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tv   [untitled]    November 7, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST

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for the united states of america the best is yet to come i. visibly moved my promise to resurrect his four year old message of hope after winning his second term as president of the united states. world reacts to obama's victory from a cold response in israel and the arab world too cautious optimism in the halls of the kremlin. greece is about to vote on us thirty measures for thousands of angry work has gathered at the doors of parliament as part of a nationwide protest against pay cuts and tax hikes. and a shooting spree in the broken heart supposedly pushes a man to take up killing five of his colleagues.
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international news and comment live from the new center here in moscow this is barack obama vows to fulfill his promise of change in a victory speech to jubilant supporters that's after securing a second term as president of the united states. what was predicted to be a close finish if not a tie turned into an electoral college landslide as obama swept to victory in almost every battleground state his republican challenger mitt romney who wasn't far behind in rule votes has conceded defeat. reports on the election outcome. quite a convincing win for us president barack obama which was announced shortly before midnight and i can tell you here in new york city there were so many people out in
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the street cheering screaming and celebrating barack obama won new york along with the majority of electoral votes throughout the country but many are asking what were the reasons that people were voting for barack obama instead of mitt romney an interesting thing to note is that according to exit polls the majority of americans still blame george w. bush for the economy and that might have been working very much against republican candidate mitt romney also we have to consider the billions that have been spent on this us presidential election race the most money ever spent in u.s. history but mitt romney was the beneficiary of more corporate contributions that barack obama barack obama got more small donations many have been saying that they were concerned that mitt romney would be whole beholden to corporations if he were
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to win the white house but everybody of clearly has their own reasons for whom they voted for and as you mentioned during barack obama's acceptance speech he once again promised to all americans that the best is yet to come but as he's facing a very divided country and a divisive republican party that's very accepting of him those promises that he made may be very hard to fulfill are to his diet a chicana reports. and the winner is i want to. participate in this is like god. you made your voice her. and you made a difference mitt romney has accepted his loss just because it will damn much. victory for long excitement in the president's hometown of chicago a vice president obama's voters chanting four more years they
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were but what do they expect in the next four years and are they so happy with the past four of his presidency congress hasn't been very call the past two years but i think he needs these four more years to continue i'm very happy with what he's trying to achieve i really need the help of the health care that he's going to offer and like i said we need more time than the last four years the main pledge of president obama's campaign has been to bring back the shrinking middle class and made the economy slow recovery and gigantic deficit at a time when the gap between the rich and the poor is as high as ever in america i want to give middle class families and folks who are striving to get in the middle class some relief because they have been hit hard the president has blamed congress for his inability to implement a more robust plan to help out the middle class president obama's claim that he's being handcuffed by republican lawmakers in his plan to dramatically cut taxes for
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middle income americans does not hold the vast majority of americans and our entire economy hostage while we debate the merits of another tax cut for the wealthy and skeptics argue there is no reason to believe congress will give the president an easier ride in his second term however president obama had no problem with congress when he signed into law the controversial legislation which allows for the detention of american citizens for indefinite periods of time without charge and due process it is a new trend on the trail of our civil liberties that the president has assumed dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or without trial and congress did not stand in the president's way when he was increasing military spending year after year something you almost burned. about during the debate on foreign policy our military spending has gone up every single year that i've been in office. the actions of the administration overseas in the
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last four years have indicated that the president disquieting favor of military interventions but is the clear strategy is to stay away from fighting ground wars and to opt for more hit and run style interventions like the one executed in libya i think as for syria the administration indicated that they would like to intervene more actively but for now syria just seems too complicated and washington cannot count on a desirable outcome for us to get more in tangled militarily in syria is a serious step and we have to do so making absolutely certain that we know who we are helping that we're not putting arms in the hands of folks who eventually could turn them against us or our allies in the region having spent around a billion dollars in this election campaign barack obama is america's commander in chief again president obama will be sworn into office in january something his supporters are very excited about their hopes and expectations include jobs no more
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devastating wars and no more financial meltdowns there was a good number of people who voted for barack obama because they were voting against mitt romney's seeing him as more aggressive especially when it comes to foreign policy and seemingly out of touch with middle class america and a lot of people they don't see a choice at all in the selection in washington i'm going to check out. more on the potential changes to america's foreign and internal policies i'm joined by former member of the reagan administration pul craig roberts why do you think it went to his way. it goes he's less scary his rhetoric moves and he's not threatening i think people say romney is very threatening you know he probably wrote off forty seven percent of the electorate and he showed. he was completely under the israeli prime minister and i think you just a scary person compared to obama and i think that is what made the real difference
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what can we expect for the domestic future of the country now he'll start his new tenure with a reshuffle administration will it be very different to the previous one. i don't think anything will be any different because you see the united states is not governed by the president or the congress or the political parties is governed by very powerful private interests is governed by wall street by the military security conflicts by the israel lobby by agribusiness and by the energy timber and mining. companies and no president no congress can run afoul of these interests so i don't think anything to change nothing really changed when obama replaced bush we've continued to develop the police state the suspension of the constitution the laws of due process maybe a school course
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a bomber. those measures when you declared he had the authority to assassinate american citizens without the due process of law he codified into law all of the police state measures that bush asserted and he restarted the war and afghanistan so i don't think anything will change. except that the united states will continue to issue too much debt they will print too much money to monetize it and it will continue to erode the acceptance of the dollar is the war reserve currency and therefore the power all of the united states what about the other influence have a bomb or not is of course the republicans they still have influence that night that they've kept control of the house of representatives what would he have able to fulfill his campaign promises without them being sabotaged by the tea parties to work together for the sake of the country will happen this rhetoric which you say the only thing that's important to them is to save the banks and to stay on the
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right side of the military security complex wall street so i don't you know the campaign was not about any of the real issues. you know united states is the constitution and in the twenty first century the constitution has been dismantled this was not even part of the election there was no discussion and so how are you how do you have liberty and freedom when the government can throw you in a dungeon for the rest of your life without due process can shoot you down without due process now so for the people say oh this is only for terrorists it won't happen to us but since no evidence is required you don't know who it's happening to . poke a group i just well leave it there thank you very much indeed for your reactions to a second time now thank you very much indeed the former member of the reagan administration that paul craig roberts joining florida what a sigh of relief or a wakeup colaco response across the world will be bring you more on how
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a bomb is real action is being welcomed wild like that and much more after the break. trimmings in this tree even for specialists a voice can produce several sounds it warms. the art of throat singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from the unions believe not only animals but also surrounding objects like reverse forests and even stones souls and by imitating the sounds they believe
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assumes to capture the power of nature. was. to get to one of the five main stars of growth engine it imitates the gentle breezes of summer hora whose name means great hunter says he suspects adopt. there are special instruments that accompany the singing if gainey says there is even a legend about his instrument a gill it says once there lived a poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed it on the horse was revived as an instrument book it was it was up to full is got the spirit of the horse coming to his dream he said make an instrument from a tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings. and to remember
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me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so i called the instrument again which means come. and this melody elise suman is called. the life here in moscow and we continue with u.s. election coverage. in the middle east obama's victory isn't evoking much jubilation israel openly backed mitt romney who went out of his way to support of even wallie arab world is not exactly enthusiastic it views about as flawed but moderates and the lesser of two evils middle east correspondent reports. what we have seen from the israeli
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu is that he has not shied away from making it publicly known that he would have preferred a republican inside the white house what we now witnessing and what we have seen in the past is sometimes a very public clashes public spat between the obama administration and israeli leaders and these were often over the iranian nuclear program as well as palestinian peace talks now there are commentaries at the moment circulating here in israel that say that netanyahu now has a very serious problem on his hands and there is no way that he can cover it at a recent poll put the support amongst israelis towards romney at fifty seven percent twenty one percent supporting obama under the watches of netanyahu and obama the relationship between the united states and israel has deteriorated to an all time low and the big question of course is the whole question of what netanyahu now will do these are very rare and he has been quite vocal saying that he is
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threatening to strike iran but it is quite clear that he cannot carry out such a strike without american support and obama for his side has not given the support most in the arab world have preferred and obama victory back in two thousand and nine in his now famous cairo speech a bomb a pledge that he was going to introduce a new chapter in american muslim relations but since then there has been a lot of disappointment over the way he has dealt with issues in the arab world particularly these are the muslims he was a lot of criticisms leveled against him and his administration or the way they handled the arab spring they were accused of including double standards and inconsistency and also accused of meddling in countries such as egypt and libya and then when it comes to the so-called unnoticed revolutions of the rain for example with pro-democracy demonstrators have been taking to the streets a bomb has kept quiet. while the e.u. often acts in unison with the u.s. when it comes to the outside world on the economy there's
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a deepening rift in those artes nor smith reports obama's victory is getting on the a muted response in the old world. europe is very unwilling to commit any more troops to anymore battles abroad the problems in the middle east i think of the us the us is having reflect hugely in europe and in fact in a poll published in desh spiegel newspaper in germany we have that obama's foreign policy rating in europe has drop since his election in two thousand and nine from eighty three percent to seventy one percent said people here are worried about that and of course i think the major and most pressing issue is the economy the u.s. economy and how it recovers has a huge knock on effects in. the u.s. appears to be in a much slower recovery than was hoped for many are worried or isn't doing as much as he could be to. mean little fall in unemployment and little increase in the size of the private sector and in fact this yeah the european countries in here in union
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and the u.s. entered into a sort of war of words france and germany in particular felt that obama was much too involved much too medals in what they were doing with their economies germany told the u.s. to mind his own budget deficit before it looked to other countries and france directly said that the u.s. was responsible for the economic crisis or it had nothing to say about how they were going to get out of it so we had reactions from david cameron he tweeted his congratulations as has the e.u. commission has said it's all smiles on the surface and i think there are some issues to be discussed underneath. the bomber's election triumph has been welcomed here in russia but the question remains whether his second term can breathe new life into the historically sensitive relations between the two nations. has more on the challenges ahead. many do view mr obama as the engine behind the reset of relations with moscow and one of the biggest achievements of that is definitely the
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new nuclear arms reduction treaty but at the same time some of the biggest stumbling points in relations are still there including washington's plans for the anti missile defense system in europe despite moscow's concerns that it could be a threat to russia's national security we know that obama promised to be a bit more flexible on that will really have to see how it works out and also the two who are probably the most fierce opponents at the u.n. security council when it comes to the conflict in syria but certainly there are many things that you could work together on which could really tilt this relationship in either direction including things like how russia and the united states will deal with the syria or the iranian nuclear program and as the biggest electoral intrigue of this year draws to a close will be pretty the final few results but analysis and continued international reaction. the german chancellor is in london for what could be
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a frosty meeting with britain's prime minister about the e.u.'s budget for twenty thirteen angela merkel to try and talk david cameron out of vetoing the budget something that the u.k. parliament is urging him to do well for more on this let's talk to dr levy from the taxpayers alliance in the u.k. well camera face an uprising in parliament last week didn't have the money urges a cut to this e.u. budget do you think he could also mean ultimately veto this proposed budget. well it wasn't just last week actually there was a debate yesterday in the commons on the issue of the european banking union were a number of conservative backbenchers voted against that because of various concerns that arose let's let's remember you're quite right on through merkel is over here but she and. a couple of years ago all signed an agreement basically to cut spending within the european union so it's not quite such a one sided side of things as people might suspect and of course germany dislike other countries is facing tough economic times and so it's in their national
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interest to have sensible public spending at the european level which it accounts for of obviously four hundred thirty billion euros well cameron has been warned that if he did veto the budget that would actually be a move to the u.k. stepping out of the e.u. altogether is that really likely. well i have heard that i was a commissioner speaking on that subject obviously he's one commissioner amongst amongst many and there are many different views on that it all depends really i mean i think i think across the european union in particular verse or so it's a longstanding appreciation that the u.k. has a particular view on european integration which is not shared by other countries we are also a country which pays far more in to the e.u. budget that we get out which puts is in a strong position but also. in a process there also a serious questions as to the deal which we're currently getting within the e.u. terms on the common fisheries policy and in terms of the red tape and regulation
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and so forth so the whole series of reasons why the u.k. and politicians in particular the conservative party not happy would deal with you i think you have wiser people employ a source aware of that and what i would would be wise to seek to accommodate that are you know i mean you're from the taxpayers alliance there in the u.k. are you happy with the cameron stance after all he said look i'm here to fight for europe's taxpayers particularly the british taxpayer because after all the british taxpayer will be hit hard what with one hundred billion euro extra to the budget. well yes and particularly with respect to what's come out of the pin code of auditor's. report i was looking at earlier they were suggesting an average potentially of three point nine percent material ever to the across the whole of the e.u. budget who refused to sign off the overwhelming bulk of it for yet another year and part of it are part of potential of being in error up to ten point nine percent which is astronomical figure so he's quite right to say that the commission asking
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for five percent in a time of economic problems when it can't even get its own budget can't get to grips with the problems in its own bitch budget is out of order dr leigh rather and thank you so much for joining us live there in london. a gunman went on the rampage in moscow shooting dead five people and severely wounding two bodies lindsey france brings us now of the latest details. a former employee of the kotex pharmaceuticals office in north western moscow i burst into his place of employment and fired shots from two rifles one in each hand five people died at the scene they were shot at their workstations two are weeded and now being operated on in the hospital now according to investigators the suspect says he'd been drinking for five days in a row and then came into the office to carry out the shooting because he was in love with one of his female coworkers who did not return his feelings now before
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the shooting on his big contact your page which is essentially the russian a social networking of mobile and of facebook he posted a very violently worded manifesto that was posted at around five this morning the shooting took place just five hours later he used phrases such as i hate human society i hate this very life he talks about human evolution comparing it to a cancer eating away at the body now the worry in all of this at this point is that this savor strongly copycat crime crimes that the mirror mass killings have that have taken place in other countries very definitely of the united states and also the anders breivik case out of norway so really in a country like russia where firearms are so heavily restricted and crime such as this are extremely rare and best gaiters do hope that this is not in fact a copycat case and that it does not lead to more like it. fastens is again the
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scene of protests by greeks angry at new austerity measures they're making their presence felt ahead of a vote a fresh set of cuts demanded by international lenders the strikes and demonstrations against the better brought the nation to a standstill. is the great couple. midway through the forty eight hour general strike here in greece the greek people have been making their anger towards the next round of austerity measures clear they were out in their thousands here on syntagma square on tuesday and they're going to be back later on wednesday they are upset at what they say are unfair measures is this going to be imposed upon them should prime minister some modest this latest round he says the last round of austerity measures he voted for and be okayed in the parliament building just behind me on whedon's they and right here where i'm standing on syntagma square is where thousands of demonstrators are expected to gather in order to show their displeasure for what is expected to be thirteen point five billion euros worth of
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cuts and savings forced upon them now the reason that that thirteen point five billion will be voted for is because it's being demanded off by greece's three main creditors and the reason that they're demanding of it is because the creditors the troika as they're called have said that if greece doesn't cut muscle fully then they don't get the next round of bailout money and the question remains that has to be asked if this is voted for will there be enough political support in greece in order to enact these cuts. stay with us for the latest edition of breaking the set with i mean. you can tell an ordinary russian and
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a siberian appalled and the blink of an eye wrote one thousand nine hundred ninety to probably just in those days siberians were different clothes eight different food. different animals. but what about now my journey began in two men but the big city was all shiny all funded skyscrapers and shopping malls much like any other prosperous russian outpost. so i decided to. a small town just outside. many these humble me dumplings came from here to dominate the russian cuisine but only in siberia put them in super bowl filled with cabbage and jam making sure you can have many as a starter main dish. although
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it may draw out of. most people in siberia see nothing wrong with hunting only if you decide to participate. when you look upon martin. as in the middle of a swamp only accessible by air transport in the summer months in winter a clear blue dogs it's inhabited by. so bear in a large muslim minority that migrated to before the russians. and this. israel siberia maybe not the stuff of tourism brochures but distinctive enough to show that the old b.c. is siberia still that was like a new era. here
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is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donut night concludes the longest and while this campaign in our history colors eleven or. not it was before that some are literally. with twists and turns that in the hallmarks of this campaign like the one we're about to do because you've never seen anything like this until. the one time guys by mary martin so if there's one thing i can say to sum up the
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last six months of nonstop election build up it's this the media the candidates corporatocracy i can't wait for this. to be over ok how about i got bat out of the way let's go over a few of the biggest issues that have barely gotten coverage in the corporate press during the madness drones otherwise known as death from above these flying killers have a ninety eight percent failure rate act as judge jury and executioner and are one of the leading causes of growing resentment toward the us because the corporate media chooses to ignore the expanding. killing apparatus doesn't mean that it's not important issue but i guess why would they focus on drones when both candidates feel the exact same way about them. it's widely reported the drones are being used in drone strikes and i support that entirely and feel the president was right to up the usage of that technology and believe that we should continue to use it to continue to go after the people who represent a threat to this nation and to our friends.


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