tv [untitled] November 5, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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to wind up losing balls i think that sacrificing our liberty that is our right to know what our government is doing. that is part of our right as citizens and i think there is no greater threat to our security than that kind of secrecy and we saw for example one of the facts of wiki leaks and their disclosures was to clarify the war crimes that were going on as part of the iraq war the incredible human rights abuses and because of those wiki leaks revelations the government of iraq actually refused to extend the stay of u.s. troops beyond what george bush had negotiated and though barack obama tried to extend their stay the government of iraq refused because of these revelations so i think it's actually a good thing for us to have transparency especially when. when it
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reveals crimes that are being conducted by our government secretly behind closed doors it's very important that we know and one of the very unfortunate things about the bush administration and then about the obama administration is that. they in fact began to hide these things and began to attack whistleblowers and in fact barack obama used the espionage act to incriminate and persecute whistleblowers more in the four years of his administration than all previous presidents combined so that is contrary to u.s. security and u.s. interests likewise the patriot act which violates our privacy and our civil liberties is conch. to our security the national defense authorization act which
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violates our fundamental civil liberties which allows the president to throw basically whomever he wants into jail without charge and without trial that is a desperate attack on our fundamental security so absolutely i think we owe wiki leaks and bradley manning for that matter a debt of gratitude for their bringing transparency to our national foreign policy particularly where crimes were being committed against the infidels amid interests of the american people. thank you and thank you for mentioning bradley manning there because that's a very important on top of wiki leaks so moving on to the next question finally we go to a facebook question from viewer lead hawkins on the rise of the police day in america
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lee writes what will you do to end the growing police state and accompanying brutality and violation of our rights dr stein so. the violations of our civil liberties i just mention are hard. of those violations of our civil rights and our basic liberties i would add to that the authorization of the use of military force where the president has reinterpreted that. that. that legislation in two thousand and one which sort of created the war on terror the president has reinterpreted that to give him the power not only to imprison people which is what he can do now through the n.d.a. but actually to assassinate anyone including u.s. citizens so this is
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a dreadful attack on our civil liberties you can add to that this h.r. three forty seven which was passed almost unanimously by congress and signed by the president this is the bill that actually criminalizes our right to protest that potentially puts people at risk for being arrested simply for standing out to demonstrate to peacefully express their their concerns and to petition for redress of grievances h.r. three forty seven makes it possible to basically declare the ground that they stand on a zone of special security and. put them into jail and basically make them felons even if they didn't know that the status of that ground they stood on had been changed we've looked at the use of the f.b.i. and homeland security against the occupy movement in the coordination of
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militarized police forces to violate the civil rights and the civil liberties and especially the first amendment rights of the occupy movement the occupy movement represents a very important. redress effort to redress grievances the occupy movement represents the abuse of a generation of students who have been turned into indentured servants who are carrying high debt around the occupy movement represents one out of every two million people one out of every two americans fifty percent of americans who are in poverty or. low income and heading for poverty so it's very important that occupy and the rest of us have our civil liberties to be able to stand up and i myself was on the receiving end of some about homeland security when i recently showed up at the second debate to insist that the debates actually be opened up and include all the candidates who are on the ballot in enough states to actually win the election
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and i'm on the ballot in eighty five percent of ballots and i was handcuff taken to a secret location and cuffed tightly to a chair for eight hours as part of standing up and being taken into custody under that police state so unfortunately it is the flip side of a censored political system that again is why it's so important to stand up in this in this election it's not just ok it's life saving it's liberty saving it's planet saving to stand up and vote green in this election thank you dr psion i do things that we have a growing police state in this country i think its roots really lie in the drug war so i am going to do everything that i possibly can to bring an end to the drug war . i would like to see legalization of marijuana occur now i think that that actually is going to happen i think we're at a tipping point on this issue fifty percent of americans now support legalizing
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marijuana why is the number so high well it's because we're actually talking about it and the more we talk about it the more we recognize that ninety percent of the drug problems prohibition related not use related and that's not to discount the problems with the use and abuse but that should be the focus and now in the name of . a police state we have the terrorist threat we have the national defense authorization act i may have vetoed more bills as governor of new mexico than the other forty nine governors in the country combined how does. that work with a president that has no aversion to vetoing legislation i would have vetoed the national defense authorization act which allows for you and i as u.s. citizens to be arrested and detained without being charged i think this is why we fought wars thirty thousand drones flying over the united states what are they flying over the united states for i think it's what's growing in the backyard what
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are we doing in the backyard it's a growing police state quite obviously. i would have vetoed the patriot act i would have never established the department of homeland security i think it's incredibly redundant i would have never established the t.s.a. the airport security it's the constitution free zone that so many of us find ourselves in all the time i would have left airport security to the airlines to the airports to states and municipalities i would have as i said never never established the department of homeland security the a.c.l.u. last december came out with a report card on all of the presidential candidates and i'm afraid jule styne wasn't in that report but they came out with a report card on all the presidential candidates a.c.l.u. a group dedicated to civil liberties a group dedicated to the constitution a group dedicated to the first ten amendments of the constitution the bill of rights twenty four liberty torches was
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a perfect score mitt romney and rick santorum had zero liberty torches out of twenty four newt gingrich had four liberty torches out of twenty four barack obama had sixteen liberty torches out of twenty four ron paul had eighteen liberty torches out of twenty four and gary johnson had twenty one liberty torches out of twenty four something that i'm very proud of and that's based on my history that's based on my eight years as being governor that's based on the things that i have to say about civil liberties so we do have a growing police state in this country and let me just offer you a prediction either obama or romney are reelected we're going to find ourselves with a heightened police state we're going to find ourselves in a continued state of war we're going to find ourselves in a continued state of sustainable spending vote for me and you're going to send a message that this is not acceptable governor johnson thank you very much. back to foreign policy if i could say that was the initial focus of our debate here
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president. obama has on multiple occasions said that austerity in the euro zone is creating crises there that are contagious here if not set it in those words certainly implied it i'm curious if you support an austerity measure or agenda here in the united states similar to that is being followed in those countries whether it's in a minor way in the u.k. or a major way in greece and if you can cite any nations that have ever successfully cut their way to prosperity well i absolutely believe that we should embark on austerity that if we don't we're going to find ourselves in a monetary collapse so i am promising to submit a balanced budget to congress in the year two thousand and thirteen which would be a one point four trillion dollar reduction in federal spending but if we don't do that we're going to find ourselves in a monetary collapse a monetary collapse is going to be a horrible situation that. we are not immune from given the mathematics of
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continuing to borrow and spend money to the tune of forty three cents out of every dollar that we spend president obama in a press conference says countries in europe that are doing pretty well are those countries that are borrowing or spending within their means the problem in europe is those countries that have spent more than what they should have spent and that's the problem that exists in europe now in the united states we have a situation where the federal government has tools that europe doesn't and those tools are that we can hire teachers and firefighters and law enforcement people i see we can print money so on one hand he says austerity is for many european countries the reason that they're not in trouble the reason that european countries are in trouble is because they've spent more money than
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what they can afford and then looks at the united states and says the reason that the states that the reason we're in trouble is that we're not spending enough money that states don't have the leverage or the power that the federal government does that's why as the federal government we need to print more money and add to the problem i just i just i saw that press conference and i was flabbergasted and with a straight face he's saying that we should spend more money emulating the countries in europe that are in bad shape which he starts out his press conference by saying . yes austerity you know has a track record and it's not a good one if it was to work in this country it would be the first time it doesn't sound like it's a good gamble not only are we seeing the. countries in europe. just
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flounder with austerity budgets but we've been there ourselves before back in the one nine hundred thirty s. we were in a recession. and the efforts to deal with that severe recession in fact were austerity it was an effort to balance the budget and cut expenditures and that in fact successfully tipped us into the great depression so instead of following a a program that has a track record of disaster we can actually instead follow a program that has an incredible track record of success so if you look at what got us out of the great depression and in fact has helped us through recessions since then. you know it was a program of the new deal that in fact remarkably reduce the unemployment rate
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in the first two months of the new deal there were four million jobs that were actually created now we could use some jobs ourselves right now to in fact deal with the climate crisis and on the first day of my term in office if i were to have the job i would instruct the department of energy in fact to undertake a national weather is ation and conservation program which could put potentially millions of people to work within a matter of weeks and in fact it's a job that you don't need to have a ph d. for you don't need to have a college degree in fact you don't even need a high school degree because we are seeing these programs succeed in many areas around the country among low income people who don't have high school degrees but who do have extremely high entrenched unemployment rates so we can put people to work right now in the economies in the communities that most urgently need. jobs
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and we can do that putting people to work by weatherizing our homes businesses schools government buildings and so on and at the same time actually save money these the costs of these installations repay themselves within a couple of years we can also create jobs in the clean renewable energy economies in manufacturing when and solar and geothermal in constructing the grid in creating public transportation including active transportation so we can safely bike and walk to school and to work and integrate exercise into our transportation system and between a healthy transportation a healthy food system and pollution prevention we can create the jobs we need we can put a halt to climate change and we can create the real infrastructure for health this is why we have a win win win which is the alternative to austerity and can jumpstart our economy
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right now we don't need to go down that desperation road of austerity that would actually put us in worse straits than we are now and we're moving on i just think that's absolute baloney that's just absolutely baloney in our own lives we can't spend more money than what we take in nothing is free there isn't free healthcare there isn't free education it comes at a cost and the cost is here and it's now and i think that americans recognize that we can't bury our heads in the sand that this needs to be mutual sacrifice on the part of all of us or we're going to find ourselves with a collapsed government that's what's going to happen you know talking about shovel ready jobs and shovel ready jobs are so great government finance why don't we make those spoon ready jobs why do we have people with shovels why don't we have people with spoons it will create so many more jobs because we'll only be able to dig with
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students. take care right now you've got the two major candidates arguing over who's going to spend more money on medicare when medicare is a system that you and i are paying thirty thousand dollars into and we're getting a hundred thousand dollar benefit that's not sustainable it's not sustainable when what you put into a system gets tripled with the payout oh and sustainable free has a cost we're actually at the point of cost we're at a crossroads here we can continue down this path and we collapse we've got we can go to one more question here. you have time for. one quick question ok all right great. sacrifice you know it's really important to tack talk about shared sacrifice because what we've seen is a whole scale pillaging of middle income people and working
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people and the poor whose resources have been basically shifted up to the top that's why the top one percent how now has forty percent of the wealth in the bottom fifty percent has one percent so there is enormous sacrifice going on on the part of working people we want to see that sacrifice also come from the wealthy few from the multimillionaires and the billionaires whose tax contribution has been cut so we believe we need an economy that works for everyone not just for the wealthy few and so we need to ensure that we actually create jobs for everyone and that will jumpstart the economy and i should mention that one of the major alternatives to austerity is not only jump starting the economy and getting the revenues back in but it's also transferring this massive wasteful private health insurance bureaucracy which puts thirty percent of every health care dollar into red tape and paper pushing and c.e.o.
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salaries in. stead we can transition to a medicare for all plan which covers everyone and instead of a thirty percent overhead it becomes a three percent overhead and under a single payer system instead of having this rapid rate of health care inflation which outstrips all other areas of the economy you know how your premiums are going up every year markedly instead that inflation goes away that is what saves us trillions of dollars over the coming decade and in fact it is the alternative to austerity providing health care for everyone as a human right under medicare for all this is what the american people are clamoring for and that's what i will deliver as president in the white house thank you thank you and what great questions and we're going to go to our final question one minute response here squeeze this and this is actually a very hot topic from our support of the u.s. the european union imposed mandatory food labeling and one thousand nine hundred
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seven for it to magically modified foods do you support proposition thirty seven in california and as president would you push for federal legislation requiring the labeling of g.m.o. foods one minute response please. it is our right to know what we are eating especially when that so-called food involves a highly experimental and inadequately tested technology so as a very preliminary step we must have labeling of genetically engineered food products and i would definitely advance that legislation at the national level but i would actually go beyond that as a physician and a public health advocate who i have spent years studying in advocating for a safe environment that's consistent with human health i would actually call for. a
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moratorium on genetically engineered food until it's been established as safe because once this technology is out of the bag and this is already happening you can't call it back there are some real warning signs right now in the scientific literature we need to put it on hold until we understand what's going on. here johnson i think that one of government's fundamental responsibilities can be to educate and buy can educate the notion that we should mandate labeling we should mandate what ingredients there are in food i have celiac disease i can't consume gluten it makes me sick it's poison so i would not be able to function if it weren't for food labeling it's very very important to me so consumers make their choices but they make their choices based on having all the information that they want genetically modified food should be labeled as such. as we
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approach the final minutes of the final presidential debate of the two thousand and twelve election season we go to closing statements each candidate has two minutes and dr stein goes first. well you know we are in many ways at the breaking point for people the planet the economy and our democracy but we can turn that breaking point into the tipping point take back our democracy and the peaceful just green future we deserve in this race i am the only candidate that will tackle climate change that will provide the jobs that will jump start the green economy that will put an end to climate change and put an end to unemployment and make wars for oil fully at the same time that we create a real infrastructure for health by providing healthy food healthy public transportation and pollution prevention. so this is
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a win win win i'm the only candidate that will provide health care as a human right through medicare for all which will also save us trillions of dollars in the coming decade i'm the only candidate that will put an end to student debt which has turned thirty six million students into indentured servants carrying around difficult unforgiving debts specially customized for students to lacked all of the usual consumer protections and they're facing fifty percent unemployment and underemployment so we owe it to our students as part of our social contract with the younger generation to give them a fair start a real shot at economic security throughout the twentieth century that was a high school degree now in the twenty first century that means a college degree so i am the only candidate who will provide free public higher education as well as ending student debt and like several other of the candidates i
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will also put a halt to these wars for oil and you can accomplish all of this by going to the ballot box by going to the voting booth and voting green in this election this is the time to stand up we don't have time to wait four years it's not just ok it's life saving it's job saving it's climate saving vote green in this election go to jail find out or to find out more thank you so much governor johnson your clothes instead i ran two campaigns for governor where i did not mention my opponent in print radio or television i think americans are desperate to elect a leader in lieu of electing the lesser of two evils right now so much talk is being given to a wasted vote a wasted vote is voting for somebody that you don't believe in vote for the person you believe in that's how you change this country for the better i am more liberal
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than obama win it. comes to civil liberties more conservative than romney when it comes to dollars and cents i happen to think that most people fall in that category i haven't crawled out from a culvert to run for president i've states i've been an entrepreneur my entire life growing a business from a one person operation me to employ over a thousand individuals i was a two term governor of new mexico in a state that's two to one democrat i made a name for myself being a penny pincher i may have vetoed more legislation than the other forty nine governors in the country combined it made a difference when it came to billions of dollars worth of spending it made a difference when it came to the government telling you or i what we could or couldn't do in the bedroom it made a difference when it came to the government making decisions for you and i that only belong with you or i so i don't know if there's a more important vote right now if you want to register your distaste for what's
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happening with politics in this country which is two parties that have morphed into one that aren't addressing these problems at all vote libertarian five percent of the general election vote tomorrow makes a difference for the libertarian party moving forward making a difference when it comes to federal matching funds that would be a game changer when it comes to ballot access not having to take up all the time of the libertarian party in getting on the ballot in all these states and right now i'm on the ballot in forty eight states i'm an official write in candidate and michigan oklahoma wears the crown of shame as keeping third parties out for the third cycle in a row you can make a difference i would ask you all to vote for me you won't regret it thank you governor johnson dr renaud. myself christina tobin is the founder the free and equal election foundation i'd like to. turn this over to her to wrap this up thank
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you for that all this together i want to thank you thom hartmann for moderating this with me and r.t. america i mean here we have two candidates running in the united states and we have this international press it's just been so powerful and that says a lot and so thank you so much for joining us tonight governor johnson and dr stein here for equal actions i help everybody we're uniting we do first see the power of the commission on presidential debates coming to an end in the future ballot access bears will cease to exist there will be no more voter fraud is a run out voting will be implemented which will result in getting rid of the wasted vote spoiler argument remember the only ways to vote is a vote for parties and people controlled by private interest money the ones who have been playing us fools for centuries but we are awake we are strong and we outnumber them we see a powerful and peaceful movement of valving to regain control of our elections
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affecting not only americans but the entire globe so thank you so much tom r.t. america canada very much thank you for your good area. i will fight. that i also promise that i want every single day on earth. like. my own. you know sometimes to see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part. and realized everything you thought you knew you don't
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know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. i'm jill stein green party candidate for president and i approve this message we're heading into our climate story floods the fire drought how did we get here i like coal we've built enough pipeline to wrap around the entire earth once this season climate madness to live captaining our ship of state into more danger in the climate scientists stand up be counted joe star in for a green new deal for america.
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