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tv   [untitled]    November 7, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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well i'm joe marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture the two thousand and twelve election is finally over as the last night turned out to be a big win for president obama and democrats across the country so what's next for the republican party and will republicans in congress finally start putting the country first and politics second that and more into that post-election and later in the show we'll have a special post-election edition of your take my take live your chance to call in and ask a question or make a comment live on the air. you
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need to know this there's only one way to interpret what happened tuesday night and that is it was agonizing for progressives shortly after eleven pm last night the key battleground state of ohio was called for president obama pushing him over the two hundred seventy electoral college votes needed to win the white house but he didn't actually need ohio all eight battleground states went the president's way tuesday night and he also won the popular vote plain and simple this is a mandate for progressive change on top of that genuine progress and scored big in the senate last night as well not only were republicans stopped from taking the majority which they thought was a real possibility just a few months ago but democrats picked up even more seats increasing their majority no prize was bigger in the senate than reclaiming ted kennedy's old seat massachusetts which now goes to progressive icon elizabeth warren. who trouts
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former male model republican incumbent scott brown with her victory and the departure of democrats like ben nelson and joe lieberman senate democrats moved to the left also in wisconsin democrat tammy baldwin knocked off tommy thompson in their historic senate race which marks the first time an openly gay candidate has been elected to the united states senate we saw voters in colorado and washington state approved ballot measures to legalize tax and regulate marijuana for recreational use and this is the first time since pot was criminalized about one hundred years ago that a state has completely decriminalized marijuana and on tuesday two states did massachusetts voters also voted to legalize medical marijuana marriage equality scored historic victories on tuesday night as well voters in maine maryland and washington state approved ballot measures to legalize same sex marriage marking the first time in history of marriage a quote in the history of marriage equality that equality was voted into law
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through direct democracy and in minnesota voters were able to beat back an attempt to rewrite the state's constitution to define marriage as strictly between a man and a woman so it was a clean sweep for do nothing on behalf of marriage equality across the nation and when it comes to unions states built on organized labor like ohio michigan wisconsin all broke to the president tuesday night this was a progressive wave election from the top of the ticket all the way down and one way we know over this for sure is the shocked reaction of the corporatists top and chairman karl rove on their top network fox so-called news watch are rove and the rest of the fox team are unable to understand or accept the victory of president obama and even turn against their own news team. do you believe that ohio was that a subtle no i don't we got to be careful about calling things when we have like nine hundred ninety one votes separating the two candidates in a coup or the vote. even if they have made it on the basis of
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a slick precincts i'd be very cautious about intruding in this process here's what we're going to do karl rove said that we should figure out what the deal is with this decision desk and decision desk is in a different place and i showed you earlier in the show and six o'clock our how what it takes to get there meghan i will escort you down the steps here so you think i'll interview them this is the decision desk now where in the heart of the decision desk room aren't you had this place that chris tucker well you've been doing all the number crunching these guys behind you tell me where you stand by your call in ohio given the doubts karl rove just raised were actually quite comfortable with the call in ohio karl rove told america's corporate class to give him hundreds of millions of dollars perhaps billions and he would leverage that money to elect mitt romney and defeat progresses around the nation in that clip you see a clearly distressed karl rove unable to accept the reality that he couldn't buy this
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election and who knows maybe he'll be kneecapped organize people beat back organized money and box so-called news couldn't use lies to win it either it lost on tuesday night and the nation moves forward once again. alice turned over to our election panel on our pals and i've been scholar senior online editor at the daily caller christopher white media correspondent white house reporter at media site dot com and neil mccabe senior reporter with human events online gentlemen great to see you are with us and if you're going to go and neal thanks for joining us last night our election coverage as well of insecurity can only have. so aside from north carolina obama wins all the battleground states this is a really a landslide when it comes to modern politics in the senate the democrats picked up seats got more progressive same in the house got more progressive doesn't this show that the country is moving toward the center away from this hard right and center right position toward
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a more centrist position where progressives are playing an active role in things neal i think it's a great validation of the twenty ten election which put a lot of tea party republicans a lot of conservatives in congress and that congress that house of representatives was overwhelmingly returned to power and so i think that that's one part of the story which is that more of a testimonial to redistricting in two thousand and ten than it is to i don't think so i mean i mean a lot of these things were competitive and they broke for the republicans tom and i disagree i mean when you write for the country this election shows the country is more center left but i don't think i don't think countries move i don't think it ever was as far to the right as the twenty ten midterm which would have us believe . you know what the republicans held the house but you know it's like you said there was redistricting and also i know we're in time as a leader but you know the effect of dark money and big money on elections is more in those sort of down ballot races though you know that's huge in twenty made
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a much bigger difference in those races than what the president say well i think we have a tendency as the chattering class to sort of read into these elections is in a big way right away trying to make sort of sweeping declarations but tommy noted look twenty ten goes in one direct. twenty twelve goes in another direction so i would happen to believe that it's probably somewhere in the middle what we do know is that demographically things have definitely changed since the time of ronald reagan in this country certainly a great expanding minority classic certainly an expanding the with the issue of women's rights is certainly much more on people's minds so things have definitely changed a lot of that dynamic now what we do know also is how this campaign was run and president obama in such a made an attempt to bracket in such a way that romney couldn't even get close to anyone obama had success which is why most of the campaign was not spent talking about his own record but why romney was going to be a harm to the country and obama succeeded by you have it much when when you go through the issues i mean just should we strengthen social security should we have
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a national health care system that covers everybody should the banks be tightly regulated so that there are a boring safe predictable somewhat profitable business again. just go through the list of things that are called progressive issues should women have a right to choose to have an abortion if they were raped you know i fear it's like there and that's just the edge of it i mean there's an absolute consensus across this country i don't see how or they can say it is a center right country having to get that way in the end in the indiana senate race there was a consensus because because donnelly also believes that. it is the pro-life position in case of rape and so he actually agreed with murdoch but that never came up well i don't think he was quite that i was unfortunate it was an abortion but if so that's that we don't have to tie it to another example of immigration except on health care on the economy these are all positions that the american people
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disagree with obama and then we're not but the math on immigration on health care on that has a majority of americans actually want comprehensive immigration reform the majority of the exit polling last night sixty two percent of americans want to increase in taxes the math is very similar and math is very simple but if you look at how the popular vote broke. there is a two million vote gap between president obama and mitt romney so it's not if there isn't some sort of sweeping indicator that says the worse and we're all left the country you know when you look at who voted for romney and who voted for president obama you know you have sixty percent of white people voted for romney and everybody else voted for president obama and that's that's where the mandate derives from because that's what the country looks like now and i think it's no longer possible for a republican to run with this sort of like run up the score with white voters and then hope for the best i think that you need to approach minority in other communities on the social issues where they're overwhelmingly pro good education they're overwhelmingly pro-life or liberals yeah roll life so you liberals are
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absolutely pro-life you know you've got you've got a child has been born let's make sure that that child can get all the way to eighty years on time about or the i'm talking about before the fourth. well you know the fourth trimester you mean birth yes i don't you know this is a conversation that liberals are perfectly willing to engage in if you know that's basically the feeling of romney here going in there is no you're already so unit because because because guys on the hard right are saying oh it's at the moment of conception or that actually actually the concert the exception to the rule was you know the time when one more talked about this that was sort of the exception of the role on abortion because abortion even romney didn't even really talk about abortion throughout the race and above all it was to these activists to have babies if their rape what's happened in this net is where we are in america now is that the liberal position that this is all about a woman's right to choose as opposed to the issue of whether or how a child's life is at stake that is not even a part of the conversation anymore and conservatives have a difficult time or wait a minute the republican platform officially says that if they woman is raped
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totally the police will come to her house with guns and they will make sure that she carries that baby all the way to term and if she doesn't she will go to jail that that license that you have taught look at it's i want to be protected there's raising the wrong rating your. i'm sorry if she cording to the republican platform if she has an abortion after that rape she goes to jail here this is very simple manslaughter is jail right publicans have been inarticulate on the on the issue of abortion which is something that for years they've been very capable of talking about but what i heard it like romney leading the ticket they just became blistering it idiots on the issue yet he didn't fight also dr who we could do an hour on just on abortion which we could agree to if we're going to agree that that it's a tough issue that everybody struggles with including liberals need to say you're pro-life we're not that's ridiculous i don't know anybody who's pro-abortion we just want to protect a woman's right to choose to choose if she's raped to choose if she doesn't want to have her life ruined you know to choose if she makes
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a mistake. or do you want to choose life and that's all i want is been chosen i mean it's already a life and you're executing an innocent question what what do you know is is you know what's. on this table that's alive or we're going to check that that's the debate i mean the catholic church for a long long time for over a thousand years said it's not a human life until the first breath is taken quickening and then and then the and then they change that in the sixteenth seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to it's not a human life and you can feel it move and you don't know that you do have is that if a woman is found with a man and she's committing adultery to stone the woman it just says nothing about oh but wait to see if she's got the law and similarly if a man he'd have a woman and she went and she aborts as she miscarries he has to pay a fine but if he kills or the commitment to come back is a twenty hour of biblical principle we're talking two thousand and twelve that we could just my final point on the indiana race is that both candidates for senate were opposed to an abortion in case of rape the problem is murdock attempted to
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speak about it in a sincere way and for that a way that was seriously offensive it was just a very difficult difficult so i'd have to wrap it up i agree with it is a difficult subject more of tonight's i was still action panel right after the break. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that many americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot but you sir are a fool you know what kind of my terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to give us aid to feature isn't the only liberal the christian apologist can secure building but it's. going to suffer to distract us from what you and i should care
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about because they're a profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm out to martin and we're going to break this that. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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of. while i go back to our post-election panel on the panel this colony's tommy christopher and neil mccabe let's get back to it at the top of the ticket the moderate mitt romney a moderate version not the severely conservative radio was this very i guess what nobody will ever know any of the last what is down to the obamacare. or for our purposes of our conversation down the ticket tea party senate candidates todd akin and richard mourdock lost and tea party congressman joe walsh and alan west lost moderates lost extremists lost at least right wing streams where is the republican party and if we embrace the needed demographics necessary as the republican party
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and brace the demographics this area win the electoral college and. are they are they ever going to have a problem with the fact that the stars are upside down that's the satanic stars and their logo still because they're the only place i hear that by the way i'll google this and i'll find your show that's not i've yet but it's nobody else is talking about it it's true i don't particularly see the need to worry god have you ever read if you ever tried to reach out to the honesty to find out what's going to help and i have what if i had on my program i have the head of the r. and c. it was about four three three four years ago he said i don't have any ideas i'm going to logo department yeah you should keep quiet time because of people find out that the stars are going to convert a bunch of liberals yeah you know what about all the more you begin to say well i think that was what you what your question about the g.o.p. going to come into the twenty first a think that what you said out of the sixteenth century what you said about demographics is right they just are not cognizant of where demographics have shifted and they did not get ahead of it at all and this election definitely proves that much. what i would say is that in the alluded to this i think in the first
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segment what you would the republican party has to do is it has to explain to minority voters especially civically latino voters and black voters that there are social their social and fiscal policies really do help them lift them out of poverty. i have to go in that one it's not true well how do you explain that how do you explain that when you don't go into those towns i mean now we know this is in retrospect that paul ryan was actually trying to pull the campaign into these urban areas because he wanted to go there and then only had one television interview where they said are you going to do that with tax cuts and it was like this and he needed the money and lawyers to do literally his last days should have trusted paul ryan well paul ryan in the inner city would be awesome. by a lot but it's not him he did it. yeah it was very widely used in the democratic the democratic coalition is held together by sort of this marriage of power in materialism so the people who crave power give money to the people who want the
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money of the people who like money of the agree to give power and so it's that's that is sort of that's a rather pejorative way it is saying it is pejorative but that happens to have saying that the democratic party is held together by a coalition of people who believe that governance our governance has a purpose and part of that will result in making sure that there's a social safety net that people don't get to people fall through the cracks and destroy themselves if if god forbid they get sick or they get or they're unemployed if you see a race to the bottom i'll say bingo. it's like it's a you always you assume it's like the the fact is that romney was what our romney was talking about economics and he was talking about almost greed buttons in the campaign and he wants them to and the only way to break the only way to be specific the only way to break up the democratic coalition is to address with social issues and like these and then you refuse to address the social issues they were afraid ample they well when abortion came up they didn't ride to the gun the sound of gunfire they did in the republican part of romney ticket the romney surrogates did
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not take the fight to the democrats on social issues and here you know well no i think the and this i think the answer is no they're not going to get into the twenty first century because they have this attitude that you know are they going to do is tweak a couple of social issues you know i want to give women you know are going to say i love my. whatever and that will do it and know it first of all callings these social issues mrs where people live you know reproductive freedom is not just a social issue it's an economic issue all these things are economic issues and so as long as you have that attitude going to is there a place where that a little bit i mean there are places where republicans concede ground in terms of issues where there are where there is flexibility for instance immigration reform when you talk about women's rights a lot of republicans come out of from the perspective of the of the unborn rights so this is as we saw in the first segment this is an issue in which most people are going on opposite to a different part of me as i recall how does the access to contraception help the unborn so contraception a concept is different than abortion it's not different because you guys are going to have what you guys are opposed to abortion and contraception but it doesn't make
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any sense if you want to be less abortions then you're going to be more on perception no coverage publicans by and large if you were to look at or it's important to florida because you are too far if you want to approach every whatever little tweaks you guys are willing to make on these issues immigration whatever it's a bridge too far we're not close not going to do that you know and it was you let's let's talk about the tea party right is that we want to get into because you mention in the in the first second. party this morning i want to flip the stars to those conservative event that had a bunch of people that go various people who are very upset with how the romney campaign played out but these tea party representatives several of them vocalize support for comprehensive immigration reform and i really do think and this is not just like slightly edging into it i mean this is something where republicans really could go out of the campaign on a comprehensive education or a very sort of i was ronald reagan in a choir room is going to talk about a conservative but they don't dare say it out loud we're they'll get straight to give amnesty to six million people you know he's saying rice told us that we could move if you agree to secure the borders if you agree to secure the borders for us.
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right where we are with the day i was just telling you i mean you know the world out there under my eyes so i get what republicans want if you're going to secure the borders we're going to become nice for a little republican that over and over again say that's what we want and then we'll deal i really want to extort east berlin or as. also you know you for your bystander or disprove yeah ok let's talk about a ballot measures marijuana was legalized in washington and colorado marriage equality was approved in maine maryland and washington state anti-tax measures were defeated in oregon florida and michigan again isn't this a very very progressive election picked and it's these issues what does this mean for the country going forward to say something now in california that didn't jerry brown's tax measure it actually was approved yeah anti-tax measures these these that i see that were were i think that this was out this was a very good year for obama's get out the vote activities he was able to identify his voters and get them to the polls and i think the more of them that's the end
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and what that did was that helped a lot of other there's a lot of ballots you had a lot of you have a lot of maybe his his coattails were reflected in these ballot initiatives also i think that there were a lot of people predisposed to vote for these things who got a ride to the polls by the obama campaign could this have anything to do with the fact that in the twenty five blue states that raised taxes and increased spending over the last three years we saw unemployment go down and g.d.p. go up good things and in the twenty four red states that cut taxes cut spending laid off people we saw unemployment go up g.d.p. go down the people are figuring out that this whole republican austerity thing is a scam and they work in greece and it worked in spain and it's not working or not ending in indiana i hesitate to say greece has anything to do with either party in this kind of the alesis they have inflicted on greece are the policies that paul ryan put into his budget for years not about austerity in europe especially in
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countries that are failing austerity in europe represents tax increases not just spending cuts so it is that bad and that's kind of it's a very hard for me to make because there is no puzzle piece in europe that fits on top of the united states are started by and large as the milligrams put it over as well mr x. revenue increases no it's. overwhelmingly privatization of the commons. you know in france you have a whole on just raise the tax rate top tax rate on very very wealthy people seventy five percent where it was when reagan came into office here in the united states and you know it seems to work it out but that's the opposite of. your thoughts yeah no i think you know what you're saying is correct that people are wising up to the folly of austerity but i also think that the success of these ballot measures is more a function of you know when when guys like this get to the polls you know when they can't go out in public and say yeah i mean let's legalize it but when they get in there like hey you know what will tax revenue you know maybe this will be
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a good thing and they can do it so i think that's it i don't think i would like to see talk about these and those guys you know you know i think it's unfortunate people over stuff instead of what i call the gay marriage thing i would like no no no but in the end if you really you know if you think about it legalizing legalizing marijuana is actually the regulation and taxing of marijuana so if you want marijuana to exist in a free market you should keep it legal. i mean there was this infinity the whole argument you know there you go if there is a very no such thing as a free market it's like say let's have free basketball games no rules no referee i just i don't see me as the most money can do so i hope i would understand are you understand my just but you understand my point that if somebody really well if you mean it's functioning now well in the black market the black market is if you're going to do well in the black market really have more people in prison yeah it's than any other country on earth quite per capita or in absolute numbers that's not a fueling some violent crime in cartels and murder that's we're going to six
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million a year it's you know me i don't tell these are not this is are going to reset with the want to state legalize marijuana i know that there's still i'm restrictions on like student aid or where people can't get into milk like if someone is in a state where marijuana is legal then they don't have the same sort of restrictions when it comes to like federal benefits and things like that how does this there's a million questions that it was because this is still at this is what i was doing and i'm going to do you know and then you up in politics reza prosody well we still i mean none of this passage right right exactly all of the you know that frankly i think you know look at all these young people who identify themselves as as libertarians because they read iran or something and they really don't have an understanding of how the world works i think if the obama administration were to say ok five we're going to decriminalize pot of federal level he would the democrats would have made big brother talk radio last week george w. bush delivered the keynote address at the cayman alternative investment summit the cayman islands so given last night's election result is it fair to guess that mitt
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romney will be the keynote speaker there next year neal. you know this is whatever i think this proves at this point that like bush like not only did he say that he's staying out of the election he like totally ignorant of the optics of like a pall of what's going on in the election so much call him and tell him about the one last night. i think that romney will definitely be the keynote speaker next year but it won't because we cannot speak should be called an inaugural address i see. romney of the plane does that the periodically go visit his money and i think either of the romney campaign he never heard of the cayman islands he has no idea what you're talking or you go neal tell me vince thank you very much for things. raziel or i'd like one space burger bully is so what happens when
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a group of friends from harvard university gets bored one afternoon my hamburger gets launched into space of course that's right late last month a group of friends from the acclaimed university launched a nice juicy hamburger in a space for reasons yet to be determined they sprayed the hamburger with a special coating to hold it together longer and attached it to some kind of an apparatus that had a g.p.s. tracker on it and a camera mounted to it to take video of the epic journey the burger and apparatus were launched are attached to a weather balloon which took the burger into the earth's stratosphere i flying burger reached an altitude of about ninety nine thousand feet before the weather the weather balloon popped sending the berger hurdling back down into the atmosphere and finally to earth thanks to the attached g.p.s. the group of friends recovered the burger cam several days after their little experiment and were able to retrieve the video footage seen a hamburger reach space is definitely a rare sight so i think it's safe to say this was
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a burger well done. coming up the phone lines are now open for our your take my take a live segment so if you want to chance to ask me a question live on the big picture give us a call at two o two four twenty one thirty four maybe i'll be talking with you after the break. if.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.


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