tv [untitled] November 6, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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who can you trust no one. with a plausible machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. hello and welcome back to our. sacks in just a few short hours polling stations up and down the east coast will be closing and will give us the first glimpse of how this election is starting to unfold and.
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now before we forge on with our election coverage tonight we want to take some time to look back and really reflect on how each of these men got where they are today we'll start with president obama and what the past four years have looked like under his guidance. thank. you. steve thank you he's you know you see. how much. this industry now faces murder urgency we cannot and must not and we will not let our auto industry simply vanish the american recovery and reinvestment act that i will sign today is the most sweeping economic
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recovery package in our history the very first promise i made on this campaign was that as president i will sign a universal health care plan into law. the. critics of health reform say it's genuine grassroots anger thank stand tax and that this no that not true georgia members of the senate joined their colleagues in the house of representatives to pass a landmark health insurance reform package. as commander in chief i have determined that it is in our vital national interest to send an additional thirty thousand u.s. troops to afghanistan from mike mullen says nearly half of the thirty thousand troops ordered to play by president obama are already in theater and we can see positive impacts right here at cylinder but through the recovery act this company received a loan to expand its operations i was fixing our broken immigration
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system. is not only a political issue not just an economic issue but a moral imperative as well paid champion out as a big republican night as major networks project they're taking control of the house and this midterm election of two thousand and ten by the time the dust settled earlier today republicans had scored the largest party turnover in seventy years that nine point eight percent unemployment rate is the highest since april of this year valor and sacrifice are no more limited by sexual orientation than they are by race or by gender or by religion or by creed this morning i am proud. to sign a law that will bring an end to don't ask don't tell day of rage burning fury in the streets of egypt. nation egypt is probably changing forever and it may not stop there what appears to be a revolution is underway. so at my direction
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america led enough but we have our allies at the united nations security council to pass historic resolution that authorized a no fly zone to stop the regime's attacks from the air and further authorized all necessary measures to protect libyan people. today we can definitively say that to get off the regime has come to an end the last major regime strongholds have fallen. good evening. tonight i can report to the american people and to the world but the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden the leader of al qaeda. i growing scandal about what happened after saluja received five hundred thirty five million dollars in taxpayer money
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cylinder declared bankruptcy laying off all eleven hundred workers. there's this movement active high wall street which has spread from wall street to other cities they clearly don't think that you or republicans have done enough that you're part of the problem. today i can report that as promised the rest of our troops in iraq will come home by the end of the year because we. propped up the kill list. still till last kill list you're basing this on reports in the news that have never been confirmed by me and i don't talk about our national security decisions in that way effective immediately the department of homeland security is taking steps to lift the shadow of deportation from these young.
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age the supreme court has upheld the individual mandate for iraq obama's signature health care law is constitutional for me personally. it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think same sex couples should be able to get married the unemployment rate fell below eight percent in september for the first time since two thousand and nine it is welcome news for president obama following what's been perceived as a weak performance during the debate against mitt romney. this is where it got started i i believe in you and i'm asking you to keep believing in me and if you'll ruin your family and if you'll work with me and knock on some doors with me and make some calls with me will win scott county again will win i love to ruin this election i don't remember if it is what we started to remind the world why the united states of america is the greatest nation on earth god bless you god bless
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you my story i. already know i was a look back at president obama's first term which brings up the question does the president really deserve a second term now in the white house ben cohen under the daily banter joins us now along with preston strategist and host of the richard thaler radio show richard fowler thank you guys for joining us so first i want to have direct this question to both of you richard you can go first an answer. democrats and even a lot of progressives have tried to justify a second term for president obama by saying he's going to be a lot more progressive in a second term he's really going to do something about the bush tax cuts he's going to make obamacare a lot better to do all this stuff. you might disagree with my premise and you might say he has done a lot of great things in the first term. what evidence is there to suggest he will be that real progressive candidate that a lot of the left want him to be in a second term is there any at all well i think there are i think you look at the tea leaves here first you can see where the president started from and where he's been for the past couple of months what we've seen from the president the past
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couple months is the president realizes that he has the congress in washington is not willing to work with him whatsoever and i think going into that i think going into this next four years as you noticed and more and more like a democratic president is more liberal in their second term and i think we'll see that from obama he's promised to bring immigration reform down to the table he's also promised to deal with the fiscal cliff or the whatever you would like that whatever the terminology is for it now he's also promised to make sure we put the middle one hundred thousand more teachers we're going to require more government investment i think exactly what progress is want to see but then i do want to ask you this question i'm just gonna go ahead and jump in here so what is it that we're seeing right now what we're saying is a nation that is more divided than ever is this have is this president obama's fault is it the republicans fault or is it everybody is following the breakdown of our democracy i think you've got to put squarely on the republicans for this i mean you have a president who's really governed from the center or tried to copy from the center and he's been pretty much every single everything he's tried to do the right has tried to stop it quite quite misleading they are terrorists they they've labeled
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him as many. as you could in within the american political culture they fit in with it so how this is his fault. is it isn't it partly his fault in the sense that. you know you there's harry truman in one thousand nine hundred eight when he's running against the do nothing congress he has that famous speech at the d.n.c. and he's just calling out the republican congress everything they've obstructed everything they've done and. is really angry about it it fires up the people and in that election that congress got swept out of power and republicans in hold congress again for another fifty years did president obama fight enough in those first four years to deserve a second term really i think you have to look at. its. completely different time but also this is a man in the white house who has carefully navigate his way into power by dealing with a country that still essentially it's quite a racist country i mean it's much more progressive than most of the. other
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industrialized nations are going to it's pretty racist country too so he's got they're not being confrontational and not being angry and the last thing they do is to get into this the angry black guy and that's i think that's why you've seen him be pretty quiet cautious you know i have to agree here and i think beyond that i think if you don't think the president going to fight for the people and if you are one of those folks out there watching and you haven't voted yet if you look at the speech he gave last night in iowa where he said all i need for you was a knock on some more doors i mean the speech in the bring tears to my eyes but it brought tears to the president as he was giving his final campaign speech and the passion that he expressed and i think if you look at any of joe biden speeches where he talks about what we can do for the middle class what we can do for the working class and you realize the alternative of mitt romney is going to be disastrous for this country working class middle class and everybody you understand is no reason as to why there's a choice in this election it's obama all the way and this way by stopping right there and ask you because what we see that we saw that speech last night yes that
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brought tears to your eyes but for most of this campaign he hasn't been there in the first debate for instance is a very good example of that he's failed to really assimulate the. immigration vote the immigrants out he's failed to stimulate the youth vote so in the end of the day are people going out there to the polls to vote for obama or against mitt romney i think it's a little bit of both i think you're right i think we didn't see the strongest from the president the first was that we should have saw but what we did see from the president was it is dns and its acceptance speech at the convention he told the story he told the american story of an american story was into a wall and it into woven in everything we can everything we believe in in the campaigns when you talk about how if you pledge allegiance to the american flag and you're not an american. and we need a change in this country so i think there are those people who are going out to the polls and they say mitt romney is horrible and we don't want him those people going out to the polls this morning that says obama is what we need to grow this middle class who created five million jobs already you give us another four years at this
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so you give the president other four years of this rather i think we can create twelve million jobs more so than mitt romney can create as well said richard richard feller of strategist ben cohen at her daily banter thank you. and here now is election moment number nine of our most ridiculous election countdown. ready. and they already start in the car and when they ask me who's the president of you beki beki beki beki stan stan i'm going to say you know i don't know do you know and then i'm going to say how's that going to create one job. you know about that i was going to look up who the president is back to send his but i completely forgot and it would be a great follow up out of that clip oh you sound a little like you a very they're saying it was beki beki beki stance all right well we're going to take a quick break after that we'll talk about senate races and union involvement in the elections.
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sometimes hard to pick. just like we got in two thousand and eight with barack obama with mitt romney we get a lot of firsts he's the first mormon to run for the white house on a major party ticket he's the first venture capitalist and richest man to run one of the richest men to run for president on a major party ticket ever and he's likely the first present with a million stache in offshore bank accounts and during a time when there's a lot of anger at the one percent on america's corporate class mitt romney's path to the gates of the white house is well surprising at least to the less cynical among us but here it is a look back at how romney has gotten here. i believe in america. present.
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bain capital is an investment partnership which was formed to invest in startup companies and ongoing companies then to take an active hand in managing them and hopefully five years later to harvest them at a significant profit staples i think is a good example of where bain and company can support the management of an excellent company when mitt romney was c.e.o. of bain capital in the ninety's bain invested in a series of companies including call centers and manufacturers that expanded overseas sometimes at the expense of american workers in february of ninety nine i left bank capital and left all management authority and responsibility for the firm had no ongoing research. your involvement in the affairs of bain capital. hello good evening and welcome to this edition of town talk on poll night and i'll
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be your guest for the next sixty minutes also as we continue to try to find out what's really going on in our community and in fact tonight what's really going on in our state and to help me with that quest is the probable republican nominee for u.s. senate mr rich mitt romney's human outside welcome to the show thank you good to be here paul let me introduce the candidates edward kennedy the democratic candidate has served in the senate since one nine hundred sixty two mitt romney the republican candidate has served as chief executive officer of bain capital a venture capital firm people in massachusetts have been walking watching for thirty two years senator kennedy they appreciate what he's done but they recognize that our world has changed and that the answers of the one nine hundred sixty s. aren't working anymore for the part of the report that the tape. was a few minutes ago and i probably right mitt romney call me to congratulate me.
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or our. have to admit we have got off to a great start halfway in terms of building the power of the positive image of our brand and you taught in salt lake city in a certain extent even america by virtue of the scandal that was associated with the winning at the bid in salt lake city we have some work to do there after nine eleven the way we looked at these events changed drastically more so than any games the world has really watching this when i was in the united states when i first came here and saw how bad the budget deficit was i was concerned that we might not be able to carry him off that we might just not have the funds to put on a real olympics and then following september eleventh i was absolute. committed that we would go forward the games meant more than ever i want to know however lest there be the doubt i mean the bumper stickers have been printed the website is going out tomorrow morning the campaign papers are filed today mitt romney. he
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would make a great couple. i think the old you know stand by definitions of who votes for which party have been blown away in this campaign i think people recognize that i'm not a partisan republican that i'm someone who is a moderate and that my my views are progressive and that's when the the governor of the commonwealth of massachusetts mitt romney. i think it's because of what this bill can lead to. every citizen with affordable comprehensive health insurance small businesses able to conveniently buy insurance for their employees at a cost that's competitive with big business of all i'm mitt romney i believe in america and i'm running for president. back you in new hampshire and i only made history ah i had a course that the people of south carolina who helped this campaign iow you so very
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much thank you for this great night tonight and of the people all over florida thank you tonight for this great victory i was a competitive primary does not divide this it prepares us and we will win the lottery i was mr chairman that i was and i guess i accept your nomination for president of united states i will as we move forward in this campaign and to help lead the nation to better days it's an honor to announce my running mate and the next vice president of the united states all ryan i was also believe the administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in egypt instead of condemning their actions but what is the percent who are. leaving their government and those that they were i don't. know your
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i'll. i'll get america and north america energy independent i'll do it by more drilling more permits and licenses we're going to bring that pipeline in from canada how in the world the president said no to that pipeline i will never know i want to bring the rates down i want to simplify the tax code and i want to get middle income taxpayers to have lower taxes we need you to vote and vote early we need you to get your friends to vote we need you to find people who voted for barack obama and change their mind. we america thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so there you have it a man who is deeply religious wealthy beyond many of our wildest dreams with a strong record in business so does mitt romney's resurvey resume qualify him to be
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the forty fifth president of these united states for more senior online editor of the daily caller cognise and brian dowling from the heritage foundation join us now so let's start off with this question there's been a lot of things coming out of the democratic campaign they've basically painted mitt romney as somebody that is just completely out of touch that flip flops a lot so i want to go beyond the meth and talk about the man what he stands for and what he offers this nation i'll start with events well. you know looking at mitt romney i think actually that video package that you put together is maybe it may not have made the meant this way but it's maybe one of the fairest video packages i think that will be produced about. probably not but i do believe that it gets close to it because it does show the ups and downs of what romney's campaign has been the very attacks of the left has had on him and sort of who he is as a person i mean i think most conservatives who are watching this were probably going to say well i'm not offended by his wealth i'm not offended by the things he's done to get to where he is being involved in venture capital and if you look
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at mitt romney the guy is sort of a boy scout right the obama's had to try and make the politics of attacking mitt romney about how he divides the nation how people won't like him because he won't serve their interests but beyond that he doesn't have the record that obama can go after to say he's not a good person because if you look back i mean romney has plenty of examples in his past and he's used his wealth as a matter of fact to show where he's gone out of his way to for instance to save a co-worker's daughter who was missing i mean there's so. many so many incidents where he's done very good things with the blessings that he's had in his life sort of that as a lesson for us i don't think we are questioning whether he's not a good person i think that's a good point i mean i don't know him personally but he seems to be subscribing to an ideology that's caused a lot of damage over the last eight years before the president started and that's been kind of continued through a lot of the president's policies how does how brilliant how is mitt romney really and this is of course he was asked in the debate how is he different than bush when it comes to economic and foreign affairs policies clearly he has
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a similar view very similar to george h.w. of so we get similar results i don't know i mean he definitely has different views but similar i mean ronald reagan pro-life conservative hawk and foreign policy you see a similarity with republican presidents and mitt romney if he were to win would probably be similarly hawkish on foreign policy he's talked about shoring up defense maybe spending four percent of g.d.p. on defense in the somebody who holds the social values that we've seen in republican because that one of the ordinary nation needs more defense spending will be maybe war weary after president obama i mean president obama increased troop levels in afghanistan he's somebody who's use drones in the president level and he's got a kill list of american terrorists that he maybe wants to go after a time to criticize but i mean obama did adopt some of the policies of the bush administration which i think is under reported it is under reported i know another thing that is a little bit under reported is the fact that we have seen or it is reported but it
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was in the beginning really of that the presidential primaries mitt romney does change his position quite often and whether that is really because of the change of heart or because it's a change to the act of self-preservation you know we've seen him do that before so what's the say that he doesn't promise all these wonderful things and then once he gets into the white house change his mind again because hey he has that seat that's all right let me let me start with with what you're dealing with you have two candidates one of which is the president of states and did make a litany of promises the. you've talked about at length on this network and we've talked about before that never came to fruition so if you're comparing promises obama's in a position where he hasn't fulfilled much of what he intended to do including most in a major way what romney's attack which is the deficit obama promise to half the deficit by the end of this first term and it's not done so that's that's very plain and clear the other side is this question of romney how he's changed his political career show me any politician of any veteran strength that hasn't changed positions over the life of his career and i'll be impressed and in fact that guy maybe should
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be present a united states now the other is that look who knows what's going to happen the truth is that the american public has to make that decision but when a candidate goes forward and says this is what i'm going to do the voters are expected to say this is what i can this is i can look at this and say look i do i believe him or not and if they do they should go to the polls and vote and that's what's happening today in real so you will see if they do brian we have just a minute left in the intro clip about mitt romney who we got here there's a clip of him talking about bain capital and how they harvest businesses for profit he made money outsourcing american jobs. does that qualify him to be president is there something wrong with outsourcing jobs or war and does that sort of behavior qualify someone to be president i don't know if there's anything wrong with being a businessman and maximizing profits for your investors and look at mitt romney too it's kind of an interesting life history he's kind of completing the dreams of his father who ran for president twice mom ran for senate he comes from a very political family and yes he may have been come from more liberal progressive lines and maybe he shifted
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a little bit but we'll see what happens i mean we don't know who's going to win we have no i do is going to win but it will be interesting to see if he gets in the white house if he follows through with this promises what we do know right now is that we are at quite a fork in the road when it comes to these to this country which way we want to take it right now it's up to the voters to be able to take it in that direction so violent and go ahead and thank you guys thank you so much for joining us and we're going to have to leave the conversation there that was seen your online editor for the daily caller vents cognos college holidays i'm going to get that one wrong like i was going then thank you. brian dolling from the heritage foundation and we're going to take a quick break but stick around it's not only president obama and mitt romney that are duking it out today some of our congress members are as well so we're going to highlight some of those key races when we return.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot like you song. you know what that is my self but i want you to listen to featuring me on live from the chris jones consumer to listen to the. close call for you to distract us from what you and i should care about because there are profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break this that. looks.
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