tv [untitled] November 7, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EST
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barack obama does doing it in the white house for all ball yeah what you're looking at now is that these live pictures from the democratic headquarters as we're waiting to hear his speech the president is projected to go over two hundred seventy electoral votes after the extraordinary league tie drains. whether you was having made its choice do we look at how to vote a lot of that america's ties with the rest of the world. also irregularities that would suppression and long queues are reported during the whole fucking plane of the rigged election.
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it's nine am here in moscow you alive with us here on our t.v. with me tom would say our headline in the begins to electoral intrigue of this year is drawing to a close where the u.s. president barack obama said to stay in office for a second term. america's incumbent leader has taken the a decisive lead in a once being closely a forty race his victory looks as short as a number of key battleground states all leaning his way to archie's garnishee cat is joining us live from washington following the verdict diana it's been a fiercely fought race where do things that stand at the moment. well president obama now has more than two hundred seventy electoral votes that's
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how much he needed to win the election the president has two hundred eighty one electoral votes at this moment mitt romney is behind with two hundred one electoral votes so he does have a pretty confident lead there president obama so yes we can say pretty much with certainty broke obama was elected the forty fourth president of the united states a few words about how people voted long lines some very long queues at polling stations especially in swing states as you said to the race there was in some of those states was really tight places like pennsylvania. virginia ohio florida there was something admirable about those along the lines of the people's urge to vote but the year but this year one could see that the euphoria that was there four years ago when president obama was running for his first term it's not there anymore it's not that his supporters are not excited they are but it's more of
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a relief then euphoria so there is there is the excitement good is different from what he was four years ago there has been quite a bit of disappointment the economy is not recovering is fast as people would want it to the obama campaign's argument is that he inherited such a disaster that the process couldn't possibly go faster but again a lot of it has to do with very high expectations president president obama was seen as this savior of the nation but then when he got down to business it turned out that the republican congress was standing in the way of some of his robots to reforms and all the obstacles and the reality of the day sort of came to light just a few months ago the president's job approval rating was barely above forty percent is different now of course the argument is that maybe the euphoria is is not there today but. people were simply scared of mitt romney's you know bellicose rhetoric more aggressive rhetoric and they saw mitt romney as someone who is out of touch
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with america's middle class the obama campaign has been successful in making that argument as well as the argument that mitt romney would be like the second coming of george w. bush with more wars on america's plate and possibly another disastrous economic meltdown two people expect for president obama's next four years in office here's my report. i.r.i. and the winner is have pool on excitement here the white house the main pledge of president obama's campaign has been to bring back the shrinking middle class and made the economy slow recovery and gigantic deficit at a time when the gap between the rich and the poor is as high as ever in america i want to give middle class families and folks who are striving to get in the middle class some relief because they have been hit hard the president has blamed congress for his inability to implement
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a more robust plan to help out the middle class president obama's claim that he's being handcuffed by republican lawmakers in his plan to dramatically cut taxes for middle income americans does not hold the vast majority of americans and our entire economy hostage while we debate the merits of another tax cut for the wealthy and skeptics argue there is no reason to believe congress will give the president an easier ride in his second term however president obama had no problem with congress when he signed into law the controversial legislation which allows for the detention of american citizens for indefinite periods of time without charge and due process it is a new trend on the trail of our civil liberties that the president has assumed a dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or without trial and congress did not stand in the president's way when he was increasing military spending here after
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a year of something he almost bragged about during the debate on foreign policy our military spending has gone up every single year that i've been in office. the actions of the administration overseas in the last four years have indicated that the president disquieting favor of military interventions but is the clear strategy is to stay away from fighting ground wars games to opt for more hit and run style interventions like the one executed in libya. having spent around a billion dollars in this election campaign barack obama is america's commander in chief again. president obama will be sworn into office in january something his supporters are very excited about their hopes and expectations include jobs no more devastating wars and no more financial meltdowns there was a good number of people who voted for barack obama because they were voting against mitt romney and seeing him as more aggressive especially when it comes to foreign policy and seemingly out of touch with middle class america and
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a lot of people they don't see a choice at all in the selection in washington i'm going to check out. right let's talk more about the early results of the two with richard spencer a founder and coeditor of tonnage of ride to dot com he joins us live from new york now richard do the results come as a surprise to you given how tight the race seemed to be. you know they don't come as a surprise to me at all in america demographics or is destiny and i think in some ways that this election represented was a demographic model or a demographic snapshot of what this nation is it's a nation that starkly divided in many ways between the rules white people and the red states. blue states non-whites. leave rule and of upper income whites there seems to be a very very stark divide and i don't think any of the issues really matter that much i don't think things like debate performances matter that much i think this
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election was primarily about demographics. what do you think made most of the key battleground straight leaning towards barack obama. well there really depends on the states i mean ohio and florida are tremendously different in fact you probably couldn't find two states that are more different high in florida you really have a major demographic transformation going on where you have a massive influx of hispanics and other things and those things you know obviously things change these people are going to overwhelmingly so for the democrats i think hispanics there's a lot of different quite a demographics of an ascetic still a vote for i merely i think it's two thirds sure a lot as a rule of thumb for the democrats in a place like ohio it's a very different state you have a very different demographic you have ever going to get older and certainly a more traditional american demographic i think mitt romney didn't help himself
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by certainly by choosing a running mate in a sense running on kind of libertarian principles choosing someone like paul ryan who is known to the world as someone who wants to cut budgets and reform medicare and things like that i think he probably could have done a lot better with those people by not even touching those issues and running on some kind of populist things that make sense i think immigration reform is probably the chief amongst those now richard let's talk about what obama promised four years ago a change of hope a lot with critics say he's failed to live up to the expectations that do you think his current motto forward will be easier to live up to. well i think it might be easier to live up to it's even more vague and ambiguous and ridiculous i think you know demographics aside and things like that if you look at the ruling order in the united states there seems to be a great deal of stability brock obama kind of painted himself as as kind of left
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wing in a way changed let's shake everything up at the end of the day he bailed out thank you bill that well story he wound down some stupid wars like the iraq war but he wound up some smaller but equally stupid wars and libya and elsewhere so i think essentially they're saying sadly there's really a great deal of stability between these two parties and the sooner that can wake up to that the better in my opinion and then there was a lot of told that that none of the id actual candidates had any difference between them now that that widespread view that hike in sandy and the way obama handled the app to mob helped him to win do you think the high reagan played into is that ends in some respects. it may have on the margins but again i you know i'm not one i see these elections as about really big things and not small things i don't think they're about a hurricane or a debate or anything like that i think they're about really big things like social mood and demographics primarily so i don't think hurricane either gave the election
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to evolve are really a sense of it in any significant degree richard spencer founder and co added to all of alternative right telkom a lot from new york i'm sure we'll be hearing more alternative viewpoints from as people take in the news thank you for being with that thank you. ride with obama boys remain in the white house the question now is how washington will develop its relations with the rest of the world let's not talk about this with our t.v. got a piece going of live in moscow you've got. there's been a general feeling around to the globe that obama is less whole case than romney when it comes to international relations so how does the prospect of you with ties with russia look with the lection result almost stand. tall compared to a romney mr obama then definitely things are at least a much more clear in terms of what we should expect from washington's foreign policies with moscow that's probably
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a continuation of the current course but it is a very special relationship that russia and the united states have and it's been a rollercoaster ride of for decades and while during president obama in office for the past couple of years has been pretty much the same story there have been positive moments and not so positive moments of course obama is viewed by many as the engine behind the reset all through asians and the biggest achievement of bads was probably the signing of the new strategic arms reduction treaty of nuclear weapons by both russia and the united states but many doubts that the reset actually worked for me and this will come back to bassett he sensed maybe very important issues and key stumbling blocks in the relationship between moscow and washington still remain of course i'm talking about the u.s. plans to install anti missile defense systems in europe but i'd still there on the
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table and it's still a major irritation factor for moscow so. that's why many have been kind of doubting the success of the reset relations there's also the so-called mike needs to list of russian officials who are banned from entering. the united states has also been creating a lot of problems in the relationship between these two countries and if you look at the kind of the international stage and international issues like syria of course that's been creating a deadlock at the united nations security council between russia and the united states so there are kind of issues which could also both help improve the relations in the next four years and it could also help ruin the relations and i'm talking about issues like the arena nuclear program a lot really depends on how both moscow and washington may decide to deal and work
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together on this matter to. help resolve the crisis around the iranian nuclear program so of course have to see was at least he would first becomes the next president of the united states it should be more positive for russia perhaps if mr obama does manage to win a second term in office than if governor romney comes to power but like i said it's still quite a controversial issue since well it's really two sided on what should be expected well you go and i can tell you now for sure that president obama will be coming back for a second term so will be quite closely to see how his relations with our the russian government to we'll continue. to have more live reports and analysis over the next few hours from the middle east and europe on how the u.s. election results might affect the situation in those parts of the world. fiber
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some experts already say that for the rest of the world in terms of washington's foreign policy it wouldn't have made much difference who won. be very little difference between a republican or a democrat yeah as we can see from president obama's policy of covertly funding syrian rebels. do you know about assassinations in tehran on their own streets of academics we don't know and what we do know is american democracy works with the hand of a massive elite force money what is obama promising except this kind of vague idea of constructive engagement world all the time of supporting. terrorists we know president obama has been actively courting along with the secretary of state we. have been in the rebellion in syria and of course supporting all sorts of elements in libya so how so many of you really know you into thinking that president obama
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or president romney would be different when it came to foreign policy i don't know where they get that from. right an update on the latest results these are preliminary figures barack obama has two hundred ninety lecture on college very it's an image romney currently stands at two hundred and three of course what you're looking at right now is live pictures from pennsylvania avenue. euphoria seems to be they. have to see as soon as of both mitt romney can see the is concerned his speech and we're obviously waiting for the winner speech from the president of the united states barack obama who will accept his awin we'll bring you more of that and more updates on the latest figures as they come in. a number of organizational floors and verge of violations along with huge accuse at polling stations have been a whole mark of the election process and blogger brad friedman says the problems
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are persistent ones in new ones democracy. but i was just looking at a video report out of south carolina where he had a woman who said i've been here four hours and i can't wait any longer i'm leaving they said oh well it's only going to be another hour i got to tell you you know no matter what the cause is i believe this is a national disgrace at this point these lines that we're seeing three four six nine hours to vote we saw that in ohio certainly in two thousand and four you would think we would be beyond that now clearly we are not and in many ways this seems to be getting worse we're also getting reports from all over still adelphia long time voters going to the same polling place they've been going to for years and all of a sudden they're no longer on the voting rolls today they have to vote provisionally so something is going on. you know we may not really fully come to understand until
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the days and the weeks after this election when we can fully sort out exactly what is going on here today. was a presidential candidate from the social equality party believes that whoever won the election race the working class was always going to lose. millions of workers know that regardless of who wins this election obama or romney that their lives will not improve masses of working class people are totally disenfranchise within a too big business party system some three billion dollars in corporate cash behind obama and romney. that. debates completely unscripted and the trampling of basic democratic rights including a president obama who declares his right to assassinate anyone including american
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citizens without the slightest pretense of due process these great issues have been completely excluded from the elections. so a large the fall election coverage will be bringing you the latest results expert analysis and international reaction with our correspondents on standby across the globe. the six america votes for its next president. wielders the us drive to. get the news the mainstream missives with a place like. the u.s. election. dot com to other news now thousands of greeks have watched through athens in the latest show of anger against hopeful start being forced upon them the government has to vote on a new package of pension cuts and tax hikes later in the day that says life in the country will again be put on hold amid
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a general strike people all over is in the greek capital. midway through the forty eight hour general strike here in greece the greek people have been making their anger towards the next round of austerity measures clear they were out in their thousands here on syntagma square on tuesday and they're going to be back later on wednesday they're upset at what they say are unfair measures this going to be imposed upon them should prime minister says ma this is the latest round he says the last round of austerity measures he voted for be okayed in the parliament building just behind me later on whedon's day and right here where i'm standing on syntagma square is where thousands of demonstrators are expected to gather in order to show their displeasure for what is expected to be thirteen point five billion euros worth of cuts and savings forced upon them now the reason that that thirteen point five billion will be voted for is because it's being demanded off by greece's
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three main creditors and the reason that they're demanding of it is because the creditors the troika as they're called have said that if greece doesn't cut massively the late don't get the next round of bailout money and the question remains that has to be asked if this is voted for will there be enough political support in greece in order to enact these cuts. prime minister and tonight some are as has promised the greek people that this will be the final round of belt tightening however the terrorists lecture at the university of things there's more pain i hade. every a sturdy package in the past when the house years was supposed to be the last one so now it's when be the last. we're going to simmer a bit and look there's been had been ng lamenting is something very close to a parliamentary could. you know the rabid way you can just one day two days of this
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just so you're going to pass i should say little does not only include budget cuts all changes in the pension system and the wage system or large segments of their own a public sector it would also affect aspects. so this is it's not here in europe you know way we want it where this far from no democratic procedure is this is a set of measures that have been actually dictated by the troika and this just going to be passed repellant without any actually justin. and much more news available at r t dot com including a wal-mart shelter from overseas because the story of how superstorm sandy has driven one russian nuclear submarine right into a u.s. harbor. last december rattling and harsh rhetoric from the north korean u.n. ambassador saying his country is on the brink of war with the south korean neighbor
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. three blasts have rocked the syrian capital leaving at least fifteen days and fifty wounded in a district traditionally loyal to president assad it's the third day in a row damascus has been the target of bombings this comes as moscow claims the this is a good american surface to air missiles are making their way into the hands of rebel movements in the area the foreign minister also accuses the western media of twisting the facts in its reporting of the civil war more from artie's a policy. of the russian. minister sergei lavrov speaking in the jordanian capital of amman has warned against western powers supplying syrian opposition fighters with illegal weapons he says that russia has evidence as well as information that the fighters are being supplied with high tech a face of equipment more than fifty stinger has a chemical in the hands of the bullfighters and that equipment is u.s.
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made now lavrov also said that he was very surprised to find out that the b.b.c. says it has information that russia is supplying syria with weapons of mass destruction he said it was amazing to hear from a correspondent of such a respected corporation such claims being made at the same time he did say that russia was finishing its arms shipment to damascus and that these were deals that were made and old contracts but that the distinction needs to be made that these are only defensive weapons weapons that are not being used in the conflict by comparison with the type of weapons that are making it into the opposition fighters today that are fueling the conflict on the ground you have also said that russia's position is clear that they need to be talks between the syrian government and the opposition he said it is up to syrians to decide for themselves who they want in the transitional government and he warned against making from the outside now comments come as the syrian opposition needs in doha what we do know is that the
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meeting is aimed at bringing the opposition together but certainly the u.s. has previously suggested that it would hand pick some of the candidates for this new united opposition but we are seeing is washington taking an active part in forming this new body there are already rifts within the opposition with some members claiming that the reshuffle has not been done copy and that what we've seen as old names merely being replaced by new names who really have the same political position there is growing concern of what will evolve in syria will be much the same as what happened in libya where western countries recognize the opposition as the only legitimate government and then launched military action big concern is that by not recognizing the syrian president bashar assad western nations will be given greater freedom to do what they want the next country. eric dony see director and founder of the french center for intelligence studies believes turkey and the gulf states are helping the u.s. transfer weapons to rebels on the ground. perfectly know that all this
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rebel groups i mean most of them sound a c. on the sound of feet they receive the strong support from their. duties sometimes but most of the time through to turkey. as well as. to exert its good to know exactly what kind of very you know them where. they are the strong support coming from the us. israel has announced plans to build more than a thousand new homes on palestinian land in the west bank. they international community has already denounced the move saying it hampers peace efforts in the region palestinians are now looking for support from the un as a territory in question is and mocked as being part of a future palestinian state budget jeff pol pot of the israeli committee against house demolitions believes the jewish state will still feel safe under the you with
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some breland. it's true the international community opposes israeli policies but it won't be anything saying israel needs and it goes whether obama is elected or romney selected its trump card is the american congress support israel has from both political parties and it doesn't care any more it will do this in the light of day israel has eliminated the big solution is to expose its completely imprison the palestinians and no one in the world is going to speak up against aren't so doesn't matter really if accepted is that they're not the point is that israel will. returning back to our top story the u.s. presidential results in the which brugge obama is projected to win later as the preliminary results are the following barack obama has two hundred ninety electoral college votes and mitt romney currently stands at two hundred and three live
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pictures now coming through their line from pennsylvania avenue in a washington i'm sure they'll be lots of democrats celebrating obama's a victory as it is official in the next coming hours we'll keep you updated on the latest figures as they come in and join us in just over half an hour as i lection coverage continues right in coming up after a short break artie's a special report a senseless death stay with us for that. download the official publication to cell phone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. t.v. is not required to watch all its he only needs your mobile device to watch ati any
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