tv [untitled] November 7, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST
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for the united states of america the best is yet to come i recently moved to the iraq obama promises to resurrect his four year old message of hope after winning his second term as president of the united states. and the world reacts to obama's victory but from a cold response in israel on the arab world too cautious optimism in the halls of the kremlin. greece is about to vote on a new austerity measures with thousands of those gathered at the doors of parliament it's part of a nationwide protest against pay cuts and tax hikes. and a shooting spree in moscow as a broken heart supposedly pushes a man to take up killing five of his colleagues.
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live from moscow this is on t.v. with me will research show welcome to the program barack obama vows to fulfill his promise of change in a victory speech to jubilant supporters of course not so after securing a second term as president of the united states. well what was predicted to be a close finish if not even a tie actually turned into an electoral college landslide as a bomber swept to victory in almost every battleground state his republican challenger mitt romney who wasn't far behind in raul votes ultimately had to concede defeat as not cross over to what is more important to our standing by live in new york for more on the elections conclusions are good to see you marine as i was saying and most people are calling it a neck and neck race for quite
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a long time now but at the end of the day a convincing win for obama. quite a convincing win for us president barack obama which was announced shortly before midnight and i can tell you here in new york city there were so many people out in the street cheering screaming and celebrating. barack obama won new york along with the majority of electoral votes throughout the country but many are asking what were the reasons that people were voting for barack obama instead of mitt romney an interesting thing to note is that according to exit polls the majority of americans still blame george w. bush for the economy and that might have been working very much against republican candidate mitt romney also we have to consider the billions that have been spent on this us presidential election race the most money ever spent in u.s.
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history but mitt romney was the beneficiary of more corporate contributions than barack obama barack obama got more small donations many have been saying that they were concerned that mitt romney would be whole beholden to corporations if he were to win the white house but everybody of clearly has their own reasons for whom they voted for and as you mentioned during barack obama's acceptance speech he once again promised to all americans that the best is yet to calm but as he's facing a very divided country and a divisive republican party that's not very accepting of him those promises that he made may be very hard to fulfill artie's guy in a chicana reports. of a and the winner was i want to. participate in this is like. you
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your voice heard and you made a good for me. romney has accepted his loss i have just been president obama to congratulate him on his victory. full on excitement in the president's hometown of chicago for hers and obama's daughters chanting four more years ago what do they expect in the next four years and are they so happy with the past four of his presidency the congress hasn't been very cooperative the past two years but i think he needs these four more years to continue i'm very happy with what he's tried to achieve i really need to have the help of the health care that he's going to offer and like i said we need more time than the last four years the main pledge of president obama's campaign has been to bring back the shrinking middle class and made the economy slow recovery and gigantic deficit at a time when the gap between the rich and the poor is as high as ever in america i
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want to give middle class families and folks who are striving to get in the middle class some relief because they have been hit hard the president has blamed congress for his inability to implement a more robust plan to help out the middle class president obama's claim that he's being handcuffed by republican lawmakers in his plan to dramatically cut taxes for middle income americans does not hold the vast majority of americans and our entire economy hostage while we debate the merits of another tax cut for the wealthy and skeptics argue there is no reason to believe congress will give the president an easier ride in his second term however president obama had no problem with congress when he signed into law the controversial legislation which allows for the detention of american citizens for indefinite periods of time without charge and due process is a new thread on the trail of our civil liberties that the president has assumed dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without
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charge or without trial and congress did not stand in the president's ways. when he was increasing military spending here after a year of something he almost bragged about during the debate on foreign policy our military spending has gone up every single year that i've been in office. the actions of the administration overseas in the last four years have indicated that the president this party in favor of military interventions but is the clear strategy is to stay away from fighting ground wars and to opt for more hit and run style interventions like the one executed in libya. as with syria the administration indicated that they would like to intervene more actively but for now syria just seems too complicated and washington cannot count on a desirable outcome for us to get more in tangled militarily in syria is a serious step and we have to do so making absolutely certain that we know who we
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are helping that we're not putting arms in the hands of folks who eventually could turn them against us or our allies in the region having spent around a billion dollars in this election campaign barack obama is america's commander in chief again president obama will be sworn into office in january something his supporters are very excited about their hopes and expectations include jobs no more devastating wars and no more financial meltdowns there was a good number of people who voted for barack obama because they were voting against mitt romney's seeing him as more aggressive especially when it comes to foreign policy and seemingly out of touch with middle class america and a lot of people they don't see a choice at all in this election in washington i'm going to check on. our let's take a look at where america may go on to the next four years with barack obama i'm now joined by jeffrey laurenti the senior fellow at the century foundation on international affairs it is a good to have you on our t. today thanks for joining us on the program let's talk about the victory here how
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much of obama's victory do you think can actually be attributed to him many saying that's a lot of voting for him just to not vote for romney. well actually many people voted for romney with much greater enthusiasm in order not to vote for president obama in order to oust president obama. and in fact i think that obama's victory was largely one of reaffirmation of support for him by those who put him in office four years ago and it's a coalition that reaches beyond what it always been the traditional notion of the united states as a white protestant or white american country that's really the dynamic because when you look at the demographics of this election it points to the america of the future as one that is much more multi-racial and multicultural the republican party is increasingly unable to deal with that fact but as well just to just to draw what you're saying here some people are saying that the that the hispanic vote in the
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african-american vote were crucial in getting obama another four years in the white house is that true. they were absolutely crucial because it was a pro did just turnout among black voters in particular and the entire black community the whole network of civil society and black communities came together almost spontaneously to provide support it was a cause once again and among latinos clearly the republican party in its white angry base has alienated them as well and the president's ratings excuse me numbers among latinos were higher than four years ago one of the few demographic groups where you saw a leap forward rather than some slippage so both of these and the even more remarkable support for him among the small but rapidly growing asian minorities just seventy six percent of their votes which republicans that always saw as a successful economically immigrant group they'll be ours. they also feel repelled
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by a kind of white almost then a phobic for the tea party inner core of the republican party today now it could be a bit of an uphill challenge ahead for the next four years for president obama and it's victory speech he promised a very bright future for america given republican and corporate resistance well what kind of challenges are we looking at here. you speak exactly to what are the huge hurdles because i don't think that the republican party is able in the short term to accept the reality of obama's victory and now try to move a little bit to the center to work with him because the pressure from within its now even angrier. populist right wing will militate against that we can hope that they will president obama although the campaign was not fought on foreign policy issues certainly there were key foreign policy issues
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a stake and here even the tea party is not. particularly the problem it is the kind of military political complex within the republican party that has been pushing the more. aggressive what some might say are at least. bellicose sounding policies that we have come to know all too well during president bush's term so you have an interesting conflict or confluence of forces that will be shaping the american foreign policy debate in the next four years where you raise an interesting point drawing the parallels between the military industrial complex the republicans the romney supporters also hawking back to the days of george w. bush a lot of people saying that the cold war years from the days of bush was certainly aligning themselves with the romani administration just just one more question for you before we run out of time here obama spent the last four years failing to bring democrats and republicans together do you think he'll ball the any more.
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well he's going to have to try because the republicans still have control of the house of representatives and if anything is going to get passed through the congress you're going to have to have some republican support the question is whether they now that they don't have to run against him anymore he's this is his last four years whether they will be a little more willing to reach accommodations that we don't know i just read on to your senior fellow at the century foundation on international affairs thanks for coming on today. well a relief or a wake up call our correspondents across the globe will be bringing you more on how obama's reelection is being welcomed at world wide and much more after a quick break. flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is dr run amir
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brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head across ever more barren tundra higher and higher into russia's arctic far north until eventually we see our landing spot with arrive in this tiny village after crossing hundreds of kilometers of snow a world of us as a boy here suffering favre and the doctors are going to see what they can do. inside a small building not one but two babies and their parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better care spread lana doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in atlanta they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native minutes
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reindeer herders out in the tundra it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so all medical problems simply fixed here in the tent. they used to be but now we can go to civilize places so we call for emergency help. back at hospital other patients helped by the air ambulance are being treated the service costs fourteen million dollars a year to run and there's been controversy with some claiming that locals exaggerate or make up health problems and use the helicopters as a free taxi service accusations vladimir firmly dismisses your brother is not true usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we even reproach locals waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but vladimir has come. the diva now after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian far north.
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if you're just joining us welcome to the program here on r.t. on rory sushi and we continue with our u.s. election coverage. in the middle east obama's victory isn't exactly evoking that much cheaper lotion israel openly backed mitt romney who suddenly went well out of his way to support tel of eve and while the arab world is not exactly enthusiastic interviews obama as florida but moderate and the lesser of two evils artie's middle east correspondent paula slayer has this report. what we have seen from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is that he has not shied away from making it publicly known that he would have preferred a republican inside the white house what we now witnessing and what we have seen in the past is sometimes
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a very public clashes public spat between the obama administration and israeli leaders and these were often over the iranian nuclear program as well as the palestinians peace talks now there are commentaries at the moment circulating here in israel that say that netanyahu now has a very serious problem on his hands and there is no way that he can cover it at a recent poll put the support amongst israelis towards romney at fifty seven percent twenty one percent supporting obama and the watches of netanyahu and obama the relationship between the united states and israel has deteriorated to an idle time low and the big question of course is the whole question of what netanyahu now will do these are very rare and he has been quite vocal saying that he is threatening to strike iran but it is quite clear that he cannot carry out such a strike without american support and obama for his side has not given him the support most in the arab world has preferred and obama victory back in two thousand and nine in his now famous cairo speech a bomb
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a pledge that he was going to introduce a new chapter in american muslim relations but since then there has been a lot of disappointment over the way he has dealt with issues in the arab world particularly these are the muslims he was a lot of criticisms leveled against him in his administration over the way they handled the arab spring they were accused of including double standards and inconsistency and also accused of meddling in countries such as egypt and libya and then when it comes to the so-called and noticed revolutions of the rain for example with pro-democracy demonstrators have been taking to the streets a bomb has kept quiet of his policy live reporting right there israel's government may be disappointed with the outcome of the election but even on election day it was pushing ahead with it so. plans to tel aviv confirm the construction of more than a thousand homes for its settlers on internationally recognized palestinian land and even an immediate and united chorus of condemnation isn't going to stop it experts say as long as the us has its back it's true the international community
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opposes israeli policies but it won't be anything the sanction israel israel knows and it knows it whether obama is elected or romney selected its trump card is the american congress support that israel has from both political parties and it doesn't care anymore it will do this in the light of day israel has eliminated the two state solution as it's called it's completely imprisoning the palestinians and no one in the world is going to speak up against it so it doesn't matter really if it's opportunistic or not the point is that israel wins. well comparing obama's history and mitt romney's promises on foreign policy a london based author and journalist afshin rattansi says that at the end the day wouldn't have made any difference who had ended up winning the white house there'd be very little difference between a republican or a democrat as we can see from president obama's policy of covertly funding syrian
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rebels and do you know about assassinations in tehran iran streets of academics we don't know what is obama promising except this kind of vague idea of constructive engagement while all the time supporting we need to hold with these terrorists we know president obama as we now actively courting along with his secretary of state we. in the rebellion in syria and of course supporting roles with the elements in libya so how so many will be hoodwinked into thinking that president obama or president romney would be different when it came to foreign policy i don't know where they get that from. and while the e.u. often acts in unison with the u.s. when it comes to the outside world on the economy there's a deepening rift as auntie's laura smith reports obama's victory is getting only a muted response in the old world. europe is very unwilling to commit any more
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troops to anymore battles abroad the problems in the middle east i think of the us the us is having reflect hugely in europe and in fact in a poll published in desh biegel newspaper in germany we have that obama's foreign policy rating in europe has drop since his election in two thousand and nine from eighty three percent to seventy one percent say people here are worried about that and of course i think the major and most pressing issue is the economy the u.s. economy and how it recovers has a huge snow cone effect in. the u.s. appears to be in a much slower recovery than was called many are worried that obama isn't doing as much as he could be doing been little fall in unemployment and little increase in the size of the private sector and in fact this yeah the european countries in here the median and the u.s. entered into a sort of war of words france and germany in particular felt that obama was much
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too involved much to medals and what they were doing with their economies germany told the u.s. to mind his own budget deficit before it looked to other countries and runs directly said that the u.s. was responsible for the economic crisis and had nothing to say about how they were going to get out of it so we had reactions from david cameron he tweeted his congratulations as has the e.u. commission to say it's all smiles on the surface and i think there are some issues to be discussed underneath. smith now obama's election has been welcomed here in russia but the question remains whether his second term can breathe new life into the historically sensitive relations between the two nations. can offer us more on the challenges ahead. many do view mr obama as the engine behind to the reset of relations with moscow and one of the biggest achievements of that is definitely the new nuclear arms reduction treaty but at the same time some of the biggest stumbling points in relations are still there including washington's plans for the
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n.t. missile defense system in europe and despite moscow's concerns that it could be a threat to russia's national security we know that obama promised to be a bit more flexible on that will really have to see how it works out and also the two are probably the most fierce opponents at the u.n. security council when it comes to the conflict in syria but certainly there are many things that you could work together on which could really tilt this relationship in either direction including things like how russia and the united states will deal with the syria or the iranian nuclear program. and the biggest electoral intrigue of the year draws to a close will still be bringing you the final few results more analysis and continued international reaction here on arts. a gunman that went on the rampage in moscow shooting dead five people and severely wounding two of us could. be frogs is
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a study by throughout the program we're talking about some just horrific events here to take us through exactly what happened. yes this morning dimitri vinogradov a former employee of the kotex pharmaceuticals office in north western moscow i burst into his place of employment and fired shots from two rifles one in each hand five people died at the scene they were shot at their workstations to our wounded and now being operated on in the hospital now according to investigators the suspect says he'd been drinking for five days in a row and then came into the office to carry out the shooting because he was in love with one of his female coworkers who did not return his feelings now before the shooting on his be contact your page which is essentially the russian a social networking equivalent of facebook he posted a very violently worded manifesto that was posted at around five this morning the
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shooting took place just five hours later he used phrases such as i hate human society i hate this very life he talks about human evolution comparing it to a cancer eating away at the body now the worry in all of this at this point is that this savor strongly of copycat crime crimes that the mirror of mass killings that have taken place in other countries very definitely of the united states and also the anders breivik case out of norway the huge mass killing that took place in the summer of two thousand and eleven leaving more than seventy five people dead after a bombing at government buildings and then a massive shooting at a summer camp so really in a country. like russia where firearms are so heavily restricted and crime such as this search stream really rare investigators do hope that this is not in fact a copycat case and that it does not lead to more like it or not easily defroster in
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central moscow thank you. now athens is again the scene of protests by greeks angry new austerity measures making their presence felt just ahead of the vote on a fresh set of cuts demanded by international lenders at the strikes and demonstrations against the bill have brought the nation to a standstill reporting from the greek capital now our peter. midway through the forty eight hour general strike here in greece the greek people have been making their anger towards the next round of austerity measures clear they were out in their thousands here on syntagma square on tuesday and they're going to be back later on wednesday they're upset at what they say are on thin measure is this going to be imposed upon them should prime minister some modest this latest round he says the last round of austerity measures he voted for and be okayed in the parliament building just behind me later on whedon's they and right here where i'm standing on
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syntagma square is where thousands of demonstrators are expected to gather in order to show their displeasure for what is expected to be thirteen point five billion euros worth of cuts and savings forced upon them now the reason at that point five billion will be voted for is because it's being demanded off by greece's three main creditors and the reason that they're demanding of it is because the creditors the troika as they're called have said that if greece doesn't cut muscle flee then they don't get the next round of bailout money and the question remains that has to be asked if this is voted for will it be enough political support in greece in order to enact these cuts. and in the meantime i promised. as promised the greek people that this will be the final round of belt tightening. lecture of the university of the aegean says no doubts about that he says there is much more pain just up around
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the bend. every a sturdy markets in the past when the half years were supposed to be the last one so now it's will be the last. we're going to see more of it and who does than had been in parliament is something very close to a parliamentary could. you know the rabid way it was just one day two days of this just so they're going to pass i should feel there's not only includes budget cuts all changes in the pension system and the wage system or a large segments of the public sector it would also suspect aspects. of taxation so this is it's not the anger in a way we're very far from you know democratic preserves or is this is a set of measures that have been actually dictated by the troika and this just going to be passed through parliament without any absolutes ghassan. and into the
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r.t. world up there we go starting with turkey and its allies including america fourthly considering stationing patriot missiles along the border with syria reports suggest that nato is preparing to take responsibility for the deployment of the missiles the plans however were put on hold due to the election period in the us the syrian crisis shows no signs of a let up the string of deadly terror attacks rocking damascus earlier this week. has revoked the citizenship of thirty one activists claiming they are putting the kingdoms of security in jeopardy at the monarchy has been repeatedly accused by the opposition of ordering a police and political crackdown against the protest movement in october all public gatherings were banned although that has failed to prevent hundreds of program form demonstrators from staging rallies. china is preparing for a crucial once in a decade congress of its ruling party vice president is iching ping is expected to be named the next communist party head replacing president hu jintao this is.
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widely seen as a signal that jinping will become the country's next leader when the transition takes place in march and here at r.t. we will bring you special coverage of the communist gathering you may also apply once in a decade the ruling party gathers to select the next generation. thursday november eighth on our team i don t. dot com. and half an hour's time my colleague bill dodd will be here for an hour though it's peter lavelle crosstalk.
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