tv [untitled] November 6, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EST
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while barack obama and mitt romney make their last gossipy full votes in the final hours of the presidential race our c.e.o. scituate with the alternative candidates whose voices have gone largely encouraging in the campaign. voting problems caused by last week's superstorm sandy lead to the widespread use of online voting a sign of a security experts warn it could result in ford which could sway such a tight race. and do we look at how the outcome of the action could affect the course of america's foreign affairs and that's relations with the rest of the world .
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it's eleven am here in moscow you're watching our live with me to bomb what say as voters in the u.s. begin to voice their choice at the ballot boxes for either broke will bomb or mitt romney other voices have gone almost on her during the campaign for the white house a step forward r.t.u. which provided a stage for them in our washington studio the notion that we've been a country that stood up to the bully as opposed to being a bully it's a growing police state quite obviously we can end the failed racist war on drugs downsize the military and the drone wars bring the troops home let's stop with our military interventions let's get out of afghanistan to moral thirty thousand drones flying over the united states or a very flying over the united states who are in the unemployment and jumpstart the green economy that spells an end to climate change and makes wars for oil obsolete . it's often been argued that although direct drive
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also obama and romney tend to sing from the same song sheet on many issues. you can now takes a look at just how different the third party candidates message. will listen to presidential candidates who know very well you know perfectly well that they don't stand a chance to win this election but they screw their hats in the ring because they claimed the two parties were public and democratic have conspired to leave americans with no choice or with a choice as they say joel stein from the green party and gary johnson from the libertarian party debated in our studio this monday night but it was not a debate simply against the two party system listening to how these alternative candidates argued on the economy could see how dramatically opposite their views are. on the subject it was a heated debate on the role of the government the libertarian candidate for instance was arguing that the u.s. should get rid of all taxes except the federal consumption tax the green party
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candidate argue the opposite of course but on foreign policy they demonstrated a similar view both against military interventions by the united states both offering views distinctly alternative to those of spent romney and barack obama we deserve a foreign policy based on international law human rights and diplomacy unfortunately we currently have an international policy based on wars for oil and the use of brute military force as a tool of foreign policy we're funding the syrian insurgents quarter of the syrian insurgents are just. did we not learn our lessons when it came to afghanistan and the fact that we bankrolled osama bin laden and how did that turn out look there are unintended consequences to our military interventions always worse than better as far as the electoral system is actually quite difficult for an independent candidate to get on the. in the us something that i heard jill stein talk about
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campaign financing is becoming a huge issue here especially with the supreme court ruling which now allows corporations to funnel as much money as they want into political campaigns which makes it virtually impossible for someone without the backing of the big party machines to win an election the news cycle here in america is internally focused on the two parties americans know very little if anything about alternative candidates when green parties jill stein was arrested protesting outside the place where president obama and mitt romney debated in mid october it went completely ignored by the media here both parties were public and democratic arguably fear that his third party candidate could become a spoiler in the election for example in the year two thousand independent candidate ralph nader was seen as a spoiler who contributed to the victory of george w. bush so it seems the party's solution is to black out alternative voices and to convince the american people that they have no other choice but barack obama and mitt romney and the mainstream media here are very much part of that blackout you
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can watch the full version of the debate between third party candidates agila stein and gary johnson on our website at r.c. dot com while the agenda of the third parties may be left out of the race they still have the paula to influence the outcome that's the view of antiwar activists and journalist don de bar he refers to the so-called nader effect after presidential candidate ralph nader crucial votes from the al gore in the two thousand election you go into the nader effect quote unquote basically first of all i have always been upset with ralph nader even though he did not cause gore to lose the election for not claiming that he caused lose the election and use that as a lever of power saying on the more juice to the democrats if you don't do what we want you will never win another election because i will do this repeatedly but i don't know that there is. an ability to do that but i think that that's the first most important tool the third party should try to game which is to leverage themselves and. our politics are the more urgent which is where their numbers are
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at the moment keeping in mind that the people of the united states that are eligible to vote do not vote and show there's a huge constituency out there that is disaffected waiting for someone to speak to their pet lindsey's use running for the u.s. presidency as a candidate for the pontiff of socialism and liberation says that her aim is to give voters an alternative that's not influenced by corporate finance but more running to expose the elections and to give voters an alternative to talk about how you know from our perspective changes never come from the elections never come from the politicians change comes from building the movement in the two party system is really just a form of class rule you know it's a way for the one percent to exercise their almost unlimited domination of the political and economic system in this country you know obama and romney are spending like two point five billion dollars which first off what a tremendous waste you know i've been in new york doing relief work for hurricane sandy you know there are forty thousand people who become homeless as a result of this hurricane what could those people do with the two point five
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billion dollars you know why are we using it to build housing instead but you know the corporations given this money you know you don't get that kind of money without the support of the big banks and corporations to ensure that their interests are present in the elections you know and so that regardless of whether it's a democrat who wins or republican wins it's the corporations who when it's the banks who when it's the people who lose and even before it's begun very touching on election day already faces destruction injury to the devastating storm that tore through america's east coast and some measures introduced to avoid those breakdowns threaten the transparency of the process as artie's marrying up at night reports from new york. for the first time in history americans are embracing election day in the shadow of a deadly super storm that left behind a trail of devastation and voting disruptions here in new york city sixty polling sites have been relocated due to the unprecedented damage caused by sandy just one week ago city officials say military trucks will also be used as makeshift polling
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stations in areas still without electricity this is of course to ensure that citizens were all be able to cast their votes in their writing jersey millions are being allowed to cast their ballot by fax mail or online the last minute decision was made after a reported two hundred fifty polling sites in the garden state were damaged by last week's superstorm now as government officials along the east coast are scrambling to ensure that millions are not disenfranchised from the presidential election cyber security experts warn them online voting can't be verifiably secure and this could lead to a disaster in a close race such as the one between barack obama and mitt romney several computer scientists and cryptologists say weaknesses in u.s. cyber security leaves room for online votes to be intercepted changed or deleted but even before sandy became the us political game changer of twenty twelve america's election system was still considered controversial archies honest.
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explains you elected me to tell you the truth honesty is the best policy maybe not in u.s. elections two words define why people hate america double standard on everything in this presidential election season these two words are back in full swing the basic definition of a double standard is a rule or principle unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups let's find out if this is relevant to the us elections. respecting every single vote is key in a democracy yet voter suppression is alive and well in the us given the way that citizens are kept away from the from the voting booth by rules that are meant to keep away a certain segment of the population. we have a lot of nerve frankly criticizing other countries for the way they run their democracies from questionable voter id regulations to shorten to early voting time
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slots to gerrymandering rejoicing congressional district lines to favor certain party laws affecting voters' rights are passed left and right and vary state by state do you have an eric holder this video shows how easy it is to attempt to steal attorney general eric holder's vote when an idea is not required actually forgot my id. yet places that do ask for a government issued photo id can affect over ten percent of americans that simply don't have one there is an attempt to prevent large numbers of people from actually exercising the ballot election monitors usually serve the purpose of keeping track of in discrepancies and while the us likes to keep a close eye on the way elections are handled abroad we have the right to monitor other people's elections of course and if they don't do it they're clearly they're cheating that's not democracy it's rigged it's a dictatorship what the hell the need for monitors at home is vastly undermined
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when you're looking at an election where the votes are counted in public are humans that's the kind of election that it's possible to observe there really is virtually no opportunity for international observation but the same goes for domestic observers even the carter center which grows a rod and does the great we're monitoring elections abroad refuses to monitor us elections on the grounds the basic standards of integrity when election ideals are not met elsewhere criticism runs rampant elections in venezuela. elections in iran elections in russia. the press will go to town on any sign that the outcome was fixed you know regardless of whether the evidence is sound though just go crazy and while nitpicking abroad is all the rage the elephant in the room remains unnoticed at home i promise you that the evidence that they use to scream and yell about the outcome in those countries is usually
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a whole lot weaker than the evidence of election theft in this country the good news not all of the hypocrisy goes unnoticed or policymakers and to a great extent our media and trickle down to the american people have literally the literally think that the rest of the world is stupid that they don't see it that everybody naturally house to admit you know admire us that we're great and it's not the case well obvious flaws are met with a deaf ear and here in and year out a flawed election process continues to be the first vote cast in the us and their future party new york whoever's voted into the white house will inevitably affect the country's relations with the rest of the world russia included and there's a widespread feeling around the globe that when it comes to international relations the incumbent president obama is a much safer bet than the some want his romney artie's you've got a piece going off explains whether we should expect to his cause to continue if the
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democrats stays in power. i've come here to cairo to seek a new beginning between the united states and muslims around the world charismatic promising a new barack obama swept into office on the wake of the yes we can euphoria invoiced greed aspirations which even got him through two thousand and nine nobel peace prize we knew that change had come to egypt today the libyan people are writing a new chapter. obama personally supported the arab spring but as soon as all governments fell a new powers emerged the murder of u.s. diplomats in libya in white spread n.-t. american protests all over the muslim world didn't exactly show the kind of gratitude washington expected that's far as we are concerned and i'm speaking about the average person on the street including many arab nationalists now some rights left us and upon the people of different backgrounds we still view obama as
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a representative of us imperialism. with a sudden backlash in the middle east and back in washington the far east has become yet another source of irritation night i'm announcing the creation of a trade enforcement unit that will be charged with investigating unfair trading practices in countries like china. president obama has been increasingly tough with china and it's not only about enforcement units and lawsuits washington has also been increasing its news or your presence in the pacific we absolutely have to make more progress and that's where we're going to keep on pressing but when it comes to the second largest economy in the world and a state which owns a major part of u.s. debt try to forget about those campaign rhetoric for a moment and regardless what romney said or brok obama said here then i think they will adopt this same policy that is engagement and cooperation with china from.
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president obama has also been trying to make progress with another member of the u.n. security council russia by meenie has been viewed as the engine behind the reset of relations with moscow but it's still unclear if it actually worked well long lasting stumbling blocks like washington's plans for an entire missile defense system in europe are still very much on the table what more could do he has that i mean he said the revolution should have. brought them in so i don't think that he could do that to her promise i will not let him too much to do perhaps the expectations for mr obama were too high from the start but if he does manage to win a second term in office it's clear the yes we can euphoria is gone and this time the world isn't a scheme to believe in his promises is going off or to moscow. we continue our live coverage of the u.s. presidential election throughout the day plus plenty of expert opinion and analysis
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on edge and online and on more news coming your way here on our break to stay with us. the six america votes for its next president. to take the wheel as the u.s. drives into the future. get the news the mainstream missives without clothes election rage the two his election up close. and on t.v. dot com. usually the police and occupy protesters are like oil and water but in atlanta they've come together to save the house of a former detective jacqueline barber unfortunately ms barbara lost a lot of money battling cancer and was facing eviction which she turned to occupy
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homes for help so far she's managed to stay in her home despite it being sold out from under her feet but the main thing is that her fight to stay in her home has become like a bridge between two groups who are usually at each other's throats the police and occupiers the thing is the cruel economic practices can affect us all even retired police like ms barber i know there are some irresponsible people who buy things they can't pay for and here the police have to do something about them but they shouldn't throw you out of your home that you've paid for for years just for getting cancer no one should have to live with the constant fear that their home will be taken away after years and years of payment just because they got sick and america thought we believed in private property not eternally rented from big banks but that's just my opinion. wealthy british style.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. of the six america votes for its next president. who takes the wheel as the u.s. drives into the future. get the news the mainstream misses with up close election coverage of the u.s. election up close. and. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought
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explosion targeting syrian troops took place in the flashpoint become a province. run through the capital damascus claiming civilian lives are she's a middle east correspondent policia has more details three major attacks have taken place across syria on monday in the first a suicide car bomb that killed more than fifty syrian soldiers as well as pro-government gunmen now it happened in the central syrian province of hama and according to reports the attack was carried out by an al qaida inspired islamic militant group states also say that only two people were killed but we have no way of independently verifying this information there are suggestions that at least one ton of explosives was used in the attack in a separate incident in the capital city of damascus a blast there has killed several people and injured many more among them children it is thought that the cause of that attack was a car bomb and then also on monday eight bus attack also in damascus so five people
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killed three of them children as well as a woman there many bats in which there were traveling was hit by a mortar shell and that that caused this explosion now we do not know who is behind these attacks but certain in the past rebel groups have claimed responsibility for similar such attacks what we have seen as monday a bloody day of violence in syria where the situation on the ground is intensifying . more news is waiting for you on our website at our dot com including a warning sign in front of hundreds of members of the hack a movement anonymous showing their teeth to the u.k. government mocking guy fawkes day with protests in the country's capital. and plus elsewhere a close call for iran as now an israeli documentary reveals that television was all set with planning a strike on iran back in tweet and at our t.v. dot com. the british prime minister has involved on
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a low key arms toward to the middle east but as explains both of these are being chased and david cameron sales pitch are raising more than a few eyebrows. in the past the british prime minister has spoken about how britain's interests line up holding the country's values but it was all interests and no talk of values this morning when david cameron touched down in dubai he's going to be trying to sell over one hundred u.k. tyson fighter jets to the leaders of the united arab emirates and saudi arabia that's despite concerns about person pedaling fighter jets to regimes with questionable human rights records david cameron says he's happy to discuss human rights as well as lucrative rahm's contracts with countries that he calls old partners but it looks like talk about human rights is familiar rhetoric to justify
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a long standing tradition of toys to less than squeaky clean gulf states sandhurst military academy behind me last year accepted a three million pound donation from the kingdom of bahrain inside these gates sandhurst offices train in the new bahrain sports hall even though the bahraini government launched a brutal crackdown against pro-democracy protesters last yeah a sign test even said the bahraini government and crushing letter thanking them for their generosity the three million pound gift was hardly a break with tradition but it's possible a long standing relationship of reciprocal favors between the bahraini monarchy and strains within the british establishment so it looks like talk of british values is good p.r. when it comes to defending trade links and good relations with countries whose human rights records some would call into question poorly boy r t.
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next we bring you the kaiser reports in a couple of minutes from now. looking at some dogs you simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how they can wrong oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strand in canada and the us i come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like a laska and so i felt at home the first sled dog was brought here from australia now it's trios come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this trail are amazing but even more amazing
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is the story of how racing first started here atoll it wasn't the top. grazing who set the trail of place but a nun and all phones who brought their dia to life. five years ago. built a dog kennel in the village kids from the local open age came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their full legged friends but smother purse cable also encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys who regularly update their websites and they're in touch with the busy ma the twenty four seven on the phone itself. but children are the most important thing my only interests not play any role anymore and regardless of whether parsky has huskies window race or not she hopes the competition will take place in the village next year. but
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called these dogs and the children it really is not the winning but truly just the taking part that counts. download the official application itself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch all its food all you need is your mobile device to watch on t.v. any time. i see good laboratory jim kirby was able to build on the old most sophisticated robot
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or welcome to the kaiser report it's a big decision day in america today but the biggest decision for all we debtor nations and debt populations is to decide are we powerless to tackle bankers or is it time to rip it up and started yet. stacy bracks that's a lot like the front page cover i might add of the independent on sunday magazine that's max kaiser rip it up and start again. of course you're talking about the us elections and it's time to rip it up and start again but this is something that hasn't happened we saw it we've just been in ireland we saw there the social contract has been ripped up by our politicians by our leaders by the heads of banks across the world that's right the social contract has been ripped up
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thanks on trees like ireland and countries like greece and the us as well the social contract has been ripped up the powers that be want to simply transform the current population to neo still serfs. that's wrong at a sense the social contract has been broken as of now for the populations to rise up stay some kind of insurrection and start again that's what the point of the story is rip it up and start again let's start again we need a new declaration of independence from banking occupation that's what's happening are lots of happening and grace while politicians and the banks are have already done half of it for you ok they have ripped it up as i said the social contract is that of the us constitution as it does as george w. bush the previous president said is just a piece of paper it was easy to rift up he said right well the biggest mistake the bankers central bankers and policymakers in japan and around the world is to try to prop it up is a sign of letting rip in.
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