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tv   [untitled]    November 5, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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and then spread that bombing to somalia and to yemen surged the troops into afghanistan and in fact withdrew from iraq only because it was george bush's date of withdrawal he tried his hardest to extend that date so that the troops might still be there was unable we need to end these wars for oil that policy is backfiring on us the president did this without any republicans in the room to force his hand the pakistani bombing in fact began on day three of the president's term when you still have the honeymoon effect going on so we need to say no to these wars for oil we need an international policy that raises the bar for everyone including israel and saudi arabia and bahrain all the countries in yemen that we consider our allies we need to put them on notice that the united states is adopting a policy based on international law and human rights and we expect to see cooperation along those principles from all who might consider themselves our allies going
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forward and in the future all right thank you governor johnson place well we should do unto others as we would have others do unto us that should be the united states influence influence the united states should have should be the beacon on the hill the notion that we've been a country that stood up to the bully as opposed to being the bully well we're the bully right now look the largest demonstration in the world in support of the united states after nine eleven was in iran where over a million citizens showed up in support of the united states and we're going to bomb iran we bomb iran we're going to find ourselves with another hundred million enemies to this country that we would otherwise not have i absolutely believe that because of our military interventions we have hundreds of millions of enemies to this country that we wouldn't otherwise have the results are from our military interventions are that tens of thousands hundreds of. thousands of innocent
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civilians in the countries that we go in and intervene die our men and service women die our men in service women are coming back with their limbs blown off this has to stop drone attacks right now i read today that the drone attacks take out the target or potentially take out the target but whenever we launch a drone missile that two percent of its effect of this is the target the rest is unintended consequences so. by example that should be our influence our influence should be diplomatic our influence should be that we live by example that we recognize women's rights that women have the right to make decisions in their lives as all women worldwide should have those rights but we need to act as an example as opposed to being the bully. all right well
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moving on to the next question. members of congress have recently called on the state department to stop sending foreign aid to countries like egypt and pakistan and your administration what would the goals of foreign aid be and are there any specific nations from which you would strip us aid governor johnson foreign aid the poor people in this country give money to rich people in other countries and contrary to what we all grow up believing foreign aid doesn't go to poor people in foreign countries foreign aid goes to prop up new dictatorships that have taken over from old dictatorships but the new dictatorships have american interests at heart and that's why we give foreign aid during the last debate romney was asked about a two and a half billion dollars of foreign aid to pakistan and his answer was no we really shouldn't be fiddling with that two and a half billion dollars because pakistan has nuclear weapons well what message does
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that send to a country that doesn't have nuclear weapons the message that sends is the only way you get united states respect is the have nuclear weapons now we're back to the iran issue and if you were iran and the saber rattling that was going on in this country if you heard that and you felt like they were going to be imminently attacked this is a response that we're generating ourselves so foreign aid. foreign aid is something that should stop we're building roads schools bridges and highways halfway around the planet when we have those same needs here in this country. let's stop with foreign aid and let's recognize that foreign aid is not as we've grown up to believe it is foreign aid is propping up foreign governments that really it's poor people in this country giving to rich people in other countries the. the
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leadership of afghanistan as corrupt as it possibly can be siphoning off billions of u.s. foreign aid dollars this isn't foreign aid that's going to the citizens of afghanistan it's going to prop up foreign governments that are supposedly in our best interest. i think you. there is a role for foreign aid but but regrettably most of our foreign aid right now is military aid and that form of aid comes back to haunt us as the u.n. repertoire on human rights navi pillay recently said and she was pointing to syria and the fact that the conflict in syria had been made so much worse
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by the fact that arms were flowing in to both sides and escalating what might have been a limited conflict to an all out civil war and unfortunately this is sort of the poster child for what's going on with not only military aid but also the weapons industry which has been on a real growth curve under the last two years alone that that export ing of weapons in fact has. it kristie enormously to where the international weapons trade now is about seventy percent coming from the united states alone so it's very important to recognize that we're actually throwing gasoline on the fires of every ethnic religious and national conflict virtually around the world by this very aggressive policy of
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sending arms all around the world and much of that is actually happening under the guise of foreign aid so it's very important i think for us to end what is the predominant form of foreign aid right now and that is military aid and to transition from this foreign policy based on militarism and seeking allies in wars for oil to a foreign policy actually based on international law human rights and diplomacy and one of the most important coalitions i think for us going forward is to build a coalition to actually fight the war against climate change there was a report recently done by some twenty governments around the world showing that some four hundred thousand people are killed every year now by climate change the cost is over a trillion dollars a year and it's about a thousand children
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a day who are actually dying from the effects of climate change this is a wonderful opportunity for us to build alliances with countries around the world particularly with china which has been a leader in developing clean renewable energy and for us to lead the way both by example and also through diplomacy in developing a real international strategy by which we say we solve this most serious problem that threatens the future of us all on this planet. johnson and we're funding the syrian insurgents a quarter of the syrian insurgents are just potus did we not learn our lessons when it came to afghanistan and the fact that we bankrolled osama bin laden and how did that turn out look there are unintended consequences to our military interventions always worse than better libya we oust moammar gadhafi we oust his personal
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army his personal army goes off to the democracy of mali topples the democracy of mali we're down one democracy when it comes to that intervention the fact that we're looking at iran right now as a potential threat nuclear threat well that is an unintended consequence of taking out saddam hussein and iraq look iran's only concern was what was iraq going to do to us today what was saddam hussein going to do us today to us today we take them out now we deal with this as an issue. stein did you want to. comment for all of that time if you gentlemen add to that that the you know the problem in so-called problem in iran you know is really emblematic of a very short sided foreign policy and in fact the the the potential for
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a brand to acquire nuclear weapons. you know at this point it's it's a potential but it is not actually a reality at this point however there are countries in the middle east who do have nuclear weapons right now who are outside the limits of the nonproliferation treaty and that includes israel and that includes pakistan and that includes india so it pays to have an evenhanded and inclusive approach if we want to solve the problems of nuclear proliferation we need to start by creating a nuclear free middle east and that means not only abolishing nuclear weapons starting in the middle east and going around to include all of us around the world but it means also addressing the threat posed by nuclear power because in fact every nuclear power plant produces enough plutonium every year to create dozens of
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nuclear bombs so as long as you have nuclear power you have not only the danger especially which is accelerated now with climate change because both drought and flood. put nuclear power plants at grave risk but in addition you have the threat of nuclear proliferation so we need a nuclear free middle east as the starting point to create a nuclear free planet and a nuclear free world free of the nuclear weapons as well as the nuclear power plants that now pose such an increasingly great dane. in this era now of increasing. control climate change. ok now we go to actor and comedian sam seder and i've had my good friend and colleague who's going to read a viewer question on quantum of change. hurricane sandy is compelled the mainstream media to talk about climate change do you believe climate change is
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manmade and what should the government's role be in current climate change if any dr stein. great question sam thank you yes. climate change is here and it's happening as we saw just last week with hurricane sandy the biggest storm ever to hit our shores and. that is coming in on the heels and i should mention with hurricane sandy now we are seeing tens of thousands of people who are homeless as another storm approaches leading to freezing weather while there are forty thousand people in new york looking for shelter and there are many many more who still do not have electricity and there is a shortage of gasoline in part because some of the refineries have been knocked out
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in the pipelines so again we are seeing how very vulnerable our fossil fuel supply is this very this very thing which is causing the climate problem in and of itself and i should add that the crisis with sandy is coming on the heels of the hottest twelve months on record the worst floods the worst drought impacting sixty percent of the united states for many areas the second year in a row causing food prices substantially to increase both here and around the world . looking at unprecedented melting now in the arctic many decades ahead of schedule the science in fact has has its faults have been that it has far under predicted the severity of this crisis as the cover story in the. the economics magazine said this week it's the climate stupid you know in
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fact we need to go beyond that and they were talking about sandy that it's the climate it's not only climate we've got to get beyond recognizing the climate we've got to get to the fossil fuels that are causing the climate crisis and then in fact get to the politics that's causing the fossil fuels to take down our climate we've got a fossil fuel politics which is driving the climate crisis and that's as much a part of the democratic party and president obama's agenda as it is mitt romney's and his agenda that's why the solution to the climate crisis is fundamentally standing up and making your vote count for the real solutions to this climate crisis that means a green new deal that will create twenty five million jobs in the unemployment crisis while we transform the economy to the green economy that can actually put a halt to climate change and make wars for oil obsolete this is
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a win win and you can stand up and move those solutions forward by voting green i am the only candidate in this race that will solve the problem of climate change if you want to solve that problem and not go forward on this trajectory towards climate disaster that we're not now on go to the polls and vote for a green solution on november sixth and let's put a halt to climate change right now governor johnson your response to sam well i do believe in climate change i do believe that it's man cause of that as present a united states i don't think that i am purse. only going to affect climate change i don't think i'm personally going to be able to change a hurricane from landing in a particular area i think that a good environment is a direct result of good economy that's the number one factor when it comes to a good environment i think as consumers we are demanding less carbon emission and
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in fact we are getting less carbon emission in this country and i do say this country because we do have developing countries where regardless of what we do i think we're going to see continued increased carbon demit carbon emission worldwide i am against cap and trade i think that it would devastate the economy and i understand that if we would have implemented cap and trade that it would have set criteria or set upper limits of carbon emission that we're going to actually beat by the year two thousand and twenty. we are demanding less carbon emission we're getting it energy will be cleaner in the future less carbon emission just as there is less carbon emission today as opposed to years ago decades ago it's something that we're demanding and effectively that's how we're going to arrive at less
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carbon emissions governor johnson if the two of you agree that we have manmade climate change and that it's wackiness what's the appropriate role of the federal government and more specifically the federal emergency management agency. in responding to that. well first of all as a libertarian i want to point out that i think that fema could be drastically reduced in size and that contracts could be pre-arranged when it comes to responding to these emergencies i absolutely see a role when it comes to the. government in coordinating response the federal emergency. in the case of being able to bring in tankers for example for fire suppression in the case of of gasoline right now in the new york new jersey area i kind of have to chuckle at the fact that there is a gas shortage but does the gas shortage have to do with government stepping in
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and saying that there can't be any price gouging well what the heck about the notion of seven dollar a gallon gasoline in a situation where people are standing in line for six hours there may be a lot of people that wouldn't want to stand that would want to pay seven dollars for a gallon of gasoline and the notion of gasoline trucks and i'm not a technician here but this is where government gets in the way and prevents real live solutions to these problems what about the notion of a gasoline truck that actually had a dispensary on the truck that could actually dole out gas in a safe way leave that to the private sector and it would happen but i'm just saying if the government took the opposite response to gasoline prices in this case there wouldn't be any shortages right now in the new york new jersey area because entrepreneurs would be driving gasoline trucks into the area to respond to the
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problem i use that is just one example of probably dozens of examples on how there could be better response given more of a private sector access to be able to do that dr stein is that is the free market the solution to the large disasters. you know if it is i think we haven't seen it yet so it would be the first time and that would be remarkable yes of course there's a role here a role only that government can play it needs to be a better just do a better job but. you know fundamentally we need government to be able to come in with fema provide the food provide the water provide the housing provide the emergency assistance and the fuel i'm afraid that's the only way we're going to deal with this but it's very important for us to talk about the role of government in preventing us from having to deal with more and worse of these storms going
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forward and it's not only the storms it's also the rising sea level because it's well established now it's not just a prediction for the future it's very clear that those sea levels are rising more quickly it used to be an inch a decade in the northeast now it's it's more than that it's heading towards several inches per decade so whatever these storms are they're going to be far more worse because the shoreline is coming inland which has consequences of its own so. individual actions personal responsibility is important but it hasn't fixed the problem so far and in fact our carbon emissions are not going down they are still going up they may be going down in certain areas but meanwhile we're opening up fracking we're opening up more offshore oil the president brags that he's build enough oil pipeline to run around the world also there's no way our carbon emissions are going down our carbon emissions have been going up we've been
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aggravating this problem yet we can fix it for every dollar we spend on energy we can create three times as many jobs in the clean renewable energy and conservation sector as in fossil fuels the nuclear so there is a win win here it's called the green new deal it solves the jobs crisis while it solves our climate emergency and it makes wars for oil obsolete at the same time we cannot do it without a government that is leading the way and that's not in the pocket of the fossil fuel companies we need a green politics to get a green climate and a green economy that it will take. well i just like to say that i think government is absolutely well intentioned nothing that government attempts is not it in the context of trying to make things better but i will tell you that one of the worst emergencies that i faced as governor of new mexico was the los alamos fire which
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burned a significant part of los alamos it was local responders and i mean state responders that came in and got control of a terrible fire and then the federal government came in and mopped up after that and did a very effective job of doing that and providing funding but the cause of the fire was actually a government lit fire that was a controlled burn and it was response to that controlled burn by the government that actually lit a back fire to take care of the controlled burn that ended up. with us in new mexico having a twenty five thousand acre fire that devastated force. you know i would just like to add another point about how the green new deal a real comprehensive emergency solution to the climate problem has
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a number of spinoff benefits and i want to underscore emergency it's as if the country has been attacked not just by storm but by drought and by flooding and by the worst heat that we've seen ever on record and. during the second world war when pearl harbor was attacked we had an emergency response we had a national mobilization and we converted in fact car factories to bomber factories in order to meet that emergency need we are actually in no less of an emergency right now in some ways it's an even bigger emergency because it's only going to grow and there is no end in sight other than utter catastrophe and we also know that the clock is ticking on this we only have so long that we can actually turn this around so it's very important that we have a major coordinated and concerted response that could include for example
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converting some of our bomber factories into solar factories and into wind factories this would be a response like what germany has done recently by creating a solar sector by having an industrial policy that created incentives that ensured that there was a market until they actually got that private sector up and running and then they could peel back on the incentives in the supports and they have they were able to bring down the cost remarkably and they were able to increase the number of jobs remarkably faster than their schedule had planned so they actually had to relieve and put an end to those incentives the program works so well so this is actually what we can do and at the same time those things that are good for a green economy that is a local food system public transportation and clean renewable energy which prevents pollution it turns out that is actually the underpinnings of the health
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infrastructure at the level of our communities as well so we can actually get healthier and have less reliance on this sick care system which is costing us two trillion dollars a year through the green new deal in addition thank you everybody over there for each i just have a question for dr. and that would be is that clearly you see government as being the solution to our problems tell me if i'm right or wrong do i understand it you would like to see the government take over the internet. i hear you asking the question do i support net neutrality and absolutely i do i think there are so many viewers out there and so many in the american public who have come to rely on the internet as a fair open accessible marketplace a real underpinning of democracy where we can go find out what we need to know
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where we can do research where we can advertise what we're doing without the interference of private monopolies who want to privatized the internet i think net neutrality excuse me not know what your analogy is very important very good to maintain i think the internet as we know it which is a public good and a public service absolutely i oppose the government stepping in as the tool of private corporations and i certainly don't promote the government as the solution for everything i'm not an idealogue i'm actually a doctor so. you know i don't know very much of ideology and i don't particularly lean in ideological directions i tend to be very practical and as a doctor i tend to look at what works and then look for appropriate solutions for appropriate problems and i see we do have a difference in opinion here in that net neutrality is actually promoted to be the
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things that you're talking about but i would suggest that it's one of those areas of crony capitalism that actually as opposed to what the government says it will be it's really promotion of those that are already entrenched in the internet and have interest and that that interest will in fact grow. become a monopoly as opposed to keeping it free and open so just the difference in a. lot of fun things to the nice surprise there but i love about open debate so moving on to question number six from amber lyon i want to think of an election television t.v. for connecting us with their emmy award winning and best to get a journalist and whistleblower is going to read a viewer question on secrecy and wait to italy. as commander in chief do you think organizations like wiki leaks are a threat to national security and if you're elected president what type of secrets would your administration protect. governor johnson please
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fundamentally no i do not see wiki leaks as a threat i believe in transparency now when i say that wiki leaks is not a threat to my knowledge wiki leaks has not divulged any information that has resulted in any harm to anyone involved in formation that has been released now that's that's my understanding if in fact that ends up to be different well then that ends up to be a different situation but i think that transparency is something that is very important and as governor of new mexico i mean i did get to serve as two terms didn't serve two terms as governor of new mexico and was transparent of the notion that you tell the truth you let the chips lay where they may that people really appreciate issues first politics last politics has
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a way of. the truth and let the truth be known one of the instructions i gave to my cabinet all the time is let's let the attorneys catch up with whatever it is we might be dealing with but let's us be out there front line telling the truth on these issues first and foremost and we'll let the attorneys catch up with the truth . back to. create yeah i mean i agree certainly wiki leaks. to my knowledge as well and has not been a threat to national security. i believe very much in what benjamin franklin said when he said that if we allow if i can quote him if we sacrifice liberty for the sake of security we are.


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