tv [untitled] November 4, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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the stories that shaped the week here on t.v. and a deadly disaster hits the u.s. just days before the presidential vote we look at how the election is now defined not just by the two main candidates but the devastation of superstorm sandy as well . in the absence of democracy greece is governed by corrupt her two characters the greek whistleblowers message has been backed by thousands of journalists in the country claiming the government is muting those exposing its wrongdoings. and russia claims washington is derailing peace efforts in syria by urging the opposition to continue fighting as rebels face accusations of a war crime after a brutal video comes to light. a straight a live pictures for you right here central moscow far right slogans swastikas and pro brave sheilds thousands are now
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taking to the streets of moscow and other russian cities for a nationalist march starting up divisions on a day of unity will be talking to our foot off in the very near future again live pictures from central moscow. live from moscow this is artsy and i'm a researcher highlighting the week's top headlines and just as the u.s. was about to be sucked up into a political voice text in the last week before the presidential vote the country was hit by a devastating and deadly super storm tearing into the eastern seaboard sandy also tore away the candidates plans rallies canceled early voting disrupted as well.
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takes a look at the role the disaster has played in the final rush of the us presidential race. she was a storm the size of europe and it might be a game changer for america's upcoming u.s. presidential election early voting was suspended as hurricane sandy ripped through the u.s. east coast monday causing eight and a half million homes and businesses to lose power president barack obama canceled campaign appearances to handle the superstorm the election will take care of itself next week right now our number one priority is to make sure that we are saving lives national polls show the commander in chief garnered excellent marks for his response is my a lot of faith and i think that was the president. flying overhead. he's my man. vote for obama. the possibility that the biggest praise of all came from a staunch romney supporter of cooperation for the president i did states has been
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outstanding the president has been all over this he deserves great credit if you think right now i give a damn about presidential politics that you don't know me looking to also score political points republican candidate mitt romney rebranded his victory rally in ohio into a relief a vent for sandy victims. to stop the police because. so much he says they. are still being very close but while the candidates attempt to feature sandy in their quest for votes her victims are too busy piecing their lives back together below thirty ninth street has become known as the dark side of manhattan hundreds of thousands have been surviving without electricity heat and hot water for more than five days on staten island polling stations are no longer standing voting locations are being moved in parts of new jersey massachusetts connecticut and pennsylvania that are still dark and damaged by the
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storm some experts say the last minute scrambling will undoubtedly leave countless americans disenfranchised from democracy on november sixth that's destroying the legitimacy of the election potentially on the east coast early voting is been wiped out in these cities and states the voting of the elderly on the election day the voting of the poor on election day the voting in the of new yorkers on election day is likely to be diminished through no fault of their own and that will affect the outcome of the election an election now defined by two men and sandy marina port ny r.t. new york. at this point the damage done by super storm sandy has put at about a fifty billion dollars which would have a presidential candidate proves to be successful and they would be dipping into the
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massive military budget to help pay for it despite the u.s. defense spending continuing to be the world's biggest a growing numbers of observers now say this money could be much better spent elsewhere. there's no more important issue in america today and how much we're spending on our military our military industrial complex that's where most of us tax dollars go ost americans know that this is wasteful spending here it creates a few jobs but there's so many more jobs that would be created if that spending that governmental spending was done on a whole bunch of other things like publicly utilities like a whole other range of areas so it's really destroying our economy in a lot of ways besides creating a lot on this sort of violence around the world it seems like the legacy of us being involved in always on this so wars over these last several years is going to be the same legacy that happened to a lot of other. empires that just they just spent themselves out of existence that happened to the soviet union in their own this is very wars that happened to you
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know it happened to the british you know it happened to a lot of other societies that these military industrial complex takes over nobody stops it and before you know it you know your whole country is like an overwhelming debt. and i would of course one ought to be continuing our coverage of the u.s. elections are looking at the race from different perspectives across ots he is hosting a very special event this coming monday we are exclusively bringing you the final round of a third party candidate debates to be hosted from live from washington d.c. studios. will two parties keep us politics a one way street. or will new voices disrupt the power of power allow. what if america changes try. with election close god monday nov fifth on r.t.e. . thanks for joining us here on r.t. today a greek whistleblower arrested after publishing
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a list of the country's potential tax evaders was acquitted on thursday but his case was only the beginning of a string of scandals involving the country's journalists with another one remaining in custody after threatening to reveal a bio out deal fraud as it is pretty relevant now reports many greeks just think the government is simply covering up its wrongdoings by attacking those who are trying to make it all public. is the greek government using bully boy tactics to cover up its failings that's the question that took thousands of greek journalists to the streets of athens i can to list for their outrage was the arrest of journalist constance vaxevanis after he revealed the names of more than two thousand wealthy and highly influential greeks accused of stashing illicit gains in swiss bank accounts and the numbers would not. be published a list that other countries hired in their possession in our government was aware
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of every two years but did nothing in the absence of democracy is governed by corrupt cartoon characters to deceive the public claiming their handling tax evasion vaxevanis was set free after the judges decided that he did not have a case to answer however his story is sent a shockwave through an already fractious society we are in a period of political and political crisis social crisis is obvious we have. high rates of unemployment. a real thing one might say weimar republic kind of unemployment levels there is poverty there are there is more austerity coming but when it comes to reporting on government business one senior member of the greek union of journalists told me that it's getting close to cooperate all quit a mess some of its own members a very tough restrictions have been closed to any voice of the opposition and the
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media goes restricting journalists some two thousand five hundred media professionals technicians included have lost their job since last year. and those who attempt to stand up to authority and expose corruption are handcuffed we see a guy to be arrested because he revealed the names obviously you can understand that people can cooperate with the state but vaxevanis told me he won't keep silent i asked him if he was given another list of names then what would he do this is my job this is what journalists do they don't cover scandals they told the truth in the elites who tried for two whole years to cooperate meijer evidence that renders them in the system entirely unreliable one of the good from the arrest of a journalist while trying to reveal wrongdoing has left some greeks feeling that the democratic rights of the road it here in the very birthplace of democracy peter all of a party. and the greek government keeps pushing through painful cuts the strategy
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is being challenged by the country's court on thursday and ruled that the planned pension reforms could be unconstitutional as crease will reportedly have to introduce another one hundred and fifty financial challenges just to please its international creditors but investment advisor patrick young says at the end of the day it still won't be for field anyway alice in wonderland up fabulous children's book alice famously saying that sometimes she imagines six impossible things before breakfast well now we've got the troy. lenders and their emerging one hundred fifty eight impossible cuts before breakfast for the greek economy look the greeks are in this mess because ultimately they spend huge amounts of money we have terrible sympathy with the ordinary greeks on the street they are being left in a situation where they don't even have primary medical care in many cases but are we going to be able to see them manage to cut the economy or cut back in many different ways of course not they'll be lucky to manage to get twenty of these cuts
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to stick let alone one hundred fifty it's alarmed alice in wonderland economics and i just a little bit later on the program here on our new prime minister is being increasingly pushed to bid farewell to the european union trapped between the block and a hostile westminster and they have to decide whether it's country's membership of the club is worth the regular so. now the syrian rebels have been accused of a potential war crime after a video emerged online that the un says could be used as evidence that the footage apparently shows opposition fighters but writing the soldiers who are no longer believed to be combatants the ten men called assad's dogs before they're sprayed with bullets investigative journalist james coppa says it's a rare case that the methods of opposition forces are finally coming into international focus of the atrocities are definitely being committed by the rebel forces and unfortunately that is being completely ignored because it serves of
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course the interests of the people who are backing the rebels and who are against assad to try to portray them in the best light possible so we've seen over the months numerous documents coming out from different organization including amnesty including including human rights watch documenting summary execution of prisoners torture the use of children in these conflict on the part of the rebels but that has been conveniently buried in the headlines time and time again and even some of the reports that didn't know some of these atrocities being committed by the rebels were almost always prefaced by reports of. into trustees and that was buried somewhere down halfway through the article time and time again so it is of course and it is the hypocrisy that's underlying this and it's trying to manipulate public opinion certainly in the west to to be on the fore is now on the side of these rebel forces. russia has accused meantime the us of encouraging the syrian opposition to carry on fighting against the government instead of political
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dialogue it's after washington called for a complete shake up of the opposition in syria refeeding plans to bring in militants fighting on the front line political analyst the marcos up of the palace believes the white house is unlikely to limit itself to just diplomatic support for the rebels the american state department are probably looking at a more direct approach to removing interests now when i say a direct approach that doesn't necessarily mean nato intervention i think we will probably say certain groups of in syria the americans hasn't it or more comfortable with. this even possibly american arms intelligence information one can argue that's possibly happen in a moment certainly the russian governments in recent days have alluded to that but i think in in the future it could be a director more direct assistance has been given to them so it certainly will turn into a proxy war by america and very possibly some other western governments to try to
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draw nic because earlier to share the american ambassador to the united nations susan rice actually used the russian and the in particular the russians because of the chinese government of having blood on their hands well i think she needs to look closer to home so that the people that are arm in the syrian militants are actually the ones that have blood on their hands both sides in syria must people together to try and compromise to try and bring a peaceful when's what is an absolutely diabolical situation. and yet another hot spot for violence in one of the arab spring countries yemen still struggling to recover at this off to the revolution of course when i website hati dot com we've got a photo report from the streets of the yemeni capital still in ruins often more than a year old turmoil. well it is a sunday here in the russian capital you're watching the weekly with me rule recent shave more news to come in just a couple of. horses
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and bayonets big bird these are the words of internet legend from the two thousand and twelve presidential debates when a candidate says something dumb or odd to so much fun to make silly pictures like these on the internet ha ha ho ho hee hee but the problem is that the person who wins the bait is the one who makes the best argument not he who doesn't make a verbal slip ups people react to these debates like schoolgirls picking prom queen or rummy talked about big bird who howard dean screamed yeah gaffes don't matter that much it matters if the idea is the candidates present are effective or not but more importantly it matters if they will actually do them if a future can't they proposed
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a brilliant economic plan that could save america but instead of saying pennies let the word penis slip our gossip celebrity culture would make him lose the election for sure his opponent's army of photoshop or sort of hundreds of copper fellas is drawn all over the internet by the next day a schoolgirl attitude towards politics won't do anything except make fun internet memes but that's just my opinion. wealthy british seinfeld's. like. markets financed scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports . to me speak or language close
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programs and documentaries in arabic in school here on. reporting from the world's hotspots fifty ip interviews intriguing stories for you. in trying. to find out more visit. i'm in sochi but know your city in europe the host of the twenty fourteen winter the pick a. song she. sang a. song she. sang the song a. dog days ago the fridays it. takes a common. theme song see it's so true. i love
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looks. cool. i do. us here on r.t. today i'm rule researcher with the weekly central voting commission in ukraine has suspended counting until monday to reported disorders in several polls the opposition's claiming the election has been blatantly rigged by the ruling party if you elections are also being overshadowed by scuffles between supporters and the opposition between police across the country she was also reported from the election commission in kiev opposed to predict the ruling party of president in a code which will retain its leader lose its two thirds majority by the recent results also bomb the rise of the nationalist freedom party known for its anti
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semite and zina phobic statements it's called solid preliminary results in the west and landed third in kiev a city that was a bulwark against the nazi invasion of the u.s.s.r. . now thousands of gathered in the center of moscow for a nationalist a rally to mark russia's national unity day similar demonstrations have also been held in other major cities dozens of arrests being made. and off now joins us live from the center of the capital more on this and lucy good to see you today i actually drove right past you on the way to work today and saw a veritable fleet of police trucks that lining along the streets today supposed to be a day of national unity it seems though there's more than one message on the minds of many today. while it's national unity if you're a purebred russian i guess. the slogans and the messages that we've been hearing from the crowd behind me is that russia for russians only they want the flag of the
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russian order they're basically demanding jobs for russians whatever that means and they're also pushing to repeal the part of the russian rehman a law that actually punishes hate crimes motivated by religious hatred nationalist and that make hatred so it's. a message of national unity that probably doesn't sit well with a large chunk of the population now there are reports about six thousand. and people in the crowd right now they're slowly marching their way making their way to platform will be rallying in about an hour the permit us more about ten thousand people so we could see those numbers a lot of force a massive police presence here as well but both what you saw and what we've been seeing on the street there's actually even some officers who look like they're dressed in riot police here perhaps so part of the protest seems to be largely peaceful although we did hear about twenty five people arrested in a different part of moscow for wearing swastikas and essentially covering their faces those are illegal actions at least for this protest and so they've been
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detained for that similar protests are also happening across the country including you consider means of work where about ninety youths were detained that was not a sanctioned protest this one they did actually get a permit for and so we do sort of expected to be a little bit more on the quieter tamer side but again a rather disturbing sight frankly we've seen a lot of nationalist flags as sort of icons from the church which i guess is the symbol of some of the people here as well as some reports of people actually chanting long live braving the person far right extremists as massacred seventy seven people in norway so again a very disturbing story but we'll keep you updated on all the developments here my boss is going to come from a flop in central moscow thank you. so you can still follow the latest developments on our website so we have a live transmission of the rally there was also a much more to discuss don't call make looting access denied by the u.s.
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national archives. terms which contain the name or any keywords of the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks. website. just a couple of minutes on the r.t. world update for now though the e.u. is calling on britain to make a decision on its membership of the block as its leaders begin losing patience over the u.k.'s budget squabble david cameron facing shuji opposition in parliament on how much the country should pay for being a part of the club earlier this week a number of conservative m.p.'s sided with the opposition in defying the prime minister by voting for demands to cut the money britain hands over to brussels every year cameron's deputy has already warned the budget crisis may leave britain
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out of the block euro m.p. paul nuttall believes frustration of the e.u. bills is continually growing and the majority of the british simply want to go with . the problem that you've got it all started he doesn't exist in the european union and might exist in the member countries where we're asking to cut back on almost everything we have real estate is the out the money doesn't it doesn't matter they spend more and more every single year the budget goes up a member states including states such as greece and portugal and ireland who are in serious trouble will be asked to put their hands in their pockets and give most apostles it's wrong couldn't see blocks. of britain actually out of the states which aren't in the curtains. so with the tune of around fifty million pounds a day just to be members of that club that doesn't take into account the mega amounts of money the street tens of billions it costs to comply with e.u. directives and regulations so it's been some of the british people it's something
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we know happy about look at recent opinion polls eighty percent of people want a referendum so around sixty percent of people actually want to leave the european union altogether so the people are certainly moving away if the european union is a company the new directors on the chief executive role be in jail but it's not it's cruel to not to do the reason why the british people want that referendum i want to leave. straight to mogadishu now to start up the r.t. world update a guard is the last. life trying to prevent a suicide bombing in somalia's capital or to attackers detonated their explosive devices in a popular restaurant after refusing to go through a security check by the anti government islamic extremists al shabaab are thought to be behind the blast. in egypt or suspected members of asia harvest the group attacked a police vehicle leaving at least three officers dead or thirties of cordoned off the city of el arish in north sinai in the tent to trap the gunman it was in august that egypt sent thousands of troops to the peninsula after militants carried out
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the deadliest attack on police in decades. or at her just shortly here coming up on r.t. we take a closer look at the roots of the occupy movement that's after a quick break certainly hoping you can stay with us. looters that takes your breath away few tourists travel to these parts no prepackaged comfort but they joy is the while these guaranteed if gainey is a zoology professor he works in the u.s. and travels to these remote areas in russia every summer as he says he can find untouched landscapes like these anywhere else in the world. we're going off the list below sea line. if i go wrong the wrong and surprising you'll go through the
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water and so we did our plan to get closer to the sea lion and shake its flipper field before before before. one animal whose par you definitely wouldn't want to shake here is the brown bear you can literally spot agrees the here by every small weaver. good for the bears are they have a very good sense of smell to think i will have to keep an aisle when there are amber before them in both f.l. that could be going for it so we won't go yes we shall but be very quiet. and quiet we went but the wind was not on our side and the bear got away and they're usually the first to avoid contact with humans but during spawning time when both people and bears go fishing people often shoot at them to scare them away
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and every year here in the region you hear about someone being killed by the predators but at the mugger down nature reserve where we are no one disturbs the bears peanuts another local resident to haiti's peace being disturbed here is the howlers sea eagle in has a wingspan of two and a half meters ignace only here in russia far east because of the bundles of salmon and sea gulls which feed the giant bird in his studies if gainey focuses on birds so he took me to one of his favorite places here mara island it has the biggest colony of seagulls in the region the climb up was tough. but the prize was worth it. if there was no security here it would be the resale value will have tons of people coming here not just to get some for me on the beach here nothing is guaranteed you have to struggle to get
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a piece of bread there is nothing really all you can. predict you have to rely on yourself and what you bucks over was a bear so we're have to be the fish. maybe for the wildlife here is the lack of things it is this for the better but when you stand on top of phenomenal and like this in just cantelupe wanting to share the beauty. my name is dennis i made this movie and there are a few things you should know about me right from the jump i'm not an expert on the economy climate change or foreign policy i'm also not an expert on sustainable farming systems the history of social movements or lego's the occupy movement has experts on all those things and more but not really want to i'm happily married
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husband the father of truth fantastic children i live on a main street in a small new england town with actual white picket fences i made this movie for you me and everyone we know in the hope that we can create a world where human need comes before corporate greed so why does it feel almost un-american to say that the think about it this way just go with me for a second here you know that scene from the oliver stone film wall street when gordon gekko played by michael douglas in a role that would win him an oscar appears at a shareholders meeting of a company paper to defend his actions and his grotesque worldview and delivers the now famous speech where he says. for lack of a better word is good. we just write greek words greek. cuts and can't. see at the east. end being.
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