tv [untitled] November 2, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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it's friday you ready to rumble joining me for tonight's big picture marc harrold libertarian commentator attorney and author adam bitly and editor in chief of net right daily and sam sex progressive commentator and contributor truthout dot org let's let's get started on this thing mitt romney gave his closing argument speech today and here's what he warned would happen if president obama gets reelected. you know that if the president is reelected he will still be unable to work with the people in congress i mean he's ignored them he's attacked them he's blamed them the debt ceiling will come up again and shutdown and default will be threatened
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chilling the economy. so romney's basically tipping the republicans hand his knees saying that if obama gets reelected then republicans a blow up the debt ceiling crash the economy paul krugman writes the new york times about this argument are we ready to become a country in which they got their shamed as a seventh congress that were to happen to it becomes a winning political argument i hope that by all means vote for mr romney if you think he offers a better policy but arguing for mr romney on the grounds that he can get things done veers dangerously close to accepting protection racket politics which have no place in american life so and if you couldn't hear the clip basically in iran he was saying was if president obama is reelected he's going to run head to head into the republicans when it comes to raising the debt ceiling they're going to crash the economy and you know america is going to go to hell and so therefore vote for mitt romney. this makes no sense to me sam no i mean it makes absolutely no sense to think that president obama has somehow been at odds with congress president obama has folded to congress every chance he's got him and look i mean i'm
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disappointed by that is as anybody else i think the president should realize that for the stimulus money pretty much gave republicans everything they wanted a third of it tax cuts and all this stuff and they still didn't vote for it that he was facing opposition that was going to say no to everything he did and yet he continued with health care and continued to try to make a play with congress and in the lead you might end up paying for it but this idea that romney also adam is is that do you think that that's a winning strategy from from a from a libertarian point of view when the strategy is say vote for me because i'm not going to need kept the country. and i think it's absurd i mean that the facts are prepared sitting here debating whether or not you know one guy or the other is going to somehow this is likely to the president out of state see you can't minimize that but here's what we know i mean here's what we already know first every time obama is going down there they've had this political theater that goes all the way up to the eleventh hour and fifteen minutes and then there's a cave and this is happened on both the republican side as republicans would argue
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and democrats as democrats would argue. when if there would have republicans. kept balance or is that never passed and instead we had the sequester which are about the cave in again so it was the republicans idea they just had to sign on for instead of what he wanted but then i said on the democrat signed off on it so that you will point the finger now and say well that's just republicans idea they supported it they support it now tim kaine d.n.c. chairman came out time and said well it's on exactly what we wanted which is what everyone else will accept so mark is this is this really what we've come to politically in this country yell for me or yeah this is what we call it up here you know this is what we've come to this is a two party system this will become to you know senator reid came out today and pretty much said he's not probably going to able to work well with romney i think we see this on both sides i've said before i think this idea we come up to the eleventh hour they have they've over the country a budget both parties to this isn't just a problem but these two cannon are the president and governor romney this is also an incumbent see problem where things have gotten so gridlocked there's enough blame to go around with these two parties but you know i think this is where we are
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he's down to undecided voters he's down to his you know four more days thing he's in a box i think this was sort of mini mr and governor romney absolutely he's he's going to do what he can i think he must have information that tells him that this is the way to get the last of the undecideds and we're heading into election day so he gives you this doomsday speech and he heads off into the sunset and tries to win this thing i think that you know your energy out in your company problem this is a money problem this is a congress this is the first election after citizens united which we saw more money spent in any midterm than ever before that elected all these members of all these people from the tea party crowd to be part from the tea party who have no idea what it's like to be a statesman or no idea what it's like to work in congress and actually make ideas and now they're working the show you see all these filibusters in the senate so you have always nothing happening in the house ok will be the big bad teeth of the of these tea party republicans this is a they're joined a republican republican party strong now you know it's as being involved in the tea party from day one i can hardly hardly say that the big tea party wave has really had this big
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a fact that you can so you guys you know. you think that you have not had any impact i think it's slightly moved a little right words but not enough to be cynical right as it is the most radical boomer about the repo rate a budget is by far the ok let's talk about the start of hurricane sandy it looks like the corporate media could no longer deny that climate change is happening and super storms will be more future more frequent the future effect there are already more after sandy several corporate news outlets to go to the coverage talking about climate change bloomberg businessweek devoted its cover story to sandy with the title it's global warming is still good and amazon we see c.n.n. a.b.c. and other major media outlets including fox are called news devoted on air segments to discussing hurricane sandy in the frame of global climate change although boxset a particularly strange take. they all say there's climate change but the problem is there's no consensus on what's causing it is the solar flares it's that the mars wobbles as if the earth's axis tilting at. the old mars wobble the science should
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have all woke us up to this reality decades ago now the frig storms will mar mars wobbler not republican mayor of new york city michael bloomberg who by the way indorsed george w. bush in the two thousand and four election from the r n c has come out and endorsed president obama because of the issue of climate change so here's my question there's five percent more moisture in the atmosphere now than ever before in human history five percent more than just fifty years ago and freak storms are becoming the norm what will should governments play to mitigate the damage at this point well i think you have to talk about of the this is one thing i think the third party candidates being in there i think the election at least the debates have been different joel stein was in there she's not my candidate but she would always talking about this you know there's a lot of anderson absolutely there's a lot of disagreement about this what role should the government take well to the degree that there is actually a threat the government may or may not may have to react to but the first thing we have to get back here is by this the scientific void we've got let the parents know science and what i'm saying is their politics are in science and. that's
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a rather just result of what i really wanted rather than read about it but i can say honestly that i look out there and see enough to say i don't know and there's obviously a pull there's a political will to shape the site in not just in in this situation but in a lot of different scientific areas that the science is infused with the public opinion or the politics and we as voters as americans party aside can't get the real story on this so i think there's something to it i don't know what the government. rather than turning this into a debate about the reality or non-reality of climate change let's just stipulate something's happening maybe it's mars wobbling the question is is it the role of government to do something about that at all no not at all in fact it's silly to say you know we should rely on some congressman to make a decision so and so the people in new jersey right now should be waiting for being capital to help them while they're waiting for the government to come and save the same people who are waiting on the fix climate in the class so they should be waiting for being capital help you know here's what they should be doing it shouldn't place their trust in something silly and placing your trust in college
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because there was a trust in the market clearly so this is bigger is almost as if this is the great flaw of the libertarians are here this is it this is only it's climate change the profit motive does not allow for companies to invest in new technologies or invest in a new area because it will hurt their quarterly profits if exxon mobil and b.p. wanted to start making that transition to start producing solar panels instead of punching holes all over the gulf of mexico that would require a lot of money to transition that way that companies are willing to take that because they have to please their quarterly shareholders so what you need is you need some sort of incentive you need some sort of we the people to come together and give incentives to companies to make that transition for the good of all society and that is are their products you said this is not the role of atoms pretty explicit and yet i don't think i mean well the first of all we're doing a very broad i don't know what an actor so what are we talking about what are we talking about talking ourselves our own talking about norms are we talking about the equivalent of the fire department having a fire department dealing with disasters no doubt a disaster in your house catches on fire it is
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a disaster when you're casting. fire and the fire department will come and shouldn't have any when the fire department of the commons is in that is not of an appropriate or a function of the fire department is an appropriate government and how how is that a local level how is that any different than than fame would be inappropriate to function as an is not the fire department writ large now see the problem with this is what you're kind of mixing apples and oranges in here with the problems can be solved you are when the government gets involved it defines what an emergency is ok you may have had a guy two weeks ago in idaho or omaha who had a small flood his house got a flood but nobody's coming to help and he's going to have to rely as insurance them to lie on local entities this idea that this now cannot be handled by the state and local could but this is the big question isn't isn't there a point isn't there a rational threshold that we can all look at and say you know private private insurance companies they can deal with that but they can't deal with this the only way we can deal with this is all three hundred million are use but when you say you're calling that see the thing about this is the fire department comes puts out the fire we're ok there i got you there when no problem if it takes the resources
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to come and save people's lives immediacy yeah in real time but the fire department doesn't put your house back together they don't rebuild it that's the role of private insurance so you're mixing apples and oranges when you're saying is it feel like the fire department are you telling me the females going to come and save lives in real time that may be an appropriate role for government and if the state local can't do it and the federal government to help them is going to believe all of these people's houses it's going to provide them with shelter until they figure out what they're going to congress implement things like cap and trade for instance it's not that i've never seen a report that if you have one of love to this cannot point to prevent a weak category one hurricane from developing in you to go down the argo that it would when he pushed through cap and trade in massachusetts on not to rely on politicians or scientists to tell me that i mean cap and trade is a republican idea that was used to get sulfur down there and are going to cut down on the ground this idea to lead out of gasoline it's a half measure we need we need we need just caps we need harbors them to explain it all to really there's no explanation pro free market is going to solve the global
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warming problem other the. just keep pumping the last trillion dollars of oil out of the ground told of things like this or maybe on tuesday millions of americans will cast their votes using a voting machines those machines are made by private corporations like harkin or civic which has direct ties to mitt romney's bain capital meanwhile republican voting suppression efforts are in full swing in ohio a so-called data sharing glitch caused thousands of residents to be denied absentee ballots and many of those denied were from heavily democratic county in oregon investigations underway in a ballot tampering don't we have a problem here with this. this whole thing with the privatization of the vote. yes. i mean. well i mean look here we were just talking about the commons it seems like our voting in our democratic institutions are the ultimate part of our common is that we should more of the for profit interest of corporations to start trying to get money off of i mean especially when you have candidates who are over who have ties to the voting machines that are covered this is the this is bringing us
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back to the commons at them it's back to the question of what are the things that we do collectively we have just just a minute you know i think i think every year i end up seeing that the bait similar to this which is that this company handle it correctly or on the other hand as republicans will say look companies never handled it until the last thirty years ok but it doesn't mean that we don't see this debate frequently which is democrats and you know private companies disenfranchising voters in this case and republicans come out and say wow the military ballots that arrived at this place it's a back and forth that we see every year you know our complete back when there was the crank machines they were owned by the local government they might have been serviced by by private industry but they were owned by the local government shouldn't shouldn't we at least have you know open voting systems so i think we need open voting i personally don't have any real problem with taking this back part of it though is is this immediacy we have this idea that we need to know who won the election pretty quickly and that's brought us into a lot of this technology i don't think and we really want to go back to an old you know punch card thing we can do it but we won't be able to have the kind of
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coverage that the news agencies are going to do. and the people want so i don't have any real problem with that i'm you know if they fall in germany they've taken three days and caught it on paper but the exit polls they call the election that night when they are more wrong they're not always correct is the problem actually they are. no longer represents the people the people are going to take the term. in the traditional. the way our economic system. the.
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and sam sax let's get back to it we've all heard of lanes the high occupancy vehicle lanes those i will lanes created to encourage people to our pool which is a public good they're now being replaced with hot lanes high toll lane highway lanes created so the rich don't have to wait in traffic nine states now have these lines and next month or gin you will be the town and for anywhere from twenty to twenty dollars a ride you can ride in that exclusive lane without all that ski traffic around recent poll in georgia found that only four percent of atlanta voters favor the hot lanes idea this bother anybody else not at all you know the surprise this bothers you this just would be a tax on the rich they get to ride in this in this lane and pay a little extra while the rest of the people the poor folks they don't know if it was a public commons i wouldn't have a problem with it it's like you know it's the airlines a to have to have the the frequent flyer lanes and people basically paid to be
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members the friggin flyer programs but and i suppose you could argue that airports are part of the commons but the airport the airlines are private corporations and this is a private transportation industry but and you don't have to necessarily fly in all situations but the people driving i mean this is this pretty essential is placing something that as you mentioned was a public good you have it you have the ways to encourage carpooling to cut down on . carbon going into the atmosphere you're replacing that now with a luxury that not only really wealthy people can afford it it's going to be twenty dollars a trip just so they don't have to wait traffic why not just open the lane and if you have an extra lane that cuts out on traffic there do you got good news for you virginia thought about all that and the new hot lanes will allow people to ride for free if they're carpooling so i think it's a very real risk. two you have three riders but you get to ride for free during rush hour is the gist of virginia i don't know about other states but i do know about the virginia alliance so see i see that as an as an evil not as a good you know because what you're doing is you're diluting the h.l.v.
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lanes this is like the same thing as means tested so the security is working and there's no you don't have that well you know until until this thing starts making serious bucks and then and you know and then state is running out of money or something like that is probably going to say no no we carried tags on the rich people so let's get rid of the high occupancy part of this thing it is a tax on the rich people that pay to ride in that lane yes but it's not ok mark your thoughts and i hate this idea i don't know if i'm supposed to hate this idea but i hate this idea that you mention the airport you know what it's ok for you to go through a different line once controlled by delta or u.s. air you paid it's a private company if you get to put your luggage in first you get to board the plane first that's fine i don't like the deal where because of which ticket you bought you get to go through a separate lane up to security that's a government function that's not that is a function the commons going through scared him airport he was a libertarian i don't always like the way they do it but going through the line going to that which order you go through the one let me get this right because you pay delta more money for your ticket you get to go up to the security faster i
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don't like that i've no problem if you get on the plane first i have no problem if you check your bag first going through a separate line this is the same kind of thing to me i don't know if i'm supposed to like this or not but i hate this idea i saw atlanta i really don't like this i like the nature of the thing i guess that's you know it's for whatever i think it'll make some money and i know they need money and it's a type of user fee i don't know what it is this thing really pisses me off and i'm not one hundred percent sure why. but we're not legally right but i'm sure i'm supposed to love us but let's hear it. because if you try to help you actually have a car then i will have it i'm not buying it yet the reason is because to those that are married and told her yes you know i know that you have something that i will try to fit in look at all the riches go by i'm sure i'm supposed to believe it because i also i just hate it this is symptomatic of a bigger problem here that is that the billionaire costs which. adam is a proud member of our city ordering to fire into what is is separating itself farther and farther from the rest of us they have their own charter schools they have their own gated communities they fly their own airplanes and now they're going
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to ride in their own lanes to get out of traffic here this really is becoming to countries this is this is a billionaire and that's that's a big issue and maybe that's what you're speaking to a lot of this is strategy an issue for me but you know it this is a deal where you're on the same road you just got your own lane now and there's a difference i know you know i'm having problems somebody has a private jet and they can get there faster and all that that to me is a little bit different this is one road it has a finite number of space you've got decide are you going to deny us tensions i think if they gave some money is going to yeah i mean eminent domain pisses me off to my point is it was it was taken from we the people it is the property and we the people in your judgment should be respected in this community of building pipelines not to know that it's not a problem all eminent domain let's stick with this thing here for a minute i don't know what it is it just it's one of those things that you just see that you have a visceral reaction to it you know you don't like it even if you have here's the place and there is no rich people as it is now way before the first section of virginia they did not have each of us in that area like this so if you have ever seventeen folks that's really open now don't get me wrong i was adamant about this
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ask what bush actually did is it added some weights to the highway and this is i take this route every morning to work now but wayne start right where i get off what it will do is this is open up the road by prioritizing to people to get one set of lanes or stay in another and i believe this study was not a big sign says rich guys here ok election is just days away let's all take off our partisan hat if you had to bet on one candidate who's going to win tuesday and why . i really think president obama is probably going to win unless ohio goes into the late night and some fishing business happens there but i think obama's going away adam yeah earlier this week i thought romney was and now i kind of we towards obama i think it's fifty fifty percent if it goes late i think romney wins but not because of. i think everybody loses a little bit with the amount of access we've had to third party candidates there's my plug i'm the same way earlier on when i thought it was really going towards romney and then i really thought i was going back towards the president this point
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i think my gut feeling is the president's going to win but i agree i think it comes down to ohio that's what we all have to be watching and i think ohio is the election the way florida has been in the past and we'll see what happens we definitely will see what happens it will be covering it right here thanks a lot mark adam sam. first the corporate masters of the universe came for greece and with apologies to pastor new mower and we here in the united states did nothing we watch to silence those corporate technocrats toppled the democratic government of prime minister george pop and derailed and forced austerity on the greek people against their will we said nothing as unemployment rate spiraled out of control and suicide rates in greece went to forty percent we didn't flinch when
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a group pensioner walked up to parliament and shot himself in the head leaving behind a letter blaming austerity the red quote i cannot find any other form of struggle except a dignified end before i have to start scrounging for food from rubbish bins this week the conservative greek government unveiled a new round of austerity cuts for the greek people who've already lost their universal health care system to the banks or masters pensioners and public workers will be hit the hardest just so these corporate masters can collect their returns on their failed investments before the crash and none of us here in the united states are asking any questions as greece is descending into chaos the main question we should be asking is what's the point of austerity austerity has a. nothing to do with paying down greece's debt after these new austerity measures greece's current debt ratio will soar from one sixty five one hundred sixty five percent of g.d.p. which is where it is now to one hundred ninety percent of g.d.p.
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making it even more difficult the long run to pay down any debts on top of that the economy is projected to contract for a half percent in two thousand and thirteen compared to the previous prediction before the austerity got really ramped up to three point nine percent and all this is happening six years after the economic crisis began what most americans fail to understand some europeans are just starting to realize is that the goal of the corporate masters in their austerity regime is not to make life better for the greek people instead the goal of the globalist pushing these austerity agendas is to bust up organized labor and privatized the assets of the country to turn greece into a libertarian paradise with no pesky organized labor and corporate fat cats profiting from what used to be public places and public services if they're successful greece will be run by transnational c.e.o.'s via the european union in the world trade
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organization the collapse of greece and the privatization of its commons will be globalism is first serious take down. but unsatisfied the corporate masters of the universe but also turn their sights on resource rich and cash strapped nations including portugal ireland and spain and again we here in the united states are saying nothing spain now has the highest unemployment rate in the euro zone topping twenty five percent and they like the rest of the nations hit with austerity are being dragged down that road to collapse even though it's paved with civil unrest economic despair and radical politics you'd think the world would have learned the lesson of the treaty of or saw if you don't know what i'm talking about look it up in the face of all this the e.u. has been silent to the e.u. was created as a bulwark against fascism and to strengthen democracy prosperity and peace across that continent fact the e.u. just recently want to nobel peace prize for their efforts in that direction
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unfortunately though now their corporate masters are threatening that mission with their austerity demands in greece and spain democracy is dying prosperity is withering away and radical and fascistic parties are gaining traction in government again it's like the treaty of versailles if the germans and the rest of the creditor nations in europe continue to ignore this they're going to be next we continue to say nothing about this destruction here in the united states were ignoring this collapse it's happening just across the atlantic ocean it can happen here we think not only are we ignoring it. we're in power in those same corporate masters of the universe here in the united states in two thousand and ten as austerity really bit hard in greece we elected a caucus of republicans hell bent on doing the bidding of american corporate masters and bringing austerity right here in the united states and two years later with greece and spain in full collapse mitt romney and paul ryan might win the
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white house on an austerity platform that explicitly wants to privatized our commons and hand social security and medicare over the corporate overlords first they came for the greeks and we did nothing then they came for the rest of europe and then we did nothing. election day these corporate corporate masters will come for us and if romney is elected it may soon be too late to stop the united states will be the corporate masters of the universe is big get it's time for all of us to wake up before we live in a one world government ruled by these corporate masters. and that's the way it is tonight friday member second two thousand and twelve. for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and . you missed any of the night's show you know watch it in h.d. on hulu at hulu dot com slash the big picture also check out our two youtube channels there are links to thom hartmann dot com there are shows also available
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for free video podcast on i tunes and you can visit our own account to download the audio podcast of our daily three to six radio show also for free tom arbonne i phone and i pad app at the app store and you can send us feedback at twitter at tom underscore harben on facebook at tom underscore our our blogs message boards and telephone comments at times or not and don't forget democracy is not just about voting although it's important to show up and vote that really requires participation and get out there get active tag you're it.
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