tv [untitled] November 6, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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shakeup in russia's government as president putin sacks the country's defense minister following a corruption scandal that cost the budget around one hundred million dogs. in the us election alternative condit's whose voices have gone largely on her during the campaign and all given a crucial stage. for votes in the final of the presidential race. problems caused by last week's superstorm sandy lead to into the widespread use of online voting but cyber security experts warn it could result in full which could ultimately swing such a tight race. that we look at how the outcome of the election could affect the course of america's foreign affairs and its relations with the rest of the world.
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news live from moscow with me will receive a welcome to the program russia's president vladimir putin has sunk one of the country's key ministers the head of the defense department the move follows a recent corruption scandal around the ministry and the start of a criminal investigation let's get details on this now across. for the latest so good to see you sean i was talking about a bit of a high profile shake up here what's going on behind the scenes. well rory this all comes on the heels of a major embezzle scandal here in russia where corruption involving the sale of undervalued assets belonging to the defense ministry affiliated companies cost. has
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made it one hundred million dollars in damage to the russian federal budget now this major shake up forces the resignation of anatoly. in favor of the former emergencies minister sergey now one reason for this change is so that the best occasion into this scandal can move forward unimpeded fair and objectively there's already been two arrests in this investigation and it is thought the surgeon called is a little bit too close to the scandal to hold his job now certain called the first civilian over the position of defense minister and he is actually credited with having implemented many reforms and changes to the russian military machine and that now side who is charged with the task of continuing these reforms he comes into this position most recently as the governor of the moscow region but also after having served eighteen years as the very popular i'm urgencies a minister here in russia now putin has put his confidence behind saying that he
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could be the very person to hold this post all right. thank you. of course so the day's other main story is the race for the white house. and as a voters in the united states are beginning to voice their choice of the ballot boxes for either barack obama or mitt romney other voices have gone almost unheard during the campaign for the presidency the step forward which provided a stage for them at our washington d.c. studio the notion that we've been the country that stood up to the bully as opposed to being a bully it's a growing police state quite obviously we can end the failed racist war on drugs downsize the military and the drone wars bring the troops home let's stop with our military interventions let's get out of afghanistan to moral thirty thousand drones
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flying over the united states what are they flying over the united states for in the unemployment and jumpstart the green economy that spells an end to climate change and makes wars for oil obsolete. now it's often been argued that although direct rivals obama and romney tend to sing from the same song sheet on many issues guy nature can now take a look at just how different the third party candidates messages really are with this in two presidential candidates who know very well you know perfectly well that they don't stand a chance to win this election but they screw their hats in the ring because they claim the two parties were probably going in democratic of conspiring to leave americans with no choice or with an illusion of choice as they say joel stein from the green party and gary johnson from the libertarian party debated in our studio this monday night but it was not a debate simply against the two party system listening to how these alternative
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candidates are viewed on the economy you could see how dramatically opposite their views are. on the subject it was a heated debate on the role of the government the libertarian candidate for instance was arguing that the u.s. should get rid of all taxes except the federal. consumption tax the green party candidate argue the opposite of course but on foreign policy they demonstrated a similar view both against military interventions by the united states both offering views distinctly alternative to those of romney and barack obama we deserve a foreign policy based on international law human rights and diplomacy unfortunately we currently have an international policy based on wars for oil and the use of brute military force as a tool of foreign policy we're funding the syrian insurgents a quarter of the syrian insurgents are just hottest did we not learn our lessons
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when it came to afghanistan and the fact that we bankrolled osama bin laden and how did that turn out look there are unintended consequences to our military interventions always worse than better as far as the electoral system is actually quite difficult for an independent candidate to get on the ballot in the us something that are jill stein talk about campaign financing is becoming a huge issue here especially with the supreme court ruling which now allows corporations to funnel as much money as they want into political campaigns which makes it virtually impossible for someone without the backing of the big party machines to win an election the news cycle here in america is entirely focused on the two parties americans know very little if anything about alternative candidates when green parties jill stein was arrested protesting outside the place where president obama and mitt romney debated in mid october it went completely ignored by the media here both parties were public and democratic arguably fear that his third party candidate could become a spoiler in the election for example in the year two thousand independent
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candidate ralph nader was seen as a spoiler who contributed to the victory of george w. bush so it seems the party's solution is to black out alternative voices and to convince the american people that they have no other choice but barack obama and mitt romney and the mainstream media here. or are very much part of that blackout. these are guy nature kind they're in washington d.c. where you can watch for the full version of the debate between third party candidates joel stein and gary johnson do so on our website artsy dot com well even before it's begun voting on election day already faces disruption this new to the devastating storm tore through america's east coast and some measures introduced to avoid those breakdowns threaten the transparency of the process as art is more important now reports from new york. for the first time in history americans are embracing election day in the shadow of a deadly super storm that left behind a trail of devastation and voting disruptions here in new york city sixty polling
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sites have been relocated due to the unprecedented damage caused by sandy just one week ago city officials say military trucks will also be used as makeshift polling stations in areas still without electricity this is of course to ensure that citizens were all be able to cast their votes in their writing jersey millions are being allowed to cast their ballot by fax mail or online the last minute decision was made after a reported two hundred fifty polling sites in the garden state were damaged by last week's superstorm now as government officials along the east coast are scrambling to ensure that millions are not disenfranchised from the presidential election cyber security experts warn them online voting can't be verifiably secure and this could lead to a disaster in a close race such as the one between barack obama and mitt romney several computer scientists and cryptologists say weaknesses in u.s.
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cyber security leaves room for online votes to be intercepted changed or deleted but even before sandy became the us political game changer of twenty twelve america's election system was still considered controversial archies honest. explains you elected me to tell you the truth honesty is the best policy maybe not in u.s. elections two words define why people hate america double standard on everything in this presidential election season these two words are back in full swing the basic definition of a double standard is a rule or principle unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups let's find out if this is relevant to the us elections. system from questionable voter id regulations to shorten to early voting time slots to gerrymandering rejoicing congressional district lines to favor certain party laws
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affecting voters rights are passed left and right and vary state by state to have an eric holder this video shows how easy it is to attempt to steal attorney general eric holder's vote when an idea is not required actually forgot my id. yet places the do ask for government issued photo id can effect over ten percent of americans that simply don't have one there is an attempt to prevent large numbers of people from actually exercising the ballot election monitors usually serve the purpose of keeping track of in discrepancies and while the us likes to keep a close eye on the way elections are handled abroad even the carter center which grows a rod and does the great we're monitoring elections. refuses to monitor us elections on the grounds the basic standards of integrity when election ideals are not met elsewhere criticism runs rampant elections in venezuela elections in iran elections in russia. the press will go to town on any sign that the outcome was fixed and
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while nit picking abroad is all the rage the elephant in the room remains unnoticed at home policymakers and to a great extent our media and trickle down to the american people have literally the literally think that the rest of the world is stupid that they don't see it that everybody naturally house to admit you know admire us that we're great and it's not the case well obvious flaws are met with a deaf ear and here in and year out a flawed election process continues to be the first vote cast in the us and if the party new york. and whoever is voted into the white house will inevitably affect the country's relations with the rest of the world of course rusher included before previous years of barack obama give a fair idea of america's foreign course if you were tense power a victory for mitt romney could present plenty of surprises. you look at what the
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globe should expect if indeed the republican is elected. if mitt romney wanted to make friends across the atlantic during his summer tour he certainly failed first he doubted britain's preparations for the olympics then he angered palestinians by calling jerusalem israel's capital even though washington does not recognize israel's annexation of its eastern lands romney has been bashing europe in his complaint back home but across the pond many have been thinking where they see really has a clue what was happening in the old world and some are even openly concerned about his potential when there is a fear of victory will see or for the implementation of free market measures particularly tax cuts which can only encourage governments like david cameron from britain to emulate what happens in america under a republican president that has been the pattern of the last three decades so i think people in britain would be scared of a romney victory china is also among those closely watching the republican
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candidates ties between beijing and washington have already hit a low with the u.s. planning to relocate most of its naval force into the pacific but romney's even more combative stance is met with criticism in china namely his calls to step up weapons sales to taiwan and labeling china a currency manipulator all randomly has to do is declare war on china on a day on the first day it takes office relations with russia was a large chunk of romney's election campaign and that's where he also created some grounds for concern just like his republican predecessor in the presidential race john mccain romney has been expressing a hard line if not hostile attitude towards moscow which made many in russia think that should he become the new u.s. leader the relations would be reset again but this time towards negativity president romney is branding of russia as the united states main geopolitical foe even prompted some rather sarcastic gratitude from russia's president. it's thanks
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to romney that moscow understood its suspicions about the missile defense shield in europe were spot on if mr romney is elected it will be a year of a farcical see a trickle called a war. where there romney's bid for presidency will be successful is yet to be determined but he's saber rattling towards russia india iran have already sparred comparisons with george w. bush's first term that proved to be the case that it's completely vague how romney would build transatlantic corp having made so many blunders already let's see russia ski r.t. reporting from moscow. and we continue live coverage of the u.s. presidential election throughout the day plus plenty of expert opinion and analysis of course on air and online and more news are coming your way here on r.t. that will be after a short break hoping you can stay with us. for the six america votes for its next president. who take the wheel as the u.s.
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drives into the future. get the news the mainstream missives with up close election coverage the u.s. election up close. and r.t. dot com. usually the police and occupy protesters are like oil and water but in atlanta they've come together to save the house of a former detective jacqueline barber unfortunately ms barber lost a lot of money battling cancer and was facing eviction when she turned to occupy homes for help so far she's managed to stay in her home despite it being sold out from under her feet but the main thing is that her fight to stay in her home has become like a bridge between two groups who are usually at each other's throats the police and
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occupiers the thing is that cruel economic practices can affect us all even retired police like ms barber i know there are some irresponsible people who buy things they can't pay for and here the police have to do something about them but they shouldn't throw you out of your home that you've paid for for years just for getting cancer no one should have to live with the constant fear that their home will be taken away after years and years of payment just because they got sick and america thought we believed in private property not eternally renting from big banks but that's just my opinion. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world
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from the street can do that. change before asians are rooted. please speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the i p interviews intriguing stories are you. trying. to find out more visit or a big. secret lab or tour. was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach creation why it should care about
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humans in the world this is why you should care only dot com. if you're just joining us welcome to the program this is arts he with me will receive shy of the syrian opposition factions are holding talks on forging a common front to gain more support from the u.s. and its allies and they hope better weapons to topple president assad but the meeting in qatar has been marred by internal rifts within the rebel ranks that's i
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get more details on this middle east correspondent paula good to see you paula what exactly is your position after this point was they were being a reaction as well to their efforts while be sitting opposite. and is meeting in doha to try and iron out the differences but they have been stopped disagreements that have been moved somewhat in that meeting now we understand that the meeting was at least part triggered by the cole from the united states and its allies who is increasingly concerned about the just unity within the syrian opposition the u.s. has also reportedly and named certain figures that they want to see with the new opposition body and what this does seem to you is that you cannot take these looking for great influence in appointing syrian opposition names as being the it's a growing constituted both by moscow and many in the international community that we see the same kind of the pain some felt not in syria in terms of what we saw in libya the fall. opposition let's recognize. it just in
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a government that immediately cuts that go into its fight and witnessing the opposition not syria also mourning for them to be recognized as the only official government of the country not one all of the stuff i mean the bottom five minutes just to get across to me says a key because in the syrian opposition in the jordanian capital amman the five hostage that russia has seats serious show insists that it will not use chemical weapons and this is in a i mean most of the points because the united states has hinted in the last week that they would intervene in syria if the government baiting the use of chemical weapons we have office also saying that it is maybe up to the syrian people themselves to decide who should form the new government and its morning foreign policy against any kind of foreign intervention in that country in the promise also mall and that the syrian opposition. to the biko which had safe and russia has information that the witness in a statement that can be nice and what is by on us in the way that must that might
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start your work on the cost of weapons that can only be used for the fades or at all it is a policy there from tel aviv thank you. of course much more news waiting for you at r.t. dot com a website naturally including that of a warning sign in london as hundreds of members of the hacker movement anonymous of showing their teeth to the government marking the guy fawkes day with protests right in the country's capital. a close call that for iran as now an israeli documentary reveals that it was all set with planning a strike on terror ron back in two thousand and ten more on that a lot more on that dot com. the british prime minister has a key. to the middle east. explains both the leads being chased and david cameron's sales pitch and certainly raising more than just a few eyebrows. in the past the british prime minister has spoken about how
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britain's interests line up holding the country's values but it was all interests and no talk of values this morning when david cameron touched down in dubai he's going to be trying to sell over one hundred u.k. tyson fighter jets to the leaders of the united arab emirates and saudi arabia that's just spite concerns about person pedaling fighter jets to regimes with questionable human rights records david cameron says he's happy to discuss human rights as well as lucrative rons contracts with countries that he calls old partners but it looks like talk about human rights is familiar rhetoric to justify a long standing tradition of toys to less than squeaky clean gulf states sandhurst military academy behind me last year accepted a three million pound donation from the kingdom of bahrain inside these gates
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sandhurst offices train in the new bahrain sports hall even though the bahraini government launched a brutal crackdown against pro-democracy protesters last year scientist even said the bahraini government in flushing letter thanking them for their generosity the three million pound gift was hardly a break with tradition but it's possible a long standing relationship of reciprocal favors between the bahraini monarchy and strains within the british establishment so it looks like talk of british values is good p.r. when it comes to defending trade links and good relations with countries whose human rights records some would call into question. r t. or it is the also you will there we go now starting with an area just north of baghdad where a powerful car bomb explosion has occurred claiming the lives of at least. twenty four. say the blast occurred as iraqi troops were leaving
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a military base in the north of the capital at least three soldiers have been confirmed dead and although the violence has calmed in the country in recent months insurgent attacks remain quite frequent. greece has ground to a halt as a two day general strike got underway in the country and it's part of a week of public option as greeks anticipate more painful measures to be forced upon them by the government it set to vote on a new austerity package of pension cuts tax hikes on wednesday the measures are demanded by the country's creditors in exchange for another cash injection which greece needs to avoid bankruptcy. the first demonstrators are arriving us in touch with square in the greek capital for two days and your sturdy protest of course one of peter all of it is in athens you can follow his twitter feed for all the that's . just ahead for you here on r.t. our special report on the volunteers of the upcoming two thousand and fourteen
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olympics in russia this is art. the sun rises over what seems like analyst forest but here in new directions cry for hundred kilometers north of light of all stalk as in much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. bloggers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system for filing down the forests of the region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy the forests or nets in our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander someone in ca has been
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a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground just soft here which means that these twelve tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he is overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the promote the region and the w w f says the government isn't doing enough to stop it just. as no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone what will the people who live after. it's
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a question more and more people are aware of today climate change and the safety of our environment as a whole are being. scott's still around the world and perhaps is still small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. limitation and free accreditation free zones for chargers free. range month three. free studio type free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and a free media dog r t v dot com. welcome to the. science technology innovation all the latest developments around russia we've got the future covered.
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russia's black sea coast resort of sochi is busy working towards the twenty fourteen winter olympic games the city is preparing for an event that will welcome hundreds of thousands of visitors from all across the world and when they arrive they'll be greeted by the faces of the games sochi is olympic volunteers. there are hundreds of volunteers lined up to take part in sochi twenty fourteen.
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