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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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in their diet they're taking a cue from ancient rome after a quick trip to the vomitorium is back to the banquet table care for a mint zero zero p. one selection obama if he doesn't watch from running at the white house with a t.v. well that's the role really of our congress our senate our white house bill clinton i believe did that some the last guy who lost you know all those blue just one and you kept that for posterity sake but no if they lose the white house all these congress people in the white house will have to meet rather than out the back. of toasters election i hope and you know whatever to get their hands on a porch of a george washington them running down the street what so again max the banks are making money at every step of this fraud path we talked about this at the time that barack obama's agreement with these banks for twenty five billion dollars was just a cover up so we go back to the election max before the election was over wall street won now this is from no a prince i know you're talking to in the second half of the show and she breaks
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down all of how the banks are winning with whatever candidate wins this election that they've already bought both sides of the aisle of course but all the rhetoric the very marginal the few times that they've even mentioned the banking crisis it's all fake that one side pretends like who we've introduced so much for regulation the best regulation the strongest regulation since glass steagall since the great depression where barack obama i'm not a zombie i help fight for the people well mitt romney says the same thing that he's going to get rid of the regulation in order to protect the people you know knives heads i win tails you lose right i mean it's a game they play and they never lose sight of these banks report that they had sixty seventy eighty ninety straight days of gains on their proprietary trading account like you know some pinheads nine times in a row statistically virtually impossible but you have to get away with it they front run strange and manipulate markets. they high frequency trading they
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compromise the political system they trade inside information between washington and wall street they print money when it's convenient they throw people out of their homes they encourage a person industrial complex and put people in jail now what do you know how to. ninety percent occupancy for the prisons therefore inducing the unlawful incarceration of millions of americans for the benefit of the private equity groups like corporations like actions core of america out of a philosophical agenda which many call market fundamentalism max is an end of empire they've got their jackasses in the senate and their lunatic in the white house it's the same thing that happened in rome let's move back to the vomitorium let's talk about what no prince here is saying about zero interest rate policy this is part of the collusion the racket whichever team wins is going to continue with the zero interest rate policy because this is what the banks want this is what
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jamie dimon wants this is what lloyd blankfein wants this is what brian moynihan once so she in particular talks about zero interest rate policy this is a big issue for you you had a big issue against this out policy against the savers in order to appease the speculators so between two thousand and five and two thousand and seven u.s. commercial banks held approximately six point nine seven trillion dollars of interest bearing customer deposits during the past two quarters they held an average of seven point three one trillion during the first period when fed funds rate average four point five percent banks paid their customers an average of thirty nine point six billion dollars of interest per quarter more recently with zirp they paid an average of eight point nine billion in interest per quarter or nearly seventy seven percent less in dollar terms max that's thirty point seven billion dollars per quarter that banks in america are paying less per interest per quarter or. for one hundred twenty three billion dollars per year they stole
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hundred twenty three billion dollars and counting in america all over the world well it's called wealth redistribution and all of these crazy lunatic audience members in the coliseum of america that is the american populace is like all down down zero zero zero zero that guys bad guys a socialist that that guy is a marxist this guy's a communist that guy started that guy's mao well none of them mentioned that it was redistribution to the banks that the bankers the top point zero zero zero zero zero one percent were having this wealth transferred to them it was all about the people on food stamps the fifty sixty seventy million americans on food stamps but redistribution implies methodology which is. some kind of schematic paradigm modeling of the litter. in other words you shouldn't call redistribution because it sounds as though
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there's some economic theory involved it's just stealing so let's look at how much in total has been stolen since this financial crisis began since zero kicked into gear in two thousand and eight banks have saved nearly four hundred eighty six billion dollars in interest payments while average salary in compensation increased by twenty three percent and dividend payments declined by fourteen point zero five percent again look at this racket look out there the shift in wealth and everybody could this was never mentioned in any of the debates it was everybody shocked like why is america becoming so an equal why is this wealth and income gap growing it's right there was the and zero percent interest rate pursued by ben bernanke the chairman of the federal reserve bank when he goes to congress and testifies why he's doing this he says well you know we have to keep on guard for deflation and we don't see much inflation in the system well over the past twenty years name change the definition of employer. at least twice they don't kluge food and energy and if
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they calculate inflation as they did twenty years ago the inflation rate including energy and food would be running at nine percent which is very very high and bernanke if he was responsible and he was looking at numbers in the responsible way would have already started raising rates two years ago three years ago four years ago to head off this inflation but no he's been doing quantitative easing and is again in artificially lower interest rates which are creating amongst other things a so-called fiscal cliff that's completely fabricated and invented by bernanke and irresponsibility at the federal reserve bank he's created one hundred million people around the world him and his fellow central bankers being thrust back into poverty as the paul more top regulator in boston on this very show so this is a complete and utter three hundred sixty degree cluster. with this is are the banks have gained half a trillion dollars since the crisis began since rates went to zero so that the
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final one the biggest bank of all j.p. morgan i've got my protection to if i have to mention them i need protection my silver protection right the biggest banks are the biggest takers in this is our policy consider j.p. morgan chase's cut although it's deposits disproportionately increased by forty six percent since two thousand and seven i preserve the most of this max is due to their acquisition of washington mutual it's interesting expenses declined by nearly eighty nine percent while their deposits increased by forty six percent so from two thousand and four to two thousand and seven chase paid out thirty four point four billion dollars in interest to its deposit customers from two thousand and eight to mid two thousand and twelve paid out three point four billion j.p. morgan chase's ratio of interest paid to deposit of point two seven percent is the lowest of the big for him. banks that on average pay less than smaller banks anyway
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so there you have these are numbers assigned to how much has been stolen this was never addressed in any of the debates by either of the candidates and you know there are only two that you're allowed to vote for and so here we have a situation of end of empire where we have vomitorium is on wall street oh don't mind jamie diamond dude i'll write errol billable at your local voodoo tory m it's got all you need to flick massive to paint on this possessed devil of finance on wall street and you can talk to me to various locations here it's cause serious gentle soul discomfort so it's right there oh damn that's gotta hurt buddy let's try to get one for each go ahead there you go buddy that's the world speaking to you you can feel it down there in your loins because people hate you they hate you with a vengeance when they see you they want to vomit on your face because you stole hundreds
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of billions of dollars you're a crook and all more sadistic pig or else go ahead i'm all right here in the head right here near your blades master's inspired brain cells oh did you go j b n you feel that you know i'm an ok rose you keep pointing to something when you point to go to hell. fair enough there you go ok jamie see you in hell they've got a special room. one of those chronic flatulence. that's nothing new there he's already got chronic lateral and everyone who works at j.p. morgan those that do it i mean go five yards of the. you know that's one of the social faux paus unfortunately they like to hire that so far smelling devil worshipping jamie diamond lloyd blankfein to run these banks so they get this like a you know a priest up to pal and then they go to hell then it's a more twenty four seven flatulent in their face it's all twenty four seven. down there for jamie oh it's nice you know we're going so much on the cards the
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welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser trying not to go to los angeles to talk but know a friend author of it takes a pillage and black tuesday now he's a former senior bank executive at both goldman sachs and bear stearns now he welcome to the kaiser report. saranac thing here all right know me your latest blog post is titled before the elections are over wall street won explained yeah that's right the point of the article was to alchemy all of the information that doesn't get discussed in the mainstream media about how these candidates are actually the
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same with respect to the many things like what the point of my article was with respect to how they deal with wall street financial regulation banks continuing to be too big to fail and accept her and the minor difference between that's just how they verbalize their acceptance of wall street obama verbalizes his acceptance by saying that he has passed the most sweeping reform ever since the great depression which isn't true and romney verbalizes his acceptance of wall street by saying he will repeal it however being as the legislation in question frank act is completely meaningless with respect to reforming wall street and they are all the same and then i go on in terms of the detail as to how that act actually locks how it doesn't affect anything and then how the f.c.c. is complicit how the d.o.j. the department of justice in the united states is less that's how the federal reserve has been complicit in providing zero interest rate policy which is negative
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for everybody except wall street and go into greater detail with all those aspects you know there's a great extension of the fraud into the virtual markets and gaming markets because we see that in trade which is the irish stock market virtual stock market where you can buy and sell both obama and romney has now been involved in a manipulation scandal from the operatives in the romney campaign who have manipulated the price of his contract to hire because they know that in america the media would then report on a higher price as somehow indicative of momentum which then is played in amongst the general. population of voters who are getting screwed by these wall street monstrosities romney and obama and being fed by another derivative of wall street a prediction market out in trade all helped along by the mainstream media as you mentioned the mainstream media shameless as a nomi there's nothing in america really the new york times or the l.a.
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times or nothing on t.v. that really delves into the fact that the electoral process now in america is a complete and utter sham correct it's as fraudulent as the money behind it and as you say the main additional aspect that we have today in the actions is that we can you know if there's a scheming aspect even the elections are financial lies along the lines of trade ability and contracts and manipulation the media has continued to assume that americans are so stupid that they cannot look at delineations of these candidates they have to be in either pro mom or pro romney and that is how all of the television all of the newspapers have been positioning this election as if there is a tremendous difference between the two and it goes further than that so that if anyone has an opinion outside of those two camps it's as if it's a hell of patriotic and un-american to even point out the fact that both of these people are really the same and if you go back historically you look at all the
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various elections there's there's been a there's been a sameness amongst the main two parties for decades but it's never been as bad as it is now there's never been a candidate obama which has been so supported by wall street to the extent that his treasury secretary tim geithner who was one of the main architects who are they all out and subsidization the current subsidization that goes on of the wall street banks right now is completely not even cover our in this election it's amazing to me that the treasury secretary of the united states is not even getting our modest amount of play in this election when the economy is supposed to be the prevalent subject in the. and for that is because he is complicit and keep in lawsuit where it isn't keeping individuals where they are just in two separate camps and ronnie i honestly don't think he has a clue as to the ends and outs of regulation a fed policy is really anything but it doesn't matter from this perspective because he's just continuing the general the republican being and we're just going to get
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rid of it if it looks like regulation whether it is or not is it doesn't really matter and wall street is lined up this election to support romney but i don't think that's because he's looking at obama's democrat they supported obama fine last time i think it's because romney looks to them like he's to win and they like to back the winner not only early in the program we went over the cost of zero zero interest rate policy to the u.s. citizen elaborate on interest rate policy most people well perhaps things are zero interest rates help them rather than harm them well zero interest rate is what we've had since the end of two thousand and eight basically when the fed stepped in and in addition to lashing many means for lending to the banking community in return for assets that the banks want to get off their books because they can't sell them and they're taking up space and they are very good decided to say all right well there's zero interest rate policy it means they'll be liquidity that we
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money in the system that will be very cheap in the banks will supposedly take this money lead to the general population and lend to small businesses let's even businesses that are creating infrastructure doing anything productive except there are and this was the philosophy that the said question as to the reason why they would have zero interest rates it would benefit everyone as you know it has benefited only the big banks why is that because they're not lending like they said they were going to well they never said they were going to they're not lending like the fed said they were going to they're not lending like the treasury department said they were going to we've now had almost four years of this policy it is the law guess time we have had rates this low in the history of the plants free and it hasn't helped with creation or growth it has helped. the what. they think system that has the americans that is here well what happens is even people who have this which is a declining component of the population they deposit this money in banks and they're getting nothing in return they're getting close to zero percent the it's
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interest rate that banks are paying for the few this is a positive the american population is a quarter of the year once you know why twenty five or one percent per year who are deposits which is basically zero right well the additionally the insurance industry is down complaining that the multi-year program of zero interest rate policy has just royd their business model because they rely on normal normalized interest rates to pad their accounts so that they can pay out during catastrophes and accidents and other insurance products like for example the huge storm in new york is a huge insurance event but these insurance companies because of the zero percent interest rate policies are going to are saying we're going to go bankrupt so that belies the idea that america is based on the idea of private property because if there's no insurance then there is no private property and then there is no capitalism is that
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term is understood any united states nomi prins you wrote black tuesday which is. the novelization if you will on events surrounding the crash in depression in the late twenty's and early thirty's and a couple of questions about that first of all the wall street tells us that the crash was not caused by financial speculation to begin with and then they go on to say that the recovery had nothing to do with financial reforms brought in like glass steagall or the securities act of thirty three or thirty four but in my view and i've worked on wall street myself for many years it seems like the crash was caused by financial speculation in the twenty's very similar to what we see. before this recent crash and during this recent crash and the thing that's missing from the current. era is that there is no reason for your thoughts that's exactly right the crash of nineteen twenty nine despite what economists and some historians have said since that period was definitely caused by is that relation not only that when
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you look at the records the investigation and the corps are commission that was investigating the crimes the frauds of these banks going into the crash nine hundred twenty nine there were the equivalent of e-mails that they were telling axes and and. telegrams that were going back and forth between bankers and some of their investors talking about how some of these trusts that were being created for the railroads the oil companies for other types of industry coming into play were very very shaky there was a lot of information that came out in the investigations if any were carol look at it where the latin american countries which was a being part of the fraud that doesn't get discussed historically peru and chile and argentina were used by the bankers to increase their own deposits and to make money on the securities that they issue to investors and those collapsed into the
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crash in one nine hundred twenty nine the real estate market collapsed in one nine hundred twenty seven or it stops creating cars because there were enough demand in one nine hundred twenty eight but you had a stock market that was riding high because a lot of bankers were involved a lot of media and the president at the time president coolidge at reza resect or terry andrew mellon who were really really cheerleaders for wall street and more speculation and asked so there was a lot of collusion into that crash of the crash was done by speculation and what happened afterwards yes there was reform no distinction in a separation between the types of banks that could take deposits. and could deal with the populations money at it could trade and speculate and create trust and lie and manipulate the media and stuff toxic crap onto the population and the banks themselves and this is something that doesn't come up in history books it's very fascinating i'm looking into it for my current research on my new but the
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bakers themselves we had of chase manhattan bank at the time it was just chase not chase then at the time when for aldrich very rich man part of the rockefeller instillation all of that he was the number one proponent of black and the reason that went for all for it was so cushing for that was because he truly believed that the instability in the banking system was going to create greater instability for the country and he truly believed that to separate the ability of speculate from the ability to deal with depositors was important for this year at the united states and f.d.r. at the time was the president and he pushed that through but with the help of these that curves this would never happen today and that's the major difference and that's the major sad this is where we are today as a country that there is not only know your history and how it really went down which was collaboratively and what's going on now which is the lever opposite
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direction where we continue to pretend that everything. that the friend that means anything all right now ali we're out of time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you so much and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert our thank my guest nomi prins look for current and new books if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser reported r t t v dot ru intellects i'm exercising by. international rights and international we should not bomb iran we need to cut the budget and bring the troops home we should end the war in afghanistan to. the persecution.
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deal the patriot. that. the. government. the people.
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the way our economic system. is. i. think i. mean i don't know what is. before you shared. your country.
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sometimes. on. morning news today violence is once again fled up the from these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are on the day. i mean so much to know your city in europe and the hosts of the twenty four g. in which are the pictures. on c. thank you.
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tsotsi. thank you for the. way a. dog days are gone the fried days it. beats the calm. of the. sun sea it's so true. motion to be soon which brightened if you only bounce phone from phones to christians. who scream stunts on t.v. don't come.


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