat the airport security video that were completely programs that if you. were going naked on the media you know i don't know because you know before this happened i thought the media would do investigative reporting on stories like this where there are. you know different theories on what happened but since i know the media won't do that i will just take what the government sells and runs with it so i have
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a completely different and united media now going hey you know before the snap they pretty much are a mouthpiece for government propaganda career but really quickly to wrap it up i just wanted you to say where can people find out more about your congressional run and i want to thank you for you know taking truth to power and really stepping up to the plate here being the change. yeah. i am running for congress and hopefully people will see me for who i am rich. an american citizen will stand up for what's right will represent people and not corporations. or you're wealthy and so learn more about me you can go to my website for asco for a prominent stock and we have your election a few days away and hopefully some of your listeners will donate to my campaign so that we can push this campaign over the top i'm going to be very close race right now with the new congress and we stablish many. and you know a lot of truth loving people and some loving people would love to see me in office
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absolutely current thank you so much for your time for coming on and for running. well. you can wait to be back on the show and. you're a half after a massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami left the fukushima nuclear power plant in japan severely damaged the plants authorities are still scrambling to find space to store the tens of thousands of tons of highly contaminated water that was used to cool the broken reactors and the problem is far from contained the water is stored in gigantic tanks surrounding the daiichi power plant and tepco the tokyo electric power company has been working to clear more room for a volume of water that's expected to more than triple and the next three years find a place to store over two hundred thousand tons of radioactive water is no easy
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task especially with the added factor that japan is an island nation highly susceptible to earthquakes and tsunamis and if the situation in japan isn't daunting enough it becomes more complicated when you throw in the fact that nuclear authorities are engaged in tangled with the kusa japan's most notorious crime syndicate. that's right according to japanese government sources that you kusa has a long history of involvement in japan's nuclear industry that dates back over a decade undercover reporters have exposed tepco payoffs to the kusa to keep quiet about safety issues and detention scandals look we heard you know that tepco is corrupt as hell in fact they knew that the reactors were faulty and they even falsified documents in the past to downplay the poor conditions of the reactors years before the disaster so who is tepco having work on the disaster cleanup well unfortunately
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a group of veteran engineers called the skilled veterans corps for fukushima has been denied access to clean up the radioactive mess skilled veteran's corps is made up of seven hundred plus retired workers from the fukushima plant many of them elders who expect to die of natural causes long before the long term effects of radiation exposure could make them sick aside from the fact that these men are willing to lay down their lives for the cleanup effort i find it mind boggling to leave the tepco is a nine them access starts to make sense however when you take into account the outsourcing of organized crime labor by tepco the rest of the coup is a boss who allegedly supplied workers for reconstruction efforts is helping to shine a light on the whole operation japanese law enforcement officials have disclosed that starting in may of last year gang members were sent to the damaged reactors so they perform cleanup work and began rebuilding damaged areas
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a subcontractor for tepco then awarded the extra hazard pay to the crime boss and a portion of the money was used to settle debts with the crime syndicate. now while you might be thinking that gang members and criminals going in to help clean up a nuclear disaster sounds like a good idea think about it this way these workers are being sacrificed to this job because they are indebted to the mob and they're desperate for work and many of them have little to no experience being sent to what they're doing think about what i just said this may be the most important aspect of all the nuclear disaster resulting from the rita major nuclear meltdowns is unfolding by the minute and who sent to work on it gang members with no experience the cleanup efforts must be worked on properly or could result in the spread of eighty five times the amount of dangerous c s one thirty seven isotope of the turnover of disaster sent around the
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world listen guys this is insane if the potential for global catastrophe is an opening people's eyes to the technological and sanity that is nuclear energy then i don't know what will the idea of nuclear energy does not account for human error mother nature's wrath and the possibility of storing the waste we clearly can't count on the industry or the government to look out for the people of this planet we are the ones who need to demand an end to this madness. free. free. free. free free.
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free. free. download free blogs videos for your mediocre. a free media dog to our teeth on top. of the six america votes for its next president. who takes the wheel as the u.s. drives into the future. get the news the mainstream misses with up close election coverage the u.s. election up close. and. culture is that so much about the taxpayers' money materialization if it has a lot of people at area sandy is coming on but in the storm's wake or the conversations running climate change return to american political discourse and debate politics.


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