tv [untitled] November 4, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EST
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powerful blast rocks the syrian capital while russia makes another push for a diplomatic solution to the crisis claiming the west determination to oust president assad is darrelle and peace efforts. and looking back at the week's top stories on our t.v. hurricane sandy wreaking havoc across the northeastern u.s. leaving up to one hundred dead millions without power and shaking up the country's most expensive presidential campaign to date. no peace for post gadhafi of libya as the country's major cities are attacked a grenade strikes the security headquarters in tripoli a car bomb detonates invade gaza. truth under attack in greece of journalists show solidarity with whistleblowers who say they're being silenced while trying to expose government wrongs.
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six am in moscow i'm at treasure bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news on r t an explosion in syria's capital's wounded at least eleven people the blast happened near a heavily guarded military and government buildings no one submitted to the attack but al qaeda linked militant groups have been behind similar recent incidents meanwhile there's been another drive toward a diplomatic solution to the syrian conflict as russian for as russia's foreign minister met with un peace envoy lakhdar brahimi sergey lavrov insists that western states priority of regime change in syria is destructive in leads to more bloodshed ali mohammed editor in chief of the syria tribune says no resolution can solve the crisis while the u.s. and its allies seem determined to oust president to stop. their wish to insist that
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they should dictate the outcome of the struggle there would be no solution because . the choir members to out somebody who. powerful and who enjoys a lot of support from the syrian people and the syrian army more importantly and insisting on having him removed means instantly on war and this can lead to being anything good to the syrian people the russian diplomacy has been very active trying to find a political solution to the syrian crisis and this was unfortunately. at this year from the nato nations trying to convince everybody that. the new syria will be a syria for for everybody all of its components and one of these performances that's at the supporters there is obviously food or what's going on it is backed by the u.s. with. more militarization more weapons available as more and more massacre as more deadly events and the other one is by russia where everybody is to liberals and
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everybody in the us and diplomacy are asking people to start stop fighting and start talking and start negotiating and to start their way to find common ground from where we stand as syrian people it's it's only diplomacy that mr lavrov is supporting is what could bring the solution. down to the wire in the u.s. presidential race while voters in florida lined up to cast their ballots and early voting those in new york are queuing for a few rations and blankets thanks to hurricane sandy much of the big apple remains paralyzed with tens of thousands still without power heat or hot water nearly a week after the so-called super storm tore through artie's marina porton i has more on the political fallout from the disaster. she was a storm the size of europe and it might be a game changer for america's upcoming us presidential election early voting was suspended as hurricane sandy ripped through the u.s. east coast monday causing eight and
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a half million homes and businesses to lose power with the death toll expected to surpass one hundred president barack obama canceled campaign appearances to handle the superstorm the election will take care of itself next week right now our number one priority is to make sure that we are saving lives national polls show the commander in chief garnered excellent marks for his response. i think it was the president. he's my man. voted for obama. a possibility yet the biggest praise of all came from a staunch romney supporter the cooperation for the president i did states has been outstanding the president has been all over this he deserves great credit if you think right now i give a damn about presidential politics that you don't know me looking to also score political points republican candidate mitt romney rebranded his victory rally in
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ohio into a relief a vent for sandy victims. they're not going to stop their political campaigning because. they. are still being very close thank you but while the candidates attempt to feature sandy in their quest for votes her victims are too busy piecing their lives back together below thirty ninth street has become known as the dark side of manhattan hundreds of thousands have been surviving without electricity heat and hot water for more than five days the traffic lights do not work and most businesses have remained closed city officials say that power will be restored to the borough by election day the same promise has not been made to millions of voters living in other parts of new york and nearby states on staten island polling stations are no longer standing voting locations are being moved in parts of new jersey massachusetts connecticut and pennsylvania that are still dark
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and damaged by the storm some experts say the last minute scrambling will undoubtedly leave countless americans disenfranchised from democracy on november sixth that's destroying the legitimacy of the election potentially on the east coast early voting is being wiped out in these cities and states the voting of the elderly on election day the voting of the poor on election day the voting of new yorkers on election day is likely to be diminished. through no fault of their own and that will affect the outcome of the election i don't lection now defined by two men and sandy marina port ny r.t. new york regardless of who wins tuesday's about washington will still have to find fifty billion dollars to cover sandy's damage and it's not likely to come from military cuts country's defense budget dwarfs that of any other nation and in these
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hard times some observers say the money could be better spent. there's no more important issue in america today and how much we're spending on our military our military industrial complex that's where most of us tax dollars go i mean most americans know that this is just wasteful spending here it creates a few jobs but there's so many more jobs that would be created if that spending that governmental spending was done on a whole bunch of other things like publicly utilities like a whole other range of areas so it's really destroying our economy in a lot of ways besides creating a lot on this sort of violence around the world it seems like the legacy of us being involved in all these onus of wars over these last several years is going to be the same legacy that happened to a lot of other. empires that just they just spent themselves out of existence that happened to the soviet union and they're in this area wars that happen to good british you know what happened to a lot of other societies that these military industrial complex takes over nobody
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stops it and before you know it you know your whole country is like an overwhelming debt contrary to what much of the mainstream media shows there are alternatives to the republican and democrat leave us presidential politics we've been bringing you expand extensive coverage of the third party candidates plans and policies that continues monday nine pm eastern standard time when we host their final debate live from our d.c. studios. will two parties keep us politics a one way street. or will new voices disrupt the power power of the. bosses american changes trucks this election will close god it's monday november fifth one or two. still to come this hour wiki leaks could vanish from the radar american library of record doesn't want to divulge anything uncomfortable so this is what you see you when you search for anything linked to wiki leaks plus a wave of discontent it's
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a way to reign over the country's monarchy recent bans on public gatherings that still to come. but first in libya's capital of set the supreme security committee headquarters on fire and looted it this followed a series of sporadic gun battles outside the building our middle east correspondent paula sleeper has the latest. well it got a battle raging in south tripoli between two viable libyan militias around the libyan security headquarters building and from the information we have at least five people have been injured and part of that building has been destroyed now we are receiving reports that the whole area has been cordoned off that many residents in the area have rushed home and they barricaded themselves in find inside of their homes and also arming themselves to the point of weapons that security building is also makes to the tripoli central hospital and some of the but it's from this gun battle the hospital was also on sunday morning and there was
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a car bomb explosion in front of a police station in the second largest city in libya of bengazi now at least three police officers were wounded in that car explosion we not hearing any reports as of actual people who have been killed we also know that part of the building particularly the entrance has been damaged that facade to the building has been cocky just for you and they are in number of shattered windows now one of those comes up to more than a thousand protesters take to the streets of benghazi they are calling for the eastern half of libya to be separated we're talking here about buffy hof the territory of the country that holds more than three quarters of the oil was so they want their own autonomy that one to many to the order of things and then one thing ghazi to be the economic capital of the country all of this coming a little more than a year since we saw revolution alstom the former you were in the gadhafi and what the book is these polarized nations of people polarizations in terms of what people
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want and gun battles on the streets we also know that for weeks now the city of funny when it has been and to see and from there we saw how when pictures of death and destruction editor of a pan african newswire says the revolution is turn the clock back for libya by several decades. historically during the period of the ottoman empire as well as a time colonialism the country was divided basically in the three different regions of suzanne in the south of tripoli the tanyard and the last and of course are annika in the east and as a result of the independence movement in libya after nine hundred fifty one and of course after the seizure of power back adultery and is towards a nine hundred sixty nine there was a concerted effort to bring about some type of national identity and cohesiveness inside of libya all that has fallen apart over the last year and this is why we're having these titles such no conflicts inside the country the u.s. is literally a racing wiki leaks from memory with the national archives of banning any searches
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including the whistleblowing organizations name civil rights groups joined by librarians aren't happy saying such a blatant censorship is akin to george orwell's ministry of truth low scale leader of the u.k. pirate party sees a little good in the bad. mission of the library of congress to preserve a collective body of knowledge the job of any line be shortly should be to share that knowledge but it's frankly not surprising that such organizations that are under pressure actually can form to these kind of classification noughts but essentially this is still censorship and censorship nor is it actually stepping on freedom of speech we often see that united staines in its very quick to criticize its states abroad stepping on preened speech would seem a mama able to hold the same standards at home we can see how the wind.
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blowing. that man for democracy. i drink whistleblower arrest after publishing a list of his country's potential tax evaders was acquitted thursday but another is still in custody after threatening to reveal how the books were cooked before the greece before greece got its bailout peter oliver a ports the trend in greece is to root out those who are wiil the wrongdoing rather than those doing the wrong. is the greek government using bully tactics to cover up its own failings that's the question that took thousands of greek journalists to the streets of athens the council list for their outrage was the arrest of journalist cost us vaxevanis after he revealed the names of more than two thousand wealthy and highly influential greeks accused of stashing illicit gains in sweet spanking accounts and the numbers would not. be published
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a list that other countries had in their possession in our government was aware of for two years but did nothing in the absence of democracy reece is governed by corrupt cartoon characters who deceive the public claiming their handling tax evasion vaxevanis was set free after the judges decided that he did not have a case to answer however his story is sent a shockwave through an already fractious society we are in a period of political and political crisis social crisis is obvious we have. high rates of unemployment we have a real thing one might say weimar republic kind of unemployment levels there is poverty. there are there is more austerity coming but when it comes to reporting on government business one senior member of the greek union of journalists told me
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that it's getting close to cooperate all quit a mess americans and members of the frustrations have been closed to any voice of the opposition and the media does. restricted journalists some two thousand five hundred media professionals technicians included have lost their job since last year. and those who attempt to stand up to authority and expose corruption handcuffed to be arrested because he revealed the names obviously you can understand that people can cooperate with the state vaxevanis told me he will keep silent i asked him if he was given another list of names then what would he do this is my job this is what journalists do they don't cover scandals yet they told the truth and the elites tried for two whole years to accomplish. that renders them in the system entirely unreliable. the arrest of a journalist while trying to reveal wrongdoing has left some greeks feeling that the democratic rights of a road here and the very birthplace of democracy teacher all of
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a party. has its work cut out apparently needs to introduce another one hundred fifty changes to its fiscal policies to please enter national creditors investment advisor patrick young though thinks it's a futile effort. alice in wonderland that fabulous children's book how to alice famously saying that sometimes she imagines six impossible things before breakfast well not going to the troika of lenders that there are one hundred fifty eight impossible cuts before breakfast for the greek economy the greeks are in this mess because ultimately they spend huge amounts of money we have terrible sympathy with the ordinary greeks on the street they are being left in a situation where they don't even have primary medical care in many cases bugs are we going to be able to see them manage to cut the economy or come back in many different ways of course not they'll be lucky to manage to get twenty of these cuts to stick let alone one hundred fifty it's lolol and alice in wonderland economics
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still ahead with money being squeezed all around one man's view into big banks by the small. people who rob banks go to prison banks to the people get paid bonuses the system he says he's taking five back to basics looking after his community a time when the big lenders only look out for themselves that's still to go. first though local activists in kuwait say security forces detained dozens of pro-democracy demonstrators in another car crackdown on unrest in the gulf nation protesters defied kuwait's ban on public gatherings that was imposed last month as thousands demonstrated against new voter voting rules it was a peaceful rally but police still use stun grenades and smoke bombs the opposition claims changes in the electoral system give an advantage to the pro-government candidates in next month's vote meanwhile in bahrain government also announced a ban on public gatherings last week causing outrage among the people as hundreds
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of pro-reform is took to the streets tension is escalating twenty one months after dozens of protesters were killed and thousands arrested when the arab spring pro-democracy uprising was heavily suppressed by bahraini security forces geo political analyst eric draitser says gulf monarchies confidently take undemocratic . as for the support of us. that the government is terrified a look at protest movement developing in saudi arabia one that's continued to go on in bahrain we see the same around the arab world more generally and kuwait looks at itself or rather the government does and they see that they really stand no chance at maintaining our maintaining control of that country unless they are able to successfully suppress the end repress the opposition these are client states of the united states bahrain is the u.s. fifth fleet the navy kuwait as we all know the role that it played in both wars against iraq kuwait is very much dependent on saudi arabia and the united states
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and so all of this is part of the geo political calculus of us that germany u.s. does not want to see its control over the region slip away by something as piddling as the democratic aspirations of the people of the region. the main players are said to square up to britain calling on it to the side if it really wants to stay part of the club this after this week's bruising for prime minister david cameron his own m.p.'s turning on him and siding with the opposition in a vote urging a cut to be yearly payments to fund the new deputy prime minister warned the political rebellion could see britain isolated within the bloc cameron's conservatives are using it to push for the people to choose whether to appoint he. just like everyone from inflation increase on the budget would equate to an extra three hundred million pounds a year and that would increase over the multi annual budget up to two thousand and twenty and at a time when you pay families are having to make very difficult often painful
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decisions with the household budgets local councils doing the same and even our own national government here in the u.k. i think it is absolutely right to expect the european union to try and trim some of its very large budget and i think it's politically small to pull the guy. to actually be in touch with public opinion majority of people in the united kingdom have never had a say on our relationship with europe we need a referendum this side of the general election in this parliament and let democracy reign and let the british people have their voice heard. in britain right now trying to buy a home or set up a business is a tough task with big banks having seized up and keeping the cash for themselves but not everyone is going to let their community grind to a halt laura smith has went to gone to meet the one man bank. hello thank you to come on the market i'm here to fish which is a cheeky northern charmer he made his fortune selling minibuses in his hometown as
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burnley but instead of fancy holidays and expensive cars when the credit crisis hit dave wanted to give something back so he decided to open a bank says late two thousand and eight early two thousand and nine my mini. me to get funded for their bosses as they are done for the last fifteen years but overnight that just stopped the banks just stopped lending to the to the customers and i'm thinking other done something wrong have they made a mistake of that up at the gas bill electric bill or form bill you know it's not the people that are the problem it's the banks that have the problem try thought arland of them so that's what it bank on dave he says although thanks to extensive red tape he's not actually allowed to call himself a bank and he's keen to differentiate himself from banks in other ways too he offers five percent on savings and he lends that money out to his local community and no bonuses any profits go to charity. but there just
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isn't a dave in every town more's the pity so his isn't a model which could be rolled out nationwide in its current form but financial experts say lessons can be learnt for a healthier banking system one point is clear and this is a point that the bank makes anyway is that banking is just too far away from its roots and its basic need to understand. saving which has been. mad rush where highly leveraged against it was that. dates ultimate goal is to bring banking back to its roots no more faceless conglomerates where computers and mavericks make the decisions and the one percent . it's unimaginable bonuses instead local banks the local people run by the community to benefit the community it's not
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a new idea in fact it's how banking used to be full the mega mega banks stepped in and dave still taking to get some political support you have to take save us money and invest it in real productive activity to take responsibility for doing it which is not the way that banking currently works in his comical kind of crazy way showing the way to a better banking system which is responsible. in touch with entrepreneurship which actually could be the basis for going forwards there's certainly got to be some way forward as wave after wave of scandal hits the financial sector banking on dave and others like him looks more and more attractive one of the sayings i use a lot of people who rob banks go to person banks who real people get paid bonuses to stop. birmingham. doctors are warning of hunger strikers in turkey could die in the next ten days while riot police water cannons and tear gas
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on citizens protesting in support of the imprisoned hunger strikers find out why the prisoners are going without food to the point of near death on our website. to see the space station with a text alert tell you when those soaring overhead details online. turning out to some international news in brief at least ten refugees drowned in the mediterranean are on their way from north africa to italy the boat carrying around eighty people was heading to the island of lampedusa a dead. nation of thousands of migrants seeking refuge in europe reports indicate more than fifteen hundred people died last year while trying to reach italy. these
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many kenyan churches killed one police officer and wounded fourteen others the country and the wider region of suffered a wave of similar deadly attacks in response to kenya's seventy two new somalia. linked insurgents there in july eighteen people died in church attacks in the same town this sunday's assault. and eleven year old child is dead and eighteen others injured after a bomb targeting a police vehicle exploded in turkey's seven deadly district the areas frequently hit by acts of violence carried out by the kurdistan workers party which is fighting for autonomy in the country's south east no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. and some of russia's most radical political groups were out in force sunday from diehard nationalists to outright fascists in dozens of cities tens of thousands joining marches chanting against immigration israel is the law and all things foreign ortiz lucy caffein of was watching the crowds in
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moscow. the slogans and the messages that we've been hearing from the crowd behind me is that russia for russians only they want the flag of the russian order they're basically demanding jobs for your russians whatever that means and they're also pushing to repeal the law part of the russian criminal law that actually punishes hate crimes motivated by religious hatred nationalists and that that hatred so it's a message of national unity that probably doesn't sit well with a large chunk of the population and now there are some reports about six thousand people in the crowd the permit is for about ten thousand people or for some massive police presence here as well the protest seems to be largely peaceful although we've also heard reports of about twenty five people wearing black clothes with the swastika shouting slogans they've been detained in another part of the city center here in moscow now we have to keep in mind that display of swastikas is of course banned and russia as well as many european countries similar types of rallies have
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been taking place across russia and we've heard of another report of about ninety people detained in the urals city if you can to be in good part taking part of an on off a rise nationalist rally there now the police say that most of those people were teenagers again a rather disturbing sight frankly we've seen a lot of by nationalist flags us sort of icons from the church which i guess is the symbol of some of the people here as well as some reports of people actually chanting long live anders breivik the person far right extremists was massacred seventy seven people in norway. still to come a closer look at the roots of the occupy movement stay with us. world for the free science technology innovation and all the latest developments
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son died on the run don't agree you don't agree we don't want to live forever and my son isn't isn't in the arena i don't know what is crap we are going to friday for you affairs. sure and your country. might get a country. in hope to help you family. you find in so many ohmss war and meet some serious. my name is dan as i made this movie and there are a few things you should know about me right from the jump i'm not an expert on the economy climate change or foreign policy i'm also not a next.
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